Saturday, June 27, 2015

The Hidden Hand and Current Events



The Hidden Hand seeks power, everywhere. This vile evil attempts to influence and manipulate any organization that has the ear of the people. And it enslaves the minds of all who fall under its shadow. Satan created this evil and offers himself as an angel of enlightenment to all who seek understanding. I have seen many fall under his sway, as they seek to figure out his plans.
Stick with the Bible. THERE you will find the truth. All other sources should be treated with suspicion – even myself.
So, as we look at China, Greece, Ukraine, Russia, the Middle East, Iran, Financial collapse, Martial Law, Jade Helm and all the other catastrophes that lie at our doorstep… just know that a Hidden Hand seeks to use these events to gain advantage.

The Hidden Hand and Current Events

I had to cut things short yesterday, without giving you my update on the events of the week. That update is important, because you need to know some of the reasons why I am saying what I am saying. You also need a starting point for your own research, if you have the time for it.
I wish that I could give you the links to all of the research that I believe to be important. Although, I might be able to, in the near future. I’m thinking about how to do that.
But, I’m glad that I didn’t have time to show you some of my analysis of current events and a some of the research that I’ve been doing.
Because I missed an important piece in yesterday’s article:
The Freemasons
They are active in every center of power in the world. They seek access and control of every intelligence agency and every government. They have inserted themselves into every religious organization of any size. In fact, ANY organization of any size has been infiltrated by Freemasonry.
Where I come from, in Indiana, you could not succeed in business, unless you were a Freemason. There is a glass ceiling in the business world, and it was created by Freemasons. I’ve seen it myself.

Freemasons Worship Satan

And, whether they know it or not, every Freemason worships Lucifer. Every. Single. One.
If you are a Freemason, you are a Satanist.
And, like all such Satanic organizations, you don’t find that out, until you reach the higher levels of the organization. Satan LOVES wheels-within-wheels, and he invites you to try and figure out what he’s doing.
Please don’t.
Trying to plumb the depths of Satan’s depravity, would take all of your time and effort, and you would STILL not know everything. In fact, since Satan lies to his own followers, much of what you will learn would be a lie.
I’ve done research into some of these evil and secret societies. Anyone who wishes to understand what is going on in the world will run into them and will need some understanding of this vile and evil heart of darkness.

What The Bible Says About This

The Bible has something to say about this. In the final portion of his letter to the church at Ephesus, Paul said:
Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord, and in the power of his might.
Put on the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil.
For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.
Wherefore take unto you the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand.
We think that our battle is with politicians and governments, but all of that is just smoke and mirrors. No, our struggle is with spiritual wickedness, and there is only ONE WAY to win that struggle:
There can be no victory without it.
So, as you spend time trying to understand who and what our enemies are, remember that the Bible is our first source. Discard ANY information that disagrees with the Bible.

Satan Will Beguile You With Knowledge

I have seen far too many foolish Christians duck down rabbit holes and get lost amid the warren of lies created by Satan. The lure of knowledge is hard to resist, and Satan has a history of successfully using that lure. After all, it’s why there is sin in the world.
When Satan beguiled Eve, he said:
For God doth know that in the day ye eat thereof, then your eyes shall be opened, and ye shall be as gods, knowing good and evil.
And then…
And when the woman saw that the tree was good for food, and that it was pleasant to the eyes, and a tree to be desired to make one wise, she took of the fruit thereof, and did eat, and gave also unto her husband with her; and he did eat.
So please – I’m begging you – know the Bible. Put on the Whole Armor of God. You will be destroyed, without it.

Exposing The Masonic Power Structure

Here’s one of many videos exposing the Freemasons:
YouTube shortlink:
(h/t SGT)

Don’t Be Anti-Zionist

That’s a pretty short video and is a good summary of the information. My own research indicates that he’s entirely correct. Even his comment about Mossad.
Although, I did laugh when he said it. In fact, I laugh every time that I hear some comment about the power of the Mossad. As intelligence agencies go, they are tiny. Furthermore, Arab intelligence agencies like to use Mossad as a secondary cover. They tell their agents that – should they ever be unmasked as an asset of a foreign power – to claim to be from Mossad.
They know that Americans can’t tell the difference.
Having said that, I am NOT a fan of Mossad, and I am willing to believe that they have been penetrated by the Freemasons. In fact, after many decades of trying, Freemasonry has finally made serious inroads into Israel. This distresses me greatly.
Did you know that Benyamin Netanyahu is a 33rd degree Freemason?
So was Yasser Arafat, the King of Jordan and Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin – who must have disobeyed his handlers in some way, and got assassinated for it.

Do Not Oppose God

Just don’t allow anti-Zionism and antisemitism – or, anti-anything – to get a hold on you. God is at work in Israel, with Israel. And, it is never safe to oppose God.
For more on that, go here:
Sorry to go off on a tangent like that. Spend any time in research into ‘secret societies’, and you will run into antisemites who believe the Jews and/or Zionism (the desire of the Jewish people for a safe and secure homeland) are the source of all our troubles. Such bizarre stupidity is incomprehensible.
Okay… so …where was I?
Ah yes. Freemasons.

Freemasons Part Of The Beast

To my mind, Freemasonry is definitely a part of The Beast of Revelation. And, it appears that the Roman Catholic Church has sought to ride and direct this Beast, through its influence with Freemasonry and other secret societies.
The next question is whether the Catholic Church is a part of The Beast, or merely its rider. Time will tell.

Doing Research

So, put on the whole armor of God, and do your research. Hare are some places to start:

Here is another video that might interest you:
YouTube shortlink:
(The above video is also known as: Hidden Agendas – Series: Total Onslaught.)

Unfortunately, I suspect that Walter Veith is right about Judaism. Followers of Judaism are not saved, and so therefore are in the hands of Satan. God will one day rescue them from idolatry, and I look forward to that day. For now, they are caught in a Satanic trap.

US 'Government' Buildings Dedicated To Lucifer

Oh, and here’s a thought that might shake you a bit:
Did you know that every US government building has been dedicated to Lucifer by the Freemasons?
Yup. The Freemasons dedicate the cornerstone of government buildings everywhere, to Lucifer, with their own date format – Anno Lucis:

The Masonic Hidden Hand

Oh, and when I titled this article and yesterday’s, I was using a bit of double entendre. One meaning points the evil and secret power operating in the shadows. But, there’s another meaning. This one:
The Masonic "Hidden Hand"The Masonic “Hidden Hand”
Have you noticed anyone with that hand sign?

Here are a few:

It’s da POPE!

                           These guys are VERY similar

The current King of Jordan and Putin

Karl Marx

Stalin and George Washington

Had enough?
Yeah. Me, too.

Okay, enough about the Freemasons. Let’s talk about current events.


I’m a bit unsettled by what is happening right now in China. The Chinese stock markets are crashing through the floor, and it appears set to continue. When I first saw Chinese banana sellers, Chinese grandmothers and Chinese farmers jumping into the stock market, I knew that it would end badly.
Well, we are seeing that ‘end’.

If you want to track that, go here:

Here are a few articles for you:

I’m not sure how the above will affect the following:

Of course, I’m most concerned that a collapse of the Chinese financial system will act a ‘black swan’, and help to begin the collapse of the global financial system. I know that it will start soon. I’m just hoping for as long a delay as possible – to give you a chance to prepare for it.


Now, let’s look at Greece. That pot keeps boiling and refuses to go away:

Everyone, this is really, REALLY bad. China might be the first domino, and Greece looks like the second. If China doesn’t start the biggest financial collapse in world history, Greece certainly will.

Here is an interview with Martin Armstrong:

And, I believe that it is this financial collapse that is the biggest reason for Jade Helm:

And, there is a connection between Jade Helm 15 and where we started:

I hope that yesterday’s articleand this one – are a wake-up call. Please get ready now.

 (That’s a link. Click it for a discussion on preparation.)
A prudent man foreseeth the evil, and hideth himself: but the simple pass on, and are punished. Proverbs 22:3

Transgender movement may not have to wait long for its day in court


Transgender movement may not have to wait long for its day in court

Inmate Michelle-Lael Norsworthy smiles after a parole hearing at Mule Creek State Prison in Ione, Calif. She is locked in a legal battle with The California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation over her request for sex reassignment surgery. (Photo: Steve Yeater/AP)

The Supreme Court will announce whether it has found a fundamental right to same-sex marriage any day now, dramatically altering the course of gay rights history. But a much lower-profile case that is currently wending its way up through the federal courts could offer the Supreme Court an opportunity for another potentially transformative decision on LGBT rights as soon as next year.
The case — about whether the California state prison system should be required to pay for an inmate’s sex reassignment surgery — may change public perceptions about medical care for transgender people at a time when Caitlyn Jenner and other high-profile trans people are lending more visibility to the group.
The gay rights movement has been breathtakingly successful at changing public perceptions about gay people in the country in only a few decades, in part because of a well-organized legal campaign to win the right to gay marriage. One successful feature of the campaign: sympathetic plaintiffs. But the transgender movement has always lagged a bit behind. One reason is that while most Americans now say they know a gay person, the vast majority does not know a trans person. That is beginning to change, according to polling by advocacy group the Human Rights Campaign. Twenty-two percent of likely voters now say they know a transgender person, a five percentage point jump from even just one year earlier. And that’s already affecting public perceptions: 44 percent said in January that they viewed trans people favorably, compared to just 26 percent in 2011. A big Supreme Court case could do a lot to boost those numbers by bringing even more awareness of transgender people.
The law on transgender issues is something of a Wild West — very few states make clear that the government will recognize a person’s post-transition gender, for example, and some states have explicitly passed laws refusing to acknowledge a trans resident’s gender, even after sex reassignment surgeries. The Supreme Court has declined to wade into case after case affecting transgender people — including job discrimination cases. But this could all change soon.
In August, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 9th Circuit Court will hear arguments in a case centering around Michelle-Lael Norsworthy, a 51-year-old who is serving time for second-degree murder at Mule Creek State Prison near Sacramento. She was diagnosed with gender dysphoria — the condition of feeling significant discomfort with the gender you were born as — and began taking female hormones in 2000. A physician assigned to her by the prison recommended Norsworthy for sex reassignment surgery, saying that the hormones and therapy were not enough to treat her gender dysphoria. Taking hormones long term could also lead to complications, because Norsworthy has hepatitis C, the physician said. Removing her male genitals would stop the production of male hormones and make taking female hormones unnecessary.
The California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation denied Norsworthy’s claim, arguing that giving her expensive sex reassignment surgery would present security concerns. Male inmates might be more likely to assault her if she stayed in the men’s prison. (Norsworthy has already been raped six times while in prison, according to her lawyers, including a gang rape in 2009 during which she contracted hepatitis C.) Norsworthy sued, saying the prison violated her right to be free from cruel and unusual punishment under the Eighth Amendment by denying her the surgery. The prison countered that hormones and therapy are adequate treatment for gender dysphoria, and that failure to provide surgery does not amount to deliberately ignoring her suffering.
A lower federal court sided with Norsworthy earlier this year and demanded the prison provide her with the surgery immediately. But the 9th Circuit has temporarily stayed that decision for now, pending its review of the case.The appeals court will hear arguments from both sides on Aug. 13. If the liberal-leaning court sides with Norsworthy, the Supreme Court may be forced to take up the case next year. That’s because a different appeals court, the 1st Circuit, ruled against a Massachusetts inmate’s claim for a sex reassignment surgery earlier this year. However, that inmate, Michelle Kosilek, did not have a condition that made taking female hormones dangerous, which makes Norsworthy’s claim potentially stronger. A split in the appeals courts — where one says sex reassignment surgery is necessary care that prisons must provide and the other says it’s not — may lead the Supreme Court to step in and sort out the conflict.

Robert Kosilek sits in Bristol County Superior Court, in New Bedford, Mass., where Kosilek was on trial for the May 1990 murder of his wife. (Photo: Lisa Bul/AP)

LGBT activists hope Norsworthy’s case will send a larger message about how sex reassignment surgeries are necessary medical treatment for a real condition. Many private companies and state Medicaid plans now cover sex reassignment surgeries, but the majority of private insurance plans do not.
“It’s clear that there are pervasive misunderstandings about the underlying medical condition, and many people presume incorrectly that surgery is not essential medical treatment,” said Jennifer Levi, the director of GLAD’s Transgender Rights Project. “Having a high court decision that recognizes what the medical community has already recognized could certainly help to change the public’s view of the importance of surgery for any individual.”
Though the case could affect trans people everywhere, it doesn’t have the clear-cut appeal of some of the cases that have expanded gay rights. For one, the plaintiff is a convicted murderer — she shot and killed an acquaintance after the two of them got into a bar fight when she was 21. And she is asking the state to provide her with an expensive medical procedure, instead of requesting that the state stop prohibiting her from doing something she wants, such as getting married. (The cases are also legally very different: The Supreme Court would see Norsworthy’s Eighth Amendment claim as completely different legal territory than the equal protection claims of same-sex couples.)
“There’s a challenge with how these cases are perceived among the public and even among trans folks themselves — there’s not unanimity on this particular issue,” said Jody Herman, the manager of transgender research at UCLA’s Williams Institute.
Sarah Warbelow, the Human Rights Campaign’s legal director, says cases of employment discrimination against trans people tend to “resonate” more with the American public. In 2011, the 11th Circuit, one of the most conservative appeals courts in the country, ruled in favor of a transgender woman in Georgia who was fired from her job when she began dressing and living as a woman. But less sympathetic prisoner cases are also important in expanding the rights of all transgender people.
“Providing protection is not always about playing favorites; it’s about making sure that all people have access to the rights that they’re entitled to,” said War below.

This March 28, 2014 photo provided by the California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation shows Michelle-Lael Norsworthy. (Photo: California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation/AP)

Shawn Meerkamper, a member of Norsworthy’s legal team at the Transgender Law Center, said the inmate can help humanize transgender people and the issues they face.
“She is a very loving and sincere person,” Meerkamper said, adding that Norsworthy has become an activist for better protection from rape for transgender prisoners. “I think that when people know transgender people better, they’ll understand better.”
Norsworthy faces a tough road to victory, however. For one, a parole board declared her eligible for release in May. She could be released any time in the next five months, rendering her claim moot. (Her lawyers say she will seek the operation through Medi-Cal, which covers the procedure, if she’s released.) But Norsworthy’s lawyers have another case waiting in the wings if hers is overtaken by her release. Shiloh Quine, a transgender woman who is serving a life sentence for murder at the same prison as Norsworthy, is seeking sex reassignment surgery, too.
If the 9th Circuit sides with Norsworthy, the Supreme Court may have to tackle another hot-button LGBT case sooner than expected.

Bitter dissents in gay marriage case


Interns with media organizations run on Friday in Washington with copies of the Supreme Court decision that the U.S. Constitution gives same-sex couples the right to marry. (Photo: Joshua Roberts/Reuters)

Justice Anthony Kennedy almost always votes alongside his four conservative colleagues on the Supreme Court. But when he doesn’t, it’s often in big, transformative cases, like Friday’s gay marriage decision. His defection clearly has made his conservative peers hopping mad.
Each of the four conservative justices in the minority wrote his own dissent, a sign that their disappointment and anger at the decision striking down gay marriage bans could not be combined into one response. Separately, their writings bordered on the caustic, sometimes even making personal attacks on Kennedy’s jurisprudence and writing style.  
Kennedy, who is known for rhetorical flourishes and sweeping legal writing, begins his opinion with a broad statement: “The Constitution promises liberty to all within its reach, liberty that includes certain specific rights that allow persons, within a lawful realm, to define and express their identity.” He concludes that the 14th Amendment guarantees the right to marriage to same-sex couples, and that denying them marriage robs them of liberty entitled to them by law. And on his way, Kennedy colorfully explains that marriage is an ennobling institution that bestows dignity upon those who enter it. (“Marriage responds to the universal fear that a lonely person might call out only to find no one there,” Kennedy writes.)
The opening seemed to enrage Justice Antonin Scalia, who went even further than usual in his criticism of Kennedy’s signature flowery language. He wrote in a footnote that he would “hide his head in a bag” if he ever signed onto an opinion containing this first sentence, which he said contained “the mystical aphorisms of a fortune cookie.”
Bitter dissents in gay marriage case lay bare deep divide in high court
Justices Kennedy (left) and Scalia. (Photos: U.S. Supreme Court via Wiki Commons)

Chief Justice John Roberts, who read much of his dissent aloud from the bench, a sign of his deep displeasure, called the opinion’s reasoning “unprincipled.” He even compared it to the infamous Dred Scott case from the 19th century, when the Supreme Court held that no one of African descent could be an American citizen.
Conservative judges also lambasted Kennedy for skipping some key legal details in his opinion, such as what level of scrutiny the high court used to examine gay couples’ claims.
Doug NeJaime, a professor of law at UCLA, says that conservative justices have long criticized Kennedy’s opinions for this sort of gloss-over when he writes with the liberals. “This is classic Justice Kennedy,” he said. “It’s not the kind of mechanical, constitutional analysis that some of the other justices might want.”
Complaints about Kennedy’s writing style pepper the dissents. Roberts mocks its “shiny rhetorical gloss,” Scalia calls the opinion’s style “pretentious” and full of “silly extravagances.” Justice Clarence Thomas objects to the majority’s characterization of marriage as ennobling. “I am unsure what that means,” he wrote. “People may choose to marry or not to marry. The decision to do so does not make one person more ‘noble’ than another.” At one point, Scalia even goes line by line through parts of the opinion, adding critiques in parentheses, such as, “Huh?” and “What say?” He ends by declaring that the opinion will “diminish this Court’s reputation for clear thinking and sober analysis.”
Perhaps most striking was when Roberts went so far as to tell gay people in his dissent that they should not celebrate the Constitution today, because that document had nothing to do with their legal victory.
The statement gets to the heart of the conflict between the majority and the minority in today’s decision: Whether the Constitution is a living document that evolves with the times or whether it is frozen in the 18th century. Though Kennedy generally sides with his conservative colleagues who more strictly interpret the Constitution, he has argued for a more expansive interpretation of the document in this case as well as in Lawrence v. Texas, which struck down state laws that criminalized sodomy.
“The nature of injustice is that we might not always see it in our own times,” Kennedy wrote in Friday’s opinion. “The generations that wrote and ratified the Bill of Rights and the Fourteenth Amendment did not presume to know the extent of freedom in all of its dimensions, and so they entrusted to future generations a charter protecting the right of all persons to enjoy liberty as we learn its meaning.”
Kennedy thinks we are still learning this meaning. His colleagues do not.