Sunday, July 19, 2015

HOT EXPLOSIVE Breaking News : Saudi Arabia the REAL Terrorist State and Zero Hedge Update

Sunday   July 19, 2015
Saudi Arabia the REAL Terrorist State and Zero Hedge Update
by Tom Heneghan, International Intelligence Expert

UNITED States of America  - 

P.S.  At this hour the United States faces dire threat from its own government as preparations for martial law and detention of all  alleged  domestic terrorist threats is now on the table and being considered for implementation by President Barack Obama aka "The False One".

It is important to note that over 90% of these "lone wolf FALSE FLAG" shoot em ups on American soil are scripted directly by FBI Division 5 operating out of Crete, Illinois.

Most of these Islamic types are actual FBI informants who have been drugged and programmed aka Manchurian candidates for the purpose of continuing the phony 'war on terror' and the current operational American police state.

FACT:  Post 9/11 the illegal UN-Constitutional Department of Homeland Security (DHS) described a 'lone wolf' as follows:

1.  Someone that does not believe in the U.S. government's version of the 9/11 Black Op attack on the United States aka George W. BushFRAUD's NAZI Paperclip Adolf Hitler-style Reichstag Fire.

2.  Someone that believes the Patriot Act is UN-Constitutional and is just like Adolf Hitler's Enabling Act of 1933.

3.  Someone that has a Ron Paul bumper sticker.

4.  Someone that knows absolutely that Al Gore was duly elected President in the year 2000 and that the year 2000 election was an NAZI Paperclip NSA electronically orchestrated coup d'état operated against the American People from Baypoint Schools in Boca Raton, Florida and the city of Haifa in the nation of Israel.

5.  Someone that absolutely knows that the privately owned U.S. Federal Reserve is a TREASONOUS conspiratorial organization that in the modern day has aided the Bush-Clinton Crime Family Syndicate in LOOTING the entire U.S. Treasury.

Now retired U.S. General Wesley Clark pulls a John Adams and Alexander Hamilton and wants to use the UN-Constitutional Patriot Act similar to John Adams and Alexander Hamilton's Alien and Sedition Act to detain American citizens without due process.

It is time that the patriotic, Constitutional U.S. Military and the Joint U.S.-French Intelligence Task Force spring into action and start detaining TREASONOUS U.S. government officials, along with all FBI informants who spend their days searching through garbage cans, AND DO IT NOW!

In closing, call domestic terrorist network CNN (202) 898-7900 and tell the crooked bank enabler network to stop promoting the removal of Andrew Jackson from the $20 bill.

Instead, let us do something else.  Let us advocate the issuing of a $3 bill and insert various pictures of extortion-friendly network whores on each $3 bill.

Finally, guess what movie Jeb Bush went to see over the weekend.  The little election-stealing banking whore attended a film dedicated to the life of Alexander Hamilton who, of course, promoted crooked banks and the detention of American citizens.

source    source

"Al Qaeda is nothing more than an extension of the operatus linked to U.S. intelligence that was allowed, by script, to remove itself as a rogue break away entity of the U.S. government

allowed to de-compartmentalize from oversight, and was run instead by Gary Best rogue 'Black Ops' specialists for scripted activity outside of the U.S. government, with its funding being orchestrated through the Pakistani secret police,
an entity of the U.S. government itself." (2006)

~ Tom Heneghan, great American Patriot and International Intelligence Expert
Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little Temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety. (1755) 
 ~ Benjamin Franklin, Founding Father, great American Patriot

The Declaration of Independence
IN CONGRESS, July 4, 1776
The unanimous Declaration of the thirteen united States of America,

enhanced excerpt

But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, 
it is their right, it is their duty,  to throw off such Government, and to prove new Guards for their future security. (1776)  ~ Thomas Jefferson, Founding Father, great American Patriot, author of the Declaration of Independence and 3rd U.S. President

Videos of Phony Cops That Could Have Committed Crimes

We The People, Sheriffs, and Larry Klayman,

Maybe it is time that ALL your Law Enforcement comply with the laws and identify themselves to the people, even when they are not in cars, or else it will not end up like it did in these videos where the Fake Cop was arrested or you know how to check them out.

If your Law Enforcement is not obligated to comply with the laws then your Law Enforcement supports crimes against the people.

Fake cop busted by undercover deputy
Uploaded on Feb 26, 2010
WATCH IT: How To Spot a Fake Cop
Uploaded on Oct 13, 2010
How to Spot a Police Imposter
Uploaded on Jun 26, 2011
Man impersonating officer pulls woman over
Published on Apr 10, 2013
Police: Man impersonating police pulls over officer
Published on Jan 13, 2014
Akron Police impersonator arrested
Published on Oct 14, 2014


BREAKING: Massive Gun Grab is About to Rock 4.2 Million Social Security Recipients’ World

BREAKING: Massive Gun Grab

is About to Rock 4.2 Million

Social Security Recipients’ World

Posted on July 18, 2015

Screen Shot 2015-07-18 at 9.57.51 AM

Time to push back and tell the government to keep their grimy hands off our guns.
The liberty-hating Obama Administration isn’t coming for your guns, except when they are:
Seeking tighter controls over firearm purchases, the Obama administration is pushing to ban Social Security beneficiaries from owning guns if they lack the mental capacity to manage their own affairs, a move that could affect millions whose monthly disability payments are handled by others.
The push is intended to bring the Social Security Administration in line with laws regulating who gets reported to the National Instant Criminal Background Check System, or NICS, which is used to prevent gun sales to felons, drug addicts, immigrants in the country illegally and others.
A potentially large group within Social Security are people who, in the language of federal gun laws, are unable to manage their own affairs due to “marked subnormal intelligence, or mental illness, incompetency, condition, or disease.”
But critics — including gun rights activists, mental health experts and advocates for the disabled — say that expanding the list of prohibited gun owners based on financial competence is wrongheaded.

The liberty-hating Obama Administration isn’t coming for your guns, except when they are:
Seeking tighter controls over firearm purchases, the Obama administration is pushing to ban Social Security beneficiaries from owning guns if they lack the mental capacity to manage their own affairs, a move that could affect millions whose monthly disability payments are handled by others.
The push is intended to bring the Social Security Administration in line with laws regulating who gets reported to the National Instant Criminal Background Check System, or NICS, which is used to prevent gun sales to felons, drug addicts, immigrants in the country illegally and others.
A potentially large group within Social Security are people who, in the language of federal gun laws, are unable to manage their own affairs due to “marked subnormal intelligence, or mental illness, incompetency, condition, or disease.”
But critics — including gun rights activists, mental health experts and advocates for the disabled — say that expanding the list of prohibited gun owners based on financial competence is wrongheaded.
Though such a ban would keep at least some people who pose a danger to themselves or others from owning guns, the strategy undoubtedly would also include numerous people who may just have a bad memory or difficulty balancing a checkbook, the critics argue.
“Someone can be incapable of managing their funds but not be dangerous, violent or unsafe,” said Dr. Marc Rosen, a Yale psychiatrist who has studied how veterans with mental health problems manage their money. “They are very different determinations.”
Roughly 2.7 million of those receiving SSA benefits have mental health concerns, but according to the L.A. Times, 1.5 million others have their finances managed for others reasons, yet would still be targeted by Obama’s gun grab.
This “broad brush” approach appeals to the Obama Administration because it will deny gun rights to the largest possible segment of Americans possible by executive fiat, with little recourse for those affected. It amounts to extortion, telling people they must give up their Second Amendment rights, or else loose government benefits.

Cops Kill Man in Guy Fawkes Mask, Anonymous Vows to “Avenge” the Police Killing

Cops Kill Man in Guy Fawkes Mask,
Anonymous Vows to “Avenge” the Police Killing



Dawson Creek Police Shooting

Anonymous Speaks:


Anonymous Press Release: Operation Anon Down
Saturday – July 18, 2015  4:00 PM ET
At approximately 6:30 PM PT on July 17, 2015 at an Anonymous protest in Dawson Creek, British Columbia which the RCMP was informed about in advance, an RCMP officer mercilessly shot and killed a masked Anon without provocation or cause. This is the fourth Anon to be slain by security forces around the world in as many years. Turkey, Egypt, Palestine and now British Columbia in Canada. As in the past, Anonymous will not stand idly by while our own are cut down in mask. Anonymous has fought for the lives of protesters all over the globe, from Tahir Square in Egypt to Ferguson, Missouri. We will most certainly avenge one of our own when they are cut down in the streets while protesting the earth wrecking environmental policies of the Canadian government.
To this end Anonymous announces the launch of Operation Anon Down. The focus of this Op going forward will be gaining justice (and vengeance if necessary) for our fallen comrade in Dawson Creek. But we will also memorialize our previously slain brethren, and prepare to take action for future Anons killed by police – as we have no doubt they will cut down more of us.
To begin we will identify the RCMP officer involved, thoroughly dox him – and release that dox on the Internet. Because the world has a right to know every detail about killer cops. We will offer support and raise funds if necessary to cover the burial expenses of our fallen comrade. He will be buried with the honor and dignity that his courage has earned him. We will ensure that he is never forgotten, and takes his place in the growing ledger of brave Anonymous martyrs around the world. Then we will press the RCMP and Canadian government for justice. This RCMP officer must be named, fired, and charged – for the murder of our brother Anon. And if we do not receive justice, rest assured there will be revenge.
We call upon our fellow Anons in Canada to take to the streets and protest at the RCMP headquarters in every Province, every day – until our demands for justice are met. We call upon the Global Collective of Anonymous and allied crews to remove the RCMP cyber infrastructure from the Internet. March, create and sign petitions, hack, dox. We may not be able to bring back our fallen comrade, we may not even be able to prevent other Anons from being slain by murderous police – but we can sure as hell show them that there will be a steep price to pay when they kill us.
“Behind this mask there is more than flesh and blood
Behind this mask is an idea
And ideas are bullet proof”
We Are Anonymous
We Are Legion
We Are Everywhere
We Do Not Forgive
We Do Not Forget
To the murderous officers of the RCMP…it is to late to Expect Us


Implanted ‘neural dust’ to control your brain

Implanted ‘neural dust’ to control your brain

REX Photo University of California researchers from Berkeley have made up a concept of so-called ‘neural dust’. Extremely tiny microchips now may be implanted in the human brain. The chips are planned to be implanted in the main body organ in order to study person’s thoughts and track psychological processes. The scientists claim, the technology will be so tiny, a person will hardly notice it being injected. Device can be placed into a person’s cerebral cortex and powered by special piezoelectric materials, so that it wouldn’t require a recharge. After gathering data on person’s brain activity, the dust then transmits it to a special transmitter installed on a person’s scalp, enabling it to be read outside the brain. As reported, the technology aims at treating chronic diseases and ‘severe disabilities’. However, the security measures are not known, and anyone getting access will be able to control you, and even model your behavior, what raises concerns.
The project is part of the Obama federal program ‘BRAIN Initiative’, and is funded by the National Institutes of Health (NIH), the National Science Foundation (NSF) and the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA).
– See more at:

Obama Praises Islam After Chattanooga Murders

The White House mosqued Muslim Mole never fails to remind us, nor allow an opportunity to escape without telling us where his true loyalties lie. On every issue, his anti-Christ / anti-American agenda is front-and-center and in your face - especially Islamic. It's like he's the Soprano swagger of Satan - pure insult and torment.     

Obama so obviously doesn’t give a crap about Americans… especially the military and Christians. This goes way beyond tone deaf. He issued the below celebratory message to Muslims on the close of Ramadan. Perfect timing considering it was on the same day that four Marines and now a Sailor were slaughtered by a radical Muslim terrorist in Chattanooga, Tennessee. And if that wasn’t bad enough, right after finding out about the murders, Obama jetted off to party and fundraise once again. Now, that’s just cold. He’s also not alone, the Empire State Building will go green at the end of this month in deference to Ramadan. Celebrating while our warrior’s blood soaks into American soil – it’s grotesque.
From The Political Insider:
We now know that Mohammad Youssuf Abdulazeez, the radical 24-year0old follower of radical Islam, murdered four Marines in Chattanooga… and injured one police officer.
So what does President Obama immediately announce? A celebration to Muslims about the end of Ramadan. What poor timing!
Here is the statement:
Michelle and I would like to extend our warmest wishes to Muslims in the United States and around the world celebrating Eid-ul-Fitr. As Muslims mark the end of the month, they are reminded that Ramadan is a time to reflect spiritually, build communally, and aid those in need. While Eid marks the end of Ramadan, it marks a new beginning for each individual – a reason to celebrate and express gratitude on this holiday.
For millions of Muslims, the morning of Eid is marked with the call to prayer echoing through cities and towns across the globe. Millions of people head to local mosques for special Eid prayers followed by festive gatherings, gift exchanges, and feasts among friends, neighbors and families. The diversity of traditions paint the vibrant images we see from around the world capturing the spirit and excitement of Eid – colorful dresses or white garments decorating the masses of people standing in lines for prayer, lanterns and ornaments lighting up bazaars and neighborhoods, intricate henna designs painted on hands of young girls and women, and an abundance of delectable foods and aromatic cuisines.
As Muslim Americans celebrate Eid across America, the holiday is a reminder to every American of the importance of respecting those of all faiths and beliefs. This past year New York City Public Schools announced adding Eid to their official school calendars alongside Christmas, Hanukkah and other holidays – an acknowledgement of the great diversity and inclusiveness that adds to the richness of our nation. During this year’s White House Iftar, I had the opportunity to meet inspiring young Muslim Americans who are leading efforts for greater understanding and unity across diverse communities. Following the Iftar, one of the young attendees helped spearhead an effort that raised more than $75,000 for the churches burned in the wake of the shooting at Emanuel AME Church in Charleston, South Carolina. Americans of all faiths and beliefs must stand together to protect our democracy and strengthen our country as a whole.
Michelle and I hope today brings joy to all of your homes, both here in the U.S. and around the world. From my family to yours, Eid Mubarak!
Could you imagine President George W. Bush or President Ronald Reagan being so insensitive with the timing of this?
It’s as though Obama just doesn’t care, huh? That’s because he doesn’t. Oh, he spouted insincere platitudes that meant nothing and will change nothing. The fact of the matter is as long as Obama is in office, or some other Marxist is, our soldiers will keep getting gunned down on these military bases because they are unarmed. And Ramadan is one of the favored times to do these evil deeds for Islamists. Obama for all intents and purposes is a Muslim… it’s where his sympathies and actions lie. He celebrates a foreign holiday, while America grieves yet again. The blood of those military men are on Obama’s hands – his policies and his predilections have led to this. He was quick to tell Americans not to jump to conclusions even though every one of us saw a radical, devout Muslim terrorist whose intent was to slaughter military personnel. But alas, the truth is something Obama is not good at. Instead he dishes Taqiyya to the American infidels. As Governor Bobby Jindal put it, you can’t defeat evil until you admit it exists. Instead, Democrats are right now saying that white supremacists and anti-government extremists are more of a threat than Muslims even as the blood in Chattanooga hasn’t congealed. Only in Progressives’ fevered, delusional reality is that the case.

Pacific Northwest - Mega-Earthquake Magnitude 8.0-9.2 And Massive Tsunami Soon

Mega-Earthquake Magnitude 8.0-9.2 And Massive Tsunami Soon To Hit Pacific Northwest, Experts Warn


Experts have raised alarm that a major devastating earthquake is due to hit the U.S. Pacific Northwest, causing massive devastation from Sacramento to Portland, Seattle, and Tacoma, with loss of thousands of lives and displacement of millions.
The doomsday prediction for the region is due to an impending rupture of the Cascadia Subduction Zone, a fault line that extends roughly 700 miles off the coast of the Pacific Northwest from California, through Oregon and Washington, to Vancouver Island in Canada.
Rupture of the subduction zone — a sudden sliding shift or displacement of a tectonic plate beneath another due to accumulated stress — could cause the worst natural disaster in the history of the North American continent, affecting an area of about 140,000 square miles from Tacoma, Seattle, and Portland to Sacramento, a region home to about seven million people.

The Pacific Northwest

According to Kathryn Schulz, writing in the New Yorker, FEMA estimates that major earthquakes occur over the Cascadia Fault on the average about once every 240 years. The last major quake occurred in 1700, about 300 years ago, so, in theory, the next major earthquake is overdue.

Megaquake 10.0 Documentary - Episode 1

Dana Loesch DESTROYS Anti-Christian Leftist Bigot on The Kelly File

N California to be Hit with 9 0 Earthquake?

 15 Ways To Survive a Mega Earth Quake - A must hear!

Rachel Maddow - A bad day for 2016 Republicans
Seismologists estimate that the impending earthquake could have a magnitude of up to 9.2 and last about four minutes, triggering a gigantic tsunami that reaches the coast about 15 minutes later.
Experts point to the irony of the fact that while most Americans are familiar with the name of California’s San Andreas Fault — the subject of anxious expectations of “the big one” for decades — fewer have heard of the Cascadia Fault, which lies to the north and, in fact, poses greater threat.
According to Schulz, the estimated upper limit of the San Andreas Fault with regard to the power of earthquake it can unleash is magnitude 8.2, compared with Cascadia which can unleash, in the event of a full-margin rupture, an earthquake of magnitude 9.2.
The power of the earthquake depends on whether a part of the subduction zone gives way or the entire zone slips in what is termed a full-margin rupture. In the event of a partial rupture, we could have a quake of magnitude 8.0-8.6, but in the event of full-margin rupture, we could have a quake of magnitude 8.7-9.2.

Experts Speechless At Unexpected Find! Proof USA To Soon Be Ushered Into Tailspin of Ominous Events?

Top Rabbi Announces (Antichrist) To Arrive 9/2015-Calling All Jews Home!

Major News Networks Have Confirmed Soon Coming US Catastrophe!

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Former CIA Agent Makes a Shocking Statement that Will ROCK the Whole World...

A full-margin rupture, according to seismologists, would trigger a devastating 700-mile-wide tsunami wall along the Pacific Northwest coast. According to Kenneth Murphy, who heads FEMA’s Region X, covering Oregon, Washington, Idaho, and Alaska, by the time the tsunami recedes, “everything west of Interstate 5″ along the Northwest coast “will be toast.”
FEMA projections, based on a planning scenario of the earthquake striking at 9:41 a.m., February 6, when beaches are not yet full, estimates that about 13,000 people could be killed and about 27,000 more injured. The disaster could displace up to one million people and leave two-and-half-million people in need of emergency supplies of food and water.
The tsunami… Its height will vary with the contours of the coast, from twenty feet to more than a hundred feet… [It] will look like the whole ocean, elevated, overtaking land. Nor will it be made only of water—not once it reaches the shore. It will be a five-story deluge of pickup trucks and doorframes and cinder blocks and fishing boats and utility poles and everything else that once constituted the coastal towns of the Pacific Northwest.”
Indian Ocean Earthquake And Tsunami In Thailand, 2004

The devastating impact of the impending disaster is better appreciated when we compare with death figures from other natural disasters. About 3,000 died in San Francisco’s 1906 earthquake, 2,000 in Hurricane Katrina, and 300 in Hurricane Sandy.
The 2011 magnitude 9.0 earthquake that hit Japan killed about 15,000 people, despite the fact that Japan was far better prepared for a “big one” than the Northwest coast.
According to Murphy, “This is one time that I’m hoping all the science is wrong, and it won’t happen for another thousand years.”
Michio Kaku, a physicist at City College of New York, told Fox News’ Shepard Smith that Kathryn Schulz’s article published in the New Yorker contained no exaggerations, despite depicting an impending disaster of apocalyptic proportions.
The Cascadia fault is an earthquake waiting to happen. We know it’s going to happen with energy 30 times the maximum energy of the San Andreas fault.”
According to Kaku, Hollywood has focused the attention of Americans exclusively on California’s San Andreas Fault. Thus, most people think of Los Angeles and San Francisco as the places where the next big earthquake will take place – but this is mistaken, experts say.
Experts are concerned about the fact that the entire region is unprepared for a massive disaster that could happen at any moment. Residents of the tsunami inundation zone — 70,000 – have very little awareness of the danger, and civil structures were never constructed to withstand a major quake.
When it finally comes, the earthquake will be preceded by a compression wave that only animals will detect. People will notice that animals are acting “strangely” about one or two minutes before the quake hits.
“Animals start to act very strange. We’ve seen that happen before earthquakes. And then, a minute, two minutes later, boom!”
When Smith asked Kaku whether he would live in the Northwest if he had children, he said “I’d think twice.”
But he emphasized that it was time for massive public awareness campaign because a major earthquake in the Pacific Northwest region is only a matter of time.
Already, fringe doomsday theorists are amplifying the warning, stirring mass hysteria with claims that the disaster will come as fulfillment of biblical endtime prophecies.

Thousands of Smart Meter Fires - YOUR LIFE, HEALTH AND PROPERTY IS AT HIGH RISK!!!!



By Brian Thiesen  
Activist Post
July 16th, 201

The situation with smart meter fires is worse than we thought — and now we know why. This new investigative video tells all.
In studying and doing presentations and making videos on ‘smart’ meters for nearly 5 years now, personally I had my doubts I would learn anything new when I first connected with a utility worker whistleblower through Take Back Your Power.
I was completely wrong and they are right. It is worse than I thought — than we all thought. A major and critical error has been brought forth.
This new video (below) explains in simple terms these new revelations from the insiders, as well as new court documentation and other insights.

The whistleblowers (wishing to remain anonymous) who contacted us have serviced and repaired over 200,000 meters in the field. They have been warning their supervisors about ‘smart’ meter problems for nearly a decade now. They have had enough of the lies and want you to know what they know.
On top of the explosive new details, the meters have at least four major sources of arcing. That’s right — FOUR.
Arcing in ‘smart’ meters causes extreme heat, which causes fires. As we now see, it is beyond any shadow of a doubt that meter manufacturers know, utilities know, and regulators know. They have known the whole time, but they didn’t want to tell you.
In this investigation the focus on two of the worst offenders, BC Hydro and PG&E. However, as this is a systemic problem regardless of meter type, we feature fire incidents from Texas, Ontario, Saskatchewan, Pennsylvania, Illinois and more.
Of note, for those that have been following the BC Freedom process to keep your safe analog meter, you can see how BC Hydro, the BCUC, and government (including Measurement Canada) are now all implicated in collusion to attempt to remove your choice to keep your analog meter. If you have held out this long, regardless of where you are, you are going to be glad you did — and you are going to have all the ammo you need to break the chain of deceit that permeates these groups.
On top of our whistleblower information, we have industry documents being revealed for the first time. Utilities do not want this info to get out. Why are meters exploding off houses by the hundreds at a time? Why are fires happening no matter where smart/digital meters are being installed? Sensus, Itron, Landis + Gyr, etc: why is it that all these meter makers are having issues everywhere they are being installed?
We know you have questions. Take them into this video. What you learn is going to blow you away just as it did us when we first learned about what’s really going on.
You are going to see just how much money is involved, corruption at the highest levels, and why you and your safety are in the way of profits — which is why you have not been be told the truth… until now.  
The bottom line: it is now up to us to hold these people accountable and liable for their negligence and harm they are causing to all of us.
Utilities and pocket-lining officials see the harm to your property, biological health and basic rights merely as collateral damage on their way to profits from data. According to the National Association of Regulatory Utility Commissioners (NARUC), this ‘smart’ meter data will be “a lot more” valuable than the electricity itself. In case you were wondering, the electricity market globally is $2.2 Trillion USD.
The facts behind ‘smart’ fires are now here. Electricity is cut-and-dried. It is has basic laws and functions that have been set in stone for over a century.
In their quest for profit, all of our privacy rights are being violated for their sake of their profit. Homes are burning down. And people like Larry Nikkel, James Humphrey, Michelle Sherman, and very likely this family of five — have all died from ‘smart’ meter fires. While those in charge continue to lie.

We cannot afford to tolerate this any longer.

SMART METER FIRES: Fatalities & Liability
Article source: Take Back Your Power

Why Some People Will Always Bow to Tyrants


nazi salute

Joshua Krause
The Daily Sheeple


As America continues to descend into a vicious police state, many have wondered how it all came to this. The easiest answer to that question is that we let it happen. No matter how brutal a regime may be, tyrants never come to power unless they gain the approval, or at least the indifferent consent of their people.

So the real question is, how come so many people seem absolutely complacent in the face of our crumbling cultural values, and the steady march of tyranny? Even worse, how can so many people revel in it? It seems like the number of people who truly value freedom are severely outnumbered by idiots and power tripping busybodies. Granted, the number of people who want to be free has grown in recent years, but they’re still few and far between when compared to the glut of grovelling masses that we share the world with.

Here’s the awful answer to that question, and the dirty truth that most people can’t bring themselves to admit to. Most people love freedom, but only as an idea. They like the idea that they can do whatever they want, they admire the archetype of the rugged individualist, and everyone loves underdogs and rebels. In other words, people love the banners and symbols of freedom, but do they love freedom in practice?

I would argue that no, many of them don’t. As strange as it may sound, most people really struggle with having freedom. Let me provide an example, of which there are many in the field of marketing.

In the year 2000, two psychologists conducted a study on how the number of choices we have effects our behavior. They went to a supermarket and displayed 24 different gourmet jams on a table, and provided $1 coupons to see how much interest it garnered. They did the same thing the next day but instead of 24 jams, there were only 6. The large display attracted much more interest, but the small display generated 10 times as many sales.

Maybe you think that study is inconsequential, and I wouldn’t blame you for thinking that, but let me share another case that will clarify my point. One of the psychologists who conducted that study did another study on the differences between end of life care in the United States and France.  She interviewed parents in both countries who had children on life support. In France, the doctor makes the decision as to whether or not a child is taken off life support, and in the United States it is the parent’s decision.

She talked to these parents a year after their children had died. The American parents were much more distraught over their decision to pull the plug. They still had nagging doubts about whether it was the right decision to make, and they felt like they had “executed” their children. The French parents, on the other hand, didn’t feel nearly as bad about the situation. They were well on their way to coping with the tragedy.

The point I’m trying to make here is that most people don’t like having choices, despite how much they’ll argue to the contrary. The more choices they’re given, the more likely they are to not like the choices they have or make. There’s much more doubt about whether or not that choice was correct, which leads to some pretty counter-intuitive conclusions. 

You can measure how free you are by the number of choices you have and most people claim to love freedom but in many cases those people are happier when they have fewer, or no, choices. I think most people are simply happier without freedom, which is unfortunate and sad to say the least.  And that is why so many people accept tyranny and why it will always be a problem for the human race. Because tyranny is so much easier than freedom. It is acquiescence. It means giving up. Tyranny is for quitters, and it amounts to handing over the reins to someone else.  Most people are happier when they don’t have a choice, and they don’t even realize it.

However, there is another way to look at this odd human behavior.  There was another interesting fact that was gleaned from that study. The American parents who had chosen to take their sick children off life support still regretted their decision. But when asked if they would have had it any other way, most of them claimed that they would have still made the same decision. Their decision made them unhappy, they knew it made them unhappy, but when they were asked if they would have rather let the doctor make that choice, they all said 'no'.
And that right there is an example of people who truly want freedom, and not just the rosy idea of freedom. 

Those who truly want freedom are willing to accept the painful struggle of having a choice in life, and prefer it to the ignorant bliss that comes with not having a choice. However, it was only applicable to that particular situation. Would those same parents prefer to have a choice in every other aspect of their lives? Unfortunately, that kind of person is a rare bird these days. 

If you could ask everyone in the world about their ethics and political beliefs, you’d probably find a wide variety, but most of them would have one thing in common. There’s always some part of their lives that they are willing to relinquish to a “higher authority,” and that part differs depending on their ideology. Most people don’t really want the full freedom package, so it’s up to the rare few who really want freedom without compromise to make it a reality for themselves. The human race will always teeter on the edge of a tyrannical abyss because there is an inherent weakness in our species. We’re happier when we don’t have so many choices (or freedom), which means that accepting tyranny is easy for us. It takes all our strength and moral fiber to rise above it, because we default towards tyranny (which is defined by the lack of choice in our lives) when we stop caring. It’s our natural inclination.

Just as human weakness and apathy leads to ignorance, violence and hatred, it also destroys freedom. And the political and financial elitists of the world want you to give in to your weaknesses, and fall back on those baser instincts. They want you to give up. They want you to yearn for a simple life, where your choices are taken care of by someone else. They want you to be a slave. But do you really want that? Do you have the strength to make that choice?

The Last Days Of ‘Normal Life’ In America

The Last Days Of ‘Normal Life’ 

In America


Michael Snyder
The American Dream
July 17th, 2015

If you have got family and friends that you would like to visit before things start getting really crazy, you should do so within the next couple of months, because these are the last days of “normal life” in America.  The website where I have posted this article is called “End of the American Dream“, but perhaps I should have entitled it “The End of America” because that is essentially what we are heading for.  

The debt-fueled prosperity that so many of us take for granted is about to come to a screeching halt, and we are about to enter the hardest times that any of us have ever known, and I am not just talking about economics, either.  Based on all of the intel and information that I have gathered, we are about to enter a “perfect storm” that is going to shake this country in just about every possible way that it can be shaken.  So I hope that you will truly savor this summer – days like this will not come around again any time soon.

Have you ever known someone that lived a seemingly charmed life even though that individual made foolish decision after foolish decision?  In the end, reality almost always catches up with people like that.  And in so many ways, we have been living a charmed life as a nation even though we have been making incredibly foolish decisions for decades.  

We have cursed ourselves over and over again, and just about every form of evil that you can possibly imagine is exploding all around us.  As a nation, we now stand for just about everything that is foul, disgusting and wicked, and the rest of the world is absolutely horrified by what has happened to us.

Once upon a time, we were one of the most loved nations on the entire planet.  Now we are one of the most hated. The things that we have been doing to ourselves and to other countries are about to catch up with us in a major way.  We thought that we were getting away with everything that we were doing, but that was never the case.  When you do evil, there is always a price to pay.

Over the past few weeks, some very strange things have begun to happen.  And in the months ahead, we are going to see some more unusual events.  But to be honest, this is just the tip of the iceberg.  For now, you are just going to have to trust me on this one.

If my tone sounds ominous, that is good, because that is precisely the mood that I am trying to convey.  Right now, there are major things going on behind the scenes, and all of our comfortable little lives are about to get shaken up big time.

I have often written about the global elite and about how they like to go about doing things.  Throughout history, they have always liked to create order out of chaos.  In other words, they will often purposely create a crisis in order to push through things that they would not be able to accomplish during “normal” times.  I believe that we are about to enter one of those periods of time.  The problems that we are about to experience are going to be used to justify radical “solutions” that will further the overall agenda of the elite.  But because we will be in the middle of an “emergency”, a lot of people will choose to go along with those solutions.

Sadly, most people don’t understand how the world works because they are so consumed with other things.  We live in a society that is absolutely addicted to entertainment.  Just recently, I wrote about how the average American spends  more than 10 hours a day plugged in to some form of media.  If we are not watching television, we are listening to the radio, going to movies, playing video games, messing with our smartphones or spending endless hours on the Internet.  And more than 90 percent of the “programming” that we are fed through these devices is produced by just 6 absolutely gigantic media corporations.

And who controls those gigantic media corporations?
The elite do.

And have you noticed how “the mainstream media” loves to divide us?

Today, Americans are more divided than ever it seems.  Our news broadcasts endlessly fixate on “black vs. white”, “male vs. female”, “liberal vs. conservative”, “rich vs. poor”, etc, etc.  Americans are extremely angry and frustrated at this point, but most of our anger and frustration is directed at one another.  How can we ever hope to come up with any solutions for our nation if we spend so much time hating our fellow citizens? 

But this is just how the elite like it.  They love to play divide and conquer.  If we were united, we would be far more difficult to manipulate. And even if we did find a way to come together, what values and principles would we use to rebuild this nation?  The truth is that most Americans deeply reject the values and principles that the founders of this country once held so dear.

Personally, I am very optimistic about the future.  My wife and I believe that the greatest chapters of our lives are still ahead of us.  But am I optimistic about the future of the United States?  No, I am not.

Perhaps you are reading this and you have come to the conclusion that I am being irrationally negative.  If so, you are probably spending way too much time plugged in to the “propaganda matrix” that I described above.  The establishment wants you to believe that everything is going to be just fine and that the best days for this world are ahead.  If you think that I am wrong, I challenge you to bookmark this page.  Then, after some time has passed, come back and revisit what I had to say today.  I believe that you will be quite shocked by how your perspective has changed.

The last half of this year (2015) is going to represent a major turning point, and we are moving into hard times unlike anything that America has ever seen before. Unfortunately, most of the “sheeple” are going to be completely blindsided by what is coming.  They just continue to follow their utterly clueless leaders down a path toward oblivion.

But the good news is that once the “shaking” starts, many of these “sheeple” will begin to wake up.  When that happens, who will those “sheeple” turn to for answers?

“slippery slope” 101 - a new pathway for gun control

Obama’s Plan to Take Guns from Seniors and the Disabled


Joshua Krause
The Daily Sheeple
July 18th, 2015

Like clockwork, gun control advocates always make a big push for their agenda after every mass shooting. The recent shootings in Charleston and Chattanooga are no different. 

Due to our 'government’s' failure to keep firearms out of the hands of mass shooters, President Obama has since called for tighter background checks. But this time he wants to utilize the information tied to Social Security beneficiaries. (What he is really saying is their 'gov' MKUltra mind control program where these young men are programmed to shoot to kill - to serve the purpose of programming the USA population to BEG the 'gov' to confiscate all firearms.)

Basically, those who are incapable of managing their own affairs wouldn’t be allowed to buy a firearm. (In the plan of this rogue 'gov', wouldn't that include EVERYBODY???)  

The 'new policy' would use the same strategy employed by the VA to report certain veterans to the background check system. They take note of anyone who has assigned a fiduciary to manage their pension when they’re not competent enough to do it themselves
(Tell us - HOW do you 'manage' when the 'gov' continues to REDUCE your social security, and/or the food stamps, or whatever assistance a senior may find necessary to secure to get by on when the SS is approx 1/3 to 1/4 what it SHOULD be at the VERY least - same for the SNAPS program? These funds are 'managed' by JPMorgan Chase - what does THAT TELL YOU for those 'in the know'.? Those funds are placed on platforms and bring trillions over and over in to the black ops programs - but those seniors who were FORCED to 'contribute' to those platforms through 'social security' deductions - they don't deserve a FAIR RETURN on THEIR monies?) 
The biggest problem with this strategy is how broad it is. Having memory loss or a brain injury would be enough keep you from buying a gun, even though those conditions are not useful for identifying someone who is crazy or malicious. Imagine if you suffered an injury that prevents you from speaking or writing. It would make sense for you to ask someone else to help you out with your financial affairs, but that might also be enough to prevent you from owning a firearm.

In reality, this is probably just another attempt to find a new pathway for gun control. They’re trying to chip away the rights of a demographic that isn’t as visible to the public, so they can set a precedent for taking away the rights of everyone else later on. This is “slippery slope” 101.

Just for the record

Saturday, July 18, 2015

Financial Crisis Planned For September 2015




Published on Jul 14, 2015