Friday, July 17, 2015

Yellowstone Road Melts

New post on Dutchsinse

7/17/2015 — Yellowstone Road Melts — New “geothermal feature” causes road  deformations

by Michael Janitch
A well used road at the Yellowstone National Park supervolcano is melting.
(thanks to Justin Walter for sharing the story)
Rangers at Yellowstone National Park have temporarily closed Upper Terrace Drive near Mammoth Hot Springs to vehicles due to a new thermal feature that is affecting the road. (Yellowstone National Park photo)

This has happened before, however this time around, instead of blaming it on "hot weather" / "the sun" , officials are admitting the melting of the road is actually due to a new geothermal feature taking form.
Now , July 17 2015, Upper Terrace Drive near Mammoth Hot Springs is closed, measured with subsurface soil temperatures exceeding 157F / 70C.
upper terrace mountain
Upper Terrace Drive located at the North Entrance to Yellowstone National Park, part of Terrace Mountain "butte" volcano.
Last year, the same thing happened.  Roads actually melted to the point where oil in the pavement was bubbling.
Defying logic (and reason) an instant cover story was spun up by the media (and National Park Service) trying to make the claim that the 80F / 27C temperatures were somehow magically melting the asphalt (SMH + a real life facepalm at that notion).
At the time when the roads previously melted, I was a lone voice in the wilderness telling everyone that there was not a snowballs chance in hell that the sun would be melting roads in Northern Wyoming on a partly cloudy 80F week.
Within a day of blaming the sun, they backtracked a bit and said it was a COMBINATION of sun and some heat from the ground.
Here we are today in July 2015, and we have a full admission of a geothermal cause.
Most likely the only reason they're admitting a new geothermal feature is because tourists noticed the feature and it became undeniable.
Recent news reports over the past few months have shown that Yellowstone supervolcano is much bigger than previously thought, measuring an additional 11 "grand canyons" worth of stored magma below the volcanic caldera at the National Park.

Road in Yellowstone National Park closed to vehicles due to thermal activity

"Rangers at Yellowstone National Park have temporarily closed Upper Terrace Drive near Mammoth Hot Springs to vehicles due to a new thermal feature that is affecting the road.
A press release from the park says that the new feature became "visibly active" in May near the Upper Terrace parking lot, creating new small terraces adjacent to the drive. 
Geologists and rangers monitored the thermal feature and found temperatures up to 152 degrees Fahrenheit. 
Rangers noticed additional thermal activity this week adjacent to and under the pavement which triggered the temporary closure.
Thermal imaging shows heat under the pavement as well.
Park geologist Dr. Hank Heasler said, “We have known this area had heat near the surface based on the fact that it does not hold snow in the winter. We drilled two holes a half-meter (20 inches) deep, both of which now have hot water bubbling at the surface or very near the surface.”
Park visitors are still able to walk on the Upper Terrace Drive. 
Maintenance staff is preparing bumper logs to protect the thermal feature and keep the outflow off of the pavement. 
Once those are in place, the road will reopen to vehicle traffic. 
Heasler noted, “As in all of the thermal areas, visitors need to stay on the boardwalks or paved areas and avoid touching thermal features.”




'Government' Cancels Demolition of 'HAARP Research' Location


by Kristan T. Harris 
Thursday, July 16, 2015
A controversial 'government' program scheduled for demolition was saved just days before bulldozers were ordered to move in, and instead will be acquired by the University of Alaska Fairbanks.  

The US Air Force's High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program (HAARP) will transfer its 200 Million dollar facility over to the University within the month.

The UAF has won its bid to take over the facility for 'research purposes', according to Alaska Public Media. “It’s a transfer, and next month the facilities and equipment will formally transfer from the military to the university, and then we have two years to work with the Air Force to come to an agreement to transfer land,” says UAF spokeswoman Marmion Grimes. Bob McCoy, head of the UAF’s Geophysical Institute, was instrumental in convincing the Air Force to hand HAARP to the university. 

Grimes says scientists rallied to put pressure on the Air Force to scrap the demolition plan. The 'government’s' invested about $290 million 'federal' dollars. In the last decade or so, the Navy, the Air Force and DARPA (Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency) all chipped in forty of fifty million each, and they expanded it and increased the power and made improvements. So it really is exquisite. It’s a good catch for the state of Alaska and the university in Fairbanks to get this excellent facility, and both the chancellor and the president saw that, and were eager to have this added to our portfolio here.

The university system is loaning the UAF two million dollars to bring the device back to operational standards and a plan is already in place to pay back the loan. The 'government' program has been shrouded in conspiracy and has been accused of being able to control weather patterns, cause earthquakes, block communications around the planet and even induce mind control on a global scale. Bob McCoy says HAARP turns the ionosphere into a laboratory. 

There’s a lot of science that can be done. The Navy, in the past, has been interested in using the ionosphere like an antenna to generate extremely low frequency waves to communicate with submarines and even things like creating simulation in the ionosphere to modulate radio wave.  There’s a whole bunch of applications that I think, the ionosphere, at least thirty kilometers of it, becomes a laboratory and for a few minutes you can actually do experiments and see what happens.   !!!!  


 S01E01  - HAARP



Kristan T. Harris writes for Tune-in to the THERUNDOWNLIVE Monday-Friday @ 9pm EST; 6pm PST.

'Government' explanation for chemtrails





What are the benefits of (DCIM) Data Centre Infrastructure Management software?



Our special 'thanks' to our reader, Mike Ben, for this tip

What are the benefits of Data Centre Infrastructure Management (DCIM) software

Data Centre Infrastructure Management (DCIM) Software is a relatively new breed of software, designed to give a data centre the capability of running their operations more efficiently by improving their infrastructure’s design.

In a nutshell, it is a solution designed to streamline a data centre’s management, by including all aspects of its operations in one place – from traditional data management through to physical assets, facility management, IT domain administration and so on.

Usually, a data centre infrastructure management software solution will replace numerous existing programs such as Excel and databases produced in house, combining them into one central bank of information which can be accessed in numerous different ways to fulfil any given task as required.

A tailored DCIM software solution can allow a data centre to bridge information from across different domains of an organisation and therefore utilise the data more effectively.

What are the key benefits of DCIM software?

The benefits of employing a DCIM software solution within a data centre are both plentiful and valuable. The main idea behind DCIM software is to integrate all the tasks involved in a given data centre into one central system, so that they may be accessed easily and performed more efficiently, saving time and money whilst maximising productivity and profits.

Two of the greatest benefits of DCIM software to a data centre are the increased levels of productivity it produces and the valuable insights the software can provide.

How does DCIM software increase productivity?

By enabling users to access all the information they need from one central location, time can be saved with no need for logging in and out of numerous different programs and databases. Data is more accessible, more efficiently stored and more easily cross referenced – meaning that repeat tasks can be performed more quickly, and more effectively.

Certainly, DCIM software solutions can dramatically increase a data centre’s efficiency in terms of work flow and capacity.

DCIM software solutions also centralise the data an organisation collects, leading to far less incomplete records and/or out of date information. Keeping everything in one place ensures records are updated effectively and reduces the chance of data entry errors.
How does DCIM software provide new insights?

DCIM software allows clear visibility of all the data which is collected. Assets can be measured against productivity, operations within the data centre can be monitored and compared against other relevant components, the data on hand can be reviewed to ascertain trends within the organisation, to determine the success of any given campaign and so on.

Essentially, DCIM software can help assess a data centre’s activity to pinpoint what is working and what needs to be reassessed. Various reports can be compiled as required and used to gain insight into the organisation’s current state and to plan for the future. 

In short, DCIM software allows data centre managers to locate, maintain and manage their data in any way they choose, providing them with the tools they need to run operations efficiently and to plan confidently for the future.

Are You Ready For DCIM?

Psychological warfare against and manipulation and control of Americans


Posted: 16 Jul 2015 05:06 AM PDT

In order to control a people you must first do away with hope, followed closely by doing away with its history and rewriting it to your own liking. If someone knows where they come from, the history of their ancestry, what their forefathers accomplished, where they failed, and how they persevered, there is a connection, and there is an identity in something other than the system and the powers that be.

Anyone who hopes to mold and reshape a people to their own nefarious ends cannot build upon the foundation of the past but rather tear it down, bulldoze it, pave over it, and start anew with a construct and design of their own choosing.

You can’t get someone to hate who they are by insisting their forefathers did some bad things but also a lot of good. You have to convince them they were vile, evil men and women whose only desire was the subjugation of their fellow man; individuals who walked around with bloodlust in their eyes looking for their next hapless victim.

If you can eradicate someone’s past, you can shape their present and dictate their future. Cast enough doubt on any one person’s history and ancestry, cast enough doubt on any one nation’s acts and actions, and eventually you can talk someone into doubting absolutely everything.

If a certain thing I held dear turned out not to be true, what else isn’t true about me, my family, my ancestry, or my nation?

What is currently happening in America is psychological warfare at its most brutal. The sheep have already been culled, and so it’s easy to brainwash them, bombard them with misinformation, and steer them toward a particular set of responses whenever and wherever you have need of a large group of useful idiots.

Thinking for oneself has become taboo practice in America, and God help you if you refuse to fall in line and bleat along with the rest of the sheep. You are free to speak your mind as long as your mind is the hive mind, as long as you parrot what they themselves have parroted on down the line, without ever taking a step back and seeing the idiocy you are regurgitating for what it is.

There is a deeper, more nefarious purpose to systematically dismantling this nation’s history and it has nothing to do with what is being trumpeted as the cause of the displeasure.

By now we should be used to smokescreens and sleight of hand but it would seem our predisposition to give the powers that be the benefit of the doubt still plays into whether or not we have our eyes open to the reality of all that is taking place around us.

With so many spinning plates, and so many eager to take a sledgehammer to our kneecaps while we’re attempting to spin said plates, it’s only a matter of time. It’s not as though we didn’t know these days were coming. Nevertheless, it is a strange feeling to be living them.

With love in Christ,
Michael Boldea Jr. 

Texas - Jade Helm report - July 16 2015


 Thursday, July 16, 2015 9:08 AM

The following report received this morning via personal email.........
With the following, keep in mind Obama just did a massive land grab in Texas with the Waco Mammoth National Park -

while LENCO now has over 500 NWO armored vehicles in all 50 states and offers grant to local police in Texas for more...

Recent Intel data.....

On Tuesday, a Texas DPS trooper states that several 18 wheelers carrying MRAP vehicles where stopped near George West Texas on Hwy 37 (presumed to be heading southbound toward McAllen and/or Brownsville). The reason for the stop was because the MRAPS were armed with machine guns mounted on the top turrents.  

The trooper stated that the drivers of the 18 wheelers were dressed in civilian clothing, but were actually Army enlisted personnel. When questioned where they were going, the drivers of the 18 wheelers stated they were heading south towards the border. 

The trooper states that several DPS troopers were involved in the stops and that the 18 wheel trucks and the MRAPs where seized/impounded and the drivers of the 18-wheel trucks were detained. 

The trooper also stated that they are under orders by the governor to stop, detain and impound any military equipment being moved around in the state off of federal interstates highways and any military armed equipment/vehicles being moved around in the state on any roads or highways in Texas. This intel was verified.,_Texas

Thursday, July 16, 2015

They're Trying To Shut Down 'The Ark' - Canada's Largest Private Survival Bunker

They're Trying To Shut Down 'The Ark' - Canada's Largest Private Survival Bunker Was Featured In 'End Of The World - How To Survive Armageddon' - More Survivalists Under Attack!


By Stefan Stanford - All News Pipeline - Live Free Or Die
Please email any photos, videos or tips to
Back in 1980, a Canadian man by the name of Bruce Beach put together 42 school buses which he buried underneath 14' of ground and 2' of concrete, creating Canada's largest private survival shelter, a shelter which could house 500 people and a shelter which the fire department there is now attempting to shut down. Beach's 'Ark' was featured in the 12 minute video 'End Of The World - How To Survive Armageddon' seen in the 2nd video below. Why are so many survivalists under attack? According to a story from Offgrid Survival, it's the demonization of 'self reliance, patriotism and freedom'.

With an upcoming survivalists summit on the grounds of 'The Ark Two' in Dufferin County, Canada, fire officials have declared the bunker a hazard and the 35-year old disaster shelter, which is beloved by survivalists worldwide, is in danger of being welded shut for good. Beach, however, isn't having it and says he'll do whatever he needs to do to keep the shelter open, even if that means getting arrested for doing it.

The structure was designed and built under the direction of a licensed structural engineer who had been building subway tunnels in Toronto and according to Beach, 'The Ark Two' is structurally sound. The fire department has asked the police department to seal up the door to the bunker, but, as of this moment, the police department has stated that they don't have the authority to do so, leaving this story's conclusion still up-in-the-air as to what the final result will be.

Featuring water pumps, generators, food, water and everything else one would need to survive a nuclear attack or a zombie apocalypse, survival event organizer Che Bodhi says that when you go inside of the bunker for the 1st time, it feels like a different planet: "It's like you're on Mars" he said.


While the videos below share this story in much more detail we have to ask, is this another incident of government overreach and a side-effect of the NWO globalists demand for the depopulation of the masses of good people in the world? This story certainly needs to see the light of day and while 'The Ark Two' isn't exactly where we'd prefer to spend 'the apocalypse', it was obviously one heck of an undertaking and we back Bruce Beach completely and wish him luck in keeping this fascinating work of architecture open.

All photographs above and below videos courtesy of Global News Canada. In the 1st video below we see a mainstream news media about this story while in the 2nd video below, we see a video by 16X9 called 'End Of The World: How To Survive Armageddon' which featured 'The Ark Two'.

With this now happening we have to ask, why is there such a concerted effort to hamper the efforts of those who are providing a way for private citizens to 'survive Armageddon'? Certainly, Beach isn't the only survivalist under attack under Agenda 21 and the depopulation agenda of the elitists, who hope to kill off 90% of the world's population .








Western DOCTORS are now KILLING their PATIENTS in cold blood under euthanasia laws

Western doctors

are now killing their patients

in cold blood under euthanasia laws

Thursday, July 16, 2015 by: Daniel Barker
Tags: euthanasia laws, murder, Western doctors

(NaturalNews) A recent study by the Journal of Medical Ethics revealed a disturbing practice being carried out in Belgian hospitals -- namely, the deliberate euthanasia of patients without their voluntary consent.

Raphael Cohen-Almagor, professor of philosophy and ethics at the UK's Hull University and author of the report, discovered that lethal drugs were being used to "shorten life and without explicit request."

These cases of deliberate euthanasia accounted for 1.7 percent of all deaths in Belgium during 2013. The practice typically involved patients who were comatose, suffering from dementia or "because discussion would have been harmful to the patient's best interest" -- a very contentious judgment, indeed.

This highly questionable and unethical practice is all the more curious since a 2002 Belgian law called the Euthanasia Act prohibits administering life-ending drugs except in cases where the patient has given explicit, voluntary consent.

As Cohen-Almagor wrote:

"At the heart of this legislation is the free will of the patient who asks for euthanasia.
It is worrying that some physicians take upon themselves the responsibility to deliberately shorten patients' lives without a clear indication from the patients that
this is what they would want."

The law clearly states that a request for euthanasia from a patient must be
"voluntary, well-considered, and repeated and...
........not the result of any external pressure."

However, a paper published in 2014 by the Belgian Society of Intensive Care Medicine Council explores the use of drugs "with the direct intention of shortening the dying process of terminal palliative care in patients with no prospect of a meaningful recovery."

The paper also advises that the withdrawal of care and the increased dosage of lethal sedatives "must not be interpreted as killing."

Which begs the question:

How is euthanasia without consent any different than murder?

An even more shocking revelation is that in many of these cases even the families
of the patients are not being consulted,
with doctors viewing the practice as a "medical decision" that only they should have the power to make.

The cases in which euthanasia without consent has been carried out are
rarely reported, which is also a violation of the Euthanasia Act.

From the conclusion of the Cohen-Almagor study:

The liberal state has an obligation to protect the vulnerable. Given that ending patients' lives without request is more common than euthanasia, it is suggested to urge the Belgian medical profession to put this issue high on its agenda. The lives of many patients are still shortened involuntarily. ...

The Belgians are researching the way their dying patients are being handled in a medical context. Their culture of self-searching is certainly necessary. The Belgians should ensure that their policy is not abused.

The Belgian "liberal state" should be universally condemned for this practice. It is an unconscionable act for doctors to place their own judgment above the wishes of their patients. Even if the patient is unable to discuss his or her own condition, it is not for the doctor to decide whether the patient should live or die, particularly when the family has no say in the matter.

These practices set a dangerous precedent, in my opinion. For one thing, what
about the admittedly rare but significant number of cases where people have
awakened from a coma after months or even years? And how does one decide whether discussing euthanasia is "harmful to the patient's best interest"? Even in cases of dementia, wouldn't it still be a more merciful act to at least ask patients what their wishes are? If the ultimate choice is to end their life anyway, I don't see the harm in at least asking or letting them know that the decision is being made.

After all, these are human beings with basic rights -- including the right to live -- and we must never forget or ignore that fact.


Macomb County Harassment and Illegal Traffic Stop (Video)

Officers Involved: Deputy Kato, Deputy Reed, Deputy Jankowski.
Macomb County Sheriff Department Phone:  586-469-5151.

In the latest video uploaded to YouTube by LibertyisForEveryoneMacomb County Sheriff’s deputies wasted at least 10 man hours of time stalking and harassing a couple of photographers that were simply filming the Sheriff’s Department building.  In the video the deputies never say that the photographers are detained, but follow them around and demand ID.
The photographers never give ID and keep walking away from them.  There were four different cruisers following them around as they walked along with several other deputies on foot.  At no time from what you can see in the video did these gentlemen break any laws.
At one point, the photographers make it back to their vehicle only to be followed by two patrol cars and pulled over for supposedly making an illegal left turn.  The officer tells the driver that there is a sign that says that there is no left turn permitted where he had turned.  The driver asked if there was a sign and the officer states that there is.


After taking the driver’s information and running him through the system, the officer tells the driver he is going to give him a break on the turn.  After the stop is concluded, the driver goes back to see if there is a sign and discovers that there is not one.  That is why the officer didn’t write him a ticket, because the driver broke no laws and he just wanted to ID the photographers that were doing nothing more than filming the outside of a building from public property.
Police seem to be getting more brazen in their attempts to violate the rights of citizens that have committed no crime.  The only way to make change is to call these officers out on their illegal behavior each time we see it.  Feel free to contact the Macomb County Sheriff’s Department at the number at he top of the story and ask these officers why they continue to ignore their oaths and violate the rights of citizens.  Ask them if wasting 10 man hours to stalk and harass a couple of photographers was in the best interest of the public and the tax money wasted on those resources when there were surely real crimes taking place somewhere in the county that they could have been attending to.

One Small Sign In Front Of Attacked Chattanooga Building Has Set Off A Firestorm

92 percent of mass shootings took place in “gun free zones.”
Thursday’s shooting attacks in Chattanooga have once again stoked the debate over gun-free zones. Some of the most devastating mass shootings have taken place in gun free zones including the Sandy Hook and Aurora movie theater shootings in 2012.
A image on twitter (see above) showing that the military recruiting center in Chattanooga was also a gun-free zone has sparked controversy.

The attack carried out allegedly by Muhammad Youssef Abdulazeez, 24, is currently being treated as an “act of domestic terrorism.” The shooter killed four Marines and wounded a police officer before he was shot and killed by the police.

The Case For Universal Concealed Handgun Reciprocity

Handgun Concealed Carry Reciprocity
The Case For Universal Concealed Handgun Reciprocity
The Arbalest Quarrel
The Arbalest Quarrel
New York, N.Y. –-( Survival is a basic instinct of every living organism. The impulse to survive is biological and absolute.
And, for man, the desire to survive is also a moral imperative. A threat to one’s survival activates the “fight or flight” response. If a person cannot reasonably flee from a threat to his or her survival, that person must, and will, and ought to fight for his or her survival.
And, if one must fight, no better protection exists than that provided by a firearm.
Many Americans were brought up with firearms. They were taught how to use a firearm properly and safely. They are comfortable with firearms.

Other Americans are not. And that is fine. Those people who do not feel comfortable possessing firearms need not do so.

Firearms’ owners do not impose their will on others. But, by the same token, those Americans who are not comfortable possessing firearms should not prevent other Americans who wish to possess firearms from doing so.
Concealed Carry Reciprocity
The Founders of our Republic recognized a person’s right to protect his or her life. That right is embodied in the Second Amendment to the U.S. Constitution.
The Founders of our Republic recognized a person’s right to protect his or her life. That right is embodied in the Second Amendment to the U.S. Constitution. Since the right of the individual to keep and bear arms is a natural right, the Constitution does not create the right but simply exemplifies it. And, for those Americans who happen to doubt that the right to keep and bear arms is an individual right, the U.S. Supreme Court laid that doubt to rest with its decision in the 2008 Heller case.
The Court made clear that the right to keep and bear arms is an individual right, unconnected with service in a militia, to be used for traditional lawful purposes such as self-defense.
Now, since the Bill of Rights traditionally applied to the Federal Government, the question arose whether the Heller case also applies to the States. That question, too, was laid to rest in the 2010 McDonald case. The Supreme Court ruled that the individual right of self-defense applies to the States through the Fourteenth Amendment.
Unfortunately, many States undermine the clear import of these two U.S. Supreme Court cases by keeping in place restrictive and oppressive firearms’ laws and by focusing their efforts in creating ever more restrictive and oppressive firearms’ laws to confound and frustrate gun owners.
To overcome obstacles posed by myriad, inconsistent firearms’ laws, some State Legislatures have created a mechanism by which a resident, who holds a valid concealed handgun carry permit or license as issued in one State, may legally carry a handgun in another State without fear of arrest. This mechanism is known as “reciprocity.”
State “concealed handgun carry” reciprocity is not difficult to understand. It works much like State motor vehicle license reciprocity.
Presently, 18 States do recognize the validity of unrestricted concealed handgun carry licenses issued by other States. Most States, unfortunately, do not. Recognition of unrestricted concealed handgun carry license reciprocity by all the States would help eliminate the problem of inconsistent gun laws existent between and among the States and, too, relieve a law-abiding American from the burden of acquiring and holding multiple concealed handgun licenses. This would do much to safeguard the Second Amendment right to keep and bear arms. Universal unrestricted concealed handgun license reciprocity among the States would overcome a host of obstacles to Americans’ exercise of their Second Amendment right to keep and bear arms.
Concealed Carry License
Presently, 18 States do recognize the validity of unrestricted concealed handgun carry licenses issued by other States. Most States, unfortunately, do not.
We do not, at present, see universal unrestricted concealed handgun license reciprocity because antigun legislatures in many States do not respect the Second Amendment. Those State legislatures deliberately place obstacles in their own resident citizen’s path to gun ownership and possession, and so, not surprisingly, they refuse to provide for reciprocity to non-residents.
Traveling across State lines, whether on business or for pleasure, should not create an either/or situation for an American citizen. But that, unfortunately, is what we see. The law-abiding American citizen must either forego the acquisition of a multiplicity of concealed handgun carry licenses thereby saving time, and money, and energy but at the cost of relinquishing the citizen’s right of self-defense; or that citizen must jump through hoops to first acquire and then constantly renew a plethora of concealed handgun carry licenses that serve best to protect his life, but at the cost of time, money, and energy necessary to acquire the licenses initially and then to retain them through time. Which one of these two options should he choose? Which one of these two options would you choose? Why should the law-abiding American citizen have to make a choice at all in view of the Second Amendment imperative?

Clearly, the law-abiding American citizen should not have to undergo a multitude of time-consuming, extraordinarily arduous, repetitious and invariably wasteful administrative processes in order to secure his or her safety through the best means available – namely that provided by a handgun.

Read the longer related article “A Road Trip With A Handgun: The Case For Universal State Reciprocity” here at Arbalest Quarrel :
About The Arbalest Quarrel
Arbalest Group created `The Arbalest Quarrel’ website for a special purpose. That purpose is to educate the American public about recent Federal and State firearms control legislation. No other website, to our knowledge, provides as deep an analysis or as thorough an analysis. Arbalest Group offers this information free.

Chattanooga Shooter Identified as ISIS Terrorist and Not ‘A White Guy’

As the media rushed to report this morning’s attack on two military offices in Chattanooga, Tennessee some reported that the shooter was “a white guy.” But now we know that the shooter not only isn’t “a white guy” but he is a Middle Easterner likely caught up with the ISIS terror outfit.
Still, some of the earlier reporting on the shootings at two Tennessee military centers identified the shooter as “a white guy.” Many outlets rushed to report what a Muslim man in Chattanooga told the press–likely hoping that it really was a white guy who did the shooting.
The bad witness, one Mohamed Elbardissy–co-owner of the local Toscano Italian Grill–told the media that he saw the shooter and, “He was driving a silver, convertible Mustang” and was “a white guy.”
But it turns out it wasn’t “a white guy” at all. We now know it was a Muslim acting on behalf of the terror group ISIS or at the very least acting out his own little jihad.
The shooter has now been id’d as 24-year-old Muhammad Youssef Abdulazeez a native of Kuwait living in Hixson, TN.
He was believed to have been born in Kuwait, and it was unclear whether he was a U.S. or Kuwaiti citizen. The official was speaking on condition of anonymity to discuss the ongoing, sensitive investigation. It was not immediately clear whether the gunman’s first name was spelled Muhammad or Mohammad.
There is another aspect of this shooting that must be pointed out. Let’s note that the military offices that were shot at were “gun free zones.”
Remember, here is the image of the front of one of the offices.
And, just look at the close up of that sticker…
Our own solders were not allowed to defend themselves and now four are dead.


Puerto Rico is Bankrupt: Will the IMF Bail-Out Puerto Rico?

Former IMF Officials Propose Austerity Measures to Solve Puerto Rico’s Debt Crisis, Governor Agrees
puerto-rico-IMF-300x157TND Guest Contributor:  Timothy Alexander Guzman, Silent Crow News
<a href="" ><img src="" border="0" alt=""></a>
Puerto Rico is bankrupt according to Governor Alejandro Padilla because it is mathematically impossible to pay its $73 billion debt it owes to creditors. In an interesting turn of events, the Associated Press reported that Padilla met privately with the New York Times before he met with Puerto Rico’s political leaders to discuss the uncontrollable debt problem the island-nation was facing. Padilla was quoted as saying that “the last four administrations have kicked the can down the road,” he continued “At this point; there is no more can to kick. So we’re going to take some very strict measures and some very profound measures. It’s going to hurt, but there’s no way out” the AP reported.
According to a Reuter’s article titled ‘Report Gives Damning Review of Puerto Rico’s Finances, Calls for Reforms and Restructuring of Debts’:
Puerto Rico needs to restructure its debts and should make reforms including cutting the number of teachers and raising property taxes, a report by former International Monetary Fund economists on the Caribbean island’s financial woes said. The report, which was obtained by Reuters, gave a damning review of how Puerto Rico has arrived at its current state, which it said requires both structural reform and debt restructuring to fix. “Puerto Rico faces hard times,” the report said. “Structural problems, economic shocks and weak public finances have yielded a decade of stagnation, outmigration and debt… A crisis looms
The report titled ‘Puerto Rico-A Way Forward’ was produced by Anne O. Krueger, Ranjit Teja and Andrew Wolfe, all former members of the Washington, D.C. based International Monetary Fund (IMF). The report determined that Puerto Rico will need to “restructure its debts” which will include eliminating public school teachers, raising property taxes and suspending minimum wage laws. According to Reuters, Anne O. Krueger mentioned that “the situation is dire, and I mean really dire” she said “the needed measures may face political resistance but failure to address the issues would affect even more the people of Puerto Rico”. Reuters also reported that the White House “is not contemplating a federal bailout of Puerto Rico to help the island deal with its debt crisis”. Can the IMF bail-out Puerto Rico if Washington steps aside?  The Puerto Rico government and hedge fund companies did seek financial advice from former officials of the IMF earlier this year. There is no indication that the IMF would get involved at this point, but the main-stream media, in this case the Wall Street Journal suggested otherwise. The article titled ‘Puerto Rico, Investors Enlist Ex-IMF Officials’ from April of this year said that Puerto Rico “resembles” emerging-market countries, a qualification that can possibly enlist the help of the IMF as an option:
Puerto Rico has retained Anne Krueger, the IMF’s former first deputy managing director, as a consultant, while a committee representing the hedge funds is in talks about an engagement with Claudio Loser, the former director of the IMF’s Western Hemisphere department, said people familiar with the matter.
The involvement of IMF veterans highlights how market perception of Puerto Rico—a former darling of the $3.7 trillion municipal-bond market—has changed. The IMF serves as the lender of last resort to emerging-market countries, something some investors say Puerto Rico increasingly resembles
The Wall Street Journal also says that Puerto Rico qualifies for IMF assistance since they borrowed excessively; are inconsistent with their financial reports and administer an inefficient tax collection policy. Can Puerto Rico become a potential candidate for IMF loans? The Wall Street Journal says Puerto Rico is similar to countries whose economies are under IMF supervision:
As a U.S. commonwealth, the island also doesn’t qualify for IMF aid, but the excessive borrowing, inconsistent financial reporting and low tax collection that landed Puerto Rico in hot water are common in the developing countries that IMF economists deal with. Like a lot of those countries, Puerto Rico is wrestling with how to make politically contentious budget cuts and tax increases without strangling already-weak economic growth
The Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) estimates that Puerto Rico has the highest unemployment rate in comparison to other U.S. states with 12.4% as of May of this year. Of course the numbers are much higher if you count those who dropped out of the labor force. One third of the Puerto Rican population receives food stamps. Since there is also a steady rise in crime, more gated communities have sprung up for security concerns. There is a mass exodus of Puerto Ricans ending up in the already struggling U.S. states such as Florida and New York. Many Public Schools have shut down due to the declining population and hazardous buildings that have never been repaired due to budget shortfalls. Puerto Rico’s has a lower income per capita than any State, including Mississippi which happens to be the poorest state in the U.S. mainland. Small businesses have closed due to high electricity, water and tax bills. Retailers have also seen a decline in sales since many live on maxed-out credit cards and public assistance. Poverty in Puerto Rico is close to 45 percent but will increase dramatically if Padilla follows through with the IMF’s proposals. Padilla said that Puerto Rico’s economic situation is in a “death Spiral” which happens to be accurate. Puerto Rico carries more debt than any U.S. state and it is much worse than Detroit’s debt crises which declared bankruptcy in 2013.
What will happen if Puerto Rico Defaults?
Puerto Rico cannot file for bankruptcy under current U.S. bankruptcy laws including chapter 9 of the U.S. Bankruptcy Code which is for municipalities such as Detroit, Michigan or Chapter 11 which is another option for business entities. Puerto Rico does not qualify for any form of bankruptcy because it is under the “Commonwealth” status; it is not a state of the union. Many questions linger about Puerto Rico’s possibility of defaulting on its loans. Will the Puerto Rico government shutdown if it defaults? Will the U.S. congress pass emergency measures with a bailout plan that will leave U.S. taxpayers footing the bill? Or will Washington allow Puerto Rico to fail so that the IMF can impose a bail-out plan that would include a structural adjustment program? So far there is no indication that the IMF or Washington for that matter will bail-out Puerto Rico at this time. One thing is certain; there is an unpredictable financial crisis that will make its way to the U.S. mainland since Puerto Rico’s bonds are traded in the U.S. municipal bond markets affecting other debt-ridden states.
If Puerto Rico were to move forward with recommendations from the IMF, it would result in an economic disaster. Countries that followed the IMF’s prescription, for example during the 1995 Mexican Peso Crisis due to the Mexican government’s currency devaluation are an example of how the IMF’s recommendations resulted in more poverty and despair. According to Global “Under the IMF imposed economic reforms after the peso bailout in 1995, the number of Mexicans living in extreme poverty increased more than 50 percent and the national average minimum wage fell 20 percent.” The IMF managed a $50 billion bail-out plan for Mexico which led to hyperinflation and a collapse of the banking institutions who were exposed to bad loans. Interest rates increased on home mortgages resulting in repossessions leaving tens of thousands of Mexicans (many were the new middle-class) homeless. Extreme poverty increased, real wages plummeted and the unemployment rate nearly doubled.
It is important to remember that the IMF published a report in October 2013 that called for “global wealth confiscation” with new capital controls and exit regulations. The Report titled “Taxing Times” calls for the confiscation of household assets through a “Capital Levy” against citizens who have a “positive net wealth” to pay outstanding debts and stabilize global bond markets. This is something Puerto Ricans should be seriously concerned with.
If the IMF were to administer a rescue package for the Puerto Rican economy, it will be devastating. Former IMF officials are already proposing that the Puerto Rican people must face “tough austerity measures”. What will happen to Puerto Rico’s economy if the Padilla administration were to follow through with austerity measures? There is the real possibility of civil unrest. Will the Puerto Rico government and the people finally cut its financial and political ties with its colonial masters to the North? No one knows, but maybe it’s time to think about a future without the U.S. government, a government that will eventually default on its own debt obligations. The U.S. currently holds the largest debt in financial history with over $70 trillion according to University of California-San Diego economics Professor James Hamilton. U.S. colonialism has turned Puerto Rico into a modern day slave plantation where the people are dependent on public assistance, food stamps and government jobs (although public school teacher positions will face job losses with IMF proposals).
Unfortunately, sometimes a bad situation makes good medicine. Maybe the Puerto Rican people can finally have a referendum and vote for Puerto Rico to leave the United States. Puerto Rico can rebuild itself and open up its own independent economy without Washington and its Wall Street cronies. Puerto Rico is a nation that has been under an Imperial power since the Spanish-American war. Puerto Rico needs a revolution, “a revolution of the mind”, a new way to think about its future as an independent nation. However until that vote happens, Puerto Rico must deal with Washington and its financial institutions under its “Commonwealth status”. There is no evidence that the IMF will be the “lender of last resort” to bail-out Puerto Rico and Washington has said publically that it is not considering a federal bail-out plan of the cash-strapped island-nation. Governor Padilla is seeking to postpone its debt repayment plan for at least several years because “it’s about math” although he did mention that there is “no more can to kick”down the road. Puerto Rico will continue its path down a financial rabbit hole like Greece and Detroit, Michigan and we all know how that ends.
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Timothy Alexander Guzman
Timothy Alexander Guzman is an independent researcher and writer with a focus on political, economic, media and historical spheres. He is a contributing writer to Globalresearch.caSilent Crow News, and The News Doctors.  His writing also has appeared in The Progressive Mind, European Union Examiner, News Beacon Ireland,, EIN News and a number of other alternative news sites. He is a graduate of Hunter College in New York City.
This article appeared first on Silent Crow News, an alternative media site that reports on world events that include geopolitics, war, economics, media, education, science and technology.  Reprinted with permission.


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