Monday, July 13, 2015

Idetifying the corporations impersonating the lawful government is a good place from where to begin.

Identifying the corporations impersonating
the lawful government
is a good place from where to begin


Identifying the corporations impersonating the lawful government is a good place from where to begin.

by arnierosner


US Corp (of which obama is CEO) Is In Worse Fiscal Condition Than Greece. Continental Americans not necessarily involved!

US Corp National Franchise State and City Branches – Duns numbers

US Corp. and some Agencies Duns Numbers used to impersonate the lawful government of the American people.

The United Colonies of America – Today

YOU are an ENEMY of the STATE: Congress Declares in 1933!

On Jul 12, 2015, at 9:20 PM, wrote:
Well, this is:
1. Unconstitutional
2. Never passed by Congress
Therefore, it is not a law. Where are Congress, state legislatures, municipalities? Nullify. NULLIFY!
George Miller
-----Original Message-----
From: Kirk MacKenzie <>
To: Citizens Newswire <>
Sent: Sun, Jul 12, 2015 7:43 pm
Subject: [CitizensNewswire] Fwd: This week Obama TOOK OVER your City, Town, Village, County and Township AND YOU DIDN"T EVEN NOTICE! - PLEASE FORWARD
Begin forwarded message:
From: Tom Zawistowski
Date: July 12, 2015  
Subject: This week Obama TOOK OVER your City, Town, Village, County and Township AND YOU DIDN"T EVEN NOTICE! - PLEASE FORWARD
We the People Convention
P.O. Box 6211
Akron, OH 44312

Ohio Hero's:
Northeast - Steve Berecek, David Frost, Peggy Reed, Kirsten Hill,
Southeast - Jon Eells, Brian Duffy
Southwest - Jennie Granato, Barbara Burkard
Central - Eileen DeRolf, Wendy Sizemore
Northwest - Linda Bishop, Boots Vandale, Jim Green, Rick Geyer
For YEARS this small band of Ohio Patriots, and a few others across the state, have been SCREAMING at all of us to recognize the PERSONAL THREAT of Agenda 21. Too few of us in our movement have listened, including me at times. Many outside our movement have attacked them publicly AND personally for exposing this hideous plan and how it will affect YOU personally . These people have worked TIRELESSLY, fighting Agenda 21 in Dayton and Fremont and Cleveland and everywhere they could. But because we have not supported them, because we have not listened to them, because we have not rallied to defend our own property rights their most dire warnings became reality this week - and you didn't even notice!
Attached to this email is a copy of the new " Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing Rule" signed by our Communist President. READ EVERY WORD OF IT BECAUSE IT IS GOING TO CHANGE YOUR WORLD - LIKE IT OR NOT! Hard to believe, but this is actually worse than Obamacare. As usual, this is NOT about "Fair Housing" this is about redistribution of YOUR wealth, "equality of OUTCOMES" which is Communism, a Federal takeover of your local government's authority, and "S tate" control of where you live and how you and your children will be "allowed" to live.
Read the article below from National Review for the overview. YOU DON'T LIVE IN AMERICA ANYMORE. You live in the new "Peoples Republic" where there is no Constitution, there no " Representation " for you in Government, there is no rule of law, there is no equal protection under that law, our "words" mean what the "Statists" say they mean not what they were intended to mean.
What are you going to do about it? What are YOU going to do about it? Perhaps after reading the attached document you might finally go and personally confront you County Commissioners or Township Trustees or Mayor or City Council members and ask them if they understand how this THREATENS YOUR WAY OF LIFE. Perhaps you will finally get mad enough to use every resource at your disposal, every skill you possess, every ounce of your energy to throw these Communists and their supporter out of office. If you do not, they are going to take everything you've got and we will only have ourselves to blame. The time for talk if way over. Now YOU must act!
Tom Zawistowsk
Massive Government Overreach: Obama’s AFFH Rule Is Out
By Stanley Kurtz — July 8, 2015 ( Online Link to this Article)
Today, HUD Secretary Julian Castro announced the finalization of the Obama administration’s Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing Rule. A front-page article preemptively defending the move appears in today’s Washington Post. The final rule is 377 pages, vastly longer than the preliminary version of the rule promulgated in 2013.
AFFH is easily one of President Obama’s most radical initiatives, on a par with Obamacare in its transformative potential. In effect, AFFH gives the federal government a lever to re-engineer nearly every American neighborhood — imposing a preferred racial and ethnic composition, densifying housing, transportation, and business development in suburb and city alike, and weakening or casting aside the authority of local governments over core responsibilities, from zoning to transportation to education. Not only the policy but the political implications are immense — at the presidential, congressional, state, and local levels.
It is a scandal that the mainstream press has largely refused to report on AFFH until the day of its final release. The rule has been out in preliminary form for two years, and well before that the Obama administration’s transformative aims in urban/suburban policy were evident. Three years ago, when I wrote about Obama’s policy blueprint in Spreading the Wealth: How Obama Is Robbing the Suburbs to Pay for the Cities, the administration’s efforts to keep this issue under the radar were evident. Only last month, an admission of the stealth relied on by advocates to advance this initiative was caught on video.
Obama has downplayed his policy goals in this area and delayed the finalization of AFFH for years, because he understands how politically explosive this rule is. Once the true implications of AFFH are understood, Americans will rebel. The only prospect for successful imposition is a frog-boiling strategy of gradual intensification. The last day the frog will be able to jump is Tuesday, November 8, 2016.
Fundamentally, AFFH is an attempt to achieve economic integration. Race and ethnicity are being used as proxies for class, since these are the only hooks for social engineering provided by the Fair Housing Act of 1968. Like AFFH itself, today’s Washington Post piece blurs the distinction between race and class, conflating the persistence of “concentrated poverty” with housing discrimination by race. Not being able to afford a freestanding house in a bedroom suburb is no proof of racial discrimination. Erstwhile urbanites have been moving to rustic and spacious suburbs since Cicero built his villa outside Rome. Even in a monoracial and mono-ethnic world, suburbanites would zone to set limits on dense development.
Emily Badger’s piece in today’s Washington Post focuses on race, but the real story of AFFH is the attempt to force integration by class, to densify development in American suburbs and cities, and to undo America’s system of local government and replace it with a “regional” alternative that turns suburbs into helpless satellites of large cities. Once HUD gets its hooks into a municipality, no policy area is safe. Zoning, transportation, education, all of it risks slipping into the control of the federal government and the new, unelected regional bodies the feds will empower. Over time, AFFH could spell the end of the local democracy that Alexis de Tocqueville rightly saw as the foundation of America’s liberty and distinctiveness.
At this point, municipalities across the country need to seriously consider refraining from applying for Community Development Block Grants and other grant programs sponsored by HUD. Take one dollar of HUD money and you will be forced to submit to its demands, which can reach far beyond housing. Unfortunately, this is a highly imperfect solution, and not only because municipalities would be surrendering money taxed from their citizens’ pockets. The recent Supreme Court decision in Texas Department of Housing and Community Affairs v. Inclusive Communities Project has provided the federal government with a second club to use against municipalities seeking to escape HUD control. (See my piece on Inclusive Communities in the latest issue of National Review.) Ultimately, only a Republican president acting in concert with a Republican Congress can stymie AFFH and undo the damage of the Supreme Court’s recent housing decision.
This brings us to politics. As noted, AFFH is a largely unacknowledged attempt to force economic integration on every neighborhood in America. Yet in a recent Rasmussen poll, 83 percent of respondents said it was not the government’s job to diversify neighborhoods by income level, while only 8 percent say that this is an appropriate task for government. Now you know why the Obama administration and a compliant press corps have kept this initiative quiet.
It will take time to collect the data on which HUD’s new demands for local governments all over America will be based. While important enforcement will begin under the Obama administration, the major impact of AFFH will come under President Hillary Clinton, should she be elected. And Obama’s AFFH enforcer, Julian Castro, is widely touted as a likely vice-presidential running mate for Hillary. That means AFFH is going to be an issue in the next presidential campaign.
And the political implications go deeper still, to every level of government. Westchester County, New York, where AFFH has had a dry run of sorts, is now administered by Republican county executive Robert Astorino. Many forget that before the Obama administration tried to force Westchester County to cast aside its own zoning laws and build high-density, low-income housing at its own expense, Westchester was a liberal Democratic county run by liberal Democrats. After all, this is where Bill and Hillary Clinton live. At the local level, the Obama administration drove Westchester into the arms of the Republicans. The same thing could happen nationally, at every political level. But only if the frog wakes up and jumps by November of 2016. Even with AFFH now public, the Obama administration and the press corps will do everything in their power to obscure the real issues at stake in the massive AFFH power-grab. Don’t let that happen.
— Stanley Kurtz is a senior fellow at the Ethics and Public Policy Center. He can be reached at


Its not like you have not been told…

Its not like you have not been told…

by arnierosner
On Jul 12, 2015, at 7:41 PM, Kirk MacKenzie <> wrote:

Agenda 21 and related items summary page

Here is how it is done…by deception:

US Corp National Franchise State and City Branches – Duns numbers

US Corp. and some Agencies Duns Numbers used to impersonate the lawful government of the American people.

Got a weak stomach…don’t click on this following link:

County Impostor Project

The Evidence is Irrefutable – Time to Arrest?

The United Colonies of America – Today

Comprehensive Annual Financial Report (CAFR) Summary

From: Tom Zawistowski
Date: July 12, 2015
Subject: This week Obama TOOK OVER your City, Town, Village, County and Township AND YOU DIDN"T EVEN NOTICE! - PLEASE FORWARD
We the People Convention
P.O. Box 6211
Akron, OH 44312

Ohio Hero's:
Northeast - Steve Berecek, David Frost, Peggy Reed, Kirsten Hill,
Southeast - Jon Eells, Brian Duffy
Southwest - Jennie Granato, Barbara Burkard
Central - Eileen DeRolf, Wendy Sizemore
Northwest - Linda Bishop, Boots Vandale, Jim Green, Rick Geyer
For YEARS this small band of Ohio Patriots, and a few others across the state, have been SCREAMING at all of us to recognize the PERSONAL THREAT of Agenda 21. Too few of us in our movement have listened, including me at times. Many outside our movement have attacked them publicly AND personally for exposing this hideous plan and how it will affect YOU personally. These people have worked TIRELESSLY, fighting Agenda 21 in Dayton and Fremont and Cleveland and everywhere they could. But because we have not supported them, because we have not listened to them, because we have not rallied to defend our own property rights their most dire warnings became reality this week - and you didn't even notice!
Attached to this email is a copy of the new "Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing Rule" signed by our Communist President. READ EVERY WORD OF IT BECAUSE IT IS GOING TO CHANGE YOUR WORLD - LIKE IT OR NOT! Hard to believe, but this is actually worse than Obamacare. As usual, this is NOT about "Fair Housing" this is about redistribution of YOUR wealth, "equality of OUTCOMES" which is Communism, a Federal takeover of your local government's authority, and "State" control of where you live and how you and your children will be "allowed" to live.
Read the article below from National Review for the overview. YOU DON'T LIVE IN AMERICA ANYMORE. You live in the new "Peoples Republic" where there is no Constitution, there no "Representation" for you in Government, there is no rule of law, there is no equal protection under that law, our "words" mean what the "Statists" say they mean not what they were intended to mean.
What are you going to do about it? What are YOU going to do about it? Perhaps after reading the attached document you might finally go and personally confront you County Commissioners or Township Trustees or Mayor or City Council members and ask them if they understand how this THREATENS YOUR WAY OF LIFE. Perhaps you will finally get mad enough to use every resource at your disposal, every skill you possess, every ounce of your energy to throw these Communists and their supporter out of office. If you do not, they are going to take everything you've got and we will only have ourselves to blame. The time for talk if way over. Now YOU must act!
Tom Zawistowsk
Massive Government Overreach: Obama’s AFFH Rule Is Out
By Stanley Kurtz — July 8, 2015 (Online Link to this Article)
Today, HUD Secretary Julian Castro announced the finalization of the Obama administration’s Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing Rule. A front-page article preemptively defending the move appears in today’s Washington Post. The final rule is 377 pages, vastly longer than the preliminary version of the rule promulgated in 2013.
AFFH is easily one of President Obama’s most radical initiatives, on a par with Obamacare in its transformative potential. In effect, AFFH gives the federal government a lever to re-engineer nearly every American neighborhood — imposing a preferred racial and ethnic composition, densifying housing, transportation, and business development in suburb and city alike, and weakening or casting aside the authority of local governments over core responsibilities, from zoning to transportation to education. Not only the policy but the political implications are immense — at the presidential, congressional, state, and local levels.
It is a scandal that the mainstream press has largely refused to report on AFFH until the day of its final release. The rule has been out in preliminary form for two years, and well before that the Obama administration’s transformative aims in urban/suburban policy were evident. Three years ago, when I wrote about Obama’s policy blueprint in Spreading the Wealth: How Obama Is Robbing the Suburbs to Pay for the Cities, the administration’s efforts to keep this issue under the radar were evident. Only last month, an admission of the stealth relied on by advocates to advance this initiative was caught on video.
Obama has downplayed his policy goals in this area and delayed the finalization of AFFH for years, because he understands how politically explosive this rule is. Once the true implications of AFFH are understood, Americans will rebel. The only prospect for successful imposition is a frog-boiling strategy of gradual intensification. The last day the frog will be able to jump is Tuesday, November 8, 2016.
Fundamentally, AFFH is an attempt to achieve economic integration. Race and ethnicity are being used as proxies for class, since these are the only hooks for social engineering provided by the Fair Housing Act of 1968. Like AFFH itself, today’s Washington Post piece blurs the distinction between race and class, conflating the persistence of “concentrated poverty” with housing discrimination by race. Not being able to afford a freestanding house in a bedroom suburb is no proof of racial discrimination. Erstwhile urbanites have been moving to rustic and spacious suburbs since Cicero built his villa outside Rome. Even in a monoracial and mono-ethnic world, suburbanites would zone to set limits on dense development.
Emily Badger’s piece in today’s Washington Post focuses on race, but the real story of AFFH is the attempt to force integration by class, to densify development in American suburbs and cities, and to undo America’s system of local government and replace it with a “regional” alternative that turns suburbs into helpless satellites of large cities. Once HUD gets its hooks into a municipality, no policy area is safe. Zoning, transportation, education, all of it risks slipping into the control of the federal government and the new, unelected regional bodies the feds will empower. Over time, AFFH could spell the end of the local democracy that Alexis de Tocqueville rightly saw as the foundation of America’s liberty and distinctiveness.
At this point, municipalities across the country need to seriously consider refraining from applying for Community Development Block Grants and other grant programs sponsored by HUD. Take one dollar of HUD money and you will be forced to submit to its demands, which can reach far beyond housing. Unfortunately, this is a highly imperfect solution, and not only because municipalities would be surrendering money taxed from their citizens’ pockets. The recent Supreme Court decision in Texas Department of Housing and Community Affairs v. Inclusive Communities Project has provided the federal government with a second club to use against municipalities seeking to escape HUD control. (See my piece on Inclusive Communities in the latest issue of National Review.) Ultimately, only a Republican president acting in concert with a Republican Congress can stymie AFFH and undo the damage of the Supreme Court’s recent housing decision.
This brings us to politics. As noted, AFFH is a largely unacknowledged attempt to force economic integration on every neighborhood in America. Yet in a recent Rasmussen poll, 83 percent of respondents said it was not the government’s job to diversify neighborhoods by income level, while only 8 percent say that this is an appropriate task for government. Now you know why the Obama administration and a compliant press corps have kept this initiative quiet.
It will take time to collect the data on which HUD’s new demands for local governments all over America will be based. While important enforcement will begin under the Obama administration, the major impact of AFFH will come under President Hillary Clinton, should she be elected. And Obama’s AFFH enforcer, Julian Castro, is widely touted as a likely vice-presidential running mate for Hillary. That means AFFH is going to be an issue in the next presidential campaign.
And the political implications go deeper still, to every level of government. Westchester County, New York, where AFFH has had a dry run of sorts, is now administered by Republican county executive Robert Astorino. Many forget that before the Obama administration tried to force Westchester County to cast aside its own zoning laws and build high-density, low-income housing at its own expense, Westchester was a liberal Democratic county run by liberal Democrats. After all, this is where Bill and Hillary Clinton live. At the local level, the Obama administration drove Westchester into the arms of the Republicans. The same thing could happen nationally, at every political level. But only if the frog wakes up and jumps by November of 2016. Even with AFFH now public, the Obama administration and the press corps will do everything in their power to obscure the real issues at stake in the massive AFFH power-grab. Don’t let that happen.
— Stanley Kurtz is a senior fellow at the Ethics and Public Policy Center. He can be reached at
arnierosner | July 12, 2015 at 8:11 pm | Categories: Civil Rights Violations | URL:

Cancer breakthrough as scientists discover 'master switch' that causes the disease to spread

Cancer breakthrough as scientists discover 'master switch' that causes the disease to spread, paving the way for new life-saving treatments

  • Scientists have identified for the first time a crucial molecule, instrumental in causing prostate cancer tumours to spread to other parts of the body
  • The protein DNA-PKcs was found to drive spread of the disease
  • In most cases cancerous tumours are only deadly once they have spread
  • Researchers hope their findings will pave the way for new drug treatments

A crucial molecule which enables cancer to spread has been identified by scientists for the first time, paving the way for new treatments.
The disease is one which relies on cell growth, and in most cases tumours only become lethal once they metastasise, or spread from their first location to other parts of the body.
Today, researchers at Thomas Jefferson University in Philadelphia revealed they have found a single molecule that appears to be the 'lynchpin' driving metastasis in prostate cancer.
They hope their findings will enable them to target the development of a drug that could prevent cancerous prostate tumours spreading.
And their aspirations do not end there. The team hope it will eventually pave the way for treatments to target other forms of the disease. 
Scientists at the Thomas Jefferson University in Philadelphia have identified for the first time, a key molecule that  is instrumental in causing prostate cancer (pictured) tumours to spread to other parts of the body
Scientists at the Thomas Jefferson University in Philadelphia have identified for the first time, a key molecule that is instrumental in causing prostate cancer (pictured) tumours to spread to other parts of the body
Karen Knudsen, professor of urology at the university, said: 'Finding a way to halt or prevent cancer metastasis has proven elusive.
'We discovered that a molecule called DNA-PKcs could give us a means of knocking out major pathways that control metastasis before it begins.' 
Metastasis is thought of as the last stage of cancer. 
The tumour undergoes a number of changes to its DNA - mutations - that make the cells more mobile allowing them to enter the bloodstream.

The cells also become 'sticky', which helps them anchor into new locations such as the bone, lungs, liver or brain. 
The processes by which this happen are complex, involving many different biological pathways - but the new research suggests that just one molecule lies at the root of many of them. 
That molecule is a DNA repair kinase, called DNA-PKcs.
The kinase - a type of enzyme - rejoins broken or mutated DNA strands in a cancer cell, acting as a glue to the many broken pieces of DNA, thus keeping alive a cell that should normally self-destruct.
Finding a way to halt or prevent cancer metastasis has proven elusive. We discovered that a molecule called DNA-PKcs could give us a means of knocking out major pathways that control metastasis before it begins
Karen Knudsen, professor of urology, Thomas Jefferson University
Past studies had shown that DNA-PKcs was linked to treatment resistance in prostate cancer, in part because it would repair the usually lethal damage to tumours caused by radiation therapy and other treatments.
Importantly, Prfoessor Knudsen's work showed that DNA-PKcs has other, far-reaching roles in cancer.
The team found the molecule also appears to act as a master regulator of a network that turns on the entire programme of metastatic processes.
Specifically, the DNA-PKcs modulates another enzyme, which allows many cancer cells to become mobile, as well as other key processes such as cell migration and invasion.
Furthermore, Dr Knudsen and her team were able to show that in mice carrying human models of prostate cancer, they could block the development of metastases by using agents that suppress DNA-PKcs production or function.
And in mice with aggressive human tumours, an inhibitor of DNA-PKcs, reduced overall tumour burden in metastatic sites. 
In a final part of their investigations, researchers analysed 232 samples from patients with prostate cancer.
They measured the amount of DNA-PKcs those cells contained, and compared those levels to the patients' medical records.
They discovered a spike in the kinase levels was a strong predictor of developing metastases and poor outcomes in prostate cancer.
Metastasis is thought of as the last, and deadly stage of cancer. The tumour undergoes a number of changes to its DNA - mutations - that make the cells more mobile allowing them to enter the bloodstream. The cells also become 'sticky', which helps them anchor into new locations such as the bone, lungs (pictured), liver or brain
Metastasis is thought of as the last, and deadly stage of cancer. The tumour undergoes a number of changes to its DNA - mutations - that make the cells more mobile allowing them to enter the bloodstream. The cells also become 'sticky', which helps them anchor into new locations such as the bone, lungs (pictured), liver or brain
And they showed that DNA-PKcs was much more active in human samples of castrate-resistant prostate cancer, an aggressive and treatment-resistant form of the disease. 
Dr Knudsen said: 'These results strongly suggest that DNA-PKcs is a master regulator of the pathways and signals that lead to the development of metastases in prostate cancer, and that high levels of DNA-PKcs could predict which early stage tumours may go on to metastasize.  
'The finding that DNA-PKcs is a likely driver of lethal disease states was unexpected, and the discovery was made possible by key collaborations across academia and industry.' 
Key partners on the study included the universities of Michigan, California Los Angeles and Columbia, the Mayo Clinic, Cleveland Clinic and Genome Dx. 
This discovery unveils new opportunities for preventing or treating advanced disease
Dr Knudsen 
Although not all molecules are easy to turn into drugs, at least one pharmaceutical company has already developed a drug that inhibits DNA-PKcs, and is currently testing it in a phase one study.  
'We are enthusiastic about the next step of clinical assessment for testing DNA-PKcs inhibitors in the clinic,' said Dr Knudsen.
'A new trial will commence shortly using the Celgene CC-115 DNA-PKcs inhibitor. 
'This new trial will be for patients advancing on standard of care therapies, and will be available at multiple centres connected through the Prostate Cancer Clinical Trials Consortium, of which we are a member.
'Although the pathway to drug approval can take many years, this new trial will provide some insight into the effect of DNAP-PKcs inhibitors as anti-tumour agents. 
'In parallel, using this kinase as a marker of severe disease may also help identify patients whose tumors will develop into aggressive metastatic disease, so that we can treat them with more aggressive therapy earlier.' 
The findings are reported in the journal Cancer Cell. 



The victim of an alleged group attack near the University of Chicago campus with her children in the back seat of her car talked exclusively with ABC7 Eyewitness News
Her car damaged, her nerves shaken, the victim of an alleged group attack near the University of Chicago campus spoke exclusively with ABC7 Eyewitness News.

Police say two people were arrested and charged, but Susan Pedersen says several dozen people were involved in the attack that left her two children covered in broken glass. They were in the back seat of the vehicle, which was left dented with the rear glass shattered.

"I'm very scared, very anxious, nervous. Just fearful," she said.

Broken glass littered the pavement at 60th and King Drive across from Washington Park, where the attack took place around 9 p.m. Thursday night. Pedersen says she had just dropped off a friend at the University of Chicago when she stopped at a red light and found her car surrounded by several dozen young people.

"They were walking around both sides of the vehicle - in the front, in the back - and as they were walking across, they were hitting my car, using racial slurs and telling me that I didn't belong in their neighborhood because I was white," Pedersen said.

The group, all African-American, she says, kicked the vehicle and shook it violently. Her children were screaming from the back of the vehicle.

Pedersen said one person was on a bicycle, which the group used it as a battering ram to shatter the back window. The broken glass left cuts on her 3-year-old son, Benjamin.

Pedersen said a police car, which happened to be nearby, arrived and the group scattered.

Two juveniles were arrested, police said. They were charged with misdemeanor criminal damage to property.

Pedersen says the crime damaged more than her property. She would like more serious charges filed.

"This is something that's going to stay with me for the rest of my life," she said.

New proposal would strike at web’s anonymity

New proposal would strike at web’s anonymity

Privacy advocates, public interest groups and even some celebrities are raising alarms about a proposal that could limit the ability of some website owners to disguise themselves.
The issue has caught fire over the past few months as an obscure organization that manages the Internet's domain name system was inundated with comments about a proposal that could bar commercial websites from using proxies to register their web addresses.
Advocates argue anonymity is a key feature of free speech online, and removing that protection from people who create a website for commercial purposes could open vulnerable populations up to abuse. 
“Whatever the interest in unmasking an anonymous speaker, free speech interests demand the preservation of opportunities for anonymous speech,” Public Knowledge, the Open Technology Institute and the Center for Democracy and Technology argued in joint public comments.
Individuals and businesses are currently allowed to hide their identity, physical location and other personal contact information behind proxies in the public “WHOIS” directory that stores information online about the owners of every registered website domain name. 
Proxies can be used by anyone registering a domain, from a lawmaker gearing up for a presidential run who does not want to tip off the press, to a blogger posting unpopular views online. The proxy service comes standard with many of the major domain registrars like GoDaddy. 
The organization that coordinates the entire back end of the Internet, the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN), just finished seeking comment to see if it should cut off that proxy service for websites that conduct “financial transactions for commercial purpose.”
Critics of the potential change argue commercial activity will be impossible to define in a way that does not sweep up many other vulnerable populations that rely on anonymity.
“It will curb economic activity by adding untenable risk to using a website to promote one’s business or to collect donations, and may even add this risk to hosting ads,” according to comments by the Electronic Frontier Foundation and dozens of other groups. 
They cited instances where the public WHOIS database has been used in the past to generate abuse in a process known as “doxing” — when someone widely releases identifying information about an individual on a public forum. One result of that can come when an individual obtains another person's home address and calls 911 to report a phony emergency at the location, which in some cases has prompted a police department's SWAT team to descend on the house. 
Dozens of domestic violence groups signed the EFF letter. Others that signed on include tech groups like the Tor Project, Access, and Fight for the Future, as well as a diverse group of individuals such as actress Ashley Judd and journalist Laura Poitras.
Those groups argued that ICANN should reverse course and completely reform the concept of the WHOIS database to include privacy by “default to everyone.”
The more narrow question related to commercial websites was posed in a report from an ICANN working group that is coming up with a set of standards for these proxy services, since no accreditation process or best practices currently exist. 
Comments closed Tuesday and the staff report is due later this month. 
Luckily for critics, most inside the working group oppose a plan to treat commercial websites differently. But the issue is far from settled. 
“What is clear right now is there is not consensus in the community on this change. And unless there is consensus, it doesn't come for a recommendation to the community for approval,” ICANN President Fadi Chehadé told members of Congress this week. 
Advocates have been largely successful in mobilizing support against the originally low-profile proposal. More than 11,000 comments have been filed, in a process where 20 is usually a decent number. Many of the comments came from a form letter circulated by EFF, Fight For The Future, and Namecheap, a web hosting company. 
“I urge you to respect internet users' rights to privacy and due process. Everyone deserves the right to privacy. No one’s personal information should be revealed without a court order, regardless of whether the request comes from a private individual or law enforcement agency,” according to the form letter. 
Some entertainment and commercial interests have argued that banning proxy services for commercial websites could help crack down on the sale of counterfeit goods online or trademark infringement. 
Others point to the principle that customers have the right to know with whom they are doing business. Turner Broadcasting System, which owns CNN, argued in comments that proxies “are by their very nature intended to thwart attribution and accountability,” though the company did not take a position on the specific question. 
Amid the flurry of comments, even the Motion Picture Association of America said it opposes an outright ban on proxy registration for sites used for commercial activity. But it said ongoing discussions should continue about the distinctions. 
It said much of the current outcry has been spawned by "hype and misinformation."
The U.S. government, which holds symbolic oversight over ICANN, has not taken a position in the fight. However, Larry Strickling, the administrator for the National Telecommunications and Information Administration, argues the proposal is “not as broad as some people feared.”
He said the debate should focus “on the actual issue.”
“It is a difficult one because we need to balance the interests who want to express themselves on the Internet against the similar interest people have in knowing who they do business with,” he said during testimony this week.