Saturday, August 13, 2011

Bar Codes Awareness

This is very interesting to know!!!!!
I am going to watch those bar codes a LOT more now... I am busy reading the ingredients..
Boy.. shopping is a full time job!!!
With all the food and pet products now coming from China , it is best to make
sure you read labels at the grocery store and especially Walmart when buying food products.
Many products no longer show where they were made, only give where the
distributor is located. It is important to read the bar code to track it's origin.
How to read Bar Codes ......
This may be useful to know when grocery shopping, if it's a concern to you.

The whole world is afraid of China-made "black hearted goods".
Can you differentiate which one is made in Taiwan or China ?
If the first 3 digits of the barcode are 690, 691
or 692, the product is MADE IN CHINA.
471 is Made in Taiwan .
This is our right to know, but the government and related departments never educate the public, therefore we have to RESCUE ourselves.
Nowadays, Chinese businessmen know that
consumers do not prefer products "MADE IN
CHINA", so they don't show from which
country it is made.
However, you may now refer to the barcode -
remember if the first 3 digits are:
690-692 ... then it is MADE IN CHINA
00 - 09 ... USA & CANADA
30 - 37 ... FRANCE
40 - 44 ... GERMANY
471 ... Taiwan
49 .. JAPAN
50 .. UK
BUY USA & CANADIAN MADE by watching for "0" at the beginning of the number.
We need every boost we can get!

Old Texas Boy Does His Research on Obama

This is one of the best collection of facts I've see to date. I thought you might like to see it.

Subject: Old Texas Boy Does His Research on Obama

Something I am sure of is..

You do not put names on a birth certificate that do not exist at the time of
a person's birth!

Th' Dumb Ol' Texas Boy Has Spoken Again

Well ol' Barry , Barruck, Bubba, Hussein, Moh, Oscar or whatever name he
uses these days, he sure is a slick booger.
or, at least, he thinks he is! He done brought out this "long form"
birth document for all the world to see. It was plastered
all over the TV and we had to listen to the baloney for days. After that,
when Obama and his media thought they had us dummies convinced, they cut off
coverage. Yeah, they were hoping it would just go away. WRONG!!!! We
ain't all that dumb, Barry .

Anyway, folks, for over two years Barry spent millions hiding all his junk.
He hid his birth document (it ain't a certificate unless it's real), his
medical records, his financial records, his college records, his attorney
records, just to name a few.
In fact, he has hid, or someone hid, just about everything since he put foot
in America .

Now let's get down to the facts . If y'all can't handle facts ,
then stop reading now! Here we go.

First of all, ol' booger's birth date is August 4, 1961 and the "birth
document" lists his father's native country as Kenya . Hello!!!!!! There weren't no
Kenya in 1961! No sir, Kenya didn't come along until 1963 !
The land that is NOW called " Kenya " started out as a British
protectorate in 1890 and a Crown colony in 1920. There were many rebellions
and KENYA did not achieve full independence until December 12, 1963. It has
been referred to as Kenya from that date until present times. So put that on one of your
non-pork dishes and eat it, Barry my boy. http://www.infoplease/
com/ipa/A0107678.html?pageno=2#ixzz1M5OACbqX< http://www.infoplease/

We're just getting' started guys, here is more:

The "birth document" also lists the hospital of the lil' booger's
birth, OFFICIALLY , as Kapiolani Maternity and Gynecological Hospital .
Hmm! Now ain't that something'? Yeah it is, especially when that hospital
didn't even exist until 1978. Before that, it was OFFICIALLY; known as
Kauaikeolani Children's Hospital . Here is the history of two hospitals:
Kauikeolani Children's Hospital and Kapi'olani Maternity Home . Concerned
about the welfare of Hawaii 's mothers, Queen Kapi'olani held a luau and
bazaars to raise the $8,000 needed to open Kapi'olani Maternity Home in
1890 She endowed her legacy with "Kulia i ka nu'u" or "Strive for the
highest." In 1908, Albert and Emma Kauikeolani Wilcox donated $50,000 to start a
children's hospital. The community, concerned that two of every seven
infants in Hawaii did not live to see their first birthday, rallied to match
the Wilcox's gift. A year later, Kauikeolani Children's Hospital opened.
The two hospitals joined in 1978 to become Kapi'olani Me dical Center for
Women & Children. Staying true to its mission, the non-profit hospital has
played a vital role in the health of Hawaii 's women, children and
adolescents. Check the hospitals own website : http://www.kapiolani/
org/women-and-children/about-us/default.aspx< http://www.kapiolani/

The ol' "birth document" also listed Barry 's race as African
American . If anything should be racist, this should be racist.
Barry doesn't give a hoot about black history! If he did, he'd, of all things, get this right!
You see my friends, and especially my black friends, the term
"African-American" did not exist in 1961. Nobody used that term! I defy you to find one
single credible fact of ANYONE using the term "African-American" in 1961!
In fact, in 1961 we didn't have ANY "Hyphenated-Americans."
Barry 's (or Moh's) race would have been recorded as "Negro" in 1961.

A poem by the name of "I Can" created the term African American in 1987. The
poem was written by John ny Duncan . It appeared in the 1987 Black History
Calendar , and all subsequent editions through 1993. While taking infantry
training at Ft. Benning , Georgia , Duncan came across an anonymous sign that
read: "The last 4 letters of American spell I Can." In 1987, Duncan set out
to compose a poem based on that slogan. In the midst of writing, he realized
that the last four letters of "African" also spelled "i can." So in line
twenty-five, of the poem Duncan wrote, the last 4 letters of my heritage and
my creed spell "i can", heritage being Afr-i-can and creed being Amer-i-can.
Jesse Jackson saw a copy of the poem in the 1989 Black History Calendar
that Duncan sent to Mrs. Coretta King. Jackson then collaborated with Ramona
Edelin and others and made the push to use the term Afr-i-can Amer-i-can.
The rest is Afr-i-can Amer-i-can History! ",<;>

So what does all this mean? Well, since we have no politicians, attorneys,
judges and/or prosecutors with one ounce of backbone , the LIE will continue!!
One thing for sure though, eventually, all this corruption and lying will
come to a head. We will finally get the right folks in office. Personally,
I'm ready for it! I have been ready for it, for a long, long time.

"I am very proud that I pray to and worship our God Almighty and Jesus
Christ. I am very proud to be an American, who loves all his family and all
his fellow patriots. I will defend the original Constitution. I will defend
the rights and lives of patriots to the best of my ability and, if time and
resources permit, will even defend other Americans who may fail to believe
as I do; but I will never defend a quran practicing muslim (and Moh is one).
They are my ENEMY!

Th' Dumb Ol' East Texas Boy.
Take care out there, okay.

"It's my intention, if elected, to disarm America..."

Like Barry said, extremism is not a vise when standing on correct principles! We keep hearing about "you have to compromise"! You do not compromise on correct principles, you stand for them even if you stand alone. Compromising is why my country is failing. We do not have many excuses for our nation to be in this mess, it is the result of "We the People" not following the Founding Fathers admonition to watch our representatives like hawks and keep them bound by the chains of the Constitution. We do not know or study (nor is it taught in school anymore) our Constitution in order to maintain and preserve our God given rights, our responsibility and accountability to God. We have forgotten those who sacrificed their fortunes, lives and sacred honor that we and our children and grand children might enjoy the great blessings that come from honoring our Creator and those who were instruments in His had in order that we might live according to correct principles taken from the scriptures and proven over milennia to be the only sure way of life to bring about true joy and happiness.
Yet I am uplifted as I see more and more of my brothers and sisters awaken to the awfulness of our situation by becoming informed and taking a stand for those correct principles! Not that I am a shining example, but it does my heart good to see more of you taking the time to learn and understand that (paraphrasing) "courage isn't being free from fear, but is doing the right thing inspite of the fear"!
As a candidate for president he told us again and again what he was going to do, many just didn't listen.

"I would remind you that extremism in the defense of liberty is no vice. And let me remind you also that moderation in the pursuit of justice is no virtue." Barry Goldwater


Yes, he told us in advance what he planned to do. Few were listening.

The following is a narrative taken from a 2008 Sunday morning televised "Meet The Press".

From Sunday's 07 Sept. 2008 11:48:04 EST, Televised "Meet the Press" THE THEN Senator Obama was asked about his stance on the American Flag.

General Bill Ginn, USAF (ret.) asked Obama to explain WHY he doesn't follow protocol when the National Anthem is played.

The General stated to Obama that according to the United States Code, Title 36, Chapter 10, Sec. 171...

During rendition of the national anthem, when the flag is displayed, all present (except those in uniform) are expected to stand at attention facing the flag with the right hand over the heart. Or, at the very least, "Stand and Face It".


'Senator' Obama replied:

"As I've said about the flag pin, I don't want to be perceived as taking sides".. "There are a lot of people in the world to whom the American flag is a symbol of oppression.." "The anthem itself conveys a war-like message. You know, the bombs bursting in air and all that sort of thing."


Obama continued: "The National Anthem should be 'swapped' for something less parochial and less bellicose. I like the song 'I'd Like To Teach the World To Sing'. If that were our anthem, then, I might salute it. In my opinion, we should consider reinventing our National Anthem as well as 'redesign' our Flag to better offer our enemies hope and love. It's my intention, if elected, to disarm America to the level of acceptance to our Middle East Brethren. If we, as a Nation of waring people, conduct ourselves like the nations of Islam, where peace prevails - - - perhaps a state or period of mutual accord could exist between our governments ...."

"When I become President, I will seek a pact of agreement to end hostilities between those who have been at war or in a state of enmity, and a freedom from disquieting oppressive thoughts. We as a Nation, have placed upon the nations of Islam, an unfair injustice which is WHY my wife disrespects the Flag and she and I have attended several flag burning ceremonies in the past".

"Of course now, I have found myself about to become the President of the United States and I have put my hatred aside. I will use my power to bring CHANGE to this Nation, and offer the people a new path.. My wife and I look forward to becoming our Country's First black Family. Indeed, CHANGE is about to overwhelm the United States of America. "

WHAAAAAAAT, is that???

Yes, you read it right.

I, for one, am speechless!!!

Dale Lindsborg , Washington Post


“The Constitution is not an instrument
for the government to restrain the people;
it is an instrument for the people to restrain
the government - lest it come to dominate
our lives and interests”.
-- Patrick Henry

Message from the GFL Pleiadian High Council and SanJAsKa, 8-12-11

Rumor Mill News Agents Forum

Message from the GFL Pleiadian High Council and SanJAsKa, 8-12-11

Posted By: Mr.Ed [Send E-Mail]
Date: Saturday, 13-Aug-2011 00:57:36

Message From The GFL Pleiadian High Council and SanJAsKa, 8-12-11

-Channeled By Wes Annac-
Dear Souls, there has been a Divine plan underway to wipe away the last remaining vestiges of illusion and darkness that seem still to be so prevalent on your world. The result has been much clearing, on a planetary and personal level. Outwardly this clearing has manifested as riots and protests, as the people are truly fed up with the way they have been treated by their governments. This kind of turmoil is something we anticipated, and it is necessary to assist in this cleansing process. This process is not just manifesting globally, personally you have all been feeling a number of strange things pertaining to said cleansing. Just like your planet, your bodies have been getting rid of the last remaining bits of darkness that you have sheltered and nourished for a millenia. Many have been experiencing sickness as a result of this, as well as a whole host of other symptoms. We wish you to know that your perceived suffering is for a higher purpose, and you are to come out of this as shining
Divine beings, and you will be so much stronger having had this overall experience.

Many unawakened souls are now finding their beliefs tested, as the ‘truths’ so many have immersed themselves in were actually false all along, and these souls’ mis-perceived truths are now being cleared away and transmuted as this ascension process unfolds in deeper and greater ways. While many unawakened will attempt to cling to their old ways of Living and interacting, the time has come for such actions to be cleared away, to make way for the actions of the New Earth, the Heavenly plane of existence that is to very soon manifest on your world. Many Lightworkers have felt so many of their old beliefs stripped away from them, and as a result some feel mentally, emotionally and spiritually ‘naked’. This is all a part of said cleansing process, you are in the thick of it at the moment, and as many of you know the intensity has picked up quite a bit. In regards to this, once again we say that you will be so much stronger having found your way through these difficulties!

We continue to ask all of you dear Lightworkers to hold the line, oh dear souls if only you knew the good your mere presence on the earthly planes is doing for this ascension process. Earth is not the only venture many of you are taking on; in the sleep realms many if not all of you have been assisting many more planets with their ascension processes. This is the Life of an ascended Master, of an ascended being. All of us, literally an infinite amount of ascended souls, dedicate our entire existence to helping other civilizations of souls reach the level of understanding and Joy that we are at. It is an indescribable feeling of Joy and Happiness, helping a planet or collective of souls to ascend. We of the Galactic Federation have done much for your planet, as most of the awakened souls currently incarnate on your planet come from other planets that have councils in the Galactic Federation.

So indeed, many if not all Lightworkers incarnate upon Earth currently hold a position in the Galactic Federation of Light. Dear souls, The High Council (that monitors your planet and collective consciousness) doesn’t allow just any soul to incarnate on Earth. You must understand the seriousness behind our words when we say that Earth is one of the most difficult planets for growing and learning lessons. It is also one of the best planets for growing and learning lessons. Why is this you ask? This is because the intensity of the lessons learned on Earth from a lower dimensional perspective ‘toughens’ a soul up and makes said soul so much more resilient and strong. We mean not strong in terms of physical power, as you know we up here have all ascended past that of physicality. No dear souls, we mean strong in willpower, and strong in spirit. This is a topic that cannot effectively be put forth with earthly words, but nevertheless you will certainly understand when the time comes.

Greetings to all! I AM SanJAsKa of the Pleiadian Council of Nine. I come to you on this evening to share much insight. Dear souls, there are now many of us from the Galactic Federation who are putting forth our messages of Love and Light to an ever- increasing group of conscious ‘channelers’. There are many souls at this time coming forth with messages of the Light, and this is because the intense Love and Light being sent to your world has now gotten so strong that it has reached the core of many souls’ mental channels. As the ability of telepathy increases in one, one begins to re-establish personal contact with their former off-world guides and allies.

There are also many souls who are beginning to receive this contact, but are too shy in putting the messages out in public for all to see. Dear ones, I would first like to say that for those whom we are talking about, and they know who they are, it is completely understandable why they would not wish to have these contacts made public. However, those who are now beginning First Contact with us are beginning this for a reason; it was something that was chosen for them, by them on a spiritual level and it was prophesied that they would be sharing their messages at this time. I would like to guide to all souls now to detach from the illusion that is fear, for fear brings up many limitations and puts up many boundaries that become hard to peel off of ones’ being. Fear has kept many wonderful souls from doing great things. Fear has kept people from changing worlds, from changing Lives, in the most profound and wonderful ways. Fear is something that like ego, is now in it’s final death stages on your world and in your universe. This has been an ultimate goal of the Galactic Federation of this universe, and it has been the main reason of the concentrated efforts of Lightworkers currently incarnate upon Earth.

Dear ones, do you not understand how important you are to these end times? If you truly had our perspective of how important you were, you would not waste a single second of precious time on Earth. You would be using every single moment of the Infinite Now to grow, learn, and above all else enjoy your sacred experience upon Earth. Oh dear souls, we wish so dearly you could understand how sacred your experience on Earth really is, how lucky you are to be where you are, how coveted the positions you are currently occupying really are, and how much this experience should be cherished! Many put up illusions in their lives, to block themselves from receiving the sacred help and guidance they so desperately need and deserve while growing on Earth. Now is more than ever a time to detach from illusion as, like the ones you brand the Illuminati’s power structure, illusion has been damaged and transmuted with no possible chance of recovery. The old ways of separation and hatred are over, we ask you all to make way for the new Divine energies that are to proliferate every aspect of your Lives!

I AM SanJAsKa of The Pleiadian Council of Nine, and together with the Pleiadian High Council, once again remind you how Loved you all are, and how truly Divine you all are on the inside. Even the souls you would think of as the ‘hardest’ still have a soft inner shell of pure Divine Love. There truly is no separation Dear Ones, you are all One. So has it always been, and so it will always be.

Friday, August 12, 2011

Global Settlements Intel Status 8-12-11

Date: Fri, 12 Aug 2011 06:14:56 -0400
Subject: Global Settlements

Posted Today, 05:49 PM

What is happening right now with the RV?

An enormous fight is going on. This is not the ordinary battles of big men trying to best each other in a world crap game.

No, this is the wresting of power from the 300 year reign of the Power Elite and returning it to the soveign nations around the world where it belongs.

The reason there is no RV yet, is because the RV will not fund without the Global Settlements first being in place.
Global Settlements Release means a whole new financial system based on a basket of currencies (all backed by precious metals and other reserves) that may or may not even include the dollar.

After all, what good will it be to run in and change out your Dinars for worthless fiat currency (which will be worthless in about 90 days in any case) when you can exchange them for solid gold backed U.S. Treasury Dollars?

The Global Settlements were expected to be in place by Monday (after many other attempts to get all the ducks lined up).
But as they move through the banking pipeline, blocks occur...some are technical issues, while others are created by the Greedy Elites which must be then surmounted and removed.

There is much more to this, but I won't bore you. Just consider that a great internal battle is occurring.
And some very courageous people are working very hard to get this accomplished. But because it is a true battle, nobody knows for sure the timing, though it is imminent. I do know the Global Settlements frontline 'warriors' expected it to be done by now. The biggest stumbling block lies in D.C.

Prayers and great imaginings are in serious order!

Remain Steadfast

Marianna, Florida
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Listening Ears

Remain Steadfast

August 12, 2011

I beseech you, beloved. The time is near. Do not let anything stand in the way of you performing My will. Do not get sidetracked, off course. Remain in that place of sweet communion. You will not regret it.

You will be so glad that you did. For you see, beloved, the time of expectant hope is here. The time to look at the wonder of the living God surrounding you is upon you. Do not let yourself get off course. Remain diligent in your pursuit of your God, of knowing Me and following My course. The time is surely upon you, dear one. Do not lose heart. Remain steadfast in your pursuit. Remain steadfastly in My presence. You are certainly welcome there!!!

The Line was found wanting!

Hamilton, New Zealand

August 12, 2011

I was looking at the huge wall map of the world that is on my bedroom wall and was shown a red line from Washington DC through the US and Pacific, Japan, China through to Turkey, Greece, Italy and Spain. I asked God what the line meant and he said that he took a measurement and found the line wanting. Irresponsibility with money, avarice and lack of social justice along this line meant that he is now having to judge those in government and in the private sector who have being irresponsible with their economy, and who have not shown social justice for those in need.

I was impressed to prophetic intercession along this line, so that right be done and redemption will happen. Not all is lost but it is a time for judgment and pruning so that people's future will see their need to rely on God more. The strength of Greed is been crushed, so that right, justice and balance can be put in place, on more of a godly foundation. Old foundations that were, will be swept clean and rebuilt with stronger lines that will reflect righteousness in all that is done in government and private sector businesses.

New Skype Rooms "Kenya" and "New Tech"

At the request of several readers, I have started 2 new skype rooms

One is called KENYA for those interested in chatting with our Kenya Brothers & Sisters.

The other room is called NEW TECH for new technology programs.

Please contact me via Skype to be added to these new rooms.

John MacHaffie

skype john.machaffie

Courtroom Humor

Found posted in a skype room

Questions asked in a courtroom can be very revealing... especially in the South. Even of an old, sweet lady many would be happy to call grandma.

In a trial in the heart of the South, a prosecuting attorney called his first witness, a grandmotherly woman he had known since childhood, to the stand.

He approached her and asked, "Mrs. Whitaker, do you know me?"

She responded, "Why, yes, I do know you, Mr. Coolidge. I've known you since you were a young boy, and frankly, you've been a big disappointment to me. You lie, cheat, you manipulate people and talk about them behind their backs. You think you're a big shot when you haven't the brains to realize you never will amount to anything more than a two-bit lawyer. Yes, I know you."

The lawyer was stunned! Not knowing what else to do, he pointed across the room and asked, "Mrs. Whitaker, do you know the defense attorney?"

She again replied, "Of course, I do. I've known Mr. Johnson since he was a youngster, too. He's lazy, bigoted, and he has a drinking problem. He can't build a normal relationship with anyone and his law practice is one of the worst in the entire state. Yes, I know him."

The defense attorney turned red with embarssment.

The judge upon hearing the questions and answers thusfar asked both counselors to approach the bench. In a very quiet voice he said, "If either of you asks her if she knows me, I'll throw you in jail for contempt."

Praise The LORD


There was a little old lady, who every morning stepped onto her front porch, raised her arms to the sky, and shouted: "PRAISE THE LORD!"

One day an atheist moved into the house next door. He became irritated at the little old lady.
Every morning he'd step onto his front porch after her and yell: "THERE IS NO LORD!"

Time passed with the two of them carrying on this way every day.

One morning, in the middle of winter, the little old lady stepped onto her front porch and shouted: "PRAISE THE LORD! Please Lord, I have no food and I am starving, provide for me, oh Lord!"

The next morning she stepped out onto her porch and there were two huge bags of groceries sitting there.


The atheist neighbor jumped out of the hedges and shouted: "THERE IS NO LORD; I BOUGHT THOSE GROCERIES!!"

The little old lady threw her arms into the air and shouted: "PRAISE THE LORD! HE HAS PROVIDED ME WITH GROCERIES AND MADE THE DEVIL PAY FOR THEM!"


Message from SaLuSa, August 12, 2011

Rumor Mill News Agents Forum

Message from SaLuSa, August 12, 2011 by Mike Quinsey

Posted By: Mr.Ed [Send E-Mail]
Date: Friday, 12-Aug-2011 06:52:21

SaLuSa, August 12, 2011

Progress may be slow, but nevertheless we are overcoming the last obstacles that stand between Disclosure and us. At the same time the means to go ahead with governmental changes are in place, and it is the timing that remains an issue. Having come so far we are not going to rush into action, as there are going to be many repercussions after we have acted. It is no mean task to put peoples minds at rest, but we are quite confident of our ability to do so. Over a long period we have closely studied the human psyche, and we understand what we are likely to have to contend with. As you may be aware, there are some who do not want us to arrive on Earth, for reasons of fear and what they see as a violation of their beliefs. However, we will soon gain confidence all round by showing a full understanding of your problems, and awareness of the future mapped out for you by the higher sources. It will become clear that we are to assist you in successfully completing your cycle of Duality.

There is no doubt that psychics are picking up on the nearness of the Disclosure announcement, and you will find possible dates being given out. Ultimately there may be none given at all, but the event will simply come and go as a result of the immense planning that has been put in place. That would in fact be an exciting way to begin what will be a close relationship with us. When we arrive we will be with you to stay, and our presence in your skies will increase and become quite normal. In fact we will go out of our way to acquaint you with our craft, including opportunities to visit our Motherships. In next to no time you will become familiar with our fleet, and us and able to identify which civilization they belong to. We want you to feel the friendship that we bring to you, as we are to become very close together. Bear in mind that many of you already have links with us.

As you enjoy one revelation after another, your long “lost” ancestors are going to come out of their home in the Inner Earth. They are already part of your history going back to the Atlantean and Lemurian times, when your civilization was decimated by great catastrophes. It is not by chance that many of your archaeological discoveries that come from that period, are recognized as coming from an advanced civilization. Your present cycle only started some 10,000 years ago, when you were forced to return to a cave like existence. These earlier experiences have been held in your subconscious memories, and some of you are still in fear of another world disaster. The end of Duality is a time to celebrate, as it is going to fulfill the promise of a happy ending and the opportunity to leave it behind you. You have spent hundreds if not thousands of lives living through it, and you are a far greater soul than when you first commenced such experiences.

For many people the truth is going to be overwhelming, but it is your time to learn all about your history. Duality has dulled many minds, and a veil was drawn over your memories so that you could focus on the experience without being distracted. That veil is being rapidly removed as you awaken to Ascension, which is your wonderful opportunity to rise up into the higher levels that are really home to you. It is a lot to take on board, but we are going to gently awaken your subconscious memories so that you realize who you really are. None of you are simply Earth Beings, and have your homes away from Earth in the far reaches of Space. Do not lose sight of the fact that Duality is an experiment for which you volunteered. You did so knowing that in spite of the risks of totally losing your real identity, you would be awakened at the appropriate time. That time has long arrived, and we have to say that it has been very successful. If you look back just 60 years or so, we feel you will agree that your spiritual awareness has grown quite substantially, and particularly since the millennium. Soon it will increase by leaps and bounds and you shall know who you truly are.

Only you can release yourself from the darkness that has held you in bondage to the dark Ones. You have been manipulated and kept down so that you would not question your leaders, and have been subjected to false doctrines and beliefs for your reason for being on Earth. At the very least, try to keep an open mind, as there is no judgment on those who are still unable to release themselves from the lower vibrations that dull your mind. Indeed, everything is being done to help them open up their consciousness to new ideas, and comprehend what they see happening around them. Our help will become more pronounced once we can openly work with you. Without using any form of mind control we will place before you the facts concerning some of your beliefs that are holding you back.

Our desire and that of the Masters is that every soul is given all possible opportunities to lift up, and if that fails it will be because their freewill choice has taken them onto another path. We honor and respect that choice, as only the individuals Higher Self will know where their experiences will take them. If you sense that someone dear to you is such a soul, the best you can do for them is to give of your love knowing that it will always keep a link with them. Inasmuch that you would feel capable of making your own decision about Ascension, clearly you must allow others to do the same. Freewill is priceless, and not every civilization in the Universe has that divine privilege.

I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and leave you with love and blessings from the members of the Galactic Federation. We will continue to give you information a little at the time, and gradually you will find it all coming together and you will grasp the full picture. Hitherto, people were too embedded in the old paradigm to understand or accept many of the truths given to you. Today you are open to new ideas and have taken responsibility for your awakening, and there are now so many sources of Light that you can find. If you are still searching, please remember that you have your personal Guides who only need you to ask them for help. They are most anxious to please you, and in so doing are fulfilling their own purpose and wish to help you fulfill your life plan. Allow your Guides to find the best way to provide what you need, rather than lay down rigid instructions as to how it should happen. You would be surprised at the extent of their ability to organize events that can bring you what you want. Just be ready to recognize when it is given, and expect the unexpected.

Thank you SaLuSa,
Mike Quinsey.

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Russia Reports Exploding Afghan “Time Well” Killed Elite US Navy Seals

August 10, 2011

Russia Reports Exploding Afghan “Time Well” Killed Elite US Navy Seals

By: Sorcha Faal, and as reported to her Western Subscribers

A shocking Russian Foreign Intelligence Service (SVR) report circulating in the Kremlin today states that nearly 50 American military troops and technicians have been “obliterated” after the “activation” of the “Time Well” holding an ancient Vimāna flying craft discovered late last year and believed to be over 5,000 years old.

In our 21 December 2010 report World Leaders Flock To Afghanistan After Mysterious ‘Time Well’ Discovered we first detailed this incredible discovery and as we can, in part, read:

“What caused the sudden rush of these most powerful leaders of the Western World to go to Afghanistan, this report continues, was to directly view the discovery by US Military scientists of what is described as a “Vimāna” entrapped in a “Time Well” that has already caused the “disappearance” of at least 8 American Soldiers trying to remove it from the cave it has been hidden in for the past estimated 5,000 years.

From the ancient accounts found in the Sanskrit epic The Mahabharata, we know that a Vimāna measured twelve cubits in circumference, with four strong wheels. Apart from its 'blazing missiles', The Mahabharata records the use of its other deadly weapons that operated via a circular 'reflector'. When switched on, it produced a 'shaft of light' which, when focused on any target, immediately 'consumed it with its power'.

To the “Time Well” encasing the Vimāna, this report continues, it appears to be an electromagnetic radiation-gravity field first postulated by Albert Einstein as the Unified Field Theory and long rumored to be behind the infamous American World War II experiment in teleportation called the Philadelphia Experiment that in 1943, like the events occurring in Afghanistan today, likewise, caused the sudden “disappearance” of US Soldiers.

The seemingly “perpetual” power source to this mysterious “Time Well”, this SVR report says, appears to be based on the technology of Edward Leedskalnin, who claimed to have discovered the “Secret Knowledge of the Ancients” and from 1923-1951 “single-handedly and secretly” carved over 1,100 tons of coral rock by an unknown process that created one of the World's most mysterious accomplishments known as the Coral Castle.

Most intriguing of all about this report is its stating that not just any Vimāna has been discovered, but from the ancient writings contained in the cave where it was discovered, it claims that its “rightful owner” is the ancient prophet Zoroaster [pictured top left] who was the founder of arguably one of the most important religions of all time called Zoroastrianism.”

This new SVR report states that on 31 July, 3 US Marine Corps Special Operations Command Forces soldiers, and their specially-trained German Shepherd dog able to alert them to sudden changes in electromagnetic fields, were “incinerated” when the “Time Well” holding the “Vimāna” activated without notice due to what is believed to have been a “reaction” from a powerful solar-blast that hit our Earth’s ionosphere. The US Department of Defense in announcing the tragic deaths of these soldiers only acknowledged that these US Marines and their dog had been killed in a “non-combat related” incident related to fire.

Following this 31 July incident, this SVR report continues, the “Time Well” holding the “Vimāna” was in the process of its being moved from its original location in Herat Province, Afghanistan, to Wardak Province where it was intended to be flown back from Kabul to the United States for further examination and study.

The method chosen for the transporting of the “Time Well” holding the “Vimāna” was by airlifting it with a US Army CH-47F Chinook helicopter and protected it with an elite team of US Navy Seals flying separately in 4 of their super-secret stealthy Blackhawk-type helicopters first known to exist after one of them crashed [3rd photo left] in Pakistan during the 2 May American raid to kill Osama bin Laden.

Upon nearing Kabul, however, this SVR report says this mysterious “Time Well” was once again suddenly “activated” on 5 August causing an electromagnetic shockwave to “obliterate” everything in the air near it and “incinerating” all of the helicopters in this air-convoy killing nearly 40 more US troops and technicians along with another of their specially trained German Shepherd dogs.

The US government and their propaganda media enablers have, of course, denied the truth of this catastrophic incident opting instead to spin one of their fairy tales, and which in this case says that the deaths of these American soldiers was due to their being shot-down by a rocket propelled grenade while they were all travelling together in a US Army CH-47F Chinook helicopter.

This SVR report, however, contradicts these American claims by noting that is against all US military rules to ever allow their Special Forces troops (especially their elite Navy Seals) to either fly together in such numbers or to fly into combat in anything other than their own stealth aircraft. The reason this is so, the SVR says, is exactly to keep from happening what the US is saying did happen, namely a mass loss of life of the most highly-trained forces in the American military arsenal and as we can, in part, read:

“Normally, JSOC commandos ride in tricked-out helicopters — including stealth models — belonging to the Army’s 160th Special Operations Aviation Regiment. But this weekend the SEALs hitched a ride in what was apparently a run-of-the-mill Army National Guard chopper.”

Late yesterday the US Special Operations Command also stated that “multiple investigations” into this incident were now underway as no certain cause for this tragic incident has yet been officially indentified, but with some experts floating the “new story” that a new type of Taliban weapon may have been involved.

Even more curious about the American cover-up of this tragedy was Pentagon spokesman Marine Colonel David Lapan telling reporters during an off camera briefing that “no identifiable remains” of these US servicemen and the Chief of the secretive US Special Operations Command began lobbying against the release of names of those elite American commandos killed, though many have been indentified through their death notices in local hometown newspapers.

President Obama, who in 2009 lifted the media ban imposed by the Bush regime on the photographing of returning US war dead, suddenly reversed himself yesterday by ordering the Pentagon not to allow any media coverage of the heroic war dead returning from Afghanistan; though he did attend their return personally in what this SVR report says was his attempt to “plead” with returning survivors of this tragedy not to ever allow the truth of what really happened to be known.

To the likelihood of the American people ever accepting the truth of what really happened, instead of the lies they are being told, it appears unlikely as scientists from the Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute in New York have long found that if just 10 percent of the population believes something, their belief will always be adopted by the majority of the society.

© August 10, 2011 EU and US all rights reserved. Permission to use this report in its entirety is granted under the condition it is linked back to its original source at WhatDoesItMean.Com.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011




10th August 2011

In the midst of great upheaval, in the midst of distress of nations, in the midst of nation rising against nation MY SHEKINAH GLORY WILL BE SEEN UPON MY BELOVEDS.

Do I not promise that My Glory will be seen in the midst of great darkness? That time is now upon the doorstep.

There is a time coming very soon the like of which has not been seen. This applies to both that which is good and also to that which is evil, for as great evil increases upon the earth so will My Glory be seen upon My people; I will not leave the earth in these times without a true representation of My Son.

Yea even in the midst of great darkness I have a wilderness people prepared to show forth My Glory. As darkness and great distresses increase upon the face of the earth SO WILL MY GLORY.

Many of mine own true Beloveds feel unworthy, broken and useless but oh AM I NOT THE RESURRECTION LIFE? Am I not all wisdom and truth? So therefore My Beloveds that in which you yet lack will come upon you; the strength, the wisdom, the knowledge of unsearchable things, all things that you have need of to complete your destiny WILL BE GIVEN TO YOU IN THE OUTPOURING OF MY GLORY!


45:3 And I will give thee the treasures of darkness, and hidden riches of secret places, that thou mayest know that I, the LORD, which call thee by thy name, am the God of Israel.

LIFT UP YOUR HEADS FOR THE KING OF GLORY COMETH! Oh wounded and as yet oppressed Beloveds of Mine, yes the wilderness journey, the purging, refining and breaking down of self sufficiency and self will has been very hard and for many it is hard to rise up now. I see your hearts and that they are almost failing in that, in the time OF YOUR DESTINY YOU CANNOT RISE UP. I am coming as a strong empowering wind. I am coming as resurrection life. I am coming as the restorer of the breach, I am coming AS YOUR VERY LIFE, YOUR VERY BREATH, YOUR VERY STRENGTH AND KNOWLEDGE BY THE POWER OF MY RIGHT HAND, BY THE POWER OF MY MIGHT.

Colossians 3:4 When Christ, who is our life, shall appear, then shall ye also appear with him in glory.


Ephesians 4:13 Till we all come in the unity of the faith, and of the knowledge of the Son of God, unto a perfect man, unto the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ:


Isaiah 41:10 Fear thou not; for I am with thee: be not dismayed; for I am thy God: I will strengthen thee; yea, I will help thee; yea, I will uphold thee with the right hand of my righteousness.

Were-for comfort one another with these words and strengthen one another in the most Holy love and I say yet again lift up your heads for the King Of Glory cometh AND HE IS COMING FOR YOU!


15th January 2011

What is this I hear, I hear the praises of My people coming out of the wilderness. I hear voices ringing out with thanksgiving for they know that they know that this is the year of breakthrough, the year of healing, the year of RESTORATION. Restoration of many things My Beloved. Much has been burnt up in your lives as I have separated the wheat from the chaff and burnt the dross in your lives. You are now My shining ones. Oh how I have looked forward to this day My Beloveds when My Bride is almost perfected.

Yes there is a little polishing left to do on My diamonds in deep, hidden areas of their soul but oh baby you have come a long way (I am smiling now, can’t believe the Lord said that).

Waves will come but My Beloveds will stand steadfast knowing in whom they have believed. Oh I am so proud of you My Beloveds with a proud Father’s heart. You never turned out of the way in the refining fires, in the persecution, in the unjust judgments and even in pain and in lack you clung to My Son Jesus.

You will continue to cling to Him even though the waves in the political arena will get rough. You will continue to cling to Him even though the waves in the natural roar. You have been prepared to stand in the things that are coming upon the earth even this year but YOU WILL NOT BE MOVED. This is the year and for the years coming, that I have been preparing you for.
You will see the manifestation of unprecedented evil and deception this year BUT YOU ARE A PEOPLE THAT KNOW YOUR GOD AND YOU WILL GO FORTH AND DO GREAT EXPLOITS IN THE MIDST OF IT. In all this darkness and deception people will run to My shining ones for the truth and you will lead them to Me! You will be a Harbour for the storm tossed ones this very year.
I Am well pleased with you My Beloveds, well pleased indeed. Yes there is still some tweaking to be done but oh how My heart delights in you for you have stood the tests. I have had to refine your faith like gold and I have *burnished you in the fires of affliction yes, but oh what a glorious Bride I have standing before Me now! The hosts of heaven rejoice and soon the languishing earth will rejoice too.
I have a refined people that will stand strong in the face of challenges and difficulties and their peace will be noted by many. They will come to you and ask you how it is that you stand so and you will tell them of My Son Jesus. You will bring many into the true Bride with you. You are My forerunners, My trail blazers and I Am well pleased with you.

Abba Father
* Merriman Webster on line Dictionary Definition of BURNISH
Transitive verb
A : to make shiny or lustrous especially by rubbing b : polish 3
: to rub (a material) with a tool for compacting or smoothing or for turning an edge


Announcement 8-19-2011 10:35

"What I heard just a little bit ago is that there was a major issue
that came up last night, thus the deliveries, but they will be in
come in on Friday or possibly on Thursday. The Dinar will
come in just a soon as the deliveries come. This is a major
issue and the White Knights are working on it right now. We
have the Illuminati who doesn't want to let things go. The
bottom line is that they are pushing to have things stay the
way they are. There are BIG changes coming: it's a war.
We can not expect that it's going to be an easy path to get
there. They are fighting 'tooth and nail' because they have
had this system for 150 - 200 years and it is being taken
away from them. It's their power and their money and they
don't want to let go. It's a battle between good and evil which
has been going on since Bible days. What we've go is people
at the top who control us and this country and basically they
don't want to let it go.

There's something else that a friend of mine told me: the
bottom line with this, when we get all these changes made --
if the American people don't wake up and watch what is
going on and don't ever let this happen again, we will be
back in the same boat within a generation. The American
people have to wake up. Having a good government means
you have to watch and hold them accountable, otherwise
you have the same as what you have right now."

The whole thing started by delegating authority and falling
asleep and not checking on what was taking place and
being done by those delegated."