Saturday, June 27, 2015



America, this is truly a time of great sadness, a time of great mourning for America, for her TRUE church and His people. Our Lord has many grievances against this nation. Is it not enough that America has continued to allow the sacrifices of our young to Baal through abortion and outright murder of those in the mother's wombs through selfishness?  Is it not enough that murder under the guise of 'mercy' is being done in our hospitals and clinics to our elderly, and to those who are mentally or physically ill and unable to protect themselves. Is it not enough that America has removed the Lord God from textbooks, from this nation's history, from our laws and the very foundation of this nation? Is it not enough that homosexuality - and now talk of bestiality - is accepted in this nation.  And NOW we sit back while the official building representing this nation is covered in 'rainbow' colors signifying this nation's approval not only of homosexuality, a grievous sin to the Lord God, but of 'gay marriage'.  This will not go unpunished.  Has it not been stated many times that the Lord would have to apologize to Sodom and Gomorrah if He did not punish America for her sins?  And so the end officially begins.  We have thought that the 'ride' has been rough in recent years for this nation, but what is upon the nation now has yet to be experienced. Pray and fast as though your very life depends upon it - for indeed it does. 

Judy Curmi
Today there was a momentous ruling by the United States Supreme Court. "The Supreme Court ruled 5-4 on Friday that state bans on same-sex marriage are unconstitutional, a historic decision that extends gay and lesbian nuptials nationwide." [Newsmax] After reading a number of articles online about this subject I asked the Lord if He had anything to say about this ruling? This was the answer I received.
Lev. 18:22 You shall not lie with a male as with a woman. It is an abomination. [NKJ]
Judy, this is a day of infamy*, but you knew in your heart this day was coming. You have been watching and waiting, as have many others. People think they can shred my Word. People think they can mock my Word. They think they can do whatever they want to do and there will be no consequences. This is false - but to them it is true.
I have bided my time very patiently with the USA. I have given you years - even decades - to repent, but repentance never came. Instead people continued "Hell-bent" (literally) on the path they were on. This path does not lead to LIFE. It leads to DEATH.
Having rainbow flags will not help you. They will not keep you safe. They will not keep away the famine, the marauders** or the plagues.
The USA has given me the "Heave Ho"*** and you rejoice. You think you have made a great decision, an earth shattering decision. Yes you have, but NOT in the manner you expect. You think you have opened a door to a new era. Yes you have, but what is behind that door is not what you expect at all.
Your current joy will turn to great sorrow at what your defiance and rebellion have unleashed. You have not chosen LIFE. You have chosen DEATH, so your system is going to DIE. All your money, your baubles, your entertainment - everything you have defined as the great life and the American Dream is going to DIE.
Nor will this be a long drawn out, prolonged affair. Your house of cards will come down quickly - suddenly - without warning (if you have not been paying attention). What you have planned for other countries, what you have wished for other countries, what you have done to other countries, all will come back on you with a vengeance. All of your plots and schemes to continue to dominate others will fail and fall to the ground. As you have done to others, now they will do to you.
USA - You sealed your fate today. I ask for justice and mercy. I ask for righteousness, but that is not the portion you have chosen. America will tremble. America will groan and wail in dismay. Your news announcers will not be able to stop "beating their lips".*4
This was not MY decision. This was YOURS. Many have worked long and hard for this day. They feel elated and vindicated. I AM THE ONE WHO VINDICATES AND I DO NOT VINDICATE CRASS REBELLION AGAINST ME!
For those who belong to me, hold on and don't let go. Your day is still coming. I intend for you to shine like the stars in the heavens and you will.
Your Daddy
*Infamy: the state of being well known for some bad quality or deed
**Marauder: a person or animal that goes from one place to another looking for people to kill or things to steal or destroy
***Idiom: "Heave Ho": the act of throwing someone out; the act of firing someone
*4 Idiom: "beating their lips" or to Beat (one's) gums: to speak excessively and aimlessly

Francis Sturgill
Daughter speak, for you know it is I, the Holy One of Israel. My sheep know My voice as I AM the Great Shepherd, the Great I AM, the One who was, who is and who is to come; the Lamb who was slain, who has redeemed men from their sins, all sin for all time. I AM He who has risen and is seated at the right hand of My Father. I AM He who is coming. Trust daughter and speak for Me this day.
All power and authority are given to Me from on High by My Father, in the earth, on the earth, under the earth. I alone am King of Kings and Lord of Lords. I alone reign Supreme over every created thing. I alone am Sovereign. I alone am holy and righteous and can only speak truth for I AM the ever faithful One.
Rise My children, rise and take a powerful and authoritative stand this day, this moment. For I call you to rise from the dust and the ashes of a world and of a nation corrupt. Assume your positions My children, My Bride; your lamps burning brightly and your oil overflowing, for it is you I speak to on this day. You must be fine-tuned, ever sober and vigilant, have laser-like focus, more so now than ever. You will not hear Me if you allow the distractions and the pollutions of the world to enter your minds and your situations. A greater refining is occurring as We speak together this day. And I am bringing Mine through the fire, the fire of testing and the fire of purification as silver is refined and gold -by fire.
You are held to a greater accountability, and in this you do receive My greater revelations and the increase of My impartations to you in the spirit. I am pouring out My spirit in this place and I am causing My people to hear Me very clearly, very directly because of what I am about to do. A great and terrible hour is come, an hour in which you have been prepared. Many are the words and the warnings that have been spoken to My people to prepare them for this hour so that you would not move in fear.
You will see great manifestations of My power and My presence as the end of all things is here. This great day has come and is upon you. The mighty fortresses that men have built in their own honor and for their own vanities will come crashing down. I AM will destroy all that man has raised up. I have shown you in your night vision this past night, the fire that will suddenly be upon you. In this vision you were shown how you were trying to warn people to take action and preventative measures, but all of your words fell on deaf ears. So many were consumed with the ongoings of daily life and were completely oblivious to what was befalling them.
For the most part, My warnings and My words through My messengers and My prophets have been ignored. Because many have not been obedient to learn of Me and become intimate with Me so that I would reveal mysteries to them, they continue to operate in a realm and from a perspective that does not belong to Me and My Kingdom. Therefore, these things that come will be sudden-lies and catch them off-guard.
But to you, My wise virgins who have your oil lamps full and overflowing, and who are ever ready in every moment to meet your Bridegroom, it is for you that I come. It is for you that this bridal chamber has been made ready. It is for you that the marriage table has been prepared.
The drums of war are no longer in the distance daughter, they are upon you. The end is here. The day dawns when all of My prophecies must be fulfilled. Be steadfast and of good courage My beloveds. I hold you in the palm of My hand and no harm will come to those who have been obedient. Hide your eyes dear ones, until the indignation is past, for it will be terrible and great and sorrow will cover your lands. Judgment will strike suddenly and panic will ensue.
My Bride is ready, however, for you have been trained in My ways and you will minister and love as I have loved you. You will gather the flock and bring comfort out of tribulation. My light in you will quell the fears of many, and many will come to know Me for who I AM. I will strike without warning, but for those of you who have been listening to My voice and preparing for this hour, you will rise in a strength that you have never had before. You will have My complete infusion. No longer will you operate from your flesh for We will be and are pure Spirit, One Spirit in each other, One Spirit in Our Father. All around the world, My Bride will hear One voice, One mandate. We move as One body. Of this you can be assured. We will communicate in the Spirit and there will be no question as to what you are to do and where you are to be.

These judgments will not only come from under the earth as all of the plates are shifting, but this judgment will also come from the skies, as all must be shaken.
Stand fast My army, be bold and be courageous, unwavering, unshakable, valiant and in authority, powerful love, Kingdom authority. This is who you are, because this is who I AM. To you is given all power, strength and authority from on High because it is I AM who dwells within you. There are no bounds and no limits to what We are about to do. All provision and resources from on High belong to you as the storehouses of blessings have been poured out upon you. You do not stand alone. You are surrounded by a great cloud of witnesses. Many, many assist in the spiritual. We are more than the enemy. We are victorious for We have already won. Greater is He that is in you than he that is in the world.
I AM will bestow upon you a peace incomprehensible to those around you who will suffer great travail. Be love children, be My example, Be Me in all that is coming and great will be your reward. Rejoice for you have been chosen from before the foundation of time to fulfill this purpose for Me.
You are loved by the King.
What more is there than this??
YAHUSHUA~CAPTAIN~HIGH TOWER~BELOVED BRIDEGROOM Matthew 25:1-13King James Version (KJV) Zechariah 13:9King James Version (KJV) Acts 2:17King James Version (KJV) Joel 2:28-29King James Version (KJV) Genesis 6:13King James Version (KJV) Isaiah 26:20King James Version (KJV)
1 Corinthians 15:58King James Version (KJV) Deuteronomy 28:8King James Version (KJV)

June 26th 2015 - Today's News Headlines speak of Eccl 1:9-10
Rosemary LaVigne
June 27, 2015

Sodom & Gomorrah Google Earth Link
31° 4'53.00"N

Genesis 19 tells us that God thoroughly destroyed "the cities of the plain", including Sodom and Gomorrah. God said, "The outcry against Sodom and Gomorrah is so great and their sin so grievous that I will go down and see if what they have done is as bad as the outcry that has reached me. If not, I will know." And it says, "Then the LORD rained down burning sulphur on Sodom and Gomorrah - from the LORD out of the heavens." And, "... God destroyed the cities of the plain." The five cities of the plain have been located and the evidence is staggering. For the first time in modern history we have found round balls of brimstone, or nearly pure sulfur, embedded in an ashen area near the Dead Sea, which show clear signs of having once been ancient building structures!

Watch the Video
atch the Sodom and Gomorrah segment from the DVD, 27 minutes

Watch the Video
Many good shots, narrated by Ron Wyatt's widow


[In the last year someone had a vision/ dream of fireballs coming to earth and that all would be consumed. The Lord is in the consuming fire that is coming upon the earth.]

A Lament from the Wall
Nathan Leal -
I Grieve
June 26, 2015

Today, in light of the Supreme Court decision on gay marriage, I grieve.
I grieve because the land of my youth has died.
I grieve because I know what the blasphemous ruling means.
I grieve because five unelected ones decided the fate of the Nation and legalized the abominable.
I grieve because my children have been handed the baton of a moral cesspool.
I grieve because I know how dark it is going to become.
I grieve because in my heart of hearts, I know that God, our Creator, who abides in the real Supreme Court is going to respond with His ruling. It will be a ruling that is going to plow the land under.
The God of Heaven looked down at the mockery of humans and allowed them to choose.
They chose. Now America is going to crumble.
They chose. Now America will burn.
They chose. Now a plague will dine on the people.
They chose, and those who celebrate will become the fodder of the unspeakable.
They chose, and now darkness will overtake with unrelenting madness.
They chose to throw away God's law, and with it, the lamp of the eye.
So ladies and gentlemen, today - June 26, 2015, the time has arrived to be afraid.
Be afraid for your family.
Be afraid for your loved ones.
Be afraid for the future.
Be afraid, because foolish men have stoked the fires of the wrath of God.
Be afraid, because the thread God's patience, has been severed by the blade of lustful man.
Be afraid, because the foundry of Heaven is forging the weapons of war and sharpening the battle ax of the destroyer.
Be afraid, oh people, for the appointment is coming.
Weep for the losses. Grieve for the fallen. Cry out to your Creator and plead that the coming plague of bloodshed will pass over you and your dwelling place.
Today, the Nation turned a corner.
Today, she left her path and walked into a graveyard.
The tombstones watched...
... The keepers of the crypts laughed...
... And the jaws of Hell opened wide to dine on the coming meal.
The time of talk is over. The time to pray that America will turn has passed. She has chosen not to be healed. Her fate has been determined.
So save yourselves and hide in the Rock of Christ. The fires are coming.
In lament,
Nathan Leal - Watchman's Cry

Rick Wiles on Jim Bakker

What You Did Not See On The Wiles-Bakker Broadcast!
Get The Un-Aired, Blow-Your-Mind Excerpts Here! (Video) Thursday, June 25, 2015
Noah, Set-Apart and Sealed
(June 2015)
This episode is called 'Noah, Set-Apart and Sealed' and can be found at this link: http://thebackburner.Podomatic.Com/entry/2015-06-24T21_43_24-07_00

Noah, Set-Apart and Sealed - PART TWO (June 2015)

By lanavawser
This morning I saw an invitation from heaven for the people of God to move into deeper throne room encounters. Deeper encounters with the Father heart of God. I saw the throne and around the throne was the most beautiful river of rushing waters. These waters had every colour of the rainbow in it, and the walls were covered in hundreds upon hundreds of jewels. The Glory of the Lord was emanating from Him onto these jewels and they were releasing bright colourful light all around the room.
The Lord was inviting His people into the rivers. Into this place of deeper comfort, deeper peace, deeper rest for mind, body and soul. A place of deeper revelation of the promises of His heart.
As many of the people of God began to step in, I saw a crossover into "rest" taking place in the minds and hearts of people. I then saw what looked like guitar strings in their minds and hearts. But many of these strings were tangled, and many of the "mind strings" and "heart strings" were not joined together. I could feel the heart of God that He wanted the mind and heart to move in "one accord" with His heart. When these `mind strings' and `heart strings' were joined together, a new sound of His heart would be released through His people.
So many of these `mind strings' and `hearts strings' were tangled and many of the people of God were feeling constant "mind chatter", constant "torment of heart". Circumstances and the enemy were taking strings of the `mind and heart' and beginning to pull them. Pull them in one direction or the other and I wondered why the enemy and circumstances had the `permission' to do this.
Suddenly the verse came to me "Keep my words, and treasure my commandments within you. Keep my commandments and live, and my teaching as the apple of your eye. Bind them on your fingers; write them on the tablet of your heart." - Proverbs 7:1-3
I sensed there was an issue of "focus" that was happening for many. Where focus had been placed upon the battle, focused had been placed upon the `negative' or the `lack of breakthrough'. Focus had been stolen by distraction, and what many of the people of God were `focusing' on, they were receiving more of and it was giving the enemy `legal rights'.
I then heard the Lord say "Many through weariness and discouragement have forgotten about the power of renewing their mind. Many through weariness and discouragement have forgotten to keep their eyes on Me and My Word constantly on their hearts and before their eyes. What My people focus on, so will they become. And as these jewels on the walls in here that you see, that are shining brightly as they are reflecting My Glory, so it is with My people. As they spend more time with Me, focused on Me, My Word on their hearts and before their eyes, they will shine all the more brightly for Me."
I then saw Jesus begin to minister to each one of His people who were weary as they floated in the rivers before the throne. He was in the waters with them, and they held hands floating around the throne and simply the love, kindness and goodness of His presence was leading His people into deeper repentance. A "turning away" from lies, a "change of mind" was happening by just BEING WITH HIM!!!!!! Without Him saying a word, a GREAT EXCHANGE was happening from HIS heart to theirs. Suddenly these "strings" began to untangle. The "strings" of the "mind and heart" were suddenly unravelling and beginning to connect mind and heart. Strings of the mind and heart were being perfectly joined together in "one accord".
I then heard the Lord say "One accord, a NEW CHORD." The people of God were floating in the rivers of the Spirit and deeper revelation. Revelation of HIS PROMISES that are His heart for His people.
Joy and peace filled my heart as I watched an alignment of "head knowledge" become "heart truth" and a greater alignment with the heart of God was releasing a NEW SOUND. A NEW CHORD of heaven into their lives that was releasing freedom, and vibrating into the earth with SHOCKWAVES of HIS LOVE.
Pay attention to what you are focusing on. There is an invitation for you into the rivers of God that are flowing around the throne to receive greater revelation of His promises. Do not let anything distract you from keeping your face towards Him as a flint and His Word before your eyes and on your heart. What you focus on you will become and will release to others.
A DEEP calibration and fine-tuning of mind and heart is happening right now in the Spirit as the people of God cry out for encounters with His heart. Head and heart are connecting. Alignments of truth. Deeper alignment of our minds and hearts with His heart. Breakthrough is happening. Freedom is happening. A new chord, a new sound is being released into your life bringing you freedom and healing, and vibrating a new sound into your world and areas of influence with SHOCKWAVES of HIS LOVE that will suddenly AWAKEN people to Him.
Lanavawser posted: "As someone who has a great love and heart for the United States of America, I was grieved along with fellow believers at the decision from the Supreme Court today "redefining" marriage. I felt the discouragement and sadness of many in the USA."

As someone who has a great love and heart for the United States of America, I was grieved along with fellow believers at the decision from the Supreme Court today "redefining" marriage.
I felt the discouragement and sadness of many in the USA, the questions, the feeling of "not understanding", the confusion and the feeling of not having their "voices" heard. Many disheartened that they are now faced with an outcome they either did not agree with or believed for.
As I pondered this before the Lord suddenly the words flooded my heart.
"It is always darkest before the dawn. Darkest before the moment of greater victory."
I was left with the sense that for many that are feeling this 'outcome' as great darkness that there is still hope for the USA and to encourage the people of God in the United States, that even though for them it may seem like 'defeat' in many ways, God is not finished with the USA. The words flooded my heart again that the Lord gave me months ago "There is still gold in the USA."
Even in the midst of a nation that has taken a stand against biblical principles and away from the God- ordained and created definition of marriage, He is the one who defines marriage, not a court system. Certainly there are spiritual laws, we reap what we sow, but I felt the heart of God for this people to NOT GIVE UP HOPE. Do NOT give up hope, even when you feel like you are at the end of your rope. Even when you are faced with a situation such as this that is disheartening and discouraging, can I encourage you to continue to contend for the USA. Continue to call her forth into her destiny. Despite the "mess" that is before your eyes, continue to call out the GOLD in the USA. There is still GOLD in the USA and the Lord has a great destiny for the USA.
I felt the Lord saying:
"Many have perceived this as the enemy having victory, but I have GREATER victory planned!!!!!"
I then saw myself standing above what looked like a HUGE map of the United States of America and there was mess everywhere. It looked like things were being turned upside down, it seemed like there was CHAOS everywhere. The people of God were looking on at the chaos going on around them, and were giving up hope. Committing the USA to doom. Do not align yourself with the darkness. Do not align your words with darkness. Suddenly, I saw the fire of God begin to burn pathways through the nation for His people to walk through. As they began to walk upon these paths, angelic hosts on either side of these paths began to sing LOUDLY. "UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, HEAR THE VICTORY! HERE IS THE VICTORY. UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, HEAR THE VICTORY! HERE IS THE VICTORY."
Suddenly words BOOMED through every part of my being:
"I am raising up an army in the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, that will not be swayed by what they see and will not give up. In the midst of areas of darkness in the nation, I am raising up My Church. This is THE GREATEST HOUR for My people in the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. IN AMONGST the darkness, I am positioning My people as they stay close to Me, to SHINE like never before. As more darkness has seemingly begun to fall upon the nation, My Church is about to rise and shine (Isaiah 60) like NEVER BEFORE and SHOW the nation of the United States what VICTORY LOOKS LIKE. An army not moved by victory in the "NATURAL" but moving from a place of ASSURED CONTINUAL VICTORY by standing STRONG in Me. Church of America, this is your FINEST HOUR!!!! It's time to ARISE. Some of the greatest demonstrations of My power, and My love are going to be seen in this day. DO NOT give up hope. For in the darkness, you will find your FINEST HOUR. It is always darkest before the dawn. The dawn of the sons and daughters of Glory arising to show the nation what TRUE VICTORY looks like."
People of the United States, I call you friends, and I love your nation. I stand with you. I contend with you. I believe with you. Despite what your eyes see, do NOT give up hope. For this is the finest hour for the Church of the United States of America. You are going to shine brighter than you have ever shone as you stay close to Him. Call out the gold in the United States. She STILL has a destiny. There is still gold WITHIN HER. Show the nation what TRUE VICTORY looks like by walking in your God given authority and destiny. The darkness many of you are seeing is a great opportunity to shine His light and Glory in ways you have never before.
It really is time to arise! Standing with you!
Lana Vawser

U.S.A. Supreme Court Legalizes Gay Marriage


June 26, 2015 — 9:03 AM CDT

U.S. Supreme Court Legalizes Gay Marriage

Same-sex couples have a constitutional right to marry nationwide, the U.S. Supreme Court said in a historic ruling that caps the biggest civil rights transformation in a half-century.
Voting 5-4, the justices said states lack any legitimate reason to deprive gay couples of the freedom to marry. Justice Anthony Kennedy joined the court’s four Democratic appointees in the majority, bringing gay weddings to the last 14 states where they were still banned.
“The right to marry is a fundamental right inherent in the liberty of the person,” Kennedy wrote. “Couples of the same sex may not be deprived of that right and that liberty.”
The ruling is a legal landmark, on par with the 1967 Supreme Court decision that guaranteed interracial couples the freedom to wed. It punctuates a period of sweeping change in the rights of gays, coming only 11 years after Massachusetts became the first state to allow same-sex marriages.
Court Extends Same-Sex Marriage Rights Nationwide
The decision is likely to meet resistance in parts of the country and spark new legal fights. North Carolina has a new law that lets court officials refuse to officiate at same-sex marriage ceremonies. Pike County, Alabama, currently isn’t issuing marriage licenses to anyone.
In other parts of the country, same-sex marriage started almost immediately after the high court ruled. Travis County, Texas, began issuing marriage licenses to gay couples at 10:30 a.m. local time. County judges in Ohio, North Dakota, Nebraska, Michigan, Tennessee, Arkansas and Kentucky had either begun issuing licenses or stood ready to do so this morning, according to local news reports.

Mississippi, Louisiana

Same-sex couples in Mississippi, Louisiana and Alabama were told they will have to wait.
How Kennedy Set Court's Tone on Gay Rights
Chief Justice John Roberts and Justices Antonin Scalia, Clarence Thomas and Samuel Alito dissented, with each writing a separate opinion. Roberts read a summary of his dissent from the bench for the first time in his 10 years on the court.
Roberts wrote that the gay couples “make strong arguments rooted in social policy and consideration of fairness.” But, he said, “under the Constitution, judges have power to say what the law is, not what it should be.”
Justices Ruth Bader Ginsburg, Stephen Breyer, Sonia Sotomayor and Elena Kagan joined Kennedy’s opinion without adding any separate comments.
The decision comes at a time of record support among Americans for same-sex weddings. A Gallup poll conducted in May showed 60 percent favoring legalized same-sex marriage and 37 percent opposed.

Gay Marriage Ruling

‘Dignity of Marriage’

“This ruling will strengthen all of our communities by offering to all loving same-sex couples the dignity of marriage across this great land,” President Barack Obama said in a statement at the White House.
Immediately after the ruling, Obama placed a call to Jim Obergefell, the Ohio man whose name will forever be attached to the ruling. Obergefell became the lead plaintiff after seeking to have his name on the death certificate of his partner of two decades, John Arthur. Obergefell and Arthur married on an airport tarmac in Maryland in 2013 just months before Arthur’s death.
“Your leadership on this issue, you know, has changed the country,” Obama told Obergefell, who was in the courtroom for Friday’s announcement.

Party-Like Atmosphere

A party-like atmosphere developed outside the court in the hours after the ruling. Gay-marriage supporters cheered, sang songs and took pictures of themselves at the site of history.
“This means finally equality for not only the entire gay community but for myself as well,” said Dan Fitzgerald, a 19-year-old gay man from Washington and student at American University.
Hundreds of companies -- including Inc., Google Inc. and Walt Disney Co. -- pressed the court to legalize gay marriage nationwide. They said it would help them attract able workers and simplify their employee-benefit packages throughout the nation.
The ruling “will help families across the country, make it easier for businesses to hire and keep talented people, and promote both economic growth and individual freedom,” Goldman Sachs Group Inc. said in a statement on its website.
The Supreme Court case involved 31 people from Ohio, Michigan, Tennessee and Kentucky. A federal appeals court had ruled against gay weddings, saying changes to marriage laws should come through the political process, not the courtroom.

Constitutional System

Kennedy rejected that reasoning, saying the democratic process must give way to the Constitution.
“The dynamic of our constitutional system is that individuals need not await legislative action before asserting a fundamental right,” he wrote. “The nation’s courts are open to injured individuals who come to them to vindicate their own direct, personal stake in our basic charter.”
Kennedy said same-sex marriage bans violated two guarantees protected by the Constitution’s 14th Amendment: the fundamental right to marry and the right to equal protection.
Gay couples “ask for equal dignity in the eyes of the law,” Kennedy wrote. “The Constitution grants them that right.”
His 28-page opinion said marriage was an institution that had “evolved over time.”
“Changed understandings of marriage are characteristic of a nation where new dimensions of freedom become apparent to new generations, often through perspectives that begin in pleas or protests and then are considered in the political sphere and the judicial process,” he wrote.

Religious Objections

Kennedy said people with religious objections “may continue to advocate with utmost, sincere conviction that, by divine precepts, same-sex marriage should not be condoned.”
The ruling doesn’t resolve all legal questions about gay rights. Civil-rights advocates are still trying to win anti-discrimination protections, both at the federal level and in the dozens of states where people can be fired or denied housing because of sexual orientation.
The people seeking marriage rights included Michigan residents April DeBoer and Jayne Rowse, nurses who have adopted four children, two of them with special needs. Obergefell was the lead plaintiff in the Ohio case.
The high court ruling means that “our love is equal,” Obergefell said outside the court building. “The four words etched onto the front of the Supreme Court, ‘Equal Justice Under Law,’ apply to us too.”


Roberts said supporters of gay marriage should “celebrate” the ruling and the “opportunity for a new expression of commitment to a partner.”
“But do not celebrate the Constitution,” he wrote. “It had nothing to do with it.”
Scalia and Thomas joined Roberts’s opinion and also wrote separately. Scalia called the ruling a “threat to American democracy.”
“Today’s decree says that my Ruler, and the Ruler of 320 million Americans coast-to-coast, is a majority of the nine lawyers on the Supreme Court,” Scalia wrote.
Alito said the ruling “will be used to vilify Americans who are unwilling to assent to the new orthodoxy.” He faulted the majority for equating gay-marriage bans to the laws that once barred interracial marriages.
Almost 400,000 same-sex couples have already married in places where it is legal, and an estimated 70,000 more now will wed in the new states, according to research by the UCLA School of Law’s Williams Institute.

Republicans’ Disappointment

Republicans generally expressed disappointment.
“The Supreme Court disregarded the democratically enacted will of millions of Americans by forcing states to redefine the institution of marriage,” House Speaker John Boehner of Ohio said.
“I’m very disappointed that the word of God hasn’t been upheld by #Scotus,” tweeted Representative Walter Jones, a North Carolina Republican.
The Supreme Court had hinted at support for gay marriage in a 2013 decision that struck down part of a law denying federal benefits for same-sex spouses. At the time, only 12 states had gay marriage.
The 2013 ruling created a broad sense that the court would soon take the final step. The justices reinforced that perception by repeatedly letting pro-marriage lower court orders take effect. Those orders increased the number of states where gays could wed to 36, plus the District of Columbia, and helped acclimate Americans around the country to same-sex marriage.
The lead case is Obergefell v. Hodges, 14-556.

The Hidden Hand and Current Events



The Hidden Hand seeks power, everywhere. This vile evil attempts to influence and manipulate any organization that has the ear of the people. And it enslaves the minds of all who fall under its shadow. Satan created this evil and offers himself as an angel of enlightenment to all who seek understanding. I have seen many fall under his sway, as they seek to figure out his plans.
Stick with the Bible. THERE you will find the truth. All other sources should be treated with suspicion – even myself.
So, as we look at China, Greece, Ukraine, Russia, the Middle East, Iran, Financial collapse, Martial Law, Jade Helm and all the other catastrophes that lie at our doorstep… just know that a Hidden Hand seeks to use these events to gain advantage.

The Hidden Hand and Current Events

I had to cut things short yesterday, without giving you my update on the events of the week. That update is important, because you need to know some of the reasons why I am saying what I am saying. You also need a starting point for your own research, if you have the time for it.
I wish that I could give you the links to all of the research that I believe to be important. Although, I might be able to, in the near future. I’m thinking about how to do that.
But, I’m glad that I didn’t have time to show you some of my analysis of current events and a some of the research that I’ve been doing.
Because I missed an important piece in yesterday’s article:
The Freemasons
They are active in every center of power in the world. They seek access and control of every intelligence agency and every government. They have inserted themselves into every religious organization of any size. In fact, ANY organization of any size has been infiltrated by Freemasonry.
Where I come from, in Indiana, you could not succeed in business, unless you were a Freemason. There is a glass ceiling in the business world, and it was created by Freemasons. I’ve seen it myself.

Freemasons Worship Satan

And, whether they know it or not, every Freemason worships Lucifer. Every. Single. One.
If you are a Freemason, you are a Satanist.
And, like all such Satanic organizations, you don’t find that out, until you reach the higher levels of the organization. Satan LOVES wheels-within-wheels, and he invites you to try and figure out what he’s doing.
Please don’t.
Trying to plumb the depths of Satan’s depravity, would take all of your time and effort, and you would STILL not know everything. In fact, since Satan lies to his own followers, much of what you will learn would be a lie.
I’ve done research into some of these evil and secret societies. Anyone who wishes to understand what is going on in the world will run into them and will need some understanding of this vile and evil heart of darkness.

What The Bible Says About This

The Bible has something to say about this. In the final portion of his letter to the church at Ephesus, Paul said:
Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord, and in the power of his might.
Put on the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil.
For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.
Wherefore take unto you the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand.
We think that our battle is with politicians and governments, but all of that is just smoke and mirrors. No, our struggle is with spiritual wickedness, and there is only ONE WAY to win that struggle:
There can be no victory without it.
So, as you spend time trying to understand who and what our enemies are, remember that the Bible is our first source. Discard ANY information that disagrees with the Bible.

Satan Will Beguile You With Knowledge

I have seen far too many foolish Christians duck down rabbit holes and get lost amid the warren of lies created by Satan. The lure of knowledge is hard to resist, and Satan has a history of successfully using that lure. After all, it’s why there is sin in the world.
When Satan beguiled Eve, he said:
For God doth know that in the day ye eat thereof, then your eyes shall be opened, and ye shall be as gods, knowing good and evil.
And then…
And when the woman saw that the tree was good for food, and that it was pleasant to the eyes, and a tree to be desired to make one wise, she took of the fruit thereof, and did eat, and gave also unto her husband with her; and he did eat.
So please – I’m begging you – know the Bible. Put on the Whole Armor of God. You will be destroyed, without it.

Exposing The Masonic Power Structure

Here’s one of many videos exposing the Freemasons:
YouTube shortlink:
(h/t SGT)

Don’t Be Anti-Zionist

That’s a pretty short video and is a good summary of the information. My own research indicates that he’s entirely correct. Even his comment about Mossad.
Although, I did laugh when he said it. In fact, I laugh every time that I hear some comment about the power of the Mossad. As intelligence agencies go, they are tiny. Furthermore, Arab intelligence agencies like to use Mossad as a secondary cover. They tell their agents that – should they ever be unmasked as an asset of a foreign power – to claim to be from Mossad.
They know that Americans can’t tell the difference.
Having said that, I am NOT a fan of Mossad, and I am willing to believe that they have been penetrated by the Freemasons. In fact, after many decades of trying, Freemasonry has finally made serious inroads into Israel. This distresses me greatly.
Did you know that Benyamin Netanyahu is a 33rd degree Freemason?
So was Yasser Arafat, the King of Jordan and Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin – who must have disobeyed his handlers in some way, and got assassinated for it.

Do Not Oppose God

Just don’t allow anti-Zionism and antisemitism – or, anti-anything – to get a hold on you. God is at work in Israel, with Israel. And, it is never safe to oppose God.
For more on that, go here:
Sorry to go off on a tangent like that. Spend any time in research into ‘secret societies’, and you will run into antisemites who believe the Jews and/or Zionism (the desire of the Jewish people for a safe and secure homeland) are the source of all our troubles. Such bizarre stupidity is incomprehensible.
Okay… so …where was I?
Ah yes. Freemasons.

Freemasons Part Of The Beast

To my mind, Freemasonry is definitely a part of The Beast of Revelation. And, it appears that the Roman Catholic Church has sought to ride and direct this Beast, through its influence with Freemasonry and other secret societies.
The next question is whether the Catholic Church is a part of The Beast, or merely its rider. Time will tell.

Doing Research

So, put on the whole armor of God, and do your research. Hare are some places to start:

Here is another video that might interest you:
YouTube shortlink:
(The above video is also known as: Hidden Agendas – Series: Total Onslaught.)

Unfortunately, I suspect that Walter Veith is right about Judaism. Followers of Judaism are not saved, and so therefore are in the hands of Satan. God will one day rescue them from idolatry, and I look forward to that day. For now, they are caught in a Satanic trap.

US 'Government' Buildings Dedicated To Lucifer

Oh, and here’s a thought that might shake you a bit:
Did you know that every US government building has been dedicated to Lucifer by the Freemasons?
Yup. The Freemasons dedicate the cornerstone of government buildings everywhere, to Lucifer, with their own date format – Anno Lucis:

The Masonic Hidden Hand

Oh, and when I titled this article and yesterday’s, I was using a bit of double entendre. One meaning points the evil and secret power operating in the shadows. But, there’s another meaning. This one:
The Masonic "Hidden Hand"The Masonic “Hidden Hand”
Have you noticed anyone with that hand sign?

Here are a few:

It’s da POPE!

                           These guys are VERY similar

The current King of Jordan and Putin

Karl Marx

Stalin and George Washington

Had enough?
Yeah. Me, too.

Okay, enough about the Freemasons. Let’s talk about current events.


I’m a bit unsettled by what is happening right now in China. The Chinese stock markets are crashing through the floor, and it appears set to continue. When I first saw Chinese banana sellers, Chinese grandmothers and Chinese farmers jumping into the stock market, I knew that it would end badly.
Well, we are seeing that ‘end’.

If you want to track that, go here:

Here are a few articles for you:

I’m not sure how the above will affect the following:

Of course, I’m most concerned that a collapse of the Chinese financial system will act a ‘black swan’, and help to begin the collapse of the global financial system. I know that it will start soon. I’m just hoping for as long a delay as possible – to give you a chance to prepare for it.


Now, let’s look at Greece. That pot keeps boiling and refuses to go away:

Everyone, this is really, REALLY bad. China might be the first domino, and Greece looks like the second. If China doesn’t start the biggest financial collapse in world history, Greece certainly will.

Here is an interview with Martin Armstrong:

And, I believe that it is this financial collapse that is the biggest reason for Jade Helm:

And, there is a connection between Jade Helm 15 and where we started:

I hope that yesterday’s articleand this one – are a wake-up call. Please get ready now.

 (That’s a link. Click it for a discussion on preparation.)
A prudent man foreseeth the evil, and hideth himself: but the simple pass on, and are punished. Proverbs 22:3