Saturday, February 23, 2013


!!!!!!! Become informed  .......  BEWARE THE SO CALLED 'FLU SHOTS'  !!!!!!!

 Implanted without consent. Tortured by the microchip. - YouTube

One victim of micro chipping got cancer. Many older ladies were tested and found to have chips on their right or left shoulder..they only thing they had done, they said was have the flu shot. 

This is 1 hr 5 mins..but well worth listening to!

They have a website, too 

See Dr B. Trower interview about what exposure to radio frequency can do to people -  30 minutes

Many soldiers were found to be chipped...and certain frequencies pushed them to violence.....

Mind control and physical torture can also be done, also used to kill people of heart attacks. (Brietbart?) Can force them to 'commit suicide'. 

(Certainly would explain how/why the so called 'gunmen/murderers' always seem to wind up 'committing suicide' - right???? Try mind control and RFID chips on for size.)

Sheldan Nidle’s Updates and Explanations [videos]

New post on 2012thebigpicture

Sheldan Nidle’s Updates and Explanations [videos]

Sheldan has shared a lot of information lately I enjoyed hearing.
One of the videos below is an interview he did with Tazz and Paula, and the second video is from the Thursday and Sunday webinar presentations he and Colleen did last week, "Unraveling the Updates", that explain how he gets the information in his updates, from whom, and a lot of interesting background information on the Galactic Federation and his history as a contactee from age 2.
He also tells us what we can expect to happen in the near future. He discussed the "civil flag" of the United States, as opposed to the "military flag" we are accustomed to saluting, the abolition of income tax, elections, The U.S. Treasury Bank, debt forgiveness, the return to common and institutional law, mass landings, sequestered technologies to be released, and a lot more.
An encouraging interview casting a great view on what may be ahead for us shortly...
A view on the process of transformation that is taking place on Earth and beyond.
Disclosure of the Galactics (ET's) in the picture, a reformation of the financial and governmental institutions and a transformation of our physical bodies that are getting aligned and awakened to the 13 chakra system and the Full-Spectrum of this Uni-verse, becoming fully conscious beings.

Lyndon Larouch weekly webinar - Feb 15, 2013 (Video)

Rumor Mill News Agents Forum
Lyndon Larouch weekly webinar - Feb 15, 2013 (Video)
Posted By: Mr.Ed [Send E-Mail]
Date: Saturday, 23-Feb-2013 13:48:28
Lyndon Larouch weekly webinar - Feb 15, 2013 (Video)
Requested by RMN reader Carol & her comments:
He puts this in plain english and outs all the bad plans. It would be paramount if this could be done. I was proud of him that he said all that is going on and that those that chose to enslave us will be hated. He wants Glass Stiegal act.
Feb. 15th, 2013 Webcast - YouTube

The public school crime wave

Subject: The public school crime wave


Someone ha finally made
a movie about this...

The billions of dollars that
are stolen from public
schools by principals,
administrators and board


- Brasscheck

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San Francisco, CA 94115

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'bout time this happened - Back Lash

I knew Cheaper than Dirt did it but check out the list of the others who got on board and the list is growing.

Treasury's Audit of the Federal Reserve's Gold Is Pure Propaganda (BAT-TUNGSTEN RETURNS...) KEEP CALM and UNITED,,,;


ThePurpleCrab3 days ago                   
Instead of an audit we need the gold assayed.
Tungsten blanks and all....
boone1 ThePurpleCraba day ago
I don't trust these bastards an inch, the rumors of Clinton era tungsten blanks is too viable.

The Trigger has been pulled, the Crash has begun.

The Trigger has been pulled, the Crash has begun. How are things going to play out? My take…

February 22nd, 2013
13 20 3 1 216

We have obviously crossed the threshold folks, things are falling apart by the day and the game of Kick the Can has at long last gone as far as it can. The rest of the World no longer has a choice, the United States is no longer the big bully on the playground who won WWII and their fingers are no longer so firmly around the throat of the planet. The long lunatic nightmare of Bernanke monetary ponzi schemes cannot continue. 

It will be interesting to see what their plan is to try and switch the U.S. (and possibly the World) to a new currency system. My take? 

There will be an immediate bank holiday across the board, stopping all transactions of any kind in all avenues of banking and stock markets. This will likely happen on a Friday afternoon, and there will be no warning. A temporary state of martial law will be instituted, in which people are told to basically stay at home as though they are taking a sudden ‘cheap holiday’ and things like trucking of supplies of normal groceries and the like will be the only thing still going on under strict military rules, keeping all emergency supplies of diesel available to those lines of credit used for that infrastructure. Military escorts of supply convoys will be the only thing moving on U.S. highways for perhaps several weeks until they restart the engine under the new rules. Police in all cities will be given total freedom to ‘shoot first, ask questions later’ for any deviation from total movement restriction of citizens. Examples will be made, and the media will carpet bomb the public with this message. 

The U.S. will lock down the dollar (both digital and paper) to a complicated SDR basket of currencies around the World, the Canadian dollar will figure heavily in this. This will obviously include devaluation across the board of many world currencies, and some of the currencies (like our Canadian dollar) will also be strictly controlled during this time (wanna know why we care so much? 90% of our economy is still directly tied to you Yanks) The U.N. and IMF will be token heads of an emergency council that all countries of the World will have no choice but to agree to (barring a few examples in the Middle East and North Korea, Cuba, a few South American countries, etc). 

Debt restructuring will be performed from top to bottom. The 1.4 Quadrillion derivatives bubble will pop like the veritable tree falling in the forest that no-one hears. The wage structure of the entire United States will be chopped off at the knees when jobs are ‘started’ again, and people are going to learn rather bluntly that their standard of living is going to drop by a large margin. Even when financial markets are loosened on the leash enough to make it look like things are ‘running’, foodstuffs and all energy (gas, diesel, natural gas, propane, etc) will be price controlled from that point on. This could be seen as an enforced Socialist military junta rule, which it is, but honestly there really is no choice. 

Production of goods will continue by force if necessary, people will clamor to the new low wage positions because they won’t have a choice. It is either that or starve. 

Inner cities could collapse entirely during the transition period, the military in all forms will setup blockades around zones in these areas and food rations will be handed over in exchange for firearms and ammunition. It doesn’t even bear mentioning the horrors that await some areas during this period. Within two weeks of supply infrastructure collapse things like rape, murder, and cannibalism will be commonplace. People are exactly three square meals away from becoming savages, it is as simple as that. In San Fransisco there are 17,500 people per square mile, I won’t go into lurid details but let’s just say there will be shoot-outs in the local 7/11 for the last bag of Doritos a lot sooner than most people think. 

Slowly but surely ‘zones’ will form, protected areas where people are moved (perhaps forcibly) and live under what seems like a fairly free system but is obviously locked down military camps. Again, is this a bad thing? They aren’t necessarily trying to clamp down control, they have known for many decades the collapse would happen under a fiat currency system and have planned accordingly. 

There will be a lot of hardship, a lot of deaths, in a lot of areas of the World and United States things will collapse into ‘One Second After’ conditions where attrition will reduce population drastically over the next several years. The media will cover some of this, but not the true horrors, and it goes without saying that ‘the revolution will not be televised’. This means that the Internet will no longer be free, and when and if an ‘Internet’ is brought back up and running it will be the government sanctioned AOL style system with no freedom of any kind. There will be no anonymous communication, any Internet Service Providers will be under total government control and it will be technically impossible to transmit encrypted packets. As a result communication can be controlled, and when it gets to that point a smattering of free Ham Radio will be the only true source of freedom. 

There will be pockets of resistance, even entire States that balk at the new way of things, at first they will be treated with hands off respect but in time they will be forced with simple supply blockades to conform to the new rules. They have the technology, and the patience, and the means to cut off outside supply. There will obviously be a lot of ‘free people’ out there, entire communities where they are self sufficient in every way – but these will be small Colonial technology areas that are visited by smiling officials on a regular basis to let them know the limitations of such existence. 

I obviously can’t say exactly when this banking holiday will happen, but I think it is safe to say it is going to happen sometime in the next 18 months for sure, and possibly a LOT sooner than that. They simply cannot keep pretending things are okay for much longer. Anyone who isn’t a Prepper yet, there is still time as long as the stores are open and your debit/credit card still works. Lay low, don’t brag about supplies, and stockpile simple foodstuffs for the time when your family needs to hunker down. 

What do you guys think? I have spent my life as an Eschatological High Priest, studying and preparing for the inevitable Crash of our soft Western Civilization. We have lived the easiest life of any Humans in our History, but that ride is about to come grinding to a halt. How do you think the United States (and the rest of the World) will handle the ‘adjustment’ that is in the mail? 



Friday, February 22, 2013

The UN tells its victims: "Tough luck, we're immune"

Subject: The UN tells its victims: "Tough luck, we're immune"

To: Ronald <>


If you ever wondered by some
view the "humanitarian" United
Nations with huge skepticism,
wonder no more.


- Brasscheck

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Posted By: Nemesis [Send E-Mail]
Date: Friday, 22-Feb-2013 19:47:50
In Response To: COME AND TAKE IT ... 1 min. 15 sec. video (Nemesis)


Steve Vaus is a musician, writer, producer and Grammy award winner who has worked with musical legends that include Willie Nelson, Billy Ray Cyrus, and Kenny Loggins.
In January, responding to the latest assaults on our Second Amendment, Vaus composed and produced “Come and Take It,” a ballad that takes aim at those who would strip Americans of their right to bear arms.
“We want the freedom that God gave us,” the lyrics declare, “so you best not cross that line. If you want this gun you gotta to come through us and take it, one shot at a time.”
The slogan, “Come and take it,” became the battle cry and banner of the Texas Revolution after the 1835 Battle of Gonzalez, in which Texans defied the Mexican government’s demand to return a cannon that had been given them for self-defense. Rather than surrender the cannon to Mexican dragoons, Texans stormed the Mexican camp and drove the soldiers away. (WND)
When Vaus contacted various local and national media outlets in an attempt to air his song as a way to counter the Hollywood and Washington media blitz targeting gun owners, he was denied.
We reached out to Mr. Vaus about his experience and he confirmed the reports.
“Clear Channel refused to allow me to buy time on all of their DC area stations,” said a frustrated but undeterred Vaus.
“On the TV side, the video version has been refused by the two major cable TV carriers in DC – Comcast and ViaMedia. Finally I have attempted to buy time on MSNBC nationally and they have been unresponsive.”
The very same media that deny Mr. Vaus a voice about a key piece of American history that’s relevant to a heated national conversation have no qualms about playing commercials depicting adults having an intense ‘make-out session’ during prime time sporting events while families and their children watch on with discomfort and disgust. Likewise, the media will happily play commercials that involve Hollywood celebrities and DC politicians who are calling for what essentially amounts to nothing short of supplanting the 2nd Amendment.
Vaus also points out that, while his requests for paid airtime have been denied, Congresswoman Gabby Giffords purchased and was allotted TV time for her anti-gun spot that bookended the President’s State of the Union address, and progressive propaganda machine has been given widespread national airtime for their latest gun control campaign titled The NRA doesn’t Speak for Me.
Given the brick walls facing Mr. Vaus at every turn, it should be clear that the media is complicit in silencing the voices of millions of Americans who support gun ownership. In his State of the Union address President Obama suggested that there is overwhelming support for gun control in this country. So, too, is there overwhelming support for gun rights, something you wouldn’t know if your only avenue for news and entertainment was your local cable TV provider or radio station.
As evidenced by Mr. Vaus’ experience, any voice contradicting the official narrative is silenced.
The President and D.C. politicians can fly around in their tax payer funded jets to attend political functions advocating gun control on our dime, yet Steve Vaus can’t buy time, with his own money, for a pro-Second Amendment spot supporting one of America’s most fundamental Constitutional protections.
“It’s Unthinkable,” says Vaus.
Official Website:


POLICE SLAM AND HOG TIE PREGNANT WOMAN ! 6 cops for one pregnant woman video

This begs the question of what happened to this so-called smooth transition the people are supposed to be having ??????

POLICE SLAM AND HOG TIE PREGNANT WOMAN ! 6 cops for one pregnant woman video
Posted By: RumorMail [Send E-Mail]
Date: Friday, 22-Feb-2013 14:07:11
Her crime? She was talking on her cell phone. She never resisted and was obviously terrified.
I love the golden rule and I can only hope that they do to your wife (better yet, you) what you did to someone else.
Young woman was pulled over for improperly using her cell phone by California Highway Patrol officers. After first stopping on the right shoulder, she was ordered to not stop there, to go forward and get off freeway. Because of rush hour traffic noise, she did not hear clearly what she was directed to do.
Additionally, besides being typically scared after being lit up, and now confused about where she should go, she thought that she should go to the shoulder on the left side of the freeway and she changed lanes to her left to do this. When the CHP vehicle followed and then turned on its siren, she was told to pull off the freeway again, which she promptly did on the right shoulder after driving less than 1/4 mile. Once stopped, she was told to turn off the ignition, throw the keys out and exit. She did that and then two officers approached, one pointing his gun at her, yelling for her to turn around. She just stood absolutely paralyzed in terror with her hands open and to her side.
As the officer came up to her, she told him she was pregnant (which the officer admitted in his report), as she turned around in fear of him. The officer then kicked her feet out from under her and slammed her to the pavement face down. He then bent down on her, putting his left his knee on her neck, handcuffed her while also kicking her rib cage with his right foot. Even though she never resisted whatsoever, back up officers then HOGTIED her. She was then lifted up and placed on her left side in the back seat of the patrol car and driven to the station, which took about 20 minutes.
The police report stated falsely that after exiting the car, she was talking incoherently even though she said nothing except being pregnant, and that she was hogtied because she was flailing her legs, which she clearly did not. She is charged with evading and resisting arrest.