Sunday, July 12, 2015

HOT EXPLOSIVE Breaking News : It is Lagarde vs Merkel

Sunday   July 12, 2015
by Tom Heneghan, International Intelligence Expert

UNITED States of America  -  The cat is now out of the bag.  We can now divulge that NAZI Jew Bloomberg News let the cat out of the bag tonight when they reported at 7:01 p.m. EST that NAZI German Chancellor Angela Merkel told the Greece government that they have to hand over 80% of their pension funds that are due them to none other than the alleged creditor demands from crooked Luxembourg banks.

Merkel is acting as a stooge and bag lady for German NAZI Deutsche Bank, JPMorgan Chase, and little puppet U.S. Treasury Secretary Jack "NAZI Paperclip" Jew Lew.

At this hour, IMF Managing Director Christine Lagarde with support of patriotic U.S. Military have not only frozen Humewood and Associates but are in the process within 30 seconds of freezing all proprietary accounts tied to the Central Bank of Japan and the Central Bank of Australia.  It is because they have no cash just derivatives tied to the NAZI German Deutsche Bank.

In closing, congratulations to IMF Managing Director Christine Lagarde for standing up against NAZI German Deutsche Bank THEFT and EMBEZZLEMENT letting the German state know that if they continue to act as a surrogate for the domestic U.S. Bush-Clinton-NSA NAZI Paperclip-Israeli Mossad Crime Family Syndicate that Merkel's Federal Republic of Germany will be incinerated.

Sunday   July 12, 2015
It is Lagarde vs Merkel
by Tom Heneghan, International Intelligence Expert

UNITED States of America  -  It can now be reported that IMF Managing Director Christine Lagarde and German Chancellor Angela Merkel engaged in a vicious shouting match aka an argument concerning the status of the derivative holdings of the German Deutsche Bank and the U.S. banking giant JPMorgan.

Note:  Lagarde speaks fluent English, German and, of course, French, while Merkel speaks Russian and German.

The argument centered on the restructuring of the Greek debt as it is linked to the status of these derivatives.  At least 90% of these worthless toxic assets represent worthless mortgage-backed securities that were marketed and sold by JPMorgan with Deutsche Bank as the underwriter during the period 2003 to 2007.

Reference:  The nations of Greece, Italy, Spain and Portugal had their banks heavily infected with debt due to these toxic financial instruments that are now worthless, cross-collateralized derivatives.

P.S.  Lagarde is also enraged at Merkel for trying to cover up the role of crooked Austrian banks that were used by Deutsche Bank to launder commissions accrued on these toxic mortgage-backed securities that were due JPMorgan.

P.P.S.  At this hour members of the patriotic U.S. Military and the Silver Star Society of the United States are completely enraged at former year 2000 illegal White House occupant, election stealer, nation wrecker, constitution shredder, U.S. Treasury embezzler, homosexual in-the-closet, cocaine snorting, AWOL, war criminal George W. BushFRAUD for shaking down an injured veterans group for a $100,000 speaking fee, along with a $20,000 bonus for his cocaine snorting wife.

BushFRAUD also recently appeared with fellow sociopath Bill Clinton in which they joked around and acted liked a couple of misfits and retards.  It is also important to note that fellow Bush-Clinton Crime Family Syndicate member, presidential candidate Hillary Rodenhurst Clinton, uses a Learjet to travel during her presidential campaign stops.  Hillary, just like BushFRAUD, forced UCLA to pay her a $300,000 speaking fee when she was originally offered $50,000 and also demanded UCLA pay for the jet fuel on her Learjet, which eventually led to increase in the tuition for university students who attend UCLA.

In closing, bring in the guillotines and let the Second American Revolution commence immediately to restore Constitutional Rule of Law.

No Bush, no Bitch, no Bank.

Iceland Recovering Fastest in Europe After Jailing Bankers Instead of Bailing them Out

To Help US Veterans Charity, George W. Bush Charged $100,000
Jul 8, 2015, 1:10 PM ET
ABC News Chief Investigative Correspondent
George W. Bush Charged Wounded Veterans Charity $100,000 For Speech
Former President George W. Bush charged $100,000 to speak at a charity fundraiser for U.S. military veterans severely wounded in Iraq and Afghanistan, and former First Lady Laura Bush collected $50,000 to appear a year earlier, officials of the Texas-based Helping a Hero charity confirmed to ABC News.
The former President was also provided with a private jet to travel to Houston at a cost of $20,000, the officials said.
The charity, which helps to provide specially-adapted homes for veterans who lost limbs and suffered other severe injuries in “the war on terror in Iraq and Afghanistan,” said the total $170,000 expenditure was justified because the former President and First Lady offered discounted fees and helped raise record amounts in contributions at galas held in 2011 and 2012.
“It was great because he reduced his normal fee of $250,000 down to $100,000,” said Meredith Iler, the former chairman of the charity.
However, a recent report by Politico said the former President’s fees typically ranged between $100,000 and $175,000 during those years.
One of the wounded vets who served on the charity’s board told ABC News he was outraged that his former commander in chief would charge any fee to speak on behalf of men and women he ordered into harm's way.
“For him to be paid to raise money for veterans that were wounded in combat under his orders, I don’t think that’s right,” said former Marine Eddie Wright, who lost both hands in a rocket attack in Fallujah, Iraq in 2004.
“You sent me to war,” added Wright speaking of the former President. “I was doing what you told me to do, gladly for you and our country and I have no regrets. But it’s kind of a slap in the face.”     MORE



From left: Rumsfeld, Cheny, Bush, Rice, and Powell
(Photo: Ron Edmonds / AP)   source

400,000 Brain-Injured Veterans a Fair Price for American Empire

Posted by Andrew B. on June 27, 2011
In addition to the trillion dollar price tag, 600,000+ dead civilians, 1 million orphans and 6,100 dead American soldiers, we can now add 400,000 brain-injured veterans to the cost of our latest wars of aggression:
 Independent experts suggest that more than 400,000 American service members will return from the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan with traumatic brain injuries that could lead to severe personality disorders, and little is being done to help them.
Having wasted countless billions – trillions, in all likelihood – on our five concurrent wars and exposed hundreds of thousands of American soldiers to the dangers of the battlefield, our gifted military leaders have identified the true culprit behind our reckless spending: health care for soldiers.
Afflicted veterans have every reason to expect their government to continue to treat them as expendable waste, as the Pentagon actively opposes formal diagnoses of the condition, known as mild traumatic brain injury (mTBI) and denies the validity of treatment that its own researchers have said could help. Defense Secretary Robert Gates called for a cut in the military’s $50-billion-a-year health budget, saying “health care costs are eating the Defense Department alive,” according to a Huffington Post article in January.
And that in a nutshell is the very essence of American empire. Exploit the little guys for all they’re worth, using them in any way necessary to reap maximum profits. Because war is, after all, little more than a business venture for the giant corporate entities within the military-industrial complex. Just as the private sector throughout America has little interest in providing health care for the workers it underpays and overworks, so too does our for-profit military increase it profits for its shareholders by cutting corners on such luxuries as medical care for the severely wounded.   MORE
. . .
How Bush's grandfather helped Hitler's rise to power
Jeb Bush, the Mexican Drug Cartel and “Free Trade”. The Bush Family and Organized Crime
BBC RADIO: THE WHITE HOUSE COUP Prescott Bush led Nazi coup attempt against White House in 1933

On Oct. 20, 1942, the US government ordered the seizure of Nazi German banking operations in New York City which were being conducted by Prescott Bush. Documents in The National Archives and Library of Congress confirm that the Bush family continued 'Nazi' dealings well into 1951. GWB's grandfather, Prescott Bush and his 'Nazi' colleagues --a 'secret web of Thyssen-controlled ventures' --routinely attempted to conceal their activities from government investigators. This web including former New York Governor W. Averell Harriman and younger brother, E. Roland Harriman and the New York private banking firm of Brown Brothers Harriman, presided over a 'quarter-century [1924-1951] of Nazi financial transactions. These activities included a financial relationship with the German city of Hanover and several industrial concerns. They went undetected by investigators until after World War Two.
. . .

source    source

"Al Qaeda is nothing more than an extension of the operatus linked to U.S. intelligence that was allowed, by script, to remove itself as a rogue break away entity of the U.S. government

allowed to de-compartmentalize from oversight, and was run instead by Gary Best rogue 'Black Ops' specialists for scripted activity outside of the U.S. government, with its funding being orchestrated through the Pakistani secret police,

an entity of the U.S. government itself." (2006)

~ Tom Heneghan, great American Patriot and International Intelligence Expert
Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little Temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety. (1755)
 ~ Benjamin Franklin, Founding Father, great American Patriot

The Declaration of Independence
IN CONGRESS, July 4, 1776
The unanimous Declaration of the thirteen united States of America,

enhanced excerpt

But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism,  it is their right, it is their duty,  to throw off such Government, and to prove new Guards for their future security. (1776)  ~ Thomas Jefferson, Founding Father, great American Patriot, author of the Declaration of Independence and 3rd U.S. President

A cynical crime against women

BrasscheckTV Report

Unfortunately, breast cancer is big business.

Both for the cancer industry and for the
corporate pink ribbon brigade.

Here's what's really going on.

Video :

- Brasscheck TV

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WUA - Sunday is the time to reflect, think and look around……..

WUA - Sunday is the time to reflect, think and look around……..

Sorry, Slate: Oregon Did Put a ‘Gag Order’ on Those Christian Bakers

On Thursday, The Daily Signal published an article about Oregon Bureau of Labor and Industries (BOLI) Commissioner Brad Avakian ordering Aaron and Melissa Klein, Christian bakers who had refused to make a wedding cake for a lesbian couple, to pay the couple $135,000 for “emotional” damages and issuing a gag order against the Kleins.

On Monday, Slate published an article criticizing The Daily Signal’s coverage headlined “No, Oregon Did Not ‘Gag’ That Anti-Gay Bakery.”
While that’s a great, provocative headline, Slate’s headline is simply not true.
In fact, the Kleins are now legally required, as a result of the order issued Thursday, “to cease and desist from publishing, circulating, issuing or displaying, or causing to be published … any communication to the effect that any of the accommodations … will be refused, withheld from or denied to, or that any discrimination be made against, any person on account of their sexual orientation,” as The Daily Signal’s reporter Kelsey Harkness wrote in her article Friday.

Slate’s Mark Joseph Stern writes:
Rather than fine the Kleins further, [Oregon Labor Commissioner Brad] Avakian wrote that the couple must ’cease and desist’ stating that Sweet Cakes would continue to turn away gay couples. As individuals, the Kleins may declare that Oregon’s anti-discrimination law should not protect gay couples. But when speaking publicly about the future of their own business, they must not opine that they will maintain a policy of anti-gay discrimination.

But here’s what Stern overlooks: Commissioner Avakian recites in detail the statements the Kleins made that he is upset about and that his agency claims violate Oregon law. What led to his “cease and desist” order is the key to understanding why it’s accurately called a gag order that prevents the Kleins from speaking about their faith and their intent to “stay strong” and fight this harassment by the Oregon state government.
For example, on page 23 and 24 of Avakian’s Order, his agency claims that the following statements in an interview on the Christian Broadcasting Network on Sept. 2, 2013 violate Oregon law:
1.     A. Klein: “I didn’t want to be a part of her marriage, which I think is wrong.”
2.     M. Klein: “I am who I am and I want to live my life the way I want to live my life and, you know, I choose to serve God.”
3.     A. Klein: “It’s one of those things where you never want to see something you’ve put so much work into go belly up, but on the other hand, I have faith in the Lord and he’s taken care of us up to this point and I’m sure he will in the future.”
On page 24, Avakian objected to Aaron Klein telling Tony Perkins in the interview: “We don’t do same-sex marriage, same-sex wedding cakes … ” But if you read the interview transcript, Aaron was repeating what he had told the lesbian couple at the time, not what necessarily reflected his beliefs at the time of the interview. Similarly, Avakian cited Aaron telling Perkins, “We can see this becoming an issue and we have to stand firm”—but once again, Aaron Klein was repeating what he had said at the time (in this case, to his wife Melissa), not what he necessarily currently believed.

Avakian also “singles out” the text on a handwritten sign that was shown taped to the window of the Sweet Cakes bakery during the Christian Broadcasting Network broadcast:
Closed but still in business. You can reach me by … this fight is not over. We will continue to stand strong. Your religious freedom is becoming not free anymore. This is ridiculous that we cannot practice our faith. The LORD is good and we will continue to serve HIM with all our heart.
Avakian took these general statements of the Kleins talking about their religious beliefs, the attack launched on them by Avakian’s agency, and their determination to not give in to government persecution, to “constitute notice that discrimination will be made in the future by refusing such services.” Avakian specifically made note of the Kleins’ statements that “This fight is not over. We will continue to stand strong.” According to Avakian, as outlined on page 27 of his order, the Kleins’ “joint statement that they will ‘continue’ to stand strong relates to their denial of service and is prospective in nature. The statements, therefore, indicate Respondents’ clear intent to discriminate in the future just as they had done with Complainants.”
Therefore, Avakian entered his “cease and desist” language on page 42 and 43 preventing the Kleins from saying or publishing anything even remotely similar to all of the language he summarized in which the Kleins were clearly talking about their beliefs about same-sex marriage and their intent to continue to “stay strong” and fight this unfair, unjustified financial penalty and gag order.
And this is the crux of the point made in the original Daily Signal article: If these personal statements of religious belief and willingness to defend themselves against government persecution can be construed as showing “discrimination,” then pretty much almost everything the Kleins could say about their case could be construed by Oregon as showing “discrimination.”
In other words: The Kleins are, yes, “gagged” legally from saying much more, if anything, about their case. Because what they said about their case before—even though they didn’t talk about future decisions about gay couples and wedding cakes—apparently counts as “a clear intent to discriminate in the future.”
Slate’s Stern snidely wrote that “tellingly” Avakian’s order “appears nowhere in The Daily Signal’s article.” But while he may have linked to the order in his own piece, Stern either didn’t read in depth the interviews of the Kleins that Avakian relied on—or didn’t care how flimsy Avakian’s case was for concluding that the Kleins’ statements should be construed as business owners stating they intended to discriminate in the future.
Even more telling, members of the media like Stern apparently have no concern over the issue of prior restraint on the Kleins that Avakian is trying to impose. Our constitutional traditions and Supreme Court precedent have long frowned on prior restraint of speech in any form by the government, yet apparently imposing prior restraint on the Kleins is perfectly acceptable to Slate because the Kleins have, according to them, the wrong view on same-sex marriage. Fortunately, the First Amendment protects all points of view, even those that may today be politically incorrect in the eyes of Slate and other progressive media sites.

“When you’re in the jar, you can’t read the label”

Giant USA Military Medical Training Exercise Engages 1,600 Participants


Military & Intelligence

Giant US Military Medical Training Exercise Engages 1,600 Participants

The US military has held one of its largest field-medical training exercises ever, combining 1,600 active-duty and reserve personnel from 17 US states and three countries, Department of Defense News reported.

WASHINGTON (Sputnik) — The exercise lasted from June 6 to June 26, 2015 at Fort McCoy, Wisconsin and included British and Canadian medical forces, the News said.
“Exercises Global Medic and Combined Joint Atlantic Serpent were held at Fort McCoy, Wisconsin, US, British and Canadian medical forces,” the report, published on Thursday, said.
Joint Staff surgeon and Army Major General Nadja West explained the exercise included a simulated combat-medicine scenario.

It prepared active-duty and reserve troops from all three countries with capabilities for future crises, and included scenarios for potential humanitarian and disaster relief missions, West added.
It prepared active-duty and reserve troops from all three countries with capabilities for future crises, and included scenarios for potential humanitarian and disaster relief missions, West added.
“[F]uture operations and conflicts will most likely require small-footprint, agile, adaptable units,” West told the News. “We have to be prepared for any scenario.”
Innovative US military evacuation and joint-trauma registry protocols developed during the Iraq and Afghanistan conflicts were used in the exercise, she concluded.

Pentagon Bans Media From Covering Domestic Jade Helm War Games


U.S. Army Soldiers

In a decision that’s sure to fuel the many conspiracy theories swirling around Jade Helm 15, the Pentagon announced that the massive military exercise across the American Southwest will be conducted without media coverage.

Beginning next week, the US Army Special Operations Command will conduct a huge military exercise expected to involve over 1,200 troops.

Continuing through September 15, the drills will occur across seven US states.

Latching onto slides published by the military in March which depict the states of Texas and Utah as “hostile,” 'conspiracy theorists' have built upon a fear that Jade Helm is the US government’s way of preparing for martial law.

While most have dismissed the claims as absurd, Texas Governor Greg Abbott has decided to deploy the State Guard to monitor the exercise. That decision was called “pandering to idiots” by State Representative Todd Smith.

Nevertheless, the Pentagon’s latest announcement is sure to add fuel to the fire. Responding to a request for coverage from the Washington Post, a military spokesman confirmed that embedded journalists will not be allowed to cover the exercise.

“All requests from the media for interviews and coverage of US Army Special Operations Command personnel, organizations and events are assessed for feasibility and granted when and where possible,” Lt. Col. Mark Lastoria said in a statement released to the Post.

“We are dedicated to communicating with the public, while balancing that against the application of  operations security and other factors.”

There are any number of reasons why a military drill would not permit media coverage. Security concerns are always an issue, as is the potential release of sensitive military strategy. But it’s certainly not an unprecedented proposal.

Robin Sage, a training exercise in North Carolina, was recently covered by a journalist for Our State Magazine.

Other Special Operations drills conducted overseas have also occasionally been observed by reporters.



House Democrats Are Planning to Go After Cliven Bundy in Spending-Bill Fight

An amendment due in the House this week would YET AGAIN target the right-wing hero. 



National Journal Group Inc.
July 11 2015                                                     

House Democrats Are Planning to Go After Cliven Bundy in Spending-Bill Fight

Rancher Cliven Bundy became a conservative folk hero for his standoff with the Bureau of Land Management over grazing fees, but a new Democratic amendment would block grazing permits from going to anyone who owes the federal government
July 7, 2015 Democrats are going hard after a right-wing hero this week, with plans to put language on the House floor that some have deemed the "Cliven Bundy amendment."
Rep. Ruben Gallego of Arizona plans to introduce an amendment to the House fiscal 2016 spending bill for the Department of the Interior and the Environmental Protection Agency that would block the government from issuing grazing permits to people with unpaid grazing fees.                                             
That's language that pushes back against Bundy, a cattle rancher in southeastern Nevada who's been locked in a decades-long dispute with the Bureau of Land Management over unpaid grazing fees on federal land. (And therein is the 'issue' - federal vs state lands, and rights to use of these state lands that are grandfathered to Bundy.)
Bundy became a conservative folk hero after grazing his cattle on 'federal' land in Nevada without paying fees, claiming that the 'federal government' has no authority over the land.
In 2014, the Bureau of Land Management tried to collect more than $1 million in debt, launching a weeks-long standoff with armed Bundy supporters.
"The amendment reasserts Congress' support for enforcing and monitoring grazing fees on public lands," said a spokesman for Gallego. "People like Cliven Bundy who refuse to pay their grazing fees in violation of the law cost taxpayers millions of dollars in lost revenue on grazing allotment."  (NO! - Americans are standing up to the defunct rogue 'federal government' and refusing to pay 'taxes' not due nor to be bullied, especially concerning their rights and properties.)
Bundy lost much of his support after making racist comments to The New York Times, but still has support from some on the Right because of his battle for land rights. The 2014 dispute with BLM launched a Washington debate about the role of the federal government in managing land, with many conservatives rallying to Bundy's side to object to what they saw as federal overreach on public lands.
Just last week, Bundy met with Republican presidential candidate Rand Paul in Nevada as part of a campaign stop by the senator to discuss public lands. "I think almost all land use issues and animal issues, endangered species issues, ought to be handled at the state level," Paul told the Associated Press.
The amendment is planned as part of the debate over the appropriations bill for the Interior Department and the EPA, which began before the July 4 recess and will resume Tuesday. Democrats are planning a slew of amendments on the bill, which comes laden with riders targeting the Obama administration's climate-change agenda and other environmental regulations.
Democrats have said they're looking at a flood of amendments to try to scale back some of the riders, which also would curtail regulations on ozone pollution, a Clean Water Act expansion, and Endangered Species Act listings. It's unlikely the amendments will succeed, but the White House has already promised a veto threat. 

(Obama, Bilderbergers and Cmt 13 are yet a whole 'nother issue.  bozo - 'president' of a defunct private corporation posing as the government of this nation. Unless and until THAT issue is appropriately resolved, the people of this nation will continue to be engaged in fight after fight over land, water, air, food, housing, education and transportation issues, as well as their plans to 'vaccinate' unto death everyone in the nation.)




kauilapele posted: "This was too striking to pass up. I've heard of this before, and one of the "astronauts" was (is) from the Big Island. There's a big long biography of the author at the very end of the original link. Part of the reason I post this is that this is rathe"

New post on Kauilapele's Blog

Stewart Ogilby 7-7-15… “Are Challenger’s Crew Members Alive?”

by kauilapele
veterans_today_banner_NEW_135This was too striking to pass up. I've heard of this before, and one of the "astronauts" was (is) from the Big Island. There's a big long biography of the author at the very end of the original link.
Part of the reason I post this is that this is rather "out of the envelope" for the current VT staff.
Challenger Crew
In 1986 my accountant from Ohio visited Florida with his young son on the day NASA’s Challenger was to blast off. As I left to meet him at a McDonald’s north of Sarasota I put binoculars on the passenger side front seat of my car just in case I caught a glimpse of the lift-off from the other side of the state.
As luck would have it, as I began to exit the restaurant’s parking lot I saw the huge rocket lifting skyward. I stopped and trained my binoculars on it. As I watched, the rocket disappeared into a white cloud bank and I waited for it to reappear above the clouds. It never did. I saw large trails of white smoke. Could it be, I thought, that the launch had malfunctioned? I turned on my car radio and, as I drove southward along the Tamiami Trail I heard the bad news. For years, I believed every word of the government’s narrative, the O-Rings, the bodies, and, as later following TV’s 9/11, Sandy Hook, and the Boston bombing, the horror of it all.
As a start in understanding the Challenger disaster hoax it is imperative to grasp the fact that all publicized Apollo missions to the moon and back in the late 1960’s until the end of December 1972 (Apollo 17) were a hugely expensive hoax. It has taken until the growth of the internet and widespread publication of purported original moon imagery, said to be photographed miles apart but containing the same exact backdrop, to put the nail into the coffin of that monstrous hoax. Anyone who still doubts this fact can begin their own research. NASA ought really to stand for Nonsensical American Space Allegations.
Soon after the late 1972 end of the Apollo hoax NASA designed the Space Shuttle program. Does anyone not realize that this project had to be constructed along the same lines as the previous venture? The time has come to separate gullibility, patriotic wishes, trust in government, credibility of news sources, and (above all) cognitive dissonance, from reality and truth. Perceptive persons must ask, “Where does this put International Space Station (ISS) narratives?” Good question. Challenger’s 1986 images, TV, and press were just one part of NASA’s space shuttles’ hoax narratives.
Following the Apollo program hoax, it was necessary to train new “astronauts” for upcoming Space Shuttle ventures. How did NASA go about finding these enterprising souls? Well, personal bravery isn’t required when one understands that it is all fun and games. Other qualifications are needed, including intelligence.
To fill these new positions NASA did not, as in Apollo, look mainly for experienced test pilots. Instead they hired Nichelle Nichols, to fill job vacancies. Nichols, having starred in popular Star Trek movies, was highly qualified for this responsibility. She was discovered by Hugh Hefner who had hired her to work in his Chicago Playboy Club. Prior to that, an accomplished singer and dancer, Nichelle Nichols had sung with jazz greats Duke Ellington and Lionel Hampton. Among astronauts hired by her were Dr. Judith Resnik and Dr. Ronald McNair, both of whom were allegedly killed in the “disaster” of hoax space shuttle Challenger.
In maintaining a hoax, rather than killing potential whistle blowers, as needed to be done during Apollo, it was easier to work with cooperative individuals who could return to private lives. Obviously, all could easily do so except for those supposedly killed during fake “space missions”. To actually kill members of the complicit staff would potentially create serious difficulty. Who knows how others, aware of the hoax, might react? The trick was to cobble together biographies, part true and necessarily part fake, for deceased “astronauts”.
Take a quick look at just two of this crew: Michael J. Smith and Judith Resnik. Smith is said to have graduated from the Naval Academy at Annapolis in 1967 and served in various U.S. Navy capacities until selected in 1980 for Space Shuttle duty. If it turns out that an existing Michael J. Smith doppelganger has credible and verifiable evidence of other activities that would have conflicted with NASA obligations during the span between reporting for space shuttle duty and the date of the Challenger’s narrative we can safely say he was not the person selected for the NASA role. Well, our doppelganger is said to have served as a research program director at the U.S. National Institute for Occupational Safety (NIOS) in Cincinnati, Ohio from 1974 through 1984 before becoming Associate Professor at the University of Wisconsin, an improbable but not impossible career move for a former U.S. Navy officer. I tried researching NIOS online but the websites were down. I bet they go back up soon.
With respect to improbable career changes, Judith Resnik is interesting. The fake space shuttle astronaut married in 1970 a former student buddy at Carnegie Mellon University where they both majored in electrical engineering. Interestingly, both were soon employed by RCA where they worked with various NASA projects connected to the company. After a few years they moved to the D.C. area because Judith’s husband had decided to go to Georgetown University Law School (talk about a career change!). The narrative is that Judith did not join him in law but enrolled at the University of Maryland, graduating in 1977 with a PhD in EE before being recruited in 1978 for NASA by Nichelle Nichols.
Although divorced from her former student buddy, they remained on good terms. Judith invited him to observe her blast-off in the maiden voyage of the space shuttle Discovery for an August to September “mission” in 1984. Thus, we have the curious picture of the lawyer coming to Florida to watch his ex-wife, a former student buddy, in a milestone blast-off during the space shuttle hoax. Obviously, Judith wasn’t in space for weeks, her televised wild weightless hair notwithstanding. Perhaps he knows where she was.
The living doppelganger is said to have graduated NYU Law School in 1975. In a year she was a lecturer and teaching at Yale Law School, a meteoric career move. She is said to have been on the faculty of University of Southern California’s Law School for seventeen years, beginning in 1980 before re-joining Yale Law School in 1997. I observe that one need not practice law, generating court transcripts, to have an illustrious law career. This strikes me as curious but I am not a lawyer so what do I know?
I know that we are living in a world of smoke and mirrors designed so well by very smart people that America’s masses, who long ago lost beneficent representative government, will remain, as George Carlin put it, “willfully ignorant”.