Tuesday, April 28, 2015



Claims author: It’s the biggest fraud in the history of science and not the answer to feeding the world.

Picture of test tubes with genetically altered orange seedlings                            
A line up of test tubes holds genetically altered orange seedlings and the hope of creating plants resistant to citrus greening, a bacterial scourge sweeping through Florida’s citrus groves.

An estimated 85 percent of all food consumed in the United States now contains genetically modified organisms (GMOs)—from the cereal you feed your children to the milk you put in your coffee to the sweet corn you chomp on in summer. But because there’s no labeling requirement, we don’t know which foods have GMOs and which don’t. We also have no hard facts about the possible health effects. In his new book, Altered Genes, Twisted Truth: How the Venture to Genetically Engineer Our Food Has Subverted Science, Corrupted Government, and Systematically Deceived The Public, public interest attorney Steve Druker takes the science community, the food industry, and the FDA to task for what he claims are their lax and irresponsible policies.

Talking from a parking lot in Michigan during his book tour, he explains how the debate about GMOs has undermined science and democracy, why the two Bills, Clinton and Gates, have got it wrong, and what advice he would give an African farmer trying to feed his starving child.

Picture of the cover of          
In the subtitle of your book, you name three ways that GMOs have undermined society. Talk about the first two.

First, the subversion of science has been much deeper than most people could imagine. There has been a consistent degradation of science and twisting of the truth on the part of numerous eminent scientists and scientific institutions on behalf of genetically engineered foods. The aggregate fraud to promote genetically engineered foods is by far the biggest fraud in the history of science. The corruption of government has also been very deep and multifaceted.

Probably the worst example occurred when the U.S. executive branch became convinced back in the mid 1980s, during the administration of President Reagan, that the biotechnology industry was going to be one of the main ways in which the U.S. economy would come out of its doldrums. A policy was adopted to promote the biotech industry without any new regulations. It was reported to be science-based, but scholars who studied it concluded it was not science based. It was framed and motivated by economic and political considerations. The FDA broke that law and lied about the facts in order to get GMOs on the market.

James Watson, the co-discoverer of DNA, has called the dangers imputed to GMOs an imaginary monster.” He’s right, isn’t he?

He’s quite wrong, actually, because there have been risks, but from the beginning these risks have been systematically misrepresented by the mainstream scientific establishment in order to avoid regulation by governments and keep control of the research. But the risks have been well recognized, even by the FDA’s own scientists. They did a thorough study back in 1990-92, and the overwhelming conclusion was that genetic engineering differs from conventional breeding to a great degree, that the foods it generates entail different risks, and that none can be presumed safe until they have been demonstrated to be safe by rigorous scientific testing. But these tests have never been done.

Picture of a diagram of Mendel's Law                            
Between 1856 and 1863, Gregor Mendel, an Austrian monk, experimented with pea plants and developed the principles of heredity, thereby paving the way for the science of genetics.

Too many of the proponents of GMOs are not speaking as scientists, but as spin-doctors.
You repeatedly say how dangerous GMOs are. The only known outbreak of a mass infection occurred in Japan in the late 80s in connection with the health supplement, L-tryptophan. Yet the most you claim is that “genetic engineering cannot be ruled out.” It’s a pretty weak case, isn’t it?

That is not actually what I claim. That’s what the FDA has admitted in private. In public, it claims genetic engineering had nothing to do with the incident. But there is a memo in the FDA files, which I uncovered in a lawsuit, in which the FDA’s biotechnology manager admitted genetic engineering could not be ruled out as the cause of that epidemic. I state that the weight of the evidence points towards genetic engineering as the most likely cause of the epidemic.

Picture of a seed chipper cutting samples of corn                            

The agricultural biotechnology giant Monsanto has automated the search for genes with desirable traits. A chipper (above, left) cuts samples from corn kernels (above, right); machines then analyze the DNA from each sample.

The father of modern genetics, Gregor Mendel, altered the genetic makeup of peas by crossbreeding. In what way is genetic engineering different from that?

What Mendel was doing was traditional crossbreeding, not altering genes. Nature is set up to encourage genetic diversity and change combinations of genes. But what the genetic engineers are doing is radically restructuring the makeup of genes and DNA. This is something unprecedented. Nobel laureate and biology professor at Harvard, the late George Wald stated that, “Genetic engineering is the biggest break in nature that has occurred in human history.”

A lot of the horror stories are about bizarre interventions like inserting a salmon gene into a tomato. These are extreme cases, aren’t they?

To my knowledge, nothing like that particular product has been commercialized. But any breaking down of the natural species boundaries is a very radical intervention. Foreign genes can’t express themselves unless powerful, viral boosters are inserted. And these foreign genes are now contained in most of the plants on the market. That’s highly unnatural and in itself entails risks.
The media has not reported the controversy fairly. They’ve almost always presented the pro-GMO side.
Monsanto was driven out of England after widespread protests against seed trials. Why are the Europeans so much more critical of GMOs?

Because Europeans have been better informed of the facts. The media in Europe, up to a few years ago, reported this scientific controversy fairly. People knew many well-credentialed scientists did not agree with the claim that these foods were safe. Adverse research showing harm to lab animals got publicized. As a result, European citizens made it clear they didn’t want these foods. Here, the media has not reported the controversy fairly. They’ve almost always presented the pro-GMO side. As a result, the American public has been systematically deceived.

According to the UN, GM technology enhanced farm income in South Africa by $156 million between 1998 and 2006. But isn’t it true there are few proven cases of potential health effects or economic drawbacks?
Even if we grant there have been some economic benefits, according to U.S. law, it is illegal to offset risks by benefits. Foods have to be demonstrated safe to a reasonable certainty of no harm. And none of them has been. In fact, several well-conducted studies published in peer-reviewed scientific journals have demonstrated even severe harm to laboratory animals forced to dine on genetically engineered foods. So there is no reason to think that the risks for us are minimal.

Picture of soybeans on a conveyor belt                          
Genetically modified high yield soybeans developed by Monsanto travel on a conveyer belt. The company is a leading developer of genetically modified seeds.
The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation funded a GMO banana in Uganda that didn’t get banana wilt, a disease that was decimating crops. Surely, that’s a good thing.

Only if there were not risks that might impact health in ways we don’t yet know. As I said, when it comes to food safety, benefits should not be considered in offsetting risks. Everybody has to eat food and changes to food should not entail new risks, no matter what the purported benefits. Several studies by the UN and World Bank also concluded that genetic engineering is not needed to meet the world’s food needs. One of the directors of these studies was asked, “What role do you see for GMOs in the future of food?” He said, “Actually none. They aren’t needed. They haven’t been boosting yields. Small scale, agro-ecological methods are what’s needed in the Third World.”
Contrary evidence has been suppressed, research showing risks is attacked unfairly, the scientists who did the research have had their reputations destroyed.
For opponents of GMOs, Monsanto is the villain. Yet you say scientists themselves are the main “propagandists.” Why would they do this – if they didn’t believe they are right?

[Laughs] Oh, I do think that most of them believe that they’re right. That’s not the issue. A large percentage of “life scientists” have financial interests, one way or another, in genetic engineering. Either they have helped found biotech firms, or they have consulting contracts with biotech firms. Even those scientists and foundations that don’t have such conflicts of interest, have overlooked many of the risks. Contrary evidence has been suppressed, research showing risks is attacked unfairly, the scientists who did the research have had their reputations destroyed. Even the American Association for the Advancement of Science released a statement calculated to defeat a labeling initiative in California, which had several significant misrepresentations in it. When those misrepresentations were called to their attention, they would not retract them. That helped swing the election and defeated the labeling initiative, by misleading many Californians.

Recently, the tide seems to have turned towards an acceptance of GMOs. The UN, Bill Gates, and President Clinton have all come out in support. Even writer Michael Pollan, a well-known opponent, now believes there is no threat to human health. Surely, these people can’t all be wrong, can they?

They can be misled, yes. Based on the misrepresentations that continue to come from scientists, whom people like Michael Pollan and Bill Gates have a right to trust, I can understand why they think what they think. If you have the National Academy of Science and the American Association for the Advancement of Science consistently stating that these foods are safe why not believe them? But the National Academy of Sciences’ supposedly “gold standard” risk assessment is a joke. It’s internally self-contradictory, the logic is weak, and it overlooks several key facts. By contrast, a risk-assessment study released by the Royal Society of Canada in 2001, a few years before the National Academy of Science, came out with an opposite conclusion. It said that genetic engineering is different from traditional breeding, that you can’t assume the products are safe, and that the current regulatory system is extremely flawed. The scientific establishment here never refuted it. They’ve just ignored it. I challenge any fair thinking, good-willed scientist, or intelligent man or women, to read this book and decide for him or herself where the evidence lies—who has been telling the truth and has not been telling the truth.

Picture of a tomato breeder checking plants in a Monsanto greenhouse                            
A scientist checks on tomato plants in a Monsanto greenhouse. Though the tide seems to have turned in favor of genetically modified crops, not everyone is convinced of their safety.

What would you say to an African farmer who wants to use GMOs to feed his starving child today rather than worry about an imaginary threat tomorrow?

First I would say: Read what the UN and World Bank-sponsored reports have said. You don’t need GMOs. Many organizations are trying to educate farmers in Africa and the Third World on the best, agro-ecological methods. The problem is not that organic methods can’t work, but that farmers often haven’t had the knowledge they need. But there are solutions that do not rely on GMOs, which have been proven to work in Africa. So I would say: Get with the sound science, spend less money, and solve your food problem in a way that will create healthy soil, a healthy family and a healthy Africa.

This interview has been edited and condensed.

Bill of Rights, Document 5, Pennsylvania Constitution of 1776, Declaration of Rights....

Bill of Rights, Document 5, Pennsylvania Constitution of 1776, Declaration of Rights....

Thorpe 5:3082--84 I. That all men are born equally free and independent, and have certain natural, inherent and inalienable rights, amongst which are, the enjoying and defending life and liberty, acquiring, possessing and protecting property, and pursuing and obtaining happiness and safety.

      We now find ourselves in a time where this other class of people are now actively engaged in genocide and destruction of the biologic fabric of the planet - disguised as Geo-engineering [in the writers opinion]; profiteering,  criminal bribery, constructive fraud and are desperately trying to tank their false NWO economy - even though the planets elders have been on standby for decades to wipe out the FALSE debts created by the ZIONazi privatly held FEDERAL RESERVE military script ponzi scheme and restart the American economy with out any debt [See www.godskyearth.org as just one example].  Of course this would not suit TPTW that designed this system to collapse so that they could raise their phoenix (The OWO) from the ashes!  Their MO being - "Out of Chaos - Order."  The same orchestrated acts of insanity are going on in all other nations under fire by the banking cartel! The real wealth holders of the planet are on standby to  bail out all nations neutralizing the FIAT system Monopoly money & false debt and they are being blocked from doing so!

     The truth known to the whole world now is that We the Peoples and the Peoples Trust were betrayed by selected leaders of the CROWN SYNDICATE and its domestic terrorist agents operating on the shores of North America and other Private Family's who operate as a closed shop criminal cartel. Principally those that control finance and law who answer to those in the vatican enclave of known as the Corporation of London.  We are aware that our nation suffered its greatest blows by the shadow government in the lead up and post the orchestrated civil war.  See the UNLEARN menu for detailed explanations on this conspiracy against the American People and the Republic.

     Today - an increasing number are aware that a class of men operate a board of directors for a foreign US corporation unlawfully created in 1871, a Congress that has created a foreign law form outside of the original enumerated powers granted to the government. A parasitic class have infiltrated every seat of local, State and National government aided by the foreign BAR Association (CROWN Temple BAR) who now illegally run our courts (Adminsitrative tribunals directed under a fiat bankruptcy / admiralty rules) even though the acts that required proper ratification under the Constitutions of most States was never Lawfully Ratified. What we have is insurrection!

     This is certainly true in California and Oregon and all of the 50 States. TODAY!

Further the Original 13th amendment barred titles of nobility from operating in these United States - the insurrection was enabled by the foreign BAR flies who were the ones that have handed our Republic to the Banking mafia. A re-affirmation of the still standing original
13th amendment will rapidly make BAR flies beholding to a foreign power incapable of holding any office in this country overnight. Such a move would peacefully, rapidly turn out of the People's offices those beholding to a foreign power - like the CROWN and ZIONist interests that run America and the world today. It would also mean those holding two passports would also need to step down! In one simple move America's troubles would be curtailed. Once re-oathed and bonded, we would have our government back, our courts back and our banking back under the Republic and lawful money created by the States for the people at no interest and for no tax!

    The irony is as far as I can tell - this amendment was never lawfully undone - all that was done was the actors created a near duplicate Corporate Constitution in 1871 that quietly rewrote the 13th amendment... 

Those working to the tune of an international criminal cartel beholding to a secret agenda for humanity - one best described as a ONE WORLD SLAVE PLANET. This secret agenda was brought to our attention by John F. Kennedy seven days before he was assassinated and Dwight D. Eisenhower at his exit speech on Jan.17,1961 where they warned us of the threat of the military industrial complex to the American people and the world.

      We know that the plan of the international cabal is diametrically opposed to the principles of Freedom, Independence and those foundational principles that at all men are created equal and are endowed with unalienable (un-a-lienable - rights that can't be lien'ed away ~ licensed away!) rights; those that were enshrined in the American Declaration of Independence
and that each State is sovereign in perpetuity.

  The above realities came to light as we have directly experienced first-hand the blatant violation of our unalienable (un-a-lien-able) rights, the violation of the sacred trust between the people and the once trusted,  for their petty selfish personal, private financial gain, political favor, and their pursuit of control of all resources and power at any cost.

     The tyranny perpetuated on 'We the people' across the world by the International criminal cartel has been at the expense of the sacred guarantees provided us for the health and welfare of all people. We are now witnessing a now daily erosion of individual Freedom and Independence in favor of creeping collectivism, Totalitarianism and a rapidly encroaching Fascist Global Police State. 

     Unending frauds now bring a bout a reality that is visibly, negatively impacting our daily lives, our quality of life, our environment, our families, our communities and the very fabric of the American Nation, all sovereign Nations worldwide and this movement now stands to jeopardize all life on this planet as these Dogs of War try to trigger yet another moronic war for the bankers profit and sadistic pleasure.  

      It is clear to anyone paying attention to this lunacy that the only programs being funded today are One World Government agendas - principally acts of Genocide - provably been directed by a Private Criminal Cartel - and programs aligned with the
UN Agenda 21 - and designed to impose lunatic restrictions on all people. The lunatic fringe seek to commoditize or destroy the integrity of our  food, air, dna and water. They have created endless programs  literally intended to cull the people in line with their desired number now enshrined in the NWO monument to agenda 21, the Georgia Guidstones to just 500,000,000 globally down more than 95+%.

Our Conclusion - We the People must take on the challenges of our time directly ourselves!


       After several years of researching the above controversial issues, our team concluded there was only one way for us to fix the problems that we see in the world today.  That the informed amongst us needed to step up to the plate, to organize ourselves, share the knowledge we have amassed with those now ready to wake up, so that we may collectively help others unlearn and re-educate. To help all fully appreciate the causes of the real challenges of our time, and in turn, we may then come together and directly solve our common problems, while circumventing those that have and do deliberately stifle innovation while creating the very problems that We the People now must work at solving before they destroy our world.

        We intend to provide our members with the core solutions that will allow We the People to successfully develop self sustaining communities; those that are self reliant and that will have the means to retain their limited economic resources in their local and regional economies with out reliance on foreign private exchange tokens from those pretending to be bankers.

       We will help bring about homes and communities that are able to operate as water and energy independent.  Our goal is to see all people in all communities around the world, living as a truly Free and Independent people, and thriving instead of just existing.     
For those who want to go deeper, the unlearn links above further explains the insidious nature of the long conspiracy to take down the republic by the international banking mafia - read on! 


4/27/2015 -- Ft. Worth / Dallas Texas MILE WIDE MAN MADE microwave gener...


Dallas - Ft Worth evening of
Sunday April 27 2015

This storm was totally unbelievable - pics of the HAARP / NEXRAD induced 'clouds' below video

Ft Worth - Dallas targeted by destructive super cell storms 

How can all of this happen?  To get a better understanding, watch my video from this morning
April 27, 2015 here:

27/2015 -- Ft. Worth / Dallas Texas
MILE WIDE MAN MADE microwave generated tornadoes 


See: http://dutchsinse.com/author/dutchsinse/ for more information on how these are induced


'Clouds' overhead Ft Worth where I am while the 'gov' played their vicious game with the lives and property of several million people


dutchsinse  DutchSinse    Published on Apr 27, 2015

Last night I caught the whole formation in action from start to finish. Clearly the storms head directly towards the center of the high power microwave transmission, then combine, and form into one single large rotation (forming a dangerous mile wide tornado).
The storm produced a very large tornado, and SOFTBALL sized hail very close to the high power microwave transmitter (yet once again).  

This has happened far too many times to be coincidence.'

Here is my post from 2013 explaining laser / high power microwave weather formation. Many deniers of directed energy called me a "conspiracy theorist" for saying lasers could induce cloud formation and rotation at the time.

Here is the laser video shown in my explanation:http://www.tatoott1009.com/2015/04/26...

Now here we are 2 years later, and the laboratory results are out, proving high power transmissions (lasers) can induce cloud formation and rotation!________

See dozens of examples of microwave induced storms here:

Video examples here:https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list...

See hundreds of other examples previously documented on my old website here:https://sincedutch.wordpress.com/2012...

Motel 6 Sending Guests’ Personal Info to Police Every Night

Guests will not be informed about police list upon check-in
Motel 6 Sending Guests' Personal Info to Police Every Night
by Mikael Thalen | Infowars.com | April 27, 2015

A Motel 6 in Rhode Island is quietly sending its daily guest list to police, completely unbeknownst to its customers, a report detailed earlier this month.
According to Warwick Mayor Scott Avedisian, local police secured the deal with several of the motel chain’s corporate managers after the company complained about a rash of criminal activity.
Avedisian confirmed the agreement to the Providence Journal after a closed-door meeting with motel executives, Warwick’s police chief and a town administrator.
“We know everyone who is staying in the hotel tonight,” Avedisian remarked.
Upon receiving the list, police will examine the backgrounds of each motel guest in order to check for outstanding warrants, a policy Avedisian deems necessary due to suspected human trafficking in the area. Multiple motel guests have already been arrested Avedisian said, although details on the alleged crimes have been minimal.
Despite the policy making local headlines, Motel 6 confirmed that guests will not be informed of the new measure. The motel will also raise the renting age to 21 from 18 and begin sharing its list of banned patrons with other locations nationwide.
“If Motel 6 has identified someone who has caused trouble in their location, I think we want to be able to share that with other hotels,” Avedisian said. “So they don’t experience the same type of difficulty.”
Steven Brown, the Rhode Island Affiliate of the American Civil Liberties Union, is calling the move a clear breach of privacy.
“When visitors go to a hotel for the night, they expect to be treated like guests, not potential criminals,” Brown said. “There are many ways to deal with illegal activities at the motel without engaging in such a wholesale invasion of patrons’ privacy.”
In response to the ACLU’s statement, Warwick Police Chief Col. Stephen M. McCartney argued that his department had not demanded the list, but had been offered the list by Motel 6.
“It was pretty clear that [Motel 6] corporate and the general manager had done an in-depth analysis of their business model and said: ‘What are things we can do to attract the right kind of people here and make sure the undesirable, criminal element doesn’t come?’” McCartney said to the Providence Journal.
As noted by Tech Dirt’s Tim Cushing, the Supreme Court is currently debating the legality of law enforcement’s warrantless access to hotel records.
“Motel 6 has just decided to make it worse,” Cushing wrote. “While warrantless access to motel records is being challenged in the Supreme Court, the chain has decided to preemptively strip away any privacy expectations that may result from court rulings and just hand it all over to law enforcement because sometimes criminals stay in motel rooms.”
Whether or not the company’s bottom line will be affected by privacy-conscious detractors remains to be seen.

Oregon City Police Officer Killed after being shot in the Head! - VIDEO (2013) Anarchy Comment

Oregon City Police Officer Killed after being shot in the Head! - VIDEO (2013) Anarchy Comment
Who are the real home invaders?! Apparently this cop did not make it inside this home, shot dead.
These videos released show the breakdown in the so-called law system has been ongoing for some time. Gee - do ya think that bad smell hanging over America I wrote about at:
Career Criminal Officials Hang Over America Like a Bad Odor - Do-Nothing Congress Fattens Their Accounts - RIP Intern Mary Caitrin Mahoney
could have anything to do with citizens losing confidence in big government? Cops who previously thought they were welcome in most U.S. homes would probably be better off to assume the opposite, that those homeowners now hate them and they are not welcome anymore.
Many citizens apparently don't want any more law enforcement and wish to take control, themselves. Who would have thought anarchy might eventually prevail in America?
Oregon City Police Officer Killed after being shot in the Head!
Thanks to YouTuber - Bruce Willas 

Live Feed Baltimore WBAL TV 11


Automakers Want to Outlaw Gearheads From Working on Their Own Cars

Car companies seek copyright restrictions to stop car enthusiasts, home mechanics
Kit Daniels
Prison Planet.com
April 20, 2015
Claiming that modern vehicles are “too complex” for home mechanics to fix, automakers are seeking copyright restrictions to prevent gearheads from working on their own cars.
Credit: _salguod / Flickr
The Association of Global Automakers, a lobbying firm for 12 manufacturers, is asking the U.S. Copyright Office to prevent car owners from accessing “computer programs that control the functioning of a motorized land vehicle, including personal automobiles, commercial motor vehicles, and agricultural machinery, for purposes of lawful diagnosis and repair, or aftermarket personalization, modification, or other improvement.
“In order to modify automotive software for the purpose of ‘diagnosis and repair, or aftermarket personalization, modification, or other improvement,’ the modifier must use a substantial amount of the copyrighted software – copying the software is at issue after all, not wholly replacing it,” the AGA claimed. “Because the ‘heart,’ if not the entirety, of the copyrighted work will remain in the modified copy, the amount and substantiality of the portion copied strongly indicates that the proposed uses are not fair.”
Auto Alliance, which also represents 12 automobile manufacturers, is also asking the agency to scrap exemptions to the Digital Millennium Copyright Act that allow car enthusiasts to modify and tune their rides.
“Allowing vehicle owners to add and remove [electronic control] programs at whim is highly likely to take vehicles out of compliance with [federal] requirements, rendering the operation or re-sale of the vehicle legally problematic,” Auto Alliance claimed in a statement. “The decision to employ access controls to hinder unauthorized ‘tinkering’ with these vital computer programs is necessary in order to protect the safety and security of drivers and passengers and to reduce the level of non-compliance with regulatory standards.”
But people have been working on their own cars since cars were invented.
“It’s not a new thing to be able to repair and modify cars,” a staff attorney with the Electronic Frontier Foundation, Kit Walsh, said. “It’s actually a new thing to keep people from doing it.”
Interestingly, this attack on the do-it-yourself auto hobby coincides with the current push towards self-driving cars, and who do you think will resist autonomous cars the most?
Auto hobbyists, such as hot rodders, drag racers and home tuners.
“The biggest threat to our hobby is those people in powerful situations who’s idea of a great day out in their car is to spend it riding in the back seat while someone else handles the driving ‘chore’ for them,” a hot rodder said on the subject. “These are the same people who will ban ‘old junk’ from the roads, enforce ’50 miles per gallon’ standards on new, and then older vehicles, and eventually force everyone to drive ‘standardized’ cars that will fit precisely in parking spaces, take up the minimum space on public roads, and follow all the ‘environmentally friendly’ buzz words while boring real car drivers like us to death.”
And the first step to keep people from behind the steering wheel is to keep them from opening the hood.

Stunned Greeks React To Initial Capital Controls And The "Decree To Confiscate Reserves", And They Are Not Happy

Earlier today, following weeks of speculation, Greece finally launched the first shot across the bow of capital controls, when it decreed that due to an "extremely urgent and unforeseen need" (ironically the need was quite foreseen since about 2010, but that is a different story), it would be "obliged" to transfer - as in confiscate - "idle cash reserves" located across the country's local governments (i.e., various cities and municipalities) to the Greek central bank.
Several hours later the decree which was posted in the government gazette has finally percolated among the population, and the response to what even ordinary Greeks realize is now the endgame, is less than exuberant.
Bloomberg reports, that "as Greece struggles to find cash to stay afloat, local authorities say they oppose a government decision to use their reserves for short-term financing."
“The government’s decision to seize our reserves not only raises legal and constitutional issues, but also a moral one,” said George Papanikolaou, mayor of Glyfada, the third-largest municipality in the metropolitan region of Attica after Athens and Piraeus. “We have a responsibility to serve our citizens,” Papanikolaou said by phone on Monday. Glyfada has about 16 million euros in cash reserves, he said.
George is unhappy because as recently as tomorrow, he will find there is precisely zero euros in his public bank account, as all the money has now been forcibly sequestered by the government in order to repay future Troika, pardon, IMF obligations.
Sadly for Greece, this is the only option left as the money has now fully run out: Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras ordered local governments and central government entities to move their cash balances to the central bank for investment in short-term state debt.
From Bloomberg:
The decree to confiscate reserves held in commercial banks and transfer them to the Bank of Greece could raise as much as 2 billion euros ($2.15 billion), according to two people familiar with the decision. The money is needed to pay salaries and pensions at the end of the month, the people said.

“It is a politically and institutionally unacceptable decision,” Giorgos Patoulis, mayor of the city of Marousi and president of the Central Union of Municipalities and Communities of Greece, said in a statement on Monday.“No government to date has dared to touch the money of municipalities.”
It took the radical leftist one all of 2 months since coming to power.
And the punchline is that the use of confiscated proceeds is unclear: the government says it is to pay pensions and wages, but recall that the same government recently confiscated pensions to repay the IMF, so according to the chain of logic, the government first raided pensions, and now municipalities, just to repay the dreaded Troika.
The Athens city council and the union of municipalities and communities in Greece will convene tomorrow to debate the order, a press officer of the mayor’s office said.
And one everyone realizes what just happened, expect the riot cam and the Greek Pay-Per-Riot channel, which has been on hiatus since the summer of 2012, to be fully reactivated.

US Paratroopers Start 'War-Fighting' Training for Ukrainian National Guard

After marching into Yavoriv with a pledge to instruct the Ukrainian troops in defensive capabilities, the Pentagon is now openly admitting it will conduct ‘war-fighting’ training for the Ukrainian National Guard, accused of war crimes in the country’s east.
Nearly 300 soldiers of the 173rd Airborne Brigade arrived in Ukraine this week after a 1,100 mile march from northern Italy, during an operation known as Fearless Guardian. Starting Monday, April 20th, the paratroopers will begin training Ukrainian troops, a plan which will continue over the next six months.
"This assistance is part of our ongoing efforts to help sustain Ukraine’s defense and internal security operations," Pentagon spokeswoman Eileen Lainez told the Hill when the operation was first announced.
But the Pentagon has now admitted that it will be engaged in overt combat training.
"We will be conducting classes on war-fighting functions, as well as training to sustain and increase the professionalism and proficiency of military staffs," Major Jose Mendez, operations officer for the brigade, was quoted by the US Army website.
"The training will help them defend their borders and the sovereignty," Captain Ashish Patel said, according to the site.
Specifically, the US Army soldiers will train the Ukrainian National Guard battalions. Reformed in 2014, they became the most active combat forces fighting with anti-Kiev militia in the country’s east. Its troops openly displayed far-right sympathies, brandishing swastika-like insignias, throwing Nazi salutes, and posing with Hitler portraits.
After the discovery of mass graves in the Donbass region, containing the bodies of more than 400 executed civilians and independence supporters, Ukrainian guardsmen were accused of war crimes and human rights violations.
Ukrainian military officials have also emphasized the fact that the Pentagon will be engaged in combat training.
"The Americans have enormous combat experience and will teach skills to our military that can be used in combat," Ukrainian army spokesman Andriy Lysenko told a news conference on Friday.
The exercises will begin on Monday, despite warnings from Moscow that Western meddling will only embolden the radical reserve units, and made a bad situation even worse.
"The participation of instructors and experts from third countries on Ukrainian territory…of course, does not help to resolve the conflict," President Vladimir Putin’s spokesman Dmitry Peskov told Russian news agencies. "On the contrary, it can seriously destabilize the situation."
Earlier this week, Canada also announced that it would deploy 200 troops to Ukraine to assist in the training exercises. The United Kingdom has already sent dozens of military instructors.
President Obama is also still considering the option of sending weapons to Ukrainian forces. While he has held back amid fears from allies that providing arms would only escalate the crisis further, some Ukrainian media outlets have reported that Operation Fearless Guardian will conclude with a US handover of ammunition stockpiles. American military officials deny those reports.
Meanwhile, fighting continues in Ukraine’s war-torn east. Despite the February ceasefire agreement, monitors with the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe reported evidence of gun and tank fire on Sunday. Last week, ceasefire breaches left three independence supporters dead and five others injured.

Fla. Gov. Suing Administration for Trying to 'Force Our State Further Into Obamacare'

(CNSNews.com) - “It is appalling that President Obama would cut off federal healthcare dollars to Florida in an effort to force our state further into Obamacare," a furious Florida Gov. Rick Scott (R) said Thursday as he announced that he plans to sue the Obama administration.
"It's outrageous," Scott told Fox News Thursday night."The federal government started a program in our state in 2006. It's called the Low Income Pool. It's (health care) for low income families," Scott explained. "Now, what they are saying is they are not going to keep that program going unless the state expands Obamacare (Medicaid). So this, first off, is horrible."

"It sounds like extortion," Fox News's Kimberly Guilfoyle told Scott.
"Absolutely," the governor agreed. "First off, you think about the families in our state that are relying on this. Second, (Supreme Court Chief) Justice Roberts said...that it's not lawful for the federal government, for the Obama administration, to use coercion tactics, basically held a gun to our head, if we don't expand Obamacare. They say they can't do that."
The Supreme Court in 2012 upheld Obamacare's individual mandate, but it also said the federal government could not compel the states to expand Medicaid coverage for low-income people. As of this writing, 28 states and the District of Columbia have ageed to expand Medicaid. The federal government has agreed to pay 100 percent of the expansion costs through 2016, but after that, the states must pick up a larger share of the costs, and that's what worries Scott and other governors.
In July 2012, shortly after the Supreme Court ruling, Gov. Scott announced that Florida would "opt out of spending approximately $1.9 billion more taxpayer dollars required to implement a massive entitlement expansion of the Medicaid program."
“Floridians are interested in jobs and economic growth, a quality education for their children, and keeping the cost of living low,” Governor Scott said at the time.  “Neither of these major provisions in Obamacare will achieve those goals, and since Florida is legally allowed to opt out, that’s the right decision for our citizens."
He also noted that "Florida already has health care safety net programs for those with the greatest need."
Scott told Fox News on Thursday that he and his attorney general are working on a lawsuit right now.
He questioned whether President Obama really cares about the low-income families in Florida for whom the federal government created the LIP program in the first place.
"And doesn't everybody now understand that this is an administration that's going to use coercion tactics, and when it's appropriate, they'll cut back funding if you don't do another program they want?"
"One, they don't care about the low income families because they are willing to walk away from a program. And then, two, they are using bully -- this is a Sopranos. They are using bullying tactics to attack our state. It's wrong. It's outrageous just that they're doing this."
A White House spokesman, asked for his reaction to the anticipated Florida lawsuit, said he hadn't seen "specific details."
"But what is true is that expanding Medicaid in the State of Florida would ensure that 800,000 Floridians would get access to quality health-care coverage," Josh Earnest said on Thursday.
Earnest noted that under Obamacare, the federal government picks up the full cost of expanding Medicaid through 2016.
"So there's not a good reason why anybody in Florida would be in a situation of trying to block a policy that would benefit 800,000 Floridians. In fact, they would have a positive impact on the finances in the State of Florida.
"And it's difficult to explain why somebody would think that their political situation and their political interest is somehow more important than the livelihood and health of 800,000 people that they were elected to lead."
In a message on his website Thursday, Scott said the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) sent him a letter this week, saying that "the furture of LIP' and "Medicaid expansion are linked."
“We will fight to protect the healthcare of Floridians, and their right to be free from federal overreach," Scott said. "Our citizens already pay federal taxes that go into the federal LIP program. Now, President Obama has decided that the state must take on a larger Medicaid program, forcing our taxpayers to pay even more to government, before they get their own federal tax dollars back. This is outrageous, and specifically what the Supreme Court warned against."

Monday, April 27, 2015

Spiritless Humans (long article)

(This article replaces Matrix Agents: Profiles and Analysis)
Empty people. Puppet people. Cardboard cutouts. Drones. Organic Portals. Background characters. Why do these terms even exist? Because out of necessity they had to be invented by those who independently noticed the same puzzling phenomenon, one for which there is no official name: some people seem to be missing something very important inside. While they are not necessarily any less intelligent, successful, or physically healthy as anyone else, they nevertheless show no indication of having any higher components to their consciousness.
Over the years I have received emails from readers who came to this same conclusion. They noticed that some people were strangely one dimensional and hollow inside. This observation is not hard to miss, but it is easy to rationalize away, especially with modern society being so heavily brainwashed with the politically correct but unrealistic concept that everyone is completely equal in every way, which ignores functional differences due to environmental, genetic, and most importantly, metaphysical factors.


We are giving up Liberty in exchange for convenience.

o Paper receipts are easier to carry and exchange than silver or gold.
o Paper "redeemable on demand" is more convenient than paper receipts made payable to an individual
o One-size of paper is easier to use that multi-size currency
o Paper issued in common denominations is easier to use than paper of inconsistent amounts
o Checks are easier than paper
o Credit cards are easier than checks
o Keychain credit cards are easier than wallet/purse credit cards
o Smartphone taps are easier than credit cards
o Smartwatch taps are even easier (think Apple Pay on iWatches)
o Biometric chip scans are the easiest of all

Voila! We willingly walk along the golden brick road right into the trap.

History proves each prior form of “currency” is eliminated
once the new form is widely accepted, inevitably leading
to nothing but RFID chips … unless the Public wakes up.

On Apr 25, 2015 XXXXX wrote:


Thank you for your consistent monitoring of all things political. I will continue to give you feedback.

I agree that cash may be only a matter of time, but that is only an inward hunch. Walmart will be among the leaders in that 'evolution'. It would be interesting to get a handle on the % of Walmart customers who are on a government payroll, government aid program or social security. Those are all very simple categories that Walmart and the governmental agency could easily convert to a rechargeable card in lieu of cash.


Keep punchin' my friend, XXXXX 

Map: What each state has more of per capita than any other