Tuesday, July 14, 2015

How to save your own life: Whether you're choking, bleeding to death or having a heart attack. Survival tips everyone MUST read

How to save your own life: Whether you're choking, bleeding to death or having a heart attack. Survival tips everyone MUST read

  • 'Your actions are the most important factor in an emergency,' says expert
  • Below, we go through the most effective self-help procedures
  • Include what you can do if you find yourself alone and in an emergency

What do you do if you find yourself alone and you start to feel a crushing pain in your chest? 
Or you accidentally slice through a finger while chopping vegetables? Obviously, you alert someone nearby or call an ambulance, but then what?
The average ambulance response time is eight minutes, but if you're choking, the brain can survive for only three minutes without oxygen before it starts to die. 
So, it is critical to know what to do and to act quickly.
'In an emergency situation, you are much more likely to die if you're alone and even more likely if you do nothing,' says Joe Mulligan, a first-aid expert at the British Red Cross.
The average ambulance response time is eight minutes, but if you're choking, the brain can survive for only three minutes without oxygen before it starts to die. So, it is critical to know what to do and to act quickly
The average ambulance response time is eight minutes, but if you're choking, the brain can survive for only three minutes without oxygen before it starts to die. So, it is critical to know what to do and to act quickly
'Your actions are the most important factor in an emergency and the first ten minutes are the most crucial. Whatever you do, always do something.'
Obviously, not all situations can be dealt with on your own, such as if you faint or have a fit, and you should always seek professional medical care in a critical situation.
But here, with the help of experts, we go through the most effective self-help procedures you can do if you find yourself alone and in an emergency...

If something lodges in your airway, your natural reflex is to cough to get it out. Doing this as vigorously as you can should work in most cases, says Joe Mulligan. Bending over with your head down should help move a lodged item.
You can also perform a version of the Heimlich manoeuvre on yourself (applying pressure to the abdomen to force a lodged object up and out of your throat).
If something lodges in your airway, try to cough or perform a version of the Heimlich manoeuvre
If something lodges in your airway, try to cough or perform a version of the Heimlich manoeuvre
There are two ways of doing this. First, by doing abdominal thrusts with your fist. Make a fist with one hand and place it just above your belly button. Place the other hand on top for support and push really hard, in short, sharp thrusts. Try about five of these.
You could also try the Heimlich manoeuvre on the back of a chair - this may be easier in the heat of the moment. Lean over a sturdy chair or table, holding on if you need to, and thrust your upper belly against the top edge using short, sharp motions.
You should always seek medical help after using either of these techniques in case you have caused internal damage or bruising.
'When people are choking, they may not have the physical strength in their arms to perform abdominal thrusts and there are anecdotes of people dislodging the item by replicating the Heimlich manoeuvre on the back of a chair,' says Alan Weir, head of clinical services at St John Ambulance.
Depending on where the wound is, blood could be gushing out at speed, so you need to act quickly to stop excessive blood loss and unconsciousness.
'It is possible for a person to bleed out their entire blood volume in around just a minute from a serious wound,' says Alan Weir.
So grip the wound as firmly as you can with a clean towel or any large cloth you find nearby.
Apply pressure directly to the wound and raise it to at least the level of the heart to reduce the blood flow to the affected area, says Joe Mulligan.
If your leg is bleeding, lie down and lift up your leg to get it above the heart. This distorts the blood flow, making it harder for blood to flow uphill against gravity.
This reduces how much of it reaches the wound, which in turn reduces the amount of bleeding.
Apply pressure directly to the wound and raise it to at least the level of the heart
Apply pressure directly to the wound and raise it to at least the level of the heart
As a general rule, whether you are hurt or tending someone else who is, do not try applying a tourniquet to stop bleeding.
The majority of severe bleeds can be dealt effectively with direct pressure to stop or slow down the flow of blood until emergency help arrives.
Not only are torniquets difficult to apply to yourself, they can cause irreparable damage to a limb if not applied by a medic with specialist training.
'The trouble is that to be effective torniquets stop the blood flow completely. This also starves the limb of oxygen and if the pressure is not released in time, irreparable tissue damage will occur,' says Clive James, a training officer with St John Ambulance.
Never try to remove anything that is embedded in a wound. Leave it where it is because it could be forming a plug, so removing it could make the bleeding worse. Wait until you get to A&E, where it will be removed in a sterile environment and the wound can be treated properly.
If you have a bad accident with a chopping knife, as with any significant bleeding, the priority is to treat the site where the blood is flowing - or where the finger or digit has been severed, using pressure and a clean towel.
Hold the bleeding hand above your head to help stem the blood flow faster, says Alan Weir. And take a codeine pill for the pain.
Wrap it in a paper towel first, as putting the amputated part directly in ice may damage the skin and cells
Under pressure, many people forget to find the amputated digit and take it with them to hospital, but this is crucial.
There will be a chance of having it reattached and regaining your finger's function.
Once you've dealt with the bleeding, find the missing tip, rinse it carefully with water to remove bacteria, then wrap it loosely in a paper towel. Put it in a small clear bag of crushed ice to take with you to hospital.
This will preserve the digit because cooling it down slows down the tissue's metabolic processes, reducing the amount of oxygen it needs to survive, delaying tissue death.
It's important you wrap it in a paper towel first, as putting the amputated part directly in ice may damage the skin and cells.
Make sure you note the time the injury happened as precisely as you can because this tells hospital surgeons how quickly they need to act, says Joe Mulligan.
Ideally, a finger should be reattached within six hours.
Last month, 69-year-old Edryd Jones from Wales had his forearm and hand re-attached after a freak accident with a power saw.
Joe Muligan says the fact that a neighbour put the arm in ice while Mr Jones made his way to hospital will have made all the difference and meant that the surgeon could re-attach it.
For a crushing heart pain, the first step after calling an ambulance is to chew an aspirin
For a crushing heart pain, the first step after calling an ambulance is to chew an aspirin
If you are feeling a central crushing heart pain, the first step after calling an ambulance is to chew an aspirin (this works faster than if you swallow one whole) and lie down with your head and shoulders slightly raised. This is usually the most comfortable position and avoids extra work for your ailing heart, says Alan Weir.
Aspirin slows down the blood's clotting mechanism, so will prevent any clots that have already formed from getting bigger and reduce the chance of a heart attack occurring.
People who have previously been diagnosed with angina may also have a nitroglycerin spray to be administered under the tongue, which they should use.
Dr Fiona Wisniacki, emergency care consultant at Ealing Hospital NHS Trust, explains that the spray acts as a vasodilator, opening up blood vessels to improve blood flow and possibly reduce some of the symptoms.

If the heart pain lasts longer than ten to 15 minutes, you should be in hospital because it may indicate something much more serious, such as a cardiac arrest or heart attack.
While you wait for proper medical care, try and take deep breaths - it's thought that this can help to get oxygen into the lungs more efficiently and keep blood circulating normally, says Alan Weir.
Anyone who has previously been diagnosed with a tachycardia syndrome (an abnormally high heart rate) who experiences palpitations with chest pain may also benefit from performing the Valsalva manoeuvre.
Patients with a known high heart rate can try massaging one of the carotid arteries in neck at the spot where you often feel a pulse
This involves pinching the nose and closing the mouth then trying to blow out - similar to trying to unblock your ears on a flight.
The idea is to slow down the heart rate, because the racing heartbeat may be making symptoms worse.
Dr Wisniacki says that blowing against resistance makes the heart rate decline, but it should be tried only once.
Patients with a known high heart rate can also try massaging one of the carotid arteries in neck at the spot where you often feel a pulse.
Rubbing in a circular motion will slow down the heart rate and blood pressure, but don't try this if you do not have a high heart rate because it may cause your blood pressure to dip too low, adds Dr Wisniacki. 
Insect stings are common at this time of year and are particularly of concern when in the mouth and throat.
More people are outside drinking and the likelihood of a bee or wasp flying in while the mouth is open or getting into an open can of drink is much higher. They are particularly attracted to the sweetness in sugary drinks.
Stings can make the mouth, tongue and throat swell up, restricting the airways and making breathing difficult. People who are allergic to stings can have life-threatening reactions, and breathing may be restricted much more quickly when the sting is in the mouth or throat, so you need to act fast to prevent it escalating. If you are waiting for emergency help to arrive, sucking on ice cubes and ice lollies can help, according to research by the Red Cross to be published later this year.
The ice reduces swelling and pain by numbing the area, and will speed up the healing process. For children, ice lollies are better than ice cubes because there is less chance of their choking. 


■ If you feel faint, do not put your head between your knees. This position will mean you fall directly on to your head if you do end up fainting, which could cause a more serious injury or concussion, says Joe Mulligan.
If you feel faint, do not put your head between your knees
If you feel faint, do not put your head between your knees
Instead, lie on the ground and raise your legs to redirect blood flow up your body to your brain, he says.
You should feel better straight away because fainting is usually due to reduced blood flow to the brain.
■ If you think you have taken too much of your medication or accidentally swallowed something harmful such as bleach, don't drink large quantities of water in an attempt to flush it out of your system.
This will do harm by helping to break down tablets more quickly and speeding up its absorption by your body.
With bleach, guzzling down water would make you want to be sick and this would make the chemical do further damage on its way back up, says Joe Mulligan.
For either type of poisoning, take note of what was taken and when, and do nothing other than get yourself to hospital, he says.

Geographers offer advice on how to survive the earthquake predicted to obliterate the Pacific Northwest

Escape on foot because roads will liquefy and start running when you hear dogs barking: Geographers offer advice on how to survive the earthquake predicted to obliterate the Pacific Northwest

  • Cascadia 'megathrust' faultline is 1,000km-long from California to Canada
  • It will clash with 700-square-mile plate in Pacific Ocean causing tsunami
  • Only way to escape is on foot as roads will 'liquefy', geographers say 
  • Start running when you hear dogs barking, they will be reacting to the sound of compressional waves which humans cannot hear
  • Citizens will have 20 minutes to walk or run to higher ground 

Scientists have outlined their alarmingly unhelpful tips on how to survive the earthquake that will hit the Pacific Northwest. 
The killer quake along Cascadia, a fault line which runs from Cape Mendocino, California, to Vancouver Island, Canada, is 72 years overdue, according to peer-reviewed studies. 
The 'Big One' will hit when Juan de Fuca, a 700-mile chunk of the Pacific Ocean, slides under Canada and America, causing the entire coastal region to sink at least six feet.
When - not if - it arrives, it is unlikely the people of coastal Oregon, Washington and California will be able to escape.
But if they want to try, there are a few tips they should keep in mind.
Scroll down for video 
Devastation: Experts say citizens have 20 minutes to run when a tsunami of around 9.0 on the Richter scale will hit the Pacific Northwest when the Juan de Fuca plate, a 700-mile chunk of ocean, slips under the region
Devastation: Experts say citizens have 20 minutes to run when a tsunami of around 9.0 on the Richter scale will hit the Pacific Northwest when the Juan de Fuca plate, a 700-mile chunk of ocean, slips under the region


The Cascadia Subduction Zone (CSZ) 'megathrust' fault is a 1,000km-long line that stretches from Northern Vancouver Island to Cape Mendocino California.
It separates the Juan de Fuca, a 700-mile chunk in the Pacific Ocean, and North America plates.
For more than 300 years, the two plates have been pushing against one another. 
Eventually, the Juan de Fuca will be pushed underneath the North America plate, causing the region to sink at least six feet.
Run, don't drive, to higher ground, says Kevin Cupples, the city planner for the town of Seaside, Oregon, in an interview with the New Yorker
The force of the quake will cause liquefaction, when solid ground acts like liquid, across vast swathes of the porous region.
In the areas that aren't 'liquefied', the highways will likely be crumpled by landslides, with 30,000 avalanches set to hit Seattle alone.
Citizens will have a 20-minute interval to climb to the highest altitude possible before the full force of the tsunami hits, scientists predict.
Their alert will be when dogs start barking. 
The first sign the quake is coming will be a set of compressional waves, only audible by dogs. Then there will be the quake, then 20 minutes later, the tsunami.
Geographers estimate that many could survive just by walking - however, they need to be going at least 3.5mph. 
If everyone ups their average speed from 2.5mph to 3.5mph, the death toll drops to 15,970. About 70 per cent of them would be in Washington, nearly 30 per cent in Oregon and only 4 per cent in California.

And there is no point being a hero. 
'When that tsunami is coming, you run,' Jay Wilson, the chair of the Oregon Seismic Safety Policy Advisory Commission, tells the New Yorker. 
'You protect yourself, you don't turn around, you don't go back to save anybody. You run for your life.' 
The only other safety measure is to relocate away from the Pacific north west. 


The Cascadia earthquake fault zone lies underwater between 40 and 80 miles offshore of the Pacific Northwest coastline. 
Earthquake scientists have listening posts along the coast from Vancouver Island to Northern California, and have been using ships to drop off and later retrieve ocean bottom seismographs. 
These record for up to a year right on top of the fault zone.
However, they have detected few signs of the grinding and slipping they expected. 
The Cascadia Initiative (CI) is an onshore/offshore seismic and geodetic experiment that takes advantage of an Amphibious Array to study questions ranging from megathrust earthquakes to volcanic arc structure to the formation, deformation and hydration of the Juan De Fuca and Gorda plates.
The Cascadia Initiative (CI) is an onshore/offshore seismic and geodetic experiment that takes advantage of an Amphibious Array to study questions ranging from megathrust earthquakes to volcanic arc structure to the formation, deformation and hydration of the Juan De Fuca and Gorda plates.
It is 'a puzzle,' according to University of Oregon geophysics professor Doug Toomey.
Two teams have been examining the area.
A joint Japanese-Canadian team dropped instruments offshore of Vancouver Island, while Toomey's team is in its fourth year of deployments. 
Named the Cascadia Initiative, it is rotating among subduction zone segments offshore of Washington, Oregon and Northern California.
That is where the advice ends. 
Experts insist they have been lobbying city planners to take more affirmative action, such as ban construction on the targeted coastal areas. 
Some parts of Oregon have made it illegal to build schools in the red zone, but not hotels or retirement homes. 
Ocasta Elementary School south of Westport, Washington, is building a new gymnasium tall enough for the roof to serve as a tsunami evacuation structure.
Pacific County is seeking a grant to build a large berm next to Long Beach Elementary School for the same purpose. 
Inevitable: Due to the porous nature of the land, many roads will turn to liquid when the quake hits. This diagram show the areas where land will be most affected by the shocks, causing landslides or liquefaction
In areas such as - with high proportions of elderly and disabled citizens - Ocean Shores, Long Beach and Pacific County, Washington, and Seaside, Oregon - vertical evacuation structures might be considered. 
Meanwhile, local groups are constructing post-tsunami plans, such as how to forage for food, what should be in a 'survival kit', and how to 'anchor' a home for $5,000.
'In a six-month scenario,' writes the Portland Monthly, 'five people would need at least 900 gallons of water. Thousand-gallon storage tanks can be had for $500.
'Costco sells a "one person, one year" food kit. 9,697 servings, $1,500.'
Other tips include stocking a hand-crank radio, a can opener, protective goggles and work gloves, and plenty of socks. 


HAARP Status week of July 14 2015





The use of human clones in American political management is only now becoming apparent.

The last US President not to be cloned was John F. Kennedy.

Usually, when a President or major American public figure ceases to be compliant to the demands of the controlling corporate elite, they are quietly killed, cremated and replaced with lookalike, mind-controlled clones.

These days, at the Camp David human clone laboratories (Maryland) and elsewhere, it is possible to produce an adult human clone from originator DNA and a lab-double in less than 36 hours.The history of this covert human cloning technology is now emerging.

By the late 1970s, using monochromatic laser light technology, researchers within the Russian security community created a holographic apparatus which could record the entire memory of the living brain of a chosen human individual and store the data content of that brain on stable computer hardware. The Russians used inaudible high-frequency sound waves to create a complete three-dimensional picture of the brain. They discovered that their ultrasonic cerebral hologram process duplicated and stored the entire memory of the person in a coherently recoverable form. The Russians now had what they wanted to create working lab-clones for deployment.

The same technique could be used to download someone else's memory into another (different) person, in this case a lab-double, and natural doubles could now be reprogrammed to take on the full memory database of the person being replaced. More background here.

Lab-doubles are generated using DNA infusion. Here the DNA of the person chosen to be duplicated is collected, amplified, processed and prepared for the infusion process into the new host body. The DNA infusion completely overrides the DNA of the living human host, physically transforming the host body into a visual replica of the chosen body. However, the residual host body DNA can still be detected, and identified, within the lab-double using sensitive DNA testing procedures.

Where do the human host bodies come from? Covert kidnap, abduction and fake disappearance programmes. Many of the abducted human host bodies are those of children. And, of course, any of these abducted human hosts can be subjected to brain programming manipulation as well as to complete ultrasonic cerebral downloads. 

In one curious incident, a Europe-controlled cell of US Rothschild minions within the US security community learned that the Russians were using duplicated clones for many of their leading Kremlin operatives. By this time the Americans had obtained similar brain programming and ultrasonic cerebral download abilities to the Russians. This technology had been fed to them from the Rothschild clone labs in Europe. The US military tried to use identical US-controlled clones to penetrate the Kremlin. Kremlin lookalikes were produced in America and were secreted into Moscow via the US embassy. However, the Russians were tipped off and became aware of the detail of the plan in advance. They let the US clones through into the Kremlin, downloaded their memories and programming and then reprogrammed them for Russian use.

The Americans became perplexed as to what had happened because their infiltrated Kremlin clones were not carrying out their US programmed orders. It was an exotic case of double-agent meltdown. For sometime, nobody in the US knew which Russian clone was which. This engendered subtle difficulties for the Americans at international conferences.

When President George Bush Snr left office in 1993, he was Clone Number 34 in his DNA originator line. Most of his previous 33 clones had been used and terminated at that point.

When President Bill Clinton left office in 2001, he was Clone Number 21 in his line.

When a President is terminated and cloned, it is standard practice to do the same with his close family members. If this is not done, they immediately notice the difference and cause difficulties. Human clones are not ensouled and do not, therefore, have access to the higher dimensions through reflection, intuition and spiritual practice. No soul means no God-connection. And no God-connection means that clones have an inherent vulnerability to religious manipulation and deceit.

The higher dimensional data-links which ensouled humans have, help them to appear quick, flexible and alert in conversation, particularly when stressed. The absence of this potential for minute-to-minute inspiration or revelation in clones gives rise to a simplistic body language and inappropriate physiognomic responses in complexly nuanced situations (picture example here). It also means that when faced with metaphorated questioning or elliptical comments, they can appear slow, dim or confused. Anything that human clones are confronted with which falls outside their specific day-to-day conditioning or expectation engenders childlike conflict-signalling and tantrums (picture examples here and here). For this reason, two or three clones are kept up and running for each principal at any one time. They are very nearly identical in appearance, but some look younger or more innocent than others, and some have superficial tissue differentiations that cannot be concealed by makeup when viewed in close-up or under strong light.  If two different clones of one individual are interacted with at a conference on successive days by an ensouled human, the differences are often very evident. "Which George did you speak to today, Tony?" 

With regard to a clone's irrational conflict-signalling and out-of-comfort-zone tantrums, Hillary Clinton can boast considerable previous form. Ask anyone who has worked closely with her. She's not just scratchy; she can be hysterically ballistic. The summer of 2009 provided a famous example. Hillary fractured an elbow in a furious physical fight with a senior colleague at the US State Department in Washington DC. On Wednesday 17th June 2009, the US Secretary of State lost control of herself and lashed out viciously at the US Special Representative for Afghanistan and Pakistan, Richard Holbrooke.The argument and fight arose from a shouting match between the two concerning North Korea. Holbrooke had just confronted Clinton with two facts about the US's handling of the North Korea fiasco. First, he let Clinton know that he was aware that agents of the US State Department, acting for Clinton, had tipped off the North Korean government about the presence of the two Current TV journalists on the Chinese border near North Korea. Second, Holbrooke told Clinton that he was also aware that Clinton had personally sabotaged an effort by the Swedish Ambassador, the Chinese Foreign Ministry and Albert Gore to secure a quick and safe release of the two Current TV journalists from North Korean custody. As a consequence, the journalists were unnecessarily detained in the North Korean presidential headquarters known as the Puzzle Palace.

Richard Holbrooke and Hillary Clinton's screaming match then went physical. Hillary began to physically attack Holbrooke. Holbrooke defended himself and during the altercation forced Hillary to the ground causing her right elbow to fracture. After her fight with Holbrooke, Clinton was treated at The George Washington University Hospital before going home. She later underwent surgery to repair the damage on Friday 19th June 2009. This photograph here, taken on Monday 22nd June 2009, shows Clinton's injured right arm. It is said that much of the exchange between Hillary and Holbrooke was recorded by State Department security cameras. Inside the Beltway, Richard Holbrooke suddenly became the most popular person in town.

Another celebrated Hillary Clinton tantrum occurred back in the 1990s during Bill Clinton's presidency. Investigating unusual noises at the White House one evening, a Federal Secret Service agent discovered the First Lady in a well-lubricated lesbian sexual encounter with the regular White House prostitute known as Susan. Clinton responded by attacking the agent with a heavy glass ash tray. In fairness, it should be remarked that Susan was never exclusively lesbian in the services she provided for the US governing class. Current CIA Chief Leon Panetta and ABC talk show host George Stephanopoulos both caught genital herpes from Susan at White House socials. 

Having no soul and no God-connection means that human clones have no spiritual processing power; they cannot function at the level of values, morals, ethics, compassion, honour or decency. Indeed, they have nothing within their intellection which energises or articulates such concepts in their consciousness. Human clones do, however, have a very powerful survival instinct. Under sustained pressure or threat they become amoral, manipulative fighting machines without spiritual stops or conscience. What you can get away with is what you do; lying is the core modus operandi; honesty about facts on the ground is self-injurious weakness; a spectrum of alternative views on an issue is a spectrum of aggressive enemy positions; unscrupulous elimination of opponents replaces dialogue.

Human clones are perfect for politics, banking, the armed forces, religion, schooling and theft. Easily mind-controlled by the hidden negative elite, clones are the visible drivers of systemic evil.  Human clones are also prone to making extraordinary bloomers when speaking in public, and not noticing their mistakes.

George Bush Jnr has an extensive back catalogue of such infelicities. For example, speaking on Australian television in September 2007 about the terrorist attacks on the World Trade Centre in New York on the 11th September 2001, one of the Bush Jnr clones said: "And I believe those of us who live in liberty have a responsibility to promote forms of government that deal with what causes nineteen kids to get on airplanes to kill three thousand students." (See 3.44-3.55 on this YouTube video clip here)

Later in the same month, the same Bush Jnr clone was reported by CBS News as follows: “He (President George Bush Jnr) dismissed concerns about lack of political progress in Iraq, saying people there are still recovering from the brutal rule of Saddam Hussein. Then, pounding his lectern, the president said, 'I heard somebody say, "Where’s Mandela?" Well, Mandela’s dead because Saddam Hussein killed all the Mandelas.' The actual former South African president, of course, is still very much alive.” (CBS 20.09.07)

A university-educated, experienced and ensouled politician would not regularly make grotesque slips of this kind. But if he did misspeak occasionally, he would notice immediately and correct himself. In the later clone years, Bush was never able to do this. One thing, however, which George Bush Jnr was able to maintain to the last was his suspiciously consistent clone-smile. He always had a switch-on perfect smile ready for the camera. Switch-on perfect, switch-on perfect, switch-on perfect; it never changed.

Ensouled human beings - even experienced actors - cannot do this.  Their smiles are always moderated by the 'spiritual' circumstances and context of the camera-call. Their physiognomies betray a slight change of texture, a strained tension, a fuller or slightly less full beam, and the eyes often say something the smile does not. They still smile well, but they smile differently each time. This is not the case with clones. Clones are robotically identical each smile. 

US President Barack Obama furnishes a good example. On Wednesday 23rd September 2009, Obama hosted a reception at the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York. During this event, he stood for 135 separate photographs with visiting foreign dignitaries who were in town for a major UN meeting. As this rapid-fire slideshow from Eric Spiegelman demonstrates, the US President had exactly the same smile in every shot. Spiegelman put his compilation on Vimeo shortly after the Met event and gave it the title: "Barack Obama's amazingly consistent smile." The 135 raw photoshots he used can be found on Flickr here.

But what about Hillary Clinton? Is she really a tribal subset of mind-controlled clones? Follow the DNA. It's there in the lavatories, handkerchiefs, discarded nasal tissues, cosmetics applicators, bedroom dust, cutlery, drinking glasses and coffee cups. And look out for the little black box under the clothes. It's smaller than it used to be in the famous George Bush Jnr photographs (here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here and here, plus comments here), but it can still be seen on a windy day.

More information about the use of human clones in American political management can be found here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here and hereAnd there is a more recent clone-pertinent update here (27.04.12)But it is not just politicians, military people, finance professionals and religious leaders who have been cloned. Human clones are found in the show business world, too. And they feature prominently in the mainstream media's presentation of celebrity culture. Consider the much-discussed case of the two Paul McCartneys. Four other Paul McCartney photographic comparisons can be viewed here, here, here and here. Look at McCartney's left ear lobe here (in 1964) and here (in 1964), compared with his left ear lobe here (in 1974) and here (in 1974).

The murder and cloning of Beatle Paul McCartney by agents acting for the Tavistock Institute (London) in 1966 is a story which has been revisited again recently. It is sometimes referred to as The Two McCartneys Conundrum.  For many decades people have taken the view that the original pop star Paul McCartney of the Beatles, a Tavistock Institute band, is dead. He died in a car accident in 1966 which was reported by several media outlets before being hushed up. The car accident, like Princess Diana's thirty years later, was an arranged murder or cover for an arranged murder.  After 1966 it was widely noted that Paul McCartney had changed. He was considerably taller, and his physiognomy, voice and mannerisms were different. And evidence is emerging which suggests that the Beatles didn't even write some of the music accredited to them after that date. On this view, the Beatles were planned by the shadow controllers of the sixties music industry. The purpose of the Beatles was social engineering. The phenomenon of the Beatles was not a spontaneous rebellion by youth against the old social system. It was a carefully crafted plot to introduce, by a conspiratorial body which could not be identified, a highly destructive and divisive element into a large worldwide population group targeted for change against its will. 

New words and new phrases prepared by the Tavistock Institute mind-molders were introduced to America along with the Beatles. Words such as "rock" in relation to music sounds, "teenager," "cool," "discovered" and "pop music" were a lexicon of disguised code words signifying the acceptance of illicit drugs. The subtext beneath this vocabulary arrived with and accompanied the Beatles wherever they went. It had only to be "discovered" by teenagers. The word "teenager" was never used until just before the Beatles arrived on the scene, courtesy of the Tavistock Institute for Human Relations.

It was important at that time for the Shadow Government (controlling the USA from Europe) to affirm illicit drug use in the youth culture. This would enrich the drug barons worldwide who paid for the private armies and bribes necessary to maintain hidden power. And now, in 2009, the USA is in Afghanistan to protect the illicit drugs trade. And now, in 2009, most major US banks have only been able to stay afloat by bringing illicit drugs money on to their books by using counterfeit source of funds documentation. 

One persistent idea is that in September 1966, Paul McCartney was replaced with a double called William Shepherd or William Campbell. McCartney was terminated and replaced because he refused to go along with the pro-drug agenda of the Beatles' Tavistock controllers.  After 1966, the new Paul McCartney started doing frank interviews about his LSD habit. McCartney's murder not only eliminated someone who wouldn't go with the program, it served as a warning to others in the circle not step out of the Tavistock line.  It is more likely, however, that Paul McCartney was cloned before being terminated, samples of his originator DNA having been obtained, cultured and amplified before his accident.

Human clones, such as the Bushes, the Clintons and the Obamas, are not ensouled. They have no souls - no innate communication with positive influences among the Higher Evolution in the higher dimensions. They are intelligent, mind-controlled meat-machines, programmed by those whose negative agenda they implement. Might Paul McCartney be the same?

Clones are not aware that they are clones. Such information is not permitted to occur to them or to enter their mind-programming.  More about the various Paul McCartneys can be found here, here and here (YouTube video - 3 minutes). And more about the Tavistock Institute (30 Tabernacle Street, London EC2A 4UE) is linked here and here.
