Saturday, February 23, 2013

Now contact J.C. Penney

American Family Association   Take Action Now

Sears pulls from SNL

Now contact J.C. Penney

February 21, 2013

Today, AFA received this statement from Sears regarding its recent advertising on’s “Saturday Night Live.”
“Thanks for bringing it to our attention.  It wasn’t supposed to happen, and we’re taking steps to make sure it doesn’t happen again. Going forward, our ads will not run in this form again around SNL.”
Last Saturday night the network aired a violent and gory segment mocking Jesus Christ (see earlier alert here). NBC publicly painted Jesus as a vengeful murderer bent on killing the Romans who crucified Him.
Sears and its subsidiary Kmart ran multiple ads on the episode. Thank you for taking action. Your efforts made the difference!
J.C. Penney also sponsored the show and has not responded to its funding of this hateful and intolerant attack on Christianity.
1. Call Penney's headquarters at 972-431-1000 and let them know you are offended by their financial advertising support of NBC and “Saturday Night Live.” Ask them to pull all funding from the show, both broadcast and on-line.
2. Visit Penney’s Facebook page and leave this comment:
I am offended by J.C. Penney’s funding of the anti-Christian segment on NBC's "Saturday Night Live." Christians deserve an apology from the company, along with a commitment to pull all funding from this program going forward.
3.Post this message to your Twitter account
@jcp Christians deserve an apology from JCP for sponsoring anti-Christian bigotry #jcp

Take Action Now
Have you signed the petition to J.C. Penney yet? Do it here!

It is very important that you forward this alert to your friends and family members.


Tim Wildmon, President
American Family Association
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The Secret Weapon Of Mass Destruction Nobody Admits To Owning

The Secret Weapon Of Mass Destruction Nobody Admits To Owning

By Chris Carrington
February 21, 2013

Nikoli Tesla found while experimenting with eccentric wheels that standing on the platform during the experiment gave him a pleasant buzzing feeling throughout his body.

He also found that staying on the platform for longer than a minute or two aggravated heart rates and raised blood pressure to dangerously high levels.

Towards the end of World War ll, Nazi scientists developed a sound weapon based on a parabolic dish magnifying and concentrating sound. Notes recovered suggest it could focus on a group of people and debilitate them while the apparatus was in operation. It was never deployed though the reason why is unclear.

In the late 50’s and early 60’s Vladimir Gavreau, a robot scientist of Russian birth, and his assistant found that without warning they would become nauseous and have unbearable headaches when working in their lab. As soon as they left the lab the symptoms disappeared immediately.

They knew something in the lab was causing their sickness but had no idea what it was. Eventually, they noticed that a cup of coffee on the bench had strange ripples on it, at the same time as the ripples started they began to feel ill. When the ripples stopped they were fine again.
They found that the illness, and the coffee cup ripples stopped when certain windows were covered over. Extensive inquiries and dozens of tests lead to the discovery that a faulty motor driven ventilator had been installed in the building.
It’s movement had caused an infrasonic resonance, that when coupled with the concrete in the building, formed a huge infrasonic amplifier at a resonance impossible for humans to hear but able to make them ill.

Now knowing the cause, Gavreau and his assistant tested the theory on themselves. They heard nothing, but within five minutes of using the apparatus designed to behave as the faulty motor and fan, they were reduced to crawling to the bench to turn it off. He noted at the time:
“Luckily we were able to turn it off quickly. All of us were sick for hours. Everything in us was vibrating, heart, lungs, stomach. All the people in the other laboratories were sick too. They were very angry with us.”
Gavreau was convinced he had found a new weapon. He continued altering the size and frequencies of the equipment in order to potentiate the effects.

Then in 1968 he stopped. Without warning and with no explanation the experiments ceased. Gavreau patented the device and the patent is stored in the French Patents office where the plans can be accessed for a small fee.

In 1975, the then USSR requested that infrasound weapons be classed as weapons of mass destruction and that their development should be prohibited worldwide.

This followed publication of a number of articles accusing the US of using such weapons in Vietnam. This was followed by the same request again before it was dropped due to constant refusal of the west, the US and the UK to be precise, that legislation was needed when no one had or was developing such a weapon.

In 1977 however, an article in The British Science Magazine said that the UK was testing acoustic weapons on British soldiers. The article states:
“The weapons are similar to those deployed by the United States during the war in Vietnam”
Although no nation is admitting to owning infrasound devices they are willing to use sound as a weapon. The Long Range Acoustic Device, (LRAD) developed for maritime security, has crossed to land based use by law enforcement for crowd control. Mounted on top of some police vehicles, LRAD has a continuous volume of 162db.
The pain threshold for most individuals is about 130db and it’s this that makes LRAD units effective.
Infrasound however is a different animal altogether. It operates at ultra low levels acting on people quite literally at the visceral level. Those subjected to infrasound will have headaches, feel nauseous and generally unwell.

As the exposure time increases, the headaches become more severe, they will vomit. Their heart rate increases and blood pressure rises. The internal organs will start to vibrate. Exposure beyond this point can be lethal.

Continued exposure will lead to the breaking of delicate blood vessels in the internal organs and hemorrages will occur. Continued resonance within the body will cause a total breakdown of some organs and others will liquefy, at this point death is unavoidable.


There is no record of ANY country developing or deploying such a device but conspiracy theory abounds regarding the existence and usage of such weaponry.

I cannot believe personally that it does not exist. To be able to control large numbers of people without being seen to be doing so would be too irresistible to those that seek to control and manipulate their citizens.

To be able to cause a debilitating illness or death at will, without getting their hands dirty would be too good to let pass.

Contributed by Chris Carrington of The Daily Sheeple.
Chris Carrington is a writer, researcher and lecturer with a background in science, technology and environmental studies. Chris is an editor for The Daily Sheeple. Wake the flock up!   

Texas Gun Owners-revised


It’s hard to believe, but Texas has followed that idiot newspaper up in New York, and released a map of the location of all gun owners!

Their locations are marked by red dots.

These Work Better Than Antacids for Reflux, GERD & Heartburn

These Work Better Than Antacids for Reflux, GERD & Heartburn 


As you can imagine, I've had many a conversation with people about
their digestive issues and bathroom habits.

Let me tell you, they get pretty personal. I've had people describe their feces in such detail that I'm surprised they didn't give it a first name.
Or they practically list a chorus of songs they can play with their flatulence.
That's OK. I'm happy to help and need to know what's going on! :-)
But hands down, the #1 most common digestive problem out there is ACID REFLUX.
It's everywhere! You can't turn on the TV, open a magazine or surf the internet without seeing an ad for an acid reducer.
But I have a question...
If acid reducers are SO great and work SO well, why are there STILL so many people suffering from acid reflux? They sure aren't dealing with the cause of it, are they?
Let's take a little closer look at that question...and explore the three main culprits behind this digestive misery called acid reflux.

Acid reducers -- are they really magic?
The ads for acid reducers promise relief from heartburn and reflux--all you need to do is take one little pill a day.
Nice and simple!
Most people DO feel some relief when they first start using them, and they're lulled into thinking that they've found the magic answer.
But alas, eventually the magic stops.
Because while reducing or neutralizing stomach acid might initially seem to put out the flames of heartburn, at the same time it's opening up a Pandora's Box full of other issues that can make you feel WORSE--not better--and open you up to other health problems.
Let's shift now into...
The dark side of acid reducers
What acid reducer commercials fail to tell you is that stomach acid is a biological NEED--you MUST have the proper balance of course.
You'd never know it by watching the Larry the Cable Guy, Cheryl Ladd or John Elway commercials, but here is what they're NOT telling you....
Reducing or crippling the acid in your stomach can lead to these major problems:
1- Destroyed digestion
Your body must have stomach acid to properly break down foods, most namely proteins. So when you eat protein, your stomach naturally secretes acid.
So far so good.
But then Z-A-P!
The acid gets shut down or weakened by the "magical drug."
Your stomach sees something's wrong and tries over and over to secrete more acid to get the digestive ball rolling again...but the "wonder pill" keeps shutting it down.
This process can go on for HOURS.
And eventually you're looking at MORE acid sloshing around in your stomach to come rising up your throat--not LESS!
Plus, when your digestion is ruined, you can get trouble further down the road too--namely, gas, bloating, constipation and diarrhea.
Those are all listed as side effects on most acid medication boxes and now you know why.

2- Dangerous deficiency
The vitamin B12 in your foods is bound to little proteins that must be "shaved off" before the B12 can be absorbed.
So when your stomach acid is stopped by the "super acid reducer," B12 cannot be "released" from the protein like it needs to be in order for your body to absorb it!
Over time this can result in vitamin B12 deficiency, which can lead to a whole host of other health issues including memory problems, depression, low energy and a weak immune system.

3- Pooped-out protection
One of the vital functions of stomach acid is to destroy dangerous toxins or pathogens (like salmonella and E. coli) you might take in with your food.
Without the protection of properly working stomach acid, you are basically defenseless against many dangerous microbes in your food.
Have a clear path between you and the bathroom, my friend!

4- Imbalanced intestinal inhabitants
As a consequence of poor digestion and the waste buildup that typically results from it, your intestinal flora balance can be thrown completely out of whack by antacid use.
Not only does this compromise your immune system and make you more susceptible to every cold and bug around, but it messes up your digestion even MORE because the friendly bacteria in your gut help to digest certain starches and fibers.
And that means MORE gas and bloating.

The real culprits
Now that you've probably gotten the idea that acid reducers aren't the wonder drug they're purported to be, let's look at the 3 REAL culprits behind acid reflux and what can be done about them.

Solution #1: Food
It never ceases to amaze me how people load up on acid-creating foods and meals that are next-to-impossible to digest, day in and day out, then wonder why they have a 4-alarm fire in their chest.
Really?! That's like being surprised that your car died after you put a banana in the gas tank.
It's time to face facts, all you acid reflux sufferers. YOUR DIET is far and away THE MAIN CAUSE of your misery. Period.
Accept it, stop making excuses and do something about it!
Like changing your diet to include more alkalinizing foods and easier to digest meals.
When you eat foods that are more alkaline to your body and meals that are easier for your system to break down, your body says thank you and a whole new world can open up for you:
Imagine--easing the burping, belching or acid in your throat (or mouth!).
Imagine--less gas, bloating, flatulence or BM problems.
Imagine--reducing or eliminating your need for acid medications at all

This can happen for you when you follow the Great Taste No Pain program.
The GTNP manuals will show you step by step exactly what to do. They'll spell out what foods are naturally alkaline and which ones go well together in meals, as well as show you why eating this way works so well for everyone--including YOU.
Nice and easy.
And it's delicious too--I didn't skimp on the "Great Taste" part! Just wait until you try my spaghetti sauce, soups, shrimp scampi and more!
Note: if you have gluten challenges, Great Taste No Gluten is for you instead.

Solution #2: Enzymes
If you've eaten hard to digest foods and meals for a long time, you have expended WAAYY more digestive enzymes than Nature intended you to.
As a result, your body's ability to produce adequate enzymes may be greatly reduced...and this can be a major contributing factor to poor digestion and acid reflux!
Plus, as we age, our bodies' ability to produce enzymes naturally decreases.
If you suspect low enzymes are a concern for you, or have out and out been told you're low in stomach acid, then Digestizol Max is your ticket for getting the help you need.
Digestizol Max's 14 plant-derived enzymes and 5 herbal soothers can help give your body a boost to keep your digestion nice and smooth -- and help make acid reflux, GERD and heartburn a thing of the past for you.
Click here to learn how Digestizol Max can help.

Solution #3: Chill more
Stress is also a common cause of ruined digestion and acid reflux.
You see, digestion is a parasympathetic process, meaning your body must be in a relaxed, non-stressed state for it to be accomplished efficiently.
Eating in a relaxed state also encourages you to eat slower, which means that your body can recognize satiety before you overeat.
But if you instead eat when your sympathetic nervous system is in gear (such as when you're working, driving, emotionally upset, stressed, rushing, etc.) that can have a devastating impact on your digestion and lead to reflux.
So slow down and relax! Avoid eating in a stressed state. Make time for meals and don't eat on the run.
And if stress is an ongoing issue for you, it's time to take a look at ways to reduce the stress in your life. There are many helpful suggestions, programs and exercise options out there.

Although acid reflux is common, it's no mystery, my friend.

And when you address the common culprits behind YOUR burning chest, you can see a whole new world open up for you...

...quite possibly a world WITHOUT acid reducers in the near future.
Wouldn't that be nice?
Kandie is seeing a whole new acid reflux-free world open up before her eyes. Take a look at her story below.
To your health,
Sherry Brescia
PS: We're now on Facebook! Like us here:

PPS: Kandie can hardly believe ending acid reflux was so easy!
Hi Sherry,
I just wanted to share the success I have experienced after being on Great Taste No Pain for only a month.
I was very skeptical at first after being on EVERY prescription medication out there for acid reflux and stomach problems. In addition to two prescriptions I took twice a day and over the counter medications, which did nothing, I am now on one prescription, which I am about ready to totally quit!
That is how good I feel doing your plan.
I keep thinking to could not really be this easy, but yet it continues to work for me day after day!
I recently came back from a two week vacation and I thought it was going to be difficult following this plan while I was away and it wasn't. I did have a couple of minor lapses (eating a bad meal combination), but felt no ill results from it and now that I am back home, I am strictly following the plan again.
I am enjoying your delicious recipes, I am enjoying cooking again, and most of all, I am enjoying EATING again. Who doesn't love a delicious meal?
And as long as I stick to the combining, I can eat as much as I want and things I have not had in YEARS! And the good thing is, even though I am eating more than I have in years, I am not gaining weight as you would think, but maintaining my weight with little to no effort.
I have recommended the plan to many people already. Some are skeptics, but some have already ordered your books.
I have no doubt if I can keep this up that I will be totally off the medications in a very short time and after 12 years of agony and no help from my doctors or GI specialist, this is like a miracle for me.
So thank you so much for your continued work with this and the letters you send out. I enjoy reading every single one of them.
Kandie S.

Check out THOUSANDS of Great Taste No Pain success stories here.
Want the best probiotic on the market today? Then learn why Super Shield outshines all the rest here. 
Got low energy? Brain fog? CRS disease? You just may be low in in just one vitamin. One out of four people are. Read more about this deficiency and how you can help turn that around FAST.
Years of junk foods, meats, alcohol and soft drinks results in a decrease in your body's ability to produce digestive enzymes. This can result in daily painful gas, bloating, heartburn and constipation no matter how otherwise healthy your diet is! Digestizol Max can help turn that around for you fast. Its effective blend of 14 plant-derived enzymes and soothing herbs will help carry out the job of digestion and keep you feeling great! Learn more about Digestizol Max here.
Gluten has been linked to hundreds of health problems, including autoimmune diseases. If you are gluten sensitive or have an autoimmune disease, see what avoiding gluten can do for you.  Great Taste No Gluten will make gluten avoidance easy, while giving you 160 of the world's tastiest gluten-free recipes to make you love every bite of your gluten-free life. Learn more about Great Taste No Gluten here.

Want case studies?  Here are a few THOUSAND health turnarounds for you to marvel at.

Haven't taken the Great Taste No Pain test drive?  Why not?  Get over to
- and feel the power of Great Taste No Pain.

Want to read past articles? Here they are.
* Forward this email to the people you care about the most!
(c) copyright 2013 Holistic Blends  

Orders: 1-315-295-1236
**The FDA has not evaluated all of these statements. The contents of this email are not to be considered medical advice and are for educational purposes only. If you are experiencing health challenges, always consult your doctor for medical advice and follow it even if it contradicts the contents of this email.**
Pain-Free Living is a permission-based newsletter. The only way to receive it is to request it here   

One Trade Center Under Construction

One WTC reclaiming the Manhattan skyline on a beautiful spring day.
View from the stairs which are attached to the side.
Looking out the 65th floor of 1WTC's Sky Lobby.
Looking north from the 79th floor.
Aeriel shot posted on February 21.
The WTC PATH transit hub.
Working hard on rebuilding One World Trade Center.
An inside look of construction on the 91st Floor.
Aerial view of the construction at the World Trade Center.
One WTC reaches 100 floors.
The Empire State Building is seen from the Top of The Rock while One World Trade Center is on the bottom right.
Image by SHANNON STAPLETON / Reuters
Picture taken from a tower crane.
Construction workers celebrate the Super Bowl.
Looking east.
An iron worker putting the finishing touches on a steel beam.
Looking south.
The tower crane hoisting steel upwards.
The Space Shuttle Enterprise flies past One World Trade on April 27, 2012.
Image by Lucas Jackson / Reuters
A flotilla surrounds NASA space shuttle Enterprise as it is carried by barge past One World Trade Center up the Hudson River on route to its permanent home at the Intrepid Sea, Air and Space Museum.
Image by Spencer Platt / Getty Images
A torn safety net provides a window view from One World Trade Center of the Empire State Building on April 30.
Image by Mark Lennihan-Pool / Getty Images
Writing on a beam at the 103rd floor.
Image by Shannon Stapleton / Reuters
The 9/11 Memorial can be seen from the 90th story of One World Trade Center.
Image by Lucas Jackson / Reuters
Iron workers walk around the steel decking on the 100th story of One World Trade Center.
Image by LUCAS JACKSON / Getty Images
The Empire State Building is seen behind an iron worker as he stands next to protective netting on the 100th story of One World Trade Center.
Image by LUCAS JACKSON / Getty Images
JEPeople sit in Exchange Place as construction continues.
Image by Mario Tama / Getty Images
President Barack Obama and first lady Michelle Obama look down at the 9/11 Memorial while touring the One World Trade Center building.
Source: Reuters
A man puts his hand on a memorial beam next to the signature President Obama.
Image by Shannon Stapleton / Reuters
The beam signed by President Obama is hoisted upwards.
A view of One World Trade from across the way.
A full moon as seen from West Orange, New Jersey.
Image by Gary Hershorn / Reuters
One World Trade Center, is now up to 104 floors, rises above the lower Manhattan skyline, on Sept. 6, 2012.
Image by Mark Lennihan / AP

Banksters Beware – Iran To Execute Four Bankers For Fraud

Banksters Beware – Iran To Execute Four Bankers For Fraud
Saturday, February 23, 2013 8:47


Iran's judiciary system recently worked through the biggest banking fraud case in the nation's history.
According to The New York Times, the outcome of the case was made official on Monday. Results were dramatic to say the least.
Judiciary spokesman Gholam-Hossein Mohseni-Ejei told reporters that four people had been officially sentenced to death on charges of corruption and “disrupting the country's economic system.”
The guilty party was responsible for mishandling $2.6 billion of funds – using forged documents in order to receive credit from banks, permitting them to purchase state-owned companies.
From PressTV:
According to the indictment, the owners of Aria Investment Development Company, which is at the center of the controversy, had bribed bank managers to get loans and letters of credit. The company has more than 35 offshoots which are active in diverse business activities.
The four are Mahafarid Amir-Khosravi…[the prime suspect], Behdad Behzadi, his legal advisor, Iraj Shoja, his financial solicitor and Saeed Kiani Rezazadeh, head of the Ahvaz branch of Saderat Bank,” he [Gholam-Hossein Mohseni-Ejei] said.
Additionally, the president of the Bank Melli branch in Kish was condemned to life in prison. The former deputy minister Khodamorad Ahmadi has been ordered to spend a decade in prison as well, according to Iran's attorney general, Mohseni-Ejei.
Several others involved in this infamous scandal have also been slapped with heavy fines and many have also been prohibited from holding public office.
Economist Nouriel Roubini added his two cents on the subject, reporting to Bloomberg:
“Bankers are greedy; they’ve been greedy for the last hundreds of years...t’s not a question if they are more immoral today then they were a thousand years ago, you have to make sure they behave in ways in which you minimize those risks.”
This message surely hits a little too close to home for central bankers across the globe who have been engaged with fraud and corruption in the past or present.
Constituents and political leaders spend a big chunk of time debating over how to deal with our crumbling economy. Ending system abuse from insiders and the Fed alike would undoubtedly have a positive ripple effect, but how is that goal going to be achieved? Thus far, not a single chief central banker has been arrested in light of the financial crisis.
This is completely asinine.
They keep making more money, while we struggle to thrive in the middle class. The brutal truth is that banks prosper when people are on welfare. They're invested in keeping you down and could care less about your American Dream.