Tuesday, June 30, 2015

The next Greece may be in the United States:

The next Greece may be in the United States:

When Chicago Public Schools announced on June 24 that it would borrow $1 billion to make a $600 million-plus pension payment due June 30 an eerie feeling spread across bond investors and taxpayers alike.
It was the same feeling that gripped investors when Moody’s Investors Service downgraded Chicago’s credit rating to junk based almost entirely on the city’s pension problems.
The fear was that elevated pension costs, in cities like Chicago, might push these public entities into insolvency, wiping out much of the holdings of municipal-bond investors.
Once a sleepy corner of the municipal bond market — often not even properly reflected on cities’ balance sheets — public pensions have recently turned into the biggest headache for taxpayers and municipal-bond investors, threatening to bring down the finances of U.S. cities and states.
In some places, like Puerto Rico, Illinois, New Jersey and Chicago, entire balance sheets of cities or states hang in the balance.
Detroit, as well as three Californian cities — VallejoStockton and San Bernardino— had to declare bankruptcy because of their overwhelming pension costs.
In those cases, the courtroom turned into a brutal battlefield pitting bond investors trying to save the money they invested in those cities’ municipal bonds on one side. And on the other side have been public employees trying to save the dwindling pensions that were promised to them.
Recent cases have shown that bond investors are clearly losing this battle.
In the bankruptcies of Detroit, Vallejo, Stockton and San Bernardino, bondholders have faced losses of up to 99% of their holdings, according to a Moody’s report dated May 18. Meanwhile all three California cities chose to preserve full pensions for their employees, while Detroit only cut pensions by approximately 18%.
As the following chart shows, bond values have taken haircuts that far exceeded those of pension benefits:
Part of the reason bondholders have been taking it on the chin is the process of so-called “Chapter 9 bankruptcies.” A Chapter 9 is the type of bankruptcy in the Federal bankruptcy code regulating the bankruptcy of cities and other municipal governments.
The way Chapter 9 works, a city has to present an outline of its assets and liabilities to a bankruptcy court and propose a plan, known as a “plan of debt adjustment,” essentially saying how much it will pay each creditor, such as bondholders, pensioners and employees.
But unlike other bankruptcies, where creditors can also put forward plans — including the proposal to liquidate assets — in a Chapter 9 bankruptcy, the city council is in control of the process and the judge can only determine whether the plan is “fair and equitable,” explains Ty Schoback, a municipal bond analyst at Columbia Threadneedle Investments.
This practically means that once the bankruptcy begins, creditors find themselves “at the mercy of the city’s proposed treatment,” Schoback added.
Pension supremacy
Though some have pointed to political ties between unions and governing officials for the favorable treatment of pensions, the legal reality may be far more complex.
In many states, public pensions are protected by state constitutions or statutory law, and as a result are afforded many privileges, according to a Center for Retirement Research report.
In legal circles, this has come to be known as “pension supremacy” and it is a real headache for bond investors.
In Chicago, the state’s constitution dictates that pension benefits for current workers “shall not be diminished or impaired.” New York carries a similar clause, while Hawaii, Louisiana, and Michigan have constitutional provisions that have been interpreted as protecting all pension benefits earned to date.
Some Wall Street investors have become quite familiar with this so-called pension supremacy. In Stockton’s bankruptcy, mutual giant Franklin Templeton, suffered withering losses of up to 59% of its investments. And in San Bernardino, bond insurer Ambac Assurance Corp. and Luxemburg-based EEPK are facing losses of 99% of their holdings.
Center for Retirement Research
Most states have some legal type of pension protection, including the so-called “promissory estoppel” which is the protection of a promise even where there is no contract.
In California, on the other hand, the law provides that if a public employee leaves a job with one municipality and gets a job with another within a set time period, the worker can retain her pension rights under the California Public Employees’ Retirement System (Calpers). This essentially means that if a worker lost his pension in Stockton’s bankruptcy, he could quit and get a job in another California city to save his pension rights.
Using this legislation, the bankrupt city of Stockton argued in court that if it cut pensions, it wouldn’t be able to retain its best employees, thus threatening its ability to provide essential services for residents, such as police and fire protection, said Mark Berman, a bankruptcy attorney at NixonPeabody who specializes in municipal bankruptcies.
Stockton convinced the judge. Even though he ruled that pensions could theoretically be impaired, he allowed the city to exit bankruptcy leaving pensions intact, while bond fund Franklin Templeton lost 59% of its holdings.
Pensions are underfunded all over the nation
Combine the legal supremacy of pensions with low funding levels all over the nation and you may have a recipe for a national crisis.
A report by the Center for Retirement Research that came out last week and surveyed 150 state and local pension plans showed that their average ratio of assets to liabilities was 74%. In other words, for every dollar those funds owe their pensioners, they only have 74 cents in assets.
Center for Retirement Research
The estimated ratio of assets to liabilities for a sample of 150 state and local pension plans was 74% in fiscal year 2014.
If 74% sounds bad, consider this: Chicago’s six pension plans are 40% funded,New Jersey’s are at 51.5%while Puerto Rico’s, which was facing its own crisis moment Monday, is woefully underfunded at 3%.
Because their pensions are underfunded, cities are forced to spend more of their payroll on pension contributions:
Center for Retirement Research
The increase in required pension contributions over the past several years began just as the recession eroded state and local government revenues.
Pension obligation bonds
Many cities have turned to a special type of risky bonds called pension obligation bonds or POBs to fund their pensions without taking unpopular measures like raising taxes.
But these bonds only provide “short-term budget relief, a strategy to kick the can down the road and pass difficult choices on to future decision makers,” according to a Janney report dated May 1.
Oakland, Calif., was the first to sell $222 million of tax-exempt POBs back in 1985. Illinois issued $17.16 billion between 2003 and 2011, Puerto Rico issued $2.8 billion in 2008 and New Jersey issued $2.9 billion between 1997 and 2003.
Over the last 30 years state and local government issued pension obligation bonds to shore up the unfunded portion of their pension liabilities without raising taxes.
In simple terms, POBs allow a city or state to borrow money to make its pension payments and issue bonds that will be repaid by future city revenues.
But here’s the problem:
“When you buy POBs, you’re exposing yourself to the pension fund and essentially lending money to leverage its portfolio,” said Kenneth Potts, a principal at Samson Capital Advisors who specializes in muni bonds.
In other words, there is neither a real asset backing these bonds, nor a specific revenue stream to guarantee repayment.
As the Moody’s report points out, “in essence, pension obligation bond is a misnomer because the bonds are simply a vehicle to fund pensions.”
So when push comes to shove and there are not enough funds to go around, a bankrupt city can choose to give the little money it has to its pension funds but not to its pension obligation bondholders.
The latest fiasco of this type happened this May, when the city of San Bernardino, Calif., offered to pay only 1% to its POB investors, while committing to pay 100% of its pension liability.
This showed the importance of “knowing what you own” in your bond portfolio and “what public revenues back your muni bonds”, Potts added.
Pension-obligation bonds are trading in the market and are still appealing to yield-hungry investors — including bond guru Jeff Gundlach who recommended Puerto Rico’s POBs for their rich yield during a private event in New York on May 5.
But with great rewards comes great risk — in this case the risk to be completely wiped out in case of a Chapter 9 bankruptcy.

The first American-made Kalashnikovs are now for sale

The first American-made Kalashnikovs are now for sale

By Aaron Smith   @AaronSmithCNN
kalashnikov usa
Kalashnikov USA is now selling its first American-made guns, like the US132Z picture here with a 30-round high capacity magazine.

They're not just Russian anymore.

Kalashnikov USA announced on Tuesday that it is now selling AK-47 assault rifles and shotguns that have been manufactured at a U.S. factory.
The Kalashnikov USA web site provides a menu of two rifles and two shotguns, all semiautomatics. One of the rifles features a curved, banana-style high-capacity magazine with 30 rounds.
Thomas McCrossin, CEO of Kalashnikov USA, told CNNMoney in January, at the SHOT Show in Las Vegas, that his company was going to manufacture the guns in America as soon as a factory was established. The company has not told CNNMoney where that factory is located.
The Kalashnikov USA brand is owned by RWC in Pennsylvania. The company's slogan is, "Russian heritage, American innovation."
The company was established by the original, Moscow-based Kalashnikov Concern to export its guns into the U.S. But that plan was stymied by President Obama's anti-Russian sanctions, to punish Russian businesses for President Putin's war in Ukraine.
The firearms made Kalashnikovs a hot commodity in the U.S., since there was a finite supply. McCrossin told CNNMoney that his company would fix that problem by making the guns in the U.S.
The AK-47 was invented by Mikhail Kalashnikov in the former Soviet Union in 1947. Its durability and reliability in combat has made it the most popular assault rifle in the world, rivaling even the AR-15.
AK-style rifles are manufactured all over the world, including in the U.S. But this is the first time official Kalashnikov-brand guns have been produced in the U.S. They will be available at a number of retails outlets.

10 Commandments statue must be removed from state Capitol: Every Day we die just a little more.

10 Commandments statue must be removed from state Capitol, Oklahoma Supreme Court rules

UPDATED 1:20 PM CDT Jun 30, 2015
Police searching for man accused of killing Us

Oklahoma's Supreme Court says the Ten Commandments monument at the state Capitol must be removed because it indirectly benefits the Jewish and Christian faiths in violation of the state's constitution.
The court ruled Tuesday that the Oklahoma Constitution bans using public property to benefit a religion, and said the Ten Commandments are "obviously religious in nature."
Attorney General Scott Pruitt argued that the monument is nearly identical to a Texas monument that was found constitutional by the U.S. Supreme Court. Oklahoma justices said the local monument violates Oklahoma's constitution.
Private funds were used to erect the monument in 2012. Since then, others have asked for space, including a Nevada Hindu leader, animal rights advocates, the satirical Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster and a group pushing for a Satan statue.
Gov. Mary Fallin's representatives said she is talking to Pruitt about the state's legal options about the statue's ordered removal. Pruitt's representatives said the attorney general's office will explore legal options after it is finished reviewing the Oklahoma Supreme Court's decision.
Pruitt released this statement:
“Quite simply, the Oklahoma Supreme Court got it wrong. The court completely ignored the profound historical impact of the Ten Commandments on the foundation of Western law. Furthermore, the court’s incorrect interpretation of Article 2, Section 5 contradicts previous rulings of the court. In response, my office will file a petition with the court for a rehearing in light of the broader implications of this ruling on other areas of state law. Additionally, we are requesting a stay of the enforcement of the court’s order until the court can consider the petition for rehearing. Finally, if Article 2, Section 5 is going to be construed in such a manner by the court, it will be necessary to repeal it.”

Russian Proxy Forces Bring Down An F-16

Russian Proxy Forces Bring Down An F-16 In a Beta Test for World War III

CSS Offical-New-Logo2

F-16 brought down, not shot down, at the Mexican border.

Russian proxy forces, armed with Russian EMP technology are responsible for bringing down an F-16 piloted by an Iraqi general flying near the Mexican border. Russia has fired the first shots of World War III.

F-16 Crash at the Mexican Border

An Iraqi pilot who had been training in the United States for four years was flying an F-16 Fighting Falcon aircraft that crashed in southern Arizona, a spokesman for the Iraqi defense minister said last Thursday. Brigadier General Rasid Mohammed Sadiq Hasan was alone in the F-16 Fighting Falcon when it went down during a training mission on Wednesday. The crash occurred near the Mexican border.

Not So Fast

On the surface this appears to be a tragic accident as an Iraqi pilot, who was our partner in our fight against ISIS, was tragically killed in an accident. In actuality, nothing could be further from the truth.
I have two confidential sources, one who is on the inside, and another who has connections to those on the inside and they are both independently saying the same thing. “The crash of this F-16 plane was no accident”. The circumstantial evidence forms a “preponderance of the evidence” which supports the fact that Russia is ultimately responsible for the take down of this particular F-16.
Now there are some who are falsely or incorrectly stating that the plane was shot down by a hand held stinger missile which was found in the desert near the crash site of Douglas, AZ. This claim is rubbish. The F-16 is armed with counter measures and it is not likely that a hand held missile stinger could have shot that plane down given the evasive maneuvers that could have been employed at 10,000 feet, the reported altitude that the plane was flying at when it began its fall from the sky. .
In actuality, what has happened and what those close to the investigation are saying, have shaken the U.S. military to the core. This F-16 was not shot down, it was brought down. My sources have stated that General Lloyd Austin, commander of US Central Command, along with key members of his staff have stated that they are investigating this crash not as an accident and not as a shoot down, but as a take down, a take down by a localized and focused EMP blast aimed at the plane.
The proliferation of EMP weapons has expanded beyond previously unimagined levels. There are how to manuals on how to make your own. However, the type of weaponry designed to take down an F-16 flying at about 10,000 feet would have to be amazingly sophisticated and would likely be guided by portable radar with the assistance of lasers.

The Russians Are the Source of Localized EMP Weapons

For several decades, the Russians have been at the forefront of research and implementation of scalar weapons. In retaliation for the humiliating defeat at the Cuban Missile Crisis, Khrushchev unleashed the first known scalar weapons attack upon a U.S. Naval vessel. On April 10, 1963 the U.S.S. Thresher was destroyed with just such a weapon. Scalar EM waves were sent through the ocean and jammed the sub’s electrical system and the sub lost control and sank to a depth were the ship was crushed by ocean pressure. In military circles, the Russians have moved to the head of the class when it comes a to variety of EMP weaponry and as in the past, the Russians have proven that they will not hesitate to use such weapons.
A localized and very crude EMP weapon is demonstrated here in this video.

We also know that Russia exported EMP weapons to North Korea in 2014, and this leads us into a very novel way to look at the recent crash of the F-16 at the Mexican Border. After reading the following paragraphs which exposes the interconnections between Russia, the known terrorist groups, the Mexican drug cartels and ISIS, it is easy to conclude that Russia is providing localized EMP weapons to more than just North Korea.

Russia’s Terrorist Connections

We have case of the knee bone being connected to the thigh bone…It has been admitted to in the main stream media, since 2007, that the Mexican drug cartels are openly involved in Middle Eastern terrorist groups. My DEA source has implicated the Peruvian drug cartel, the Sanchez-Peredes cartel as the arms and drug supplier to the Sinoloa cartel. The Sanchez-Peredes get their arms from Hamas and are also tied into the Muslim Brotherhood, al-Qaeda and Hezbollah (i.e. the CIA-created ISIS as exposed in detail by ARSOF’s Scott Bennett). And it is well-known that Russia and Hamas are closely aligned as Russia has supplied the government of Syria with Russian weapons and used Hamas to deliver the weapons. This is where the shooting down of the F-16 gets very interesting.
The attack on the F-16 was not the first of its type on American soil. Earlier this month, a Border Patrol helicopter was shot at and struck several times near the banks of the Rio Grande River. A later Border Patrol statement says the crew of the Office of Air and Marine helicopter was patrolling the US-Mexico border near the banks of the Rio Grande when attacked. Border Patrol insiders have stated that they believed that this was an attack conducted by ISIS upon a Border Patrol helicopter that got too close to an ISIS incursion across the border. More can be found on this incident at this link.

The ISIS Base Camp Ties These Events Together

 ISIS base camp, eight miles from El Paso Texas. Source: Judicial Watch. 

ISIS is operating a camp just a few miles from El Paso, Texas, according to Judicial Watch sources that includes a Mexican Army field grade officer and a Mexican Federal Police Inspector. Yet, 'President' Obama is completely ignoring this fact. This is a monumental national security issue and all we hear from the Obama administration officials are the proverbial crickets chirping. Obama is willing to chase ISIS into Syria and risk a confrontation with Russia, but he ignores this well-documented ISIS base camp which is located mere miles from the border and El Paso, Texas. This base camp has jumped to the top of the suspect list as to who initiated the take down of the crashed F-16.


Middle Eastern terrorist groups provides weapons to the Peruvian based Sanchez-Peredes drug cartel, the largest cartel in the world. The Sanchez-Peredes supplies the Mexican drug cartels with weapons and drugs. ISIS is maintaining a base camp near El Paso, TX. Hamas, an arms deliverer for Russia in both the Middle East and in Central America, is also closely aligned with the drug cartels and has likely provided ISIS with localized EMP weapons  which can bring down aircraft. This would also include commercial aircraft inside the United States.
The fact that an Iraqi general was piloting the downed plane is no accident as ISIS is at war with the Iraqi military in Iraq. The fact that he was not able to issue a distress call and was not able to eject and his charred body was found strapped into his pilot seat, speaks to a catastrophic electronic failure. A catastrophic electronic failure in this instance would mean a localized EMP attack. The source of the weapon is Russia. The shooting down of an American military craft inside of the United States is an act of war.
Russia has committed several acts of war in the recent months. However, this is the most brazen of all their provocative actions. Based on the quality and track record of my sources, I have no hesitation in stating that the bringing down of an American military craft inside of the United States is an act of war by Russia and it is just beginning of what is to come.
The implications of this F-16 take down are much broader than this simply being a single incident of terror. It is becoming clear that this attack was a Beta test which will prominently come into play with regard to a Red Dawn scenario in which the United States is invaded. This will be the topic of my next article.


Meanwhile, the (formerly) 'American' military - now UN/NATO/NWO military under direct orders of the UN and evil murdering reformers of the entire planet does NOTHING to free our nation from the traitors and enemy within, beginning in Washington, DC - to include the Pentagon?  America, you are a sitting duck that is about to be had for dinner.

CIA Announces Their Jade Helm False Flag For July 4th - FBI calls militias and patriots to help!!!!!!


Monday, June 29, 2015 11:23













The Jade Helm 15 false flag has been announced by the CIA!

Could Operation Jade Helm 15 have anything to do with 2 nuclear missiles that went missing in 2013 or some type of nuclear device going off in the state of Utah?  OR YELLOWSTONE?

Spread the word!

Be on guard!

Be prepared!


Officials express fear over Fourth of July terror attack

Officials express fear over Fourth of July terror attack

Truth Is A Crime Against The State | Global Research

Truth Is A Crime Against The State
| Global Research

Watchdog: IRS Erased Backups After Loss Of Tea Party Emails

IRS Erased Backups
After Loss Of Tea Party Emails


Monday, June 29, 2015

New Study Finds That State Crime Labs Are Paid Per Convictions

New Study Finds That State Crime Labs Are Paid Per Convictions  -  (article: 2013)

Source: www.huffingtonpost.com

Area 51 Revelations, Alien Implants & Nanotechnology

Area 51
      Revelations, Alien Implants, & Nanotechnology   Area 51 Revelations, Alien Implants & Nanotechnology

Date:Sunday - June 28, 2015
Host:George Knapp

Jeremy Corbell, John Lear, Gene Huff, Patient Seventeen

George Knapp welcomed documentary filmmaker, artist, and researcher, Jeremy Corbell, for a discussion on his various film projects which cover topics such as ufological icons John Lear and Bob Lazar, alien implants, and a scientist working with advanced nanotechnology. Corbell traced his interest in Lear back to a fascination with the aviator's controversial and revelatory statements about UFOs in the 1980's. He credited Lear's willingness to be filmed as the veritable starting point for all of his subsequent projects as "it was like a whole world of conspiracy opened up to me." Joining the program in the first hour, Lear recounted his early interest in UFOs and how he originally heard of Area 51 during his pursuit of information surrounding the then-secret SR-71 aircraft.

During the second hour, Corbell revealed how he has found a new witness to the Bob Lazar story: a man named Dr. Robert Krangal, who recalled working alongside the infamous whistleblower at Los Alamos National Lab in the 1980's. According to Corbell, Krangal produced a wealth of documentation that verified his own background and, thus, makes the account of his time at Los Alamos extremely credible. Corbell argued that this testimony strongly refutes the longstanding skeptical stance that, since Lazar's educational background cannot be verified, then he was unlikely to have worked at Los Alamos or Area 51. "On the record, we have him at Los Alamos," Corbell said, "maybe people should start considering the seemingly outlandish and impossible thing that Lazar might be telling you the truth." Gene Huff joined the program during the second hour to reflect on his role in Lazar's story.

In the third hour, Corbell was joined by a man known as 'Patient Seventeen,' who was the final implant extraction patient of the late Dr. Roger Leir. Having filmed Seventeen's surgery and befriending him following the procedure, Corbell recalled being struck by how the death of Leir left the man with no direction as to how to decipher what had been extracted from him. As such, Corbell ultimately sent the object to a lab where it was revealed to contain 35 different alloys and is "absolutely, one hundred percent anomalous." Patient Seventeen noted that it was Corbell's friendship and skill as a filmmaker which allowed him to let his guard down and participate with the film, as he would have otherwise moved on with his life after the surgery, since he has no desire for publicity for his case nor notoriety for being a possible alien implant victim.

During the final hour, Corbell provided an update on his work documenting the research of a nanotechnology expert dubbed 'Nano Man.' He noted that, although his project originally just focused on Nano Man's work involving an advanced propulsion system, the enigmatic scientist confided in him that the motivation for his research came from being shown advanced alien technology. Later, Nano Man showed him a vial of liquid that appeared to be merely water and had been "collected at an abduction site." He claimed that within that substance was a "highly ordered, fabricated nanotechnology that we could not produce here on Earth." After Corbell expressed skepticism about this claim, Nano Man allowed him to have it analyzed by a scientist at NASA, who was astonished to see what seemed to be nano machinery that was far more advanced than anything that can be created by humans today.  

LISTEN TO PROGRAM AT:  http://www.coasttocoastam.com/show/2015/06/28    

Breaking News : Thomas Jefferson Remains in the Building

Monday   June 29, 2015
Thomas Jefferson Remains in the Building
by Tom Heneghan, International Intelligence Expert

UNITED States of America  -  It can now be reported that the alleged 4th of July ISIS terrorist alert issued by the U.S. FBI, the totally UN-Constitutional German NAZI Department of Homeland Security (DHS), along with the propaganda NAZI Jew controlled U.S. media aka CNN is a FALSE FLAG and, as reported in our previous briefings, being coordinated with the massive financial emergency involving worldwide banks and their massive derivative exposure that, as of this hour, has reached $39 trillion in uncollectable debt.

Item:  The Greek referendum is too late, it is now 61 seconds with the crooked corrupt bank algorithms about to go hybrid aka bank against bank.

P.S.  The alleged ISIS terrorist alert was leaked by the treasonous FBI and the NAZI German Paperclip-controlled Department of Homeland Security (DHS) to an economic professor at the University of Pennsylvania, NAZI Jew Jeremy Siegel, two hours before CNN and the FBI announced it at 3 p.m. PST.   Siegel appeared two hours earlier on Bloomberg News pooh poohing the Greek crisis talking about gdp rather than derivatives and defending central banks across the world.

Reference:  Thomas Jefferson and Andrew Jackson are enraged!

Siegel ignored the latest report from the Bank of International Settlements that reported the truth about the $39 trillion in derivatives and the lack of liquidity in the entire world financial system thanks to none other than the Bush-Clinton-Obama Crime Family Syndicate.


"Al Qaeda is nothing more than an extension of the operatus linked to U.S. intelligence that was allowed, by script, to remove itself as a rogue break away entity of the U.S. government

allowed to de-compartmentalize from oversight, and was run instead by Gary Best rogue 'Black Ops' specialists for scripted activity outside of the U.S. government, with its funding being orchestrated through the Pakistani secret police,
an entity of the U.S. government itself." (2006)

~ Tom Heneghan, great American Patriot and International Intelligence Expert
Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little Temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety. (1755) 
 ~ Benjamin Franklin, Founding Father, great American Patriot

The Declaration of Independence
IN CONGRESS, July 4, 1776
The unanimous Declaration of the thirteen united States of America,

enhanced excerpt

But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, 
it is their right, it is their duty,  to throw off such Government, and to prove new Guards for their future security. (1776)  ~ Thomas Jefferson, Founding Father, great American Patriot, author of the Declaration of Independence and 3rd U.S. President

. . .

A Call for Help to All Militia and Patriots by FBI

Date:  June 29, 2015
FROM: Firehawk
TO:     All members of WRAM
The following is from Rick Light via phone call this morning and posted on his FB page.
As of 9:00 A.M. Central time I was contacted by the FBI to activate every Militia and Patriot group in the U.S. for an eyes and ears OP over the 4th of July holiday for possible terrorist attacks( ISIS in nature). The threat level is very high. We need people to monitor the internet and groups to monitor all activities nationwide. The following is the procedure in which we participate. I have already contacted many prominent Patriot and Militia leaders.
1. Wear plain clothes, not a militia uniform.
2. Carry local Sheriff’s Departments and local FBI contact numbers. If we see anything suspicious call the Sheriff first and then the FBI. Do not engage. Just monitor the situation until the Sheriff and FBI get to the scene.
3. If you are faced with an eminent attack and you are legally armed please protect life. Be in groups so at least someone can get the Sheriff and FBI to the scene.
I want to note that this is the first time in our lifetimes the FBI has reached out for the help of every Militia unit and Patriotic group to help guard our Nation. Please conduct yourselves as the Patriots we all are and do this with honor and integrity.
This can be another stepping stone for us all. It will take a lot of team work so do not let personal feelings get in our way.
We’ve got work to do Patriots so let’s get to work protecting this nation in a coordinated effort with Law Enforcement at the local, state and federal level.
We got a job to do Patriots... Salute.

 WRAM Members:
 This is a verified, legitimate request for our help. It is critical that as many patriots as possible are aware of this important mission . To that end, please contact as many people as possible as quickly as possible, in as many forums and ways as possible. Multiply yourself – multiply our power – and make this message go viral!

Doug Lamb
Director, WRAM
Visit WELL REGULATED AMERICAN MILITIAS at: http://wramsite.com/?xg_source=msg_mes_network