Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Maliki calls Biden not to discuss dividing Iraq according to sectarian, ethnic basis

Maliki calls Biden not to discuss dividing Iraq according to sectarian, ethnic basis

Baghdad ( The outgoing Premier, Nouri al-Maliki, called the US Vice-President, Joseph Biden, not to discuss dividing Iraq according to sectarian and ethnic basis.
Maliki called Biden, in his weekly statement, not to interfere in the Iraqi affairs and to respect the Iraqi people and constitution. /End/

RV & GCR: News, Intel, Rumors and Opinions - Wednesday Morning

RV & GCR: News, Intel, Rumors and Opinions - Wednesday Morning

News, Intel, Rumors and Opinions - Wednesday Morning

Iraqi Dinar Revaluation and Global Currency Reset News | Dinar Chronicles



August 27, 2014 at 9:42am

the rates are on banks screens RIGHT NOW!!!!!!!!!

june carrieri > EXOGEN
August 27, 2014 at 9:47am

administration hold?

August 27, 2014 at 9:47am

The Zim went live for the First Time yesterday and people went to EXCHANGE while it was live but the bank could not unlock as new xxxxxxxxx software system has codes. We can post what rates are on here DAILY if we wanted to. Even Hourly. But it means NADA until you are in the bank so we do not do it. Others by the time they got to the bank it was back on Administrative Hold

August 27, 2014 at 9:48am

Why do you think this is first thread EVER starting with a Zimbabwe flag (HINT HINT)

wilbur grodan
August 27, 2014 at 8:13am

Ag up a little
USDX down a little more
WEDNESDAY is over for 60% of people

wilbur grodan
August 27, 2014 at 8:50am

USD prices of commodities continue to rise
BRICS development currency complex waits
Au up a little overnight

August 27, 2014 at 9:00am

The reasons why it not has happened;
1. The new PM has not been sworn in.
2. The ministers of the cabinet have not been named.
3 The new Govt is not fully formed and seated.

Until all of that happens there will be NO RV.


Tues night update

Posted by Zara spook on August 26, 2014 at 11:30pm

Hey guys! Just going to give you a brief update to where we are at the moment. A lot has happened in the past couple of days. Iraq is ready! Their PM is seated as well as the GOI, all we are waiting on is the formal announcement.

Abadi has postponed this announcement twice now but hopefully will announce publicly on Wednesday. The CBI and the IMF both are ready to roll out the RV and the GCR. There are many countries coming to Iraqs aid in the defeat of the ISIS organization.

I think this statement is one of the most important statements of the day! Being said that, the US sees that these countries are willing and very well capable of providing Iraq support. This could very well be a turning point for the US! The US is under extreme pressure from Iraq, IMF, and a few other countries, (china being the main country) to stop the stalls and release this to the world!

With all the information floating around, it's hard to believe who is telling the truth. Well, let me try and explain a little more. 9 out of 10 gurus provide you with updates each and every day. Just bc someone says that it's going to pop tonight May or may not be true.

I know that a few guys have called it the last few days and it actually was suppose to be released, however, the US found a way to stall once again. This has happened two different times in the past 5 days.

I personally feel this will continue till made to do otherwise, however, I do think if the RV and the GCR is released it will be within the next two weeks.

There's just so much great info floating around and very little negativity! Let's all hope that the US will get on board soon and bring this to an end!

The good from this well outweighs  the bad 1000 to 1.



Could this finally be over? Could this long ride be almost done? We have waited so long. So hardened we’ve become. Friends and Family have often called us insane. But we have always stayed the course, despite their disdain. I see the proverbial light, at the end of the tunnel. Where all the delays and frustrations can finally be funneled. The Light’s getting Brighter with each passing Hour. Our moment is upon us Dinarians. Our dreams will soon Flower



BGG & Chattels:

1203 was the market price reported yesterday, it is 1201 today...less is more and closer to the 2% variance supposedly desired by the IMF . 


More good news. 

That is big. First time that has happened. The published "market rate" is what is dropping - not the 1166 (auction rate)... the fact that the market rate and auction rate are getting closer together is pretty good news...this is one of the precursors put forth by the IMF before Iraq can gain entrance to article 8 - and international acceptance.  

first two days it is realistic...which doesn't absolutely mean it will happen tomorrow - just that it CAN. 

[So they are now in compliance or close to it?]
as I understand it - today they are. 

I would suspect the IMF wants to see some stability at such a marker - JMHO.



"Central action keeps the money of depositors and shareholders"

This is a good "pat on the back" article as they say they have done a good job stabilizing the dinar/reducing the spread of late and implementing new policies and procedures with the auctions. I like how they end it in essence saying...despite this accomplishment, they have more work to do. Yes...we are waiting on that.  

...they probably have fulfilled the IMF requirements and are in compliance now. That does not mean they will request Article VIII tomorrow. In fact, the IMF may make them demonstrate they can sustain it for a period of time as well as they still need to form the GOI, pass stalled economic and banking laws and get some stability regarding the ISIL threat. 

So it still could be a while. 

But today is a good day.

Coming Soon: Mass Arrests of Bankers, Politicians, and Other Treasonous Thugs!

Coming Soon: Mass Arrests of Bankers, Politicians, and Other Treasonous Thugs!

Treason: By Definition is, The betrayal of one’s own country by waging war against it or by consciously or purposely acting to aid its enemies.Because treason involves the betrayal of allegiance to the United States, a person need not be a U.S. citizen to commit treason under the Constitution.


the offense of acting to overthrow one’s government or to harm or kill its sovereign.
a violation of allegiance to one’s sovereign or to one’s state.
the betrayal of a trust or confidence; breach of faith; treachery.


1.  Treason, sedition means disloyalty or treachery to one’s country or its government. Treason is any attempt to overthrow the government or impair the well-being of a state to which one owes allegiance; the crime of giving aid or comfort to the enemies of one’s government.
Sedition is any act, writing, speech, etc., directed unlawfully against state authority, the government, or constitution, or calculated to bring it into contempt or to incite others to hostility, ill will or disaffection; it does not amount to treason and therefore is not a capital offense.
Barack Hussein Obama Wanted For Treason
Click For A LARGE Image

The Skunk: A Weapon From Israel

>     the  Skunk
> - A Weapon From
>     Israel.  It is non-toxic, drinkable, safe and it
> keeps demonstrators
>     moving away !

Tidbits from Frank26 and KTFA MembrsWednesday Morning


moneytalks1 :  Hi Frank, A question that a few members of family have asked but no definitive answer: "For the 2% compliance for Article 8, what number does the CBI have to 1189 or ? I think yesterday in your question/answer period, you asked if the CBI is article 8 answered I think "Yes". Could you clarify this for us or have Delta clarify?  Thanx again. brother from Canada    P.S. I feel very lucky to be one of the few Canadians who will be blessed.

Frank26:  I will re-state our comment from last night ........ You can also re-listen to verify.

The market price dropped from 1217 to 1203 ........ IOO .........

CBI is now within 2% ready to be article 8 International status.
Then we said should hear about GOI on 2nd. But cautioned that the 10th is more a reality.

KTFA,   Frank

Frank26: in the still of these last few nights ........... The GOI likes to meet and do some surprising things.

This 2% thingy seems to be a serious goal of the CBI along with the seriousness of some GOI Laws well .... Must say .......... When I do sleep today ......... It will be with a big smile.

YOU ....... Sir .......... I will see in 15 days.

KTFA,  Frank


Fact Checker : 2 to 2.5 million dinars. They have to have a rate because that amount at the current rate of 1166 sure wouldn't do much!!!!


Frank26:  I second that emotion Friend .......... As I call it a second set of books.

So do they.

KTFA,   Frank






Central action keeps the money of depositors and shareholders

8/26/2014 0:00

Two experts confirm the success of monetary policy in evaluating the performance of banks

BAGHDAD - Hussein al-Tamimi Tgb
adoption of the foundations of financial discreet in the management of the monetary sector represents the most important steps to achieve economic development, this was confirmed by (experts in economic affairs), departing from the mechanisms adopted by the Central Bank of Iraq to address the problems experienced Financial sector previously,

They confirmed the existence of steps adopted by the Central cemented its program of work. break the monopoly of the economic expert Fares al-Rubaie pointed out that the central bank's measures adopted boosted the prestige of the private banking sector, for its role in maintaining the capital of depositors and investors, pointing out that the most prominent steps adopted by the Central break the monopoly of remittances to buy the dollar, by giving greater opportunity for private banks and money transfer companies and banking companies to participate in the auction currency.

streamlined sales and added in an interview for the "morning" to tighten control over the auction sale of the currency (dollar) and remittances is positive, especially that he was accompanied mechanism did not disrupt the flow of the sale and availability of hard currency in the local markets, indicating the importance of initiating Central to make the members of the boards of directors of private banks are law-abiding, especially those who were Ikhrkonh ignorance, indicating that this procedure is the calendar for the work of the private banking sector.
legal ways and pointed out that the central depends ways various legal to keep the money of depositors and shareholders, indicating the presence of Angels experience high working on the follow-up mechanisms to keep the money in spite of the many variables facing their work, and so we can say that the spirit of the law applied in these procedures. pointed out that although inter measures adopted by the central work But he did not live up to the level of ambition, stressing the importance of that going efforts of the Central Botaúr mounting, through human capacity building fortified and the development of units and structures in line with the modern and the evolution of the crimes banking and corporate law (banking companies to contribute). called vernal reconsider legislation Legal regulating the banking business private, especially as the capital of private banks exceeded the barrier of 300 billion dinars, as well as expanding numbers of local banks and the entry of branches of regional and international banks.

achieve the goals either banking expert Samir protagonist has confirmed that the followers of the stages through which applications of monetary policy in Iraq after the issuance of Iraqi Central Bank Law 56 of 2004 and the Banking Act 94 of 2004 it became clear that the CBI has succeeded in achieving the goals central to monetary policy in the stability of the monetary system and cope with waves of inflationary after the significant improvement in the exchange rate of the Iraqi dinar. interest rate and said that the building of reserves in foreign currency led to build the foundations of a solid in maintaining the building economic stability and external open a wide range of investment as the positive role played by the interest rate in reducing hyperinflation annual basis in 2006 to about 5.6 percent in 2012, as well as to identify the phenomenon of dollarization and Almdharbh.ofatt to The Iraqi Central Bank has succeeded in maintaining its independence and through Astqraúna and our analysis of the reality of the monetary policy and the experience of previous years,

we hope the Board of Directors of the CBI study the proposals for the development and modification of some episodes of monetary policy currently applied and thus contributing to the restructuring and reform of the private banking sector and enhance the role of banks to move from the role of financial intermediation to the developmental role which is a modified strategy for monetary policy currently approved and proposed policies and processors are required for banking reform for the next phase outlining a new strategy for the banking sector for the next five years.


And good thoughts they are JJ for I agree and ........... SEE such things with all my TEAMS reports. TY for Your contributions.

KTFA,  Frank*


walkongstick :
The US still decides the future of capitalism, not the G20, and not the Brics nations

A new development bank, launched by leading emerging nations, has stolen the G20’s thunder. But it won’t pose a real challenge to US dominance of global markets

Leo Panitch    Wednesday 27 August 2014 01.43 EDT


Frank26:  Monday's CC .......... Who's Your $#@!& DADDY ?!

Tell wanna be China and Russia the same thing !!!

KTFA    Frank


walkongstick :  Barzani: We made paper for the National Alliance and must be implemented in accordance with the timeframe

BAGHDAD / WAP / announced KRG President Barzani,on Wednesday, said his government supports accelerate the formation of the federal government, as revealed that Kurdistan has to demands made by the National Alliance to achieve within the timeframe.

Barzani said in a statement to the Kurdistan Regional Government on the sidelines of a meeting with Parliament Speaker Salim al-Jubouri, received news agency Baghdad International / WAP / copy of it, that "the Kurds have clear demands, such as Article 140 of the Constitution, and the issue of the Peshmerga, budget, and oil, and we decided to look this demands with Baghdad, "stressing that" all the Kurdish leaders decided to be cooperative in order to form a government as soon as possible. " and pointed out that the"Kurdish leaders understand that all these things can not be implemented within two weeks, but there is the insistence by all Kurdish forces about the need to The existence of a time limit to these demands, "explaining," We have a constitutional issue with Baghdad on Article 140 of the Iraqi Constitution, and our side, it is necessary to finish this article. " and added: "We talked with the head of the Federal Parliament Saleem al-Jubouri, the Commission for the talks, which formed to negotiate on forming a government New Federal and which went to Baghdad, "noting that" what we want this time is not repeated the mistakes of the previous stage with the Maliki government, which brought the Iraqis to this case. "

said Barzani that "if all the places under our control, we will demand legally and under the Constitution Iraqi resolve this issue, "pointing out that" Baghdad did not send any salaries to Erbil "./ ended


Frank26:  Yes.   You have until the 10th .......... Now get moving please.

KTFA,  Frank


jdtolle » August 27th, 2014, Life gives you options

The questions and mysteries give you a chance to learn. The challenges give you an opportunity to make a positive difference.

The people with whom you disagree give you a way to see life from a different perspective. The disappointments you endure can put you on a path toward becoming more determined and effective.

Instead of complaining about what’s negative, you can look for what’s positive. Instead of feeling sorry for yourself, you can feel fortunate to be where you are.

When there’s nothing interesting or exciting going on, you have the chance to exercise and strengthen your imagination. When the world feels gray and dreary, you can find unique, original beauty in the unlikeliest of places.

Every day, life gives you options. What you choose from those options and what you do with them, determines where you are at the end of the day.
Right now, you have many options.
Choose the most positive, life-affirming, interesting, loving and fulfilling ones, and the reality of your life will follow along.

— Ralph Marston

Wishing All a safe and blessed day

RV & GCR: News, Intel, Rumors and Opinions -Wednesday Morning

News, Intel, Rumors and Opinions - Wednesday Morning

Iraqi Dinar Revaluation and Global Currency Reset News | Dinar Chronicles



August 27, 2014 at 9:42am

the rates are on banks screens RIGHT NOW!!!!!!!!!

june carrieri > EXOGEN
August 27, 2014 at 9:47am

administration hold?

August 27, 2014 at 9:47am

The Zim went live for the First Time yesterday and people went to EXCHANGE while it was live but the bank could not unlock as new xxxxxxxxx software system has codes. We can post what rates are on here DAILY if we wanted to. Even Hourly. But it means NADA until you are in the bank so we do not do it. Others by the time they got to the bank it was back on Administrative Hold

August 27, 2014 at 9:48am

Why do you think this is first thread EVER starting with a Zimbabwe flag (HINT HINT)

wilbur grodan
August 27, 2014 at 8:13am

Ag up a little
USDX down a little more
WEDNESDAY is over for 60% of people

wilbur grodan
August 27, 2014 at 8:50am

USD prices of commodities continue to rise
BRICS development currency complex waits
Au up a little overnight

August 27, 2014 at 9:00am

The reasons why it not has happened;
1. The new PM has not been sworn in.
2. The ministers of the cabinet have not been named.
3 The new Govt is not fully formed and seated.

Until all of that happens there will be NO RV.


Tues night update

Posted by Zara spook on August 26, 2014 at 11:30pm

Hey guys! Just going to give you a brief update to where we are at the moment. A lot has happened in the past couple of days. Iraq is ready! Their PM is seated as well as the GOI, all we are waiting on is the formal announcement.

Abadi has postponed this announcement twice now but hopefully will announce publicly on Wednesday. The CBI and the IMF both are ready to roll out the RV and the GCR. There are many countries coming to Iraqs aid in the defeat of the ISIS organization.

I think this statement is one of the most important statements of the day! Being said that, the US sees that these countries are willing and very well capable of providing Iraq support. This could very well be a turning point for the US! The US is under extreme pressure from Iraq, IMF, and a few other countries, (china being the main country) to stop the stalls and release this to the world!

With all the information floating around, it's hard to believe who is telling the truth. Well, let me try and explain a little more. 9 out of 10 gurus provide you with updates each and every day. Just bc someone says that it's going to pop tonight May or may not be true.

I know that a few guys have called it the last few days and it actually was suppose to be released, however, the US found a way to stall once again. This has happened two different times in the past 5 days.

I personally feel this will continue till made to do otherwise, however, I do think if the RV and the GCR is released it will be within the next two weeks.

There's just so much great info floating around and very little negativity! Let's all hope that the US will get on board soon and bring this to an end!

The good from this well outweighs  the bad 1000 to 1.



Could this finally be over? Could this long ride be almost done? We have waited so long. So hardened we’ve become. Friends and Family have often called us insane. But we have always stayed the course, despite their disdain. I see the proverbial light, at the end of the tunnel. Where all the delays and frustrations can finally be funneled. The Light’s getting Brighter with each passing Hour. Our moment is upon us Dinarians. Our dreams will soon Flower



BGG & Chattels:

1203 was the market price reported yesterday, it is 1201 today...less is more and closer to the 2% variance supposedly desired by the IMF .


More good news.

That is big. First time that has happened. The published "market rate" is what is dropping - not the 1166 (auction rate)... the fact that the market rate and auction rate are getting closer together is pretty good news...this is one of the precursors put forth by the IMF before Iraq can gain entrance to article 8 - and international acceptance. 

first two days it is realistic...which doesn't absolutely mean it will happen tomorrow - just that it CAN.

[So they are now in compliance or close to it?]
as I understand it - today they are.

I would suspect the IMF wants to see some stability at such a marker - JMHO.



"Central action keeps the money of depositors and shareholders"

This is a good "pat on the back" article as they say they have done a good job stabilizing the dinar/reducing the spread of late and implementing new policies and procedures with the auctions. I like how they end it in essence saying...despite this accomplishment, they have more work to do. Yes...we are waiting on that.

...they probably have fulfilled the IMF requirements and are in compliance now. That does not mean they will request Article VIIItomorrow. In fact, the IMF may make them demonstrate they can sustain it for a period of time as well as they still need to form the GOI, pass stalled economic and banking laws and get some stability regarding the ISIL threat.

So it still could be a while.

But today is a good day.

IMF Head Formally Charged In Fraud Probe

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 
IMF Head Formally Charged In Fraud Probe
Posted By: Jordon [Send E-Mail]
Date: Wednesday, 27-Aug-2014 12:32:42

Ah, the perils of European power politics.

A day after France revealed its new government, the person who so eagerly stepped in after DSK's infamous and choreographed fall from grace and the IMF presidency (not to mention his derailed French presidential ambitions, greenlighting Hollande as what would become the worst French president ever), Christine Lagarde is about to be DSKed herself after "someone" clearly has set their sights on the former French finance minister.
Several hours ago the news hit that a French court has put Christine Lagarde, head of the International Monetary Fund, under a formal probe for negligence in a corruption investigation dating back to her days as finance minister. To be sure, this development is hardly a shock: recall that it was over a year ago when "IMF's Lagarde Flat Raided Over French 'Payout' Probe" with her ascent to the head of the IMF also riddled with numerous allegations of impropriety involving the Tapie matter. However, until now, such outside interventions were below the radar, and certainly never escalated to anything formal or official. Alas, it now appears that Madame's time has come, even if Lagarde hasn't grasped it just yet.
From the WSJ:

Ms. Lagarde confirmed the decision in a statement but said it was "without basis," adding she would challenge it with a higher court. She said she was heading back to Washington Wednesday and would brief the IMF board about the latest development.
The investigation is part of a complex, drawn-out probe into the alleged misuse of state funds. The case stems from a decision in the 2008 to use arbitration to settle a dispute with business tycoon Bernard Tapie. The arbitration panel awarded €420 million to Mr. Tapie.
"The magistrates of the court of justice of the Republic have decided to place me under formal investigation," Ms. Lagarde said in statement. "After three years of procedure, the sole surviving allegation is that through inadvertence or inattention I may have failed to intervene to block the arbitration that brought to an end the longstanding Tapie litigation," she added. 
Bloomberg adds:

IMF issues statement after Managing Director Christine Lagarde put under formal investigation for her role in an arbitration case during her time as French finance minister.
IMF spokesman Gerry Rice: “She is now on her way back to Washington and will, of course, brief the board as soon as possible. Until then, we have no further comment” 
Regardless of the spin, at this point it's all over for the first female president of the IMF, whose departure has come with the same facility as her ascent.
The only question is who and why was angered by her policies over the past three years, and who will be her replacement. And most importantly, is the imminent shift at the top of the IMF indicative of what the CFR pitched yesterday when it proposed that the time has come for Bernanke's money paradrop. After all, one would need an even more obedient puppet at the head of the monetary fund if such an idiotic plan is to even be able to take off the ground, so to speak.
As for Lagarde, we are confident she and Angelo Mozillo will have enough fake tanning tips to exchange during their long and worry-free retirement.
And with that, Bill was finally Killed.

American company dropping U.S. dollar

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 
American company dropping U.S. dollar
Posted By: RumorMail [Send E-Mail]
Date: Wednesday, 27-Aug-2014 11:53:08

'We want to be a leader in the sound money movement'
An American company has announced it plans to stop accepting payments in U.S. dollars or other “fiat” currencies and instead will rely only on online payments.
Denver-based Amagi Metals, which deals in precious metals, noted in its announcement that since the dollar was decoupled from gold in 1971, it has lost 97 percent of its value compared to the yellow metal and 83 percent of its domestic purchasing power.
“The trend shows no signs of stopping,” the company said.
“Both investors and foreign governments have begun to lose confidence in the dollar’s future … and so has Amagi Metals.”
The company, therefore, plans that “by the end of 2016, the company will no longer accept U.S. dollars or other ‘fiat’ currencies.”
“Instead, Amagi plans to be trading exclusively in cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin.”

The Woman Behind the Veil: Valerie Jarrett

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 
The Woman Behind the Veil: Valerie Jarrett
Posted By: RumorMail [Send E-Mail]
Date: Wednesday, 27-Aug-2014 11:15:32

The question must be asked, is there anyone actually in charge at the White House? Obama’s ad nauseam metaphor for two years was that the Republicans had driven the economy into a ditch, that Obama told them they had to sit in the back seat from now on. But it seems now that there isn’t anyone driving at all.
But in fact there is someone driving. There is a wizard behind the curtain pulling all the levers to shift gears, turn left and right, drive not only the United States, but the world.
No, it isn’t a sinister far-Left puppet master billionaire or Saudi prince, but a woman whose only claim to fame is that she was known as a Chicago slum lord.
As Edward Klein’s #1 bestseller The Amateur makes clear, it is Obama chief advisor Valerie Jarrett that sits in on all meetings, weighing in on everything from the humdrum to what suspected terrorist should be taken out. It is Jarrett who decides who sees Obama and who does not. It is Jarrett who is the eyes and ears of the White House, determining who is loyal to Obama and who is not, and who needs to be taken out: “Within months of [retired four-star Marine Corps general James Logan Jones Jr.] being appointed as Obama’s first national security adviser, Jones became the victim of a snarky whispering campaign by White House aides” and was one of the first Jarrett casualties in the White House (e-Book section 2004).
But who is Valerie Jarrett? Who is this woman behind the veil that many call the de facto POTUS?
Most would be surprised to learn she was born in Iran.
Most would be surprised to learn she was named “Iranian of the Day” in August of 2008 by
Most would be surprised to know her father-in-law, Vernon Jarrett, has long-standing ties to communists.
Most would be surprised to learn that Jarrett often meets privately with Muslim activists.
Page 2 here:

Abadi made the GOI Announcement Today

GT: Just Got off Skype with My Contractor Friend....He gave me a QUiCK Update from Iraq. He was told Abadi made the GOI Announcement Today (he didn't have anymore Details & Didn't have a lot of time)!! He DID SAY people were "PARTYING UP"Now for you NON-BELIEVERS!! Don't ask for ANYMORE PROOF because their is none I can give other than what I just told!!! So THERE YOU GO...