Thursday, July 9, 2015



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A just filed lawsuit accuses movie star Tom Selleck of stealing truckloads of water from a public hydrant and bringing it to his Southern California ranch. The suit filed Monday, July 6, 2015 by a Ventura County water district claims that on more than a dozen occasions a truck filled up at a hydrant and hauled the water to Selleck’s 60-acre ranch in Westlake Village.

     The only reason I am publicizing Tom Selleck is to illustrate that water has been tight in California for at least three years now and no one does anything about it whether California State Government or Wash., D.C. People get driven to extreme actions at times when government fails them and they need help where the government cannot or will not give it to them. I lived in California as a small boy and have been back to California several times in later years. I know what the situation is like there in California.

       Let me begin by letting you know how politicians lie to you with the straightest of faces. Remember Obama and many Democrats have pushed the claims that "Global Warming" is caused by carbon dioxide and we must have carbon taxes on industry to raise the price of products in America, much land of America must be nationalized by government in the name of "Global Warming," "environmental control," etc. In other words, Global Warming is the claimed threat to turn America into a socialized and Communist nation where the government takes over the economy and industry is so regulated in the name of the environment that we turn America into a nation where the government runs the industries of America and not private owners of industry in America.

     Out of curiosity I went to the search engine on the internet to see what some claimed scientific facts are concerning how much carbon dioxide is in the atmosphere we breathe and live under. For example, it was stated that basically 78% of the air is composed of Nitrogen, Oxygen is nearly 21% of the air, and when we get to carbon dioxide we get to three parts of carbon dioxide versus close to and slightly below 22,000 parts of the other gases contained in the air that you breathe. So if we fill three equal size balloons with these three parts of carbon dioxide, the rest of the parts of the other gases in our air or atmosphere are close to 22,000 equal size balloons as the carbon dioxide balloons. 

     Now naïve as I am, I do not see how three balloons of dioxide carbon block out the solar light or solar heat coming from the sun and hitting the nearly 22,000 balloons of equal size filled with the rest of the gases separate from carbon dioxide in the air that we breathe. If the three equal size balloons of carbon dioxide do not block out the solar light and solar heat from reaching the nearly 22,000 balloons of the other gases in air behind the three carbon dioxide balloons, then the claimed "Global Warming" of Obama and many other radical Democrats is pure con on you because they do not believe that you have a brain in your head. Better watch out or they may try to sell you title to the Brooklyn Bay Bridge in New York next and special today from Obama and the Democratic boys! $100.00 buys you clear title to this bridge in New York if you act immediately! And they will throw in three equal balloons of carbon dioxide as a bonus at no extra charge to help fight "Global Warming" "caused by carbon dioxide mass blocking out the solar heat from escaping from the earth!"

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     The liberal news media plays along with the con artist politicians by showing an artist created  fictional scene of this claimed massive thermal barrier of carbon dioxide not allowing heat to escape from the earth according to their artist rendition of "Global Warming." This is their fictional version to show how it supposedly happens according to their newspapers, magazines, etc. These liberal publications are run by liberal publishers and writers and liberal owners of these publications who believe that released propaganda and news censorship is far more important for the public to see than the truth in important issues.

     If the liberal leaders have their way, then "Truth is an orphan in America!" A brilliant book has been written showing the tactics of propaganda of the liberals in America. This is "The Marketing Of Evil" by David Kupelian . Without newspaper support, this has still become a big seller and circulated widespread in America now. It shows how radicals, elitists, and pseudo-experts sell us corruption disguised as freedom. This was written before the big push, but shows how the Communists in the Soviet Union under Lenin pushed things like "Gay Marriages" to destroy the family life in Russia. People who have lost their moral beliefs are easy to take over as a Communist nation! The same tactics are pretty much being used in America today and the goal is the same. To replace Christian and Western society with the Communist version of a Soviet Union style of life in America.

    It has been strongly endorsed by many prominent conservative and Christian leaders in America. For example, "David Kupelian dares to tell the truth about the overwhelming forces in our society which take us away from our original American concept of freedom." - Dr. Laura Schlessinger
     'Excellent! Simply excellent!" - Donald E. Wildmon, American Family Association
     "It's often said that marketing is warfare, and in The Marketing of  Evil, David Kupelian clearly reveals the stunning strategies and tactics of persuasion employed by those engaged in an all-out war against America's Judeo-Christian culture." - David Limbaugh, syndicated columnist and author
     Many other endorsements included: D. James Kennedy (unfortunately now dead), Coral Ridge Ministries, Michelle Malkin, Fox News Channel, Rabbi Daniel Lapin, Toward Tradition, Rebecca Hagelin, the heritage Foundation, Joseph Farah,, and etc.!

     When the Communists first took over prior Czarist Russia, Lenin declared all women in Russia "nationalized" so any man in Russia could rape them at will off the street, etc. This was to distract the Russian people while the Communists were quietly killing maybe 10 million Russians while the nation was being distracted by wild sex suddenly claimed legal for Russia. Confidential plans for the other side in America include killing off maybe 50 million Americans while distracting them with nonsense issues and America is finally Communized being tricked into it. Mao Tse-tung once admitted in an interview with a French publication that he had to kill around 50 million Chinese in order to put Communism into power in China. The Lenin takeover of Russia for Communism has been estimated to have had around 40 million to 50 million Russians killed during the Communist reign of Russia.
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     When in Wash., D.C., I headed up a military intelligence group that the Joint Chiefs Of Staff had secretly backed after my success with the Slavic Royal Alliance Ruse which tricked the Soviet Union out of guaranteed victory over America as they had cracked White House security and knew all the key military secrets of America then. Having the novelty of having spent eleven calendar years in military academies, I was a novelty and easy to recruit operatives for our military intelligence group which finally had connections in 35 nations of the world. We also did better than the F.B.I. and cracked the Soviet spy ring by trick tactics which gave us access to all their secret plans for the takeover of America. We are in 2015 in the advanced plan for the intended soon Communist takeover of Wash., D.C. and America with total overthrow of the U.S. Constitution, U.S. Bill of Rights, free enterprise, Christian and Western civilization, etc. The only thing that will save America now is passage of our Omni Law shown on our national website . The politicians are too little, too late, and many too corrupt to care about the real future of America.

      My father was one of the most brilliant inventive geniuses in America. My mother's father was one of the most brilliant inventive geniuses in America and invented around 700 things later used by the American people. My parents were startled when at the age of 6 or 7 years old, I was a natural at inventing and they I assume realized that this trait was inherited and not by random chance. Later two of the most brilliant engineers in American history saw many of my inventive ideas and though not dealing with each other, both came up with written endorsements that they rated me to be in effect the new Thomas Edison of America in inventive genius. Charles Kettering, head of research for General Motors before World War II and later President of General Motors, was rated one of the few most brilliant inventor engineers in America and likely knew Thomas Edison, Tesla, etc. before he died. He saw my inventive concepts after he had retired and wrote that he rated me to be potentially the most brilliant inventive genius that would ever arise in American history. The other super genius engineer was the most brilliant defense engineer of America in 25 years of the Cold War and never wrong in any engineering stand even one time when 20 national engineers said that he couldn't be right. He pushed his engineering concept to the test and he was right and his 20 top national critics wrong. He gave American defense the edge so the Soviet Union could not defeat America in the Cold War. He and I worked on an ultimate weapon system together and later he wrote that he rated me to be the new Thomas Edison of America in inventive genius. He made a comment that he rated me to be the most unorthodox engineering brain that he had ever worked with in his life and if we had worked as a team on various Pentagon defense projects, we would have delivered answers in weeks that regular R & D teams would take years to come to the same answer. He said though I was the most unorthodox engineering brain that he had ever worked with, my engineering was always sound and he totally trusted my judgment in whatever engineering concepts I came up with. My mother had once been rated by I.Q. test to be the most brilliant child in American history up to her time and she encouraged me to develop my abilities in whatever fields I had natural talent in.

      The State Government of California and Wash., D.C. plan to let California crash over the extreme drought issue which the Los Angeles Times just stated California should run out of water by June, 2016 and then humans cannot live in California after that. The Weather Channel just a few days ago said the same basic thing. There is supposedly a UN report out how the UN will lead the people out of California and then take over California as a UN territory after June of 2016 and no longer part of America. I judge these extreme policies of government intended for California are not needed and California can be saved and restored to full health in water and economy.

      I had a good water solution engineering system for California I worked out years ago. However, it take too long to set up so will not be used. I am always governed by systems of logic in science and engineering which shows me what to do in order to achieve success in that field. I plunged into the natural factors that could be used to restore effective water to California. I soon have the same system of logic that was used by Tesla and Einstein and not duplicated by other engineers and scientists in America. We visualize the laws of science and watch processes or scientific answers and see if they will work for the given situation or not. I have four answers that can save California if used fast like lightning. We use all four answers, not just one engineering answer. Due to the time factor of the systems must be operational before 12 months are up, this is a percentage game logic of how to save California by having each water system set up like lightning and each one covers water angles the other systems do not. In combination, I think we can save California against all usual odds! It can be done! I want Congress and the State Government of California to forget all usual politics. I am like lightning to be made the water czar of California and America. I will have unlimited authority from both sides and move with tremendous speed to get operational the water systems that can save California from pending collapse due to lack of enough water to survive with.

      I also studied economic science with six of the most brilliant economists of America and Europe. I see if California collapses by June, 2016, this has the likely potential to bankrupt all of America with it and through the Doomsday Factor to Industrial Economics, then before it is all over, the potential is there that up to 99% of all Americans will be dead before it is all over. That is of course also the end of America as a nation. This disaster would also greatly hurt economies all over the world.

       I want the nonsense to stop in Wash., D.C. and immediately pass my proposed Omni Law shown on my national website My email is Politicians are too slow in wits to follow the rapid succession of engineering decisions and scientific decisions that have to be made to make this project work to save California from total collapse due to lack of water to survive on. We can briefly raid some federal funds which do not have to be spent immediately and once the water project is started, there is a large outstanding debt owed to America as I understand. Get it paid and we have tons of money to finance all the water projects in California, help out other states with water problems, and there should be enough money left over to help finance Wash., D.C. in other national projects if wanted. My lips are sealed as to where this huge amount of money should be.

       As soon as the Omni Law is passed as a constitutional amendment which due to the national emergency involved for America could even be passed in two to five days by Congress and then the required number of state legislatures, I will under authority of the Omni Law call for an immediate national referendum authorized under the Omni Law and I am sure that the national vote by the American people will massively back me. I will probably have a few of the engineers or scientists of my team tell the people how I have the answers and must be backed at all costs. I am sure the engineers and scientists will totally understand my concepts once I show them my unorthodox but sound angles. It is my father's old trick that if you want giant success in engineering, then as he stated it "Work with God, not against God." That meant to use all the advantages that the laws of science and nature give you to solve the engineering or scientific problem correctly. It is a system of logic in engineering and science not taught in the technical schools of America but I learned from my father who was a super genius in common sense in engineering and did what the engineers would say was "scientifically impossible to do." But as he joked after inventing what they said could not be done, "I was just too dumb to know that I couldn't do it, so invented successfully what they said was scientifically impossible to do and therefore could not be done!" My father and I think alike in engineering!

     You the American people send this report by email to your elected officials both federal and state. They are cold blooded and will not likely read the emails but count the number to see if serious support is behind proposed passage of the Omni Law. Send them a copy printed on paper and sent by regular mail to their offices. On the outside of the envelope, mark "Pass Omni Law Now!" That impresses them more than the emails. Got their phone numbers. Then call them! Can you gather people to visit them, then visit them and put them on the spot by asking them to pass the Omni Law and fast!
If much of the nation is backing me, the pressure and heat will be enormous and they will pass it!

      This is not a leisure time project to push. I am probably the only technical brain in America who can do "the impossible" and save California from collapse over water and in less than 12 months from now. Also, if the jackass Obama operative will return to me the stolen paperwork on my electrical super cheap system to make engineering projects cheaper to build I had spent maybe ten months on to develop going through mountains of engineering formulas and technical specifications to come up with the answer I did, please return it immediately! You stole it from my work studio behind my house and as I was still working out details with it, I had not made copies of it yet. It is probably written so those you work for cannot understand how the complex system works, but it would take months to reduplicate this research work again! Do not return it somehow and if I have the authority, I will have you arrested later on under law for high treason and those with you. I probably know who you are and where located. You work for C.I.A. and you made a colossal mistake stealing this research work I had spent maybe ten months on in spare time when I had it. You made mistakes identifying who you are! You have trademark tricks and your trademark tricks were obvious to identify you. Sorry for the personal note here, but I have no other way of getting the message to the federal thief to return it fast or else he and associates may end up spending the rest of their lives in federal prison for a crime as serious as trying to steal the top secrets of the Manhattan Project of World War II which developed the atomic bomb for America suggested by Albert Einstein to President F.D.R. at the White House when he told the President how to set up the Manhattan Project for America.

     Financial support is good support to push the Omni Law and in time to save California and then America at the same time. I do not want to wait 8 months and then start setting up the water engineering systems to save California with and also America in the process. I had a witness when this happened. One or more Obama Boy operatives just savagely attacked this report with software erasing tactics when I called to save California from collapsing due to the water shortage. This report ends now due to the Obama attack trying to block its national release.

     Our website is  Our email is  Our mailing address for orders and payments not sent through our website is NIFI, P.O. Box 1465, Seneca, SC 29679. Make checks, etc. out to NIFI and tell us what the payment is for whether product or else loan payment to the Omni Law Loan Program shown on our website. I collect on the big national debt owed Wash., D.C. and use it for the water project, maybe 1% of it will afterwards be used to split between all of you who backed us through the Omni Law Loan Program as you who help save America should be rewarded as patriots who helped save America from pending national collapse due to California.

         Yours For God And Country, Erasmus Of America (Pen name for that American leader who had some God-given gifts that he wanted to share with the American people in making America freer and richer as a nation, but Wash., D.C. did not want America blessed with more freedom and national prosperity. A note for China. We solve the water crisis for America, then we can help China with her water problems. Then Russia if she wants more water to mass grow wheat and other crops across the vast lands of Russia. Then Canada, Mexico, Europe, Africa, Middle East, rest of Asia, etc. As for the Jade Helm15 military forces, the moment the Omni Law is passed, your present military project is cancelled and you can then work in saving California from collapse due to no water to maintain California as a state much longer. American soldiers work for us in California. Any foreign soldiers with this military project, go home as we are not sharing top trade secrets to our water systems with other nations at this time! America will survive and prosper, not collapse!)

Image result for vladimir lenin famous quotes

SIMON BLACK SAYS: Congratulations, we just got another 5 years of the US dollar / & HOW IT REALLY HAPPENED !!

Simon Black

we just got another 5 years of the US dollar

Confidence is everything. And China just lost it.
July 9, 2015
Hong Kong
It’s eerily befitting that at this very second, all of South China is frantically anticipating a major storm bearing down on the region.
In this part of the world they call them typhoons, which comes from the Chinese ‘tai fung’, meaning ‘strong wind’.
And strong they are. Here on the 33rd floor of my hotel in Kowloon right now, I can hear the wind whipping ominously as if it’s about to blow right through the windowpane.
Just across the border in Shenzhen, there’s an even stronger wind, blowing trillions of dollars of wealth right out of the system.
And more than that, it’s blowing away confidence.
Financial systems are based on confidence. Think about it-- these governments and central banks have absolutely nothing tangible to offer.
They print up countless pieces of colored paper backed by nothing of value and pass it all off as ‘money’.
They rack up trillions worth of debt and act like it’s inconsequential.
Banks operate by keeping only a tiny fraction of their customers’ funds on reserve, loaning out the rest for wars, ghost cities, and bridges to nowhere.
These shaky nodes make up a perilously fragile financial system that is just barely held together by a very thin veneer of confidence.
In order for it to continue functioning, every participant in the financial system must have confidence. Or at least have confidence that everyone else has confidence.
Without confidence, the system collapses very quickly.
Think about what happened in 2008: suddenly the market lost confidence in the solvency of some of the biggest banks on Wall Street, and overnight the entire financial system was in crisis.
Confidence is everything. And China just lost it.
For years the Chinese government has been trying to build a reputation as a credible financial leader in order to compete with the West.
The West dominates global banking transactions with the SWIFT system; but China is now launching the CIPS system to compete.
The West dominates supranational finance with the IMF and World Bank; but China has launched the Asia Infrastructure Investment Bank to compete.
The US dollar and euro dominate global reserves and international trade; but China has quickly loosened controls, established renminbi financial centers around the world, and entered into numerous swap agreements to compete.
It’s working. Or at least it was. Confidence in China has been building, most clearly evidenced by the meteoric rise of renminbi activity.
Even five years ago, the renminbi didn’t even register in international data tracking.
Yet its usage now has exploded, to the point that the renminbi is now the 5th most widely used currency in global payments, ahead of the Canadian dollar and Swiss franc.
But now they’ve gone and screwed it all up.
The absurd bubbles in China’s stock markets have burst. But rather than let the market take its natural course, the Chinese government has stepped in to ‘manage’ the crisis with the most mystifying, baffling steps imaginable.
Their early anti-crisis actions included slashing interest rates and reserve ratios to ‘encourage’ banks to keep lending.
Then they actively prompted small investors to dive headfirst into the marketplace, even suggesting that people offer up their homes as collateral to buy stocks on margin.
Now they’ve resorted to halting trades-- half of Chinese stocks are now suspended. You can’t buy them. Or sell.
In fact they’re banning large buyers from selling. And they’re even threatening to jail short-selling investors who profit from stocks declining.
These measures won’t work. Every bubble eventually bursts, and there’s nothing they can do to prevent it.
More importantly, though, China has singlehandedly destroyed much of the credibility they spent years building.
Just when people were starting to get over the credibility hump, the Chinese government went and did all these ridiculous things. Now everyone’s back to thinking, “Same old China...”
The trust is gone.
We can absolutely expect a lot of the wind to be taken out of the renminbi sails, slowing its rise to challenge the dollar as the dominant reserve currency.
Undoubtedly China’s long-term future is very bright. But this is a major setback. It’s not that the market is crashing-- it's how the government is responding.
Later this year the IMF is supposed to decide whether or not to include the renminbi in their ‘SDR’ pseudo-currency basket.
This is something that would be a major step in re-aligning global finance. And it’s a big deal because the vote only comes once every five years.
Until now, the IMF was practically backed into a corner. They had no choice but to let China into the club.
But now they have all the ammunition they need to deny China, yet again, for another five years.
They can point to this incident and say, “Due to the unstable nature of China’s capital markets and regulatory environment, we will not include the renminbi at this time.”
And that, ladies and gentlemen, keeps the US dollar in the driver’s seat for the next five years.
Let’s put it another way: the currency issued by one of the most pitifully capitalized central banks in the world, backed by the greatest debtor that has ever existed in human history, will dominate the world for another five years.
This practically gives Uncle Sam carte blanche to spend the next five years completely unchecked by competition, going even deeper into debt and making their problems even worse.
The bubble in China may be bursting. But the bubble in America is about to get even bigger.
Until tomorrow,
Simon Black
P.S. Yesterday, it took Nigel Farage just four minutes to completely destroy every argument supporting the Eurozone.
Click here to watch the video.
Neither this email nor content posted on the website is intended to provide personal tax or financial advice. Before undertaking any action described in this letter, financial or otherwise, you should discuss your options with a qualified advisor-- tax accountant, financial planner, attorney, priest, IRS auditor, Bernie Madoff, etc.

Blacksmith Global Ltd.
Publisher of Sovereign Man
30 Cecil Street #19-08
Singapore, Singapore - No State 049712




We The People, Sheriffs, and Larry Klayman,

It is time for every American, primarily in the Law Enforcement area, to get a FOIA request on the Charter of THE FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM on every office nationwide, but primarily in WASHINGTON D.C., u.s.a.!

The Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) is a law that gives you the right to access information from the federal government.

Reports have come out that the New York Federal Reserve Private business does not have a Legal Private Corporation Charter and its primary business has moved to Chicago.

This comes to the point that the FEDERAL RESERVE NOTE is appearing to be a real FIAT (phoney) currency that We The People are to use as Constitutional Money, and most banks refuse to use the acceptance of Gold, Silver, or Personal Promissory Notes approved of by the Bill of Exchange Act 34 of 1964 and the HJR 192 of JUNE 5, 1933 to pay for any debts or loans.

If it comes down that THE FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM at any office in the States does NOT have a Private Corporation Charter then it is to be absolute that they are committing felonies and is backed without problems by THE UNITED STATES, INC. who has committed crimes since 1861.


Bankstas - You Were Warned 8 Years Ago

Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Bankstas - You Were Warned 8 Years Ago

Bankstas - you were warned 8 years ago what was coming and you took no actions to avoid this calmaty that we all must face now.

(((Please pray that those destroying America are immediately and completely flattened)))

I was yelled at by the FBI, US Marshals and Secret Service for interfering with your Nuclear War and attempts at assassination presidents around the world. Your response was to allow some Freaks in the FBI to steal my money and make this Ambassador Homeless --- so I used the back of my Pick Up Truck and a portable computer to find out exactly why.

Eight years is a time of Completion for GOD. You had 8 years to make it right and you have used every excuse to come against me.

It's GOD's turn now.

I have been told by two different  sources that it is getting very lonely up top with the lead Bankstas - it will get worse every day until you do as GOD has directed. So here is how it began:

1) A few week ago your Red Dragon Ambassador was called out in a conference in Virginia about these promised Prosperity Funds and he backed down, stating he would use the funds to invest in solid business deals - the idea of Prosperity Funds was a lie. His Family Members lied about the St Germain (Marco Polo) Funds.

2) I warned the Red Chinese here in this media that their markets would fall unless they called. Do not give me an excuse and a Chinese Consulate Lap Dog lives 30 miles north of this Ambassador.

3) Voila - just like they were told their markets are falling and will continue to fall hard --- they still need to call me yet they ignore me --- their excuse: Their Is No God, the hundreds of Presidential Assassinations and Nuclear False flags stopped was all a ---- Coincidence.

Well - GOD was not impressed with their excuse as their markets fell again today

4) In retaliation for their markets crashing they took down the New York Stock Exchange today - so it was shut down until the Chinese Hackers were shut out of the NYSE. The rest of the World Markets will now follow.

5) What do you  think the Rothchilds will now do to the Chinese Markets - considering their Yuan belongs to them - as do all currencies world wide?

Yeah - it has begun - the Financial War - and the heat will be turned up by the Living GOD as they attack each other relentlessly.

The White Dragons will now have a hard time keeping the members of the Chinese Bankstas alive until they do as GOD has directed them to do.

(((Wait until the Rothchilds figure out the FBI lost them Trillions today)))

In the mean time the CIA and FBI seem awful busy as they have been attacking the US Infrastructure.

There were 11 attacks on the US Electrical Infrastructure last month by these FBI paid Mercenaries and they also have been destroying one train a week in the US carrying chemicals they are exploding in America and destroying America's Ground Water and killing hundreds of Americans.

Than you FBI for randomly killing more Americans for fun.

Further - the Ukraine has mover 2,500 National Guard Troops from their "NAZI Battalion" to Fort Collins to begin training on how to detonate Nuclear Weapons and Chemical Weapons using time delayed fuses. They answer to the US State Department Corporation not the Department of Defense Corporation, they have been regulated to a secondary role.

These are the troops they will use to set of Nukes around the world.

Finally - it appears that the US SS - Homeland Security - has killed 5 doctors that practice Alternate Medicine here in America. It's Called Murder directed form the White House.

Doctors - Arm Yourselves and please remember - the local Cops are filled with these  "SS" Hit Men so always call in a routine stop to find out if you are being stopped by real cops and NEVER travel alone. Never.

And please do not forget to Zeig Heil.

One Last Note Bankstas - You Cannot Hide. There is no place on Earth that is safe until you do as GOD has directed you to do.

Just as surely as Obama ran form the White House 4 July on a warning from GOD - so to YOU have been warned by the Living GOD and please remember - Hell (and Dimension, 10th Harmonics) is forever.

Please also keep in mind Bankstas - when the Nukes Fly YOU will be first - GOD does NOT lie. may i suggest you do as GOD has asked to you to?


The News You Need

Dr William B. Mount

Hipknowsys: Benjamin Fulford - July 6, 2015: Top secret negotiations continue as Greek “No” vote pressures Western oligarchy to surrender

China shares: Regulator takes action after slide - BBC News

Dow ends down 261 as NYSE shutdown stuns markets

All spelling errors brought to you by the Rainbow Boys of US Army Cyber Command.

WUA - Recruit Western Girls Into Sex Slavery

500 Female ISIS Members Working on Twitter to Recruit Western Girls Into Sex Slavery
July 7, 2015 By Colleen Conley

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It has been reported for some time that The Islamic State uses social media in an extremely effective manner to recruit jihadists from the western world.
Thousands of young men have left their homes in Europe and the United States to join up with ISIS in Syria and Iraq.
But a little known secret has just been discovered about the terror groups’ efforts at recruiting western women.  And it is the women of ISIS who are luring them in with promises of marriage.
In May, a U.S. special operations mission in Syria killed one of the top men for ISIS, Abu Sayyaf, and captured his wife Umm Sayyaf.  As an active participant in ISIS, Umm Sayyaf has proven to be  treasure trove of human intelligence about the role of women in the Islamic State’s vast sex-slave operations.
It is little known that ISIS has had remarkable success in recruiting women, even though the most naive young recruit knows a life of second-class status awaits them in the barbaric terror group’s patriarchy.
Some of them change their minds once they get a close-up look at daily life in the Islamic State. The UK Daily Mail relates the testimony of a 23-year-old Syrian woman who defected from ISIS after holding a “senior role” in the women’s network and now seeks to warn potential recruits of what awaits them. “The caliphate is not what you think it is,” she said to ISIS-curious women. “Women are raped, sold, and stoned. Corpses are on display publicly for weeks.” European girls at the Turkish border are gathered and delivered to the Islamic State capital of Raqqa for indoctrination and marriage.
Sayyaf has provided details about how the women’s network within ISIS functions as a parallel, inferior system under the command of the male-dominated operations. According to Umm Sayyaf, ISIS is dependent on its women to “keep and retain fighters and run the state.”
The Daily Beast reports:
On the lower rungs of ISIS, women are tasked primarily with serving the sexual needs of ISIS’s male members, maintaining a home and producing future ISIS fighters, U.S. officials and counterterrorism experts said. In addition, in the territories that ISIS controls, there are women who work for the religious police, or Al-Khanssaa Brigade, ensuring other women are abiding by ISIS’s strict religious and social standards. Often they are Arab women who can tell others when they are not abiding by the rules. There are female spies there to make sure other women stay in line. And still others facilitate a sex slave trade, assessing other women or arranging temporary marriages for them.
Women are promised as brides to male ISIS recruits—brides who have been trained at a hostel to serve a proper submissive role. “Men who seek to live in strict jihadist interpretation of Islam also enjoy the promise of a wife whose life will mainly be at home,” the Daily Beast notes.
Women also figure prominently in the Islamic State’s online recruiting effort, with some 500 of them working on Twitter.
Teaching our daughters about what truly awaits them in the “caliphate,” could be an effective counter to the aggressive ISIS presence on social media.
President Obama believes we can win over ISIS with “ideas.” When are liberal women going to challenge him as their sisters are brutalized under the worst offenders of human rights that exists today?

DR. WILLIAM MOUNT: >>Super Soldier Tells All

William Mount
Super Soldier Tells All
Tue Jul 7, 2015

Super Soldier Tells All

Many thanks to Project Camelot and Kerry Cassidy

MK Ultra Project Camelot Super Human Soldiers - YouTube


Go to You Tube and type: Super Soldier Tells All

You will learn about reptilians, the fall of Atlantis, Alien Wars, 
the Fourth Reich, etc.

Thanks to Project Camelot

Dr William B. Mount

BOOM: It Took Just 3 Minutes For Trey Gowdy to Leave the Media in Stunned Silence [VIDEO]

WOW: What Trey Gowdy Just Said Will SCARE THE HELL Out of Barack Obama! |

IMF To Make Huge Announcement In October

IMF To Make Huge Announcement In October That Will Change Everything In The U.S.?

Tuesday, July 7, 2015 13:49
By Lisa Haven 
One of the most powerful and manipulative groups in the world, the International Monetary Fund (IMF), is predicted by Dr. Steve Sjuggerud to announce on October 20th of this year a new world reserve currency alternative to the U.S. dollar.
According to Dr. Steve Sjuggerud, a currency expert who was featured on CNBC and Bloomberg,
“I’ve been active in the markets for over two decades now… but I’ve never seen anything that could move so much money, so quickly. Hundreds of billions of dollars could change hands in a single day after this announcement is made.”
“The announcement will start a domino effect, that will basically determine who in America gets rich in the years to come… and who struggles.” 
The IMF is a globalist organization and known for monitoring the financial health of more than 185 countries, establishing global money laws, and providing “bail-out’s” to nations. They have a lot of power behind them and are capable of accomplishing the task if it so plays out… 
Here is the breaking report… 

The announcement may or may not come in October.  However, I do believe the announcement will eventually arrive. Many believe it could be the Chinese Yuan that takes the place as the New World Reserve Currency; however, only time will tell… 


THE ELITE ALREADY HAULED  A_ _ to their underground... heard that last night.

not verified....

just in case everything falls apart... LOVE YOU ALL... HOPE YOU ARE PREPARED...




Sent: Wed, Jul 8, 2015 1:07 pm
Subject: JIm Mccanney 7/05/15 posting..

Wow folks. Sitting here in my Grandma's basement because I don't have "anything else to do"...As much as McCanney doesn't want to believe in the ONE FAMOUS PLANET X object headed our way, he DOES go "out of his way" though to perform a 2-month observation AGAIN of our Southern Hemisphere.. hhhhhmmmmmmmmmm...Perhaps "Terral 03" IS correct in the sense that Planet X is ACTUALLY at the "feet of Libra" RIGHT NOW.. Terral also states that it "can't be seen" anyways due it's "black hole-type" properties & like the Bible says, we wont see it ANYWAYS until it's "virtually right over us"...Now Mccanney thinks Harrington was "really" looking for Hale-Bopp !!!!  Come on man.... Like Mccanney stating that the Current uptick in Earthquakes & "in diverse places" is actually a result of the Earth "calming down" from Thousands of Years ago !!!!!!

Mccanney also will NOT directly reply to the thought of him doing that Tv show back in 2003 or 2004 on 'The Cutting Edge', whereby he CLEARLY STATED that "we are now aware of another BIG object coming into our Solar system from the South" !!!! And you folks can order a HARD COPY of the DVD from Jim Rodgers himself to VERIFY this... "Nothing taken out of context here".. NO haste Copy & paste Job !!!!!!!


July 05, 2015 posting ... EXTREMELY IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT ... i just finished personally an exhaustive astronomical search of the southern hemisphere sky during the months of may and june and AT THIS TIME there is no sign of an astronomical large comet coming in from the south in the region that Harrington was looking (or in fact in the southern sky in this direction) ... this is an area of the sky only visible during the months of may and june ... i am back from my trip so i can make this very important announcement ... this means that with equipment of better quality than was used by Harrington of the Naval Observatory in 1991 which was an 8" astrograph camera (prior to his demise) in the NASA contracted "Search for Planet X" ... there is no current comet coming into the solar system within the limits of good astronomical equipment (larger telescopes including infrared telescopes could possibly detect objects too faint for my equipment but my work was to compare with what harrington was using in 1991) ... i did this to verify a prior belief of mine ... that what harrington was seeing in his "blink comparison" data was Hale Bopp coming in because the area Harrington was observing was exactly where Hale Bopp came from ... remember that hale bopp was very much a perfect example of a new planet forming from a comet and very much a planet x object with many "action at a distance" effects on earth... however the Hopi Indian Elder legends (regarding which i was an expert source on a History Channel Special) held that there would be a second object (what they called the Red Kachina) following Hale Bopp (the Blue Kachina ... their terms not mine) ... the Hopi believed the follow up object was much larger but would follow just 5 to 10 years after the blue kachina ... i have explained extensively that the original orbit of Hale Bopp was on a near direct collision course with earth but since it slowed down in its orbit due to the 3 years of "tail drag" (see my Plasma Discharge Comet Model) it missed earth by a full three months (we had advanced 3 months in our orbit) ... what does this mean ??? it appears that harrington was looking at Hale Bopp before it discharged the distant solar capacitor and this is what was pulling down on Neptune and Uranus in his studies of those planets or at least was part of the solution ... but does that mean that there is no follow up "Red Kachina" ??? no not at all ... what this may mean is that Hale Bopp had its orbit reduced from its original prior orbit on the previous passage much more so than the red kachina which was larger ... coming into the solar system far ahead of the Red Kachina on the recent 1995 to 2001 solar system passage by more than the Hopi historical estimate of 5 to 10 years ... but by how much ??? we know hale bopp lost a good deal of its orbit coming in on an approximate 4200 year orbit and being reduced to a 2600 year orbit ... it is important now to keep vigilance on this area of the sky BUT remember that planet X objects can come in from any direction at any time ... this is just one possibility of thousands of the many planet X objects ... this is also the region where many sun grazing comets come from oddly enough (something i have covered extensively in my work) ... this is the key to understanding the true nature of the MANY planet X objects ... in the mean time you will all be barraged by phony accounts of planet x by the multitude of internet imposters ... when you want to understand the true nature of the topic of planet X come to this page ... jim mccanney

ICJ helping Greece, Problem Solved.

ICJ helping Greece, Problem Solved.

THE INTERNATIONAL COURT OF JUSTICE (ICJ) WORKS WITH US CAPITAL PRIVATE BANK (USCAP) TO OFFER AN ECONOMIC STIMULUS FINANCIAL RELIEF GRANT TOTALING ONE TRILLION EUROS FOR GREECE'S FINANCIAL RECOVERY 2 July 2015 (MMD Newswire) -- One World Media Reports - In a major meeting held in the Hong Kong offices of the International Court of Justice (ICJ) today, The Commissary Supreme Commander and the Sovereign Imperial Royal Family Head of the International Court of Justice (ICJ) and Sovereign Judge Sir Lord Windsor HRH Ricky Nathaniel, Holder of the ICJ Mainframes Co-Optics Judge and Judicial Bar Authority Number 445-AM01-15432 made his views and opinions known public to HRH David II a.k.a. Sir Judge Joseph David Jeremiah and to Sir Judge Jed Elia Schutz as the Directors and Trustees of US Capital Private Bank ETO, (USCAP) the world's largest Private Banking Institutional Trust of his official support of a plan for Global Economic Recovery. The ICJ and USCAP are developing a comprehensive strategy to assist Greece with a One Trillion Euro grant which will not only pay off its crushing debt, but serve to reinvigorate its stagnant economy by restructuring with the AID of the Global Economic Recovery Council. This economic plan supports every aspect from infrastructure development to micro-loans promoting sustainability. In exchange for the Non-Recourse Grant, the ICJ and USCAP will likely move to require lower taxes for the commercial sector, inviting new business to create jobs for the citizens while lowering the income taxes for its citizens, providing more cash flow for the retail sector. We intend to provide this grant by providing Gold Backed Collateral for The Central Bank, making available resources for the regulated issuance of new Gold Backed "ICJ" Stamped Euros valued at a higher rate (a prelude to the Global Economic Reset) which will provide for debt free liquidity. Through fractionalization of deposits into the system, the country will be able to refinance existing debt at almost zero percent, thus eliminating debt through sustainable valuation and currency controls. US Capital Private Bank and The ICJ will provide sustainable growth through sound financial policy eliminating politics from the mix. HRH David II a.k.a. Sir Judge David Jeremiah and Sir Judge Jed Elia Schutz, are now also on the Sovereign Board of the ICJ as its respectable Special Judges and esteemed Trustees for the Sovereign Royal Imperial Capitol Hill Senatorial Committee of 300 Elders. Together they have agreed to help resolve the ongoing Eurozone crisis and the trade imbalance defaults which have lead the Government of Greece and its citizens into the quagmire of continued fiscal debt and untold misery that has been spiraling out of control for almost a decade." Sir Judge Joseph David Jeremiah, founder and Principal Trustee of US CAPITAL PRIVATE BANK / U.S. CAPITAL II INVESTMENTS (HK), commented "We can no longer idly sit and watch as the people of this once great nation suffer. It's spreading all over the world and, unchecked, it can cause a global financial meltdown. The only solution is a replacement of fiat currency by backing the country's currency with Gold. While we fully intend to complete this important grant and assist Greece and its wonderful people in the rebuilding of its proud nation, this must be done with the guidance of the International Court of Justice so that these new funds are used and administered wisely for the benefit of all the people and for the greater good. It is humbling to be a part of such an important process." "It is a great honor having been named both a Trustee of USCAP and a Judge of the ICJ," added Sir Judge Jed Elia Schutz. He continued "Working on these most urgent global solutions is as gratifying as it is challenging. We are also aggregating and integrating best of breed green technologies through the Bank's greentech platform company (CAS) Cino American Synergies with project funding from US Capital Private Bank. Along with Precise Ventures, we seek to bring the cutting edge of green innovation while providing economic stimulus for developing and rebuilding nations." In addition to the offer for Greece, USCAP and the ICJ are creating similar offers for other countries in similar debt crises. US Capital Private Bank provides Project funding resources worldwide for economic, social and humanitarian endeavors. US CAPITAL PRIVATE BANK (USCAP) For More Information, email: Rooms 05-15, 13A/South Tower, World Finance Centre, Harbour City, 17 Canton Road, Tsim Sha Tsui, Kowloon, Hong Kong The Global Resource Network



White People documentary hosted by illegal immigrant features young Americans crying over their "white privilege"
MTV will air a show later this month entitled White People which shows young white Americans crying on camera over their “white privilege” and publicly shaming them for “what they’ve done in America”.
No, this is not a joke. The documentary is hosted by Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist Jose Antonio Vargas, an illegal immigrant and amnesty activist who has worked for the Washington Post and the Huffington Post.
The trailer for the show, which has been widely criticized by YouTube respondents, features white people expressing angst about how they are desperate not to appear “racist” or “offend people.”
According to Kimberly Ricci, the documentary forces the participants “to internalize what they’ve done in America” – in other words, this a huge exercise in white guilt tripping for public consumption.
An MTV write up of the show also explains how Vargas talks to young Native Americans who feel that European settlers did not ‘save the country’.
“They are the ones who invaded. They are the ones who took,” says Vargas.
In the interests of balance, when will Vargas be fronting a show called Black People that collectively blames all black people for black crime statistics, including the fact that black people in America commit over half of homicides despite making up only 13 per cent of the population?
How about the fact that despite being outnumbered by whites five to one, blacks commit eight times more crimes against whites than vice-versa?
How about the fact that interracial rapes are almost exclusively black on white?
How about the Barbary slave trade, under which over 1 million white Christian Europeans were enslaved in North Africa until the middle of the 18th century?
Are black people going to be shown crying on camera having been shamed into taking responsibility for all of this? No, because that would be racist. But according to MTV and Vargas, subjecting someone to trial by media purely because of their skin color is perfectly acceptable – so long as they are white.
This documentary represents the culmination of years of race-baiting and racial division which is being driven by the mass media and the Obama White House, tensions which have rapidly accelerated since the Ferguson and Baltimore riots.
Responses to the video trailer on YouTube were savage, with the clip receiving twice as many ‘thumbs down’ in comparison to ‘thumbs up’.
“I’m black, even I know this show is straight up racist. Only because it’s stereotyping white people, all white INDIVIDUALS are not like that,” wrote one respondent.
“You want an uncomfortable conversation on race? Let’s talk about violent crime stats shall we? No? I get it, you only want white people to feel uncomfortable,” added another.
“Fuck you MTV, I will NEVER apologize for the skin I was born with, nor will I apologize for being a male, or for being straight,” another respondent asserted.
However, many in the liberal media are celebrating the show, with Kristen Yoonsoo remarking how pleased she is about the fact that, “lots of white people tears lie ahead.”
“It’s always a good time poking fun at white people,” she concludes.

Jade Helm 15, heavily scrutinized military exercise, to open without media access

Jade Helm 15, heavily scrutinized military exercise, to open without media access

An Army Special Forces soldier fires an M240 machine gun April 22, 2015, at a firing range in Camp Shelby, Miss. (Photo by Staff Sgt. Osvaldo Equite/ U.S. Army)
Jade Helm 15, the controversial Special Operations exercise that spawned a wave of conspiracy theories about a government takeover, will open next week without any media allowed to observe it, a military spokesman said.
Embedded reporters won’t be permitted at any point during the exercise, in which military officials say that secretive Special Operations troops will maneuver through private and publicly owned land in several southern states. Lt. Col. Mark Lastoria, a spokesman for Army Special Operations Command, said his organization is considering allowing a small number of journalists to view selected portions of the exercise later this summer, but nothing is finalized.
“All requests from the media for interviews and coverage of U.S. Army Special Operations Command personnel, organizations and events are assessed for feasibility and granted when and where possible,” Lastoria said in a statement released Wednesday to The Washington Post. “We are dedicated to communicating with the public, while balancing that against the application of operations security and other factors.”
The exercise is scheduled for July 15 through September 15 and is expected to include more than 1,200 troops. Army Special Operations Command announced the exercise in March, saying its size and scope would set it apart from most training exercises. For months, some protesters have said Jade Helm is setting the stage for future martial law. Those fears have been mocked by comedians such as Jon Stewart and others, and the U.S. military has tried to reassure people about the exercise.
No, Jade Helm isn't a military takeover of Texas(2:39)
The Army says the size and scope of Jade Helm 15, a Special Operations exercise that begins in July, set it apart from other training exercises. Also setting it apart: The widespread conspiracy theories that the U.S. is preparing to hatch martial law. The Post's Dan Lamothe explains. (Tom LeGro/The Washington Post)
Texas Gov. Greg Abbott, a Republican, called in April for the Texas State Guard to monitor the exercise, drawing a new wave of attention to Jade Helm and criticism from people who said he was fanning the hysteria. He defended the decision, saying it would improve communication between Special Operations forces and civilians in Texas.
The Washington Post has several times requested access to observe the exercise, making the case to the military that first-hand media coverage would help explain the mission. Lastoria said it is not possible to allow a journalist to travel with Special Operations forces in the field, citing the isolated nature of the mission and the need to protect the identity of the forces involved.
The military has granted access to Special Operations in the past, however. In one recent example, a journalist observed the exercise Robin Sage in North Carolina, writing a profile for Our State, a magazine. The exercise is considered a final test for Green Beret soldiers in training and calls for them to work through a scenario in which they organize a guerrilla force to overthrow the government of the fictional nation of Pineland.
The media also has been granted access to Special Operations forces overseas for occasional media reports and books, including the 2011 book “The Wrong War,” by Bing West, and the 2013 work “One Hundred Victories,” by Linda Robinson.
Lastoria said Jade Helm is no longer as large as it was described on briefing slides published on the Internet in March. This map drew widespread attention at the time:

This map shows a tentative military plan for the exercise Jade Helm 15, which begins in July. (U.S. Army Special Operations Command map)
Lastoria said it will include about 200 Special Operations forces and 300 additional support personnel for most of the exercise. Seven hundred members of the Army’s 82nd Airborne Division also will travel to Texas and train as part of Jade Helm for about five days in August, he added.
The exercise will be coordinated and led from Eglin Air Force Base in western Florida, where the Army’s 7th Special Forces Group is based. Parts of it will occur at Camp Bullis and Camp Swift in Texas, Camp Shelby in Mississippi and Camp Beauregard in Louisiana.

Wednesday, July 8, 2015

The approaching F5 tornado no one noticed [read "very few" for "no one"]


Mat 24:21  For then be great tribulation [IMO, the 'approaching F5 tornado'], such as was not since the beginning of the world to this time, no, nor ever be 
Mat 24:22  And except those days should be shortened, there should no flesh be saved: but for the elect's sake those days be shortened.
Thanks be to the Father and the Creator for that shortening of those days! For more on the shortening of those days,  see
Cut Short, here: - World Class Investigative Truth

The approaching F5 tornado no one noticed
The end of everything, via the power of boycott


Jim Stone, July 8 2015

All other conspiracies aside, this is what I really believe the future holds.There is a war tactic taking place right now that is going to eventually irrevocably destroy everyone and force them to submit to endless irrevocable rule of tyranny. And it is the now almost complete Jewish takeover or control of retail stores. All of the major retail outlets are now under near complete Jewish control, and once this transition to total Jewish ownership of retail stores is complete, they will, with the power of boycott then proceed to wipe out all non Jewish manufacturers by simply refusing to sell their products. After all the non Jewish manufacturers are destroyed and either submit to Jewish buyouts or go completely bankrupt, the Jews will own and control the entire product supply line and become the emperors, naming their price and requirements for everything. When I was in the Jewish community, they spoke about the power of boycott, and how it could be so easily used to totally wipe out their competitors. The other side of this story however, is that they themselves deeply fear boycott, because they know it can be used to damage them as well. This is precisely why they try to make it illegal to boycott products made in Israel. It is not a self image poor me thing, it is simple understanding of their own tactics and rule of economics.
Right now, practically all goods and services outside those produced in China are Jewish owned and controlled. Here is a short list. Your bank, JEWISH. Your telephone company is Jewish, they own the entire communications sector and made it that way because if they own the equipment, they OWN YOUR SECRETS, every last thing you say on the phone goes straight to a Jew, NSA not needed. Ditto for internet, they own virtually all access firms. And it did not happen by accident, it was their plan from the beginning to own communications so they could subsequently use that infrastructure to rape all secrets from the non Jewish population.
If you take any medications, the company that made them is Jewish. Most of the medical service firms and hospitals are Jewish as well. All universities and schools are completely Jewish controlled, even if they do not own them. They know that if they control medical, they can exert enormous control over your health, and that if they control the schools, they steer society their way. They did not overlook this. When you turn on the TV, you watch Jewish programming. Interesting they call it that. The only place non Jews have any strength left is in goods and services, and once the Jews own even those, to their entirety, which is the eventual assured future because they own our communications and finance, there will be no place remaining for a non Jew to have any chance of being anything other than what a Jew allows them to be.
Here is the final outcome of having all retail stores be Jewish, once they totally nail it - You will eat nothing but GMO foods because if it is natural they will boycott it and destroy the producer via bankruptcy, all the while their Kosher stores will stay safe. Eventually they will boycott any food products to be sold to non Jews where the manufacturer refuses to drug them in a way that causes the non Jewish population to be complacent. There will never be the daily pill as shown by Hollywood for the total control grid, this will all be accomplished via GMO foods that have been programmed to produce pacifying compounds as part of their genetic makeup and outright drugging of the food supply. And it will work, after all, you will starve if you do not eat. And this is PRECISELY why the Jews have done all they can to make private gardens illegal, especially those grown with non GMO seed. No one told me that is why they are banning gardens, but try to come up with a better reason.
Products will become over priced and shoddy. Most will be discontinued and there will only be one choice. You will see clothing variety vanish. You will see many types of products simply vanish. Over time, the selection will become less and less. Eventually items such as tools will become controlled items, especially power tools. Cars will eventually not be made, except for military and police use. There will be public transit with complete accountability and tracking. There will not be public air travel, pretty much starting at 50 years from now.
The end goal is to accomplish a 13th century level agrarian society for the non Jews, where the Jews rule with 21st century technology as gods over goy serfs, and eventually, after a couple centuries, perhaps 4 centuries from now, they will lose the ability to maintain the technologies we created, will lose control and then they will MAKE ANOTHER JEWISH HOLIDAY IN REMEMBRANCE OF HOW THEY ONCE AGAIN GOT SCREWED BECAUSE THEY LOST IT ALL, WHILE COMPLETELY LACKING THE WISDOM TO REALIZE WHY. It is a repeat cycle for them, and this time technology went far enough for them to exert tyranny for about 400 years. 400 years would be a record. But even that will end, they have not the wit or foresight for more than an eventual total loss. They are the parasite that invariably kills the host. They actually expect to maintain control forever, but I say they will not.
This time the loss will be terrible, because GMO plants will take over the wild, and all the foods for even the wild animals will be drugged, straight from the DNA they are made of. Bad for us, yes, but what will happen when the birds, rabbits, deer, you name it, eat that contaminated pacifying crap that destroys their will to fight to survive, as ALL OF THEM HAVE TO JUST TO MAKE IT IN THE WILD? Folks, the mass extinction is going to happen via drugged GMO plants that are eaten by wildlife, it is a fact, if you give wild animals antidepressants they do not mate, they start to hate each other, they will not exert the effort it takes to go through the process of finding food, they instead starve and if drugged GMO plants that were made to control people take over in the wild, this will be the final outcome - mass die offs of entire species. And the Jews have NOT THE WIT TO SEE IT.
And this final terrible outcome will have its deepest root in the total Jewish ownership or control of retail outlets NOW, and in the power of boycott.