Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Oregon City Police Officer Killed after being shot in the Head! - VIDEO (2013) Anarchy Comment

Oregon City Police Officer Killed after being shot in the Head! - VIDEO (2013) Anarchy Comment
Who are the real home invaders?! Apparently this cop did not make it inside this home, shot dead.
These videos released show the breakdown in the so-called law system has been ongoing for some time. Gee - do ya think that bad smell hanging over America I wrote about at:
Career Criminal Officials Hang Over America Like a Bad Odor - Do-Nothing Congress Fattens Their Accounts - RIP Intern Mary Caitrin Mahoney
could have anything to do with citizens losing confidence in big government? Cops who previously thought they were welcome in most U.S. homes would probably be better off to assume the opposite, that those homeowners now hate them and they are not welcome anymore.
Many citizens apparently don't want any more law enforcement and wish to take control, themselves. Who would have thought anarchy might eventually prevail in America?
Oregon City Police Officer Killed after being shot in the Head!
Thanks to YouTuber - Bruce Willas 

Live Feed Baltimore WBAL TV 11


Automakers Want to Outlaw Gearheads From Working on Their Own Cars

Car companies seek copyright restrictions to stop car enthusiasts, home mechanics
Kit Daniels
Prison Planet.com
April 20, 2015
Claiming that modern vehicles are “too complex” for home mechanics to fix, automakers are seeking copyright restrictions to prevent gearheads from working on their own cars.
Credit: _salguod / Flickr
The Association of Global Automakers, a lobbying firm for 12 manufacturers, is asking the U.S. Copyright Office to prevent car owners from accessing “computer programs that control the functioning of a motorized land vehicle, including personal automobiles, commercial motor vehicles, and agricultural machinery, for purposes of lawful diagnosis and repair, or aftermarket personalization, modification, or other improvement.
“In order to modify automotive software for the purpose of ‘diagnosis and repair, or aftermarket personalization, modification, or other improvement,’ the modifier must use a substantial amount of the copyrighted software – copying the software is at issue after all, not wholly replacing it,” the AGA claimed. “Because the ‘heart,’ if not the entirety, of the copyrighted work will remain in the modified copy, the amount and substantiality of the portion copied strongly indicates that the proposed uses are not fair.”
Auto Alliance, which also represents 12 automobile manufacturers, is also asking the agency to scrap exemptions to the Digital Millennium Copyright Act that allow car enthusiasts to modify and tune their rides.
“Allowing vehicle owners to add and remove [electronic control] programs at whim is highly likely to take vehicles out of compliance with [federal] requirements, rendering the operation or re-sale of the vehicle legally problematic,” Auto Alliance claimed in a statement. “The decision to employ access controls to hinder unauthorized ‘tinkering’ with these vital computer programs is necessary in order to protect the safety and security of drivers and passengers and to reduce the level of non-compliance with regulatory standards.”
But people have been working on their own cars since cars were invented.
“It’s not a new thing to be able to repair and modify cars,” a staff attorney with the Electronic Frontier Foundation, Kit Walsh, said. “It’s actually a new thing to keep people from doing it.”
Interestingly, this attack on the do-it-yourself auto hobby coincides with the current push towards self-driving cars, and who do you think will resist autonomous cars the most?
Auto hobbyists, such as hot rodders, drag racers and home tuners.
“The biggest threat to our hobby is those people in powerful situations who’s idea of a great day out in their car is to spend it riding in the back seat while someone else handles the driving ‘chore’ for them,” a hot rodder said on the subject. “These are the same people who will ban ‘old junk’ from the roads, enforce ’50 miles per gallon’ standards on new, and then older vehicles, and eventually force everyone to drive ‘standardized’ cars that will fit precisely in parking spaces, take up the minimum space on public roads, and follow all the ‘environmentally friendly’ buzz words while boring real car drivers like us to death.”
And the first step to keep people from behind the steering wheel is to keep them from opening the hood.

Stunned Greeks React To Initial Capital Controls And The "Decree To Confiscate Reserves", And They Are Not Happy

Earlier today, following weeks of speculation, Greece finally launched the first shot across the bow of capital controls, when it decreed that due to an "extremely urgent and unforeseen need" (ironically the need was quite foreseen since about 2010, but that is a different story), it would be "obliged" to transfer - as in confiscate - "idle cash reserves" located across the country's local governments (i.e., various cities and municipalities) to the Greek central bank.
Several hours later the decree which was posted in the government gazette has finally percolated among the population, and the response to what even ordinary Greeks realize is now the endgame, is less than exuberant.
Bloomberg reports, that "as Greece struggles to find cash to stay afloat, local authorities say they oppose a government decision to use their reserves for short-term financing."
“The government’s decision to seize our reserves not only raises legal and constitutional issues, but also a moral one,” said George Papanikolaou, mayor of Glyfada, the third-largest municipality in the metropolitan region of Attica after Athens and Piraeus. “We have a responsibility to serve our citizens,” Papanikolaou said by phone on Monday. Glyfada has about 16 million euros in cash reserves, he said.
George is unhappy because as recently as tomorrow, he will find there is precisely zero euros in his public bank account, as all the money has now been forcibly sequestered by the government in order to repay future Troika, pardon, IMF obligations.
Sadly for Greece, this is the only option left as the money has now fully run out: Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras ordered local governments and central government entities to move their cash balances to the central bank for investment in short-term state debt.
From Bloomberg:
The decree to confiscate reserves held in commercial banks and transfer them to the Bank of Greece could raise as much as 2 billion euros ($2.15 billion), according to two people familiar with the decision. The money is needed to pay salaries and pensions at the end of the month, the people said.

“It is a politically and institutionally unacceptable decision,” Giorgos Patoulis, mayor of the city of Marousi and president of the Central Union of Municipalities and Communities of Greece, said in a statement on Monday.“No government to date has dared to touch the money of municipalities.”
It took the radical leftist one all of 2 months since coming to power.
And the punchline is that the use of confiscated proceeds is unclear: the government says it is to pay pensions and wages, but recall that the same government recently confiscated pensions to repay the IMF, so according to the chain of logic, the government first raided pensions, and now municipalities, just to repay the dreaded Troika.
The Athens city council and the union of municipalities and communities in Greece will convene tomorrow to debate the order, a press officer of the mayor’s office said.
And one everyone realizes what just happened, expect the riot cam and the Greek Pay-Per-Riot channel, which has been on hiatus since the summer of 2012, to be fully reactivated.

US Paratroopers Start 'War-Fighting' Training for Ukrainian National Guard

After marching into Yavoriv with a pledge to instruct the Ukrainian troops in defensive capabilities, the Pentagon is now openly admitting it will conduct ‘war-fighting’ training for the Ukrainian National Guard, accused of war crimes in the country’s east.
Nearly 300 soldiers of the 173rd Airborne Brigade arrived in Ukraine this week after a 1,100 mile march from northern Italy, during an operation known as Fearless Guardian. Starting Monday, April 20th, the paratroopers will begin training Ukrainian troops, a plan which will continue over the next six months.
"This assistance is part of our ongoing efforts to help sustain Ukraine’s defense and internal security operations," Pentagon spokeswoman Eileen Lainez told the Hill when the operation was first announced.
But the Pentagon has now admitted that it will be engaged in overt combat training.
"We will be conducting classes on war-fighting functions, as well as training to sustain and increase the professionalism and proficiency of military staffs," Major Jose Mendez, operations officer for the brigade, was quoted by the US Army website.
"The training will help them defend their borders and the sovereignty," Captain Ashish Patel said, according to the site.
Specifically, the US Army soldiers will train the Ukrainian National Guard battalions. Reformed in 2014, they became the most active combat forces fighting with anti-Kiev militia in the country’s east. Its troops openly displayed far-right sympathies, brandishing swastika-like insignias, throwing Nazi salutes, and posing with Hitler portraits.
After the discovery of mass graves in the Donbass region, containing the bodies of more than 400 executed civilians and independence supporters, Ukrainian guardsmen were accused of war crimes and human rights violations.
Ukrainian military officials have also emphasized the fact that the Pentagon will be engaged in combat training.
"The Americans have enormous combat experience and will teach skills to our military that can be used in combat," Ukrainian army spokesman Andriy Lysenko told a news conference on Friday.
The exercises will begin on Monday, despite warnings from Moscow that Western meddling will only embolden the radical reserve units, and made a bad situation even worse.
"The participation of instructors and experts from third countries on Ukrainian territory…of course, does not help to resolve the conflict," President Vladimir Putin’s spokesman Dmitry Peskov told Russian news agencies. "On the contrary, it can seriously destabilize the situation."
Earlier this week, Canada also announced that it would deploy 200 troops to Ukraine to assist in the training exercises. The United Kingdom has already sent dozens of military instructors.
President Obama is also still considering the option of sending weapons to Ukrainian forces. While he has held back amid fears from allies that providing arms would only escalate the crisis further, some Ukrainian media outlets have reported that Operation Fearless Guardian will conclude with a US handover of ammunition stockpiles. American military officials deny those reports.
Meanwhile, fighting continues in Ukraine’s war-torn east. Despite the February ceasefire agreement, monitors with the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe reported evidence of gun and tank fire on Sunday. Last week, ceasefire breaches left three independence supporters dead and five others injured.

Fla. Gov. Suing Administration for Trying to 'Force Our State Further Into Obamacare'

(CNSNews.com) - “It is appalling that President Obama would cut off federal healthcare dollars to Florida in an effort to force our state further into Obamacare," a furious Florida Gov. Rick Scott (R) said Thursday as he announced that he plans to sue the Obama administration.
"It's outrageous," Scott told Fox News Thursday night."The federal government started a program in our state in 2006. It's called the Low Income Pool. It's (health care) for low income families," Scott explained. "Now, what they are saying is they are not going to keep that program going unless the state expands Obamacare (Medicaid). So this, first off, is horrible."

"It sounds like extortion," Fox News's Kimberly Guilfoyle told Scott.
"Absolutely," the governor agreed. "First off, you think about the families in our state that are relying on this. Second, (Supreme Court Chief) Justice Roberts said...that it's not lawful for the federal government, for the Obama administration, to use coercion tactics, basically held a gun to our head, if we don't expand Obamacare. They say they can't do that."
The Supreme Court in 2012 upheld Obamacare's individual mandate, but it also said the federal government could not compel the states to expand Medicaid coverage for low-income people. As of this writing, 28 states and the District of Columbia have ageed to expand Medicaid. The federal government has agreed to pay 100 percent of the expansion costs through 2016, but after that, the states must pick up a larger share of the costs, and that's what worries Scott and other governors.
In July 2012, shortly after the Supreme Court ruling, Gov. Scott announced that Florida would "opt out of spending approximately $1.9 billion more taxpayer dollars required to implement a massive entitlement expansion of the Medicaid program."
“Floridians are interested in jobs and economic growth, a quality education for their children, and keeping the cost of living low,” Governor Scott said at the time.  “Neither of these major provisions in Obamacare will achieve those goals, and since Florida is legally allowed to opt out, that’s the right decision for our citizens."
He also noted that "Florida already has health care safety net programs for those with the greatest need."
Scott told Fox News on Thursday that he and his attorney general are working on a lawsuit right now.
He questioned whether President Obama really cares about the low-income families in Florida for whom the federal government created the LIP program in the first place.
"And doesn't everybody now understand that this is an administration that's going to use coercion tactics, and when it's appropriate, they'll cut back funding if you don't do another program they want?"
"One, they don't care about the low income families because they are willing to walk away from a program. And then, two, they are using bully -- this is a Sopranos. They are using bullying tactics to attack our state. It's wrong. It's outrageous just that they're doing this."
A White House spokesman, asked for his reaction to the anticipated Florida lawsuit, said he hadn't seen "specific details."
"But what is true is that expanding Medicaid in the State of Florida would ensure that 800,000 Floridians would get access to quality health-care coverage," Josh Earnest said on Thursday.
Earnest noted that under Obamacare, the federal government picks up the full cost of expanding Medicaid through 2016.
"So there's not a good reason why anybody in Florida would be in a situation of trying to block a policy that would benefit 800,000 Floridians. In fact, they would have a positive impact on the finances in the State of Florida.
"And it's difficult to explain why somebody would think that their political situation and their political interest is somehow more important than the livelihood and health of 800,000 people that they were elected to lead."
In a message on his website Thursday, Scott said the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) sent him a letter this week, saying that "the furture of LIP' and "Medicaid expansion are linked."
“We will fight to protect the healthcare of Floridians, and their right to be free from federal overreach," Scott said. "Our citizens already pay federal taxes that go into the federal LIP program. Now, President Obama has decided that the state must take on a larger Medicaid program, forcing our taxpayers to pay even more to government, before they get their own federal tax dollars back. This is outrageous, and specifically what the Supreme Court warned against."

Monday, April 27, 2015

Spiritless Humans (long article)

(This article replaces Matrix Agents: Profiles and Analysis)
Empty people. Puppet people. Cardboard cutouts. Drones. Organic Portals. Background characters. Why do these terms even exist? Because out of necessity they had to be invented by those who independently noticed the same puzzling phenomenon, one for which there is no official name: some people seem to be missing something very important inside. While they are not necessarily any less intelligent, successful, or physically healthy as anyone else, they nevertheless show no indication of having any higher components to their consciousness.
Over the years I have received emails from readers who came to this same conclusion. They noticed that some people were strangely one dimensional and hollow inside. This observation is not hard to miss, but it is easy to rationalize away, especially with modern society being so heavily brainwashed with the politically correct but unrealistic concept that everyone is completely equal in every way, which ignores functional differences due to environmental, genetic, and most importantly, metaphysical factors.


We are giving up Liberty in exchange for convenience.

o Paper receipts are easier to carry and exchange than silver or gold.
o Paper "redeemable on demand" is more convenient than paper receipts made payable to an individual
o One-size of paper is easier to use that multi-size currency
o Paper issued in common denominations is easier to use than paper of inconsistent amounts
o Checks are easier than paper
o Credit cards are easier than checks
o Keychain credit cards are easier than wallet/purse credit cards
o Smartphone taps are easier than credit cards
o Smartwatch taps are even easier (think Apple Pay on iWatches)
o Biometric chip scans are the easiest of all

Voila! We willingly walk along the golden brick road right into the trap.

History proves each prior form of “currency” is eliminated
once the new form is widely accepted, inevitably leading
to nothing but RFID chips … unless the Public wakes up.

On Apr 25, 2015 XXXXX wrote:


Thank you for your consistent monitoring of all things political. I will continue to give you feedback.

I agree that cash may be only a matter of time, but that is only an inward hunch. Walmart will be among the leaders in that 'evolution'. It would be interesting to get a handle on the % of Walmart customers who are on a government payroll, government aid program or social security. Those are all very simple categories that Walmart and the governmental agency could easily convert to a rechargeable card in lieu of cash.


Keep punchin' my friend, XXXXX 

Map: What each state has more of per capita than any other

War of Terror is a Reichstag Fire False Flag Operation

"Operations in Iraq and Afghanistan and the war on terrorism have reduced the pace of military transformation and have revealed our lack of preparation for defensive and stability operations.
This Administration has overextended our military."Barack Obama
War of Terror is a Reichstag Fire False Flag Operation
By now, you are probably worn out from all the speculation about the actual events in Pakistan that claim the death of the public enemy No 1. No photos of a dead Osama bin Laden, burial at sea, instant DNA results and changing versions with every new news report gets old quickly. The claim that a treasure chest of intelligence was secured during the raid, conflicts with killing the main man who knows where all the buried are buried. Capturing him alive for interrogation would maximize the intelligence quest, if that were the real goal.
If any significance should be assigned to this account, now is the time to re-evaluate the entire nature of the War on Terror that has destroyed America more in the last ten years than any attack on home soil.
Osama bin Mohammed bin Awad bin Laden and al-Qaeda has always been a straw man villain that is necessary to perpetuate a never-ending threat to the eternal evil empire. Wag the dog is a standard policy to keep the drollery narrative going in order to maintain the dullard public in their drunken stupor of jingoism. The tale might seem amusing if the stark consequences of national decay and carnage were not real. The fantasy indoctrination that purports to be professional news journalism defies logic and common sense. Not surprising, the asinine flag wavers chant USA, USA, USA when the reality actually resembles an echo of Sieg Heil Amerika.
The cry for justice always seems to falter when it comes to the underlying players in the terrorist war against the American people. Comments and conclusions from the site Universe CIA2 are germane.
"USA has become a Banana Republic since 2000, on par with the old Soviet Politburo, North Korea, Eric Honecker’s East Germany, Pravda, Tishreen, the 3rd Reich and Zimbabwe, to name a few. The crumbling Empire is too desperate and pulling all the Stops from its dirty bag of Tricks, and much more is in the Pipeline. The worst part is that ALL the Western world, the MSM, the UKUSA alliance of evils, the UN, NATO, EU, the Arab stooges & puppets, etc. are singing the same ZIOCON tunes, babbling, blathering, and regurgitating the same fallacies about 9/11, Al-CIAda and the bogus war on "terror".
The pattern of false flags are rooted firmly in recent history and shared by delusory regimes.

1. In 1931 the Mukden incident was the pretext for annexing Manchuria
2. August 1939 the Gleiwitz incident and Operation Himmler used to fabricated evidence of a Polish attack against Germany
3. November 26, 1939 the Shelling of Mainila pretext of Soviet Union attack on Finland
4. In 1953 the Operation Ajax operations against the formerly democratically elected leader of Iran, Mohammed Mosaddeq
5. In 1954 the Lavon Affair, Israel sponsored bombings against US and UK interests in Cairo
6. In 1962 Operation Northwoods plot by the U.S. Department of Defense for a war with Cuba
7. In 1999 the Russian apartment bombings that precipitated the Second Chechen War were false flag operations
Prepare for the next designed deceptive event that pushes the ignorant into demanding an even greater stratum of tyranny. Homeland security never had it so good, when it plans the burning of the last semblance of representative constitutional government, as it substitutes an unmitigated totalitarian collectivist dictatorship over our beleaguered nation.
In The Real Threat to National Security, the dilemma of what to believe for a sincere American is presented.
"Is the threat from foreign terrorists the undertaking of homeland insecurity? The preoccupation since 911 with a self-serving "War of Terror" has been masked under the appearance of national security. Tracking down targeted Jihad terrorists and waging regional search and destroy missions has become the growth industry of the new millennium. The rationale and justification for such a protracted conflict rests upon a cowardly attack on American soil. If you listen to the official version of events anyone who questions the validity of blaming Islamic Fascists must be unpatriotic."
Written just after 911, The Empire Strikes Back, Again cites the BBC reporting, Bin Laden's warning, "neither the United States nor he who lives in the United States will enjoy security before we can see it as a reality in Palestine and before all the infidel armies leave the land of Mohammed".
Finally, from What Is This War About?, the source World Islamic Front Statement - Jihad Against Jews and Crusaders - 23 February 1998, publishes Osama Bin Laden's fatwa mission statement.
1) For over seven years the United States has been occupying the lands of Islam in the holiest of places, the Arabian Peninsula, plundering its riches, dictating to its rulers, humiliating its people, terrorizing its neighbors, and turning its bases in the Peninsula into a spearhead through which to fight the neighboring Muslim peoples. If some people have in the past argued about the fact of the occupation, all the people of the Peninsula have now acknowledged it. The best proof of this is the Americans' continuing aggression against the Iraqi people using the Peninsula as a staging post, even though all its rulers are against their territories being used to that end, but they are helpless.
2) Despite the great devastation inflicted on the Iraqi people by the crusader-Zionist alliance, and despite the huge number of those killed, which has exceeded 1 million... despite all this, the Americans are once against trying to repeat the horrific massacres, as though they are not content with the protracted blockade imposed after the ferocious war or the fragmentation and devastation. So here they come to annihilate what is left of this people and to humiliate their Muslim neighbors.
3) If the Americans' aims behind these wars are religious and economic, the aim is also to serve the Jews' petty state and divert attention from its occupation of Jerusalem and murder of Muslims there. The best proof of this is their eagerness to destroy Iraq, the strongest neighboring Arab state, and their endeavor to fragment all the states of the region such as Iraq, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, and Sudan into paper statelets and through their disunion and weakness to guarantee Israel's survival and the continuation of the brutal crusade occupation of the Peninsula.
Osama Bin Laden was a CIA creation who came to oppose the American imperium. If he did not exist, a substitute creation would be necessary. The Marxists that compose the Obama administration have crossed a line of no return. The path they chartered now demands a far more dire level of apprehension for increasingly doubtful, yet naive citizens to swallow and accept. Just how destructive will the next criminal psyops staged event be? The war room of authoritarians, models their Stalinist hero’s practices of human butchery. They admire their British communist "Cambridge Five" cousins who betrayed their own nation for the panacea of a global paradise of central control.
Bin Laden’s fatwa still rings true to Americans who despise the empire and love the principles of a lawful Republic limited in size, scope and reach.
The videos Guide for DUMMIES - CIA & Their Fake Osama Videos and Osama bin Laden is dead! He was killed by Omar Sheikh! Benazir Bhutto exposes the truth, illustrates that a bogyman can be even more useful, dead.

The Man Who Never Was tricked the Nazis in Operation Mincemeat. Charles Cholmondeley of MI5 and the British naval intelligence officer Ewen Montagu ran the successful deception scheme. The human cadaver of a fictitious "Major William Martin, R.M.” fooled Hitler. The ambitious CIA set their sights higher for duping the entire country with their bin Laden actors. The Agency’s propaganda, developed since 911, would make Joseph Goebbels proud.
Never noted for a sophisticated perspective of their own history, especially when it comes to the clandestine deeds of their own government, most folks want to trust their leaders. Remember the Maine and the Gulf of Tonkin incident both were the impetus for tragic and unnecessary wars. The sedated public, eager to rally round the flag, is less inclined to recognize the bald face lies told to them from every internationalist administration that occupied the White House. Justification to continue an unwarranted war on terror is so absurd on its face. Only a mercenary or a desperate idealist, who refuses to accept the overwhelming evidence, that a global interventionist foreign policy is the basic cause of our self-created insecurity. The internal ruling establishment promotes and survives on the terror of their making, against the citizens of this once great nation. You do not have to like or agree with the viewpoints and objectives that bin Laden professed. However, you had better recognize that only a return to an America First foreign policy could serve the true security needs of our people.
What will you do when the next internal false flag government act of domestic violence comes to your country? Will you bow down to the thugs that wheel unlawful authority, or will you revolt. If you really want justice for the 911 murders, you must face reality and look within your own government for the true terrorists.

By order of the King, day care children shall drink less juice

Source …..
Small-Boy-Child-Glass-Drink-Orange-JuiceAt the same time that some lawmakers in New York State are pushing to expand late-term abortions and allow anyone to murder unborn babies at any time during pregnancy by shooting poison directly into their hearts, the Empire Nanny State is attempting once again to ban more beverages from public consumption.
The New York City Board of Health has decreed that all licensed city day care facilities must now limit how much juice children are allowed to consume. According to reports, children at day care centers must be at least two years of age before they are allowed to drink any juice onsite. And for those two years of age or older, only four ounces per day of juice will be allowed.
And any old juice simply won’t do. Juice products spiked with high-fructose corn syrup (HFCS) and other additives are prohibited, with only “100% juice” products allowed. Under the old rules, children as young as eight months old were allowed to drink up to six ounces of “100% juice” daily, but that will no longer be the case.
The new rules, which have been published in the city’s Health Code, are said to be in line with U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) recommendations that a majority of children’s recommended fruit intake come from whole fruit. Juice products, claim health authorities, are contributing to obesity and other chronic health problems in many of the same ways that soda pop beverages are.

“Sedentary” time restricted to 30 minutes per week rather than 60 minutes per day

The rule changes also address the types of activities day care center children will be allowed to engage in on a daily basis. Rather than be allowed to spend up to an hour per day watching television and playing games on tablet devices, day care center children will now be restricted to only one half-hour of screen time per week.
This 30-minute-per-week limit on “sedentary” time will not include nap time or time spent reading, doing puzzles or painting, according to authorities. It will only restrict mind-numbing sedentary activities like TV-watching that have been scientifically shown to rot children’s brains and make them dumber, especially during their early developmental years.
Limiting children’s sugar intake and sedentary time is admittedly a positive thing, but should the government be in charge of mandating these requirements? Some New York City parents don’t think so, and they’ve been quick to denounce the move, likening it to ex-NYC mayor Michael Bloomberg’s nanny state restrictions on beverage sizes.
“It’s like the big soda ban under Bloomberg!” stated Brooklyn mom Victoria Clark to the New York Daily News. “TV can be educational, and not all juices are bad.”
Other parents, however, are supportive of the restrictions.
“I would never send my kid to a day care where they are watching TV,” commented Elizabeth Clements, a mother of three from TriBeCa, in support of the new rules.
According to an official notice published in the City Record, 15% of three-year-olds and 17% of four-year-olds from low-income families are now obese. Because of this, says the Board of Health, public health measures need to be taken to curb this epidemic and give the next generation a better chance at health and wellness.
“Dietary and lifestyle habits and preferences developed at a very early age can often persist and may have [a] profound impact on an individual’s health later on,” wrote the Board in the City Record.
Sources for this article include:



Sunday, April 26, 2015 22:50




[Audio/Video below cannot be seen in Newsletter - have to go to Blog]


If you put earplugs in and turn up the volume to the loudest setting, you will hear the following:


If you don’t have earplugs, the commercial replays with the audio boosted so you can hear it. It’s not through a bullhorn or anything, but you can hear it. There is no question it was intended to be subliminal. This is troubling on so many levels I don’t even know where to begin. First, this should be troubling to ANYONE for the simple reason that it exists. Let this help to remove ALL doubt about the articles you are seeing dealing with FEMA CAMPS and MARTIAL LAW TRAINING KNOWN AS “OPERATION JADE HELM.” 

The second VERY disturbing point of interest, is the CONTENT of the message: “AUTHORITIES CONTINUE TO MONITOR THE OUTBREAK.” The logical question I found myself asking is, “What outbreak?” Then my eyes wandered down and I saw the DATE when the commercial was made and aired: 2014. Do you happen to recall what was going on in 2014? THAT WAS WHEN EBOLA WAS IN THE NEWS EVERYWHERE, and many many questions went unanswered. In the event you don’t recall, it was a strain of Ebola that was manufactured by the U.S. government and the military has the patent on. I am not suggesting I have the the answers to the questions I pose, however I am going to pose some questions, and draw your attention to stories that have been in the news recently, and YOU decide what you think is going on, or just HOW twisted this administration REALLY is. 

[Audio/Video below cannot be seen in Newsletter - have to go to Blog]


Martial law, round ups of those suspected of being sick, and detentions in quarantine camps is the only option governments have left and similar strategies will be implemented in the United States if and when the virus starts popping up.
But Doctors Without Borders, the organization that spearheaded the treatment and containment efforts at the beginning of the crisis when governments were completely ignoring it, says that WHO’s efforts are destined to fail:
In July, the President amended an Executive Order giving the medical emergency responders the legal powers to identify and detain individuals suspected of carrying a communicable disease. And though it’s not talked about publicly, it is widely believed the the Department of Homeland Security and the Federal Emergency Management Agency have already pre-positioned domestic detention camps and CDC QUARANTINE CENTERS in the event of a national security emergency.



I’m not trying to scare anyone here, merely putting together pieces of a puzzle that was never finished now that we have some new clues. Back in July of 2014, OBAMA SIGNED EXECUTIVE ORDER 13295 TO ALLOW DETENTION OF AMERICANS WITH ‘RESPIRATORY ILLNESSES…’ a/k/a send them to a secret FEMA CAMPS! Shortly after that, in October of 2014, HHS DOCUMENTS REVEALED THAT PATIENTS EXPOSED TO EBOLA WERE TO BE SENT TO FEMA CAMPS. There were also REPORTS AT THAT TIME OF DOCTORS COMING FORWARD and saying their patients were DISAPPEARING without their knowledge, and the doctors were threatened with their medical licenses if they come forward with their stories… 
Infowars reporter Paul Joseph Watson speaks with former Border Patrol Agent Zach Taylor as he breaks down how the CDC is working with Border Patrol authorities and the Department of Homeland Security to disappear potential Ebola victims attempting to cross the border into the United States.

[Audio/Video below cannot be seen in Newsletter - have to go to Blog]

As I have already mentioned in previous posts, Dave Hodges from the Common Sense Show the following LONG before people started POURING over the border:

I believe that it is possible, and even likely, that the FEMA camps will first be used to house the millions of millions of illegal aliens which will be coming to America under Obama’s new policies. This will legitimize the use and staffing of these new prisons. Take a guess as to who will subsequently be making reservations for your nearest FEMA camp?

Dave was SPOT ON about using the camps to house the illegals to break them in. You know what made that easy to predict if you know where to look? The camps have been around for YEARS… waiting… this year… 2014 WAS THE FIRST TIME THERE WAS FUNDING IN THE FEDERAL BUDGET FOR THEIR CONVERSION FROM DORMANT TO FULLY OPERATIONAL.


FEMA camps are not new. The existence and operational activation of FEMA camps is now a provable fact as reported by CBS News. Let’s not kid ourselves, FEMA camps are future concentration camps, plain and simple. Concentration camps for who? U.S. Citizens. Political Dissidents. Those who won’t drink the Cool Aid. What else do we know? We know Obama has partnered with and/or been associated with various radical groups his WHOLE LIFE, and they have had plans to use the camps for decades. For what? TO KILL TENS OF MILLIONS WHO WILL NOT RENOUNCE CAPITALISM, AND ACCEPT A SOCIALIST DICTATORSHIP AS THE NEW NORM!

[Audio/Video below cannot be seen in Newsletter - have to go to Blog]

Within that post we learn the following:


In direct violation of THE POSSE COMITATUS ACT, which I cover in detail in my post titled, US ARMY HAS ADS ON THE INTERNET SEEKING INTERNMENT CAMP/RESETTLEMENT CAMP SPECIALISTS“Operation Jade Helm” is an 8 week exercise being conducted by the United States military and the Interagency (IA) Unconventional Warfare (UW). PRE-OBAMA, Posse Comitatus has stood in this country as LAW for over 137 YEARS essentially FORBIDDING the use of the U.S. military to police it’s own citizens. “Hope & Change” took care of that! 

Operation Jade Helm is designed to simulate a MILITARY RESPONSE to an UPRISING of the American people. Obama has known since Day 1 that his plans did not even RESEMBLE anything constitutional, and it is expected that eventually WE THE PEOPLE will SNAP and try to take our country back. When we do, Obama and the rest of Crime Inc. will be ready for us. Being the clever little sh** that he is, Obama duped the DEMOCRATS INTO NOT READING THE NATIONAL DEFENSE AUTHORIZATION ACT which essentially did away with Posse Comitatus AND did away with the ENTIRE BILL OF RIGHTS with the exception of the Second Amendment, and we all know how hard Obama is working on that one. 

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“Jade Helm is a challenging eight-week joint military and Interagency (IA) Unconventional Warfare (UW) exercise conducted throughout Texas, New Mexico, Arizona, California, Nevada, Utah and Colorado.”

The term, “unconventional warfare (UW)” makes it clear that this exercise is not dealing with a Russian-backed “Red Dawn” invasion of the Southwestern United States by Russian backed Latin American partners. UW speaks to the guerrilla warfare (asymmetrical) nature of the anticipated and rehearsed conflict. 
Subsequently, it can be conclusively stated that Jade Helm is not preparing for a Red Dawn invasion, rather, THEY ARE PREPARING FOR A RED, WHITE, AND BLUE INVASION. This is a MASSIVE REHEARSAL FOR MARTIAL LAW IMPLEMENTATION as well as implementing the proverbial and much rumored RED and BLUE LIST and the “SNATCH AND GRAB OF KEY RESISTANCE FIGURES” from the Independent Media as well as uncooperative political figures. The various provisions of Jade Helm make it clear just how dangerous this drill truly is.
Composition of Jade Helm Forces Reveals the True Purpose of the Drills
Thomas Mead, the operations planner for the U.S. Army’s Jade Helm realistic military training has publicly stated that “We have Army Green Berets, Navy Seals, Marine Special Operations Command, the 82nd Airborne Division and we also have some of our interagency partners such as the DEA, FBI and the Joint Personnel Recovery Agency (JPRA) that will be working with us.”

Baltimore Police Beat Journalist During Protest

The 41-year-old Giordano says his head hit the ground during the beating, which he says only stopped when someone pulled him out of the fray.
Sait Serkan Gurbuz, a photographer with Reuters, says police detained him as he shot pictures of the scuffle. Reuters says Gurbuz was cited with failure to obey orders.
A Baltimore police spokesman hasn’t immediately commented.