Sunday, March 30, 2014

Secret Space War XV: Epic Fail, NeoCons Go for Broke with CZ748 But ‘Tall Whites’ Neutralize Cloaking Device

Secret Space War XV: Epic Fail, NeoCons Go for Broke with CZ748 But ‘Tall Whites’ Neutralize Cloaking Device

Here we go, down the rabbit hole… You know, when you think about it, life on Spaceship Earth is a lot more interesting than any of the crap on TV or in the movies.
If you’re not familiar with the “tall whites”, they’re for real, living in luxury at Area 51, courtesy of the US military industrial complex. 
They can publish anything if they just say it’s fiction.  I think they probably have better things to do than fiction-writing, don’t you?  ~ BP

Secret Space War XV: Epic Fail, NeoCons Go For Broke With CZ748 But Tall Whites Neutralize Cloaking Device

Note: This article is written as interesting fiction for entertainment purposes only. This information is not allowed to be presented as fact because the Secret Shadow Government (SSG) does not allow you to know certain things.
On March 8, 2014 the NeoCons went for broke with their hijacking of Southern Chinese Airline Flight CZ 748.
A sister ship (matching Boeing 777) had also been purchased along with this aircraft to be used in a Deep-Black op, a “bait & switch” False-Flag attack plan to start a nuclear WW3 between Russia and America over Iran, Syria and the Ukraine.
The sister ship was dressed-out and retrofitted with high tech explosive devices and flown from Miami with its final destination the Hague, Netherlands to crash into the meeting place for the Nuclear Summit on March 24, 2014.(1)
Thanks to the Dutch Air Force and some entity that neutralized the special “black box” cloaking devices installed on the Boeing 777, this terror flight was forced to divert from its final attack descent upon the Nuclear Summit Meeting at the Hague, Netherlands.(2)
These infamous “black Box” cloaking devices have been used for many years on CIA drug trafficking flights into America to “take the aircraft involved off of all Radar systems”, that is, to make them transparent to Military and FAA Radar Systems.
The Black-Box cloaking device used involves “Beyond-Black” alien technology.
The technology involved is “Beyond-Black” and one of the most closely guarded secrets of the Secret Shadow Government(SSG). As the rumors go from a former insider deep within the SSG, these Black Box Cloaking Devices were developed some years back by “E Systems” formerly of Raytheon and were constructed with Alien technology  gained from the Granada Treaty. Some experts say E Systems stands for Electronic Defense Aircraft Systems and Electronic Warfare Systems. Others have claimed it stand for “Ebe Systems” that, is Beyond-Black” applied extra biological entity (ebe) alien technology for SSG defense System.
As these “deep source” rumors go, a Black Box was installed on another “twin” Boeing 777 aircraft, a sister to the missing 777 of Malaysian Flight MH370 aka Chinese Airlines Flight CZ748.  This sister aircraft was “dressed out” to appear as the missing CZ748 and was to be used to fly into the Nuclear Summit at the Hague on March 24, 2014.(3)
The Flying-Bomb 777 was diverted from its target by the Dutch Air Force.
This flight heading directly into the Hague was diverted mid-flight  by two Dutch Air Force F-16s as it entered Dutch Airspace because it started showing up on their defense radar system but did not have any required transponder signals.(4)
Black-Box cloaking device was strangely and unexpectedly “neutralized”.
It is believed that the Black Box cloaking device failed and resulted in the flight being recognized on the Dutch Defense radar System.  It appears that the Black Box was neutralized by interference or countermeasures also based on ultra-high-tech “Beyond-Black” alien technology. My view is that this was a direct action by the Tall Whites to back up their promise made to President Putin, “Don’t worry, we’ve got your back”. (5)
Allegedly this staged and failed False-Flag attack against the Hague was all part of a last ditch attempt to save the City of London zionist Central Bankster System by staging a major False-Flag attack against the Nuclear Summit being held in the Hague, Netherlands.
Israelis boycotted the Nuclear Summit at the Hague.
Interestingly enough Netanyahu was not there to represent the Israelis, who do not want to admit they have over 200 nuclear devices stored at Dimona made from plutonium they stole from the US AEC.(6)
And also missing from this Nuclear Summit were the Russians, the Chinese, Pakistanis and Indians. And also interesting is the fact that Israel had stated that if the USG failed to confront Iran militarily, they would go it alone.  This statement was soon followed by an announcement that all Israeli embassies were being closed due to a supposed labor dispute, a likely narrative few accept.(7)
Israeli Embassies vacated.
This vacating of Israeli Embassies alarmed some top US Intel and Military experts who believe that Israel has used its Embassies to store suitcase nukes just in case they ever need to exercise their “Samson option”. Of course as the rumors go, new state of the art nukes are a-neutronic positron based which give off no gamma rays or easily detectable emissions, making them difficult or impossible to sense with the normal gamma ray detectors of high fling Defense aircraft, space satellites or surveillance trucks or airport sensors.
Part 2 of the Samson Option planned but disrupted.
Some experts believe that a-neutronic positron nukes were pre-planted and deployed in the elevator shafts of the Twin trade Towers, one every ten stories and detonated from the top down one at a time at free fall speed. The thing about these lithium 7 positron nukes is that they convert matter to anti-matter and turn everything within range to molecular dust. Was Israeli defense serious when it said it would go alone in dealing with Iran?(8)
The American Military and Intel is essentially bifurcated, comprised of the old NeoCon establishment and the Newbies.  The newbies are the new kids on the block that realize that Israel and the NeoCons staged the 9/11 Gladio-style, inside-job, False-Flag attacks of 9/11/01. These NeoCons are the PNAC bunch who are run by the Circle of twelve, the Denver bloodthirsty bunch that Stew Webb has identified for the first time publicly over the last several years.
NeoCons, PNAC’ers and “dualies” are losing power by the minute.
Slowly but surely the Newbies are displacing and driving the NeoCons out of power.  it is now pretty well established that World Zionism is now in its death throes and cornered like a rabid dog.  Thus it is very desperate and very dangerous, and still controls 96% of the US Congress and the Judiciary.
FBI dumps the ADL and SPLC as anti-domestic terror consultants.
Despite its continued ownership of Congress through AIPAC which distributes massive funds to members of Congress, just recently the ADL and the SPLC have been removed from the FBI’s web site recommending these Israeli espionage fronts as anti-domestic terror resources. And there are now rumors that there have been secret indictments recently made against some top AIPAC officials, signalling a major change in internal US Policy. Other rumors suggest that the football is now under control of the JCS with Potus’s military aid carrying around a pretend one.
Every day more and more Americans find out that the 9/11 attacks were Gladio-style Inside-Job False-flag attacks and that Israel and NeoCon and PNAC Traitors and infil-Traitors did it.
Apparently there is a major struggle to maintain waning power being enacted by the Israeli espionage fronts inside America which include AIPAC, ADL, SPLC, B’nai B’rith and the like who are being exposed big time in the alternative media on the worldwide Internet which is now surpassing the Controlled Major Mass media (CMMM) every day in popularity. The truth about PNAC and the NeoCon Israeli-American dual citizen Traitors and infil-Traitors is spreading like wildfire inside America and the world as well as the belief that Israel is a terrorist Apartheid State that has hijacked and invaded America through its City of London private zionist Central Bankster System.
The whole world is now turning against Israel for its Apartheid against innocent Palestinians.
Right now the whole world is turning against Israel because of its Apartheid State and abuse, murder and land theft against innocent Palestinians, clearly crimes against humanity. And the complete hypocrisy of Israel always playing the “Holocaust” (aka”Fiery Sacrifice”) card against the Nazis while acting just like them is becoming obvious to all.
And now many are learning for the first time ever the truth that the NeoCons and PNAC’ers as well as all the Israeli espionage fronts like the AIPAC, the ADL and the like as well as the private central Bankster Systems of the world are being run by the world largest organized crimes syndicate, the International Zionist Crime Syndicate (IZCS).
The Alternative Internet on the worldwide Internet is decimating the CMMM which is little more than a propaganda arm for the IZCS, the NeoCons and the PNAC’ers.
Despite the fact that the CMMM is little more than a IZCS propaganda dispenser and propagates massive lies to keep the public believing lies about everything, the public is now learning from the Alternative Media that the IZCS is run out of the City of London Financial District (Rothschild zionists) and by its main action-agent Israel which flies the alien/human hybrid flag of lucifer. The IZCS hijacked America thorough its Babylonian Money-Magick central Bankster System back in 1913 and has increasingly occupied America through its appointed Circle of twelve which is comprised of top luciferians aka satan-worshippers who attempt to do human sacrifice two times a year in Denver in order to empower their own personal “demonic spirit guides” and attain more Psi power.
The IZCS, Circle of Twelve, NeoCons and PNAC’ers are working hard to feed their overlords which are negative energy vampires and cosmic inter-dimensional parasites.
It has been rumored from those close, that the more human suffering and painful mass death they incur upon the human race the more they feed their alien overlord parasites and in turn receive more wealth, status, fame and power. They believe that when they die they will become immortal gods. This is not true and they will be in for a very big surprise when they cross-over, a very big bad surprise for them and a very good surprise for those that follow the Golden Rule of “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.”
Is the USAF now at DEFCON 3?
And now the USAF is rumored to be at DEFCON 3 Readiness Alert level.  The DEFCON System is a five point System with DEFCON 1 the lowest readiness level and DEFCON Five a green light to go. President Obama stated in his speech at the Hague that his greatest worry was a nuke being set off in NYC.
“I continue to be much more concerned when it comes to our security with the prospect of a nuclear weapon going off in Manhattan”(9)
Was 9/11 the first installment of the Samson Option and a means to also advance the NeoCon/Israeli/City of London/Big Oil Mideast perpetual war agenda? It certainly appears that the IZCS/NeoCon/PNAC World Zionist (WZ) group went for broke with this hijacking of Flight CZ748.This planned Boeing 777  false-flag attack was to be blamed on Iran by use of the phony Iranian Hijackers patsies and was intended to darw America and Russia into a nuclear war over Iran.
Did the Tall Whites neutralize the Black-Box cloaking device installed on the Boeing 777 headed toward the Hague?
It appears that this plan has failed miserably. The best guess to explain all this is that the Tall White aliens kept their promise to President Putin to watch his back.

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Saturday, March 29, 2014



The RV, Treasury Notes, and the rest was all triggered at 5pm pacific time tonight!

Blessings for all of us and justice for the crimes against humanity to be delivered!

Banks ready Tuesday for exchanges!

And this ain’t no stinkin’ rumor!



On 3/29/14, stage3alpha <> wrote:
> Today, millions of Americans say that they believe that the United States is
> on the verge of a major economic collapse and will soon be entering another
> Great Depression. But only a small percentage of those same people are
> prepared for that to happen. The sad truth is that the vast majority of
> Americans would last little more than a month on what they have stored up in
> their homes. Most of us are so used to running out to the supermarket or to
> Wal-Mart for whatever we need that we never even stop to consider what would
> happen if suddenly we were not able to do that. Already the U.S. economy is
> starting to stumble about like a drunken frat boy. All it would take for the
> entire U.S. to resemble New Orleans after Hurricane Katrina would be for a
> major war, a terror attack, a deadly pandemic or a massive natural disaster
> to strike at just the right time and push the teetering U.S. economy over
> the edge. So just how would you survive if you suddenly could not rely on
> the huge international corporate giants to feed, clothe and supply you and
> your family? Do you have a plan?
> Unless you already live in a cave or you are a complete and total mindless
> follower of the establishment media, you should be able to see very clearly
> that our society is more vulnerable now than it ever has been. This year
> there have been an unprecedented number of large earthquakes around the
> world and volcanoes all over the globe are awakening. You can just take a
> look at what has happened in Haiti and in Iceland to see how devastating a
> natural disaster can be. Not only that, but we have a world that is full of
> lunatics in positions of power, and if one of them decides to set off a
> nuclear, chemical or biological weapon in a major city it could paralyze an
> entire region. War could erupt in the Middle East at literally any moment,
> and if it does the price of oil will double or triple (at least) and there
> is the possibility that much of the entire world could be drawn into the
> conflict. Scientists tell us that a massive high-altitude EMP
> (electromagnetic pulse) blast could send large portions of the United States
> back to the stone age in an instant. In addition, there is the constant
> threat that the outbreak of a major viral pandemic (such as what happened
> with the 1918 Spanish Flu) could kill tens of millions of people around the
> globe and paralyze the economies of the world.
> But even without all of that, the truth is that the U.S. economy is going to
> collapse. So just think of what will happen if one (or more) of those things
> does happen on top of all the economic problems that we are having.
> Are you prepared?
> The following is a list of 20 things you and your family will need to
> survive when the economy totally collapses and the next Great Depression
> begins....
> #1) Storable Food
> Food is going to instantly become one of the most valuable commodities in
> existence in the event of an economic collapse. If you do not have food you
> are not going to survive. Most American families could not last much longer
> than a month on what they have in their house right now. So what about you?
> If disaster struck right now, how long could you survive on what you have?
> The truth is that we all need to start storing up food. If you and your
> family run out of food, you will suddenly find yourselves competing with the
> hordes of hungry people who are looting the stores and roaming the streets
> looking for something to eat.
> Of course you can grow your own food, but that is going to take time. So you
> need to have enough food stored up until the food that you plant has time to
> grow. But if you have not stored up any seeds you might as well forget it.
> When the economy totally collapses, the remaining seeds will disappear very
> quickly. So if you think that you are going to need seeds, now is the time
> to get them.
> #2) Clean Water
> Most people can survive for a number of weeks without food, but without
> water you will die in just a few days. So where would you get water if the
> water suddenly stopped flowing out of your taps? Do you have a plan? Is
> there an abundant supply of clean water near your home? Would you be able to
> boil water if you need to?
> Besides storing water and figuring out how you are going to gather water if
> society breaks down, another thing to consider is water purification
> tablets. The water you are able to gather during a time of crisis may not be
> suitable for drinking. So you may find that water purification tablets come
> in very, very handy.
> #3) Shelter
> You can't sleep on the streets, can you? Well, some people will be able to
> get by living on the streets, but the vast majority of us will need some
> form of shelter to survive for long. So what would you do if you and your
> family lost your home or suddenly were forced from your home? Where would
> you go?
> The best thing to do is to come up with several plans. Do you have relatives
> that you can bunk with in case of emergency? Do you own a tent and sleeping
> bags if you had to rough it? If one day everything hits the fan and you and
> your family have to "bug out" somewhere, where would that be? You need to
> have a plan.
> #4) Warm Clothing
> If you plan to survive for long in a nightmare economic situation, you are
> probably going to need some warm, functional clothing. If you live in a cold
> climate, this is going to mean storing up plenty of blankets and cold
> weather clothes. If you live in an area where it rains a lot, you will need
> to be sure to store up some rain gear. If you think you may have to survive
> outdoors in an emergency situation, make sure that you and your family have
> something warm to put on your heads. Someday after the economy has collapsed
> and people are scrambling to survive, a lot of folks are going to end up
> freezing to death. In fact, in the coldest areas it is actually possible to
> freeze to death in your own home. Don't let that happen to you.
> #5) An Axe
> Staying along the theme of staying warm, you may want to consider investing
> in a good axe. In the event of a major emergency, gathering firewood will be
> a priority. Without a good tool to cut the wood with that will be much more
> difficult.
> #6) Lighters Or Matches
> You will also want something to start a fire with. If you can start a fire,
> you can cook food, you can boil water and you can stay warm. So in a true
> emergency situation, how do you plan to start a fire? By rubbing sticks
> together? Now is the time to put away a supply of lighters or matches so
> that you will be prepared when you really need them.
> In addition, you may want to consider storing up a good supply of candles.
> Candles come in quite handy whenever the electricity goes out, and in the
> event of a long-term economic nightmare we will all see why our forefathers
> relied on candles so much.
> #7) Hiking Boots Or Comfortable Shoes
> When you ask most people to list things necessary for survival, this is not
> the first or the second thing that comes to mind. But having hiking boots or
> very comfortable and functional shoes will be absolutely critical. You may
> very well find yourself in a situation where you and your family must walk
> everywhere you want to go. So how far do you think you will get in high
> heels? You will want footwear that you would feel comfortable walking in for
> hours if necessary. You will also want footwear that will last a long time,
> because when the economy truly collapses you may not be able to run out to
> the shoe store and get what you need at that point.
> #8) A Flashlight And/Or Lantern
> When the power goes off in your home, what is the first thing that you grab?
> Just think about it. A flashlight or a lantern of course. In a major
> emergency, a flashlight or a lantern is going to be a necessity - especially
> if you need to go anywhere at night.
> Solar powered or "crank style" flashlights or lanterns will probably be best
> during a long-term emergency. If you have battery-powered units you will
> want to begin storing up lots and lots of batteries.
> #9) A Radio
> If a major crisis does hit the United States, what will you and your family
> want? Among other things, you will all want to know what in the world is
> going on. A radio can be an invaluable tool for keeping up with the news.
> Once again, solar powered or "crank style" radios will probably work best
> for the long term. A battery-powered until would work as well - but only for
> as long as your batteries are able to last.
> #10) Communication Equipment
> When things really hit the fan you are going to want to communicate with
> your family and friends. You will also want to be able to contact an
> ambulance or law enforcement if necessary. Having an emergency cell phone is
> great, but it may or may not work during a time of crisis. The Internet also
> may or may not be available. Be sure to have a plan (whether it be high-tech
> or low-tech) for staying in communication with others during a major
> emergency.
> #11) A Swiss Army Knife
> If you have ever owned a Swiss Army knife you probably already know how
> incredibly handy they can be. It can be a very valuable and versatile tool.
> In a true survival situation, a Swiss Army knife can literally do dozens of
> different things for you. Make sure that you have at least one stored up for
> emergencies.
> #12) Personal Hygiene Items
> While these may not be absolute "essentials", the truth is that life will
> get very unpleasant very quickly without them. For example, what would you
> do without toilet paper? Just think about it. Imagine that you just finished
> your last roll of toilet paper and now you can't get any more. What would
> you do?
> The truth is that soap, toothbrushes, toothpaste, shampoo, toilet paper and
> other hygiene products are things that we completely take for granted in
> society today. So what would happen if we could not go out and buy them any
> longer
> ?
> #13) A First Aid Kit And Other Medical Supplies
> One a more serious note, you may not be able to access a hospital or a
> doctor during a major crisis. In your survival supplies, be absolutely
> certain that you have a good first aid kit and any other medical supplies
> that you think you may need.
> #14) Extra Gasoline
> There may come a day when gasoline is rationed or is simply not available at
> all. If that happens, how will you get around? Be certain to have some extra
> gasoline stored away just in case you find yourself really needing to get
> somewhere someday.
> #15) A Sewing Kit
> If you were not able to run out and buy new clothes for you and your family,
> what would you do? Well, you would want to repair the clothes that you have
> and make them last as long as possible. Without a good sewing kit that will
> be very difficult to do.
> #16) Self-Defense Equipment
> Whether it is pepper spray to fend off wild animals or something more
> "robust" to fend off wild humans, millions of Americans will one day be
> thankful that they have something to defend themselves with.
> #17) A Compass
> In the event of a major emergency, you and your family may find yourselves
> having to be on the move. If you are in a wilderness area, it will be very
> hard to tell what direction you are heading without a compass. It is always
> a good idea to have at least one compass stored up.
> #18) A Hiking Backpack
> If you and your family suddenly have to "bug out", what will you carry all
> of your survival supplies in? Having a good hiking backpack or "survival
> bag" for everyone in your family is extremely important. If something
> happened in the city where you live and you suddenly had to "go", what would
> you put your most important stuff in? How would you carry it all if you had
> to travel by foot? These are very important things to think about.
> #19) A Community
> During a long-term crisis, it is those who are willing to work together that
> will have the best chance of making it. Whether it is your family, your
> friends, a church or a local group of people that you know, make sure that
> you have some people that you can rely on and work together with in the
> event that everything hits the fan. Loners are going to have a really hard
> time of surviving for long.
> #20) A Backup Plan
> Lastly, it is always, always, always important to have a backup plan for
> everything.
> If someone comes in and steals all the food that you have stored up, what
> are you going to do?
> If travel is restricted and your can't get to your "bug out" location
> immediately do you have a Plan B?
> If you have built your house into an impregnable survival fortress but
> circumstances force you to leave do you have an alternate plan?
> The truth is that crisis situations rarely unfold just as we envision. It is
> important to be flexible and to be ready with backup plans when disaster
> strikes.
> You don't want to end up like the folks in New Orleans after Hurricane
> Katrina. You don't want to have to rely on the government to take care of
> you if something really bad happens.
> Right now the U.S. strategic grain reserve contains only enough wheat to
> make half a loaf of bread for each of the approximately 300 million people
> in the United States.
> How long do you think that is going to last?
> Now is the time to get ready.
> Now is the time to prepare.
> The United States economy is going to collapse and incredibly hard times are
> coming.
> Will you be able to survive when it happens?
> Visit stage3alpha at:
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