Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Abel Danger <<<>>>> LEARN WHAT WE ARE DEALING WITH.....

Abel Danger

Posted: 30 Jun 2015 10:19 PM PDT
This article appeared 
at Charleston Voice

SUGAR KEYNES: The Darkside of John Maynard Keynes, Architect of the US Federal Reserve, His Perversion & Pedophelia

Is Fed chairman-now incumbent Janet Yellen a bi-Keynesian, too?

Does she have what it takes to carry on the threads set by the Fed's founder, JM Keynes, the ... Bolshevik, Lavender, Pervert, PedophileJohn Maynard Keynes gave us more than just an immoral economic system......he passed on his life of degeneracy, perversion and pedophilia....

SUGAR KEYNES by Zygmund Dobbs

Reprinted from The Review of the News, June 23, 1971

Related: Online free

book: KEYNES AT HARVARD by Zygmund Dobbs

Convicted Soviet Spy Harry Dexter White (left) and John Maynard Keynes (right) at the Bretton Woods Conference

John Maynard Keynes [1883-1946] 

Lytton Strachey [1880-1932]

"By a continuous process of inflation, governments can confiscate, secretly and unobserved, an important part of the wealth of their citizens. By this method, they not only confiscate, but they confiscate arbitrarily; and while the process impoverishes many, it actually enriches some....The process engages all of the hidden forces of economic law on the side of destruction, and does it in a manner that not one man in a million can diagnose." - John Maynard Keynes Economic Consequences of the Peace, 1920

Singing the Red Flag, the highborn sons of the British upper-class lay on the carpeted floor spinning out socialist schemes in homosexual intermission. Sometimes, one of the participants would shout out an obscenity - then, as if on signal, the entire group would join in a frenzied babble of profanity. Here and there individuals would smoke or chew hashish. Most had unkempt long hair, and some sported beards.

The attitude in such gatherings was anti-establishmentarian. To them the older generation was horribly out of date; even superfluous. The capitalist system was declared obsolete, and revolution was proclaimed as the only solution. Christianity was pronounced an enemy force, and the worst sort of depravities were eulogized as "that love which passes all Christian understanding."

The year was 1904, and the participants were destined to become the intellectual and political leaders of the British Empire.

Chief of this ring of homosexual revolutionaries was John Maynard Keynes, who eventually became the economic architect of English socialism and gravedigger for the British Empire. The chief American Fabians, acting as carriers of the Keynesian sickness, were Felix Frankfurter and Walter Lippmann. Covertly, they mobilized their Leftist comrades to spread this pollution in America also. So successful were they that on January 4, 1971, President Nixon announced: "I am now a Keynesian in economics." What does that mean?

Keynes was characterized by his male sweetheart, Lytton Strachey, as "A liberal and a sodomite, an atheist and a statistician." His particular depravity was the sexual abuse of little boys. In communications to his homosexual friends, Keynes advised that they go to Tunis, "where bed and boy were also not expensive." As a sodomistic pedophiliac, he ranged throughout the Mediterranean area in search of boys for himself and his fellow socialists. Taking full advantage of the bitter poverty and abysmal ignorance in North Africa, the Middle East, and Italy, he purchased the bodies of children prostituted for English shillings [See Lytton Strachey, A Critical Biography, Michael Holyroyd, Holt, Rinehart and Winston, two volumes].

Such Leftist hypocrites then, as now, issued loud denunciations against poverty, imperialism, and capitalist immorality. However, for their own degenerate purposes, they eagerly sought out the worst pockets of destitution and backwardness to satisfy their perverted purposes through sexual enslavement of youngsters. While traveling in France and the United States they complained among themselves of the harassment by the police of practicing homosexuals. In degenerate areas of the Mediterranean, on the other hand, they found a pervert's Utopia where the bodies of children could be purchased as part of a cultured socialist’s holiday.

These Leftist degenerates began to scheme over sixty years ago to secure public acceptance of their depravity. Havelock Ellis, a founder of the Fabian Society, compiled a massive erotic work entitled, Studies In The Psychology Of Sex. Ellis was a sexual pervert and drug user. He and a group of fellow Leftists even pioneered in the experimental use of hallucinogens in private orgies. Ellis was definitely a pathological case. He drove his wife into Lesbianism and drug addiction, securing additional erotic excitement by urging her to recite her Lesbian experiences. Mrs. Ellis eventually went insane and died in utmost misery after denouncing her husband as a sexual monster.

The Fabian socialists used the writings of Ellis as a wedge for sex education in the schools. They started in the colleges and gradually eased into the high school level.

Ellis complained to his fellow socialists fifty-five years ago that he found wider acceptance for his books in the United States than he did in England. In fact, he was arrested and tried for obscenity in England, whereas his books were sold here without serious interference by the authorities. Today, his perversions are standard reference material for the sex educators, and Havelock Ellis is popularly called "the father of social psychology."

Keynes and his cohorts seized upon the works of Ellis as justification for their depravities. They were also greatly bolstered in their campaign by the theories of an Austrian Leftist named Sigmund Freud. Dr. Freud acknowledged in private correspondence that he copied the thesis of sex as the central determinant in human action from Havelock Ellis. Echoing Ellis, he laid down the premise that homosexuality and carnal depravities are not a matter of abnormality, but merely a case of personal preference. This, plus his declaration of atheism, overjoyed the socialist Keynesian crowd. John Maynard Keynes audaciously proclaimed, "Sex Questions are about to enter the political arena.” He inveighed against “the treatment of sexual offense and abnormalities," adding the charge that "the existing state of the Law and of orthodoxy is still Mediaeval - altogether out of touch with civilized opinion and civilized practice and with what individuals, educated and uneducated alike, say to one another in private."

During the same period (1925) Keynes struck out against drug control. He laid down the line which has been pursued by Leftists to the present day in demanding that distribution of narcotics be unrestricted. Homosexuals find drugs a useful adjunct in loosening moral inhibitions to perversion. And this ravisher of little boys feigned sympathy for the masses by urging universal rights for users of narcotics. He declared:
"how far is bored and suffering humanity to be allowed, from time to time, an escape, an excitement, a stimulus, a possibility of change?"
Keynes and his conspirators projected homosexuality and drug addiction as an intrinsic part of their collectivist society of the future. His male sweetheart, Lytton Strachey, wrote privately that they would corrupt the whole population, "subtly, through literature, into the bloodstream of the people, and in such a way that they accepted it all naturally, if need be without at first realizing what it was to which they were agreeing." He boasted that he intended "to seduce his readers to tolerance through laughter and sheer entertainment." He pointed out that the object was "to write in a way that would contribute to an eventual change in our ethical and sexual mores - a change that couldn’t be done in a minute, but would unobtrusively permeate the more flexible minds of young people." J. M. Keynes put it in the terms of Marxist economics:

Keynes and Strachey used their malignant writings to help contaminate the entire English-speaking world. In the United States they both found expression in the New Republic, the New York Times, and the Saturday Review Of Literature.

In 1939, a comrade of Keynes and Strachey named Bertrand Russell came to America to push their obscenitarian socialism and was (he says in his Autobiography) legally charged as "lecherous, libidinous, lustful, venerous, erotomaniac, aphrodisiac, irreverent, narrow-minded, untruthful, and bereft of moral fiber." His aborted object had been to permeate the College of the City of New York with the corruption of the British Fabians. Immediately, John Dewey and other American Fabians organized to cry that "Academic Freedom" was under attack. The National Education Association (NEA) and the whole Leftist educational complex began to percolate pervasive degeneracies as being "Liberal" and "progressive."

The works of Keynes, Lytton Strachey, and Bertrand Russell have been, and are today, required reading in almost every college and university in the United States and Canada.

In the spring of 1905 Keynes and his lavender cohorts had been thrilled by a conference of Russian revolutionaries in London. British Fabians and Joseph Fels, an American soap manufacturer who was also a Fabian, had financed the Russian gathering and furnished them a hall in a Christian church. Key revolutionaries at this London conference included Nikolai Lenin, Leon Trotsky, and Joseph Stalin. The future slaughter of fifty million civilians, and the conquest of one-third of the earth’s surface. rested within the shelter of this gathering. Shivers of excitement rippled down the spines of the socialist homosexuals when they heard that Lenin had openly defended the slaughter of bank guards and stealing of bank funds for the bolshevik coffers. During this time Strachey wrote to one of his intimates: "At this moment Keynes is lying on a rug beside me."

Keynes and his fellow debauchees became active pacifists and conscientious objectors during World War I. The socialist position against military service dovetailed perfectly with the homosexual aversion to any kind of physical danger and the manly requirements of military training. Yet, in spite of Keynes' sheltering of "queer conchies," and his own refusal to serve his country, he was made the head of an important division of the British Treasury. During March of 1917 he confided privately that he supported the bolshevik group among the Russian socialists after the overthrow of Czar Nicholas.

The seizure of power by the bolsheviks in November of 1917 elated Keynes and the rest of the Fabian coterie. At Leftist parties in London, Keynes and his fellow perverts celebrated by dressing in women's clothes and performing lewd dances. He had as his consort an eighteen-year-old-boy who was ensconced as his assistant in the Treasury Department.

Just before the Bolshevik Revolution, Keynes had made a hurried trip to the United States for the British Government. Here he had a chance to make contact with the American Fabians who were similarly entrenched, via the Frankfurter-Lippmann group, in key positions of the Wilson Administration.

Even the House of Morgan in New York City's financial district trotted out its sissies to welcome Keynes to this country, and gave him an office just for himself. The international grapevine had established the nature of his proclivities. The urbane air of Keynes sent thrills of excitement through the ranks of the financial "giggle gang."

Keynes' deviate socialist circle was almost completely pro-bolshevik. One month after the Revolution, J.M. Keynes wrote his mother"

On February 22, 1918, Keynes proudly boasted of "being a bolshevik." Yet the British Government blindly sent Keynes to the Versailles peace talks. There he joined forces with his Fabian American comrade, Walter Lippmann, who was among those representing the equally blind U.S. Government. The ensuing pro-bolshevik and anti-American machinations were largely responsible not only for laying the basis for continuing Red victories, but also for setting off the chain of events that eventually brought Hitler to power.

In 1919 Keynes authored The Economic Consequences Of The Peace, which was promptly acclaimed from Moscow by Nikolai Lenin, himself. The Red dictator declared: "Nowhere has the Versailles treaty been described so well as in the book by Keynes." A special edition of The Economic Consequences was printed under the label of the Fabian Society; and, Frankfurter and Lippmann brought the manuscript to the United States and arranged with Harcourt and Brace to publish it here. The volume became required reading among American socialists and Communists.

However, Keynes' value as a hidden Red was in danger. The Fabians had developed the posture of "respectability" to a fine art and the value of Keynes' book as an "impartial work" was in jeopardy. With Keynes' future usefulness in upper-class circles at stake, Lenin had personally come to the rescue. He pulled the classic Leftist double-twist, praising Keynes' book as a model for Communist revolutionaries and at the same time covering for Keynes by labeling him as "anti-bolshevik." Nikolai Lenin rose before the Second Congress of the Communist International and declared:

Thus was launched the career of Fabian leader Keynes as a "non-Leftist" and "non-Communist."

In 1925, John Maynard Keynes was married. It was a bizarre performance. His best "man" was Duncan Grant, his male lover for many years, and initiates swear that Keynes held Duncan's hand as the marriage vows were spoken. But, the background of the bride was equally odd. She was Lydia Lopokova, the premiere ballerina of the Diaghilev Ballet. She was an habitué of Leftist circles, and had at one time been engaged to Heywood Broun, the well known socialist and confidant of Leon Trotsky, but had broken the engagement to marry a dwarf named Barocchi. In 1917, Lydia had disappeared in Paris with the top Cossack general of the White Army, returning to the ballet when the general returned to lead his troops against the Bolsheviks. The Bolsheviks had by now, however, acquired advance information and used it to defeat the Cossacks.

Following the wedding to Comrade Lydia, Mr. and Mrs. Keynes were the special guests of the Soviet Government. He and his Russian wife were allowed free access to the Soviet hinterland, even to the extent of visiting her relatives. This was a privilege unheard of at the time, since even members of the Communist International were not then allowed such unlimited travel. It was a time of mass killing of civilians, and ordinarily a Russian national traveling with an Englishman would have been arrested and shot. But, Soviet officials were effusive in their thanks to Keynes for designing the first Soviet currency for them while he was still a member of the British Treasury.

The marriage was definitely an "arrangement," as Keynes continued to enjoy his amours with men. This was often the case with upper-class homosexuals who needed a legal wife as a facade. They both had separate living quarters, and did not interfere with the personal lives of one another. Lydia was very useful as a go-between since Keynes was in frequent contact with Soviet officials both in Britain and the United States.

Meanwhile, the perversion continued apace. It was quite a pace. As I have noted in the new edition of Keynes At Harvard:

The Fabian homosexual circle was incredibly successful in gaining influence and control in a wide area of activity. They staked out the entire British Empire and the United States as well. Lytton Strachey wrote to Keynes:
This projection was incredibly prophetic. J. M. Keynes became the mastermind behind the economic structure of British and American socialism. Strachey was responsible for writing books that undermined the Christian ethic of the Nineteenth Century and set the tone for the pornographic and depraved literature of today. Leonard Woolf worked out the details of the socialist drive for World Government. He was not only the architect of the League of Nations but outlined the structure of the United Nations.
Others of this perverted group of Keynesians have set the tone in art, music, education, and religion. Today [1971], alas, even the President of the United States says: "I am now a Keynesian in economics." It is disgusting!

Further reading:

John Seeley: Illuminati Pied Piper of Pedophilia
Posted: 30 Jun 2015 02:45 PM PDT
From United States Marine Field McConnell 
Plum City Online - (
June 30, 2015

1. In 1856, Allan Pinkerton hired Kate Warne to train actors for cross-dressing roles in murder-for-hire scripts as pioneered by Eugène François Vidocq founder of the Sûreté Nationale, and updated with online betting at the Pickton pig farm in B.C. (1996-2001).

2. Pinkerton's allegedly deployed Alinskyite cross-dressing community organisers to monitor the red-lining practises of banks such as HSBC and liquidate the assets of banks denying loans to Serco 8(a) protege companies on the basis of race, ethnic origin, sex or religion.

3. Pinkerton's actors and 8(a) companies have allegedly hacked the international banks' foreign-exchange onion-router networks with the Serco GMT atomic clock and trapped Greece with odious debts of 320bn euros which – being illegally contracted – should not be paid.

Readers are invited to browse Abel Danger's website where United States Marine Field McConnell has proof by contradiction – no rebuttal – of a conspiracy between Pinkerton and Serco to deploy cross-dressing actors with murder-for-hire scripts to liquidate banks and sovereign states which deny loans to groups on the basis of race, ethnic origin, sex or religion.

Pinkerton personal protection services

Prequel 1: #2389: Marine Brief – Pinkerton's Cross-Dressing Pedophile Elites – Serco's 8(a) Barry, Groomed by Turdi – GMT Langham Clock, BBC Building 7

"APTN National News Cameron Ward has won one of his battles.Ward is the lawyer representing the families of Robert Pickton’s victims at the Missing Women Commission of Inquiry, and he’s received the unpublished manuscript of a book written about the Robert Pickton case by [Cross-Dressing] Detective Lori Shenher.

Shenher was critical of senior officers in the Vancouver Police Department when she took the stand at the MWCI earlier this year, and while sections of the book have been redacted by both Shenher and the VPD, Ward says that “the document will be interesting”.

APTN National News reporter Rob Smith talks to Ward about the manuscript, and what might happen next at the inquiry."

"Pinkerton provides the expertise and a vast array of supporting resources to provide reliable personal protection anywhere throughout the country – or around the globe – at a moment's notice. DELIVERING RELIABLE PERSONAL PROTECTION SERVICES 24/7 For more than 160 years, Pinkerton's highly skilled and trained agents have provided protection for corporate leaders and their workforce, famous entertainers, athletes, royal families and diplomats. Our services range from providing one-time executive drivers to developing long-term comprehensive personal protection service programs. Pinkerton also offers expertise in protecting a company's assets. We respond 24 hours a day to both known and unforeseen threats. This enables our clients to go about their day-to-day business as usual."

"Greek debt 'illegal, illegitimate and odious' 
18 June 2015 Last updated at 09:35 BST 
A committee convened by the Greek parliament has claimed much of the country's debt of 320bn euros was illegally contracted and should not be paid.

Following an official parliamentary investigation, speaker Zoe Konstantopoulou described the debt as illegal, illegitimate and odious. She told the BBC that Greek people "should fight for justice".

Opposition parties have criticised the move saying it was a political tactic by the cash strapped government.

However the evidence marshalled by the debt truth committee could be used in a potential court case by the Greek government, should it seek a legal route out of its massive debts.

The concept of odious debt is established in international law where dictatorships or illegitimate governments have borrowed money and later been succeeded by democratic regimes."

"Mortgage discrimination or mortgage lending discrimination is the practice of banks, governments or other lending institutions denying loans to one or more groups of people primarily on the basis of race, ethnic origin, sex or religion. One of the most notable instances of widespread mortgage discrimination occurred in United States inner city neighborhoods from the 1930s up until the late 1970s. There is evidence that the practice still continues in the United States today.[1]..

Contemporary mortgage discrimination[edit]

Several class action mortgage discrimination claims have been filed against lenders across the country, alleging that that lenders disproportionately targeted minorities for high cost, high risk subprime lending, which has resulted in disproportionately higher rates of default and foreclosure for minority African American and Hispanic borrowers.[6] FHA loans, a Federal Mortgage program, went to the white majority and reached few minorities. In a study done in Syracuse, between 1996 and 2000, of the 2,169 FHA loans issued only 29 or 1.3 percent went to predominantly minority neighborhoods compared with 1,694 or 78.1 percent that went to white neighborhoods.[7][8] Mortgage discrimination played a significant part in the real estate bubble that popped during the later part of 2008, it was found that minorities were disproportionately steered by lenders into subprime loans.[9]

In 1993 President Bill Clinton made changes to the Community Reinvestment Act to make mortgages more obtainable for lower and lower-middle-class families. In 1993 the Federal Bank of Boston issued a report entitled “Closing the Gap: A Guide to Equal Opportunity Lending." The 30 page document was intended to serve as a guide to loan officers to help curb discriminatory lending [10] "Closing the Gap," instructs banks to hire based upon diversity needs, sweeten the compensation structure for working with lower income applicants, encourages shifting high risk, low income applications to the sub prime market, by saying "the secondary market [Subprime Market] is willing to consider ratios above the standard 28/36," and "Lack of credit history should not be seen as a negative factor."

While, "Closing the Gap" was not an industry-wide mandate, it illustrates the efforts banks took to meet public pressure to overcome mortgage discrimination. Under the Clinton administration community organizers pressured banks to increase their loans to minorities. Karen Wegmann, the head of Wells Fargo's community development group in 1993 told the New York Times, "The atmosphere now is one of saying yes." [11] The same New York Times article echoed "Closing the Gap," writing, "The banks have also modified some standards for credit approval. Many low-income people do not have credit-bureau files because they do not have credit cards. So lenders are accepting records of continuously paid utility bills as evidence of creditworthiness. Similarly, they will accept steady income from several employers instead of the length of time at one job."

Because of looser loan restrictions many people who did not qualify for a mortgage before now could own a home.[12] The banks issued loans with teaser rates, knowing that when higher variable rates kicked in later the borrowers would not be able to meet their payments. As long as housing prices kept rising and borrowers could refinance easily, everyone appeared to be doing well.[12]

Minorities willingly entered sub-prime mortgages in far greater numbers than whites and represented a disproportional percentage of foreclosures.[13][14]

Recently, the NAACP has submitted a lawsuit concerning alleged injustices in the lending industry.[15] An analysis, by N.Y.U.’s Furman Center for Real Estate and Urban Policy, illustrated stark racial differences between the New York City neighborhoods where subprime mortgages were common and those where they were rare. The 10 neighborhoods with the highest rates of mortgages from subprime lenders had black and Hispanic majorities, and the 10 areas with the lowest rates were mainly non-Hispanic white. The analysis showed that even when median income levels were comparable, home buyers in minority neighborhoods were more likely to get a loan from a subprime lender.[1] Discrimination motivated by prejudice is contingent on the racial composition of neighborhoods where the loan is sought and the race of the applicant. Lending institutions have been shown to treat black and Latino mortgage applicants differently when buying homes in white neighborhoods than when buying homes in black neighborhoods.[16] An example of this occurred in the 60's and 70's on the near northside of Chicago. Thousands of blacks, Latinos, and poor people were systematically dislocated and prevented from acquiring loans by realtors and lending institutions with the blessings of the city's urban renewal program.[citation needed]

Reverse redlining[edit]

Reverse redlining is a term that was coined by Gregory D. Squires, a Professor of Sociology and Public Policy and Public Administration at George Washington University. This phenomenon occurs when a lender or insurer particularly targets minority consumers, not to deny them loans or insurance, but rather to charge them more than would be charged to a similarly situated majority consumer, specifically marketing the most expensive and onerous loan products. These communities had largely been ignored by most lenders just a couple decades earlier. However these same financial institutions in the 2000s saw black communities as fertile ground for subprime mortgages. Wells Fargo for instance partnered with churches in black communities, where the pastor would deliver "wealth buildling" seminars in their sermons, and the bank would make a donation to the church in return for every new mortgage application. There was pressure on both sides, as working-class blacks wanted a part of the nation’s home-owning trend.[17][18]

A survey of two districts of similar incomes, one being largely white and the other largely black, found that branches in the black community offered largely subprime loans and almost no prime loans. Studies found out that high-income blacks were almost twice as likely to end up with subprime home-purchase mortgages as low-income whites. Loan officers were clearly aware that they were exploiting their customers, in some cases referring to blacks as "mud people" and to subprime lending as “ghetto loans."[13][17][18] A lower savings rate and a distrust of banks stemming from a legacy of redlining may help explain why there are fewer branches in minority neighborhoods. In recent years while subprime loans were not sought out by borrowers, brokers and telemarketers actively pushed them. A majority of the loans were refinance transactions allowing homeowners to take cash out of their appreciating property or pay off credit card and other debt.[19]

"Barack Obama's transsexual nanny Evie in fear for her life in Jakarta slum 
Barack Obama's former Indonesian carer, who dressed as a woman but was born a man, has given up her feminine identity and is living in a Jakarta slum in fear after a life-time of beatings and taunts. 
By Ian MacKinnon, Bangkok 11:50AM GMT 05 Mar 2012
The transsexual, who goes by the name of Evie, looked after the young "Barry" Obama for several years when as an eight-year-old he lived in Jakarta.

But Evie, who always dressed as a man in front of the future US president and his younger sister Maya, believes he would never have known of the cross-dressing.

Evie, 66, who real name is Turdi and is described as male in his identity papers, did however amuse the young "Barry" Obama, as school friends knew him, by sometimes trying mother Ann Dunham's lipstick.

"He was so young," said Evie. "And I never used to let him see me wearing women's clothes. But he did see me trying on his mother's lipstick sometimes. That used to really crack him up."

Yet neighbours in the Menteng neighbourhood of central Jakarta remember the popular Turdi working at the house and recall seeing her in the evenings wearing make-up and tight, flowery dresses.

Ann Dunham moved to the Indonesian capital after meeting and marrying second husband Lolo Soetoro, and Barack Obama lived there from age of six until he was 10 while the country was in the grip of the dictator General Suharto."

"The Sûreté was founded in 1812 by Eugène François Vidocq, who headed it until 1827. It was the inspiration for Scotland Yard, the FBI, and other departments of criminal investigation throughout the world. Vidocq was convinced that crime could not be controlled by then-current police methods, so he organized a special branch of the criminal division modeled on Napoleon's political police. The force was to work undercover and its early members consisted largely of reformed criminals. By 1820 – eight years after its formation – it had blossomed into a 30-man team of experts that had reduced the crime rate in Paris by 40%."

"Eugène François Vidocq, in his Voleurs (1837), mentions an establishment run by a certain Cottin for the benefit of pederasts in the Paris of the July Monarchy. The ex-police chief Louis Canler reported in his memoires that an individual nicknamed la mere des tantes, "the mother of the queens," kept a house of male prostitution that attracted a varied clientele. Under the Second Empire Paris had a world-renowned male brothel kept by an elderly proprietor who had been a hustler in his youth but was left destitute by the Revolution of 1848. Toward 1860 he organized his establishment in such a manner that clients of every social and economic class could frequent its premises. The room corresponded in price to the degree of luxury that it afforded, and could be rented by the hour or by the day, as well as reserved by correspondence in advance. Likewise a customer with a particular sexual preference could arrange to have his desires satisfied by an appropriate partner, and if he was not pressed for time, even without advance notice he could have a prompt search made for the hustler of his choice. The proprietor energetically managed the affairs of the brothel, aided by the pan-European notoriety which it enjoyed among both potential clients and aspiring employees. Thus modem capitalist methods of business administration filtered down to the market for illicit sexual pleasures in the prosperous France of Napoleon III."

"Is Barack Obama Gay?While the always-eloquent Michelle Antoinette Obama might deny it publicly, there's clear evidence that Barack Obama is indeed homosexual…and is specifically what’s known in the black street slang as "being on the Down Low" or "being a cake boy". The Obamas' marriage is an elaborate sham concocted for their mutual benefit, where Michelle serves as Barack's beard and in return she gets to enjoy a life of fabulous wealth and power she could only dream of growing up in Chicago and depending on Jesse Jackson for jobs and other favors. Why don’t more people talk about this reality openly?

Well, since at least the 1964 election the agenda-driven media in this country has aggressively promoted the Left's favored candidates while strategically targeting conservatives for destruction. A copy of the Alinsky Rules for Radicals sits in every newsroom in the country, where "journalists" employ Alinsky Methods to polarize, ostracize, ridicule, and impugn Republicans at every available opportunity. In the zeal to destroy conservative politicians, the agenda-drive media quite often reports rumors and innuendo as concrete fact. Leftist websites like rush to be first! in reporting Republican scandals, never much worrying about being "right".

But for Democrats? You don’t need to look very hard for irrefutable evidence that the media protects its favored Leftist politicians and zealously maintains whatever story most benefits Democrats. This entails forever protecting secrets like Barack Obama's homosexuality (and drug use) and pretending that the Obamas are the most perfect heterosexual black couple since Cliff and Clair Huxtable from the tee-vee.

Read more"

"Wanted: French sleuth, with attitudeBy Mary Blume Published: Friday, September 10, 2004 PARIS — It isn't for want of trying, but for all their enthusiasm for crime novels the French have never succeeded in the private eye genre, as a small exhibition at the Bibliothèque des littératures policières suggests.

There are plenty of private detective agencies in Paris, more than 80, compared with about 50 in 1914, but a singular lack of colorful characters. Perhaps the simplest explanation is the right one — the police are so powerful and inquisitive here that a private eye automatically is a minor player.

Another reason may be that France can boast in Eugene-Francois Vidocq (1775-1857) a detective who was larger in life than any fictional character could ever be. An ex-con, forger, thief, smuggler, bigamist and possible cross-dresser, Vidocq used his excellent criminal connections to become a police informer, and in a stunning example of poacher-turned-gamekeeper, rose to the exalted police rank of head of the Sûreté. By 1825 Vidocq's men (and women) were making 1,500 arrests a year and their boss had a very smart carriage and diamond studs.

After being forced to resign from the Sûreté, Vidocq opened the world's first modern detective agency, which specialized in debt-collecting and, synergistically, in money-lending, did a few abductions for hire, sold false decorations and inspired Allan Pinkerton in America, who called himself the Vidocq of the West.

At its height the agency employed 40 agents with such nicknames as Cyclops, Man About Town and the Satyr. They kept strict hours and were not allowed to spit on the floor. Vidocq was receiving up to 40 clients a day in his tasteful office decorated with paintings of Damiens being quartered and John the Baptist losing his head and with such homely mottoes as, "In the underworld two and two do not make four. Two and two make twenty-two."

Vidocq has been amply written about, most recently this summer by James Morton, an English solicitor, in "The First Detective." His own mendacious memoirs in four volumes sold so well that his English publisher added a couple of volumes to satisfy demand. Vidocq didn't mind ghost writers but was hurt by those who failed to emphasize his sensitivity and remorse.

Born in the reign of Louis XVI, he was an expert trimmer who survived the mighty political upheavals of his time without a scar. He was also, Morton suggests, something of a sociopath who as a boy in Arras tortured children and domestic pets, robbed his baker father's till and stole his mother's savings, which she never held against him. He clearly had presence, charm and good looks, and thrived, as Michel Foucault observed, "in the disturbing moment when criminality became one of the mechanisms of power." Vidocq, says Foucault, "marks the moment when delinquency, detached from other illegalities, was invested by power and turned inside out."

In London in 1845 Vidocq was invited to address the House of Lords on prison discipline and on the same trip held an exhibition of his collections of paintings ("very old works by very young masters," said one journalist), waxed fruits, murderers' mementos, instruments of torture and examples of the manacles and weighted boots he had been forced to wear in jail."

"Kate Warne & Women's Security Careers Todayby: Ginger Happe, Tatiana Scatena do Valle and Ellen Lemire on June 2, 2015 in All Posts, Hazard & Event Risk, Market & Economic Risk, Operational & Physical Risk, Technology & Informational Risk

Kate Warne is an iconic historical figure in the detective and investigative field. Back in 1856, she walked into the Chicago office of the Pinkerton Detective Agency seeking a job opportunity. It was immediately thought that she was interested in a secretarial or office position. Instead, she was extremely proactive in making her case for the agency to hire their first woman detective. She was convincing enough to make that idea sound not as crazy as the initial shared opinion by the men in charge.

Kate's hiring opened the door for women in the investigative and security field, but although landing the job was impressive, it was only the very first step. She indelibly left her mark on the industry by being able to successfully put her vision into motion and achieve everything she enthusiastically expressed during that Chicago job interview.

Undercover Investigative Services: Not Just Bond or Bauer"

"Ikun is a part of the Mission Systems Group of companies managed by Akima, LLC, whose portfolio of businesses currently provides services and products to the federal government and commercial customers. As a certified ANC 8(a) Small Disadvantaged Business through January 2018, Ikun enables government agencies to streamline procurements and recognize socioeconomic goals. Our association with our parent company, Akima, extends our resources and capabilities beyond those of typical 8(a) companies. Click links below to review the FAR Clauses that govern ANC 8(a) contracting: .. March 27, 2013 Ikun was awarded a subcontract from Serco to perform immigrant visa support services at the National Visa Center located in Portsmouth, NH [and operated by Serco since 1994] . Ikun's staff performs various services to ensure that the visa case files are documentarily complete prior to applicant interviews with consular officers located at U.S. consulates around the world."

"The 8(a) Business Development Program assists in the development of small businesses owned and operated by individuals who are socially and economically disadvantaged, such as women and minorities. The following ethnic groups are classified as eligible: Black Americans; Hispanic Americans; Native Americans (American Indians, Eskimos, Aleuts, or Native Hawaiians); Asian Pacific Americans (persons with origins from Burma, Thailand, Malaysia, Indonesia, Singapore, Brunei, Japan, China (including Hong Kong), Taiwan, Laos, Cambodia (Kampuchea), Vietnam, Korea, The Philippines, U.S. Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands (Republic of Palau), Republic of the Marshall Islands, Federated States of Micronesia, the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands, Guam, Samoa, Macao, Fiji, Tonga, Kiribati, Tuvalu, or Nauru); Subcontinent Asian Americans (persons with origins from India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Bhutan, the Maldives Islands or Nepal). In 2011, the SBA, along with the FBI and the IRS, uncovered a massive scheme to defraud this program. Civilian employees of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, working in concert with an employee of Alaska Native Corporation Eyak Technology LLC allegedly submitted fraudulent bills to the program, totaling over 20 million dollars, and kept the money for their own use.[26] It also alleged that the group planned to steer a further 780 million dollars towards their favored contractor.[27]"

"Serco farewell to NPL after 19 years of innovation 8 January 2015 .. During that period under Serco's management and leadership.. .. NPL's caesium fountain atomic clock is accurate to 1 second in 158 million years and NPL is playing a key role in introducing rigour to high frequency [spread bet and spot-fixed assassination] trading in the City through NPLTime."

Serco... Would you like to know more? 

SWISSLEAKS - "HSBC developed dangerous clients: arms merchants, drug dealers, terrorism financers" 

Copy of SERCO GROUP PLC: List of Subsidiaries AND Shareholders! (Mobile Playback Version) [HSBC is Serco's drug-hub Silk Road banker and a major shareholder with the 9/11 8(a) lenders including Her Majesty's Government and JPMorgan]

Yours sincerely,

Field McConnell, United States Naval Academy, 1971; Forensic Economist; 30 year airline and 22 year military pilot; 23,000 hours of safety; Tel: 715 307 8222

David Hawkins Tel: 604 542-0891 Forensic Economist; former leader of oil-well blow-out teams; now sponsors Grand Juries in CSI Crime and Safety Investigation

How The TPP Came From The U.N and Agenda 21

Tuesday, June 30, 2015

How The TPP Came From The U.N and Agenda 21

By Luke Rudkowski

In this video Luke Rudkowski interviews whistleblower and researcher
 Richard Grove of Richard describes how the
TPP really comes from the agenda of secret societies.



This article may be re-posted in full with attribution.

Turkey Plans To Invade Syria

>> somebody got Turkey to do their dirty work.. Feel sorry for the Syrian people <<

Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Turkey Plans To Invade Syria

By Brandon Turbeville

Even worrying members of his own government, Turkish President Recep Erdogan is showing the world just how he earned his being shown the door in the last election. This is because Erdogan has recently announced plans to invade Syria, occupy a swath of land on the southern Turkey/Norther Syria border, and establish a buffer zone there.

In the past, Turkey has sent troops into Syria under the guise of protecting a Turkish enclave in Syrian territory but, in reality, the operation was an attempt to provide cover for Western-backed terrorists moving against the Syrian government. The Turks have also committed sizeable amounts of their intelligence agents and “special ops” crews to Syria.

This recent announcement, however, involves the commitment of Turkish Air Force and infantry which will then be used to not only establish a “buffer zone” in Northern Syria but also to occupy that zone.

Turkey’s plan, arranged by Erdogan through a series of rule changes to Turkish law, is being justified on the basis of the Syrian refugee crisis. Erdogan suggests that by creating a “buffer zone” in Syria, Syrian refugees will have a larger area in which to find shelter, particularly a larger area that is not Turkey. Yet Erdogan is not using the plan only for the benefit of Turkey’s humanitarian relief assistance programs or the Syrian refugees.

While Erdogan’s public presentation of the plan also involves combating ISIS in Syria, the truth is that the military operation will be a battle against the secular government of Bashar al-Assad and the Kurdish forces carving out their own independent country in the areas bordering and possibly encompassing Turkey.

Obviously, a military operation to combat ISIS would be counterproductive to Erdogan and the Turks since it has been Turkey that has been funding, arming, training, facilitating, and providing intelligence to ISIS and other related terrorist organizations since the beginning of the Syrian crisis. The real targets are clearly Assad and the Kurds.

more here:

The Great Banking Game of the BIS

Wednesday, July 1, 2015

The Great Banking Game of the BIS

Tony Montana: Black market lord,
servant to the international oligarchy.
By Jay Dyer

Greece is now in the news for the left socialist Syriza Party caving (predictable) to the IMF’s economic terrorism, resulting in bank runs and capital controls.  Echoing the previous two bail outs back to 2009 and 2010, the new “plan” will undoubtedly result in more collateral seizure of Greek assets for the engineered debt crisis shock doctrine that controls virtually all nations.  Nothing new here, but it is illustrative for understanding the global banking structure that emerged from World War II at the Bretton Woods Conference in 1944.  However, as we will see, the real structure extends further back into the shadows of World War I.

Originally Bretton Woods’ plan tied to the U.S. dollar-backed by gold, in 1971, the dollar became fiat (Nixon shock), resulting in a global fiat system centered around command and control large-scale economic planning and fixed exchange rates.  Under the guise of economic stability, the ruse was sold that this system would provide “security” and prevent rampant speculators from wrecking economies due to tying them to central banks.  While there is some truth to this position of regulation limiting rampant speculation, the limitations of central banks only works if central banks are independent and national, printing their own currency.  Of course, they are not, and the ability of the megabanks to own national economies through bailouts and being “too big to fail” shows however well-intentioned or effective that may have been in the past, it is no longer the case.

The Marshall Plan was an aspect of this Bretton Woods restructuring for Europe, and in regards to the incorrect myth of Western conservatives concerning the ridiculous notion that the U.N. was a “Soviet Plot” (when the land was donated by the Rockefellers), Dr. Kerry Bolton cites Quigley:
The eminent American historian Carroll Quigley, Foreign Services School, Georgetown University, Harvard and Princeton, describes the post-war situation leading to the Cold War, stating that the immediate policy of the USA rested on free trade and aid via the Marshall Plan which would have included assistance for economic recovery to the Soviet bloc. However the USSR saw this as a means for the USA to establish its pre-eminence in the post war era. Quigley, a liberal globalist who saw the “hope” of the world being through a world government, wrote: 
On the whole, if blame must be allotted, it may be placed at the door of Stalin’s office in the Kremlin. American willingness to co-operate continued until 1947, as is evident from the fact that the Marshall Plan offer of American aid for a co-operative Europe recovery effort was opened to the Soviet Union, but it now seems clear that Stalin had decided to close the door on co-operation and adopted a unilateral policy of limited aggression about February or March of 1946. The beginning of the Cold War may be placed at the date of this inferred decision or may be placed at the later and more obvious date of the Soviet refusal to accept Marshall Aid in July 1947.[14] 
Quigley refers to the American initiative for atomic energy “internationalization” and how this arguably very dangerous scenario for world domination was again scotched by Stalin: 
The most critical example of the Soviet refusal to co-operate and of its insistence on relapsing into isolation, secrecy, and terrorism is to be found in its refusal to join in American efforts to harness the dangerous powers of nuclear fission.[15]
more here:

The 75 Trillion Dollar Shadow Banking System Is In Danger Of Collapsing

Wednesday, July 1, 2015

The 75 Trillion Dollar Shadow Banking System Is In Danger Of Collapsing

By Michael Snyder

Keep an eye on the shadow banking system – it is about to be shaken to the core.  According to the Financial Stability Board, the size of the global shadow banking system has reached an astounding 75 trillion dollars.  It has approximately tripled in size since 2002.  In the U.S. alone, the size of the shadow banking system is approximately 24 trillion dollars.

At this point, shadow banking assets in the United States are even greater than those of conventional banks.  These shadow banks are largely unregulated, but governments around the world have been extremely hesitant to crack down on them because these non-bank lenders have helped fuel economic growth.  But in the end, we will all likely pay a very great price for allowing these exceedingly reckless financial institutions to run wild.

If you are not familiar with the “shadow banking system”, the following is a pretty good definition from investing
The shadow banking system (or shadow financial system) is a network of financial institutions comprised of non-depository banks — e.g., investment banks, structured investment vehicles (SIVs), conduits, hedge funds, non-bank financial institutions and money market funds.
How it works/Example:
Shadow banking institutions generally serve as intermediaries between investors and borrowers, providing credit and capital for investors, institutional investors, and corporations, and profiting from fees and/or from the arbitrage in interest rates.
Because shadow banking institutions don’t receive traditional deposits like a depository bank, they have escaped most regulatory limits and laws imposed on the traditional banking system. Members are able to operate without being subject to regulatory oversight for unregulated activities. An example of an unregulated activity is a credit default swap (CDS).
These institutions are extremely dangerous because they are highly leveraged and they are behaving very recklessly.  They played a major role during the financial crisis of 2008, and even the New York Fed admits that shadow banking has “increased the fragility of the entire financial system”…

read more here:



Vitally important link:


"Li, essentially the man in charge of China's economy, the world's second largest, said China wanted a strong euro zone.

"It is in China's interest. We would like to see Greece staying in the euro zone and we urge the international creditors to reach an agreement with the Greek side," he said.

The European Union is pushing for a new global deal on climate change at U.N. talks later this year, hosted by France.

Li said Beijing would soon make a joint announcement with the EU.

"The two sides must step up their cooperation ... to establish a fair, reasonable, * win-win global climate governance system* ," Li said.


What's next for the
Export-Import Bank?

Kate Rogers | @katerogersnews
1 Hour

.....But come Tuesday, the 81-year-old bank's charter expires. And without reauthorization, the financial institution cannot do any new business. The bank for years has been a lifeline for many small businesses, which may be left to fend for themselves in potentially lucrative overseas markets.

If the bank's charter is not reauthorized, "the U.S. is going to lose our exporting power," Axelrod said. "China and other exporting countries are chomping at the bit to take that business." She said as much as 30 percent of her business comes from international markets.

In fiscal year 2014, the Export-Import Bank—known as "Ex-Im" bank for short—did $20.5 billion in financing. That figures includes more than $5 billion in financing and insurance for small businesses that make up $27 billion in U.S. exports and 164,000 American jobs.

The remaining $15.5 billion goes toward other places, including financing for big corporations, bank critics say.

Larger companies that have received Ex-Im Bank financing in the past include General Electric and Boeing. Spokespeople for both corporations were not immediately available for comment.

"Most of this goes to very successful, well-heeled companies that don't need the help in the first place," says Rep. Jeb Hensarling, Texas Republican and chairman of the House Financial Services Committee.

......Still, while small businesses pocket $5 billion in financing from the Ex-Im Bank, Main Street businesses make up about 90 percent of the overall business the Ex-Im Bank does.

And earlier this month, GE Co-Chairman Jeff Immelt told Reuters the company would move manufacturing jobs to Canada and Europe if the Export-Import Bank closes.....


Russia Opens Door To Greece
As Sixth Member
Of New BRICS World Bank:
Russian Oil Makes Athens
Europe’s Energy Hub!

“Boots on the ground” report from Greece

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June 30, 2015
Piraeus, Greece
[Editor’s note: This letter was written by a Greek-American friend of Simon’s who is currently living near Athens.]
Since my arrival into the country late May, the topic of most discussions I overhear everywhere are naturally about the debt negotiations.
I’d call opinions in support or against the Tsipras governments’ activities pretty sharply divided.
Tsipras supporters are generally fed-up with 5yrs of blood-letting “from the Germans”.
Critics, on the other hand, see the euro as some sort of abstract membership in a club that must be retained at all cost.
A minority even criticize Tsipras for—get this—being too soft.
That’s especially true where I’ve been staying here in the port-city of Piraeus, which - being the country’s biggest port, is home to mostly blue collar, working class folks where unions more or less dominate.
To illustrate the political leanings around here, I hazily recall a headline in a newsfeed summing up their worldview quite accurately: “Piraeus - a neighborhood where Syriza is not quite left-wing enough.”
Enough said.
Like most locals, I’ve been steadily hitting the ATM for the past weeks to amass some emergency cash.
I ventured out today for the first time since the capital controls were installed yesterday to have a look around.
In Piraeus, I saw a queue of at least 30 people at a branch of Alpha Bank, and about 10 people at the Bank of Piraeus, where I waited.
The mood among the people waiting was pretty cool, friendly and even throwing a few funny comments around to address the obvious elephant in the room.
Older pensioners who were waiting, being used to getting their money from the window, had dusted off their debit card and received generous help from others on using it.
Experiences were shared on efforts to withdraw cash the previous day, where the published daily withdraw limit of 60 EUR/day for citizens was in effect (and confirmed by to me by the folks on line).
Today however, having presumably exhausted their supply of 20 euro notes, this ATM machine imposed upon users a de-facto daily withdraw limit of 50 Euros - since it was only dispensing 50 Euro notes.
As has also been reported, these capital controls do not apply to foreign bank accounts; and I can confirm to be true as my foreign bank card allowed me to withdraw my self-elected amount (of 300 EUR on this occasion) without issue.
There is certainly an unusual feeling of calm in the air. Car traffic resembles a quieter “Sunday” level than a typical summer weekday going into the high tourist season.
Citizens seem a bit more polite and helpful to one another than before, with no shortage of clever comments to break the tension on everyone’s mind being all in the same boat.
My first thought was to assume a newfound “keep calm and soldier on” state of unity among the populace.
But this is Greece, not Northern Europe. the words “quiet” and “calm” never share a sentence here.
No, this was something different, I believe, more of a “laugh to keep from crying” state of mind.
And being very experienced with Greece and Greek culture for my entire life, this realization was off-putting to say the least.
I’ll forward along any additional observations during my stay and leave you with one final, personal thought.
For all the talk and preaching of the risks one takes by placing all their “flags” into the blind faith and trust of one government in the abstract, it’s nothing like witnessing it firsthand.
Greece, right here - right now, is where that all “gets real.”
But more importantly, all the benefits of a multiple flags approach also “gets real” when you’re the guy who the crisis can’t touch.
I’m able to merely observe and participate without worry, sleeping tight knowing that all that what I’ve worked to achieve in his life is out of the reach of supranational, unelected & unaccountable EU autocrats.
Until tomorrow,
Simon Black

WUA - Confederate flag vs. Islamic State flag (ISIS)

Walmart Refused to Create Confederate Flag Cake. The Next Day Same Customer Asks Store for Cake With Islamic State Flag. Want to Guess How It Pans Out?

Given the many national chains that stopped selling confederate flags after the Charleston, South Carolina, church massacre, Chuck Netzhammer couldn’t have been too surprised that Walmart denied his request to create a cake bearing the image of the confederate flag.

Netzhammer holds flag he wanted recreated on Wal-Mart cake. (Image source: YouTube)

But a day later, Netzhammer decided to put the store’s convictions to the test.
He said he submitted another cake request to the Walmart in Slidell, Louisiana, on Friday — this time with the Islamic State flag on top.
Surely a no-no for Walmart, yes?
To Netzhammer’s shock, Walmart put together the cake with the Islamic State flag.

And then he turned to YouTube to vent his frustration.

“Alright, Walmart, you’ve got some explaining to do,” Netzhammer said on camera. He added in his YouTube summary that the Islamic State “is beheading Christians, selling little girls into slavery and is currently a terrorist org at war with the United States — but you can’t buy the General Lee toy car …? It’s a damn shame.”

Netzhammer showed the Islamic State flag cake on camera, as well as the rejection notice he said he received from Walmart for the confederate flag cake.
Walmart spokesman Randy Hargrove told the Daily Caller that the “store made a mistake. The cake in the video should not have been made and we apologize.”

“We made the decision to stop selling confederate flag related items promoting the flag’s image. For that reason we did not make the cake,” Hargrove added to the Daily Caller. “[Netzhammer] brought in the other image of ISIS and really, what happened, was our associate didn’t recognize what that image was and what it meant or it wouldn’t have been made.”

Thanks Michael

ZeroHedge Frontrunning: July 01

Frontrunning: July 01

  • Tsipras backs down on many Greece bailout demands (Read More)
  • Creditors skeptical of Tsipras' offer (Read More)
  • Greek Pension Rationing Begins; Poll Shows Tsipras Backed (Read More)
  • Greek referendum poll shows lead for 'No' vote, but narrowing (Read More)
  • Greek Bank Controls Heap More Pain on Crisis-Weary Citizens (Read More)
  • Greek Crisis Ripples Across European Companies as Markets Swing (Read More)
  • China Stocks Fall: Shanghai Composite Index Drops 5.2% (Read More)
  • China June factory, services surveys fuel hopes economy leveling out (Read More)
  • Some Chinese Are Taking 22% Margin Loans to Finance Stock Purchases (Read More)
  • Puerto Rico Utility, Creditors Close to Deal to Avoid Default (Read More)
  • State Department Releases 3,000 Pages of Hillary Clinton's E-Mails (Read More)
  • Clinton struggled to fit in with Obama's White House, emails show (Read More)
  • Bosses Reclassify Workers to Cut Costs (Read More)
  • China June factory, services surveys fuel hopes economy leveling out (Read More)
  • Ace Agrees to Buy Rival Insurer Chubb (Read More)
  • To many ordinary Iranians, nuclear deal means money, food and jobs (Read More)
  • Nearly one in three Americans owns a gun (Read More)