Saturday, July 11, 2015

Admiral Richard B. Byrd’s Diary Feb/Mar 1947.....


( The Inner Earth My Secret Diary )

I must write this diary in secrecy and obscurity. It concerns my Arctic flight of the nineteenth day of February in the year of Nineteen and Forty Seven. 
There comes a time when the rationality of men must fade into insignificance and one must accept the inevitability of the Truth! I am not at liberty to disclose the following documentation at this writing …perhaps it shall never see the light of public scrutiny, but I must do my duty and record here for all to read one day. In a world of greed and exploitation of certain of mankind can no longer suppress that which is truth.
0600 Hours- All preparations are complete for our flight northward and we are airborne with full fuel tanks at 0610 Hours.
0620 Hours- fuel mixture on starboard engine seems too rich, adjustment made and Pratt Whittneys are running smoothly.
0730 Hours- Radio Check with base camp. All is well and radio reception is normal.
0740 Hours- Note slight oil leak in starboard engine, oil pressure indicator seems normal, however.
0800 Hours- Slight turbulence noted from easterly direction at altitude of 2321 feet, correction to 1700 feet, no further turbulence, but tail wind increases, slight adjustment in throttle controls, aircraft performing very well now.
0815 Hours- Radio Check with base camp, situation normal.
0830 Hours- Turbulence encountered again, increase altitude to 2900 feet, smooth flight conditions again.
0910 Hours- Vast Ice and snow below, note coloration of yellowish nature, and disperse in a linear pattern. Altering course foe a better examination of this color pattern below, note reddish or purple color also. Circle this area two full turns and return to assigned compass heading. Position check made again to base camp, and relay information concerning colorations in the Ice and snow below.
0910 Hours- Both Magnetic and Gyro compasses beginning to gyrate and wobble, we are unable to hold our heading by instrumentation. Take bearing with Sun compass, yet all seems well. The controls are seemingly slow to respond and have sluggish quality, but there is no indication of Icing!
0915 Hours- In the distance is what appears to be mountains.
0949 Hours- 29 minutes elapsed flight time from the first sighting of the mountains, it is no illusion. They are mountains and consisting of a small range that I have never seen before!
0955 Hours- Altitude change to 2950 feet, encountering strong turbulence again.
1000 Hours- We are crossing over the small mountain range and still proceeding northward as best as can be ascertained. Beyond the mountain range is what appears to be a valley with a small river or stream running through the center portion. There should be no green valley below! Something is definitely wrong and abnormal here! We should be over Ice and Snow! To the portside are great forests growing on the mountain slopes. Our navigation Instruments are still spinning, the gyroscope is oscillating back and forth!
1005 Hours- I alter altitude to 1400 feet and execute a sharp left turn to better examine the valley below. It is green with either moss or a type of tight knit grass. The Light here seems different. I cannot see the Sun anymore. We make another left turn and we spot what seems to be a large animal of some kind below us. It appears to be an elephant! NO!!! It looks more like a mammoth! This is incredible! Yet, there it is! Decrease altitude to 1000 feet and take binoculars to better examine the animal. It is confirmed – it is definitely a mammoth-like animal! Report this to base camp.
1030 Hours- Encountering more rolling green hills now. The external temperature indicator reads 74 degrees Fahrenheit! Continuing on our heading now. Navigation instruments seem normal now. I am puzzled over their actions. Attempt to contact base camp. Radio is not functioning!
1130 Hours- Countryside below is more level and normal (if I may use that word). Ahead we spot what seems to be a city!!!! This is impossible! Aircraft seems light and oddly buoyant. The controls refuse to respond!! My GOD!!! Off our port and starboard wings are a strange type of aircraft. They are closing rapidly alongside! They are disc-shaped and have a radiant quality to them. They are close enough now to see the markings on them. It is a type of Swastika!!! This is fantastic. Where are we! What has happened. I tug at the controls again. They will not respond!!!! We are caught in an invisible vice grip of some type!
1135 Hours- Our radio crackles and a voice comes through in English with what perhaps is a slight Nordic or Germanic accent! The message is: ‘Welcome, Admiral, to our domain. We shall land you in exactly seven minutes! Relax, Admiral, you are in good hands.’ I note the engines of our plane have stopped running! The aircraft is under some strange control and is now turning itself. The controls are useless.
1140 Hours- Another radio message received. We begin the landing process now, and in moments the plane shudders slightly, and begins a descent as though caught in some great unseen elevator! The downward motion is negligible, and we touch down with only a slight jolt!
1145 Hours- I am making a hasty last entry in the flight log. Several men are approaching on foot toward our aircraft. They are tall with blond hair. In the distance is a large shimmering city pulsating with rainbow hues of color. I do not know what is going to happen now, but I see no signs of weapons on those approaching. I hear now a voice ordering me by name to open the cargo door. I comply.
End Log


“From this point I write all the following events here from memory. It defies the imagination and would seem all but madness if it had not happened.
The radioman and I are taken from the aircraft and we are received in a most cordial manner. We were then boarded on a small platform-like conveyance with no wheels! It moves us toward the glowing city with great swiftness. As we approach, the city seems to be made of a crystal material. Soon we arrive at a large building that is a type I have never seen before. It appears to be right out of the design board of Frank Lloyd Wright, or perhaps more correctly, out of a Buck Rogers setting!! We are given some type of warm beverage which tasted like nothing I have ever savored before. It is delicious. After about ten minutes, two of our wondrous appearing hosts come to our quarters and announce that I am to accompany them. I have no choice but to comply. I leave my radioman behind and we walk a short distance and enter into what seems to be an elevator. We descend downward for some moments, the machine stops, and the door lifts silently upward! We then proceed down a long hallway that is lit by a rose-colored light that seems to be emanating from the very walls themselves! One of the beings motions for us to stop before a great door. Over the door is an inscription that I cannot read. The great door slides noiselessly open and I am beckoned to enter.One of my hosts speaks. ‘Have no fear, Admiral, you are to have an audience with the Master…’ I step inside and my eyes adjust to the beautiful coloration that seems to be filling the room completely. Then I begin to see my surroundings. What greeted my eyes is the most beautiful sight of my entire existence. It is in fact too beautiful and wondrous to describe. It is exquisite and delicate. I do not think there exists a human term that can describe it in any detail with justice! My thoughts are interrupted in a cordial manner by a warm rich voice of melodious quality, ‘I bid you welcome to our domain, Admiral.’ I see a man with delicate features and with the etching of years upon his face. He is seated at a long table. He motions me to sit down in one of the chairs. After I am seated, he places his fingertips together and smiles. He speaks softly again, and conveys the following. ‘We have let you enter here because you are of noble character and well-known on the Surface World, Admiral.’ Surface World, I half-gasp under my breath! ‘Yes,” the Master replies with a smile, ‘you are in the domain of the Arianni, the Inner World of the Earth. We shall not long delay your mission, and you will be safely escorted back to the surface and for a distance beyond. But now, Admiral, I shall tell you why you have been summoned here.
“Our interest rightly begins just after your race exploded the first atomic bombs over Hiroshima and Nagasaki, Japan. It was at that alarming time we sent our flying machines, the “Flugelrads”, to your surface world to investigate what your race had done. That is, of course, past history now, my dear Admiral, but I must continue on. You see, we have never interfered before in your race’s wars, and barbarity, but now we must, for you have learned to tamper with a certain power that is not for man, namely, that of atomic energy. Our emissaries have already delivered messages to the powers of your world, and yet they do not heed. Now you have been chosen to be witness here that our world does exist. You see, our Culture and Science is many thousands of years beyond your race, Admiral.’ I interrupted, ‘But what does this have to do with me, Sir?’ The Master’s eyes seemed to penetrate deeply into my mind, and after studying me for a few moments he replied, ‘Your race has now reached the point of no return, for there are those among you who would destroy your very world rather than relinquish their power as they know it…’ I nodded, and the Master continued, ‘In 1945 and afterward, we tried to contact your race, but our efforts were met with hostility, our Flugelrads were fired upon. Yes, even pursued with malice and animosity by your fighter planes. So, now, I say to you, my son, there is a great storm gathering in your world, a black fury that will not spend itself for many years. There will be no answer in your arms, there will be no safety in your science. It may rage on until every flower of your culture is trampled, and all human things are leveled in vast chaos. Your recent war was only a prelude of what is yet to come for your race. We here see it more clearly with each hour.. do you say I am mistaken?’
‘No,’ I answer, ‘it happened once before, the dark ages came and they lasted for more than five hundred years.’ ‘Yes, my son,’ replied the Master, ‘the dark ages that will come now for your race will cover the Earth like a pall, but I believe that some of your race will live through the storm, beyond that, I cannot say. We see at a great distance a new world stirring from the ruins of your race, seeking its lost and legendary treasures, and they will be here, my son, safe in our keeping. When that time arrives, we shall come forward again to help revive your culture and your race.
Perhaps, by then, you will have learned the futility of war and its strife…and after that time, certain of your culture and science will be returned for your race to begin anew. You, my son, are to return to the Surface World with this message…..’ With these closing words, our meeting seemed at an end. I stood for a moment as in a dream….but, yet, I knew this was reality, and for some strange reason I bowed slightly, either out of respect or humility, I do not know which.
Suddenly, I was again aware that the two beautiful hosts who had brought me here were again at my side. ‘This way, Admiral,’ motioned one. I turned once more before leaving and looked back toward the Master. A gentle smile was etched on his delicate and ancient face.
‘Farewell, my son,’ he spoke, then he gestured with a lovely, slender hand a motion of peace and our meeting was truly ended.
Quickly, we walked back through the great door of the Master’s chamber and once again entered into the elevator. The door slid silently downward and we were at once going upward. One of my hosts spoke again, ‘We must now make haste, Admiral, as the Master desires to delay you no longer on your scheduled timetable and you must return with his message to your race.’ I said nothing. All of this was almost beyond belief, and once again my thoughts were interrupted as we stopped. I entered the room and was again with my radioman. He had an anxious expression on his face.
As I approached, I said, ‘It is all right, Howie, it is all right.’ The two beings motioned us toward the awaiting conveyance, we boarded, and soon arrived back at the aircraft. The engines were idling and we boarded immediately. The whole atmosphere seemed charged now with a certain air of urgency. After the cargo door was closed the aircraft was immediately lifted by that unseen force until we reached an altitude of 2700 feet. Two of the aircraft were alongside for some distance guiding us on our return way. I must state here, the airspeed indicator registered no reading, yet we were moving along at a very rapid rate.
215 Hours- A radio message comes through. ‘We are leaving you now, Admiral, your controls are free. Auf Wiedersehen!!!!’ We watched for a moment as the flugelrads disappeared into the pale blue sky.
The aircraft suddenly felt as though caught in a sharp downdraft for a moment. We quickly recovered her control. We do not speak for some time, each man has his thoughts….
220 Hours- We are again over vast areas of ice and snow, and approximately 27 minutes from base camp. We radio them, they respond.
We report all conditions normal….normal. Base camp expresses relief at our re-established contact.300 Hours- We land smoothly at base camp. I have a mission…..
March 11, 1947. I have just attended a staff meeting at the Pentagon.
I have stated fully my discovery and the message from the Master. All is duly recorded. The President has been advised. I am now detained for several hours (six hours, thirty-nine minutes, to be exact.) I am interviewed intently by Top Security Forces and a medical team. It was an ordeal!!!! I am placed under strict control via the national security provisions of this United States of America. I am ORDERED TO REMAIN SILENT IN REGARD TO ALL THAT I HAVE LEARNED, ON THE BEHALF OF HUMANITY1111 Incredible! I am reminded that I am a military man and I must obey orders.
30/12/56: FINAL ENTRY:
These last few years elapsed since 1947 have not been kind…I now make my final entry in this singular diary. In closing, I must state that I have faithfully kept this matter secret as directed all these years. It has been completely against my values of moral right. Now, I seem to sense the long night coming on and this secret will not die with me, but as all truth shall, it will triumph and so it shall.
This can be the only hope for mankind. I have seen the truth and it has quickened my spirit and has set me free! I have done my duty toward the monstrous military industrial complex. Now, the long night begins to approach, but there shall be no end. Just as the long night of the Arctic ends, the brilliant sunshine of Truth shall come again….and those who are of darkness shall fall in it’s Light…FOR I HAVE SEEN THAT LAND BEYOND THE POLE, THAT CENTER OF THE GREAT UNKNOWN.


How Much Is $100 Actually Worth

Map: How Much Is $100 Actually Worth in Your State?

Image source: Tax Foundation
Image source: Tax Foundation
Here’s where the relative value of $100 is the most:
Mississippi ($115.21)
Arkansas ($114.29)
South Dakota ($114.16)
Alabama ($114.03)
West Virginia ($113.12)
And where the relative value of $100 is the least:
Washington, D.C. ($84.96)
Hawaii ($86.06)
New York ($86.73)
New Jersey ($87.34)
California ($89.05.
The map shows that the relative value of $100 is less in most northeastern states, with the exception of Maine, Rhode Island and Pennsylvania, where it’s $102.35, $101.94 and $101.42, respectively.
But a Benjamin won’t pack the same punch in states like New York ($86.73) and Massachusetts ($93.20). Meanwhile, the relative value of $100 is the least in the nation’s capital, at just $84.96.
States in the west fared considerably better than those in the east, with the exception of California and Colorado. The relative value of $100 in those two states is $89.05 and $97.85, respectively.
But in every single Southern state, the relative value of $100 is more than the actual amount. The same is true of Midwestern states, with the exception of Illinois, where the relative value of $100 is $99.01.
According to the Tax Foundation, the numbers are based on data it obtained from the Bureau of Economic Analysis, adjusted according to how much $100 can buy in every state and Washington, D.C.

(H/T: Huffington Post)

The Globalists Are Racing to World War III Before the American Sheeple Wake Up


The Globalists Are Racing to World War III Before the American Sheeple Wake Up

Image result for jade helm 15
Image result for jade helm 15
If you think the globalists are pushing pedal to the metal now, you’re absolutely right! Rapid acceleration toward their one world government has humanity on a fateful collision course to Armageddon.....
Just look at the unfolding events in 2015 so far with barely half the year over. The Charlie Hebdo attack in January came right after France moved to
recognize a sovereign Palestinian state. Clearly Hebdo was a false flag payback that only escalated movement toward more Orwellian tyranny and draconian police state oppression, not only in France but around the world.
Hebdo’s aftermath in Paris with world leaders gathered arm-in-arm flanked by a duped million plus strong waving their false freedom flags reeked of foul stench – a hideous pretense of staged mockery defiance. The pathetic irony is the very same terrorist acts they were protesting against are regularly and deceitfully perpetrated by those very same international crime cabal leaders who diabolically profit from their state-sponsored terrorism. Afterwards their ratings in popularity only surge (in the wake of the recent South Carolina mass killing, Obama recorded his highest approval ratings of over 50% since 2013) while their corrupt power only tightens the NWO noose of absolute control around the necks of the global masses as their treasonous leaders celebrate arm-in-arm liberty’s death march.
Meanwhile also by design, the West’s created Frankenstein monster on steroids ISIS spreads its reach of lustful destruction not only throughout the Middle East but into Africa, Europe and Eurasia as well. It’s now partnering up with Boko Haram and al-Shabaab terrorist groups in Africa and beyond. Despite this fact, flanked by his generals Obama just lied [again] claiming that “ISIS is losing ground.” The Islamic State on display staging their Christian beheadings provide weekly shock and awe theater for an aghast world audience. All the while a coalition of the willing that’s always been ISIS’ life support system – the US-NATO-Israeli-Saudi-Turkish governments – secretly finance, arm, protect, train and maintain the Islamic State’s expanding supply line.
The allied air campaign consisting of 15,245 air strikes from last August to May 2015 that is supposed to have wiped out the jihadist terrorists has likely killed as many innocent civilians and soldiers fighting against ISIS as killed ISIS terrorists. If nothing else, the extensive US bombing and drone attacks only create new enemies from victims’ families. Of course Obama and the Pentagon are fully aware of this fact. But then it fits right into their true agenda. A US Navy F-18 pilot anonymously went on record reporting that, “There were times I had groups of ISIS fighters in my sights, but couldn’t get clearance to engage.” This telling admission goes far in explaining both why the secret US agenda is to actually protect ISIS as the mercenary ally it created as well as why the US air campaign has “failed.” It’s all a demonic charade failing to hide US Empire’s true agenda to keep their fake war on terror a forever war of terror against all of humanity.
Have you ever seen the Islamic State enemy actually attacking and killing any Israelis?
The savage brutality of ISIS doesn’t stop globalist front men like Netanyahu from putting on his best caring bedside manner bringing good genocidal cheer to his injured jihadist mercenaries laid up in his Golan Heights hospital. Or perennial warmonger McCain back slapping smiles hamming it up before the cameras with his ISIS buddies during a photo-op break from plotting yet more secret global war strategy. It’s all too obvious the West’s hired gun in the Middle East is soon coming to a Jade Helm neighborhood this summer near you. After all, they’ve been busy training with the Mexican drug cartel all year long just eight miles from the open US border. That our treasonous NWO government crime syndicate and their new and improved brand of terrorist bad guys are no so strange bedfellows can’t come as a surprise to anyone who doesn’t have their head up their ass.
Just when the feeble façade that al Qaeda/ISIS are America’s enemy is uncovered as just another sinister propaganda lie, enter the latest demons from hell – Russia’s Putin joined by those cyber-hacking Chinese who just stole the emperors’ private clothes (four million gov.corps workers) in another worn out cold war episode fast boiling over into a likely full scale nuclear World War III. The Ukraine debacle has been a thinly veiled attempt to create yet another stale installment of the globalists’ created cold war.
Yet decades ago the US created Osama to defeat and help take down the mighty Soviet Empire in the “empire graveyard” Afghanistan throughout the 1980’s while trafficking in Bush-Clinton-CIA run cocaine in exchange for arming Reagan’s freedom-fighting death squad commandos butchering over 200,000 Central Americans. Supplying inner city ghettos of America with their war on drugs was a war against black Americans with which they quickly filled their privatized prisons (over half of the 2.3 million in US prisons are black mostly serving sentences for drug crimes), it also conveniently killed two birds with one crystal crack pipe stone, effectively creating a dependent US welfare state and the rise of a flourishing gangland culture all at the expense of people of color. The war on terror and war on drugs have served the globalist agenda extremely well, and though critics say America has lost both those wars, in reality from the evil psychopathic perspective, the globalists have won their New World Order with total victories on both “warfronts.”
So the US-created Osama and his al Qaeda terrorists once again came in handy throughout the 1990’s helping the Empire “balkanize” Yugoslavia into thirteen ineffectual failed states while using al Qaeda to make billions in profit from the international opium-heroin trade and installing US military bases for more warring in both the nearby Middle East and Eastern Europe. Then of course Osama’s stooges had their biggest mercenary moment in history playing convenient Oswald-like patsies in the neocons’ “Pearl Harbor-like event” called 9/11, the inside job costing 3000 American lives so that the Bush-Cheney war criminals could check off one more notch on their seven nation regime change gun.
Of course the Iraq War was based on infamously orchestrated lies used to take out Saddam’s nonexistent WMD’s and his nonexistent link to terrorism. His real crime like Gaddafi’s was rejecting the US petrodollar. Destroy a nation a second time around by a second Bush despot in order to launch their long planned war of terror using their national security card also allowed for the complete dismantling of the US Constitution as America’s two plus century old rule of law.
It all unfolded so well that their Manchurian candidate president dancing in blackface step to the globalist tune criminally facilitated power-grabbing dictatorial control with dozens of executive orders, just in time for the Jade Helm operation to go live in response to an upcoming planned false flag that delivers his excuse to declare martial law. This scripted formula’s been the plain-to-see writing on the US wall for some time. But this year the globalists are racing to pull it off before a pissed off American population finally wakes up and starts fighting back. With their backs up against the feds’ firing squad wall, in self-defense awakened US citizens are desperately trying to take back their long lost republic and once guaranteed civil liberties.
Despite controlling all six mega-media corporations that control over 90% of the news information outflow, the globalists and their DC puppets have realized no one is hardly paying attention to their propaganda disinformation lies as a growing segment of the US population increasingly seeks truth from alternative independent news media delivered by way of the internet. Enter the Trans-Pacific Partnership that in one fast-tracked swoop will take down the United States as a sovereign independent nation, take down the internet as a free and open source accessible to the worldwide masses, flood the US with more illegal aliens and outsourced jobs, and at long last cement into place the globalists’ New World Order’s one world government.
In 2015 the feds and their globalist puppet masters have stepped up their brutal assault on humanity with a series of major false flag events and developments intentionally designed to foment civil unrest, unleashing bigger federal guns and armies against the American people, as is so often the case using blacks as their victimized targets to trigger riots and enough civil unrest to then have the convenient excuse to call out the national guard and US military always at-the-ready to go live from ongoing training exercises in a larger effort to trigger an all-out race war. It’s very evident by events in St. Louis last year when billionaireGeorge Soros paid agitators to escalate violence and again in Baltimore this year when more coordinated evidence of the city, state and federal government authorities willfully instigated the unrest needed to bring in bigger guns and troops.
It happened again in Charleston, South Carolina last month with what appears to be yet another staged event in another too obvious effort to start a race warwhen nine African Americans were allegedly gunned down by an allegedly racist white stooge high on Big Pharma drugs with a .45 caliber handgun. The suspect’s instantly known history, his fake photo with the superimposed South African apartheid patch, his black friends on Facebook, the 29 million dollars in immediate Obama payout to alleged family victims, the lack of emotion and grief from seemingly scripted media interviews right afterwards, the church sermon at the scene of the crime little more than three days later, the Hillary-in-town connection to the allegedly slain South Carolina state senator, the ongoing police rioting exercise that of course went live (just like in 9/11, Boston Marathon bombing, and likely upcoming Jade Helm 15). It’s getting that every major news story in America is yet another staged false flag, each production installment (i.e., Oklahoma City bombing, 9/11, Sandy Hook, Boston Marathon bombing) becoming predictably shabbier, complete with repeatedly used hired crisis actors and dozens of holes that never quite fit together into any believable official narrative.
In the same way the feds use al Qaeda/ISIS to regularly propagate their international state-sponsored terror wars, the feds have built up a militarized police state army to wage their counterinsurgency wars here at home against the American people. Their targeted enemies are people of color, all military veterans but especially those fresh off blowing people up abroad, constitutionalists, activists, Tea Party members, Christians, preppers, antiabortionists, home-schoolers, and anyone even remotely critical of the criminals in Washington. In other words, like Bush II said, “you’re either with us or against us,” us being the treasonous feds, their Gestapo Nazis in Homeland Security, law enforcement and the military as the designated globalist henchmen ordered to murder and/or lock up fellow American citizens on a growing Big Brother list of more than 8 million “potential threats.” That figure is now more than seven years old, so with the highly invasive NSA surveillance monitoring of our every move, no doubt that list of potential threats has grown exponentially.
The end of the 1878 Posse Comitatus law prohibiting the US military from involvement in civil affairs arrived with the 2012 NDAA. Indefinite detainment of law-abiding US citizens is next. Any American not part of the elitist security state apparatus is simply lumped together as the declared enemy, “useless eaters” taking up valuable space and squandering valuable energy resources inhabiting an overpopulated planet that according to Bill Gates and his oligarch cronies needs to be thinned down by about 6.5 billion. This is what life on planet earth and in the anything-but-free America has degenerated into on its way to becoming the Orwellian nightmare of a one world government that’s sadly and tragically already now well in place.
And now with the world stage meticulously set into place over the last century by determined globalists and their puppets, the “big bang” theory is ready to explode and become all too real. The race to Armageddon continues to manifest with unprecedented, ongoing war preparations at a never before seen scale involving a virtual majority of the earth’s nations. In addition to America’sJade Helm 15 operating now in 10 states through mid-September and Canada’s Operation Maple Resolve joined by both UK and US militaries recently completed, now comes the July 4th through July 19th Operation Talisman Saber 15. It involves a massive joint military exercise in the Pacific Ocean with the US and Australia consisting of 33,000 troops. 21 naval ships, over 200 aircraft, an aircraft carrier and three submarines are all participating in thisbiennial drill that extends to Pearl Harbor, San Diego, Virginia and Guam.
With China’s enormous military arms expansion and powerful emerging presence throughout the Pacific region along with increasing tensions clashing over US Empire hegemony, in response to Talisman Saber, China gave explicit warnings not to tread near its military outposts, even specifying coordinates of its no trespass zones. China’s major military operation called Crossing 2015 just ended a week ago in western China’s Gobi Desert in its final phase of war readiness planning. Meanwhile, an ongoing prewar faceoff has been taking place in the ice-free, oil-rich Arctic Sea by both US-NATO forces as well as the Russian military. Also the NATO exercises on Russia’s doorstep, the US providing large weaponry to Ukraine and deployment of US military personnel to that war torn nation ominously threaten war in Europe. No corner of the earthincluding outer space seems safe from the impending world war.
While the global power shift is moving rapidly from West to East, the Western economy is a house of cards teetering on complete collapse, the planet is bracing for crashing comets and meteors and ensuing global climate chaos, worldwide military forces from the East and West are busily, frantically lining up in live training exercises as last minute prepositioning for impending unfoldment of a World War III endgame scenario. The perfect storm on the geopolitics chessboard appears to be brewing.
In the meantime, the DC capital has made operational provisions to be headquartered in Denver as part of its “Continuity of Government” plan, and for decades the global elite have long prepared for this upcoming day of reckoning, having built lavish underground bunkers, cities and an elaborate transportation system. Like Bush II’s arrogance displayed onboard that aircraft carrier at his premature Iraq War victory celebration, the globalist madmen, their government stooges and hordes of overzealous Christians awaiting the second coming all seem to be chanting, “Bring it on!” as they insanely dance to the tune of Barry Maguire’s “Eve of Destruction” just as the doomsday clock strikes one minute tomidnight.
Joachim Hagopian is a West Point graduate and former US Army officer. He has written a manuscript based on his unique military experience entitled “Don’t Let The Bastards Getcha Down.” It examines and focuses on US international relations, leadership and national security issues. After the military, Joachim earned a master’s degree in Clinical Psychology and worked as a licensed therapist in the mental health field for more than a quarter century. He now concentrates on his writing and has a blog site at http://empireexposed. blogspot. com/. He is also a regular contributor to Global Research.
 GO FOR IT.....

That Horrible Moment When Your Kids Get ‘Scary Quiet’ - humor

That Horrible Moment When Your Kids Get ‘Scary Quiet’ and You Find Something Like This Mom Did

Tom DeLay: Justice Dept. Secret Memo to Legalize Bestiality, Pedophilia, and Other Perversions

Tom DeLay: Justice Dept. Secret Memo to Legalize Bestiality, Pedophilia, and Other Perversions

Former U.S. House Majority Leader Tom DeLay claims the Justice Department has drafted a memo that spells out a dozen “perversions,” including bestiality and pedophilia, that it wants legalized.
“We’ve … found a secret memo coming out of the Justice Department. They’re now going to go after 12 new perversions. Things like bestiality, polygamy, having sex with little boys and making that legal,” DeLay said Tuesday on “The Steve Malzberg Show” on Newsmax TV.
“Not only that, but they have a whole list of strategies to go after the churches, the pastors and any businesses that try to assert their religious liberty. This is coming and it’s coming like a tidal wave.”
The Texas Republican’s bombshell claim comes four days after the Supreme Court ruled that same-sex marriage is now legal in all 50 states — a landmark decision DeLay strongly opposes.
When Steve Malzberg repeated to DeLay his assertions that the Justice Department seeks “to legitimatize or legalize” practices such as bestiality — defined as sex acts between humans and animals — DeLay responded:
“That’s correct, that’s correct. They’re coming down with 12 new perversions … LGBT [short for lesbian gay, bisexual and transgender] is only the beginning. They’re going to start expanding it to the other perversions.”
He did not list the other nine “perversions” he said are mentioned in the Justice Department’s memo and did not share it with Newsmax TV.
DeLay, who represented the Lone Star State’s 22nd District from 1985 to 2006 and was Republican Party House Majority Leader from 2003 to 2005, said that with the high court’s ruling last Friday, “all hell is breaking loose.”
Just right here in Texas our Attorney General Ken Paxton has written an attorney generals’ opinion directing our county clerks that in issuing marriage licenses that they don’t have to issue marriage licenses if it conflicts with their religious beliefs. That’s just the beginning,” DeLay said.
“In just the last few days all over this country, [people] letting their elected officials know that they are upset with us, that the Supreme Court is out of control, that we are in a constitutional crisis. We are really in a constitutional crisis.”
“We have a president that totally disregards the Constitution, steps all over it. We have a Supreme Court that … [believes] the Constitution is a living document and whatever they say goes. And we have a Republican Congress that doesn’t even understand the Constitution and the fact that they have the most power and can stand up and stop the other two branches. We’re in serious trouble.”
It seems we have changed the face of America

And the world laughs at what was once  a respected world leader....

WE.......ARE......THE ......PROBLEM......

LePage signs bill to allow concealed weapons in Maine without permits

LePage signs bill to allow concealed weapons in Maine without permits

The bill's sponsor says, 'All this does is allow open carry gun owners to put a jacket on.'
A bill allowing state residents to carry concealed weapons without a permit was signed into law by Gov. Paul LePage on Wednesday, making Maine the seventh state without such a requirement.
The measure eliminates the permit requirement for any state resident 21 years or older.
“I often get asked the question that by passing this bill will Maine become the new Wild West? Vermont has had this bill for 200 years and they are west of us. This has not been a problem for Vermont,” said state Sen. Eric Brakey, R-Auburn, the principal sponsor of the bill. “You can open carry in Maine now. All this does is allow open carry gun owners to put a jacket on.”
Maine State Police said in April that 36,000 concealed handgun permits, including 12,000 for non-residents, had been issued by the state. The total number of permits is likely much higher because they are also issued by local police and there is no centralized registry.
The current system of permitting will remain in effect, but it will be optional for state residents. The law won’t take effect until 90 days after the Legislature adjourns for the session.
A press release issued by the House Democratic office said there are several provisions in the bill that the public should be aware of.
“There are a lot of questions around this measure,” said Rep. Lori Fowle, D-Vassalboro, House chair of the Criminal Justice and Public Safety Committee, in her party’s statement.
The Democrats’ statement said the bill cannot go into effect until 90 days after the Legislature finally adjourns, which has yet to occur. The Legislature will return on July 16 to vote on whether to sustain vetoes by the governor on several bills.
“Until then, gun owners and other Mainers must follow the current laws around concealed carry,” Fowle said.
Fowle added that the public should know about two important provisions of the bill.
The minimum age for permitless carry under the new law will be 21. Permits, and background checks, will still be required for anyone age 18 to 20. But military personnel age 18 to 20, either active duty or honorably discharged veterans, will be exempt.
Also, anyone pulled over by a police officer is required to tell the officer if they have a concealed weapon. Eleven other states have adopted similar disclosure provisions.
Brakey said the duty-to-inform provision was a late addition to the bill, and it may have to be revised later because of some ambiguities.
For instance, the provision requires a driver to “immediately” inform an officer that they have a weapon in their vehicle. But some officers have questioned what immediate means, Brakey said.
“That needs to be better defined,” Brakey said. “Getting stopped by an officer is a stressful situation to begin with and if someone forgets to mention they have a weapon and they were not asked if they did … that concerns me.”
Brakey said the bill is a “great” piece of legislation that was supported by members of both parties.
“This is an important day for the Pine Tree State,” Erich Pratt, a spokesman for Gun Owners of America, said in a press release issued Wednesday. “Law-abiding citizens shouldn’t have to ask permission to exercise a Constitutionally protected right. We don’t require permission for preachers or journalists, and we shouldn’t do it for gun owners either.”
Gov. LePage signed the bill during an invitation only ceremony at the State House.
Dennis Hoey can be contacted at 791-6365 or at:

Friday, July 10, 2015

Political correctness? Or demonstration of historical and political STUPIDITY????

Political Correctness Gone Too Far — Libs To Remove Remains Of Civil War General Forrest

Northern commanders could not outwit Confederate Gen. Nathan Bedford Forrest during the Civil War, but the leaders of Memphis might. WREG reported that the Memphis City Council has passed a resolution to remove from a city park the remains of Forrest and his wife and take down the statue of Forrest as well.

Forrest, a cavalry commander who was one of the Confederacy’s most successful generals during the Civil War, was also a slave trader before the war and the first Grand Wizard of the Ku Klux Klan–although he soon distanced himself from the Klan’s violent activities.

The Council’s act was the first shot in what promises to be a tough war. The Memphis resolution will need to be passed by the Chancery Court in order for the remains of the Confederate icon to be moved. Removing the statue requires the approval of the Tennessee Historical Commission.

The fight over Forrest is not new. In 2013, Memphis re-named the park where Forrest is buried from “Forrest Park” to “Health Sciences Park” to be more inclusive.

The proposal to move the graves and remove the statue – which is already being sought by other communities — comes on the heels of the controversy over lowering South Carolina’s Confederate flag and the rush by retailers to pull Confederate flags from their inventory. Lee Miller of the Sons of Confederate Veterans signaled opposition to the move.

“This appears to me to be another knee jerk reaction to that anti-Confederate hysteria. Some people here are trying to get on the bandwagon in erasing Confederate history and its just wrong,” Miller told WATN.
