Tuesday, July 7, 2015

EXPLOSIVE Breaking News : Financial World War III is Underway

Tuesday   July 7, 2015
Financial World War III is Underway
by Tom Heneghan, International Intelligence Expert
UNITED States of America  -  It can now be reported that the creditors aka the banks, the ECB (European Central Bank), and the IMF (International Monetary Fund) are in major disagreement concerning the use of bridge loans involving Luxembourg and Austrian banks in regards as a solution for the Greek euro debt crisis.

The bridge loans involve no cash, but listen to this, the writing of even more cross-collateralized derivatives with the U.S. Federal Reserve and the Central Bank of Japan as under writers.

This new plan is the definition of MASSIVE FINANCIAL SANITY!

Reference:  Luxembourg banks for years have been involved in irregular FOREX currency trading with the ECB, the U.S. Fed and the BoJ (Central Bank of Japan) looking the other way.

Item:  Austrian banks have been linked to the gigantic shadow banking system with tie ins to U.S. CIA, British Intelligence MI6 and German DVD.

These Austrian banks have been used as a money laundry for the world political class aka self-defined modern day aristocrats.  Example:  The Bush-Clinton Crime Family Syndicate that calls the shots and occupies the United States of America on behalf of foreign interests.

At this hour IMF Managing Director Christine Lagarde has informed German Chancellor Angela Merkel that the NAZI German Deutsche Bank, along with British Barclays Bank, has flunked a stress test that was recently conducted by the IMF, along with the release of their audit.

Lagarde has also told JPMorgan CEO Jamie Dimon that the nation of Greece, along with the European Union, is not going to absorb a tax write off by JPMorgan if Greece is forced to leave the European Union.

Note:  JPMorgan Chase is responsible for the illegal marketing and sales of crooked mortgage-backed securities from 2003 - 2007, which infected Greece, Italy, Portugal and Spain with derivative contagion.

The U.S. Justice Department has covered up for JPMorgan in the United States based on terms "too big to fail" and "to big to prosecuted".

That is not the case when it comes to the infected nations of Europe that do not follow American law.

In closing, at this hour China is broke and derivative overloaded with none other than the Central Bank of Japan.

The Chinese government is beyond corrupt and may face a military coup.

source    source

"Al Qaeda is nothing more than an extension of the operatus linked to U.S. intelligence that was allowed, by script, to remove itself as a rogue break away entity of the U.S. government

allowed to de-compartmentalize from oversight, and was run instead by Gary Best rogue 'Black Ops' specialists for scripted activity outside of the U.S. government, with its funding being orchestrated through the Pakistani secret police,
an entity of the U.S. government itself." (2006)

~ Tom Heneghan, great American Patriot and International Intelligence Expert
Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little Temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety. (1755) 
 ~ Benjamin Franklin, Founding Father, great American Patriot

The Declaration of Independence
IN CONGRESS, July 4, 1776
The unanimous Declaration of the thirteen united States of America,

enhanced excerpt

But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, 
it is their right, it is their duty,  to throw off such Government, and to prove new Guards for their future security. (1776)  ~ Thomas Jefferson, Founding Father, great American Patriot, author of the Declaration of Independence and 3rd U.S. President

Russia claims to have developed secret 'superweapon' capable of switching off foreign satellites and enemy weapons

Russia claims to have developed secret 'superweapon' capable of switching off foreign satellites and enemy weapons

  • Krasuha-4 system can suppress cruise missile's guidance systems
  • Ground tests expected to begin within months 
  • Weapons will be mounted on jets and warships 

Russia has claimed to have built a revolutionary new weapon system that can render enemy satellites and weapons useless.
Its Russian makers say it is a 'fundamentally new electronic warfare system' which can be mounted on ground-based as well as air- and sea-borne carriers.
However, it has refused to reveal how the system works.
Scroll down for video 
Experts claim a revolutionary new weapon that can jam enemy missile guidance systems and satellites is set to enter testing this year. An earlier version of the system, called Krasuha-4, is shown here.
Experts claim a revolutionary new weapon that can jam enemy missile guidance systems and satellites is set to enter testing this year. An earlier version of the system, called Krasuha-4, is shown here.


The firm has released no details of the system.
However, on its website, the firm hints at the product, which it is believed is codenamed Krasuha-4.
'Mobile electronic warfare systems 'Krasuha-4' suppress spy satellites, ground-based radars and airborne systems AWACS (Airborne Warning and Control System).
'Complex 'Krasuha-4' fully covers an object from radar detection at 150-300 kilometers, and may also cause damage to enemy radar electronic warfare and communications systems. 
'The complex functioning is based on creating powerful jamming at the fundamental radar frequencies and other radio-emitting sources.'  
It is described as 'a fundamentally new electronic warfare system capable of suppressing cruise missile and other high-precision weaponry guidance systems and satellite radio-electronic equipment.'
'The system will target the enemy's deck-based, tactical, long-range and strategic aircraft, electronic means and suppress foreign military satellites' radio-electronic equipment,,' Russia's Radio-Electronic Technologies Group (KRET) Deputy CEO Yuri Mayevsky told Russian news agency TASS
To comply with international weapons laws, the system will be mounted on ground-based, air-and seaborne carriers and not on satellites. 
'It will fully suppress communications, navigation and target location and the use of high-precision weapons,' said adviser to the KRET first deputy CEO Vladimir Mikheyev. 
'The system will be used against cruise missiles and will suppress satellite-based radio location systems. 

'It will actually switch off enemy weapons.'
The system's ground component will be tested soon, he claims. 
'Ground tests are now going on in workshops. '

Russian rocket system 'Buk-M2' on display during the MAKS 2011 airshow in the town of Zhukovsky, outside Moscow, Russia.
Russian rocket system 'Buk-M2' on display during the MAKS 2011 airshow in the town of Zhukovsky, outside Moscow, Russia.
'At the end of the year, the system's component will leave the factory gates for trials at testing ranges,' he said. 
Earlier this month, the Russian military test-fired a short-range anti-missile system, which successfully destroyed a simulated target at the designated time.
'The launch was aimed at confirming the performance characteristics of missile defense shield anti-missiles operational in the Aerospace Defense Forces,' the Russian defense ministry said at the time. 

International Financial Conference Starts In 7 Days!!!

International Financial Conference Starts In 7 Days

Coming form a very private meeting from the heart of the United Nations The most important Financial Meeting will begin in 7 days.

In the capitol city of Addis Ababa in Ethiopia at the United Nations Conference Center Ambassador's from around the world, along with their banking representatives, will gather to in one of the fastest  growing cities in Africa - the Political Center of Africa.

This city in Ethiopia has the third largest number of Embassies and International Organizations around the world in the world, behind only New York and Geneva.

The New UN Conference Center there is extremely large and state of the art.

Here, in less that one week, the World's Financial Reset will be set in stone and laws will firmed up as to redistribute the Worlds Resources in a more equitable way.

The bankruptcy of Greece, Puerto Rico, Spain, Portugal, Italy, then France, Germany and the United States Corporation will all be firmed up and exactly what the currency will be worth will also be discussed in private meetings.

In Layman Terms - the New World Order Agenda will be set in stone - in less than 7 days.

Not One Word In the press about it - not in the Main Stream - not in the Alternate Media - completely under the radar ---- and yet these meetings will effect every part of your life in less than 3 months.

Things such as: will the United States be broken up and it's population terminated, how many FBI Agents are about to he terminated, how much money a retired American will actually make - will there be Mental Disability in America, what happens to Social Security  - all will be discussed in just a few short days at the conference center.

As a side note - my new Military ID Card no longer uses my social Security Number because the Social Security Agency will be fundamentally changed. This too will be discussed at this meeting - - behind closed doors.

The meetings are to discuss overall objectives of meeting the 17 United Nations Goals and how to achieve "The Plan" in America (Total Godless Anarchy in America).

The key here is to look for a World Wide Financial Leader to move forward into a world that fits the United Nations Agendas.

With the deaths of the Original Obama, Putin, Kerry, Hillary (and the fall of the Chinese Economy) and a host of other world leaders there appears to be NO world leader stepping up to the plate at this time - we will have ----Financial Leadership thus coming form the Director of the United Nations Finance Department - a Complete New World Order set in stone to be initiated by the fall under J.A.D.E. H.E.L.M. 2015.

For those who did not know - J.A.D.E. H.E.L.M. 2015 - is an exercise to eliminate those opposed to the NEW WORLD ORDER and the world wide rule of Lucifer and the UN Agenda. At this point - accept what you cannot change. Any form of patriotism shall be terminated.

Wouldn't you love to be a fly on the wall at this conference?
The News You Need

Dr William B. Mount
Captain, Retired, US Army

Yesterday A President Obama Double signed another Executive Order authorizing Martial Law in the US and it's Territories - A Complete Department of Homeland Security (NAZI SS) take over of America.


Third International Conference on Financing for Development

Third International Conference on Financing for Development .:. Sustainable Development Knowledge Platform
All Spelling errors brought to you by the Rainbow "Soldiers"  in US Army Cyber Command.


Posted by at 8:50 PM No comments:

The Safest Currencies in the World to Invest in Today

The Safest Currencies in the World to Invest in Today

By , Contributing Writer, Money Morning July 6, 2015

With the volatile Greek debt crisis raising concerns over the stability of the global financial system, finding the safest currencies to invest in has taken on a new sense of urgency.
As a type of safe-haven investment, the safest currencies are a place where you want to have at least some money when markets are unraveling and mainstay currencies like the euro are falling.
safe-haven currencies

But how can an investor know which are the safest currencies?

And since the financial crisis of 2008, many central banks have gone to great lengths to
devalue their currencies in an attempt to stimulate their economies. These "currency wars"
have undermined the value of many of the world's major currencies.

The safest currencies tend to reside in stable nations
with strong economies. The central bank of a nation with a safe currency should have
a strong balance sheet, with more assets than liabilities.

The safest currencies also stand out whenever there is financial turmoil in the world.
They're the ones that rise in value while less reliable currencies fall.
That sounds pretty clear, but there are anomalies.

The most obvious is the U.S. dollar, which many consider a safe-haven currency. Sure
enough, the dollar tends to rise when there's trouble in the world. And the U.S. economy,
the world's largest, is also among the most stable.

But the U.S. Federal Reserve, the central bank of the United States, raises questions about
just how safe the dollar is in the long run. After several rounds of quantitative easing, the
Fed has more than $4 trillion in U.S. Treasury debt and mortgage-backed securities on its balance sheet.

And of course, the U.S. government has a debt of $18.3 trillion. So while the U.S. dollar is
better off than most other currencies, it's not necessarily the safest currency.

A true safe-haven currency should not have any of these vulnerabilities.
And it so happens that there are several to choose from, each with its own advantages…

Assessing the World's Safest Currencies Today

Here's a closer look at the safest currencies in the world right now:
  • The Swiss franc is one of the best-known safe-haven currencies. A stable nation with a strong banking system has made the Swiss franc a safe currency for decades. But over the past year, its stellar reputation has forced some radical moves on the part of the Swiss National Bank. The SNB has imposed negative interest rates and has unpegged the Swiss franc from the euro. That's made it more difficult and costly to invest in Swiss francs.
  • The Norwegian krone, on the other hand, sits in the sweet spot of safe currencies today. The government is very stable, and the central bank has a very strong balance sheet – the country has no net debt. And since the krone is a standalone currency – it is not connected to the euro in any way — it's not tied to problems elsewhere. As safe-haven currencies go, the krone is close to ideal.
  • The Singapore dollar is also a good choice. Not only is Singapore one of the most stable places in Asia (both politically and financially), but it's a major hub of banking and trading.
  • A more unconventional choice is the Polish zloty. But Poland has low government debt, a constitutional limit on borrowing, and strong economic growth. Better still, Poland's economy is based mostly on internal demand, insulating its financial system from problems elsewhere in Europe.
  • And then there's gold. While not a currency strictly speaking, gold is most certainly a store of value. It has served as a safe-haven investment for thousands of years. Gold also has the advantage of not being controlled by a central bank or national government. And it's relatively easy to buy.
  • A new type of safe-haven currency is the all-digital Bitcoin. Like gold, Bitcoin is not controlled by any central authority. But it's more of a currency than gold, as thousands of merchants around the world accept it as payment. Its limited supply – only 21 million bitcoins will ever be created – makes Bitcoin deflationary, unlike nearly all fiat currencies. With Bitcoin the biggest risk is that it has only existed for five years and has not stood the test of time as gold has.
One more thing: Buying currencies isn't quite the same as buying stocks or exchange-traded funds. There is no exchange for currency trading. Instead, foreign exchange traders deal
directly with each other.
For U.S. investors, it's best to stick with foreign exchange dealers that are members of the National Futures Association.

Follow me on Twitter @DavidGZeiler.
More Safe Havens: The safest currencies are just one category of safe-haven investments.
With banks looking less and less trustworthy as a place to hold your money, smart investors
are seeking every safe haven they can find.

The One Biggest Lie You Are Being Told By The Media

The One Biggest Lie You Are Being Told By The Media


Greece — The One Biggest Lie You Are Being Told By The Media

Every single mainstream media has the following narrative for the economic crisis in Greece: the government spent too much money and went broke; the generous banks gave them money, but Greece still can’t pay the bills because it mismanaged the money that was given. It sounds quite reasonable, right?

Except that it is a big fat lie … not only about Greece, but about other European countries such as Spain, Portugal, Italy and Ireland who are all experiencing various degrees of austerity. It was also the same big, fat lie that was used by banks and corporations to exploit many Latin American, Asian and African countries for many decades.

Greece did not fail on its own. It was made to fail.

In summary, the banks wrecked the Greek government, and then deliberately pushed it into unsustainable debt … while revenue-generating public assets were sold off to oligarchs and international corporations. The rest of the article is about how and why.

If you are a fan of mafia movies, you know how the mafia would take over a popular restaurant. First, they would do something to disrupt the business – stage a murder at the restaurant or start a fire. When the business starts to suffer, the Godfather would generously offer some money as a token of friendship. In return, Greasy Thumb takes over the restaurant’s accounting, Big Joey is put in charge of procurement, and so on. Needless to say, it’s a journey down a spiral of misery for the owner who will soon be broke and, if lucky, alive.

Now, let’s map the mafia story to international finance in four stages.
Stage 1: The first and foremost reason that Greece got into trouble was the “Great Financial Crisis” of 2008 that was the brainchild of Wall Street and international bankers. If you remember, banks came up with an awesome idea of giving subprime mortgages to anyone who can fog a mirror. They then packaged up all these ticking financial bombs and sold them as “mortgage-backed securities” for a huge profit to various financial entities in countries around the world.

A big enabler of this criminal activity was another branch of the banking system, the group of rating agencies – S&P, Fitch and Moody’s – who gave stellar ratings to these destined-to-fail financial products. Unscrupulous politicians such as Tony Blair joined Goldman Sachs and peddled these dangerous securities to pension funds and municipalities and countries around Europe. Banks and Wall Street gurus made hundreds of billions of dollars in this scheme.

But this was just Stage 1 of their enormous scam. There was much more profit to be made in the next three stages!

Stage 2 is when the financial time bombs exploded. Commercial and investment banks around the world started collapsing in a matter of weeks. Governments at local and regional level saw their investments and assets evaporate. Chaos everywhere!

Vultures like Goldman Sachs and other big banks profited enormously in three ways: one, they could buy other banks such as Lehman brothers and Washington Mutual for pennies on the dollar. Second, more heinously, Goldman Sachs and insiders such as John Paulson (who recently donated $400 million to Harvard) had made bets that these securities would blow up.

Paulson made billions, and the media celebrated his acumen. (For an analogy, imagine the terrorists betting on 9/11 and profiting from it.) Third, to scrub salt in the wound, the big banks demanded a bailout from the very citizens whose lives the bankers had ruined! Bankers have chutzpah. In the U.S., they got hundreds of billions of dollars from the taxpayers and trillions from the Federal Reserve Bank which is nothing but a front group for the bankers.

In Greece, the domestic banks got more than $30 billion of bailout from the Greek people. Let that sink in for a moment – the supposedly irresponsible Greek government had to bail out the hardcore capitalist bankers.

Stage 3 is when the banks force the government to accept massive debts. For a biology metaphor, consider a virus or a bacteria. All of them have unique strategies to weaken the immune system of the host.

One of the proven techniques used by the parasitic international bankers is to downgrade the bonds of a country. And that’s exactly what the bankers did, starting at the end of 2009. This immediately makes the interest rates (“yields”) on the bonds go up, making it more and more expensive for the country to borrow money or even just roll over the existing bonds.

From 2009 to mid 2010, the yields on 10-year Greek bonds almost tripled! This cruel financial assault brought the Greek government to its knees, and the banksters won their first debt deal of a whopping 110 billion Euros.

The banks also control the politics of nations. In 2011, when the Greek prime minister refused to accept a second massive bailout, the banks forced him out of the office and immediately replaced him with the Vice President of ECB (European Central Bank)! No elections needed. Screw democracy. And what would this new guy do? Sign on the dotted line of every paperwork that the bankers bring in.

(By the way, the very next day, the exact same thing happened in Italy where the Prime Minister resigned, only to be replaced by a banker/economist puppet. Ten days later, Spain had a premature election where a “technocrat” banker puppet won the election).

The puppet masters had the best month ever in November 2011.

Few months later, in 2012, the exact bond market manipulation was used when the banksters turned up the Greek bonds’ yields to 50%!!! This financial terrorism immediately had the desired effect: The Greek parliament agreed to a second massive bailout, even larger than the first one.

Now, here is another fact that most people don’t understand. The loans are not just simple loans like you would get from a credit card or a bank. These loans come with very special strings attached that demand privatization of a country’s assets. If you have seen Godfather III, you would remember Hyman Roth, the investor who was carving up Cuba among his friends. Replace Hyman Roth with Goldman Sachs or IMF (International Monetary Fund) or ECB, and you get the picture.

Stage 4: Now, the rape and humiliation of a nation begin. For the debt that was forced upon them, Greece had to sell many of its profitable assets to oligarchs and international corporations. And privatizations are ruthless, involving everything and anything that is profitable. In Greece, privatization included water, electricity, post offices, airport services, national banks, telecommunication, port authorities (which is huge in a country that is a world leader in shipping) etc.

In addition to that, the banker tyrants also get to dictate every single line item in the government’s budget. Want to cut military spending? NO! Want to raise tax on the oligarchs or big corporations? NO! Such micro-management is non-existent in any other creditor-debtor relationship.

So what happens after privatization and despotism under bankers?

Of course, the government’s revenue goes down and the debt increases further. How do you “fix” that? Of course, cut spending! Lay off public workers, cut minimum wage, cut pensions (same as our social security), cut public services, and raise taxes on things that would affect the 99% but not the 1%.

For example, pension has been cut in half and sales tax increase to more than 20%. All these measures have resulted in Greece going through a financial calamity that is worse than the Great Depression of the U.S. in the 1930s.

Of course, the ever-manipulative bankers demand immediate privatization of all media which means that the country now gets photogenic TV anchors who spew propaganda every day and tell the people that crooked and greedy banksters are saviors; and slavery under austerity is so much better than the alternative.

If every Greek person had known the truth about austerity, they wouldn’t have fallen for this. Same goes for Spain, Italy, Portugal, Ireland and other countries going through austerity.

The sad aspect of all this is that these are not unique strategies. Since World War II, these predatory practices have been used countless times by the IMF and the World Bank in Latin America, Asia, and Africa.

This is the essence of the New World Order — a world owned by a handful of corporations and banks.

So, it’s time for the wonderful people of Greece to rise up like Zeus and say NO (“OXI” in Greece) to the greedy puppet masters, unpatriotic oligarchs, parasitic bankers and corrupt politicians.

Dear Greece, know that the world is praying for you. Vote NO to austerity. Say YES to freedom, independence, self-government, and democracy. Yes, democracy, the word that was invented by YOU!

P.S. (You can also watch this video where John Perkins – author of “Confessions of an Economic Hit Man” – talks about exploitation of Latin American and Asian countries using the same tools of debt-austerity-privatization. He used to do this for a living


ALERT: Silver "Last Licks Tuesday"....BUY, BUY, BUY!!

Silver is being slammed below $15 right now and everyone that was waiting for the Bad Guy's final slam...this is it!

Why now? Here's a short list:

1) Today is the COMEX reporting cutoff day for the last trades of the 2nd Quarter. The 3rd Quarter 2015 is their planned global market meltdown to hit in the last month of the quarter...September.

2) JPM is now rumored to have CLOSED OUT their huge paper short and dumped it on Citibank.

3) JPM is MASSIVELY long physical silver according to Ted Butler.

4) The European Derivative Complex is breaking down due to Greek derivatives.

5) The September/October collapse is close at hand.

Everything points to this being the LAST SILVER SLAM EVER!!!

Time will tell but given the above...it's time to BACK UP THE TRUCK and load it with physical silver!!!

May the Road you choose be the Right Road.

Bix Weir

Book I: "Silver, Gold, Bitcoin...and God!

Book II: "Out of The Darkness"

Japan Finally Admits The Truth: “Right Now, We Have An Emergency At Fukushima” | RedFlagNews.com



WUA - American’s - Vs. – American’t
See attached, understand it, it is NOT America, it is just the opposite….. Don’t like it LEAVE!
GOD BLESS TEXAS: State Senate Passes Anti “Sharia Law” Bill

The Senate in Texas passed what’s being called as an anti “Sharia law” bill. Muslims and liberal OUTRAGED.

Senator Campbell stated: “It’s just to provide some belt and suspenders to make sure that, with judicial discretion, we don’t trump Texas law, American law, with a foreign law regarding family law.”

Not all in the senate is pleased with Campbell’s bill though. Democratic Senator Kirk Watson stated, “What foreign law are you attempting to prevent being used, and can you give examples of where it has created a problem in the state?”
Campbell said, “No foreign law. This just provides a context for judicial discretion.”
The bill is on its way to the Governor. SHARE if you AGREE This bill is NECESSARY in all 50 STATES.

ZeroHedge Frontrunning: July 07

Frontrunning: July 07

  • Greece faces last chance to stay in euro as cash runs out (Read More)
  • Tsipras Begins Brussels Campaign to Keep Greece Inside the Euro (Read More)
  • Greek Crisis Shows How Germany's Power Polarizes Europe (Read More)
  • Eurogroup Head Dijsselbloem Calls for 'Credible' Greece Package (Read More)
  • Europe Not Playing 'Domino Theory' Leaves Markets Calm on Greece (Read More)
  • China stocks fall again despite support measures (Read More)
  • Chinese Trading Suspensions Freeze $1.4 Trillion of Shares Amid Rout (Read More)
  • Crude Creeps Higher After Downturn (Read More)
  • Central Banks Across the World Pressured to Fight Against Euro Depreciation (Read More)
  • Big U.S. Banks Refile 'Living Wills' After Regulatory Rebuke (Read More)
  • U.S. Seeks Mideast Shift to Follow Iran Nuclear Deal (Read More)
  • Buybacks and Dividends Are Making CEOs Even Richer (Read More)
  • FDA Cloud Hangs Over Vape Shops (Read More)
  • Sealed HSBC Report Shows U.S. Managers Battling Cleanup Squad (Read More)
  • Director at Generic-Drug Giant Mylan Had Undisclosed Ties to Land Deal (Read More)
  • Libor Reform Has Not Gone Far Enough, Says Regulator (Read More)

Take Chewable Antacids? They Can Cause Heart Problems!

Take Chewable Antacids?

 They Can Cause Heart Problems!


Published on May 14, 2015
There are natural ways to treat acid reflux, and they're different depending on whether its night or day. Dr. Jacob Teitelbaum talks about natural treatments and why some of those calcium based chewable tablets can cause serious problems down the road.
http://www.ihealthtube.com http://www.facebook.com/ihealthtube

You'll Never Have a Root Canal After Watching This

You'll Never Have a Root Canal

After Watching This


Saudi Sheikh Who Taught ISIS Fighters is 'Sick of the Killing'

Saudi Sheikh Who Taught ISIS Fighters 'Jihad 101' Asks for Bible After Growing 'Sick of the Killing,' Missionary Claims

Islamic State Fighter Also Reportedly Converts to Christianity After Experiencing Vision of the Cross

By Nicola Menzie , Christian Post Reporter
July 6, 2015|6:48 am
An Islamic theologian responsible for teaching ISIS militants "jihad 101" has turned to the Bible after growing "sick of the killing" and finding himself yearning for something "better," according to a Christian missionary who works in the Middle East.

FILE: Saudi members of the Committee for the Promotion of Virtue and Prevention of Vice, or religious police, attend a training course in Riyadh Sept. 1, 2007. (Photo: Reuters/Ali Jarekji)
FILE: Saudi members of the Committee for the Promotion of Virtue and Prevention of Vice, or religious police, attend a training course in Riyadh Sept. 1, 2007.

The Christian missionary, introduced as just "Julian" during a recent interview on The Voice of the Martyrs Radio program, believes "ISIS is being used to reveal something of the dark heart of Islam."
"As I say that, I feel a bit reticent because I know that many, many Muslims want to distance themselves and are embarrassed by it and are great people," Julian added. "And we should not see our Muslim neighbors as terrorists ... but as neighbors who want to be a regular part of the community. But, nevertheless, some of this evil stuff is being exposed as never before."
Julian suggested that "exposing the evil" of ISIS leads to "dissatisfaction and disillusionment" among followers and would-be supporters.
The missionary was presented only as "Julian" in the interview "because he is a guest who travels in and out of the Muslim world on a regular basis," VOM Radio host Todd Nettleton explained. VOM is a nonprofit organization that draws attention to persecution of Christians around the world.
Julian was described as "a long-time worker in the Muslim world" affiliated with Operation Mobilization — a collective of 6,800 volunteer missionaries and staff working in 118 countries to spread "the message of hope through Jesus Christ to men, women and children around the world."
The missionary went on tell of two accounts involving "ISIS guys coming to faith" that he had heard at a prayer event in Egypt in October.
"One is about a fighter who suddenly, unexpectedly out of the blue had a vision of the cross. For an ISIS fighter that's bad news, not good news," Julian said, chuckling afterward.
"So he goes online. … He's looking for a good Muslim site to bolster his faith, and inadvertently he stumbles into a Christian site and gets kind of interested and more interested and reads and the doubts grow. He leaves Syria, goes into Turkey and meets a believer who's able to share the Gospel and he comes to faith. And he was at a church conference in Lebanon in October and shared that personal story."
"The other account we heard was from Lebanon that there was a taxi driver who was a believer up at the border with Syria, and into his taxi gets this guy with a big beard. And the guy with the beard says, 'Take me to the airport, I'm flying home to Saudi. But on the way, I want to find a Bible. Can you find me a Bible?'" Julian added. "And the taxi driver knew a Christian worker in Beirut who was very happy to give the guy with the beard a Bible. And then, 'Sir, would you like to tell us why you're looking for a Bible?' His response was, 'I'm from Saudi, I'm a sheikh (which means a teacher of Islam). I've been in Syria teaching the ISIS fighters jihad 101, the theology and practice of jihad. I'm sick of the killing. There must be something better than this."
"I guess that guy was giving theological justification for the violence and something just happened and his eyes had been opened and he said, 'I'm sick of it. There must be a better way. Give me a Bible,'" Julian added.

Men in orange jumpsuits purported to be Egyptian Christians held captive by the Islamic State kneel in front of armed men along a beach said to be near Tripoli, in this still image from an undated video made available on social media on February 15, 2015. (Photo: Reuters/Social Media via Reuters TV)
Men in orange jumpsuits purported to be Egyptian Christians held captive by the Islamic State kneel in front of armed men along a beach said to be near Tripoli, in this still image from an undated video made available on social media on February 15, 2015. In the video, militants in black marched the captives to a beach that the group said was near Tripoli. They were forced down onto their knees, then beheaded. Egypt's state news agency MENA quoted the spokesman for the Coptic Church as confirming that 21 Egyptian Christians believed to be held by Islamic State were dead.

The Islamic State of Iraq and Syria, referred to as ISIS, ISIL or the Daesh, advertises its brutal beheadings of Christians and public stonings and hangings of dissenting Muslims and other religious minorities through propaganda videos and images published online. The terrorist organization, which has spawned debate about its claims to Islam since emerging in full force in 2014, has also subjected women and young girls to forced marriages, imprisonment and rape. The terrorist group, linked to the-late Jordanian terrorist Abu Musab al-Zarqawi, also trains young boys in violent jihad.
At the end of his interview, Nettleton asked Julian how Christians can pray for "the Muslim world."
"A lot of us, when we look at what's happening with ISIS, want to pray against them. This is evil, this is despicable, it's atrocious, so the natural reaction is to pray out of anger against them," the missionary responded.
"These are people who have been deceived, they're lost. They're headed for a Christ-less eternity. At this prayer conference that I was at in Egypt, we were told about a prophetic Word that had been given at another conference which resonated with us, which said that 'I have another Saul on the road to Damascus (the capital of Syria), and I have an Ananias and a Barnabas ready and I intend to raise up apostolic figures out of these fighters. …' We need to pray for God to call forth those apostolic figures out of ISIS," Julian added.
The Christian Post reported last month on another missionary account of an Islamic State militant wanting to follow Jesus after purportedly dreaming of a man in white. That report also presented other accounts by Muslims who converted to Christianity after experiencing what they believe were dreams of Jesus. Read that report: Report: ISIS Fighter Who 'Enjoyed' Killing Christians Wants to Follow Jesus After Dreaming of Man in White Who Told Him 'You Are Killing My People.'
Although CP's readers responded positively to the report about the ISIS militant and other Muslims turning to Christianity after having these dreams, some readers also expressed skepticism about the conversion stories in their comments.

CP reached out to Nettleton, the VOM Radio host and also the nonprofit's public relations and media director, about his interview with the Christian missionary Julian and other missionaries. Read the brief Q&A, conducted via email, below:

CP: How did you get in touch with Julian?
Nettleton: "Julian" is a worker for Operation Mobilization (OM), a ministry organization with which The Voice of the Martyrs (VOM) has an ongoing partnership to serve Christians and spread the Gospel in hostile and restricted nations. Julian recently visited our offices as a part of that partnership work, to meet with some of our international staff and discuss those ongoing projects.

CP: Do you try to verify accounts that missionaries share like this? Why/why not?
Nettleton: Because of the ongoing partnership VOM has with OM, and because they have staff with long history in the Middle East who speak the language and understand the culture, we have a level of trust with their staff and their reporting. With reports that VOM staff generate from hostile and restricted nations, we do seek to verify stories through our contacts in the nations where we work.

CP: Are you ever skeptical of these missionary accounts?
Nettleton: Of course I have heard reports that I was skeptical about, but I am not skeptical of the reports in this week's episode of VOM Radio, and frankly if I was skeptical I would not have included them in the broadcast.
The interesting thing is that these reports are consistent with what we hear from our own staff and our Christian contacts in the Muslim world. There are many Muslims who are coming to faith after seeing Jesus in a dream or a vision; those stories are not uncommon. I have personally interviewed Muslims with similar stories. There are also, we know, many Muslims who look at what ISIS is doing and it causes them to think about their own faith and consider if they really believe Muhammad's [sic] message.
And when we look in the Scripture, this isn't the first time this has happened. A man named Saul was on his way to Damascus to hunt down Christians and persecute them when he had an amazing encounter with Jesus Christ. I'm thankful that God is still having those kind of encounters — even with those persecuting His children — in the Middle East today, and I am thrilled to be a small part of sharing these great stories with the wider Christian community.

CP: What do you say to readers/listeners who are skeptical?
Nettleton: I understand the skepticism. It's difficult to see pictures of masked figures cutting off peoples' heads and then think about any of them genuinely repenting and choosing to follow Christ. I think I would encourage skeptics to listen to the VOM Radio broadcast and pray for Christians in the Middle East, and for Muslims there to come to know Christ. And I would encourage them to look into the stories that others are telling from the Muslim world that are consistent with these conversion stories; God is truly doing something special among Muslims in the Middle East. Being skeptical of the messenger or of a particular story is one thing, but let us never be skeptical of God's power to reach people with His love and transform their hearts.
Listen to the full Voice of the Martyrs radio interview that features Julian here, or in the audio player below (skip to the 14-minute mark for Julian's account of the Islamic militant and the sheik):

How Greece was robbed by the bankers


Except that it is a big fat lie … not only about Greece, but about other European countries such as Spain, Portugal, Italy and Ireland who are all experiencing various degrees of austerity.
It was also the same big, fat lie that was used by banks and corporations to exploit many Latin American, Asian and African countries for many decades.
Greece did not fail on its own. It was made to fail.
In summary, the banks wrecked the Greek government, and then deliberately pushed it into unsustainable debt … while revenue-generating public assets were sold off to oligarchs and international corporations. The rest of the article is about how and why.
If you are a fan of mafia movies, you know how the mafia would take over a popular restaurant. First, they would do something to disrupt the business – stage a murder at the restaurant or start a fire. When the business starts to suffer, the Godfather would generously offer some money as a token of friendship. In return, Greasy Thumb takes over the restaurant’s accounting, Big Joey is put in charge of procurement, and so on. Needless to say, it’s a journey down a spiral of misery for the owner who will soon be broke and, if lucky, alive.

Greece flag thinking Aristotle

Now, let’s map the mafia story to international finance in four stages.

Stage 1: The first and foremost reason that Greece got into trouble was the “Great Financial Crisis” of 2008 that was the brainchild of Wall Street and international bankers. If you remember, banks came up with an awesome idea of giving subprime mortgages to anyone who can fog a mirror. They then packaged up all these ticking financial bombs and sold them as “mortgage-backed securities” for a huge profit to various financial entities in countries around the world.
A big enabler of this criminal activity was another branch of the banking system, the group of rating agencies – S&P, Fitch and Moody’s – who gave stellar ratings to these destined-to-fail financial products. Unscrupulous politicians such as Tony Blair joined Goldman Sachs and peddled these dangerous securities to pension funds and municipalities and countries around Europe. Banks and Wall Street gurus made hundreds of billions of dollars in this scheme.
But this was just Stage 1 of their enormous scam. There was much more profit to be made in the next three stages!

Stage 2 is when the financial time bombs exploded. Commercial and investment banks around the world started collapsing in a matter of weeks. Governments at local and regional level saw their investments and assets evaporate. Chaos everywhere!
Vultures like Goldman Sachs and other big banks profited enormously in three ways: one, they could buy other banks such as Lehman brothers and Washington Mutual for pennies on the dollar. Second, more heinously, Goldman Sachs and insiders such as John Paulson (who recently donated $400 million to Harvard) had made bets that these securities would blow up. Paulson made billions, and the media celebrated his acumen. (For an analogy, imagine the terrorists betting on 9/11 and profiting from it.) Third, to scrub salt in the wound, the big banks demanded a bailout from the very citizens whose lives the bankers had ruined! Bankers have chutzpah. In the U.S., they got hundreds of billions of dollars from the taxpayers and trillions from the Federal Reserve Bank which is nothing but a front group for the bankers.
In Greece, the domestic banks got more than $30 billion of bailout from the Greek people. Let that sink in for a moment – the supposedly irresponsible Greek government had to bail out the hardcore capitalist bankers.

Stage 3 is when the banks force the government to accept massive debts. For a biology metaphor, consider a virus or a bacteria. All of them have unique strategies to weaken the immune system of the host. One of the proven techniques used by the parasitic international bankers is to downgrade the bonds of a country. And that’s exactly what the bankers did, starting at the end of 2009. This immediately makes the interest rates (“yields”) on the bonds go up, making it more and more expensive for the country to borrow money or even just roll over the existing bonds.

From 2009 to mid 2010, the yields on 10-year Greek bonds almost tripled! This cruel financial assault brought the Greek government to its knees, and the banksters won their first debt deal of a whopping 110 billion Euros.
The banks also control the politics of nations. In 2011, when the Greek prime minister refused to accept a second massive bailout, the banks forced him out of the office and immediately replaced him with the Vice President of ECB (European Central Bank)! No elections needed. Screw democracy. And what would this new guy do? Sign on the dotted line of every paperwork that the bankers bring in.
(By the way, the very next day, the exact same thing happened in Italy where the Prime Minister resigned, only to be replaced by a banker/economist puppet. Ten days later, Spain had a premature election where a “technocrat” banker puppet won the election).
The puppet masters had the best month ever in November 2011.
Few months later, in 2012, the exact bond market manipulation was used when the banksters turned up the Greek bonds’ yields to 50%!!! This financial terrorism immediately had the desired effect: The Greek parliament agreed to a second massive bailout, even larger than the first one.
Now, here is another fact that most people don’t understand. The loans are not just simple loans like you would get from a credit card or a bank. These loans come with very special strings attached that demand privatization of a country’s assets. If you have seen Godfather III, you would remember Hyman Roth, the investor who was carving up Cuba among his friends. Replace Hyman Roth with Goldman Sachs or IMF (International Monetary Fund) or ECB, and you get the picture.

Stage 4: Now, the rape and humiliation of a nation begin. For the debt that was forced upon them, Greece had to sell many of its profitable assets to oligarchs and international corporations. And privatizations are ruthless, involving everything and anything that is profitable. In Greece, privatization included water, electricity, post offices, airport services, national banks, telecommunication, port authorities (which is huge in a country that is a world leader in shipping) etc.
In addition to that, the banker tyrants also get to dictate every single line item in the government’s budget. Want to cut military spending? NO! Want to raise tax on the oligarchs or big corporations? NO! Such micro-management is non-existent in any other creditor-debtor relationship.
So what happens after privatization and despotism under bankers? Of course, the government’s revenue goes down and the debt increases further. How do you “fix” that? Of course, cut spending! Lay off public workers, cut minimum wage, cut pensions (same as our social security), cut public services, and raise taxes on things that would affect the 99% but not the 1%. For example, pension has been cut in half and sales tax increase to more than 20%. All these measures have resulted in Greece going through a financial calamity that is worse than the Great Depression of the U.S. in the 1930s.
Of course, the ever-manipulative bankers demand immediate privatization of all media which means that the country now gets photogenic TV anchors who spew propaganda every day and tell the people that crooked and greedy banksters are saviors; and slavery under austerity is so much better than the alternative.
If every Greek person had known the truth about austerity, they wouldn’t have fallen for this. Same goes for Spain, Italy, Portugal, Ireland and other countries going through austerity.The sad aspect of all this is that these are not unique strategies. Since World War II, these predatory practices have been used countless times by the IMF and the World Bank in Latin America, Asia, and Africa.
This is the essence of the New World Order — a world owned by a handful of corporations and banks.
P.S. (You can also watch this video where John Perkins – author of “Confessions of an Economic Hit Man” – talks about exploitation of Latin American and Asian countries using the same tools of debt-austerity-privatization. He used to do this for a living! 

                                                              CONFESSIONS OF AN ECONOMIC HITMAN