Monday, April 27, 2015

Operation Opera II - Israeli Attack on Iran

5 Year old post~

The worse kept secret is the joint plans of Israel and their American stooges for a sneak attack on Iran. Succumbing to the militaristic legacy of imperial Japan, the joint chiefs of staff are ready to facilitate or even lead a stealth charge against purported WMD targets. So what is their rationale? Since the deadly weapon facilities could not be found in Iraq, maybe they will be found in Iran? If Iran was ready to develop nuclear weapons, how is that any different from Israel already deploying 200 plus warheads? Especially since the Zionist belligerent is poised to strike Iran in a repeat of their “Operation Opera” against the Iraqi Osirak reactor in 1981.
In the most delusional and warped minds of hardened Christian Zionist supporters of the ultimate terrorist state, Israel can do no wrong. How could such an act of undeclared war benefit the American nation? The neocon hijacking of an American First foreign policy is the demented legacy of the Bush presidencies. The Obama administration is no different. The War Party mindset remains the dominate force that defends the Zionist rogue regime that is bent upon an apocalyptic holocaust of their own making.
Muriel Mirak-Weissbach in Israel’s Insane War on Iran Must Be Prevented, argues for restraint.
“Clearly, Israel will not make good on its threats without a nod from Washington. And that is not there yet, at least not officially. After talks with Barak and Israel’s military chief of staff Gabi Ashkenazi in Jerusalem, Sen. McCain indicated the time had not yet come. “I don’t believe we are at the point of making that kind of decision, nor is the Israeli government,” he said, “given the state that Iran is in now as far as the development of their nuclear weapons is concerned.” When asked by Fox News whether he had discussed the military option with Obama, Netanyahu danced around the issue, but reiterated his conviction that Iran must be made to fear such an option. And Obama? He coined a most curious formulation, Israel’s “unique security requirements,” and pledged “unwavering … commitment to Israel’s security.” When interviewed July 8 for the first time on Israeli television, Obama indicated the two governments would consult with one another, not act unilaterally. “I think the relationship between Israel and the U.S.,” he said, “is sufficiently strong that neither of us try to surprise each other.”
An impending forecast from an unlikely confederation, Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity (VIPS), offers up this warning to President Obama.
"Israel’s leaders would calculate that once the battle is joined, it will be politically untenable for you to give anything less than unstinting support to Israel, no matter how the war started, and that U.S. troops and weaponry would flow freely. Wider war could eventually result in destruction of the state of Israel.
This can be stopped, but only if you move quickly to pre-empt an Israeli attack by publicly condemning such a move before it happens.Netanyahu believes he holds the high cards, largely because of the strong support he enjoys in our Congress and our strongly pro-Israel media. He reads your reluctance even to mention in controversial bilateral issues publicly during his recent visit as affirmation that he is in the catbird seat in the relationship.
During election years in the U.S. (including mid-terms), Israeli leaders are particularly confident of the power they and the Likud Lobby enjoy on the American political scene."
The likelihood is that a pre-emptive airstrike will be precipitated by the Israeli demand that the full support and might of the U.S. military be committed to the campaign. VIPS concludes,   “Sadly, our former colleagues tell us that politicization of intelligence analysis did not end with the departure of Bush and Cheney…and that the problem is acute even at the State Department’s Bureau of Intelligence and Research, which in the past has done some of the best professional, objective, tell-it-like-it-is analysis.” Such counsel goes unheeded within the foreign policy establishment, which is controlled by “Zealot Zionists”.
Even the notorious Trilateral Commission globalist, Zbigniew Brzezinski acknowledges the destructive influence of the Israeli lobby. In Foreign Affairs, From Hope to Audacity he states, “Special interest lobbies have become overly influential in US politics. Thanks to their access to Congress, a variety of lobbies — some financially well endowed, some backed by foreign interests — have been promoting, to an unprecedented degree, legislative intervention in foreign-policy making.” While his designs on global dominance invite a world conflagration, his distrust of Zionist pre-eminence is accurate.
So why allow dragging America into another war for a greater Israel? The thoughtful Paul Craig Roberts once again has it correct:
“The answer is that the Israel Lobby, the US military-security complex, and the “Christian” Zionists have succeeded in demonizing Iran. Every real expert knows that an Iranian nuclear weapon would have no function other than deterring an attack on Iran. Ever since the US lost its monopoly on nuclear weapons, after using them offensively and pointlessly against a defeated Japan, nuclear weapons have served no purpose other than deterrence.
The US has no conflicting economic interests with Iran. Iran is simply a supplier of oil, an important one. A US attack on Iran, such as the one advocated by Kuperman, would most likely shut down oil flows to the West through the Strait of Hormuz. This might benefit refiners, who sell gasoline to the West and could charge enormous prices, but no one else would benefit.
Adding to the war cry are congregations of fake Christians. A great number of them, organized by someone’s money under the banner, “Christian Leaders for a Nuclear-free Iran,” has written to Congress demanding sanctions against Iran that amount to an act of war.”
This mad American foreign policy, dominated by dual loyalties, is a destructive force bent on an imperial and perverse allegiance under the Star of David. BATR resident Iranian expert Rev. Mark Dankof demonstrates a rational and balanced perspective. Written during the first Bush administration, Mr. Dankof’s words ring just as true, today.
“The United States cannot reasonably insist upon Iranian submission to IAEA inspection and potential dismantlement of militarily-related nuclear programs without insisting upon the application of the same standard to the government of Israel, its Dimona nuclear-weapons production plant, and its Institute of Biological Sciences and Research in Tel Aviv, among other operations and sites in that country that meet neither IAEA standards nor those of the Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPF). The notion that Tehran has no right or legitimate claim to Weapons of Mass Destruction while the regime of international war criminal Ariel Sharon does, is morally and politically unsustainable.”
When the Wall Street Journal reports, “Some Israeli officials worry a unilateral strike would cause a break with Washington that would threaten Israeli national interests even more than a nuclear-armed Iran”, loyal and true  American conservatives have reason to rejoice. Pressure to stop the lunacy of another aggressive war from within Israel from Jews of moral character is a welcome development. But is that the real motive of these Israeli officials or do they just sense that Bebe Netanyahu is a mad bomber that is more dangerous than a boastful Mahmoud Ahmadinejad?
Who is more likely to use nuclear weapons? Since the American empire has already answered that question and Israel has threatened the entire region and parts of Europe with atomic annihilation, what right do they have to claim the high moral ground?
There is no existential threat to America from Iran. In addition, there is no beneficial interest or intrinsic security for the United States in fighting Israeli wars. The true moral imperative is to cut ties with Zionism and condemn the sociopathic arrogance that adheres to the superiority of the tribe over the rest of humanity. Khazars professing Talmudic duplicity are the cause of the pending Middle East Armageddon.
Robert Parry sums up the actual motivation that subverts a constructive American foreign policy.  “The neocon/Likud hope would be that these military attacks would embolden Iran’s internal opposition to rise up and overthrow the Islamic system that has governed Iran since 1979, in other words, “regime change.” Much like the neocon/Likud thinking about Iraq, however, these grandiose plans often end up with unpredictable and bloody outcomes”.
Another “Operation Opera” will bring a widespread conflict that invites Russian and Chinese inclusion. Even Fidel Castro warned of an impending nuclear holocaust, “If Obama approves an attack on Iran, he added, he will trigger a war that will spread through the Middle East and Asia and cause ``the instantaneous death of hundreds of millions people, among them an incalculable number of people in his own country.''
Patriotic Americans must break with Israel and become vocal in their denunciation of Zionist designs to subjugate the region under a deceptive banner. Israel is not a trusted ally of the United States. Warmongering is tantamount to national suicide. The public needs to act before the bombs drop. No one can say that they had no idea what was about to happen. The fat lady is rehearsing her voice. Before she starts singing with sharpened spears, shout out your dissent.
SARTRE – August 8, 2010      

US to launch blitz of gas exports, eyes global energy dominance

The US Energy Department prepares a wave of LNG gas permits in the latest move to redraw the world's oil and gas landscape 


The United States is poised to flood world markets with once-unthinkable quantities of liquefied natural gas as soon as this year, profoundly changing the geo-politics of global energy and posing a major threat to Russian gas dominance in Europe.
"We anticipate becoming big players, and I think we'll have a big impact," said the Ernest Moniz, the US Energy Secretary. "We're going to influence the whole global LNG market."
Mr Moniz said four LNG export terminals are under construction and the first wave of shipments may begin before the end of this year or in early 2016 at the latest.
“Certainly in this decade, there’s a good chance that we will be LNG exporters on the scale of Qatar, which is today’s largest LNG exporter,” he said, speaking on the margins of the IHS CERAWeek energy summit in Texas.
Qatar exports just over 100 billion cubic meters (BCM), though Australia is catching up fast as the offshore Gorgon field comes on stream. It may pull ahead of Qatar later this decade.
Mr Moniz said the surge in US output from shale fracking has already transformed the global market. "We would have been importing a lot of LNG by now. Those cargoes would have gone elsewhere and have in fact had a significant impact in the European market,” he said.
Gas frackers assembled at the world's "energy Davos" in Houston said exports could ultimately be much higher, potentially overtaking Russia as the world's biggest supplier of natural gas of all kinds.
"We're just fifteen years into a 150-year process," said Steve Mueller, head of Southwestern Energy, the fourth biggest producer of gas in the US .

The mile-deep Marcellus basin stretching from West Virginia through Pennsylvania to New York state is driving the explosive growth. Interlocking fractures in the rock make it possible for a single well with advanced technology to extract much more gas than thought possible just five years ago.
Once thought to be in decline, the Marcellus alone produces 113 BCM a year. This is roughly equivalent to Russia's exports to Europe through the Nord Stream, Yamal, and Brotherhood pipelines.
Mr Mueller defiantly sweeps aside those who claim that the US fracking industry is in serious trouble, insisting that drilling costs are coming down so fast that his company - and others - are staying a step ahead of falling prices.
"Rig efficiency was flat for thirty years but since then we've cut by five times. We have set in motion something that you can't deny and is irresistible," he said.

Mr Mueller said it had taken his company 17 days to drill a 2,600 ft well as recently as 2007. It has just drilled a 5,400 ft well in six days. "The new technology is amazing. We have a drill-bit with a chip inside that makes its own changes," he said.
He is continuing to invest heavily and hopes to boost output by up to 10pc annually for the next three years, despite a drop in gas prices to around $2.60 per million British thermal units (BTU). "If it stays around $3, we'll be fine," he said.
The US Energy Information Administration (EIA) expects gas prices to rise to $4.88 in real terms by 2020, and $7.85 by 2040.
What is remarkable is that US drillers can produce a third more natural gas today with 280 rigs than they did in 2009 with 1,200 rigs. Total shale output has soared to over 350 BCM from almost nothing a decade ago. It now makes up half of US gas production.
The Obama administration has so far been slow to approve new export terminals for LNG, partly because of concerns that the US would lose its massive advantage in energy and feedstock costs for industry.
Gas sells at for $7 in Europe, and over $10 in North-East Asia, four times more expensive. This cost-gap has been a key driver behind America's so-called "manufacturing renaissance", stoking an investment boom in chemicals, plastics, and glass, and saving the country's steel mills from slow death.

A corridor from Houston to New Orleans has attracted 33 petrochemical plants worth over $1bn each since 2011. The American Chemistry Council expects over $130 billion of industrial projects along this stretch by 2023.
The administration has concluded that the US lead is now so entrenched that there is little to lose from a partial levelling of the global playing field. The expense of freezing gas for liquefaction to minus 260 degrees Fahrenheit and shipping it across the Atlantic or Pacific in molybdenum-hulled vessels is enough to maintain a big cost advantage for US manufacturers.
Four LNG terminals with a combined export capacity of 70 BCM are likely to be approved soon by the Energy Department. The front-runner is Cherniere's $18bn terminal at Sabine Pass in Louisiana.

Experts are split over whether North America really can become the world's dominant LNG player. Moody's warned earlier this month that most of the 30 gas liquefaction projects planned in the US and Canada will never get off the ground, chiefly due to the linkage between LNG contracts and the price of crude. "The drop in international oil prices has wiped out the price advantage US LNG projects," it said.
Michael Smith, head of Freeport LNG, said his company will press ahead regardless with plans for a $13bn plant near Houston, and predicted that the US could soon leap-frog all rivals to become the new gas hegemon. "Our projects are very competitive and we will continue to have an advantage over the rest of the world," he said.
Russian president Vladimir Putin warned at the St Petersburg economic summit last year that US shale gas was abruptly changing the international order, with serious implications for his country. The early effects have forced down global LNG prices, creating a rival source of gas supply in Europe.
Any future American cargoes would further erode Gazprom's pricing power in Europe, and erode the Kremlin's political leverage. The EU already has a large network of import terminals for LNG.
Lithuania has just finished its "Independence" terminal, opening up the Baltic states to LNG. Poland's new terminal should be ready this year.
America's parallel drive for shale oil is equally breath-taking. Scott Sheffield, head of Pioneer Natural Resources, said his company has discovered huge reserves in the vast Permian Basin of West Texas.
"We think the Permian could produce 5-6m barrels a day (b/d) in the long-term," he said. It is a staggering claim. This would be more than Saudi Arabia's giant Ghawar field, the biggest in the world.
Ryan Lance, head of ConocoPhillips, said North American oil output could reach 15m b/d by 2020 and 25m b/d over the next quarter century, three times Saudi Arabia's current exports.

A vault forward on this scale would establish the US as the leading energy superpower in both oil and gas, a revival that almost nobody could have imagined seven years ago when the United States was in near panic over its exorbitant dependency of imported fuel. It would restore the US to its mid-20th Century position as a surplus trading nation, and perhaps ultimately as world's biggest external creditor once again.
Fracking is still an almost exclusive preserve of North America, and is likely to remain so into the early 2020s. China has large ambitions but the volumes are still tiny, and there is a shortage of water in key areas. Fracking remains mere talk in most other regions of the world.
Lukoil analysts say Russian extraction costs for shale are four times higher that those of US wildcat drillers. Sanctions currently prevent the Russians importing the know-how and technology to tap its vast Bazhenov basin at a viable cost.
John Hess, the founder of Hess Corporation, said it takes a unique confluence of circumstances to pull off a fracking revolution: landowner rights over sub-soil minerals, a pipeline infrastructure, the right taxes and regulations, and good rock. “We haven’t seen those stars align yet,” he said.
Above all it requires the acquiescence of the people. "It takes a thousand trucks going in and out to launch a (drilling) spud. Not every neighbourhood wants that," he said.
Certainly not in Sussex, Burgundy, or Bavaria.

Prosecutors ask for prison for 2 officers in Taser case

COLUMBIA, S.C. (AP) — Two former small town police officers in South Carolina should spend at least a year in prison for shocking a mentally disabled woman at least eight times with a Taser without giving her time to follow their orders, federal prosecutors say.
Both Eric Walters and Franklin Brown will be sentenced on federal charges Monday in Florence. The two Marion police officers pleaded guilty to deprivation of rights under color of law in October.
Walters was patrolling in Marion early on the morning of April 2013 when he saw 40-year-old Melissa Davis walking out of the yard of a home for sale. He asked her what she was doing, thinking she might have broken into the home, then shocked her with his Taser, according to court papers.
After Davis fell to the ground, Walters ordered her to put her hands behind her back, then shocked her four more times before she could respond, prosecutors said.
By the time Brown responded, Walters had determined Davis did nothing wrong and was removing the Taser probes from her back. Brown noticed one of Davis' hands had slipped from her improperly applied handcuffs and ordered everyone to move away and shocked Davis again, even though she was not trying to fight or escape, according to court papers.
Brown shocked Davis twice more, then offered to let her go if he could shoot her in the forehead one more time with his Taser, prosecutors said.
Brown told the other officers at the scene he shot Davis with the Taser because he "did not want to touch that nasty (obscenity)," according to his plea agreement.
Both officers are white. Court records did not indicate Davis' race.
Prosecutors said they agree with federal sentencing guidelines that ask for 12 to 18 months behind bars for Walters and an 18- to 24-month sentence for Brown. The guidelines are tougher for Brown because Davis was in a vulnerable position when he shocked her.
Walters' lawyer asked for a six-month prison sentence and six months of home detention because he is in poor health after several heart attacks suffered before age 39. The lawyer added that Walters had a good record as an officer before the incident. Brown's lawyers did not file any motions asking for mercy before the sentencing.
Prosecutors said the officers should have known Davis had a diminished mental state, and a lawsuit filed by her caretaker against the officers and the city of Marion said she was well known around town.
The civil suit said along with the physical pain and suffering from the shocks and their after-effects, Davis also continues to need help to deal with mental anguish from what happened. Her lawsuit is seeking a minimum of nearly $2 million.
The officers originally faced state charges, which were dropped when federal prosecutors took over. At least three officers in South Carolina have been recently charged with shooting unarmed suspects.

Secret Chemtrail Budget Exposed....

Secret Chemtrail Budget Exposed....


Exposed: Secret Presidential Chemtrail Budget Uncovered – Congress Exceeds Billions To Spray Populace Like Roaches

—The Budget Obama Didn’t Want You To Know About

Recently, the question has been asked, What In the World Are They Spraying? The documentary with the same name answers many of those questions.

The question the world is now asking is “Who in the World Is Spraying Us?”
The World is Now Demanding Answers and Accountability…

As an introduction to this article, we will first cover information to familiarize the uninformed readers as to the core facts and information so that a more complete understanding is possible, given this complex issue.

A recent report by CBS Atlanta detailed how some local citizens are outraged that such “crimes against humanity” are being carried out right before our eyes in secret.

In the report Sen. Johnny Isakson was interviewed on the subject of chemtrails saying quote:

“That is a theory that some people have, but there is no evidence this is happening. This is not happening.”

It looks as if members of the government’s upper echelon and even members of the Senate will go to extreme lengths to suppress this vital information from reaching the American people.

Not to mention they signed off on the multi-billion dollar per year budgets in an economic crisis, with little to no transparency to the public.

In regards to aerosol spraying into the earth’s atmosphere, a recent update to data assembled by The Carnicom Institute reveals the chemicals used and their respective levels of concentration. The toxic levels that are being used in these aerosols goes beyond shocking – it would appear that these levels are indeed criminal by EPA Standards.

An Updated Look at Aerosol Toxins – Part 1
By Dr. Ilya Sandra Perlingieri –
Copyright © 2011 – All Rights Reserved
February 3, 2011

(Excerpt from Report)

A new preliminary draft report by ArizonaSkyWatch shows dramatic increases in heavy metals that simply do not belong in our air. NOTE: The level of Manganese is so shockingly high that ArizonaSkyWatch also included additional information about it (see below). This report will be posted online shortly.

This is only a preliminary overview of Arizona Air Particulates.

2010 Air Particulates
These figures indicate how many times they are over the allowable toxic limit:

Benjamin Fulford – April 27th 2015: Pentagon plays military card against China as Washington D.C. struggles for cash

Benjamin Fulford – April 27th 2015: Pentagon plays military card against China as Washington D.C. struggles for cash

Added links below.
- Justin
Source - Benjamin Fulford
The bankruptcy of the West was postponed again last week with fudged accounting keeping both Washington D.C. and Greece (therefore the EU) from defaulting as high stakes negotiations over a new financial system continue.
To bolster is bargaining position, the Pentagon is undertaking some large scale moves against China. Pentagon sources say last week’s earthquake in Nepal was generated using high energy electronic waves. The aim was to send a message to both China and India prior to US Defense Secretary Ashton Carter’s planned trip to India next month, the sources say. The basic message was “only the Pentagon can defend India against China.”
This demonstration was part of a concerted push by the Pentagon to get India, Russia, China and Japan to see recent Chinese moves in the South China Sea as evidence China is an aggressor that needs to be contained. As a part of this push, the Pentagon is about to announce an end to its arms embargo against Vietnam and the construction of 8 US military bases in the Philippines, the sources continued. The Pentagon sources say that deep seated Russian fears of the “yellow peril” are coming to the surface again and that Russia will cooperate with them against China militarily. The background to all this bluster is the fact that Washington D.C., the Pentagon’s current paymaster, failed to make a payment due to the rest of the world at the end of March (as mentioned in this newsletter last week). Now the corporate media and the US Treasury Department have confirmed the US has been pretending its debts have stopped increasing since March 15th.
The background to this is ongoing top secret negotiations between Western and Eastern secret societies, At these talks, according to White Dragon Society, US and Asian sources, there has been a lot of movement and a basic framework based on setting up a new meritocratic agency to take over the functions of the IMF and World Bank has been agreed to. There is still a lot that cannot be revealed to the public in order to prevent the negotiations from being sabotaged. However, the British Commonwealth, the Vatican, the Chinese, the Pentagon and the BRICSagree on the broad principles. Confirmation of this can be seen at many levels now. As mentioned last week, the Vatican will be discussing this issue at a high level forum starting April 28th. Now Alcuin and Flutterby, a site believed to be linked to British Intelligence, has come out with a detailed essay explain how democracy in the US was taken over by oligarchy and proposing meritocracy as a solution.
Related: Debt Forgiveness? | Pope Francis’ Holy Year of Mercy could be a truly great jubilee
There are now high level financial documents and hand-written notes being passed along on a strictly analogue basis to prepare for the announcement of this new organization and system. Analogue communications, however, while secure from snooping eyes, are also slow so, it is still too early to try to put a precise date on when all this will become public.
Meanwhile, the Pentagon run site Veteran’s today has been providing very detailed and continuous intelligence dumps about the Khazarian mafia oligarchy that stole the Republic of the United States of America from its people.

Related: The Khazarian Mafia (Part II) | The Babylonian Cabal
The Khazarians are therefore fighting for their lives so, there are also now more undeniable signs of a civil war within the US military industrial complex. This has been noticed by both the Pentagon and the Russians. There are US military factions fighting both for and against the Syrian government, for example, according to both sources. Now Egypt, having been ordered by the Pentagon not to defend Saudi Arabia, is preparing to invade Libya, according to Mossad sources. The Europeans have offered the Egyptians control of Libya’s oil fields in exchange for getting their help in stopping massive floods of African refuges from entering Europe courtesy ofISIS. Then in Iraq as well, there continues to be a complex game unfolding with Western mercenaries fighting both for and against the Israeli/Saudi ISIS proxy army.
The end game is expected to be a moderate Sufi Muslim federation in the Middle East and an end to the ancient Sunni/Shia split. This split, by the way, had been mostly resolved until the 20th century when the Khazarians started picking at old scabs in order to divide and conquer the Middle East.
This week will also witness a performance in Washington D.C. by Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe. He was invited to speak at a joint session of both the US Senate and Congress by the same Khazarian puppet masters who arranged for Israeli Prime Minister Benyamin Netanyahu’s recent speech there. Abe was invited to read a speech (written by his puppet masters Michael Green, Richard Armitage, Gerald Curtis et al) as a reward for stealing money from the Japanese National Pension Fund, Postal Savings and the Agricultural Bank (Norinchukin) in order to stave off his Khazarian master’s bankruptcy.
However, we are hearing that Abe was prevented by Japanese nationalists from fully signing over Japan’s sovereignty by agreeing to place oligarch controlled courts above the Japanese government as stipulated by the TPP agreement the Khazarians are trying to foist on Japan. In other words, Abe’s visit will be high on performance and low on content.
South Korea, meanwhile is moving far more decisively against the Khazarians than Abe’s Japanese slave government is willing to. There were more than mere financial interests (Chinese money) behind their decision to defy the US and join the China led Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank. April 16th was the first anniversary of a ferry disaster that led to the disappearance of close to 300 elite Korean high school students. Korean Royal Family sources say almost no bodies were recovered from the ferry. If we recall the incident, early reports said the sinking started with an explosion. Later reports failed to mention this.
Furthermore, there were reports of unknown submarines in the area at the time. The Nazis are known to have retained a worldwide submarine network after World War 2. The Nazis also took several thousand scientists and many blonde women between the ages to 16 and 24 to some secret destination in the Southern hemisphere during World War 2. What follows is speculation but, there is a good chance these young Koreans were kidnapped for breeding purposes by the Nazis. It would make sense since the original Nazi obsession with “pure Aryan blood” would have led to inbreeding and genetic decay. Someday all this should come to light.
Related: The Black Sun and the Luminous Lodge The Vril Society, the Luminous Lodge and the Realization of the Great Work
There was another X-files type incident last week in the United States. According to this article
police in Colorado reported that a man “killed” his computer. This article may be a spoof but, it is a fact that at this point in development a police officer might well consider that shooting a computer was equivalent to “killing it.” In other words, we are entering an unknown ethical world as we deal with relations between humans and increasingly human like artificial intelligence. At what point will abusing a robot or sex doll be put on the same legal level as animal abuse? When will it be considered murder to shoot a computer? These are issues we need to take seriously as computers begin to overtake humans on more and more levels.
The Chinese have also entered a hitherto taboo zone recently when, for the first time, they tried to alter the genes of a human embryo. While computers double in processing power every two years, humans are forbidden from improving their own genome. If the Chinese start manufacturing super geniuses in large quantities through genetic engineering, will the rest of us be condemned to follow the fate of Neanderthals and be replaced by genetically enhanced homo Sinensis?
Related: Evolution of Humans | Everything You Know Is Wrong (about Human Origins) – Lloyd Pye
The world needs to rapidly come up with new organizational structures to deal with the unknown new world we are entering as the old system continues its inevitable collapse. These are the sort of issues a meritocracy could cope with but our current systems cannot.

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Suffering From ED (Excessive Dishonesty)

DOES OBAMA WORK FOR THE CIA? - (Not Exactly A Surprise; Only A Confirmation!..)

BREAKING: Maryland governor declares state of emergency due to Baltimore protests

Stones Hurled at Baltimore Police in Protests After Freddie Gray Funeral


Baltimore descended into chaos Monday with widespread rioting, arson and looting, just hours after the funeral of Freddie Gray, prompting Maryland Gov. Larry Hogan to declare a state of emergency.
Tensions have been high in Baltimore for a week; Gray died on April 19 with a severed spine that occurred while he was in police custody.
The post-funeral demonstrations became more tumultuous as the afternoon wore on, with a police car and van being torched and several storefront windows broken. A CVS pharmacy, which had been looted after its windows were smashed, was then set ablaze.
Another van was set on fire and protesters forced firefighters to retreat from the scene, leaving the vehicle to burn.
Baltimore police later tweeted that demonstrators cut a fire hose to prevent firefighters from putting out a blaze.
The Baltimore Sun reported the initial gathering stemmed from a flier distributed on social media calling for a "purge" to take place at 3 p.m., starting at the Mondawmin Mall and ending downtown.
The meme is based on the movie "The Purge," which imagines what would happen if there were no laws, the according to the Sun.
The flier featured an image of protesters breaking the window of a police car in a disturbance on Saturday, the paper said.
The Baltimore Emergency Operations Center was opened and Maryland Gov. Larry Hogan put the National Guard on alert in case they are needed to respond.
"I strongly condemn the actions of the offenders who are engaged in direct attacks against innocent civilians, businesses and law enforcement officers," Hogan said in a statement. "There is a significant difference between protesting and violence and those committing these acts will be prosecuted under the fullest extent of the law.
On the day she was sworn into office, Attorney General Loretta Lynch briefed President Barack Obama on the unfolding events in the Charm City.
"Attorney General Lynch assured the President that she would continue to monitor events in Baltimore and that the Department of Justice stands ready to provide any assistance that might be helpful there," the White House said in a statement.
A police spokesman at an impromptu news conference said seven cops had been injured; one had been knocked unconscious.
"We will find the people responsible and put them in jail," he said. "They attacked officers without provocation."

Cops: 'A Group of Outrageous Criminals' Attacked Officers

NBC News
Baltimore cops took to Twitter to try to keep the situation from spiraling out of control.
"Several juveniles are part of these aggressive groups. WE ARE ASKING ALL PARENTS TO LOCATE THEIR CHILDREN AND BRING THEM HOME," read a tweet on the official Baltimore Police Twitter feed.
The Rev. Jamal Bryant, who earlier delivered a eulogy at Gray's funeral, said the violence was not what was needed "just hours out of the burial."
"I'm asking every young person to go home," Bryant told reporters.
He also took to Twitter to ask Baltimore clergy to come to respond to the mall at the center of the mayhem to help calm the situation.
"Clergy!!!.....we need to be in The streets right NOW!!" Bryant tweeted, adding later, "All disciplined brothers both Muslim & Christian we are one army today...we must reclaim this situation! Come to Mindawmin now!!"
Billy Murphy, an attorney for the family of Freddie Gray said they were in shock watching the violence in Baltimore.

Image: A man walks past a burning police vehicle Patrick Semansky / AP
A man walks past a burning police vehicle, Monday, April 27, 2015, during unrest following the funeral of Freddie Gray in Baltimore. Gray died from spinal injuries about a week after he was arrested and transported in a Baltimore Police Department van. (AP Photo/Patrick Semansky)

"They don't want this movement nationally to be marred by violence," he said. "It makes no sense."
His firm posted the following statement its FaceBook page: "Freddie Gray's family is watching the looting and rioting and is upset, sad, angry. They are begging people to stop this."
Cops initially shooed ticket holders inside Camden Yards for a game between the Orioles and the White Sox, but around 6:30, the Orioles announced the game would be postponed.
And the Maryland State police sent 42 troopers to assist in Baltimore with another 40 set to respond.
Earlier, Baltimore police said several gangs, including the Black Guerilla Family, Bloods, and Crips formed a partnership to "take out" law enforcement officers.
The police said in a press release they consider the gang rumblings a "credible threat," but offered no specifics.
The threats were enough to spur the LAPD to order its officers to ride in pair rather than solo "out of an abundance of caution" for their officers.
At Gray's funeral, Bryant urged mourners to join the protests that have occurred in the wake of Gray's death on April 19.
"Freddie's death is not in vain," Bryant said. "After this day, we're going to keep on marching. After this day, we're going to keep demanding justice."
But some of the protests got out of hand Monday afternoon with police reporting more than 2,000 protesters throwing rocks and debris at officers in the area
Gray was arrested after a foot pursuit on April 12 and was seen on video yelling as he was hauled into a police van. After a stop to shackle his feet, Gray arrived at a police station house with his spinal column 80 percent severed. He died a week later.
Officials have promised an exhaustive investigation with results due on May 1.

Image: Freddie Gray Jose Luis Magana / AP
Demonstrators throw rocks at the police after the funeral of Freddie Gray on Monday, April 27, at New Shiloh Baptist Church in Baltimore. Gray died from spinal injuries about a week after he was arrested and transported in a Baltimore Police Department van. 
Two videos at this link.. First one is live feed. Didn't post them here because they autoplay

— William J. Gorta
First published April 27th 2015, 4:33 pm


HOORAY – a 53-46 vote


The 2nd Amendment Saved.
     HOORAY – a 53-46 vote
The U.N. Resolution 2117 lists 21 points dealing with firearms control, but perhaps of most interest is point number 11. It: “CALLS FOR MEMBER STATES TO SUPPORT WEAPONS COLLECTION and DISARMAMENT of all UN countries”.
By a 53-46 vote - The U.S. Senate voted against the U.N. resolution. HOORAY.
This is that brief, glorious moment in history when everyone stands around  ... reloading.
Now, Which 46 Senators Voted to Destroy Us? Well, let their names become known! See below. If you vote in one of the states listed with these 46 “legis..traitors”… vote against them.
In a 53-46 vote, the Senate narrowly passed a measure that will stop the United States from entering into the United Nations Arms Trade Treaty. The Statement of Purpose from the Senate Bill reads: "To uphold Second Amendment rights and prevent the United States from entering into the United Nations Arms Trade Treaty." The U.N. Small Arms Treaty, which has been championed by the Obama Administration, would have effectively placed a global ban on the import and export of small firearms. The ban would have affected all private gun owners in the U.S. and had language that would have implemented an international gun registry, now get this,  on all  private guns and ammo.
Astonishingly, 46 out of our 100 United States Senators were willing to give away our Constitutional rights to a foreign power.
Here are the 46 senators who voted to give your rights to the U.N.:
Baldwin (D-WI)
Baucus (D-MT)
Bennett (D-CO)
Blumenthal (D-CT)
Boxer (D-CA)
Brown (D-OH)
Cantwell (D-WA)
Cardin (D-MD)
Carper (D-DE)
Casey (D-PA)
Coons (D-DE)
Cowan (D-MA)
Durbin (D-IL)
Feinstein (D-CA)
Franken (D-MN)
Gillibrand (D-NY)
Harkin (D-IA)
Hirono (D-HI)
Johnson (D-SD)
Kaine (D-VA)
King (I-ME)
Klobuchar (D-MN)
Landrieu (D-LA)
Leahy (D-VT)
Levin (D-MI)
McCaskill (D-MO)
Menendez (D-NJ)
Merkley (D-OR)
Mikulski (D-MD)
Murphy (D-CT)
Murray (D-WA)
Nelson (D-FL)
Reed (D-RI)
Reid (D-NV)
Rockefeller (D-WV)
Sanders (I-VT)
Schatz (D-HI)
Schumer (D-NY)
Shaheen (D-NH)
Stabenow (D-MI)
Udall (D-CO)
Udall (D-NM)
Warner (D-VA)
Warren (D-MA)
Whitehouse (D-RI)
Wyden (D-OR)
Folks: This needs to go viral. These Senators  voted to let the UN take  OUR  guns. They need to lose their next election. We have been betrayed.
46 Senators Voted to Give your 2nd Amendment Constitutional Rights to the U.N.
Please send   this to SOMEONE

2 U.S. agencies warn on imminent ISIS attack

WASHINGTON – While the FBI investigates a possible ISIS terror attack on the basis of intercepted chatter and intelligence information, the TSA issued a classified warning that ISIS is planning an attack on U.S. soil.
Little is known about the nature of the attack other than its imminence, which has prompted the TSA to deploy its new Visible Intermodal Prevention and Response teams, or VIPR, to various undisclosed locations. The VIPR teams include airports, train stations and other busy transportation hubs.
One law enforcement source suggested parts of California were of special concern.

As a result of the FBI warning, some cities have increased security as a precaution, but those cities have not been disclosed.
The TSA classified warning was issued Friday. The FBI investigation was confirmed Saturday.
While ISIS has warned repeatedly it planned to target the U.S., this is the first time the U.S. intelligence community has acted on what it perceives as a viable, if general, threat. So far, ISIS has only attacked U.S. targets abroad.
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I smell FALSE FLAG!!

URGENT WARNING: ISIS Coming to America?