Sunday, April 26, 2015

EXPLOSIVE Breaking News : The Time is Now the Match is Hot

Endured hours of NAZI Paperclip computer/email/phone hacking to prevent this VITAL intelligence briefing from being posted - take special note

ALL Patriot Americans MUST know with sources inside
American/European intelligence agencies and INTERPOL
reporting what is really going on behind the scenes of the
corporate-controlled, fascist, extortion-friendly
propaganda U.S. media's massive deceptions

Protect and defend   your   Constitution Bill of Rights,
the Supreme Law of the United States

Sunday   April 26, 2015
The Time is Now the Match is Hot!
by Tom Heneghan, International Intelligence Expert

source    source

UNITED States of America   -   It can now be reported that U.S. Army Special Operations has identified 19,000 illegal offshore bank accounts tied to major worldwide crooked banks reference JPMorgan, Citibank, the Central Bank of Japan, Bank of America and notably the German Deutsche Bank.
The clearing house is none other than the privately owned U.S. Federal Reserve.
Note:  These accounts have a direct link to the fundraising mechanism that supports the Bush-Clinton Crime Family Syndicate and U.S. propaganda media control.
Further, these accounts are parking lots for laundered U.S. Treasury funds and major tax havens for U.S. political and media moguls.
Reference:  FOX News Rupert Murdoch
In addition, these illegal accounts have had their funds comingled to support major crooked derivative trading that engage in worldwide trading of the financial markets.
We are happy to report that the IRS has been alerted and thanks to the U.S. Military, the U.S. Treasury has been forced to freeze all of these illegal offshore accounts.
Whistleblower Bradley Birkenfeld
Scott Bennett is a U.S Army Special Operations Officer
...and since 2010 has filed numerous military-government whistle-blowing reports with Congressional Committees, including: the Intelligence, the Armed Services, the government Oversight and Reform, the Homeland Security, the Judiciary, the Foreign Affairs, the Banking, and the Terrorism Committees.  He has communicated with over a hundred Federal Representatives, Senators, senior military officers and Pentagon officials, and journalists about the scandalous abuses of power and deception being employed against the American people by its own military-intelligence community; and filed legal action against Booz Allen Hamilton and the Department of Defense for their involvement in secret Swiss Bank Terrorist Finance Operations, which he uncovered with the help of Union Bank of Switzerland whistleblower, Brad Birkenfeld.!bio/c1ktj

P.S.  We can now also divulge that the nation of Greece has already defaulted creating even more derivative debt for U.S. banking giant JPMorgan, which is currently facing major margin deficiencies aka naked written put and call options on every major foreign currency that are traded on worldwide exchanges.
Effectively what JPMorgan has been trying to do is eliminate all volatility from worldwide financial markets and use the premium collected on both sides of the box, and along with the Federal Reserve itself, bail out the European Central Bank (ECB).
Note:  This ass backwards accounting will not work given the Deutsche Bank's insolvency and lack of real credit.
Accounting lesson:  Derivatives are NOT assets they ARE liabilities aka I.O.U.s between banks; they are debt instruments.
Again, the Time is Now the Match is Hot!

Bush-Clinton Crime Family Syndicate Assassinated John F. Kennedy Jr.

In closing we can report that the Bush-Clinton Pegasus Unit aka assassination teams operating on U.S. soil are about to face major retaliation from the patriotic U.S. Military and the Joint U.S.-French Intelligence Task Force operating on American soil for over 200 years.



CME Group PE Ratio (TTM) (CME)

Freewill's school~ Law of Nations Book III Section 15

§ 15. Enlisting in foreign countries.
As the right of levying soldiers belongs solely to the nation or the sovereign (§ 7), no person must attempt to enlist soldiers, in a foreign country, without the permission of the sovereign; and, even with that permission, none but volunteers are to be enlisted; for the service of their country is out of the question here; and no sovereign has a right to give or sell his subjects to another.
The man who undertakes to enlist soldiers in a foreign country, without the sovereign's permission, — and, in general, whoever entices away the subjects of another state, violates one of the most sacred rights of the prince and the nation. This crime is distinguished by the name of kidnapping, or man-stealing, and is punished with the utmost severity in every well-regulated state. Foreign recruiters are hanged without mercy, and with great justice. It is not presumed that their sovereign has ordered them to commit a crime; and, supposing even that they had received such an order, they ought not to have obeyed it, — their sovereign having no right to command what is contrary to the law of nature. It is not, I say, presumed that these recruiters act by order of their sovereign; and with respect to such of them as have practised seduction only, it is generally thought sufficient to punish them when they can be detected and caught: if they have used violence, and made their escape, it is usual to demand a surrender of the delinquents, and to claim the persons they have carried off. But if it appears that they acted by order, such a proceeding in a foreign sovereign is justly considered as an injury, and as a sufficient cause for declaring war against him, unless he makes suitable reparation.
46 USC § 31343 - Recording and discharging notices of claim of maritime lien
Recorded maritime liens take priority over unrecorded liens and are called preferred maritime liens. The responsibility to record maritime liens is delegated to the UNITED STATES COAST GUARD. They have forms and instructions on their web site. But since there are no requirements for filing a maritime lien, and no proof required, one can provide the public a Notice of Claim of Maritime Lien by recording it with the county or with the Secretary of State or recording it on a UCC1.
Maritime liens are ancient encumbrances on vessels under Admiralty Law to enforce the payment of debts. Merchants and governments like admiralty law because it provides less rights to a debtor than the common law. Because ships can sail out of a jurisdiction, the merchants needed swift execution to collect debts. Therefore a creditor can have a vessel arrested by the police without any proof that the debt exists and without filing the lien. This is called an "in rem" action, in which the vessel or its cargo is seized without any proof. The creditor does not have to prove that the debt is owed unless someone files a counterclaim in a court. Thus a Notice of Lien can be sent to an alleged debtor without any proof or any filing. The courts have termed this a "secret lien" because it is not filed anywhere

It is not possible to arrest people for statutory offenses under the common law. The government is operating under Admiralty law when they arrest 'persons' for statutory offenses. This is considered an 'in rem' action against a vessel. All bankruptcy seizures are also considered 'in rem' actions. Thus the title of the court case "In re Maxwell" means it is in rem. Therefore, it is considered that bank foreclosures, traffic tickets and other government arrests are only "notices of interest" or "notices of lien" based on secret maritime liens that have no proof and are rebuttable with a counterclaim. Therefore a recorded maritime lien would be a valid counterclaim as an affirmative defense against those "notices of interest". Enforcement of maritime liens is discussed in 28 USC 1602 to 1611, which is the Foreign Sovereign Immunity Act. Since a "person" is defined as a "foreign state" and owner of a vessel, these statutes describe daily life in the UNITED STATES.
The most quoted reference that defines a vessel as a person in admiralty jurisdiction is: G. Gilmore & C. Black, The Law of Admiralty p:586-89 (2d ed. 1975)
He defines a vessel as a person and it is also common language in the dictionary and the Bible. Vessel is defined in the US Code at 1 USC 3. Black's Law Dictionary 8th Addition says the definition of vessel is very broad. The standard dictionary defines vessel as "a person as an agent or holder of something".
46 USC § 31343 - Recording and discharging notices of claim of maritime lien look under the US CODE tab
How would you like to be a vessel?
U.S. Department of Justice
United States Marshals Service
Western District of Washington
1. Review Local Rules for U.S. District Court, Western District of Washington,
Supplemental Admiralty Rules.
2. File original and one (1) copy of each with the Clerk of the Court for the judge's review:
a. Verified complaint.
b. Motion for Issuance of Warrant for Arrest.
c. Order for Issuance of Warrant for Arrest.
3. Clerk of Court will issue the Warrant for Arrest per order from judge.
4. Deliver the following to the U.S. Marshal's Office:
a. One completed Form USM-285 (Process Receipt and Return) for Warrant for
Arrest. Be sure to include the name and official number of the vessel; a current
location of the vessel including the port, marina, and slip, as appropriate. If there
are any specific instructions relating to the arrest, please note them in the
appropriate section of the Form USM-285.
b. Three (3) copies of the complaint.
c. Three (3) certified copies of the Order Authorizing Issuance of Warrant for
d. The original and three (3) copies of the Warrant for Arrest.
e. A deposit of the ten (10) days costs payable to the U.S. Marshal. Costs included
are: insurance coverage based on the length and value of the vessel, custodian
charges, moorage, towing, etc. The U.S. Marshals will arrange for the placement
of a twenty-four (24) hour guard on all arrested vessels unless there is an Order
for Substitute Custodian. Western Washington requires a minimum of $10,000.00
or $2,000.00 (with Substitute Custodian).
f. Manpower limitations and the priority of criminal matters make it advisable to get
the required paperwork to this office with as much lead-time as possible.
Normally two (2) or three (3) days is sufficient.
An individual who is entitled to a maritime lien may forfeit his or her right if he or she delays in enforcing it or does something inconsistent with the lien. Allowing the ship to depart does not affect the lien; however, the complete destruction of a vessel extinguishes it.
A lienholder must sue in federal court in order to enforce a maritime lien, and anyone holding a lien against the ship can intervene in the action. The court may order a sale of the ship and its cargo and distribute the proceeds to those who establish a valid claim against the ship. Where there are insufficient funds to satisfy every claim, the court determines which liens have priority, and the percentage of recovery that each claimant is entitled to collect.

 The Salvage Act (46U.S.C.A. §§ 727–731 [1912]) provides for compensation to persons who help save a ship or cargo from danger or help recover a ship or cargo from actual loss. To qualify for salvage remuneration, a person must not be acting in service of the ship or in performance of a contract, and the help given must have contributed at least in part to a wholly or partially successful salvage of the ship or goods.

Breaking! You Will See ENORMOUS AMOUNTS OF SINKHOLES… Swallowing Houses… Opportunity… Each Human Has “15 Minutes” Of Magic!

Breaking News! EXTRATERRESTRIAL “The Group”: You Will See ENORMOUS AMOUNTS OF SINKHOLES… “Swallowing Houses”… Opportunity… Each Human Has “15 Minutes” Of Magic! 

1. “Stretch zones primarily experience sinking ground, as the support in the rock strata is stretched thin. Thus, buildings implode and gas and water mains break.”  ZetaTalk
IITM:  Perhaps in the prairies… lowlands etc… this is more of an issue, still it will can can happen anywhere.
2.  The Group through Steve Rother says: (my notes as I listen)…two women recently fell through the sidewalk…, globally, sinkholes have to do with water beneath planet earth, we will see more of this… this happens in waves… over next several months we will feel new energy that has to do with water under earth, water is a form of energy on it’s own, water can tranform from one form to another, but cannot completely go away… we are drinking same water as dinosaurs… magnitude of energy is such that humans will feel the magic come back… all humans will have 15 minutes of fame… how about 15 minutes of magic?… listen to this fascinating update on how earth is rebalancing herself…the new wobble of earth has creating new balance of mother earth… we see this as excess rainfall… they will share how to be in best position at right time… now earth’s subterrain water is starting to move… we will see ENORMOUS AMOUNTS OF SINKHOLES, now you see a house and now you don’t… in places where fracking yes, but in everyplace… Florida is filled with underground caverns where water has moved and left… as waters begin to rise on planet earth… these will fill up… we are creating this magical point where we have 15 minutes of magic, where everything seems to come together… simply keep extending your magic… this is important, of course there are challenges coming…. of course… we are beginning a new 26000 rhymic cycle… and we are at brink of the opening of this cycle at this moment, we had to let go of old pieces… there is no room for vibrational disharmony, and we must be in integrity with heart… we deserve to be happy… we are not here on this planet to just work, but we shine when we are happy and we set out a different vibrational pattern… that is what causes the universe to align with particles of heart… it used to be about the head… we are being asked to think of heart first, that is the new energy… that is the new world… we have come through many levels…
listen for the rest of this important message via youtube (Steve is so animated and loving when he talks… worth it to soak it in that way)….<<<< or read entire original message>>>>

What is this whole sinkhole thing leading up to????

Please note that it seems all ET-based messages are telling us that we are going through a big event that is going to open up humanity to love and nothing but love… this could be a poleshift, Nibiru-passby or major earthquakes triggered by New Madid faultline shifting towards global tectonic shifts…. or ?  We are now at a level where we can create magical miracles… what can you feel? What can you anchor?
Indian in the machine portal
Research sinkholes, which are common in spring:
  1. Kingston gets federal OK to enter into contracts for sinkhole repairs

    The Daily Freeman-5 hours ago
    KINGSTON >> The federal agency providing the city with funding to help with Washington Avenue sinkhole repairs has given the OK to enter …
  2. Fulham sinkhole: What is a sinkhole and was the west London 

    The Independent-Apr 23, 2015
    Earlier this month a sinkhole appeared to open up in Dublin, while last year a 15ft hole opened up on the M2 and a 30ft crater swallowed an …
  3. Northampton sinkhole causes traffic chaos in town centre

    Daily Mail-Apr 23, 2015
    A busy town centre was brought to a standstill this afternoon after a mysterious 15-foot sinkhole opened up in the road without warning – almost …
    Sinkhole appears in Northampton street
    BBC News-Apr 23, 2015
    Explore in depth (6 more articles)
  4. Sinkhole closes part of 33 Mile in Armada Township

    Detroit Free Press-Apr 23, 2015
    The sinkhole is blocked off by orange barricades and had a metal pole with yellow flags was sticking out of it this morning. Crews were coming …
  5. Moncton sinkhole caused by water main break 22, 2015
    sinkhole in Moncton at the intersection of Elmwood Drive and Caledonia Road was caused by a water main break, city officials say. Repairs …
  6. Massive sinkhole narrowly misses homes

    The Weather Network US-Apr 23, 2015
    Thursday, April 23, 2015, 3:06 – The families that were forced out of their homes in South Amboy due a giant sinkhole, are back inside today. Three homes in …
  7. Giant sinkhole caves under fire truck, injures firefighters

    The Weather Network US-Apr 22, 2015
    Wednesday, April 22, 2015, 5:00 – Two New York firefighters were injured after trying to extract a fire engine from a giant sinkhole in Brooklyn Tuesday.
    Massive Sinkhole Caves Beneath FDNY Truck 22, 2015
    Explore in depth (2 more articles)
  8. The Foreign-Bribery Sinkhole at Justice

    Wall Street Journal-Apr 20, 2015
    Following the Enron scandal, President Bush established a Corporate Fraud Task Force in July 2002 that tasked the Justice Department with …
  9. One person suffers minor injuries after van falls into sinkhole

    CP24 Toronto’s Breaking News-Apr 21, 2015
    One person was taken to hospital with minor injuries after a van fell into a sinkhole near York University during the Tuesday morning rush hour.
  10. FDNY ‘rescues’ fire truck stuck in sinkhole

    New York Post-Apr 21, 2015
    The stuck truck was parked on the street outside Brookdale Hospital in East Flatbush when a 15-foot-deep sinkhole opened up and swallowed …
    Massive sinkhole caves under fire truck
    News 12 Brooklyn-Apr 21, 2015
    Explore in depth (4 more articles)
    Powerful Photo! Chief Stares Down SWAT Team 492
    To Alternative on Friday Apr 17 2015 19:07

FEMA Deathcamps and GUILLOTINES USA....

(Before It's News)
By Pamela Rae Schuffert presenting investigative journalism from a Biblical Christian perspective-
Several years ago, I interviewed former Rothschild Illuminati member Doc Marquis about what he knew about he NWO agenda for America. He used to work hard for this Illuminati agenda in the past, including working at FORT LEWIS, Washington, to recruit military into the Illuminati NWO agenda. 
Then he became a Christian and began exposing the NWO agenda through “Christians Exposing The Occult.” You can find JOSEPH MARQUIS (“Doc”) on FACEBOOK.
Doc knew that the modern GUILLOTINES were present then at Fort Lewis, as my later reporting has confirmed. Yes, Doc HAS handled the modern guillotines! He even participated in Rothschild Illuminati rituals in which they were used…testing the waters ahead of time so to speak. I asked him, “Well, how did they work?” He replied, “Oh, they worked just fine…!” 
That’s what I was afraid of. For those of you who are not aware, there are innumerable MODERN MILITARY GUILLOTINES present in America today. According to my research, they first began coming in from Saudi Arabia and Japan, and later Chinese manufacturers, incorporating them with the imported PRISONER BOXCARS WITH SHACKLES that I previously documented, in the form of 40 foot cargo containers ordered from China through former Senator “Scoop” Jackson and his partner Richard “Prince of darkness” Perle. 
I have been investigating and documenting these strange modern guillotines for 20 years now, confirmed to me personally by Pentagon, CIA, truck drivers who deliver them across America, and many other  sources as very REAL.
Thank you, Jacob Rothschild and Illuminati family and THE NOAHIDE LAWS for the GUILLOTINE AGENDA IN AMERICA…and the rest of the world as well. 
Transplanted NAZIS always play a major role 
in the NWO agenda for “AMERIKA” today
Oh, and thank the Nazi NWO elements in America as well (who came into America following WW II through the CIA’s ”OPERATION PAPERCLIP”, bringing their Nazi/NWO agenda with them), like the BUSH/SCHERF family, always pushing for “THE ORDER’S” NWO agenda in America. Read MORE about this shocking TRUTH HERE:
Hitler, a true servant and pawn of “THE ORDER” (of Skull and Bones) of the Bavarian Illuminati of Adam Weishaupt (the same ORDER that the BUSH family belongs to), executed many political opponents by guillotine during his reign of terror. These occultists love using THE GUILLOTINE for their dark agendas.
Guillotine used in Hitler’s Germany
You can read more about this by reading about WW II heroine SOPHIE SCHOLL, who stood against Hitler and the Nazis, and was finally arrested and executed BY GUILLOTINE as a political opponent.  Many opponents of Hitler were executed in this manner.
Add to this now the growing Islamic threat and presence in America, who also believe in executing Christians by beheading. Funny how all these groups seem to  love the guillotines in America, and even plan to someday use them against THE CHRISTIANS and NWO RESISTERS under MARTIAL LAW. 
The US military even has facilities in places like Fort Lewis (WA), Fort Bragg(NC), Fort Hood(TX) and many others wherein our own military are being trained in how to operate the MODERN MILITARY GUILLOTINES. As one military source, preparing to train his own platoon at Fort Lewis in how to operate them, told me, “…the GUILLOTINES ARE EVERYWHERE NOW…” Remember, the NWO of Revelation 13 is a WORLDWIDE ANTICHRIST GOVERNMENT, so of course they are now to be found worldwide.
If this shocks you, remember Revelation 20:4 and realize that the NWO is simply the modern term for satan’s antichrist world government as described in Revelation 13. The Bible long ago prophesied THE BEHEADING OF THE SAINTS who would not renounce Jesus Christ to join this antichrist “666″ world government as described in Revelation 13. 
Should it surprise any end-time Christian, therefore, that the enemy has made provision to try to remove and eliminate the Christians throughout the world who stand in their way of establishing a satan-led world government??? 
Should it surprise us that they plan to use FEMA/DHS camps across North America (and CANADA TOO) in an attempt to round-up and eliminate the Christians for their NWO agenda? No, it should not. And Christians in North America must finally begin to awaken to this reality and PREPARE for the coming storm.
THE FEMA DEATH CAMP OF THE MOJAVE is a full gassing/cremating DEATH CAMP, dedicated to the TERMINATION OF ALL ON FEMA’S “RED/BLUE LIST” (plus MANY other lists) UNDER MARTIAL LAW. There are many OTHER FEMA/DHS camps in the deserts and remote regions of America as well. Their motto is, like the Nazis, “OUT OF SIGHT, OUT OF MIND.”
I have previously documented this horrific death camp, and documented the eyewitness accounts of several former NWO supporters who were flown out there. My friends, DOC MARQUIS (former Illuminati) and ELAINE KNOST (former CIA/Luciferian), but now Christians for many years, were both flown separately to this facility in the Mojave Desert of California.
It boasts a landing strip. According to even another contact, a DEA agent I met in California at the GRENADA FORUM in Los Angeles, who personally investigated this FEMA facility, it was later DOUBLED IN SIZE TO INCREASE KILLING CAPACITY.
People have asked me, ”WHY don’t you go out there to that place and get photographs for documentation…???” How foolish to even think about it! The level security around such facilities is incredible! When I even asked Doc about the possibilities of going out there to locate it and take photographs, he became very silent at first. Then he said, ” Pam, you can’t do that. THEY WILL KILL YOU.” They have security cameras everywhere around such hidden  facilities.
Such detention camp facilities are meant to be isolated and out of sight from general public viewing. Also they are remote to make escape or entrance to rescue victims an impossibility. Professional military grade motion detection devices, remote cameras, ground sensors, all play a role in keeping away intruders or investigators.
Once the plane lands, Doc explained, you travel by jeep about 14 miles to an area enclosed in desert mountains.
When I asked Doc how he felt THEN, as a NWO supporter, about touring this dread termination camp, knowing that Christians especially were to be arrested under martial law and taken here for brutal termination, his reply was chilling.
“How did I feel? I felt SHEER JOY! I could not WAIT for Christians to be arrested under martial law, and brought to this camp to BE KILLED!
A chilling response, but sadly typical of millions of the world’s satanists and Illuminati and NWO supporters. Of course, Doc does NOT feel this way today, as a repentant Christian. He warns America of what is to come, even as I do.
This FEMA death camp was shown off to my friends Doc and Elaine, as something the NWO and FEMA was literally PROUD OF! And there are MANY more FEMA/DHS detention camps whose ultimate purpose under MARTIAL LAW is NOT TO SAVE LIFE, but to TERMINATE HUMAN LIVES DEEMED UNWORTHY OF ENTERING INTO THE DAWNING OF LUCIFER’S NEW WORLD ORDER. 
And please, think TWICE before surrendering your precious liberty and your very right to exist, and going meekly to such camps under a STATE OF MARTIAL LAW in YOUR region of AMERICA.
BEWARE of FEMA-coached “pastors” who have sold out the Body of Christ for “thirty pieces of silver,”  who have been programmed by the government to tell their congregation that they literally must “obey the government”…and walk right into traps of certain death into prisoner boxcars and go to FEMA CAMPS under MARTIAL LAW.
My beloved fellow Christians in America, I state without apology that you are under neither moral nor spiritual compulsion to meekly cooperate with SATAN’S PLAN FOR YOUR DESTRUCTION! We all know this from Scriptures. 
THE BIBLE DECLARES THAT JESUS CHRIST WAS MANIFESTED to destroy the works of THE DEVIL, who only comes to rob and kill us.
Under martial law, these henchmen acting under the NWO advocates for America’s future, are literally coming in satan’s name to destroy you and your fellow Christians, even including America’s Christian heritage and your precious religious liberties. This is their agenda from the beginning. 
The advocates in our government and military of the NWO agenda for America, will deliberately create the “disasters” (false flags) leading to MARTIAL LAW, they will RESCIND the Constitution and it’s guaranteed freedoms we hold dear, and America will become THE POLICE STATE under communist-patterned Presidential Executive Orders. 
They will then arrest and march off to the dread FEMA/DHS camps all political and religious opponents of their NWO regime of terror.
We are commanded in God’s holy word to RESIST THE DEVIL steadfastly, and wage mighty warfare against the devil and his strategies in the earth today. God’s word is filled with hope and encouragement about this! His word has promised, that IN ALL THESE THINGS we are MORE THAN CONQUERORS through Him Who loved us…Jesus Christ.
Christians, God is on YOUR side when you stand against the forces of tyranny, hell and satan’s armies who come to “steal, kill, and destroy.” Refuse to be taken alive to the dread FEMA/DHS camps, and instead STAND YOUR GROUND for your faith and freedom to continue throughout our land.
-Pamela Rae Schuffert standing up for Christian rights and freedom in AMERICA
Many report on these subjects from a secular perspective. But I have reported from the perspective of a Christian journalist and missionary as well. I have become one of the relatively few CHRISTIAN voices in America, warning the Christians that these things are coming to our nation someday, and the time to seek God and to prepare their hearts to remain faithful to Jesus to the END, is NOW.
Your support is needed. 
It is growing darker every day in America.
I can’t continue to lay my life down to do this, 
without your prayers. 
Body of Christ, we are all in this TOGETHER.

Shock Video: Ukrainian Neo-Nazis Nail Rebel Fighter to Cross, Burn Him Alive