Tuesday, July 14, 2015

The Bilocation of Hillary Clone-Clinton


Just a little reminder about the many Hillary Clintons since 'she' is running for the 'President' of the criminal cabal in Washington DC

Picture: The Bilocation of Hillary Clone-Clinton. Camp David Human Clone Labs. 

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In 2008, during the American presidential election campaign, US Senator Hillary Clinton's handlers began to get clumsy and she was seen in two different places at once on a number of separate occasions. And not just in Iowa and New Hampshire.

Someone sees Hillary Clinton at a function across town at, say, 1.30pm. And then, when they compare notes with a Democratic Party co-worker later that day, they learn that Hillary was also seen back at the hotel at 1.30pm, three miles away. And her clothes were different, or her hair was different, or her makeup was different, and the people with her were different. Or, after a speaking engagement, the car drives Hillary Clinton away to Location A, where she is seen to get out of the car at, say, 10.45pm. But a co-worker sees her at 11.00pm at Location B thirty or forty miles away, except that Hillary Clinton and the car have not left Location A. And they couldn't drive that fast anyway, and Hillary's clothing or appearance is different, and the people with her are different. And the next day, arriving for an early morning meeting somewhere, Hillary comes from Location B, not from Location A. Meanwhile, she is seen having a late breakfast at Location A with different people. And so on.

How many different Hillary Clintons are there?


It is suggested that over half the US Presidential hopefuls in 2008 were human clones. There were several of each of them. Was Hillary Clinton one of these or several of them? And how are the voters to discriminate?

A picture of the young Hillary Clinton can be seen

Notice the physiognomy: the smile musculature, the cheek pouches, the placement of the nose bridge, the upper eyelid line. Now look at who the official Hillary for President campaign site wanted you to vote for in New Hampshire (picture here). The same woman, but older? Look at the right hand side of her mouth. Any moles visible? There are other pictures here and here and here and here. Same woman again, but older? Trick of the light maybe? Moles there notice, but no moles here. What about here? Moles or not? Now for the mystery woman. Who is this? Or this? Recognise the smile? Know the name from somewhere? The same as this perhaps? And where did this one come from? Or this,

or this?

In that run of pictures, there were fifteen images of which three were repeated. But how many different individuals were shown? Three? Four? When we and others first began running this story, the Hillary for President campaign immediately changed its lead picture from
this to this. That image was then changed again after a bit. Their current favourite official regulation version of Hillary Clinton can now be viewed here.

And for afficionados,
here is a picture of one of the Hillary Clinton clones taking instructions from a clone-handler called George McGlaris in Dover, New Hampshire, on Monday 7th January 2008.A quote from the Hillary Clinton for President website was germane: "President Clinton writes about his life with Hillary and how she has been an agent of change for 35 years."

What was the major issue in election-alert America in 2008? It was the physiognomy, stupid.

http://alcuinbramerton.blogspot.com/2008/01/bilocation-of-hillary-clone-clinton.htmlcture: Hillary Clin





Government tries to ban us from tracking Jade Helm - Patriots step in


Posted on


A citizen surveillance group says it plans to monitor Operation Jade Helm, the U.S. military’s planned seven-state training exercises, as it begins throughout the Southwest on Wednesday.
The grass-roots surveillance movement was organized by a group calling itself Counter Jade Helm, which boasts a Facebook following of more than 6,000 people and a website filled with information about the military’s plans.

The Counter Jade Helm website explained the citizen-initiated mission thusly:
Counter Jade Helm, aka CJH, is a training exercise for the people. In response to the military’s multi-state training, called Jade Helm 2015, citizens will participate in an unofficial fashion to practice counter-insurgency, organizational and intelligence gathering and reporting skills.
CJH is not affiliated with the military’s training exercise.
The objective is not to stop or countermand the military’s training, but to practice our own skills. Anyone can participate. Groups within each state that will play host to the military are being established to streamline the process. Individuals not wishing to be affiliated with a group can also submit information to this website for analysis and publishing.
National organizer Marine Pete Lanteri, 44, described by The Hill as a former Marine and “a New Yorker currently living in Arizona,” said that the group’s main goal is to observe what the military participants do in public.
“Obviously on a military base they can do whatever they want,” Lanteri said, according to The Hill. “But if they’re going to trade on public land, we have a right as American citizens to watch what they’re doing.”
The Washington Post reported last week that media will be largely prohibited from covering the military training exercises:
Embedded reporters won’t be permitted at any point during the exercise, in which military officials say that secretive Special Operations troops will maneuver through private and publicly owned land in several southern states. Lt. Col. Mark Lastoria, a spokesman for Army Special Operations Command, said his organization is considering allowing a small number of journalists to view selected portions of the exercise later this summer, but nothing is finalized.
That means Counter Jade Helm participants like Texas surveillance team leader Eric Johnston, a 51-year-old retired firefighter and sheriff’s deputy, will be the primary source of public information about the military’s actions. According to Houston’s Chronicle, Johnston will “coordinate three groups of volunteers, about 20 folks in total, who hope to monitor the SEALs, Green Berets and Air Force Special Ops in Bastrop, Big Spring and Junction…”
“If a team member sees two Humvees full of soldiers driving through town, they’re going to follow them,” Johnston told local reporters. “And they’re going to radio back their ultimate location.”
Johnston said that one of his team members is a licensed pilot who plans to conduct aerial surveillance of the military maneuvers.
The citizen response to Jade Helm mirrors Republican Texas Gov. Greg Abbott’s April decision to mobilize his state guard to observe the U.S. military’s planned training exercises in Texas after hundreds of residence relayed concerns about Jade Helm.
“During the training operation, it is important that Texans know their safety, constitutional rights, private property rights and civil liberties will not be infringed,” he said in a statement at the time. “By monitoring the Operation on a continual basis, the State Guard will facilitate communications between my office and the commanders of the Operation to ensure that adequate measures are in place to protect Texans.”
Americans and some lawmakers skeptical of the Jade Helm exercises have at times been ridiculed by the mainstream media and political establishment. But amid intense Jade Helm secrecy and increasing federal power in recent years, people leery of the training event represent a sizable percentage of likely U.S. voters.
Rasmussen noted in May: “45% of voters are concerned that the government will use U.S. military training operations to impose greater control over some states, with 19% who are Very Concerned.”



Judge Anna is an acquaintance of mine, I promised Judge Anna I would get this out far and wide. Please share this information. To order her comic book the link is below, it's 60% off with this link, however we want "YOU" to share the information. The world needs this information, we need to change the way we do business in order to survive.

I just received my first copy (comic book )  from Judge Anna Maria Riezinger. “WOW” I can’t believe what I’m reading, Judge Anna puts it all out there doesn’t hold anything back. Judge Anna has written  this in layman’s terms "comic book" form so that even a high school kid will get it. This is just a couple of highlights she talks about.
The “Internal Revenue Service, Inc” is hired as an accounting service to keep track of credit accruing in the account of JOHN QUINCY ADAMS, an estate trust created by the UNITED STATES (INC.) under the laws of the Washington DC Municipal Government (an independent, international City-State). The associated nine-digit Master Account Number is used as Employer Number written like this *123456789* representing the credit side of the account.
The “IRS (INC)” is hired to perform the billing service of the governmental services corporation and keep track of the debt accruing against the account of JOHN QUINCY ADAMS, using the Master Account Number as a Taxpayer Identification Number written like this: “ 123-45-6789” and representing the debt side of the account.
3.     You, the living man Called ‘John Quincy Adams” are presumed to be voluntary Withholding Agent responsible for keeping these accounts balanced, but you are never told anything about this job or how to do it, so you “mistakenly” pay the bill owed by JOHN QUINCY ADAMS out of your own pocket.
Mortgage Fraud ---- Section 103 (b)(E)(2) of the Depository Institutions Deregulation and Monetary Control Act of 1980, Public Law 96-221 admits that “in the United States, neither Paper currency nor deposits have value as commodities .Intrinsically, a dollar bill is a piece of paper and deposits are merely book entries.”
5.     Generally Accepted Accounting Procedure (GAAP) defines all such “deposits” as bank liabilities; however, the bank provably NEVER pays these liabilities.
So the bank never actually “loans” anything of equitable value and contributes nothing but a minor accounting service when they set up a mortgage.
7.     Additionally, FDIC Rules prevent banks from loaning their own assets or the assets of their depositors---- proving again that the banks do not and cannot provide value—for –value and have no valid security interest.

This takes the cake, I didn’t know this happened, as far as I’m concerned they have the wrong people in jail, this is why. THE CRIME OF THE CENTURY—You might think that the vast white collar crime perpetuated against the American’s, Brits, Canadians, Australians, and Europeans counts as “the crime of the century”, but fraud and coercion, extortion and even imprisonment and murder of individuals pales when compared to the crimes perpetuated by recent Bush and potentially, Barack Obama. Under bush’s auspices we suffered an obvious False Flag attack against the World Trade center and the murder of thousands of innocent Americans and people from around the world who happened to be present on September 11, 2001----- but that is still not the “crime of the century” The crime of the century is the deliberate pollution of Iraq, Kuwait, Afghanistan, and large portions of North Africa with American nuclear waste. The perpetrators took what they called “spent” nuclear waste materials from storage in underground salt mines in the western United States and packed it into artillery shell casings which they exploded all over the Middle east And North Africa. George W. Bush, Richard Cheney, and Harry Reid are fundamentally responsible for pollution that will maim and kill innocent people in these countries for the next 60,000 years

You can order copies of Anna’s book with Black and White interior via AMAZON at https://www.createspace.com/4390079   UseDiscount Code A9RV5KUN for a discount of 60% off plus shipping.

Thanks Diane


William Mount

New World Order Firmed Up In 7 Days

Mon Jul 6, 2015

7 days from date of original publication, July 6th, is today - July 13th - a favorite Illuminati number
Coming from a very private meeting from the heart of the United Nations
The most important Financial Meeting will begin in 7 days. Jul 13 2015

In the capitol city of Addis Ababa in Ethiopia at the United Nations Conference Center Ambassador's from around the world, along with their banking representatives, will gather to in one of the fastest growing cities in Africa - the Political Center of Africa.

This city in Ethiopia has the third largest number of Embassies and
International Organizations around the world in the world, behind only
New York and Geneva.

The New UN Conference Center there is extremely large and state of the art.

Here, in less that one week, the World's Financial Reset will be set in
stone and laws will firmed up as to redistribute the Worlds Resources
in a more equitable way.

The bankruptcy of Greece, Puerto Rico, Spain, Portugal, Italy, then France,
Germany and the United States Corporation will all be firmed up and exactly
what the currency will be worth will also be discussed in private meetings.

In Layman Terms - the New World Order Agenda will be set in stone
 - in less than 7 days.

Not One Word In the press about it - not in the Main Stream - not in the
Alternate Media - completely under the radar ----
and yet these meetings
will effect every part of your life in less than 3 months.

Things such as:
will the United States be broken up and it's population
how many FBI Agents are about to be terminated, how
much money a retired American will actually make
- will there be
Mental Disability in America, what happens to Social Security - all will be
discussed in just a few short days at the conference center.

As a side note - my new Military ID Card no longer uses my social
Security Number because the Social Security Agency will be
fundamentally changed.
This, too, will be discussed at this meeting -
- behind closed doors.

The meetings are to discuss overall objectives of meeting the

17 United Nations Goals
and how to achieve "The Plan" in America
(Total Godless Anarchy in America).

The key here is to look for a World Wide Financial Leader to move
forward into a world that fits the United Nations Agendas.

With the deaths of the Original Obama, Putin, Kerry, Hillary (and the fall of
the Chinese Economy) and a host of other world leaders there appears to
be NO world leader stepping up to the plate at this time - we will have
 ----Financial Leadership thus coming form the Director of the United
Nations Finance Department - a Complete New World Order set in
stone to be initiated by the fall under J.A.D.E. H.E.L.M. 2015.

For those who did not know -
J.A.D.E. H.E.L.M. 2015 is an exercise
to eliminate those opposed to the NEW WORLD ORDER and the world
wide rule of Lucifer and the UN Agenda.
At this point - accept what you cannot change.
Any form of patriotism shall be terminated.

Wouldn't you love to be a fly on the wall at this conference? A little fly reported today that the cabal is in Reno meeting to finalize plans (7-13-15)
The News You Need

Dr William B. Mount
Captain, Retired, US Army

Yesterday A President Obama's Double signed another Executive Order
authorizing Martial Law in the US and it's Territories -
A Complete Department of Homeland Security (NAZI SS)
take over of America.


Third International Conference on Financing for Development



Third International Conference on Financing for Development
.:. Sustainable Development Knowledge Platform (Agenda 21 plans for NWO and 'cleansing' the earth)




Monday, July 13, 2015

Bugger - Toyota funny commercial


America's day of reckoning just 60 days away?


Ancient biblical cycle now 2 months from climax

Author and Messianic Rabbi Jonathan Cahn

Two months from now the biblical Shemitah year will have played out and only then will we know whether it has left any significant event in its wake.
In the past, this seven-year cycle has brought collapsing stock markets, tumbling currencies and the shaking of nations and empires.
This period of early autumn was the most crucial time on the biblical calendar for the ancient Israelites, with the end of the seven-year cycle described in Deuteronomy as the Shemitah or Sabbath year. All farmland was to be left in a state of rest and the people were to focus on God and His will for their nation and their lives.
This year on Sept. 13, the Shemitah reaches its peak on the last day on the Hebrew calendar, Elul 29, known as the “day of nullification.” All debt and credit were to be wiped away on this day as described by author Jonathan Cahn in his New York-Times bestseller, “The Mystery of the Shemitah,” published in September 2014.

mystery_shemitah  But the Shemitah can be a game-changer not only for economies and stock markets but also in geopolitics.

Are America’s days as world leader numbered?
There is no arguing the fact that the United States of America has been the most powerful “empire” on earth since the end of World War II. Its corporations have been the engine that drives the global economy and its politicians have set the tone for the world order. It’s no coincidence the United Nations is based in New York City, the seat of global financial power.
But even as the nation’s economy flounders and it has gone from the world’s largest creditor to the world’s largest debtor, American culture has also drifted farther and farther from God. Some believe it has drifted beyond the point of return, into full-blown rebellion, with the June 26 landmark Supreme Court decision on marriage being only the latest symptom of a nation that has come unhinged from its foundational belief system.  Obergefell v. Hodges was the biggest shock to Judeo-Christian moral sensibilities since Roe v. Wade in 1973. Both decisions came down in Shemitah years.

In the oft-quoted words of American political philosopher F.P. Dunne, “the Supreme Court follows the election returns.” If that’s true, such monumental shifts in the court’s rulings should not be viewed in a bubble. The five justices who decided to radically alter the legal definition of marriage could not have ruled that way unless they felt the majority of Americans were ready to accept their decision, if not totally agree with it. Thus far it does not appear that they miscalculated. The overwhelming majority of county clerks are issuing marriage licenses to same-sex couples and those who have refused are being replaced by more obedient bureaucrats.

The 20th century’s greatest Christian thinkers, men like Alexander Solzhenitsyn and Francis Schaeffer, believed that a civilization could not continue indefinitely apart from the will of God. Soviet communism fell, Nazi Germany fell, the British Empire disintegrated. And many scholars see the whole of Western civilization as in decline now that it has rejected the very Christianity that made it great. It has succumbed to the pressures that have warred against it from the beginning.

Shemitah shakes empires

One of the chapters in Cahn’s book “The Rise and Fall of Nations” shows how the ancient Shemitah mystery is linked to massive changes of world history – world wars, the rise and fall of nations and empires.  Global problems in our day seem to be spinning out of control. Lawlessness is on the rise. The current order in the Middle East, in place since the end of World War I, has been turned on its head.“What we are watching now is a massive destabilization throughout the world – from ISIS, to the war in Syria, to the collapse of Greece, the collapse of the Chinese stock market, the destabilizing of the European Union, the issue of nuclear weapons and Iran, the moral and spiritual transformation of America, the deterioration of relations between America and Israel, and more,” Cahn told WND.

In the financial realm, the markets have been expanding since 2009. Cahn believes the Shemitah, if it follows its pattern of the past two seven-year cycles, will bring a shaking in the financial realm first.
“And just now as we approach the climactic last part of the Shemitah, we see the sudden destabilization of the global financial realm,” said Cahn, who authored “The Harbinger,” which became a New York-Times bestseller in 2009.

“Added to this, the Greek crisis specifically deals with issues of debt and debt relief – the central issue of the Shemitah,” he added. “Whether or not the crisis finds a resolution, the very fact that such sudden destabilization of the global financial realm has taken place, and having to do with the issue of debt and credit and the issue of relief, just as the Shemitah nears its climactic period, warrants our attention. And as the Shemitah deals with the wiping out of financial accounts, we now witness China’s financial (stock market) losing 30 percent of its value in less than a month, is more than striking.”
States falling into line even before court’s edict
But it will not stop with the financial realm.

“The Shemitah also can mean ‘the fall.’ And we are watching the greatest, most rapid moral and spiritual fall in American history,” Cahn said. “In the year of the Shemitah, the number of states that struck down the biblical definition of marriage went from a small minority, in the teens, to the majority, and then at the end of June, came one of the most momentous decisions in American judicial history – and history itself – the striking down of the biblical and historic definition of marriage.  “This is a pivotal event with colossal ramifications, and one that draws America one step closer to judgment.”

When Obergefell v. Hodges was being argued before the Supreme Court in March, Cahn said he saw a woman holding a sign that read “Don’t Cross this Line.” He stopped and prayed with her. Holy matrimony was the first covenant between God and man in the Garden of Eden, when God gave Eve to Adam and the two, male and female, were to become “one flesh” with God as their witness. In the New Testament, marriage is further revealed as a type, a foreshadow, of the relationship between God and his Church, which is called the “Bride of Christ.”

Now man has taken what is holy before God, the marriage covenant, and redefined it in a way that appears right to man in his humanistic way of thinking devoid of the Holy Spirit’s guidance. A line has been crossed, Cahn said, and so the only prayer left to pray is one for repentance and mercy.

America is heading for judgment. Whether that judgment entails a stock market collapse, a collapse of the dollar, or something further down the road that is even worse, Cahn is also praying that the individual Christians that make up the body of Christ in America will get right with God and repent of their sins. For judgment always starts “in the house of the Lord.”

Are Private Companies Color Coding Your House For Law Enforcement?


Monday, July 13, 2015
By Amanda Warren

People have this false idea of police incompetence. Just the opposite is true.  In fact, as I keep saying, it is the training that directs their actions, not the lack thereof.

In the last 15 years or so, law enforcement duties have coincided with militarized training, no-hesitation shooting tactics, other higher-up governmental departments and information/surveillance networks. Funding for such surveillance networks and militarized equipment keeps pouring in despite the media finally being allowed to criticize it, but with no real demands for change.

Did you know that private companies are getting in on the action by providing state of the art surveillance technology to provide to law enforcement in real time? How would you feel to know that you and, in particular, your home address had been painted with a broad stroke brush - a single color that could determine guilt by association?  One investigative writer asks - is this the modern version of the Star of David on the door of Jewish people?

Toledo, Ohio has been somewhat of a testing ground for surveillance and militarized police training. My information of "real time crime centers" first arrived after reading about Toledo's new roll out of street cameras - a total infestation of surveillance. The residents and business owners did not appreciate having cameras aimed at them, but the city went with it anyway. This was when I first read about the private company providing the product also providing real-time 24/7 management from a different state.

Now, the market for such Big Brother gear is growing and the trend is spreading. It goes like this: federal grants allow for local law enforcement to contract with private companies offering product lines to fight crime and watch for "pre-crime." The companies encourage departments to get grants or get private funds to get the goods. These companies often offer 24-hour real time help remotely from a distance.

Mass Private I blog reports that Real Time Crime Centers (RTCC) can field all 911 calls "and give officers access to any city camera — including police body and dash cameras and new traffic cameras" From Mass Private I: "The RTCC center also allows officers to access a massive array of surveillance cameras."

RTCC's got [their] start in NYC in 2005. RTCC's are popping up across the countr. They're in St. Louis, Philadelphia, Boston and Los Angeles. Any high-priority 911 calls, defined as in-progress or life-threatening crimes, will now be filtered through a database to assess any possible threats an officer may encounter while responding.

Along with the real time information, these centers have taken the liberty of predetermining the "threat level" of your home to forewarn police in the event they decide to come over or speak with you. The color codes are based on information collection including relatives, friends or other associations and their pasts, too!

Additionally, from Mass Private I - emphasis added: "The database goes through all public information for the call’s location — from arrest records to pizza deliveries — and gives the address a rating.

GREENmeans minimal threat

Yellow a possible threat and

Red a major threat

"The RTCC system shows officers three pieces of data: the threat level, the criminal history of anyone living at the home and a list of known friends and family members. This list sometimes includes possible phone numbers and addresses of these associates."

Police Chief Jerry Dyer acknowledged that it was possible for a home to be given a red threat level because someone associated with it once had a violent conviction. Reading the source links provided would be highly enlightening.

How do you feel knowing that pizza deliveries and other traffic through your home is being collected and doled out to police?

How do you feel being "red-flagged" for something that someone else did?

And having your friends' contacts and their visits tracked, passed through a third party and on to law enforcement?

We also need to ask how this information is possible (phones?) and how the private companies are able to access it (cellular companies?).

The crux of the problem here is that we are accepting that we are constantly viewed as "threats." How can we continue to pay for that behavior and rely on it for help from those who are trained to view us something that might warrant eradication? It's a complete contradiction. Not always, but enough to warrant an activist database in order to keep track of citizen deaths at the hands of police.

The information is all in the favor of law enforcement, companies that profit on Big Brother behavior and the 'federal government' but with no benefit at all to us. Since this is due to our own ignorance and detriment, maybe it really is time to get better connected with friends and community to call in case of an emergency. And perhaps it's time to be really brave and reach out to law enforcement, too. After all, it closes the gap of wrong perceptions, it humanizes the community again, it provides information to you in order to sense the climate in your area.

More information allows you to have a stronger foundation in order to speak to city officials about the problems. When your city tries to tell you how great these real-time crime centers are, demand to see the proof and reject the notion that you must be on camera 24/7 in order to be safe. Reject any rationale for home visits from your friends and pizza deliveries being tracked! Since this is an act of virtually unregulated law enforcement intertwined with profitable, under-the-radar private information collection networks - it is a bit dizzying at first to think how to address this problem.

Who would you talk to in your city to address this? Definitely let your mayor and city council know that there are other ways of crime prevention that do not include invasive surveillance and having your home predetermined - especially not by something a relative or friend may have done in the past!


The night watchman


Once upon a time the 'government' had a vast scrap yard in the middle of a desert.      

Congress said, "Someone may steal from it at night."

So they created a night watchman position and hired a person for the job.

Then Congress said, "How does the watchman do his job without instruction?"

So they created a Planning Department and hired two people, one person to write the instructions and one person to do time studies.

Then Congress said, "How will we know the night watchman is doing the tasks correctly?"

So they created a Quality Control department and hired two people. One was to do the studies and one was to write the reports.

Then Congress said, "How are these people going to get paid?"

So they created two positions: a time keeper and a payroll officer, then hired two people.

Then Congress said, "Who will be accountable for all of these people?"

So they created an Administrative section and hired three people, an Administrative Officer, Assistant Administrative Officer, and a Legal Secretary.

Then Congress said, "We have had this command in operation for one year and we are $918,000 over budget.  We must cut back."

So they laid-off the night watchman.

NOW, slowly, let it sink in.

Quietly, we go like sheep to slaughter.

Does anybody remember the reason given for the establishment of the DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY during the Carter administration?




Didn't think so!

Bottom line is ...we've spent several hundred billion dollars in support of an agency, the reason for which very few people who read this can remember!

It was very simple... and at the time, everybody thought it very appropriate.

The Department of Energy was 

Hey, pretty efficient, huh???




38 years ago 30% of our oil consumption was foreign imports. Today 70% of our oil consumption is foreign imports.

Ah, yes -- good old 'federal' bureaucracy.



Anybody home?

Signed....The Night Watchman


New Documentary on Illuminati /NWO by Anonymous 2014-2015.




 Just a few weeks earlier GOP 2016 candidate Jeb Bush was sitting atop nearly every Republican presidential poll as he used his family name, media contacts, and a still formidable and long-standing Bush dynasty fundraising machine to place himself as the prospective favorite among a growing list of White House hopefuls.
Then Donald Trump arrived and now Jeb Bush is quietly but urgently telling those around him that something must be done to diminish the sudden popularity of the New York billionaire.

Initially during Mr. Trump’s rise in the polls the Bush team was dismissive, declaring it a momentary blip. As days turned to weeks though, and Trump supporters appear to be multiplying at a pace that even has people associated with the Trump campaign surprised, the Bush 2016 operation is now openly declaring it wants help with the what is being called, “The Trump problem.”

The call for help has even been issued to Jeb Bush’s seeming Democratic rival – Team Clinton. Apparently Bush operatives believe that between the two political dynasties and their many supporters among the Mainstream Media and corporate business world, the Trump threat can be quickly terminated before it grows into a legitimate challenge to the seemingly pre-determined Bush vs Clinton 2016 showdown.

A D.C. Whispers source put it this way:
“It’s said that Hillary Clinton wants nothing to do with Donald Trump. To most they just call him a clown, but privately they’re afraid of him. The Clinton team doesn’t fear Jeb Bush because they know what they are up against and that lack of fear is mutual among the Bush operation as well. They both run in similar circles politically and financially, so it’s a choice of shades of the same color and that’s how they want to keep it.”

Apparently Jeb Bush’s focus on “The Donald” has become quite personal. Bush is said to be “deeply disappointed” that the media and corporate attacks on Mr. Trump have only made the outspoken billionaire’s appeal to voters that much stronger. It is a political dynamic for which Bush political operatives are increasingly confused and concerned over.

Those concerns were said to be given some salve in the form of assurances from Bill Clinton during a personal call he had with Jeb Bush two days earlier. While most of that conversation remains private, Jeb did share with others that the former president reminded the would-be presidential hopeful that, “a lot of this Trump thing will be taken care of during your debates, if not sooner.”

As for Donald Trump, he recently held a news conference in Los Angeles with some who have lost family members to crimes committed by those who entered the United States illegally. Several of those at the conference declared to the media that Mr. Trump was, “the only politician listening to us.”

The Mainstream Media has largely refused to report on the event.

Mr. Trump is later scheduled to appear at a legal immigration rally in Phoenix, Arizona later today that is estimated to have nearly 10,000 supporters attend. Several far-left open border groups have initiated nationwide anti-Trump protests with money that is alleged to having been funneled to them by political donors from BOTH the Clinton and Bush camps. (Paid for hire demonstrators/actors - same as Sandy Hook, Boston Marathon, Columbine, Baltimore, et al - just bus them where they need to go and pay their motel and food expense plus profit)

Note the AnswerLA signs – a group funded by many of the same donors as support the Clinton Foundation – including the infamous George Soros…
