Saturday, July 11, 2015

Depopulation test run? 75% Dead or Hospitalized In Mexico From Vaccines LISTEN TO THIS !!!!!


Depopulation test run?

75% Dead or Hospitalized In Mexico

From Vaccines


US Dollar and Bretton Woods Are Finished: BRICSA/SCO in UFA Silk World Order

Arden Gifford MD AA, HOW
Sent: Saturday, July 11, 2015 6:09 PM
Subject: US Dollar and Bretton Woods Are Finished: BRICSA/SCO in UFA Silk World Order

The US Dollar And Bretton Woods Are Finished: The BRICS/SCO Summits In Ufa Mark The Start Of A “Silk World Order”
Saturday, July 11, 2015 0:56
Global Research, July 10, 2015
Strategic Culture Foundation 10 July 2015

Get ready for ground shattering geopolitical changes. At the crossroads of Asia and Europe, it has been decided that the Russian city of Ufa will be the point of convergence for all the initiatives and projects of the Silk World Order of trade and integration that China and Russia are spearheading. Ufa, which is the capital of Russia’s Bashkortostan, is being used to simultaneously host an extraordinary summit for both the BRICS—which has increasing become an alternative forum to that of the G7—and the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) respectively from July 8 to 9 and from July 9 to 10, 2015. 
The Coming Together of Eurasia and Beyond
The joint BRICS and SCO summit in Ufa has been organized by Moscow as the simultaneous holder of both the rotating chairmanships of the BRICS and the SCO. It is no coincidence, however, that the Seventh BRICS and Fifteenth SCO summits have been amalgamated as one large international summit. The Kremlin has used the opportunity to bring Russia’s partners together. This is part of the integration process of the Silk World Order. There will be joint BRICS and SCO sessions and many important exchanges and discussions about a new archetype for the world.
One informal session at Ufa will not only include all the members of the BRICS and the SCO, but will also include all the members of the Eurasian Economic Union (EEU), according to information disclosed by Russian President Putin’s aide Yury Ushakov to the Russia media days before the summit in Ufa. Aside from Brazil and South Africa, since all the members of the BRICS and the SCO are located in Eurasia, the Kremlin saw it as pertinent that the EEU be involved in some type of discussion about the development of the Eurasian space. In essence this means that Armenia will be attending the joint BRICS and SCO summit in Bashkortostan, since all the other members of the Eurasian Economic Space are either full SCO members or, in the case of Belarus, an SCO dialogue partner. According to the Mercator Institute for China Studies (MERICS) in Berlin, which asserts that the BRICS-SCO-EEU talks are «a sign that Russia is aiming for political block-building,» the Republic of Azerbaijan and Turkmenistan will also take part in informal meeting of the BRICS, SCO, and EEU. [1]
The Eurasian and global convergences in Ufa are clear. Using the links that already exist between the two, China’s New Silk Road and the Russian-led Eurasian Economic Union will begin a roadmap to fuse together in Bashkortostan as the pivotal axis of rotation in the Eurasian space. This is a continuation of the high-level discussions that were announced by both Chinese President Xi Jinping and Putin on May 8 on the Xi Jinping’s arrival to Moscow, ahead of the Victory Day celebrations on May 9, 2015.
After failed attempts at different venues, Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi and Iranian President Hassan Rohani will finally meet in Ufa. India and Iran are rekindling their strategic bonds that had been neglected by the government of Modi’s predecessor, Prime Minister Manmohan Singh. The use of the Iranian port Chabahar by India for gaining access to Russia and Central Asia through the North-South Corridor will definitely be discussed by Indian and Iranian officials at Ufa.

The Coming Silk World Order Being Unveiled in Ufa
While the New Silk Road and the EEC come together in Ufa, the BRICS will put together a development map while the SCO will outline its expansion plans for new full members. The applications of India, Iran, and Pakistan for full membership will be addressed. Moreover, Egypt and several other countries have applied to join the SCO in come context.
Ufa is being used to stamp out a roadmap for the «Eurasian Century» and a Silk World Order that goes beyond Eurasia, which includes everything from a transcontinental mega railroad network connecting the Iberian Peninsula to the South China Sea and to what has been dubbed as the «modern city of the Eurasian continent» in Belarus.
The US is clearly worried about the Silk World Order that is emerging. It has begun to pull out all the stops, from courting Brazil on the eve of the summit in Ufa to calls for the European Union to not join China’s banking project. The Pentagon’s 2015 Military Strategy that addresses the possibility of confrontation with an updated «Axis of Evil» composed of China, Russia, Iran, and North Korea is catered to Washington’s proclivity to confront the countries that are challenging a US-dominated international order.
While Washington and NATO are making a general call to arms, the Chinese are busy building trade infrastructure and transport networks. In Belarus, the Chinese are building the first «modern city of the Eurasian continent» in the forests next to the Minsk National Airport as part of what Bloomberg calls «a manufacturing springboard between the European Union and Russia.» [2] Upon completion, the new export-oriented city in Belarus, which is being built on the route of the European highway that links Berlin, Warsaw, Minsk, and Moscow, will be the largest manufacturing and industrial park in Europe.
The US Dollar and Bretton Woods are Finished
The Silk World Order that is being shaped in Ufa will see the existing Bretton Woods financial architecture of the world unraveled and replaced by one that is no longer dominated by the trilateral grouping of the United States, Western Europe, and Japan. The monopoly of the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund, which has benefited Washington, is at its end. The US dollar as a currency in bilateral and multilateral trade is being scraped by the BRICS, SCO, and EEU— Washington’s flooding of oil markets was partially aimed at derailing this by forcing renewed dependence on the US dollar for energy trade.
The BRICS New Development Bank (NDB), the first institution of the BRICS, is being launched by Brazil, China, India, Russia, and South Africa. It is joined by the SCO Development Bank and by the recently launched Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB) in the assault on Bretton Woods.
Gone are the days of unchallenged US domination. The architecture of the post-Second World War or post-1945 global order is now in its death bed and finished. With or without Washington, a Silk World is emerging and its coming is being trumpeted from Ufa as the SCO strengthens and the BRICS institutionalizes itself as the cornerstone of a new multi-polar world order.
[1] Gabriel Domínguez, «What to expect from the SCO, BRICS summits in Russia,» Deutsche Welle, July 6, 2015.
[2] Aliaksandr Kudrytski, «China Builds EU Beachhead With $5 Billion City in Belarus,» Bloomberg, May 26, 2013.
This article was originally published by the Strategic Culture Foundation on July 10, 2015.
Copyright © Mahdi Darius Nazemroaya, Strategic Culture Foundation, 2015

California Governor Has Received Evidence Proving Drought Was Geoengineered

Californians Accuse Gov. Brown Of Willful Neglect, Question Why He Permits Massive Chemtrail Spraying Program Conducted Over The Entire State Of California Since Drought Began

California Governor Jerry Brown looks on during a news conference at the State Capitol in Sacramento, California March 19, 2015, to announce a $1 billion emergency legislative package to deal with the state's devastating, multiyear drought. The state is entering a fourth year of record-breaking drought that has prompted officials to sharply reduce water supplies to farmers and impose strict conservation measures statewide. REUTERS/Max Whittaker - RTR4U33I
by Concerned Residents of California
The state of California is experiencing a relentless and historic 1200 year drought.  This unparalleled disaster has proven to be as crippling and destructive as any in American history.  If this slow-motion calamity continues to unfold, as it has over the past four to five years, it may go down as the most consequential drought in American history.
Jerry Brown has been governor of California since January of 2011, precisely when the drought began.  Quite curiously, he has taken up many other political issues with the fervor that many think he should have directed toward addressing the drought.  Instead, year after year has gone by with nary a peep from Sacramento … until 2015.
Brown has recently imposed a growing set of draconian water usage restrictions, the most strict controls ever enacted since the state was first incorporated in 1850.  These 2015 water control and restriction initiatives effectively constitute his first response since the drought began.  The point is that no other significant measures had been taken by state government which are either proactive or forward-thinking, constructive or provident.
More to the point, his various responses to this drought have been downright reactionary. Each and every government edict issued from the statehouse has functioned as a reaction to the behavior of the water consumers of California.  The biggest corporate water users (and wasters), quite curiously, have been granted preferential treatment.  For instance, the fracking industry has been allowed to use massive amounts of water while the average resident has been significantly restrained in their usage.
Likewise, transnational water bottlers like Nestlé are offered very special treatment compared to the state residents and small businesses which cannot live without water. Why would Governor Brown grant such concessions to such a large water seller, especially one that will ship its bottled water to markets both in-state as well as out-of-state?
In the midst of the California drought emergency, the huge multinational Nestlé, seller of bottled water to the world, is providing one example of what must be stopped. Gov. Jerry Brown, while cutting public water use 25% by order in Sacramento, as in the rest of the state, has placed no limitation on Nestlé’s withdrawal of freshwater from aquifer springs nearby. Nestlé (alias here: the Arrowhead Mountain Water Company) continues to draw water at an 80 million gallon/year rate, paying 2 or 3 cents/gallon; it bottles the water in Sacramento, and sells it for roughly $16/gallon-equivalent to the city’s population, which has had its tap water use restricted.
(Source: Is California’s Water Supply Being ‘Enronned’)

Problem ~ Reaction ~ Solution

The key role that Governor Brown has been playing throughout this geoengineered drama is through the implementation of a purposely designed government reaction.  The operative word here is:
R E A C T I O N  !
Reaction” in this particular context refers to the infamous Hegelian Dialectic in which the Problem ~ Reaction ~ Solution formula is utilized as a means to manufacture a specific outcome.  There are a variety of state-desired outcomes in the case of this catastrophic California drought.  Each “Reaction” by the populace to the “Problem” of the drought is first manufactured with the daily involvement of the mainstream media (MSM).  Then, the state government kicks in with their predetermined “Reaction”. Ultimately, the perfect “Solution” will be presented when the requisite majority of citizens is sufficiently softened up to accept it without protest.
That a full-blown and unrelenting drought would be artificially fabricated in this manner is quite an extraordinary feat of “Problem”-making.  There are very good reasons for such an extraordinary endeavor, and Governor Brown’s leadership appears to be an integral piece of that rapidly unfolding agenda.
Particularly in view of Governor Brown’s enthusiastic signing of the recently passed mandatory vaccine bill are many Californians suspicious of his stewardship. Clearly, that single act of betrayal has cast many of his other dubious initiatives throughout his term under a distinctly negative light.
Simply put, there are now many residents who feel that Governor Brown is an active participant in a scheme to use the state of California as a means of introducing a whole new out-in-the-open geoengineering regime.  The following in-depth essay reveals many of the details of this scheme, as well as those of related conspiratorial plots.
Was the California drought geoengineered to pass future ‘climate change’ legislation?
Given that California serves as the major agricultural producer for the nation, it does not get any more serious than a drought of this severity, particularly one so unremitting.  Simply put, this manmade disaster is shaping up to be the Catastrophe of the Millennium.  That may sound like hyperbole until one considers what is truly at stake.
Because California was established as the premier agricultural state of the nation, its importance to the food security of the USA cannot be overstated.  It also represents the 8th largest economy in the world, thereby making its HUGE contribution to the GDP both overwhelmingly significant to the economic health of this country and, therefore, incapable of being ignored.  Except that it has been ignored … consistently and quite incredibly, by both the U.S. Federal Government and the State Government of California.
As a matter of fact both President Obama and Governor Brown have been remarkably AWOL throughout this entire saga, with the exception of the passage a new draconian laws which have been deemed necessary in order to provoke a reaction from the people.  The complete lack of federal response to the California drought is clearly as deliberate and premeditated as it is a crucial part of the strategy of their overarching and clandestine agenda.
What is that agenda?
The agenda is a complex and convoluted one.  The primary purpose of the California strategy is to use the engineered drought as a means to impose an unlawful geoengineering program … as a ‘remedy’ to this and all future droughts and deluges. There is now no question that the drought was purposefully geoengineered over the course of Jerry Brown’s most recent tenure as governor.  He has never once publicly addressed the persistent chemtrails which have been sprayed incessantly over the past five years.
Chemtrails photographed over Dry Lake, California
Governor Brown Has Repeatedly Received Scientific Evidence Indicating That The Drought Was Purposefully And Meticulously Geoengineered
And yet in spite of this indisputable evidence, he has never responded to those parties who have provided the volumes of scientific research showing how it was geoengineered.  The soil samples alone have revealed shocking levels of aluminum, barium and strontium. Each of these chemical elements just happens to be the major components of the standard chemtrail mix which is sprayed daily across the skies of America.
Of course, the resulting chemclouds then rain these noxious chemical agents on the land and water below.  Over years of chemtrailing these and other toxic chemical compounds begin to bioaccumulate in the vegetation and animals on land, as well as in the marine animals and plants in the water bodies.  Whole forests in northern California are now rapidly disappearing as both heat stress and lack of water conspire with these chemical contaminations to systematically weaken the trees.  Then various types of pestilence and other infestations eventually kill off square miles of once healthy trees.
Governor Brown is fully aware of this devolving situation and has done nothing to address it.  The chemtrailing continues as before despite so many bringing it to his attention.  In many locations the chemtrailing operations appear to have been considerably ramped up to an alarming level of intensity.  And still the Governor’s office has no response to those who have alerted him to the regularly chemtrailed skies and worsening emergencies across the state (e.g. wildfires in the form of forest fires, brush fires, grass fires; mudslides and flash floods; tree blight and plant pestilence; forest collapse; agricultural contraction; reservoir water loss, evaporating lakes and ponds, etc.).
Governor Brown has also received satellite imagery evidence conclusively documenting the role that HAARP technology has played in geoengineering the California drought.[1] Satellite images do not lie, and leave very little room for misinterpretation for those experienced meteorologists who know how to read them.  The Brown executive team has received this irrefutable scientific evidence and more.  Nevertheless, they have refused to address it in any official manner, and have chosen to ignore it after deliberate consideration.
Governor Brown Has Witnessed The Same Chemtrails As Everyone Else —
Why has he steadfastly refused to acknowledge them? 

Governor Brown goes back and forth to work everyday just like every other Californian. He sees perfectly clear days turn into cloudy ones in a matter of minutes.   Within just an hour of intensive chemtrail spraying, which sometimes weaves an unmistakable tic-tac-toe board across the sky, chemclouds stretch across the previously blue sky, from horizon to horizon.
Because of this geoengineering phenomenon, the weather forecasters around the state have been made to look like total incompetents, as are the meteorologists in every state nowadays.  How does a state government properly function in a state where the weather is now completely unpredictable, except for those who really do control the weather?  Does the governor even consult with his chosen meteorologists during the ever-occurring disastrous weather events?  Does he ever convene his panel of climate experts to discuss the reasons for the new climatological trends criss-crossing the state?
Just as the current covert and illicit geoengineering regime in California has exposed Governor Brown to be either another willfully negligent political operative who cares not a whit for the state or its residents.  Or, he is prominently configured within a pivotal scheme to use California as an example for every other state, should they fail to succumb to the coming ‘legalized’ regime of geoengineering.
California does appear to be primary cog in the global machinery that was engineered to implement a New World Order to be administered by a One World Government that will be initially established to ‘fix’ global climate change.  The following article well explains both the plot and purpose behind this highly ambitious and fatally flawed scheme.
One World Government Initially Emerging As Global CO2 ‘Management’ Regime
It’s no accident that Jerry Brown’s tenure as governor has perfectly paralleled Barack Obama’s.  Both politicos have had carefully managed political images that would be used to corral the entire spectrum of Democratic and left-wing, liberal and progressive voters into a pen of blind acceptance and uncharacteristic compliance.  In this fashion a big chunk of the electorate has been used to manufacture consent around some of the most weighty issues that are preparing the way for this newly emerging and highly oppressive carbon management regime.
Chemtrails and Chemclouds over San Francisco City Hall
Through his actions and inaction, Governor Brown has violated the public trust.  The government of California has broken the social contract.  Especially due to willful neglect has Brown’s administration betrayed the people they have sworn to protect.  Likewise, Sacramento’s shirking of its most fundamental responsibility to safeguard the state represents a perfidious government that can no longer be tolerated.
In light of these serious transgressions against both people and property, Governor Jerry Brown must be recalled.  Not to recall him in a formal ballot would signify a profound failing of the people of California.  His conduct in office concerning this and other grave matters now demands an appropriate response from the voting public.
Just as another woefully inadequate Democratic governor (Gray Davis) was ignominiously recalled and replaced by a candidate from the opposition party, so, too, can Jerry Brown, be successfully recalled. Truly, this governor has morphed into a “corporate fascist”[2] whose treacherous leadership should not be ignored.  Surely, the people and the environment stand to suffer greatly from his corrupt administration and unprecedented lack of stewardship.
Gov. Jerry Brown
It has never been so urgent that a suitable replacement for Jerry Brown be identified.  Any prospective candidate must have the best interests of the people as his/her highest priority.  Therefore, it is highly advisable that a rigorous candidate search begin in earnest. Governor Brown must be removed from office with all deliberate speed before the state of California completely crashes and burns.
Concerned Residents of California
July 3, 2015
[1] Five pieces of evidence suggesting that California drought may be a HAARP-manufactured event
[2] Jim Carrey blasts Jerry Brown as a ‘corporate fascist’ for signing mandatory vaccination law
New World Order: Where Geoengineering Via Chemtrails Meets The Global Carbon Control Matrix
OPERATION INDIGO SKYFOLD: The Most Secret Covert Black Operation In World History
CHEMTRAILS: A Planetary Catastrophe Created by Geoengineering (UPDATED)
Video Reference

Obama’s NWO Policy In Ukraine Against Russia Is ‘Bankrupt’: Geopolitical Analyst

Obama’s NWO Policy In Ukraine

Against Russia

Is ‘Bankrupt’:

Geopolitical Analyst

Barry Soetoro, Joe Biden, Hunter Biden. Blood For Oil  In Ukraine
Barry Soetoro, Joe Biden, Hunter Biden. Blood For Oil In Ukraine

| 12.07.2015 |

PressTV – The interventionist policy of the United States in Ukraine is “bankrupt” and has failed to accomplish Washington’s objectives against Russia, an independent geopolitical analyst in New York City says.
“The truth is the United States has simply lost in Ukraine, their policy is a bankrupt policy, one that has not achieved any of the substantive goals that they set out for themselves,” said Eric Draitser, the founder of
“The only process that’s having any effect at all in Ukraine, and the only one that can
lead to any substantive agreement or resolution to this conflict is a negotiated settlement process,” Draitser said during a phone interview with Press TV on Saturday.
Generalized Joseph Dunford
Generalized Joseph Dunford

He rejected recent comments by US General Joseph Dunford, the nominee to become chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, who told Congress that Russia poses the greatest security threat to the United States.
Dunford told the US Senate Armed Services Committee on Thursday that Moscow poses
a larger threat than the ISIL terrorist group and it is reasonable to send Ukraine heavy weapons to defend against Russian “aggression.”
“My assessment today… is that Russia presents the greatest threat to our national security,” said Dunford [Puppet Of The NWO & Traitor To The U.S.], who is the current Commander of the US Marine Corps.
The US general’s warning about the Russian threat was “pure logomachy because neither the Russian government nor the Russian military is really interested in getting into a military conflict with the United States,” Draitser said.
“He (Dunford) wants to use the idea of Russia as a military power in order to justify escalating the conflict by sending heavy weapons to the so-called Ukrainian government,” the geopolitical analyst said.
US military officials “have no concept of diplomacy, have no concept of political calculation, and certainly of course by profession, have no interest in peace,” he added.
“From the perspective of the Joint Chiefs, his role is simply to justify continued NATO expansion, continued US military saber rattling and military aggression,” Draitser noted.
Duke Rusov Militia — Sviatoslav Brave kind of Rurik On this day 3 July 964 AD, now and forever, we — Russia, will celebrate the Day of Victory over the Jewish Khazars. Who are now better known as secular zionists. This victory made it possible for the physical survival of the Russian people.
Duke Rusov Militia — Sviatoslav Brave kind of Rurik

On this day 3 July 964 AD, now and forever, we — Russia, will celebrate the Day of Victory over the Jewish Khazars. Who are now better known as secular zionists.
This victory made it possible for the physical survival of the Russian people.

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Iran deal ‘done,’ Israeli report says

A nuclear deal has been reached between the world powers and Iran after a series of major American concessions, Israel’s Channel 2 television reported Friday night.
The Middle East affairs commentator for Israel’s Channel 2 television, Ehud Yaari, said: “Deal is done. It is done and will be signed “early next week.”
According to Yaari, the deal was reached because the Americans “have made a series of concessions over the past two to three weeks in almost every key aspect that was being debated.”
One major concession, Yaari said, is the issue of inspections of Iranian nuclear sites,. According to him, the US negotiators have given in to an Iranian demand that inspections are “managed” — in other words, there will be no surprise visits, only those that are pre-arranged and approved by the Iranians.
72 hours to clinch a nuclear deal
Iran and the world’s leading powers gave themselves until Monday to reach a nuclear agreement, their third extension in two weeks, The guardian reported.
Both sides say there has been progress in two weeks of talks, but on Friday night British foreign secretary Philip Hammond called it “painfully slow” and he and his French counterpart, Laurent Fabius, left Vienna saying they would return on Saturday.
Iran’s foreign minister Mohammad Javad Zarif said negotiators would probably spend the weekend in Vienna. He sought to blame the west for the impasse.
“Now, they have excessive demands,” he said of the major powers’ negotiating position.
Zarif has been holding intense meetings for two weeks with US secretary of state John Kerry to try to hammer out a deal limiting Iran’s nuclear programme in return for withdrawing economic sanctions.
An agreement would be the biggest step towards rapprochement between Iran and the West since the 1979 Islamic revolution.
The White House said on Friday the US and its negotiating partners “have never been closer” to agreement with Iran but that the US delegation would not wait indefinitely.
Iran nuclear talks will reach compromise ‘soon’, Russia says
Russian President Vladimir Putin said Friday he believed global powers and Iran will “soon” reach a compromise in talks on Tehran’s nuclear programme, AFP reported.
“A compromise should be found,” Putin said after hosting a summit of the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation in the Urals city of Ufa, where he met with Iranian President Hassan Rouhani on Thursday.
“In my opinion, it will be found soon,” he said.
“Not only Iran and talks participants but all of the countries in the region including Arab countries and Israel are interested in this,” Putin said.
“We proceed from the fact that all sanctions against Iran should be lifted,” he said, stressing that this should happen “as soon as possible.”
“We believe this is not the way to solve international problems,” he said.

Obama Slips Up: "We're Training ISIL"

Hillary Clinton outwitted by students at primary school


Secretary of State

Hillary Clinton goes to a gifted-student primary
​school in New York to talk about the world.
After her talk she offers question time.
One little boy puts up his hand. 
Hillary asks him what his name is.
"Kenneth” he says.
"And what is your question, Kenneth?"
"I have three questions:
First - Whatever happened in Benghazi?
Second - Why would you run for President after your husband
shamed the office? And
Third - Whatever happened to the missing 6 billion dollars
​while you were Secretary of State?”

Just then the bell rings for recess.
Hillary Clinton informs the kiddies that they will continue after recess.
When they resume Hillary says, "Okay where were we?
​Oh, that's right, question time. Who has a question?"
A different boy, little Johnny puts his hand up.
Hillary points to him and asks him what his name is. 
"Johnny” he says.
"And what is your question, Johnny?"
I have five questions:
First - Whatever happened in Benghazi?
Second - Why would you run for President after your husband
shamed the office?
Third - Whatever happened to the missing 6 billion dollars
while you were Secretary of State?
Fourth - Why did the recess bell go off 20 minutes early?
Fifth - Where's Kenneth 

U.S. Air Force allows rainbow-striped U.S. flag at Arizona base

U.S. Air Force Allows Rainbow striped U.S.A. Flag at Arizona Base

Officials at Davis Monthan Air Force Base, in Tucson, Arizona, are reportedly allowing a rainbow-striped American flag to remain flying at someone's home after an airman complained it violated Title 4 of the U.S. Code. (Brian Kolfage via The Blaze)

Officials at Davis Monthan Air Force Base, in Tucson, Arizona, are reportedly allowing a rainbow-striped American flag to remain flying at someone’s home after an airman complained it violated Title 4 of the U.S. Code. (Brian Kolfage via The Blaze)

July 9, 2015 By

Former senior airman Brian Kolfage, writing in the Blaze, said he saw an American flag that had rainbow stripes rather than the alternative red and white stripes mandated in the code.

Title 4 clearly states the American flag “shall be thirteen horizontal stripes, alternate red and white; and the union of the flag shall be forty-eight stars, white in a blue field.”

Kolfage wrote, “The flag I saw is a parody of the American Flag with 50 white stars in the union, smeared with the rainbow colors as the stripes. The moment the flag took on the union stars is where it becomes a violation with my understanding of the U.S. Code.”

Kolfage notified the 355th Fighter Wing Public Affairs office, which told him they would review the issue. “We take seriously our responsibility to abide by federal law and defend the Constitutional rights of all citizens.”

Kolfage received the following message from the office three days later: “The installation commander carefully considered the opinions of legal professionals and the law. The display in question is not an altered U.S. flag; therefore, its display does not violate federal law. No action will be taken.”

The office issued the same statement to the Washington Times.

Kolfage wasn’t finished. He continued in his article in the Blaze:
“I sure hope Airmen around the globe read this and bust out their flags whether they be a big Christian cross, Santa Claus, Gadsden, Medical Marijuana, Rebel, NASCAR, pink unicorns or whatever they feel they represent,” he wrote. “Even if you’re for straight marriage, go ahead and fly that flag if it’s what you truly believe.”
“And when the Air Force instructs you to take it down, refer them to this article and then contact me. I’ll personally ensure your rights are not infringed upon,” Mr. Kolfage wrote. “If you’re proud of your sexuality, then please represent it but do not do it at the sake of insulting our nation’s flag. Please have some respect and go buy a regular Lesbian Gay Bisexual and Transgender pride flag.”

The strongest El Niño on record may be brewing in the Pacific

The strongest El Niño on record may be brewing in the Pacific

Sea surface temperature anomalies showing the telltale sign of an El Nino in the tropical Pacific.        
          Image: WeatherBELL Analytics
El Niño conditions are intensifying in the tropical Pacific Ocean, potentially leading to a record event that would help control rainfall in East Africa and possibly bring desperately needed drought relief to California, while temporarily cutting off rainfall to parts of the Indonesian rainforest.
A record strong event would also virtually guarantee that 2015 will beat 2014 as the warmest year this planet has seen since records began in the late 19th century.
In recent weeks, the water temperatures have grown warmer, propelled by a reversal of seasonal trade winds and the sloshing of mild ocean waters from west to east across the Pacific.
The atmosphere has shown telltale signs of positive feedback that are reinforcing the El Niño, including the formation of several tropical cyclones spinning in the central and northwestern Pacific Basins.
Taking these observations into account, a new forecast released Thursday by the Climate Prediction Center (CPC) in Maryland calls for a strong El Niño event to occur between now and the coming northern hemisphere winter, which is when El Niño conditions tend to peak, as well as when they have their greatest influence on global weather patterns.
Sea Surface Temperatures

Sea surface temperature anomalies, showing the milder ocean waters near the equator with time.  Image: NOAA/CPC
According to a more detailed forecast from the CPC and the International Research Institute for Climate and Society (IRI) at Columbia University, there is a 96% chance of continued El Niño conditions from September through November, with a 94% chance of such conditions lasting through January.
The CPC outlook can be viewed as conservative when it comes to the predicted intensity of the El Niño event, considering that many individual El Niño experts, armchair meteorologists on Twitter, and individual computer model runs are predicting a potentially record strong event, exceeding the previous record-holder of 1997-98. El Niño data extends back to 1870.
The CPC takes such models into account when making its forecasts.

However, Michelle L'Heureux, a climate forecaster at CPC, told Mashable that the hype surrounding the potentially unprecedented intensity of the El Niño may be just that ..... hype.
"Even one or two westerly wind bursts does not necessarily always "make" an El Niño," she wrote in an email.
"Last year is a perfect example of that... a few westerly wind bursts in early 2014 and then they died out. It is the series of westerly wind bursts (or cumulative average over many months) that we forecasters pay attention to," she added.







In Your State ...

What the South was really fighting for in the Civil War




This is where WWIII will start

CIA Insider: "Forget Iran, Iraq, Ukraine and Syria...
This is where WWIII will start"

Dear Concerned American,

This is a quickly developing story.

Should the rise of conflicts across the Middle East and Ukraine serve as a warning sign that something much more dangerous is approaching?

According to Jim Rickards, the CIA's Asymmetric Warfare Advisor, the answer is 'yes'.

In a startling interview he reveals that all 16 U.S. Intelligence Agencies have begun to prepare for World War III.

Making matters worse, his colleagues believe it could begin within the next 6 months.

However, the ground zero location for this global conflict is what makes his interview a must-see for every American.

Take a few moments to watch it below and decide for yourself.

(If you can't view this video click here)

"Don't send a man to the grocery store!"