Friday, July 17, 2015


Health Digest with Nicole Rose-Rees and 22 others
*Be sure to *SHARE* so its Saved on your Timeline*
(And free from chemicals) -
1/2 litre of alcohol
100 gram of whole cloves
100 ml of baby oil or similar (almond, sesame, chamomile, lavender, fennel etc)
Leave cloves to marinate in alcohol four days
Stir every morning and evening
After 4 days add the oil
It's now ready to use.
How to use:
Gently rub a few drops into the skin of the arms and legs.
Observe the mosquitoes fleeing the room.
Repels fleas on pets too.
Must Share
See More

911 – In Plane Site

911 – In Plane Site


PERSONAL NOTE from a reader:

9-11 changed "our world" and I knew this the moment I saw this on my
TV at work that fatal morning. I am sharing this true story to document
what took place over 15 years ago.

I had a TV Gospel TV show which aired twice weekly.. When I saw this happen the
morning of 9-11 . I knew immediately that something was "seriously wrong" with this
entire situation, and had a queasy feeling this was "closer to home" then unknown
terrorists from another land.  In a short period of time the "Power Hour" had put this
show together..I immediately purchased it.. and took down my show and intended
to run it in place of my show for several weeks.

But that was not to be!  I managed to run it twice.  The TV station called me after
the first run.. and told me that could NOT handle all the calls coming in...said their
switchboard looked like a Christmas I asked  them to forward those calls
directly to me.

I was flooded with hundreds of calls... some were "nasty" callers, with death
for running this show.. They called me all sorts of names. I thanked them
and told them to "remember" this event.. and they could apologize later, when they
heard the truth. The many other callers were "grateful" that I had taken my air time
to run this show and some said  "You've got guts.." and "I think something else
 is going on with this"
...and " I don't feel right about this... thanks for running it." 

By the time the second show aired.. the TV station called and told me I would have
to "remove" this show.. ! I asked  "WHY?"  I was told that their Advertising Sponsors
who purchased massives amounts of TV advertising time, wanted it removed or they
would pull their accounts.  The TV station told me that they didn't have a choice in
the matter, ( since they were being blackmailed into submission over $$ ) but if they
had their way, it would continue to run..  I wasn't a big enough spender compared to
their big corporate sponsors... so I pulled it after the second run.   I later found out
that CNN ran this ONE time before they were told to PULL their airing  of
 9-11 - In Plane Site.

What you are about to watch is the "original show" of what took place on 9-11 !!

True Story

Published on Feb 7, 2013
What “In Plane Site” accomplishes that no other video expose’ on September 11th has
to date, is it exposes the viewer to a barrage of news clips from a majority of the
mainstream news outlets. The official story of that day was told on live TV by reporters,
policemen, firefighters, and other on-the-scene eyewitnesses, however, that footage was
shown only once on live television broadcasts in the first hours of the attacks and then…
it was never repeated. The stories changed, information was enigmatically omitted,
and what can only be described as officially prescribed propaganda took the place
of indisputable reality.


Lee Wanta




238,000 US veterans died waiting for health care – leaked document


Texas Launches Gold-backed Bank, Challenging Federal Reserve

The State of Texas is setting up a gold-backed bank that will allow depositors to bypass the controversial Federal Reserve System and its fiat currency in banking and commerce, according to the state representative who authored the recently enacted law. Under the measure, passed overwhelmingly by lawmakers and signed in mid-June by Republican Governor Greg Abbott, Lone Star State officials will establish and operate the Texas Bullion Depository for anyone who would like to deposit and trade in precious metals. The implications are as big as Texas.
While some analysts have said the move may be another sign heralding Texas’ eventual secession from the union, or preparation for financial Armageddon, its advocates say the depository simply makes financial sense. Among other benefits, the institution will provide more options to consumers weary of the increasingly troubled traditional banking and monetary system, which is viewed by the public with growing suspicion. And experts say the effect of making it easier to use sound money in commerce could be far-reaching.  
Among other immediate effects, the law creating the first state-level gold-backed bank in the nation, House Bill 483, will involve repatriating about $1 billion of Texas gold from New York. Conflicting news reports and official statements say the state’s precious metals stockpile is being held either by HSBC in New York, or by the powerful New York Federal Reserve Bank, a privately owned outfit cloaked in secrecy with immense power over the U.S. economy. First, though, officials will need to select a home for the Texas depository.

“Today I signed HB 483 to provide a secure facility for the State of Texas, state agencies and Texas citizens to store gold bullion and other precious metals,” said a statement issued by Governor Abbott, a popular conservative governor, after the ceremonial signing. “With the passage of this bill, the Texas Bullion Depository will become the first state-level facility of its kind in the nation, increasing the security and stability of our gold reserves and keeping taxpayer funds from leaving Texas to pay for fees to store gold in facilities outside our state.” The law protects the assets from seizure by the feds or other forces, too.
There will be many other benefits as well, according to supporters. While other states have in recent years passed legislation declaring gold and silver to be legal tender, analysts say Texas’ new depository could help supercharge the growing movement for an honest and sensible monetary system founded on real money rather than debt-based paper notes conjured into existence by a private banking cartel. Indeed, one of the chief aims of gold-and-silver-as-currency proponents is to restore sound money — and the Texas law could help pave the way.  
Tenth Amendment Center chief Michael Boldin, whose organization promotes states’ rights to rein in the feds under the 10th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, called the law “an important first step towards gold and silver as commonly-used legal tender in the state.” He said the move has the potential to open the market to sound money, even in day-to-day transactions. “By making gold and silver available for regular, daily transactions by the general public, the new law has the potential for wide-reaching effect,” Boldin added.
The Tenth Amendment Center also highlighted the constitutional implications. Noting that Article I, Section 10, of the U.S. Constitution prohibits state governments from making anything other than gold and silver a tender in payment of debts, Boldin said the bill takes Texas a step toward fulfilling that long-ignored constitutional obligation. “Such a tactic would undermine the monopoly the Federal Reserve system by introducing competition into the monetary system,” he said.
Other experts also highlighted those effects. “Over time, as residents of the state use both Federal Reserve notes and silver and gold coins, the fact that the coins hold their value more than Federal Reserve notes do will lead to a ‘reverse Gresham’s Law’ effect, where good money (gold and silver coins) will drive out bad money (Federal Reserve notes),” explained constitutional-tender expert William Greene in a paper for the market-oriented Ludwig von Mises Institute.
“As this happens, a cascade of events can begin to occur, including the flow of real wealth toward the state’s treasury, an influx of banking business from outside of the state — as people in other states carry out their desire to bank with sound money — and an eventual outcry against the use of Federal Reserve notes for any transactions,” added Greene, who also testified in favor of the law in his capacity as a private citizen.
The new law can also help protect depositors from other downsides of the present monetary regime — the risks inherent in fractional-reserve banking, for example — while still providing many of the conveniences associated with a bank account. Indeed, the depository will engage in many of the functions associated with traditional banking: The ability to store wealth for safe-keeping, the ability to write checks against deposits to transfer funds, and so on.
But in other respects, the institution will function very differently from a traditional bank. For instance, depository accounts will not pay interest, according to the law, nor will the deposits be loaned out to borrowers under the prevailing fractional-reserve banking regime. In an interview on the popular TruNews radio program, the state lawmaker behind the law celebrated the way in which the institution will operate as a major benefit for potential clients.  
“This is different than your traditional bank — a traditional bank lends money,” said Texas Representative Giovanni Capriglione, who authored and sponsored the legislation. “Especially if you're in Greece right now, you know that if you go to the bank, and everybody went to the bank to try to get their deposits out, there's not enough paper money to cover it. That causes a whole bunch of concerns. What this depository does is, it doesn't allow that — if there are 5,000 bars of gold in there, there will be 5,000 gold bars there, and you'll be able to access your deposits directly upon demand.”  
Depositors will also be able to write checks against their gold deposits to pay others, continued Rep. Capriglione, calling the measure a “big deal.” “You can write checks to individuals who have gold depository accounts, and you’ll also be able to write checks to individuals and corporations who don’t have gold depository accounts,” he explained. “We set up a system of depository agents so you can have any corporation, any group, basically start a depository agent, and they can send and receive through this depository system, outside of the Federal Reserve System.” Public entities will also be able to participate.
It will not be just Texas citizens, governments, agencies, and businesses taking advantage of the new options, either. “We are not talking Fort Knox,” Capriglione told the Star-Telegram newspaper. “But when I first announced this, I got so many emails and phone calls from people literally all over the world who said they want to store their gold … in a Texas depository. People have this image of Texas as big and powerful … so for a lot of people, this is exactly where they would want to go with their gold.”
Some conservative and liberty-minded activists expressed concerns about the law because it creates yet another state agency. However, writing in the market-oriented Ludwig von Mises Institute, economist Ryan McMaken argued that the benefits outweigh the downsides in this case. “While the Texas depository is a government-owned enterprise, it nevertheless is an improvement since it is a case of decentralization (and arguably nullification) which provides alternatives to the federally controlled monetary and banking systems,” he said. “As Hayek and other Austrians noted for decades, a decentralization of the monetary system is a key first step in moving toward more sound money.”
The depository will be run by an administrator appointed by the Texas Comptroller, whose office will oversee the institution. The chief of the Texas depository will have to be approved by various state executive and legislative officials. Any profits made will be handed to the general revenue fund, potentially benefiting taxpayers beyond the savings associated with repatriating the state’s gold. The full text of the law is available here.  
A similar bill was introduced in 2013 but did not gain traction. This year, though, lawmakers approved it by a landslide margin, with 140 to 4 in the Texas House and 27 to 4 in the state Senate. Now, energized activists in other states are hoping to see similar measures across the country — with the ultimate goal of eventually restoring sound money and an honest economy free from the clutches of the Federal Reserve. 

NAACP Wants Stone Mountain Confederate Generals Sand-Blasted Off


Largest bas relief sculpture in the world could be destroyed in the name of 'political correctness" and then what????

Paul Joseph Watson
July 14, 2015

The Atlanta chapter of the NAACP has called for the iconic and intricate Stone Mountain carvings which feature confederate generals to be sand-blasted off and wiped from the pages of history.

In the name of "political correctness", NAACP’s Richard Rose told WSB-TV that symbols of the Confederacy should be removed from all state-owned buildings, parks and lands in the area, including a carving which depicts Stonewall Jackson, Robert E. Lee, and Jefferson Davis.
The carving, which is the largest bas relief sculpture in the world and is bigger than a football field and Mount Rushmore, was started in 1923 and not fully completed until 1972.
“The figures were completed with the detail of a fine painting. Eyebrows, fingers, buckles and even strands of hair were fine-carved with a small thermo-jet torch,” according to the official Stone Mountain website.
But that means little when up against the purge of all symbols of the Confederacy in the aftermath of the Charleston shootings, a hysterical knee-jerk backlash that has led some to call for renaming “racist” American cities like Washington DC in an effort to bury America’s past and replace it with a sanitized imitation.
“Those guys need to go. They can be sand-blasted off, or somebody could carefully remove a slab of that and auction it off to the highest bidder,” Rose said.
The decision on whether the Stone Mountain carvings will be literally sand-blasted from history will be in the hands of the Georgia Legislature.
How long before the iconic southeastern face of Mount Rushmore, which features four presidents carved into the rock, is also defaced and destroyed in the name of political correctness? After all, two of those men – Thomas Jefferson and George Washington – owned slaves.
If you think that’s completely outside the realms of possibility then you must have missed a discussion on CNN last month during which hosts Ashleigh Banfield and Don Lemon said the time was coming when the removal of Jefferson monuments would have to be considered.
Memphis City Council also just voted unanimously to dig up and move the remains of Confederate General Nathan Bedford Forrest and sell off his statue to the highest bidder.
In attempting to wipe monuments and symbols from the pages of history, so-called “progressives” are appropriating a similar mentality to ISIS terrorists (USA cabal corporation hirees) who have spent the last year tearing down historical statues and monuments because they offend their radical belief system.
Extreme leftists, emboldened by how they have been allowed to exploit the tragic shooting in Charleston, are now on a censorious rampage that knows no bounds.
Who knows where it will end?   

WHEN are the 'blacks' going to realize their own 'leaders' are screwing with them, and that all this hatred is nothing more than efforts to start a civil war within our nation - in which most blacks will be literally slaughtered as their intended victims aptly defend themselves?  They are being LIED to, totally misled with the rewritten history of our nation. What good is this ridiculous diatribe THEN?

Congress Passes Law Creating ID Card for Veterans

Congress Passes Law Creating ID Card for Veterans

Capitol HIll 

Congress has approved the creation of a veterans' identification card, making it easier for veterans to prove military service without having to produce a military service record or some other valuable document.

The House had already passed the bill in June and sent it on to the Senate. The Senate also passed the legislation, but a minor clerical amendment required a second House vote, which it took late Tuesday afternoon.

"Today is a good day for our nation's veterans," said bill sponsor Rep. Vern Buchanan, R-Florida. "This bill is a prime example of what we can accomplish when we put partisanship aside and the needs of the country first."

Both House votes and the Senate vote were unanimous. The bill now heads to the White House where President Obama is expected to sign it.

Buchanan currently serves on the House Ways and Means Committee, but previously served on the House Veterans Affairs Committee.

Currently, individuals needing to prove military status routinely have to provide a DD-214, a Certificate of Release or Discharge from Active Duty, to prove their status, said Vietnam-era veteran Donald DiNunzio of Florida.

"I have been asked many times to prove that I am a vet but carrying around my DD-214 form is difficult and impractical," he said. "My DD-214 form is a large 8.5 x 11 carbon copy, delicate, old and quite brittle and thin. Having a permanent veteran ID card would be a much simpler way of proudly proving my veteran status."

A number of states, and even counties, will issue veterans ID cards. Among the states that do so are Connecticut, Pennsylvania, Texas, North Carolina, Virginia and Michigan, which retailers and restaurants will accept when offering veterans' discounts, according to The American Legion.

The bill text references these kinds of benefits to veterans, but also notes its usefulness in proving veteran status "without having to carry and use official Department of Defense form DD–214 discharge papers."

Retired service members have long been issued IDs. The Veterans Affairs Department issues IDs to veterans who are enrolled in VA health care. 

The veteran ID card had support from a number of veterans' organizations, including AMVETS, Vietnam Veterans of America and Concerned Veterans of America.

But the Veterans of Foreign Wars believes demand for the new card is unnecessary and will only burden an already backlogged VA bureaucracy, which is the agency designated to issue the cards.

VFW national spokesman Joe Davis said there will now be a new demand on the VA to process and issue the cards to millions of veterans who do not require or need VA care. That means time and manpower devoted to verifying honorable discharges.

"The states have the authority to indicate veteran [status] on driver's licenses and voter IDs," Davis said. "It would have been far simpler to have left the responsibility with them." 

“Constitution” = a business contract - MILITARY AND AMERICANS - LISTEN UP!!!!!





Voila_Capture 2014-10-13_08-27-09_PM   Got my She-Bear on after listening long enough to Mr. Wolfgram.  He backed off and asked some decent things in decent words, so I replied.  It is an explanation that might help with military personnel — something they might understand better.

The word “constitution” applies to a whole range of contracts involving indebtedness—-in this case, the debt the States incurred when they mutually contracted for services from the new federal company they created. Look up the word “constitution” in any legal dictionary.  That would be a real good place for any “constitutional scholar” to start. 

There are “constitutions” all over the planet—- they all revolve around indebtedness. That’s why it was called a “Constitution”—  It’s a business contract—- an equity contract—-a commercial contract, nothing more or less, split into two distinct parts—- a public trust indenture and a commercial services agreement.

The only sense in which The Constitution is the “Supreme Law of the Land” is that it is NOT the Supreme Law of the Sea.  

The landed (E)states agreed to delegate nineteen enumerated “powers” to the federal government—“powers” in the sense of “mandates to perform” nineteen functions normally reserved to sovereign states and to receive and pay for these services.  

It also limited the powers of the federal government at the same time, mandating a separation of powers between land and sea.    

From the perspective of the District of Columbia City State operating in 1789— which was and still is operating in a foreign and maritime jurisdiction—  the Constitution is literally the “Law of the Land”—- that is, the law that the Federales are required to observe when operating on the land of the domestic states.

If you are a sailor and you go on liberty in a port of call, you are very definitely aware of both the law of the land and the law of the sea, because while you are on shore you have to pay attention to the local law — or the land police will arrest you—and at the same time, you have to be aware of the law of the sea—because if you disobey your captain or go AWOL from his ship, you will be subject to court martial in the Navy.  

What happens in real life in this analogy?  The sailor goes ashore, gets drunk, gets in a brawl, busts up a local pub, breaks a local baker’s nose, and gets arrested by the local cops.  They call the military police.  The military police take charge of the miscreant and throw him in their separate jail.  The charges against him are brought before a military court, not a civilian court.  He is subject to a tougher, more draconian standard of law—- that of Admiralty—and is penalized for his misbehavior according to the Law of the Sea even though the brawl took place on land.  Why?  

Because sailors, like merchant mariners, are all subject to the Law of the Sea, even when they are on land.  Sailors are subject to Admiralty and Merchant Mariners are subject to Civil Maritime.  

What happens if a Landsman were allowed on board a ship and did the same exact kinds of things—-went on board to a dinner party, got drunk, got into a brawl on board ship, got arrested by the military police on board? The civil authorities would come collect him and throw him in their jail.  The complaint would be addressed in the jurisdiction of the land, according to the Law of the Land—because he is an inhabitant of the land, even though the offense took place on board a ship. 

If you are former USMC Recon, you are fully aware of what I am talking about, and no doubt have had direct experience with precisely these sorts of situations, so you have no reason to disbelieve a word I am saying. 

So now you ask— how to return to “that” status, meaning your birthright status as an inhabitant of the land, owed the American Common Law, and in possession of all your Natural and Unalienable Rights, able to control your own government and enforce the guarantees of The Constitution? 

First, you’ve got to make it clear that you aren’t a sailor or a merchant mariner.  


Because that is what these rats have claimed about you.  They have claimed that you “voluntarily” entered their “federal” maritime jurisdiction and accepted their “US citizenship” instead of maintaining your natural State Citizenship and chose to be subject to the Law of the Sea— not the Law of the Land that they owe you under The Constitution.  This is why these courts refuse to hear Constitutional arguments and hold people in contempt when they try to bring forward their Constitutional guarantees.  Oh, yes, the guarantees still exist, but they don’t apply to “US citizens”, just like the laws of the land don’t apply to sailors.  

By doing this legal chicanery these cretins have removed you from your natural habitation on the land and deprived you of the American Common Law you are owed and they have made you subject to their foreign “law”, instead—- which is NOT national in character, but internatonal.  Remember a Merchant Mariner is subject to the law of Civil Maritime even when on the land and a sailor is subject to Admiralty Law even when on the land. 

The Law of the Land is the law of nations and states.  

The Law of the Sea is international in nature.    

Think about it.   

All nations exist on the land.  They all have their laws.  But the sea is not chopped up into nations.  It is contiguous and flows around, between, and against the land.  It is international in nature. 

Imagine for a moment that you are in an international court of law, designed to address the conflicts between many different peoples and nations.  Do they care what the “law” of South Africa is?   Or Uzbekistan?  Or Paraguay?   No.  It’s one law, applicable to all entities before it.   So what good does it do for us to demand that our American Constitution be followed, when we are in international jurisdiction, presumed to be subject to the Law of the Sea instead?  Now you are beginning to see the essence of the problem.  

The Federal Government has been operated under conditions of semantic deceit and fraud by the Federal Reserve System doing business as the “United States of America, Inc.” and later, by the IMF doing business as the UNITED STATES (INC).  These banking cartels operating “similarly named” governmental services corporations have colluded to seize and misappropriate our credit and to hypothecate debt against our assets, and they have done this under international law by creating trusts and transmitting utilities merely named after us and by committing a crime known as personage against us—which involves deliberately confusing a corporation like “J.C. PENNY” with a living man named james-clarence:penny”.  

They have named several such legal fiction entities after you.  Say your name is john-percy:wolfgram?  There’s a foreign situs trust established to benefit the Federal ”State” of _________wherever you were born.   There’s an ESTATE trust operating as “JOHN PERCY WOLFGRAM” in Puerto Rico, benefiting the UNITED STATES (INC.)   

And just recently the rats have booted up a transmitting utility doing business as “JOHN P. WOLFGRAM” under United Nations auspices. 

All these legal fictions bearing your name are being operated in foreign international jurisdictions under the Law of the Sea and none of them have a damned thing to do with you, except to function as devices to defraud you and control you and enslave you and lay false claims against your labor and other property assets.   

THAT is the problem.  And it is not a matter of politics and it is not anything to do with “interpreting” The Constitution.  It is a matter of pure corruption and criminality.  It requires a  police action on an international scale, by which the nations of the land revolt against this “System” and send the perpetrators—- bankers and lawyers—to jail for a very long time. 

Now, if you are at all what you say you are, if you are sincere in wanting to discuss The Constitution and getting back to a point where we have a say in our governance, realize that we have to come home to land jurisdiction first and foremost to do that.  We cannot let them “define” us as either merchant mariners nor as sailors—- not “US citizens” or “United States Citizens” or any of the other fanciful corporate variations.  We have to claim our birthright citizenship on the land as “Wisconsin State Citizens” or “Ohio State Citizens” —-etc.

Once upon a time it was proper in some contexts for Americans to describe themselves as “Citizens of the State of Wisconsin”—–but since 1868 the entire meaning of that phrase has been changed, because the “federal government”— a foreign, for profit, privately owned corporation under contract to provide governmental services— established franchises and named them after the real “State of Wisconsin” or “State of Montana” so that when you say you are a “Citizen of the State of Ohio” it is impossible to tell whether you are talking about the land based American “State” or the maritime based “Federal State” of the same name.  

This is all about fraud via semantic deceit, abuse of the right of usufruct wrongly claimed by these run amok corporations and personage.  
These are crimes being committed against you and your family and your country by foreign usurpers—criminal banking cartels and lawyers.  
So until these “larger issues” are addressed, the interpretation of the Constitution is not really a big concern.  
Stuffing the heads of certain business men into a toilet in Puerto Rico is more of a direct concern.

The Fourteenth Amendment Hoax - the Fraudulent Congress


Once in a while I take time to reply to especially wrong-headed and misinformed individuals.
In this case, I was replying to a man who was convinced that the Fourteenth Amendment was the best thing since sliced bread and even Biblically sanctioned.
First, let’s begin with some facts about the various “Constitutions” involved. The actual Equity Contract that created the Federal United States is called “The Constitution for the united States of America”. It hasn’t been amended since 1860. It is a tri-lateral international treaty. It doesn’t have a Fourteenth Amendment.
Circa 1868 a Delaware Corporation doing business as the “United States of America (Inc.)

Voila_Capture 2015-04-12_07-31-31_PM

published its own “constitution”— a corporate charter deceptively named “the Constitution of the United States of America”. It was not only similarly and deceptively named, it adopted the Articles of the actual Constitution as corporate “Articles” and the Amendments as corporate By-laws. This is the “constitution” that contains the 14th Amendment being discussed— an “Amendment” which was simply proclaimed along with several others and which was never ratified by the Several States of the Continental United States, because as corporate By-laws of a private non-profit corporation, no such ratification process was required.
At the time much public discussion centered around the idealistic sales pitch that the proponents presented: the new form of citizenship the 14th Amendment provided for was supposed to be egalitarian, serving to unite everyone under one status, to insure that former slaves enjoyed full protection of the laws, etc. Some famous Abolitionists supported it. In any case, the Members of the “United States Congress” acting secretively as a Board of Directors for the United States of America, Inc., approved it.
And this is where the recent discussion of the Fourteenth Amendment takes off, with my opponent waxing eloquent about its supposed benefits and Biblical authority, and me answering:
“The Fourteenth Amendment may have been embraced with all the good intentions you describe, and yes, most of the public debate at the time it was adopted bears out your interpretation of the intention that most people embraced. I agree. That was the stated goal.
However, as often happens, things got sidetracked and other agendas played out in reality.
Instead of receiving State Citizenship which recognizes Natural Rights, African Americans only received the “United States Citizenship” of the Federal United States and “Civil Rights”, not “Natural Rights”.
When you look up “Civil Rights” you learn that they are “privileges” conferred by Congress and can be taken away by Congress just as fast. You will also figure out sooner or later that the entire “Civil Rights Movement” demanding “Equal Civil Rights” had to have something to be “equal” to.
Equal to What?
Martin Luther King, Jr. wanted the civil rights owed to black Americans to be “equal to” the Natural Rights enjoyed by their white counterparts inhabiting the Continental United States. And enough people got mad enough about it to force the Congress to guarantee it, finally.
But consider this while you are attacking me for standing on the land jurisdiction of the Continental United States and invoking my State Citizenship and its guarantees—- without me demanding that my Natural Rights be honored, there is no standard determining the meaning of “Equal” Civil Rights.
If I lose my claim to Natural Rights, the Congress is set free to reduce all rights owed to all people in both the Continental and Federal United States to the level of slaves in 17th century Haiti.
The further unforeseen (and unannounced) consequence for Federal Citizens was that first the former black slaves and later white “United States Citizens” as well were conscripted and registered as “assets” of the United States of America, Inc., and their labor and other property was “made available” for the “hypothecation of debt”.
Look up the word “hypothecation“.
It’s surreptitious theft using a mechanism akin to co-signing a loan, but in this case, you aren’t necessarily made aware that you are the co-signer. Someone claiming to “represent” you as your agent, offers you and your resources to stand good for a Third Party. In this case, Federal United States Citizens and their property assets were offered as collateral backing the debts of the United States of America, Inc. by the members of Congress.
This is where the process of registering people as human chattel and issuing bonds for sale based on the estimated worth of their lifetime labor — CUSIP bonds– began. The “title” to the freed slaves was seized and flipped from private ownership to public ownership. They became chattel backing the debts of the “government corporation”.
To tidy up this outrage and excuse it as a “private contract” between the victims and the government corporation, the 14th Amendment Public Charitable Trust was established. In exchange for all the money raised by bonds issued against the value of their labor, the “freed” black slaves were enabled to access the “benefits” of the Public Charitable Trust.
This was a deal only bested by the theft of the land from the Native Americans.
The rats claimed that the victims of this fraud “voluntarily” enrolled to receive the “benefits” of the Public Charitable Trust in exchange for “vesting” their assets—their labor, their private property, their intellectual property, everything—-for the benefit of the United States of America, Inc., which was named the beneficiary of their estates.
Sound familiar? It should.
The exact same model was employed to entrap white Americans. Pretending that it was a “government mandate” the United States of America, Inc., — which is merely a private, mostly foreign-owned governmental services corporation — NOT the government—-forced hundreds of millions of Americans to “voluntarily” enroll in Social Security, which they presented as an “insurance program” to take care of people in their old age.
Gradually, over time, the perpetrators changed the sales pitch and the verbiage, until in 2012, they started writing the word “benefits” on Social Security Checks and claiming that the recipients are all Federal welfare recipients, benefiting from the Public Charitable Trust……
Are you even dimly beginning to see the criminality that you have been part of and supporting?
The 14th Amendment didn’t free or ennoble anyone. It was a subtle vehicle for the exact opposite.
Now that I have educated you about that take a close look at the Thirteenth Amendment of the same corporate “Constitution of the United States of America (Inc.)”
Everyone knows that the 13th Amendment abolished slavery, right?
Look again.
It didn’t abolish slavery. It made slavery a punishment for crime.
And it left the “Congress” free to come up with whatever fanciful “crimes” it might conceive.
Picking dandelions on a public sidewalk? Life imprisonment, all your labor ceded to benefit the prison facility and the jailors….”

For Profit Prisons – CCA Contracts Keep Prisons Full and Profits Up – A government PPO?

The bottom line? — IT IS ALL FRAUD.   ALL OF IT.  

The whole publication and debate about the adoption of “the Constitution for the United States of America” in the 1860’s was a fraud based on semantic deceit, to make people think that they were adopting a new “Constitution” and a new “citizenship”.  

When you look into it more deeply, you realize that it wasn’t a citizenship being offered. It was an “enfranchisement” of the estates of living people by a corporation, the effect of which was to create a reverse trust scam in which the corporation pretending to be the lawful government of the Federal United States named itself the beneficiary of the assets of the victims.

The good news is that there is no statute of limitations on fraud and there is no such thing as Fourteenth Amendment “citizenship” and no valid contract between any American State Citizen past or present and the United States of America, Incorporated, nor any of its successors, including the UNITED STATES, INC., and THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, INC.

Anyone who wants to argue about it, including Barack H. Obama and Ban Ki-Moon, can kindly produce the section of their corporate charters that allows them to “confer” such “citizenship” on anyone. They can also show their corporate charter authority to condone and promote human slavery and peonage via the devices of personage, inland piracy, and press-ganging. They can also try to justify their claims that individuals “voluntarily” enrolled in “Social Security” when millions of witnesses can testify from their own experience that they were told it was a government mandate and that they couldn’t have a job without a Social Security Number—-in other words, they were forced to enroll under conditions of duress and deceit.

These acts of fraud were clearly criminal in their intent and their affect. The perpetrators plundered and abused the public trust and the corporations responsible impersonated the actual government owed the People of the Continental United States for private gain. They did this throughout the former Commonwealth, most of Western Europe, parts of Asia and Africa.

This was all done by misusing corporations— legal fictions created by the Roman Curia and intended to serve good purposes. By Maxim of Law, the Roman Curia is responsible for what it creates. In 2009, Pope Benedict XVI was fully informed and began action to correct. Pope Francis has continued the effort, and gave the perpetrators three years beginning July 1, 2013 to come into compliance with their charters.

While outwardly deploring piracy and slavery and human trafficking and peonage and credit fraud and identity theft— private corporations pretending to “represent” lawful governments have promoted all of this and more.
The perpetrators have grown unimaginably wealthy by victimizing the people they are bound by trust indenture, commercial contract, and oath to protect. They have beset their own employers as criminals and as undeclared foreign agents and now hope to start an actual war against the victims, using the victim’s own credit and resources and sons and daughters against them.

We have different answer. It is painfully evident who the real “Paper Terrorists” in the room are, and have long been. We don’t make war with our employees. We fire them and we sue them and we expose them for what they are and what they have done.

As this is written, the perpetrators are acting under 100% individual and commercial liability—though many of them haven’t bothered to read Pope Francis’s First Apostolic Letter. The three year grace period is more than half spent, with precious little evidence of repentance or reform.

Instead, the UNITED STATES, INC. (IMF) went insolvent as of April 15, 2015, and THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, INC. (FEDERAL RESERVE) is prepared to play the same old tricks again.

In 1933, the United States of America, Inc., declared bankruptcy and falsely claimed that our estates were all chattel assets and Sureties backing its corporate debts. The UNITED STATES, INC. was booted up to provide governmental services during the Chapter 11 bankruptcy. 

The Bankruptcy Trustee named by the banks, the Secretary of the Treasury of Puerto Rico, simply accepted any and all expenses the UNITED STATES, INC. presented and charged against our credit and passed the expenses through to us, the presumed Sureties. This provided the Members of Congress and their Banker Bosses unlimited credit on our accounts. They stole our identities and our credit cards and charged them to the hilt like any common Hacker.

This is how we supposedly owe $20 trillion worth of “National Debt”, but it is Odious Debt— debt created by fraud from which the victims did not benefit. The perpetrators of this vast fraud scheme have systematically siphoned off an amount equal to the National Debt – the National Credit.

The UNITED STATES, INC. is now setting up the same fraud again, with the complicity of the UNITED NATIONS, INC. doing business as the brand new version of “FEDERAL RESERVE”—all chartered under United Nations City State auspices.  

As the UNITED STATES, INC., goes bankrupt, it will claim that all our ESTATES — “individual franchises” it created and operated under our given names styled like this: JOHN QUINCY ADAMS—are assets belonging to the bankrupt corporation. 

Once again, the banks and their self-appointed “Trustees” — the Secretary of the Treasury and the Secretary of the Treasury of Puerto Rico—are standing by to receive our assets as Securities, only this time for the debts of the UNITED STATES, INC. 

Once again, the perpetrators have set up bogus incorporated “franchises” named after us, only now they are being defined as public transmitting utilities and the NAMES are styled like this: JOHN Q. PUBLIC.

The UN’s new version of “FEDERAL RESERVE” doing business as THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA (INC.) is standing by to provide the government services owed by the Federal United States to the Continental United States.  

The UNITED STATES, INC. is already occupying the role of the bankrupt pass through entity we are supposedly obligated to “stand good for”.  

And we are being set up as marks again, by these international criminals.

Is it time to wake up?

Is it time to learn your own history?

Is it time to send this information to the Country Boards, the “State of State” Legislatures, the whole rotten stinking crowd in “Washington, DC” and the rest of the world as well?

Let’s make it perfectly clear— 

The rats in Washington, DC and London are trustees acting in Breach of Trust, employees in breach of their commercial contract, and the Members of Congress do not represent the Continental United States nor its people. They have not filled their elected offices as Deputies of the Continental United States, so they have no public office related to us. 

Except for actual services rendered according to the original Equity Contract, we don’t owe the Federal United States anything, nor do we stand as Sureties for the debts of the bankrupt UNITED STATES, INC.

The people you have paid to protect you have failed you. It is not a coincidence that America has been kept constantly embroiled in one war after another for 222 out of 239 years of existence. 

It is not an accident that our industries never retooled after World War II, not is it a mistake that all our Top Ten Export Products benefit when the world is at war. War is big business and until we make it unprofitable, there will always be those perpetuating it.

The police and the “security agencies” - like the FBI and CIA and DHS and NSA and BATF  - have all failed you, too, because they have been purposefully misdirected from the top. By whom? By the banking cartels that literally own and operate the “governmental services corporations” that have been masquerading as your lawful government—banks operating as criminal syndicates that have hired commercial mercenaries to protect themselves with your tax money, your credit, and your labor.

And last but not least, the men and women posing as your “representatives” have failed you, too, via a combination of stupidity, gullibility, ignorance, greed, corruption, immorality, and naiveté. Some of them know very well what they are doing. Most do not. It’s up to you to tell them. It’s up to you to hold them accountable, from the lowliest clerk to the highest political offices. They have not filled the offices you 'elected' them to fill. They have filled similarly named private corporate offices instead.

You are civilian inhabitants of the Continental United States, guaranteed the peaceful possession of the actual States on the land, guaranteed a Republic, guaranteed your Natural Rights, including your property rights. Yet these con men have donned costumes— judge’s robes and police uniforms, and pretended to be your “representatives”— and have abused you and abused your credit and stolen you blind.


Then take this little run down and a copy of the Public Order issued April 2, 2015 and the Notice to Law Enforcement down to your local police stations and mayors and county boards and borough assemblies and “State” legislatures and “Governors”.

Send copies to “your” Congressional Delegation, which doesn’t represent you to the corporation, but rather, represents the corporation to you. 

Send copies to the Queen of England, who is principally responsible for this mess because all this criminality is happening in her sphere of responsibility— the international Jurisdiction of the Sea. 

Tell Mr. Obama. 
Tell the Joint Chiefs of Staff. 
Tell your local bankers. 
Tell the Secretaries of the Treasury and the Judges and Bar Association Members.

Give them no plausible deniability for their criminality, and once they have been presented with the information, insist that they take appropriate action—either to stop the fraud once and for all, or be recognized as perpetrators and accomplices to crime.


Lee Wanta






