Saturday, July 4, 2015


Threat Scenario ~ Detection ~ Super Diseases ~ Bio-Terror

Weapons of Mass Destruction (Chem/Bio)

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VX Gas or VX Vapor

Iraq, for example, was at one time an admitted producer of 3.9 tons of VX . Syria is believed to have its advanced (with North Korean guidance technology) SCUD-D missiles equipped with VX warheads aimed at Israel.
VX is a nerve agent involving organic phosphorous compounds and sulphur. It works essentially by penetrating the skin and disrupting the transmission of nerve impulses.
  • Following release of VX into the air, people can be exposed through skin contact, eye contact, or inhalation (breathing in the VX mist).
  • Though VX does not mix with water as easily as other nerve agents do, it could be released into water. Following release of VX into water, people can be exposed by drinking contaminated water or getting contaminated water on their skin.
  • Following contamination of food with VX, people can be exposed by eating the contaminated food.
  • VX is primarily a liquid exposure hazard, but if it is heated to very high temperatures, it can turn into small amounts of vapor (gas). Other methods have been experimentaly tested to produce a VX gas or mist.
  • A person’s clothing can release VX for about 30 minutes after contact with VX vapor, which can lead to exposure of other people.
  • VX breaks down slowly in the body, meaning that repeated exposures to VX and/or other nerve agents can have a cumulative effect (build up in the body).
  • Because VX vapor is heavier than air, it will sink to low-lying areas and create a greater exposure hazard there.

VX gas is one of the most dangerous chemicals created by man.

VX gas is an aerosoled chemical warfare agent derived from the oil-based VX. In the film "The Rock", it was that green liquid that the terrorists threatened San Francisco Bay with.

VX gas was developed in the Porton Down Chemical Weapons Research Centre, Wiltshire, England in 1952 and its devastating effects were tested. The British traded the technology of VX with the United States of America for information on thermonuclear weapons.

Its chemical formula is CH3CH20-P(O)(CH3)-SCH2CH2N(C3H7)2 and is normally in its liquid state despite its name. It has a low volatility; is odourless and is an excellent adhesive. A special form has been developed that is so adhesive that it is virtually impossible to remove from the surface that it is in contact with. This leads to strategic attacks on enemy bases or airfields so that the VX remains stuck to the area and has the potential to kill any one attempting to use the base or airfield.

The "V" of VX signifies it long persistence. So it is more dangerous and toxic than its cousins of the "G" variety like GA (Tabun) and GB (Sarin), which dissipate quickly and have only short-term effects. In the liquid form of VX, it is absorbed through the eyes or the skin of the victim. It takes an hour or two to take effect and its effects result in death. The gaseous form is more deadly than the liquid form and acts almost immediately on the victim. The effects are worst when it is inhaled and death is an end to the suffering.

The LD50 can be as little as 10mg for humans. It operates by cutting off the nervous system. It binds to the enzyme that transmits signals to the nerves and inhibits them. Therefore the nerves become isolated and uncontrollable. The antidote, atropine, is a toxin itself but it counteracts the effect of the VX by removing it from the enzyme. It is an anti-nerve agent so does the reverse of the VX, a nerve agent. It is normally injected into the arm or thigh but for gaseous attacks the atropine must go immediately into the heart. So full body protection and gas masks are essential to avoid exposure in a VX missile attack.

VX has not been used to its fullest potential yet because it is too dangerous to use for local attacks with wind that could blow the VX back onto the base. This factor has helped to keep VX from being used to cripple local nations. If these weapons were launched against a nation then there would be the possibility of a nuclear counterattack because VX is a weapon of mass destruction that spreads from impact point killing all in its path. This would be countered by another, which in a lot of cases, would be a nuclear bomb. The only known countries to possess VX are U.S. France and Russia. England after inventing it abandoned the thought for thermonuclear warfare.
VX exposure can be treated. As with other nerve agents, the most effective treatment for VX is the immediate injection of a mix of the drugs atropine and pralidoxime chloride, which counteract the effects of the nerve agent on the peripheral nervous system and help victims breathe, and diazepam, which counteracts the central nervous system effects of VX, including seizures. U.S. military personnel are equipped with auto-injector kits containing the antidotes. But the drugs must be administered immediately upon exposure to VX. (The antidotes can be dangerous to those who haven't been exposed.)

Victims who inhale VX should also be given access to fresh air. Those whose skin has touched VX should be washed with soap and water. Another chemical, pyridostigmine bromide, can be given before exposure to increase resistance to VX.

How does VX compare to sarin gas or mustard gas?
Since VX and sarin are both nerve agents, they have similar effects on the body. But VX is about a hundred times more deadly than sarin when absorbed through the skin and about twice as deadly when inhaled. Moreover, sarin is volatile, evaporates at about the same rate as water, and is deadliest when inhaled, while VX is oil-based, extremely adhesive, and long lasting.

Mustard gas, a blister agent, is less deadly than both VX and sarin but can lead to more lasting health effects, such as cancer and birth defects.

People may not know they were exposed to VX because it has no odor.

  • People exposed to a low or moderate dose of VX by inhalation, ingestion (swallowing), or skin absorption may experience some or all of the following symptoms within seconds to hours of exposure:
    • Runny nose
    • Watery eyes
    • Small, pinpoint pupils
    • Eye pain
    • Blurred vision
    • Drooling and excessive sweating
    • Cough
    • Chest tightness
    • Rapid breathing
    • Diarrhea
    • Increased urination
    • Confusion
    • Drowsiness
    • Weakness
    • Headache
    • Nausea, vomiting, and/or abdominal pain
    • Slow or fast heart rate
    • Abnormally low or high blood pressure
  • Even a tiny drop of nerve agent on the skin can cause sweating and muscle twitching where the agent touched the skin.
  • Exposure to a large dose of VX by any route may result in these additional health effects:
    • Loss of consciousness
    • Convulsions
    • Paralysis
    • Respiratory failure leading to death

Other Nerve Agents

Nerve Agents
(GA, GB, GD, VX)

Tabun (GA) 77-81-6
Sarin (GB) 107-44-8
Soman (GD) 96-64-0
VX 50782-69-9

Nerve agents were developed in pre-World War II Germany. Germany had stockpiles of nerve agent munitions during World War II (WWII), but did not use them for reasons that are still unclear. In the closing days of the war, the U.S. and its allies discovered these stockpiles, developed the agents, and manufactured nerve agent munitions. The U.S. chemical agent stockpile contains the nerve agents GB and VX.
Nerve agents are considered major military threat agents. The only known battlefield use of nerve agents was in the Iraq-Iran conflict. Intelligence analysts indicate that many countries have the technology to manufacture nerve agent munitions.

Nerve agents are liquids under temperate conditions. When dispersed, the more volatile ones constitute both a vapor and a liquid hazard. Others are less volatile and represent primarily a liquid hazard. The "G-agents" are more volatile than VX. GB (sarin) is the most volatile, but it evaporates less readily than water. GF is the least volatile of the G-agents.
Nerve agents can be dispersed from missiles, rockets, bombs, howitzer shells, spray tanks, land mines, and other large munitions.

Nerve agents are organophosphorous cholinesterase inhibitors. They inhibit the butyrylcholinesterase in the plasma, the acetylcholinesterase on the red cell, and the acetylcholinesterase at cholinergic receptor sites in tissue. The three enzymes are not the same; even the two acetylcholinesterases have slightly different properties, although both have a high affinity for acetylcholine. The blood enzymes provide an estimate of the tissue enzyme activity. After acute exposure to a nerve agent, the erythrocyte enzyme activity most closely reflects the activity of the tissue enzyme, but during recovery the plasma enzyme activity more closely parallels tissue enzyme activity.
After a nerve agent inhibits the tissue enzyme, the enzyme cannot hydrolyze acetylcholine, the neurotransmitter at cholinergic receptor sites. Acetylcholine accumulates and continues to stimulate the affected organ. The clinical effects from nerve agent exposure are caused by excess acetylcholine.
The attachment of the agent to the enzyme is permanent (unless removed by therapy). Erythrocyte enzyme activity returns at the rate of erythrocyte turnover, about 1% per day. Tissue and plasma enzyme activities return with synthesis of new enzymes. The rate of return of the tissue and plasma enzymes is not the same, nor is the rate the same for all tissue enzymes. However, the agent can be removed from the enzyme and the enzyme "reactivated" by several types of compounds, the most useful of which are the oximes. If the agent-enzyme complex has not "aged," oximes are useful therapeutically. Aging is a biochemical process by which the agent-enzyme complex becomes refractory to oxime reactivation of the enzyme. For most nerve agents the aging time is longer than the time within which acute casualties will be seen. However, the aging time of the GD-enzyme complex is about two minutes, and the usefulness of oximes in GD poisoning is greatly decreased after this period.
Organs with cholinergic receptor sites include the smooth muscles, the skeletal muscles, the central nervous system, and most exocrine glands. In addition, cranial efferents and ganglionic afferents are cholinergic nerves.
Muscarine will stimulate some of the cholinergic sites, and these are known as muscarinic sites. Organs with these sites include the smooth muscles and glands. Nicotine will stimulate other cholinergic sites, known as nicotinic sites, which are those in skeletal muscle and ganglia. The central nervous system (CNS) contains both types of receptors, but the pharmacology in the CNS is more complex and less well understood. Atropine and similar compounds block the effects of excess acetylcholine more effectively at muscarinic sites than at nicotinic sites.
Some commonly used pesticides (for example, the organophosphate (OP) Malathion and the carbamate Sevin) and some common therapeutic drugs (the carbamates pyridostigmine [Mestinon] and physostigmine [Antilirium]) also inhibit acetylcholinesterase and can be considered "nerve agents." However, while the OP pesticides cause the same biological effects as nerve agents, there are some important differences in the duration of biological activity and response to therapy.

The initial effects of exposure to a nerve agent depend on the dose and on the route of exposure. The initial effects from a sublethal amount of agent by vapor exposure are different from the initial effects from a similar amount of liquid agent on the skin.
Toxicities: The estimated amounts to cause certain effects in man are shown in Table I and Table II. In Table I, L indicates lethal, I indicates incapacitating (severe), and M indicates miosis. The large amounts of GA and GB required to produce effects after skin application reflect the volatility of these agents. They evaporate rather than penetrate the skin. However, if these agents are occluded and prevented from evaporating they penetrate the skin very well.

Table I
Vapor toxicity
Table II
LD50on skin
GA1000 mg
GB1700 mg
GD50 mg
GF30 mg
VX10 mg

GB, the agent studied most thoroughly in man, will cause miosis, rhinorrhea, and a feeling of tightness in the throat or chest at a Ct of 3 to 5 mg·min/m3.
Effects: Exposure to a small amount of nerve agent vapor causes effects in the eyes, nose, and airways. These effects are from local contact of the vapor with the organ and do not indicate systemic absorption of the agent. In this circumstance, the erythrocyte-ChE may be normal or depressed. A small amount of liquid agent on the skin causes systemic effects initially in the gastrointestinal (GI) tract. Lethal amounts of vapor or liquid cause a rapid cascade of events culminating within a minute or two with loss of consciousness and convulsive activity followed by apnea and muscular flaccidity within several more minutes.
Eye: Miosis is a characteristic sign of exposure to nerve agent vapor. It occurs as a result of direct contact of vapor with the eye. Liquid agent on the skin will not cause miosis if the amount of liquid is small; a moderate amount of liquid may or may not cause miosis; and a lethal or near-lethal amount of agent usually causes miosis. A droplet of liquid in or near the eye will also cause miosis. Miosis will begin within seconds or minutes after the onset of exposure to agent vapor, but it may not be complete for many minutes if the vapor concentration is low. Miosis is bilateral in an unprotected individual, but occasionally may be unilateral in a masked person with a leak in his mask eyepiece.
Miosis is often accompanied by complaints of pain, dim vision, blurred vision, conjunctival injection, nausea, and occasionally vomiting. The pain may be sharp or dull in or around the eyeball, but more often is a dull ache in the frontal part of the head. Dim vision is due in part to the small pupil, and cholinergic mechanisms in the visual pathways also contribute. The complaint of blurred vision is less easily explained, as objective testing usually indicates an improvement in visual acuity because of the "pin-hole" effect. Conjunctival injection may be mild or severe, and occasionally subconjunctival hemorrhage is present. Nausea (and sometimes vomiting) are part of a generalized complaint of not feeling well. Miosis, pain, dim vision, and nausea can be relieved by topical homatropine or atropine in the eye.
Nose: Rhinorrhea may be the first indication of nerve agent vapor exposure. Its severity is dose dependent.
Airways: Nerve agent vapor causes bronchoconstriction and increased secretions of the glands in the airways in a dose-related manner. The exposed person may feel a slight tightness in his chest after a small amount of agent and may be in severe distress after a large amount of agent. Cessation of respiration occurs within minutes after the onset of effects from exposure to a large amount of nerve agent. This apnea is probably mediated through the CNS, although peripheral factors (skeletal muscle weakness, e.g., the intercostal muscles, and bronchoconstriction) may contribute.
Gastrointestinal tract: After they are absorbed, nerve agents cause an increase in the motility of the GI tract and an increase in secretions by the glands in the wall of the GI tract. Nausea and vomiting are early signs of liquid exposure on the skin. Diarrhea may occur with large amounts of agent.
Glands: Nerve agent vapor causes increases in secretions from the glands it contacts, such as the lacrimal, nasal, salivary, and bronchial glands. Localized sweating around the site of liquid agent on the skin is common, and generalized sweating after a large liquid or vapor exposure is common. Increased secretions of the glands of the GI tract occur after systemic absorption of the agent by either route.
Skeletal Muscle: The first effect of nerve agents on skeletal muscle is stimulation producing muscular fasciculations and twitching. After a large amount of agent, fatigue and weakness of muscles are rapidly followed by muscular flaccidity.
Fasciculations are sometimes seen early at the site of a droplet of liquid agent on the skin, and generalized fasciculations are common after a large exposure. These may remain long after most of the other acute signs decrease.
Central Nervous System: The acute CNS signs of exposure to a large amount of nerve agent are loss of consciousness, seizure activity, and apnea. These begin within a minute after exposure to a large amount of agent vapor and may be preceded by an asymptomatic period of one to 30 minutes after contact of liquid with the skin.
After exposure to smaller amounts of nerve agents, CNS effects vary and are nonspecific. They may include forgetfulness, an inability to concentrate fully, insomnia, bad dreams, irritability, impaired judgement, and depression. They do not include frank confusion and misperceptions (i.e., hallucinations). These may occur in the absence of physical signs or other symptoms of exposure. After a severe exposure these symptoms occur upon recovery from the acute severe effects. In either case they may persist for as long as four to six weeks.
Cardiovascular: The heart rate may be decreased because of stimulation by the vagus nerve, but it is often increased because of other factors, such as fright, hypoxia, and the influence of adrenergic stimulation secondary to ganglionic stimulation. Thus, the heart rate may be high, low, or in the normal range. Bradyarrhythmias, such as first-, second-, or third-degree heart block may occur. The blood pressure may be elevated from adrenergic factors, but is generally normal until the terminal decline.

Physical findings depend on the amount and route of exposure. After exposure to small to moderate amounts of vapor, there are usually miosis and conjunctival injection, rhinorrhea, and pulmonary signs, although the latter may be absent even in the face of mild to moderate pulmonary complaints. In addition to these signs, an exposure to a high Ct may precipitate copious secretions from the nose and mouth, generalized muscular fasciculations, twitching or seizure activity, loss of consciousness, and apnea. Cyanosis, hypotension, and bradycardia may be present just before death.
Exposure to a small droplet of liquid on the skin may produce few physical findings. Sweating, blanching, and occasionally fasciculations at the site may be present soon after exposure, but may no longer be present at the onset of GI effects. After a large exposure, the signs are the same as after vapor exposure.
Miosis is a useful sign of exposure to vapor, but does not occur after a liquid exposure unless the amount of exposure is large or the exposure is in or close to the eye.

Effects from nerve agent vapor begin within seconds to several minutes after exposure. Loss of consciousness and onset of seizure activity have occurred within a minute of exposure to a high Ct. After exposure to a very low Ct, miosis and other effects may not begin for several minutes, and miosis may not be complete for 15 to 30 minutes after removal from the vapor. There is no latent period or delay in onset from vapor exposure. Effects may continue to progress for a period of time, but maximal effects usually occur within minutes after exposure stops.
A large amount of liquid on the skin causes effects within minutes. Commonly there is an asymptomatic period of one to 30 minutes, and then the sudden onset of an overwhelming cascade of events, including loss of consciousness, seizure activity, apnea, and muscular flaccidity. After small amounts of liquid agent on the skin the onset of effects has been delayed for as long as 18 hours after contact. These effects are initially gastrointestinal and are usually not life threatening. Generally, the longer the interval the less severe are the effects.

The effects caused by a mild vapor exposure, namely rhinorrhea and a tightness in the chest, may easily be confused with an upper respiratory malady or an allergy. Miosis, if present, will help to distinguish these, but the eyes must be examined in very dim light to detect this. Similarly, GI symptoms from another illness may be confused with those from nerve agent effects, and in this instance there will be no useful physical signs. History of possible exposure will be helpful, and laboratory evidence (decreased RBC-ChE activity), if available, will be useful to distinguish the two.
The diagnosis is easier in the severely intoxicated patient. The combination of miosis, copious secretions, and generalized muscular fasciculations in a gasping, cyanotic, and convulsing patient is characteristic.

The cholinesterase activity of the blood components is inhibited by nerve agents, and estimation of this activity is useful in detecting exposure to these agents. The erythrocyte enzyme activity is more sensitive to acute nerve agent exposure than is the plasma enzyme activity.
The amount of inhibition of this enzyme activity does not correlate well with the severity of local effects from mild to moderate vapor exposure. The enzyme activity may be from 0% to 100% of the individual's normal activity in the face of miosis, rhinorrhea, and/or airway symptoms. Normal or nearly normal erythrocyte acetylcholinesterase activity may be present with moderate effects in these organs. At the other extreme, the enzyme may be inhibited by 60% to 70% when miosis or rhinorrhea is the only sign of exposure. Severe systemic effects generally indicate inhibition of the erythrocyte acetylcholinesterase by 70% to 80% or greater.
Other laboratory findings will relate to complications. For example, acidosis may occur after prolonged hypoxia.

Management of a casualty with nerve agent intoxication consists of decontamination, ventilation, administration of the antidotes, and supportive therapy. The condition of the patient dictates the need for each of these and the order in which they are done.
Decontamination is described elsewhere in this manual. Skin decontamination is not necessary after exposure to vapor alone, but clothing should be removed because it may contain "trapped" vapor.
The need for ventilation will be obvious, and the means of ventilation will depend on available equipment. Airway resistance is high (50-70 cm of water) because of bronchoconstriction and secretions, and initial ventilation is difficult. The resistance decreases after atropine administration, after which ventilation will be easier. The copious secretions, which may be thickened by atropine, also impede ventilatory efforts and require frequent suctioning. In reported cases of severe nerve agent exposure, ventilation has been required from 0.5 to 3 hours.
Three drugs are used to treat nerve agent exposure, and another is used as pretreatment for potential nerve agent exposure. The three therapeutic drugs are atropine, pralidoxime chloride, and diazepam. The use of the pretreatment drug, pyridostigmine bromide, is discussed later in this chapter.
Atropine is a cholinergic blocking, or anticholinergic, compound. It is extremely effective in blocking the effects of excess acetylcholine at peripheral muscarinic sites. Under experimental conditions, very large amounts may block some cholinergic effects at nicotinic sites, but these antinicotinic effects are not evident even at high clinical doses. When small amounts (2 mg) are given to normal individuals without nerve agent intoxication, atropine causes mydriasis, a decrease in secretions (including a decrease in sweating), mild sedation, a decrease in GI motility, and tachycardia. The amount in three MARK I kits may cause adverse effects on military performance in a normal person. In people not exposed to nerve agents, amounts of 10 mg or higher may cause delirium. Potentially, the most hazardous effect of inadvertent use of atropine (2 mg, i.m.) in a young person not exposed to a cholinesterase inhibiting compound in a warm or hot atmosphere is inhibition of sweating, which may lead to heat injury. In the military, atropine is packaged in autoinjectors, each containing 2 mg.
Pralidoxime chloride (Protopam chloride; 2-PAMCl) is an oxime. Oximes attach to the nerve agent that is inhibiting the cholinesterase and break the agent-enzyme bond to restore the normal activity of the enzyme. Clinically, this is noticable in those organs with nicotinic receptors. Abnormal activity in skeletal muscles decreases, and normal strength returns. The effects of an oxime are not apparent in organs with muscarinic receptors; oximes do not cause a decrease in secretions, for example. They also are less useful after aging occurs, but with the exception of GD (soman) intoxicated individuals, casualties will be treated before significant aging occurs. Pralidoxime chloride (600 mg) is in an autoinjector for self-use along with the atropine injector. These atropine and pralidoxime chloride autoinjectors are packaged together in a MARK I kit. Each military person is issued three MARK I kits.
Diazepam is an anticonvulsant drug used to decrease convulsive activity and to reduce the brain damage caused by prolonged seizure activity. Without the use of pyridostigmine pretreatment, experimental animals died quickly after superlethal doses of nerve agents despite conventional therapy. With pyridostigmine pretreatment (followed by conventional therapy) animals survived superlethal doses of soman, but had prolonged periods of seizure activity before recovery. They later had performance decrements and anatomic lesions in their brains. The administration of diazepam with other standard therapy to soman-poisoned animals pretreated with pyridostigmine reduced the seizure activity and its sequelae. Current military doctrine is to administer diazepam with other therapy (three MARK I's) at the onset of severe effects from a nerve agent, whether or not seizure activity is among those effects. Each military person carries one autoinjector containing 10 mg of diazepam for his buddy to administer to him (if he could self-administer it, he would not need it). Diazepam should be administered with the three MARK I's when the casualty's condition warrants the use of three MARK I's at the same time. Medical personnel can administer more diazepam to a casualty if necessary. The medical corpsman carries extra diazepam injectors and is authorized to administer two additional injectors at 10 minute intervals to a convulsing casualty.
The doctrine for self-aid for nerve agent intoxication states that if an individual has effects from the agent he/she should self-administer one MARK I. If there is no improvement in 10 minutes, he/she should seek out a buddy to assist in the evaluation of his/her condition before further MARK I's are given. If a buddy finds an individual severely intoxicated (e.g., gasping respirations, twitching, etc.) so that the individual can not self-administer a MARK I, the buddy should administer three MARK I's and diazepam immediately. The discussion below is advice for medical assistance.
The appropriate number of MARK I kits to administer initially to a casualty from nerve agent vapor depends on the severity of the effects. Systemic atropine will not reverse miosis (unless administered in very large amounts), and miosis alone is not an indication for a MARK I. If the eye or head pain and nausea associated with the miosis are severe, topical application of atropine (or homatropine) in the eye will bring relief. Topical atropine should not be used without good reason (severe pain), because it causes blurred vision for a day or longer. A casualty with miosis and rhinorrhea should be given one MARK I only if the rhinorrhea is severe and troublesome (he can not keep his mask on because of fluid). A casualty with mild to moderate dyspnea should be given one or two MARK I's, depending on the severity of his distress and the time between exposure and therapy. Some of the respiratory distress from a mild exposure will spontaneously decrease within 15 to 30 minutes after termination of exposure, so if the casualty is not severely uncomfortable only one MARK I should be used initially. Atropine is quite effective, and care should be taken not to give too much in a casualty who does not need it.
A severe casualty from nerve agent vapor has miosis, copious secretions from the nose and mouth, severe difficulty breathing or apnea, possibly some degree of cyanosis, muscular fasciculations, and twitching or convulsive activity, and is unconscious. He should be given three MARK I's and diazepam immediately. Ventilation will be needed and should be done via an endotracheal airway if possible. Suctioning of the excessive airway secretions will be necessary to enhance air exchange and will make ventilatory efforts easier. Atropine, 2 mg, should be repeated at three- to five-minute intervals and should be titrated to a reduction of secretions and to reduction of ventilatory resistance. When the intravenous preparation is available, the preferred route of atropine administration is via the intravenous route, but this route should be avoided until hypoxia is corrected, because intravenously administered atropine in hypoxic animals has produced ventricular fibrillation. In a hypotensive patient or a patient with poor veins, atropine might be given intratracheally, either via the endotracheal tube or directly into the trachea, for more rapid absorption via the peribronchial vessels.
The medical care provider might err in giving too much atropine to a mild to moderate casualty. More importantly, the care provider might err by giving too little atropine to a severe casualty. In a severe casualty, atropine should be pushed at frequent intervals until secretions are dry (or nearly dry) and until ventilation can be accomplished with ease. In reported cases this has required 10 to 20 mg of atropine within the first several hours. A conscious, less-severely exposed casualty should receive atropine until he is breathing comfortably, and he will be able to communicate this. Dry secretions need not be an end point in mild to moderate casualties.
The casualty with skin exposure to liquid is more difficult to evaluate and manage than is a casualty from vapor exposure. Agent on the surface of the skin can be decontaminated, but agent absorbed into the skin cannot be removed. The initial effects from absorbed liquid agent can start two to three hours after thorough decontamination of agent droplets on the skin. A casualty from liquid exposure on the skin may continue to worsen because of continued absorption of the agent from the skin depot.
The first effects of a liquid droplet on the skin are sweating with or without blanching and occasionally with muscular fasciculations at the site. Gastrointestinal effects (nausea, vomiting, and sometimes diarrhea) are the first systemic effects, and these may start from 0.5 to 18 hours after contact with the agent. If these effects occur within the first several hours after exposure, they may portend more severe effects, and initial therapy should be two MARK I's. If effects begin later, initial therapy should be one MARK I.
A large amount of liquid agent on the skin will cause effects 1 to 30 minutes after contact, whether or not decontamination was done. Nevertheless, early decontamination may lessen the magnitude of the effects. After a one- to thirty-minute latent or asymptomatic period, the casualty will suddenly lose consciousness and begin seizure activity. The condition of the casualty and management are the same as described for a severe casualty from vapor exposure.
Further care of the severe casualty consists of atropine administration to minimize secretions and of ventilation until spontaneous respiration resumes. Oxime administration should be repeated at hourly intervals for two or three additional doses. The preferred method of administration of the oxime is by intravenous drip of 1 gram over 20 to 30 minutes (more rapid administration will cause hypertension), but three additional oxime autoinjectors (total dose of 1.8 grams) may be given if the intravenous route cannot be used. The need for ventilation may continue for 0.5 to 3 hours. Unless prolonged hypoxia or other complications have occurred, the casualty will eventually begin having spontaneous muscular activity and make sporadic attempts to breathe. Muscles will become stronger and breathing more regular, and the casualty will have intermittent episodes of conscious behavior. Within an hour or two he will be breathing, moving, and conscious, although he will be weak and intermittently obtunded.

Table III
Vapor Exposure
  • Eyes: Miosis, Dim vision, Headache
  • Nose: Rhinorrhea
  • Mouth: Salivation
  • Lungs: Dyspnea ("tightness in the chest")
  • Time of onset: Seconds to minutes after exposure
  • Self-aid: 1 MARK I
  • Buddy-aid: Stand by
  • All the above, plus
  • Severe breathing difficulty or cessation of respiration
  • Generalized muscular twitching, weakness or paralysis
  • Convulsions
  • Loss of consciousness
  • Loss of bladder, bowel control
  • Time of onset: Seconds to minutes after exposure
  • Self-aid: None. Soldier will be unable to help self.
  • Buddy-aid: 3 MARK I's and diazepam immediately

Table IV
Liquid on skin
  • Muscle twitching at site of exposure
  • Sweating at site of exposure
  • Nausea, vomiting
  • Feeling of weakness
  • Time of onset: 10 minutes to 18 hours after exposure
  • Self-aid: 1-2 MARK I's, depending on severity of symptoms
  • Buddy-aid: Stand by
  • All the above, plus
  • Severe breathing difficulty or cessation of breathing
  • Generalized muscular twitching, weakness, or paralysis
  • Convulsions
  • Loss of consciousness
  • Loss of bladder and bowel control
  • Time of onset: Minutes to an hour after exposure
  • Self-aid: None. Soldier will be unable to help himself
  • Buddy-aid: 3 MARK I's and diazepam immediately

In late 1990, the U.S. military fielded pyridostigmine bromide as a pretreatment for nerve agent exposure. Each individual received a blister pack containing 21 30-mg tablets. The dose regimen is one 30-mg tablet every eight hours. When to start and stop dosing is a division or corps command decision, and this decision is made with the advice of the intelligence, chemical, and medical staffs. To use or to stop the pretreatment is not a local decision, nor is it an individual decision.
When given before soman exposure and when that exposure is followed by the standard MARK I therapy, the use of pretreatment will increase the LD50 several fold over the LD50 obtained without the use of the pretreatment. When soman is the nerve agent, the use of pyridostigmine increases survival. When the agent is GB or VX, survival after standard MARK I therapy is essentially the same whether or not pyridostigmine pretreatment is used, i.e., pyridostigmine use provides no benefit in GB or VX poisoning. Current data are not adequate to evaluate the effectiveness of pyridostigmine pretreatment for GA or GF exposure.
Pyridostigmine is not an antidote, and it should not be taken after soman exposure. Its use will not decrease the effects of soman. It is ineffective unless standard MARK I therapy is also used in the appropriate manner.
One consequence of the greater survival from the use of pyridostigmine is prolonged seizure activity and subsequent brain damage in the survivors. The early administration of diazepam will decrease these effects.
About 50 years ago it was noted that carbamates bind to the active site of cholinesterase in a similar manner to the binding of organophosphorus cholinesterase inhibitors to cholinesterase, and that while the carbamate was attached to the active site an organophosphorus compound could not attach to the enzyme. The carbamate-enzyme binding, or carbamylation, lasts only for hours, rather than for the lifetime of the enzyme as the organophosphorus compound attachment does. While the enzyme is carbamylated, the active site is protected from attack by other compounds, such as organophosphorous cholinesterase inhibitors including nerve agents. After several hours, the carbamate leaves the enzyme (that is, decarbamylation occurs), and the enzyme becomes completely functional again. Thus the carbamate provides temporary protection for the enzyme against nerve agent attack.
Over the past several decades many carbamates were investigated for their effectiveness in animals and their safety in man. Pyridostigmine was chosen and underwent extensive testing in humans. Investigations indicated that it did not interfere with the performance of military tasks, and that it caused no adverse physiological disturbances. The incidence of side effects from the drug during these studies was reported as under 5%.
Tens of thousands of U.S. troops took pyridostigmine during the recent Gulf Conflict. The incidence of side effects (primarily gastrointestinal and urinary) was over 50%, but only a few percent of the troops sought medical help because of the severity of these effects. The drug was discontinued in fewer than 1% of cases.

A severe nerve agent casualty, who is unconscious, convulsing or post-ictal, breathing with difficulty or apneic, and possibly flaccid, will survive with appropriate immediate therapy (including ventilation) if he still has an intact circulation. He should be triaged as immediate if that therapy can be provided. If a blood pressure cannot be obtained, he should be considered expectant.
The casualty with severe symptoms who is spontaneously breathing, who has not lost consciousness, and who has not seized has an excellent chance of survival with a minimal amount of therapeutic effort. He should be categorized as immediate and given three MARK I's and diazepam. He may worsen if his exposure was to liquid, and atropine administration should be repeated at frequent intervals. If he loses consciousness, seizes, and becomes apneic he will be retriaged, and his further care will depend on available resources.
Casualties who are walking and talking will usually be triaged as minimal. If a casualty can walk and talk, he is breathing and his circulation is intact. He would not appear to need immediate, life-saving care. This does not preclude self-administration or medic-administration of further antidotes for symptoms, and these should be given as necessary.
A casualty recovering from a severe exposure who has received large amounts of antidotes and has been ventilated will be triaged as delayed, because he is in need of further medical observation or care.

Return to duty depends on the status of the casualty, his military assignment, and the tactical situation.
Studies indicate that animals with decreased erythrocyte acetylcholinesterase activity from a nerve agent exposure have a decreased LD50 for another nerve agent exposure (they are more susceptible to the agent) until that cholinesterase activity returns to at least 75% of its baseline, or preexposure, activity. Nerve agent exposed workers in a depot or research facility are prevented from returning to work with agents until this recovery occurs. In a battlefield situation, this conservative management should be balanced against the need for the person and his risk of being exposed to a large amount of agent.
In a military field situation, the capability to analyze blood for erythrocyte cholinesterase activity is usually not available, and the "normal," or baseline, activity of each individual is not known. The erythrocyte cholinesterase activity in a casualty with severe systemic effects will be inhibited by 70% or greater (30% or less of his preexposure activity), and 45 days or longer will be required for cholinesterase activity to return to 75% of preexposure activity. The enzyme activity of a casualty with mild or moderate effects from agent vapor might be nearly normal or might be markedly inhibited, and a prediction of erythrocyte cholinesterase recovery time is unreliable.
Most individuals triaged as minimal could return to duty within several hours if the tactical situation required all available manpower. The lingering ocular and CNS effects may be limiting factors in these cases. These individuals might be able to fire a rifle, but their performance on a tracking screen might be severely decremented because of both visual problems and difficulty in concentrating. These prolonged effects must be thoroughly evaluated before these casualties are returned. Whether these individuals should be evacuated to a facility with the capability for analysis of erythrocyte cholinesterase activity and retained there until this activity returns will be dictated by the tactical situation.
A casualty who has had severe effects might be walking and talking after six to 24 hours, but will still be unfit for most duties. Ideally, he should be kept under medical observation for a week or longer and not returned until recovery of cholinesterase activity. However, the tactical situation may lead to modification of these guidelines.

Minor electroencephalographic changes were noted more than a year after nerve agent exposure when averaged EEGs in a group of people who had been exposed to a nerve agent were compared to a control group. Changes could not be identified in individuals. Neuropsychiatric changes have been noted in individuals for weeks to months after exposure to insecticides.
Polyneuropathy, reported after OP insecticide poisoning, has not been reported in humans exposed to nerve agents and has been produced in animals only at doses of nerve agents so high that survival would be unlikely. The Intermediate Syndrome has not been reported in humans after nerve agent exposure, nor has it been produced in animals by nerve agent administration. Muscular necrosis has been produced in animals after high-dose nerve agent exposure, but reverses within weeks; it has not been reported in humans.
Nerve agents GA (tabun), GB (sarin), GD (soman), and VX are manufactured compounds. The G-type agents are clear, colorless, tasteless liquids miscible in water and most organic solvents. GB is odorless and is the most volatile nerve agent. GA has a slightly fruity odor, and GD has a slight camphor-like odor. VX is a clear, amber-colored odorless, oily liquid. It is miscible with water and dissolves in all solvents. VX is the least volatile nerve agent.

Most of the nerve agents were originally produced in a search for insecticides, but because of their toxicity, they were evaluated for military use. Nerve agents have been used in wars and by terrorists. They are known to be stored by several nations, including the United States.

What happens to nerve agents GA, GB, GD, and VX when they enter the environment?

Nerve agents GA, GB, GD, and VX could enter the environment from an accidental release.
When released to air, GA, GB, GD, and VX will be broken down by compounds that are found in the air, but they may persist in air for a few days before being broken down.
GA, GB, GD, and VX will be broken down in water quickly, but small amounts may evaporate.
GA, GB, GD, and VX will be broken down in moist soil quickly. Small amounts may evaporate into air or travel below the soil surface and contaminate groundwater.
GA, GB, GD, and VX do not accumulate in the food chain.
How might I be exposed to nerve agents GA, GB, GD, and VX?

The general population will not be exposed to nerve agents GA, GB, GD, or VX unless there is an accidental release from a military storage facility.
People who work at military sites where these compounds are stored may be potentially exposed to nerve agents GA, GB, GD, and VX.
How can nerve agents GA, GB, GD, and VX affect my health?

Even in very small amounts, nerve agents are highly toxic if you inhale or swallow them, or if they come in contact with your skin or eyes. In general, the manifestation of toxic effects is faster if you inhale or swallow nerve agents than if they contact your skin. The initial effects also depend on the amount you are exposed to. The onset of mild to moderate effects after dermal exposure may be delayed for as long as 18 hours.

Regardless of the route of exposure, the manifestation of nerve agent exposure includes runny nose, chest tightness, pinpoint pupils, shortness of breath, excessive salivation and sweating, nausea, vomiting, abdominal cramps, involuntary defecation and urination, muscle twitching, confusion, seizures, paralysis, coma, respiratory paralysis, and death. Incapacitating effects occur within 1 to 10 minutes and fatal effects can occur within 1 to 10 minutes for GA, GB, and GD, and within 4 to 18 hours for VX.

Fatigue, irritability, nervousness, and memory defects may persist for as long as 6 weeks after recovery from an exposure episode.

We do not know if exposure to the nerve agents GA, GB, GD, or VX might result in reproductive effects in humans.

How likely are nerve agents GA, GB, GD, and VX to cause cancer?

The Department of Heath and Human Services (DHHS), the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC), and the EPA have not classified GA, GB, GD, and VX as to their carcinogenicity to humans. Limited data in animals indicate that nerve agents are not likely to be carcinogenic.

How can nerve agents GA, GB, GD, and VX affect children?

Children exposed to nerve agents are likely to experience the same toxic effects experienced by exposed adults. We do not know whether children differ from adults in their susceptibility to nerve agents.

We do not know if exposure to the nerve agents GA, GB, GD, or VX might result in developmental effects in humans.

How can families reduce the risk of exposure to nerve agents GA, GB, GD and VX?

It is unlikely that the general population will be exposed to nerve agents.

Is there a medical test to show whether I've been exposed to nerve agents GA, GB, GD, and VX?

There are medical tests available to determine whether you have been exposed to nerve agents. There are tests to measure degradation products of nerve agents in the urine, but are not generally useful. A different kind of test measures the levels of a substance called cholinesterase in the blood. If these levels are less than half what they should be, and you were exposed to nerve gases, you may get symptoms of poisoning. Cholinesterase levels in the blood can stay low for months after you have been exposed to nerve agents. Measurement of cholinesterase levels in blood is not specific for exposure to nerve agents.


Facts About VX

What VX is.....

  • VX is a human-made chemical warfare agent classified as a nerve agent. Nerve agents are the most toxic and rapidly acting of the known chemical warfare agents. They are similar to pesticides (insect killing chemicals) called organophosphates in terms of how they work and what kinds of harmful effects they cause. However, nerve agents are much more potent than organophosphate pesticides.

  • VX was developed in the United Kingdom in the early 1950s.

  • VX is odorless and tasteless.

  • VX is an oily liquid that is amber in color and very slow to evaporate. It evaporates about as slowly as motor oil.

Where VX is found and how it is used

  • It is possible that VX or other nerve agents were used in chemical warfare during the Iran-Iraq War in the 1980s.

  • VX is not found naturally in the environment.

  • The only known use of VX is as a chemical warfare agent.

  • By participating in the United Nations International Chemical Weapons Convention treaty, the United States agreed to destroy its stockpile of aging chemical weapons.

How people can be exposed to VX

  • Following release of VX into the air, people can be exposed through skin contact, eye contact, or inhalation (breathing in the VX mist).

  • Though VX does not mix with water as easily as other nerve agents do, it could be released into water. Following release of VX into water, people can be exposed by drinking contaminated water or getting contaminated water on their skin.

  • Following contamination of food with VX, people can be exposed by eating the contaminated food.

  • VX is primarily a liquid exposure hazard, but if it is heated to very high temperatures, it can turn into vapor (gas).

  • A person’s clothing can release VX after contact with VX vapor, which can lead to exposure of other people through contaminated clothing.

  • Because VX breaks down slowly in the body,  repeated exposures to VX and/or other nerve agents can build up in the body (have a cumulative effect).

  • Because VX vapor is heavier than air, it will sink to low-lying areas and create a greater exposure hazard there.

How VX works

  • The extent of poisoning caused by VX depends on how much VX a person was exposed to, how the person was exposed, and the length of time of the exposure.

  • Symptoms will appear within a few seconds after exposure to the vapor form of VX, and within a few minutes to up to 18 hours after exposure to the liquid form.

  • VX is the most potent of all nerve agents. Compared with the nerve agent sarin (also known as GB), VX is considered to be much more toxic by entry through the skin and somewhat more toxic by inhalation.

  • It is possible that any visible VX liquid contact on the skin, unless washed off immediately, would be lethal.

  • All the nerve agents cause their toxic effects by preventing the proper operation of an enzyme that acts as the body’s “off switch” for glands and muscles. Without an “off switch,” the glands and muscles are constantly being stimulated. They may tire and no longer be able to sustain breathing function.

  • VX is the least volatile of the nerve agents, which means that it is the slowest to evaporate from a liquid into a vapor. Therefore, VX is persistent in the environment. Under average weather conditions, VX can last for days on objects that it has come in contact with. Under very cold conditions, VX can last for months.

  • Because it evaporates so slowly, VX can be a long-term threat as well as a short-term threat. Surfaces contaminated with VX should therefore be considered a long-term hazard.

Immediate signs and symptoms of VX exposure

  • People may not know they were exposed to VX because it has no odor.

  • People exposed to a low or moderate dose of VX by inhalation, ingestion (swallowing), or skin absorption may experience some or all of the following symptoms within seconds to hours of exposure:
    • Abnormally low or high blood pressure
    • Blurred vision
    • Chest tightness
    • Confusion
    • Cough
    • Diarrhea
    • Drooling and excessive sweating
    • Drowsiness
    • Eye pain
    • Headache
    • Increased urination
    • Nausea, vomiting, and/or abdominal pain
    • Rapid breathing
    • Runny nose
    • Slow or fast heart rate
    • Small, pinpoint pupils
    • Watery eyes
    • Weakness
  • Even a tiny drop of nerve agent on the skin can cause sweating and muscle twitching where the agent touched the skin.

  • Exposure to a large dose of VX by any route may result in these additional health effects:
    • Convulsions
    • Loss of consciousness
    • Paralysis
    • Respiratory failure possibly leading to death
  • Showing these signs and symptoms does not necessarily mean that a person has been exposed to VX.

What the long-term health effects are

Mild or moderately exposed people usually recover completely. Severely exposed people are not likely to survive.

How people can protect themselves, and what they should do if they are exposed to VX

  • Recovery from VX exposure is possible with treatment, but the antidotes available must be used quickly to be effective. Therefore, the best thing to do is avoid exposure:

    • Leave the area where the VX was released and get to fresh air. Quickly moving to an area where fresh air is available is highly effective in reducing the possibility of death from exposure to VX vapor.

      • If the VX release was outdoors, move away from the area where the VX was released. Go to the highest ground possible, because VX is heavier than air and will sink to low-lying areas.

      • If the VX release was indoors, get out of the building.

  • If people think they may have been exposed, they should remove their clothing, rapidly wash their entire body with soap and water, and get medical care as quickly as possible.

  • Removing and disposing of clothing:

    • Quickly take off clothing that has liquid VX on it. Any clothing that has to be pulled over the head should be cut off the body instead of pulled over the head. If possible, seal the clothing in a plastic bag. Then seal the first plastic bag in a second plastic bag. Removing and sealing the clothing in this way will help protect people from any chemicals that might be on their clothes.

    • If clothes were placed in plastic bags, inform either the local or state health department or emergency personnel upon their arrival. Do not handle the plastic bags.

    • If helping other people remove their clothing, try to avoid touching any contaminated areas, and remove the clothing as quickly as possible.

  • Washing the body:

    • As quickly as possible, wash any liquid VX from the skin with large amounts of soap and water. Washing with soap and water will help protect people from any chemicals on their bodies.

    • Rinse the eyes with plain water for 10 to 15 minutes if they are burning or if vision is blurred.

  • If VX has been ingested (swallowed), do not induce vomiting or give fluids to drink.

  • Seek medical attention right away. Consider dialing 911 and explaining what happened.

How VX exposure is treated

  • Treatment consists of removing VX from the body as soon as possible and providing supportive medical care in a hospital setting. Antidotes are available for VX. They are most useful if given as soon as possible after exposure.

How to get more information about VX

People can contact one of the following:Regional poison control center: 1-800-222-1222

  • Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

    • Public Response Hotline (CDC)

      • 800-CDC-INFO

      • 888-232-6348 (TTY)

    • E-mail inquiries:

Obama and asteroid for 2015 2016!!! ... And Torah given by Supreme Being

FOR 2015/2016

Published on May 15, 2015

THE TORAH CODES SHOCKING EVIDENCE about Obama and The Messiah for 2015./2016 !
Update to Torah Codes: recent findings about 2016 and past codes now revealed about Obama. Director Richard Shaw, interviews Rabbi Matityahu Glazerson. He describes Gematria (numerology) of the coming year, 2016 and its possible connection to Messiah and the 1335 days from the book of Daniel. We also examine Rabbi Matityahu Glazerson's video showing an asteroid coming in Tishrei 5776 (September 2015).

Official site:


Published on May 1, 2015
Share this movie as much as you can - the truth needs to come out !! Also, you will have a share in "giving merit to the many"!

Could there possibly be an unequivocal mathematical proof that the Torah was given by a supreme being? A scientific proof?! A proof that can be objectively examined? Using mathematics?

Get ready for an adventure!
In this movie - The truth is being revealed and it is... Incredible!!

Professor Haim Shore's Blog:

Professor Haim Shore's full book can be downloaded and viewed for free here:

Jade Helm 15 and Agenda 21 Both Have Been Activated



Published on Jun 3, 2015

Jade helm 15 and Agenda 21 Have Been Activated

Consent to Medical Procedures

Bill Gates’ Polio Vaccine Program Caused 47,500 Deaths

Families who don't comply would lose the equivalent of $11,500

An Unfinished Life Artist: Audiomachine

The United States Census Bureau estimates that the world population exceeded 7 billion on March 12, 2012

Album: Tree Of Life 
Year: 2013
India Holds Bill Gates Accountable For His Vaccine Crimes

Controversial Bill SB277 Referred to Single Assembly Committee Bypasses Education and Judicial Scrutiny

The 'Ring Of Fire Is Shaking Violently'



Published on May 18, 2015

The 'Ring Of Fire Is Shaking Violently' - Massive Uptick In Earthquakes And Volcano Eruptions - Earth 'Is Becoming Increasingly Unstable'

Massive uptick In earthquakes And volcano eruptions occurred between May 9, 2015 to May 15, 2015, surrounding the "Ring of Fire," which is were about 90%of the world's earthquakes and 81% of the world's largest earthquakes occur, according to Wiki.

Not only is there tremendous earthquake activity shaking the earth in these locations, but according to The Economic Collapse Blog, using information obtained from Volcano Discovery, 40 volcanoes around the globe are erupting right now, and 34 of them are along the Ring of Fire.

To give context to what this means, they explain "there were a total of 3,542 volcanic eruptions during the entire 20th century. When you divide that number by 100, that gives you an average of about 35 volcanic eruptions per year. So the number of volcanoes that are erupting right now is well above the 20th century’s average for an entire calendar year."

This escalation of activity, specifically surrounding the Ring of Fire, which has 452 volcanoes and is home to over 75% of the world's active and dormant volcanoes spanning 25,000 miles in a horseshoe shape, leads Michael Snyder from the Economic Collapse Blog to state "the Ring of Fire is shaking violently," and Earth "is becoming increasingly unstable."

Read more here:

40 Volcanoes Are Erupting Right Now, And 34 Of Them Are Along The Ring Of Fire

Volcano Discovery
What's erupting? List & map of currently active volcanoes

September 28th 2015 The Event Horizon



Published on May 29, 2015

Over 48 successful CEOs, bankers, brokers, investors have died within 2 years. Were they helping to pay off NASA Employees

He's got guts. They control who gets what Hollywood roles.

He's got guts. They control who gets what Hollywood roles. 


Must See Plane Landing Saved by a Truck

un-a-lien-able rights NOT un-alien-able rights

It’s always bugged me that people pronounce it un-alien-able rights. By saying it this way, people start to subconsciously  think that it means not a foreign right or rights for illegal aliens (be them from across the border or the galaxy).

According to Webster 1828 dictionary, it is to be pronounced un-a-lien-able rights. Now this makes sense to me, not a lien abled (enabled) right.  This means that no part of the right can be transferred, sold or taken away.

So I think I will go with un-a-lien-able rights, not a lien enabled on my rights.

Americans Lose the Meaning of Fourth of July

Americans Lose the Meaning of Fourth of July

You may have heard of Mark Dice. Armed with his microphone and a video camera, Dice makes a habit of doing 'man on the street' interviews that show up just how ignorant people can be.

He's topped himself this time with a video in which he grills people in San Diego about the Fourth of July.
To say that it's embarrassing how little Americans know about the beginning of their own country doesn't even begin to express how dumb the people in this video are.

Name one of the Founding Fathers, one person is asked.
"Abraham Lincoln?" comes the response, in the form of a question like on "Jeopardy."

Another person is asked, what country did we declare our independence from?
"The South," this one replied.

Must have something to do with the Confederate battle flag.

'President' Obama's educational influence shows up when one subject is asked how many stars are on the U.S. flag -- "uh, fifty-something?"

The problems with this country go deeper than just not knowing the salient facts about the Fourth of July and Old Glory, of course.

The very principles enshrined in the Declaration of Independence are not merely forgotten but actually rejected by a large part of the U.S. populace, particularly on the Left.

Politicians will give lip service to the part about all men being created equal, but that's about as far as it goes. They'll throw welfare, food stamps, free housing and free phones at the poor, but they won't take any steps to wean the recipients off the 'government' and help them stand on their own two feet. When challenged, the Left dusts off its indignation and takes a stance of moral superiority based on their willingness to spend your taxpayer money.

It's the "soft bigotry of low expectations," as President George W. Bush said. The liberal prescription for the poor and non-whites amounts to little more than a less-demanding form of plantation slavery with 'government' as master.

What the Left really hates about the Declaration, however, is the part that spells out that rights come from God, not from politicians seeking votes. The Left cannot abide acknowledging God in any aspect. And the rights of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness?

At best, that gets garbled into "I have the right to demand 'government' makes me happy." Not that anyone holding such a belief ever is happy. Forget about life and liberty. But gay marriage? They're all about that.

Then there's the whole section about people having the right to overthrow a tyrannical government. That might be OK when there's a Dubya in office, but not when it's one of their own handing out baskets of government goodies and pats on the head.

Liberals' support for the Declaration of Independence is inversely proportional to their fear of armed conservatives taking away their illicit privileges. Needless to say, the Declaration is on the outs these days.

Thanks to Howard Zinn, whose books teach that the Continental Congress was an illegal body, many liberals don't even accept the Declaration of Independence as a legal document, and they certainly don't subscribe to the notion that governments are created and given their authority by the people who compose a nation.

We've managed to create several generations of Americans who won't acknowledge God's existence as the source of rights but who nonetheless seem to believe the government rules by some ill-defined divine right.

In short, we have failed our children. There are many reasons that came about, not the least of which is the influence of socialistic operatives infiltrating our public institutions.

But on the positive side, it's never too late to learn or to teach. So if you have children or grandchildren, take some time this Fourth of July to educate them about the Declaration of Independence. Download a copy of the text if you don't have it already, and take a little time to discuss the ideas in it, as well as the colonists' list of grievances and who the Founding Fathers were.

Declare your own independence from the spirit of the Left and take a stand in your own home for liberty. If everyone started doing that, it could make a world difference.

Our 'government' Would Outlaw the Declaration of Independence Today

Our 'government' Would Outlaw the Declaration of Independence Today

Many people don’t know we celebrate Independence Day. It’s a non-work day, so that’s good enough for them.

Political independence from a controlling government over local politics was the goal.

The following is from Breitbart:

“A new poll just out from Rasmussen shows the credibility of the Supreme Court has been severely frayed among likely voters.

A telephone poll conducted after the Obamacare and gay marriage decisions shows fully 33% of likely voters believe their states should ignore decisions of the Courts. This is a 37% increase from only four months ago, when Rasmussen asked the question for the first time. Only 52% of likely voters disagreed with the proposition.”

This is good news. Given today's political climate, I'm willing to wager that the courts and Congress would consider the Declaration of Independence seditious and treasonous. People would go to jail advocating the principles outlined in the Declaration.

How do I know? The federal courts have been telling individual states that what’s written in their state constitutions and what people have voted on in special elections are null and void. Before the latest SCOTUS pro-same-sex marriage ruling Federal judges declared that Kentucky and Virginia must acknowledge marriage between people of the same sex.

Here’s Kentucky’s constitutional provision:

“Only a marriage between one man and one woman shall be valid or recognized as a marriage in Kentucky. A legal status identical or substantially similar to that of marriage for unmarried individuals shall not be valid or recognized.”

The referendum was approved by 75% of the voters and applied to everybody regardless of gender or sexual proclivities. The "consent of the governed" has spoken loudly in more than 30 states on the same-sex marriage issue.

Of course, the Supreme Court, in a 5-4 decision nullified every state constitution on the issue. Homosexuals and their supporters cheered the decision even though there is no word about marriage in the Constitution.

If the courts can make law out of thin air in one case, it can do it in every case.

What good are state constitutions if two or three federal judges can nullify any provision? If judges can say one provision is “unconstitutional” based on a legal fiction, what’s to say they can’t do it on other provisions?

It’s important to note that nearly every time the issue of same-sex marriage came before the people, voters rejected it, even in left-of-center California. Consider this paragraph from the Declaration:

“But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.”

Like King George of England, these judges have by their rulings “dissolved Representative Houses repeatedly, for opposing with manly firmness his invasions on the rights of the people” and suspended “legislatures, and declaring themselves invested with power to legislate for us in all cases whatsoever.

The Declaration couldn’t be clearer.

David Azerrad writes that that the "claim that equality mandates redefining marriage" is laughable. "The 'Laws of Nature and of Nature's God' countenance ordered liberty, and the husband-and-wife, mother-and-father family is a core institution for securing what the Constitution calls 'the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity.' What's more, no one's core rights are violated if marriage is not redefined to suit their tastes." Same-sex relationships know nothing of "posterity."

As I mentioned in a previous article, the Declaration appeals to the “Laws of Nature and Nature’s God” as well as “the Supreme Judge of the world.” Marriage is a creation ordinance defined by God. Where are the courts getting their definition of marriage? They're pulling it out of thin air.

If the definition of marriage can be changed by a whim of law, then anything can be changed.

Douglas Wilson mentions the long-held and supported doctrine of the lesser magistrate:

“The legislature of Kentucky, or Virginia, or any other state that this is being done to, should pass a measure requiring the governor to just say no. The governor should sign it, and then inform the feds that he has instructed the clerks of every county court house in the state to refuse to issue any mirage licenses. It doesn’t matter what the federal judge says — we the people of the great state of ‘whichever one it is’ need to become insufficiently docile and compliant.”

This legal approach “has happened elsewhere, on different issues. It is happening now with Washington and Colorado saying that smoking dope is okay with them.” If enough of these states banded together, it would be nearly impossible for the Federal 'government' to do anything to a majority of states that convene to protect their sovereignty. What if the United Nations voted to impose an international income tax? Don’t you think a vast majority of American would say 'no' even if the President, Congress, and the courts went along with it?

It’s time that the states stand up for the principles that this nation was founded upon. Too much blood was shed not to.


Where are You Going, America?

Quo Vadis, America? (Where are You Going, America?)

What would the founders say if they could see our 'government' today? I don't think it would be anything good...

The Founders built for us a brilliant foundation and offered generations the opportunity to live in peace and freedom but we screwed it all up.

Quo Vadis, America?

The Star Spangled Banner

The Star Spangled Banner and America's Christian Heritage

Back in February, I posted a video of a US soldier rocking the Star-Spangled Banner above the Muslim Call to Prayer and it was widely applauded. In 2013, Madison Rising broke on the scene with their version of the national anthem that went viral. However, what seems to be missing in most every rendition of the Star-Spangled Banner is the reference to America's spiritual heritage and to the One who established the land of the free and the home of the brave. Enter former Kansas singer, turned Christian singer/producer John Elefante.

Elephante recently sang the first verse of the national anthem and included various pictures that tie to both our history and our present with regards to our heritage. According to Elefante, he wanted to emphasize the part Christianity has played in the history of our country.

The Bible, prayer (even among soldiers and children in school), and the cross of the Lord Jesus Christ are prominently displayed throughout the video. Additionally, one can see the celebrations that often accompany our nation's celebration of freedom, something sadly many are unaware of.

Last year marked the 200th anniversary of the Star-Spangled Banner and was written by Francis Scott Key following the battle of Fort McHenry. By dawn's morning light, Key saw that the American flag was, indeed, "still there."

However, while many Americans are aware of the first verse of the national anthem, sadly, many are not aware of the remaining verses, which clearly point to our Christian heritage.

Oh, say can you see by the dawn's early light
What so proudly we hailed at the twilight's last gleaming?
Whose broad stripes and bright stars thru the perilous fight,
O'er the ramparts we watched were so gallantly streaming?
And the rocket's red glare, the bombs bursting in air,
Gave proof through the night that our flag was still there.
Oh, say does that star-spangled banner yet wave
O'er the land of the free and the home of the brave?


On the shore, dimly seen through the mists of the deep,
Where the foe's haughty host in dread silence reposes,
What is that which the breeze, o'er the towering steep,
As it fitfully blows, half conceals, half discloses?
Now it catches the gleam of the morning's first beam,
In full glory reflected now shines in the stream:
'Tis the star-spangled banner! Oh long may it wave
O'er the land of the free and the home of the brave!

And where is that band who so vauntingly swore
That the havoc of war and the battle's confusion,
A home and a country should leave us no more!
Their blood has washed out their foul footsteps' pollution.
No refuge could save the hireling and slave
From the terror of flight, or the gloom of the grave:
And the star-spangled banner in triumph doth wave
O'er the land of the free and the home of the brave!
Oh! thus be it ever, when freemen shall stand
Between their loved home and the war's desolation!
Blest with victory and peace, may the heav'n rescued land
Praise the Power that hath made and preserved us a nation.
Then conquer we must, when our cause it is just,
And this be our motto: "In God is our trust."
And the star-spangled banner in triumph shall wave
O'er the land of the free and the home of the brave!

The Soldiers - 'Coming Home' (US Version)


Double Platinum UK singing sensation 'THE SOLDIERS'.

Three serving soldiers in the British Army join forces in voice with US Soldiers. Singing 'Coming Home', the song dedicated to all service personnel who serve us all with pride around the world.

Featuring Richard Scarlett - a Sergeant in the US Army, and Tyrone Basnight, a Staff Sergeant in the US Army.

Record 93,626,000 Americans Not in Labor Force (July 4, 2015) 11:00 AM


Inline image 1   Inline image 2  Inline image 3   Image result for unemployment in America    Image result for unemployment in America

Subject: Fw: re:Record 93,626,000 Americans Not in Labor Force (July 4, 2015)

----whether you went to school or not----or, whether you understand this stuff or not----it doesn't take a genus to figure out that you can NOT have  94 million (not working) and have an unemployment rate of  5  or  6 %---------truth be told.....the real true unemployment rate is well over  20%----these repeated lies from this admin. are starting to get to me.....what gets to me more is that people believe this crap.....

that is because our gov't lied about the rates...

Found this interesting link on the Drudge Report:

Record 93,626,000 Americans Not in Labor Force; Participation Rate Declines  to 62.6%  

COMMENT BY ERASMUS OF AMERICA - I have no argument with Mexicans or other foreign races wanting to move to America as they think they can live better in America than their native country now. However, with our current vast unemployment in America that Obama is trying to hide from the American people by George Orwell 1984 style government lying propaganda and calling it the truth to gullible Americans who do not know how to research and find the truth when lied to by the Obama White House, we are not in position to support by welfare now millions of illegal immigrants already in America. And in addition to that , the ten million or more illegal immigrants that Obama wants to bring into America now while the American people are not watching. For example, among them Obama and Democratic allies they want to bring in potentially hundreds of thousands of Muslim terrorist refugee immigrants to America so America can be rocked from coast to coast with countless bombings by Muslim terrorists trying to overthrow America from within and turn it into an Islamic nation by massive violence until America collapses.

      I think that we need to return to the Eisenhower immigration policy which worked fine while national policy of America. Illegal immigrants when located were to be shipped out and returned to their native lands. Also, our American borders were seriously watched which made it very difficult for foreigners to try and smuggle themselves into Ameica as illegal immigrants. If approved for permanent residence here or issued a green card to work in America, then foreigners could come to America legally to immigrant to here. Then they were not illegal immigrants and could go through the processes until they got approved and became naturalized citizens of America. They had to learn English and the political principles that America was founded upon. If they wanted to be loyal to the founding principles of America once made an American citizen, then no problem! They became American citizens and were loyal to the same basic principles as the native Americans were. They were assimilated into American society now thinking like the rest of the American race does on important issues of common belief. If the national economy was growing and we needed more workers to help run the American economy, then we could always let in more immigrants legally to America to help solve the labor shortage now in America, and through the process become American citizens later on if they wanted to.

     The Eisenhower immigration policy was sound and good for the future of America. The Obama immigration policy in defiance of Congress, etc. is insane, unsound, and can likely end up in the destruction of America from within if not stopped before it is too late to stop the destruction of America as a nation. I have seen fine people from various nations of Europe to move here, fine Cubans, Mexicans, and others coming from Central and Latin America to move here, fine people from other nations across the world to move here, but immigration policy must be run soundly so as to help the economy and future of America, not harm the economy and future of America. There is a right and a wrong way to handle the national immigration policy. Once the Omni Law is passed, we will by national referendum see that the national immigration policy of America is restored to sound principles and not wild fanaticism of people who would destroy America by immigration policy if we allowed them to such as Obama and radicals in the Democratic Party of today.

     When alive, Gus Hall, head of the Communist Party of America, commented at their annual Communist national picnic, that the Democrats were now running on the same platforms as the Communist Party of America had, so no longer needed to run independent Communist candidates for political office. The name Liberal was the new name for Communists in America according to Gus Hall. And when the last Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev came to America after exile from Russia, he sent a private letter to Communists in America telling them to back the environmental movement in America as this movement was led by Communists  and was the front by which America was to be turned into a Communist government and nation through propaganda on "Global Warming," etc. I got a copy of his letter after it had been sent and it mentioned that the Communists controlled the EPA of the federal government in America at that time. That letter was in some conservative hands but the news media with its usual censorship on news items which discredit the liberal movement in America would not report on it nor reprint it in the news sources of America. You the American people are controlled on many issues by censorship and propaganda to keep the truth hidden from you.

     If the main news media played along with Obama's fake propaganda figures on national unemployment, then they are a propaganda rag sheet for the liberal cause in America and not that honest of a national press, etc. to you the American people.
     What is the solution to the leftist propaganda and news censorship intended to keep you the American people deceived on key national issues so they can control you by their propaganda lies and news censorship? Pass our Omni Law as national law. It is shown on our national website and full name shown on our website for it is "THE OMNIBUS CIVIL RIGHTS ACT FOR AMERICA." It gives you the American people the legal right to control Wash., D.C. by passage or rejection of proposed laws and policies by national referendum which Wash., D.C. must obey your will once you vote by national referendum. This makes government your servant instead of your intended master.
     Our national website is  Our national website is  Our mailing address for orders and payments not going through our website is NIFI, P.O. BOX 1465, Seneca, SC 29679 . Make check, etc. out to NIFI and tell us what the payment is for whether products on our website or a loan payment to the Omni Law Loan Program also on our website. All net money raised helps to pass the Omni Law and sooner! Pass this report around. This also helps speed up passage of the Omni Law in America.
      Since the true real unemployment is so high in America and not low unemployment as Obama and allies try to trick you into believing, here are a few encouraging words for you. I studied with six of the most brilliant economists of America and Europe and know many ways how to skyrocket free enterprise in America. I once was written up by a prestigious Who's Who organization of America and Europe as "The Einstein of American Economics." I know a lot more economic science and economic history than does Obama at the White House who only studied Communist economics and even in that, he doesn't know how to make Communist economics work in America. His only economic studies were under Communists and a key Communist in Chicago launched him into national politics as the Communist hope to take over America and make America Communist.

     Weird situation here! The Muslims also financed him and launched him into American politics to make America an Islamic nation once Obama was done with America. I suggest the hope for America's future is passage of the Omni Law and fast in America now, not Obama to "solve" the problems of America the Communist and Islamic way. An American who had lived in Kenya for years told me how Obama proudly let the word out when he was visiting relatives in Kenya that he was a Muslim also. When he got back to Chicago, he raised the money to finance a Muslim relative of his in Kenya to burn down Christian churches in Kenya and had a Muslim mob waiting at one church when burning down so they chopped down the black women and children when they were trying to flee the Christian church burning down from Islamic arson on it. Maybe around 100 Black Christians were chopped down and murdered with this massacre in Kenya having been financed by Obama who raised the money for these Muslim terrorist attacks on Black Christians and burning down of their Christian churches in Kenya. He raised close to one million dollars once he got back to Chicago to finance this savage attack on Christian churches in Kenya by his Islamic terrorist relative and Muslim mobs he led into murder of Black Christians in Kenya. Sources from Kenya reported on all this to me after it happened.
     Is Obama the leader you want to trust to shape the future of America with? I think not. Back the passage of the Omni Law by finances when you can and passing of this report to all of America which most of you reading this should be able to do. This report shows good reasons why the Omni Law should be passed in America and now.
      Yours For God And Country, Erasmus Of America (Pen Name for that American Christian Leader who thought that we should not just sit still while the enemies of Christianity plan how to mass destroy Christianity if not stopped in time and want to kill huge numbers of Christians in America and worldwide if we Christians allow this by doing nothing. We must stop these lunatics who unfortunately have heavy money backing their side and connections to high power in government at this time. I spent eleven calender years in military academies and also have a heavy background in military intelligence. I know the plans of the other side how they plan to mass kill Christians in America and throughout the world. It is time we stop them and disarm them from power!)

Image result for quote of ronald reagan on economy   Inline image 1  Image result for quote of ronald reagan on economy

This should hit home for everyone. God Bless you all, and Especially our Troops. Happy Fourth of July.

Lord's Prayer Drama
First Baptist Raytown started off "Our Father," a sermon series on the Lord's Prayer, with this dialogue between a woman and God. (This is a live version of an email that has been circulating over the past few years.)

America - Consider what I, the Lord, has to say


July 4, 2015

14 If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land. 2 Chronicles 7:14

"America, I tell you that you have put your allegiance upon things of the past, for you have your heroes of the past.  You have those men and women who fought for your freedom, but where are they now?

Where are those that stood in the face of battle and fought against the enemy, your ancient foe?  For he still runs rampant among your streets.   That wily serpent has found his way into almost every corner of your lives.

He has found his way in the prejudice and racism that runs rampant in your land. He has found his way in the sexual perversions that have now manifested themselves.  He has found his way in the violence that strikes at the doors of many of the young and the old. 

Your shores once marked and paved the way for many of the downtrodden and the foreigner to find a new way of life and a new beginning, but now all they find is greed and dismay.

Be glad for the freedoms that you now have.  But if you would have looked to Me rather than to the patriotic acts of a few, then perhaps the disease wouldn't have spread so far.  

Brave acts of courage and vigilance once marked the ways of many of your people.  Once there was mercy and compassion shown to all but now  much of this is a thing of the past.  They are the dusty pages of an old book.  They were the pages that once were opened that were seen by all.  You could see it on the faces of the farmers and the men and women that worked the land.  You could see it on the factory workers and the teachers that filled their rooms with stories of bravery and courage.

Your stars and stripes stand for something.  They stand for something that once was.  They fly and encircle a land that was once united."

Stephen Hanson