Tuesday, July 21, 2015






“America Is Sick of Black Men”

The following video reminds me of a classic Chris Rock joke from the 1990s.  Talking about race relations in his neighborhood in New York city, Rock said something like,   “Whites are getting along with blacks; blacks are getting along with whites–but somebody gotta do somethin’ ’bout dese niggers!”  

That joke was hilarious and shocking 15 or 20 years ago. Today, it’s old news but that joke illustrates that there’s a schism in the “African-American community”. There’s both good blacks and bad niggers.  Not all blacks hate whites.  Not all niggers are out to get “Whitey”.  More than a few good blacks are ashamed of their race. 

The truth is that good blacks are more likely to be robbed, raped or killed by a worthless niggers than they are by white cops.  Good blacks have more to fear from niggas than whites.  And yet, the “good blacks” tend to keep their mouths shut in order to support blacks in relation to whites.

Result?  The good blacks are afraid to to speak out against the bad niggers.  Afraid to speak out in self-defense, the good blacks are also inhibited from acting in self-defense.   

Unable or unwilling to speak out and defend themselves against the race-rioting mantras of bad niggers, the whole black community becomes increasingly despised, ignored and abandoned.

But, here’s a video of one black man who’s willing to speak out and run the risk of telling unpleasant truths about the “complete and utter dysfunction of the African-American Negro”.  This man is saying what many whites and some blacks are thinking but almost no black or white is willing to say in public.

So long as good blacks feel compelled to keep silent, pretend they don’t see the truth, and maintain their “politically correct” personas, sooner or later we may see all of that pent-up truth suddenly erupt in an  episode of violence unseen since the Civil War.  

It’s time for some honest discussion about race.  Not just about whites, but about blacks, too and, most of all, about niggers.    

The heart of the discussion might go to “entitlements”. I believe the idea that some of us enjoy special “entitlements” for which we have not personally worked for and earned is dangerous and self-destructive to individuals as well as nations.  Entitlements are based on the presumption that one group (as 'innocent victims' of previous injustice) is “entitled” by that injustice to collect money from a second group who is “obligated” to pay for having committed that injustice.  

Entitlements aren’t charity.  They are based on the idea that one group or another is involuntarily compelled by law to support another group.  In the case of blacks and whites, we have entitlement programs that allow blacks (who’ve never personally been slaves) to make claims on whites (who’ve never personally owned slaves) for the crime of slavery that ended most of a century before most of us were born.

The fundamental idea behind affirmative action is that we will end racism against blacks by mandating racism against whites.  Whitey doesn’t say much about being subjected to racism for crimes he never committed, but he’s thinking about it–and he’ll get mad about it if the economy collapses and people tend to lose their standard of living.

In fact, there isn’t one of us who is “entitled” to one dime that he/she hasn’t personally earned.  Entitlements for some are involuntary servitude for others who are forced to pay for those entitlements.  Entitlements for some is slavery for others.  Involuntary servitude is expressly prohibited by the 13th Amendment within the States of the Union (States of “The United States of America”).  It’s not prohibited within Washington DC and/or the territories or states of the “United States”.

The video below is sometimes repetitive and sprinkled with coarse language, but the speaker is trying to tell some painful truth. You can see that he’s not merely angry or hurt.  He’s ashamed of much of his own race.  That’s a terrible personal burden.  

He’s telling his own race that the problems in the black community are caused by blacks and/or Democrats rather than white racism, and the black 'leaders' instigating these problems in the black community are receiving extra high pay to lead their own people in the direction of a racial civil war in America, resulting in destruction and death of their own black people.  


Monday, July 20, 2015

[Exclusive] Jade Helm 15 Exercises are now Popping up in “Unlisted” Locations

Posted: July 20, 2015

jade helm. jade helm chicago.jh15 holman square.chicago jade helm marrtial law
Andrew Pontbriand | July 20, 2015
Special Report:
Many people around the country are still waiting anxiously, day in and day out, to see if Jade Helm 15 is really a nefarious “martial law” drill, or just another military exercise that is routine, but blown a bit out of proportion. We do know some things for sure, one of them being that the military — SOCOM specifically, has not been exactly transparent as to what Jade Helm 15 really is.
As we reported a couple of days ago, it seems the military drills for “unconventional warfare” and the training on American soil to ready soldiers for “urban environments,” although that very thought is scary enough for some, is really just a cover up for a much larger agenda. The agenda, is the Artificial Intelligence “takeover” of the US military.
We also know that the military straight up told the media in general, nobody will get close enough to see what is going on as the drills take place, and that soldiers will also be “blending in society. There really is no doubt that Jade helm is really two-prong, and there is no question that the “urban environment” training they are partaking in, is desensitizing a select group of men to operate on American soil if need be, even if that isn’t the stated mission. Many people do agree that US soldiers wouldn’t take orders to execute gun confiscation, military arrests, and the like, and i do as well, however the provision that “legalizes” this in the NDAA, coupled with the likelihood that the 1,200 or so men involved in this drill were selected for a reason, shows this is more than possible. Do I think the exercise will “go live” or something will happen to trigger our worst fears? No. I do however believe that if people want to monitor JH-15, that is their right and their prerogative. 

JH-15 Taking Place in Undeclared Locations?
Earlier this morning a reader of mine sent me a picture of a Press Release that originated from the Schaumburg Police Department. I checked it out, and sure enough Lt. Shawn Green, Public Information officer,(I left a message on the Departments telephone, and then with the P.I. officer directly, to no avail) issued a Press Release that stated the following:
The Village of Schaumburg is providing support for routine military training exercises in and around the Chicagoland area over the next week. This routine training, which has been planned for several months, is being conducted by military personnel in cities across the country. The exercises are designed to ensure the military’s ability to operate in urban environments overseas, as service members meet mandatory training certification requirements and prepare for upcoming deployments worldwide. As part of this training, residents can expect to see increased aircraft activity, including helicopter flights. All training activities have been pre-coordinated with federal, state and local officials, and the locations have been carefully selected to minimize the impact on the daily routine of residents. The training is not open to the public and the sites will be secured to ensure the safety of residents and the participants.

Interestingly, there are a few key words in this Press Release that are eerily similar to what we are supposed to expect out of Jade Helm 15. For example, “The exercises are designed to ensure the military’s ability to operate in urban environments…” is exactly what JH-15 is supposed to be used for, and of course, “The training is not open to the public and the sites will be secured to ensure the safety of residents and the participants.” The exercise in Schaumburg is slated to run from July 20 – July 25, but that does not have any relevance in whether this is part of Jade Helm or not, since we know JH-15 will run altogether for about 8 weeks, regardless of location.
So, is Jade Helm 15 actually taking place in more places than they originally showed us? The official map is shown below.Jade-helm-15-army-training
We now have rather strong evidence that suggests Jade Helm 15 training is going on in places that the military did not disclose directly. This of course has been something people have speculated on, but now we have a solid lead. The interesting thing (I am not connecting dots, just pointing it out) is that there is the now notorious “black site” that was exposed at Homan Sq. in Chicago. Is there a connection? Probably not. However, given the nature of the horrid rights violations that occurred to the people who were sent to the Homan Sq. rendition site, it does not mix well with the already deep fears people have of Jade Helm 15.
If anyone else has any information, or evidence more than hearsay of JH-15 operating in your area, please contact us directly at writers.resistancejournals@gmail.com

This article may be re-posted with full attribution to the author, and leaving all links in tact.
Andrew Pontbriand is an Activist, the Founder and Writer for The Resistance Journals, as well as a contributor to the Activist Post and Political Junkie. Andrew is also the Author of the eBook “Escape From Tyranny,” which will be released in print this summer. Full Bio on Muck Rack.

HAARP Curves Hurricane Up Toward Southern California, Storms Hit

The HAARP Status Network Maps were on red alert for the region of the Southwestern United States for over two weeks and this all came together perfect as a hurricane was brought up this past weekend.
Hurricane Dolores was forecast to go west but instead forecasters scrambled to find out if it was going to affect the Southern California area.  It did, and it hit hard with severe storms and flooding over the weekend, making a typically dry July weekend into a record wet one.
But what happened?  Forecasts had Dolores heading well away from Southern California.  The red alert trigger signals that something was going to affect the storm.  It curved Dolores northward enough to impact the area and this was a surprise to most forecasters because it wasn’t predicted by the hurricane center to do so.
Red alert remains in the region but signals are calming some.
Last week, Southern Queensland Australia had snow impact the region, not seen in many many years … if at all in some of the areas.  HS maps had Australia in a red alert as well on the southern end … wow.

Confederate Flag Sales Up ‘500 Times’

This is what happens when the government tries to ban everything
by Steve Watson, Infowars:

Stores are reporting that sales of Confederate Rebel flags have shot up, with some claiming that they are selling 500 times more than what they were before the corporate media driven flap over the symbol.
As government and perpetually offended Americans have continued to call for banning anything remotely connected to the flag, retailers have noted that it is having the exact opposite effect, and making it exponentially MORE popular.
“It’s 500 times what it was, without exaggerating,” says Dave Nippert of Lou’s Wholesale. “We could’ve done well marketing nothing but Rebel stuff.”
Read More @ Infowars.com

The Reality of it...

Why Grandpa Carries A Gun

The quintessential reason why Grandpa carries a gun.
·             Please take time to read this and pay particular attention     to  "A Little Gun History" about half way down - staggering numbers!

Why Carry a Gun?
My old Grandpa said to me, 'Son, there comes a time in
   every man's life when he stops bustin' knuckles and starts  bustin' caps and usually it's when he becomes too old to   take a whoopin'.'

I don't carry a gun to kill people; I carry a gun to keep   from being killed.

I don't carry a gun because I'm evil; I carry a gun because   I have lived long enough to see the evil in the World.

I don't carry a gun because I hate the government; I carry a gun because I understand the limitations of government.

I don't carry a gun because I'm angry; I carry a gun so that I don't have to spend the rest of my life hating myself for failing to be prepared.

I don't carry a gun because I want to shoot someone; I   carry a gun because I want to die at a ripe old age in my bed and not on a sidewalk somewhere tomorrow afternoon.

I don't carry a gun to make me feel like a man; I carry a gun because men know how to take care of themselves   and the ones they love.

I don't carry a gun because I feel inadequate; I carry a gun because unarmed and facing three armed thugs, I am inadequate.

I don't carry a gun because I love it; I carry a gun because   I love life and the people who make it meaningful to me.

Police protection is an oxymoron: Free citizens must   protect themselves because police do not protect you   from crime; they just investigate the crime after it happens and then call someone in to clean up the mess.

Personally, I carry a gun because I'm too young to die and too old to take a whoopin'!


·             In 1929, the Soviet Union established gun control:
·             From 1929 to 1953,  about 20 million dissidents,   unable to defend themselves, were rounded up and exterminated.
In 1911, Turkey established gun control:
·             From 1915 to 1917, 1.5 million Armenians, unable to defend themselves, were rounded up and exterminated.
Germany established gun control in 1938:
·             From 1939 to 1945, a total of 13 million Jews and others who were   unable to defend themselves were rounded up and exterminated.
China established gun control in 1935: From 1948 to
·           1952, 20 million political dissidents, unable to defend themselves, were rounded up and exterminated.
Guatemala established gun control in 1964:
·         From 1964 to 1981, 100,000 Mayan Indians, unable to defend    themselves, were rounded up and exterminated.
Uganda  established gun control in 1970:
·             From 1971 to 1979, 300,000 Christians, unable to defend themselves, were rounded up and exterminated.
Cambodia established gun control in 1956:
·             From 1975 to 1977, one million educated people, unable to defend themselves, were rounded up and exterminated.   
56 million defenseless people were rounded up and exterminated in the 20th Century because of gun control.
You won't see this data on the US evening news, or hear politicians disseminating this information.

·             Guns in the hands of honest citizens save lives and property and, yes, gun-control laws adversely affect only the law-abiding citizens.

With guns, we are 'citizens'; without them, we are 'subjects'.

During WW II, the Japanese decided not to invade     America because they knew most Americans were ARMED!
·             Gun owners in the USA are the largest armed forces in   the World!

·          If you value your freedom, please spread this anti-gun   control message to all of your friends.

·          The purpose of fighting is to win. There is no possible   victory in defense.

·             The sword is more important than the shield and skill is more important than either.  



I'm a firm believer in the 2nd Amendment! If you are too, please forward this. If you're not a believer, please reconsider the true facts. This is history; not what's being shown on TV, sanctioned by our illustrious delusional leaders in Washington.

Every thing you were told was a lie



So the sewer rats in "Authority," continue to be brought into the light of glaring publicity. Who, exactly, do the rats serve?
Thet serve their own interests, not ours.

60 Minutes Australia: Special Investigation Spies Lords and Predators


News Stories
July 20, 2015
SYRIZA's Stability Rocked by New Memorandum (1/3)
Leo Panitch interviewed by Sharmini Peries at SYRIZA Headquarters in Athens: In spite of the differences within SYRIZA over the new deal, the government remains enormously popular.
Go to story | Go to homepage

Greece: Alternatives and Exiting the Eurozone

Go Dutch?

Please read!
Dutch . .. . But Why Wait Until 2016?
The Netherlands , where six per cent of the population
is now Muslim, is scrapping multiculturalism. 
The Dutch government says it will abandon the
long-standing model of multiculturalism that 
has encouraged Muslim immigrants to create a
parallel society within the Netherlands. 
A new integration bill, which Dutch Interior
Minister Piet Hein Donner presented to parliament, 
on June 16, 2015 reads: 
"The government shares the social dissatisfaction
over the multicultural society model and plans 
to shift priority to the values of the Dutch people."
In the new integration system, the values of the
Dutch society, play a central role.  
With this change, the government steps away
from the model of a multicultural society.
The letter continues: "A more obligatory
integration is justified because the government 
also demands that from its own citizens."
It is necessary because otherwise the society
gradually grows apart and eventually no one 
feels at home anymore in the Netherlands .
The new integration policy will place more
demands on immigrants.
For example, immigrants will be required to
learn the Dutch language, and the  government 
will take a tougher approach to immigrants who
ignore Dutch values or disobey Dutch law. 
The government will also stop offering special
subsidies for Muslim immigrants because,
according to Donner;
"It is not the government's job to integrate 
immigrants."  (How bloody true!!!)
The government will introduce new legislation
that outlaws forced marriages and will also 
impose tougher measures against Muslim immigrants
who lower their chances of employment by the way 
they dress.
More specifically, the government imposed a ban
on face-covering, Islamic burqas as of January 1, 2015. 
Holland has done that whole liberal thing, and
realized - maybe too late - that creating a nation
of tribes, will kill the nation itself.
The future of Australia, the UK, USA, Canada and
New Zealand may well be read here. 
READERS NOTE: Muslim immigrants leave their
countries of birth because of civil and political 
Countries like Holland, Canada, USA, UK, Australia, 
and New Zealand have an established way of life that
actually works, so why embrace the unworkable?
If Muslims do not wish to accept another culture,
the answer is  simple; "STAY WHERE YOU ARE!!!"
This gives a whole new meaning to the term, 'Dutch
Courage' ..... Unfortunately Australian, UK, USA,
Canadian, and New Zealand politicians don't have
the guts to do the same.  There's a whole lot of truth here!!!  
Only 86% will send this on.  Should be 100%!!!

Confederate Flag Flap is a Huge Red Herring


Tip  of  the  spear  of  the  cultural  Marxist  vanguard
Confederate Flag Flap is a Huge Red Herring
by Infowars.com | July 18, 2015

As Alex Jones and Peter Schiff point out, the heated argument over the Confederate flag is a massive red herring

The Confederate flag flap is based on a completely false premise — the flag is a symbol of racism — but this fact has not stopped the Left from using it as a diversionary tactic.

Thomas DiLorenzo
The anti-Confederate flag hysteria is only one small part of the Left’s general strategy, however.  It is part of their overriding strategy of diverting the public’s attention away from all the grotesque failures of leftist interventionism, from the welfare state to the government takeover of education to the war on drugs and beyond.  The neocons who run the Republican Party are usually complicit in all of this.

The Left and the cultural Marxists are using the so-called Confederate flag controversy to shut down the First Amendment and deny those who oppose them the ability to resist.

“Free speech should only be enjoyed by the victims of white (heterosexual male) oppression, they say.  Allowing white male oppressors to have free speech simply leads to even more ‘oppression’ of the oppressed (which now includes everyone who is not a white heterosexual male),” writes DiLorenzo.

This tyranny is possible in part because so many Americans are ignorant of history and do not understand the real nature of the so-called Civil War, which in fact was a war waged by the federal government against Southern states threatening to secede. The war was not about slavery. It was about secession and the right of the states as delineated by the Tenth Amendment. 

Walter Williams:
The War of 1861 settled the issue of secession through brute force that cost 600,000 American lives. We Americans celebrate Abraham Lincoln’s Gettysburg Address, but H.L. Mencken correctly evaluated the speech: “It is poetry, not logic; beauty, not sense.” Lincoln said the soldiers sacrificed their lives “to the cause of self-determination — that government of the people, by the people, for the people should not perish from the earth.” Mencken says: “It is difficult to imagine anything more untrue. The Union soldiers in the battle actually fought against self-determination; it was the Confederates who fought for the right of people to govern themselves.”
The destruction of the right to secede has resulted in the inability of the states to resist an authoritarian federal government. 

“Because states cannot secede, the federal government can run roughshod over the U.S. Constitution’s limitations of the Ninth and Tenth Amendments. States have little or no response,” Williams concludes.


A secessionist and states’ rights revival irks Democrats, the Left and the cultural Marxists to no end. The Confederate flag flap is less about racism than an effort by the Left to dominate the argument and prevent citizens the right to resist federal tyranny. 




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Grooveshark Co-Founder Josh Greenberg Found Dead At 28

Screen Shot 2015-07-20 at 12.00.04 PM
Josh Greenberg, the 28-year-old co-founder and CTO of the web-based music-streaming service Grooveshark, has reportedly died of unknown causes.
News of Greenberg’s passing comes via the Gainesville Police department Twitter account:
This news comes just months after Grooveshark was shut down following a settlement in legal battles against record industry giants UMG, Sony Music Entertainment, and Warner Music Group.
The cause of death is currently unknown; Gainesville Police confirm that there is no evidence of foul play or suicide. Greenberg’s mother told the Gainsville Sun that Josh had no known health problems, and that he was “excited about new potential things.”
In a eulogy to his friend, Life360’s Ben Erez writes:
I’m sad and shocked but I can’t stop imagining what Josh would say.
Probably something very zen like “appreciate me for who I was, mourn my loss, and get back to enjoying life. It’s too short to not.
Here’s to Josh Greenberg, true leader, a stand up guy, and one of my favorite people ever. May he rest in peace.”
Our thoughts are with Josh, his family, and his friends.
Photo via Josh’s Facebook