Saturday, September 10, 2011


The Coach always nails it:
By Coach Dave Daubenmire
September 8, 2011

I know that most of you will find this hard to believe but it is no longer unusual for Christians to be arrested for sharing the Gospel on the streets.

Most of you find it hard to believe because you never do it.

It is like going through the sexual assault/screening at the airport. Most folks don’t worry about it because they rarely fly. Only those who have experienced the indignity of being strip-searched or x-rayed for “security” reasons understand the humiliation.

Most things don’t matter until they happen to you.

That is what is going on in America. Every once in a while you might see a report of some police-misconduct, but, for the most part, it doesn’t bother you because your experiences with the police have been good ones.

The media is complicit with this cover-up. They have created an atmosphere in America where everyone is considered guilty until proven innocent. We read reports in the news and are convinced that it is an “isolated incident”…just a rogue cop…and it doesn’t affect me anyway…

But it does affect you. You just don’t know it because it hasn’t happened to you …yet.

Have you ever noticed that the media loves to call those who minister on the streets “protestors?” They never call the pro-aborts…or the sodomites…or the Muslims…”protestors.” No, they are “fighting for freedom.” Only Christians and Tea Party folks “protest”…everyone else “raises awareness.”

The folks I hang with don’t protest, they PROCLAIM…proclaim the Gospel. That activity is rapidly being curtailed by “legal system.” The First Amendment grants freedom to every type of deviant speech, but not to proclamation of the Gospel. The Gospel is becoming illegal.

It is happening, I might add, with the approval of the six-foot icicles who stand in most of America’s pulpits. They, too, think those of us who take seriously the command to “go ye into all the world” are radicals, fundamentalists, and “make Jesus look bad.” The average American Pastor has never spent a day of his/her life engaging in “open-air ministry” (streets preaching). They love to preach inside their stained-glass fortress where they can better hide from the controversy.

To them, one of the congregants complaining about pot holes in the parking lot is persecution…let alone facing a crowd of profoundly lost Muslims outside a Mosque as one faithfully delivers the Gospel of Jesus Christ to them.

My friend Pastor Mark Holick does just that. And last week he was found guilty by a jury of two counts of “loitering” outside a Mosque as he and several other gentle Christians handed out Bibles during the Muslim’s call to prayer. He was sentenced to six months in jail (suspended), one year probation, fined $300, and prohibited from being within 1000 feet of the Mosque.

Read the WND story here, but I am sure you won’t believe it. The media has convinced you that these “street preachers” are the next Timothy McVeigh. I am one of those “street preachers” and I have first hand experience with how we are treated.

Before Pastor Mark was sentenced he had the opportunity to address the court. I felt the readers needed to hear this humble, Godly-man’s open rebuke to the Judge, prosecutor, and press..BEFORE HE WAS SENTENCED…that takes cajones!
Your honor, Council

May we take faith this morning in Mt. 10. - That when we are arrested and handed over to court that the Lord will help us with what to say. May the Great Cloud of Witnesses record this day and this moment.

In October of 2010, 13 saints of the Lord went out to lovingly and freely offer free bibles to anyone willing to receive them. We went in obedience to our Lord Jesus who instructed us in Mk. 16, to go into all the world and preach the Gospel to every creature.

Though the others were doing the same thing I was - I was arrested, prosecuted-persecuted, convicted, and will be sentenced shortly as a common criminal with drug users and rapists.

This was not about blocking traffic, or blocking the sidewalk. No, this is about an idolatrous government that has rejected the Lord God Jesus. This is about a Government that has turned from the Lord God to the many gods' of pluralism.

There are a group of the Lord's Commandments so important that He wrote them with his own finger, we call them the 10 Commandments. The first one is #1 for a reason. - That shalt have no other god's before me. None, not any, not Buddha, not allah, not any. This arrest/trial/and conviction by the City of Wichita, the City attorney, the Wichita police and two courts is because the have forgotten Commandment #1.

Ps. 33:12 says that, "blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord." The police, prosecution, and courts have forgotten Ps. 33:12. Just as the City of Wichita, police, and courts many years ago conferred upon abortion most favored business status, they have now conferred upon Islam, most favored religion status.

This trial was replete with government falsehoods and distortions.

Captain Jeffery Easter testified that the reason he - a captain answered this call was because he heard it come in and had recently been briefed on the all the violence against mosques. I thought, where have I been? What violence against mosques? So I looked it up. I found a grand total of 1 possibly 2 acts in the entire nation before Oct. of 2010. This is just one of multiple perjuries by Jeffery Easter.

Listen to the 911 call by the mosque. Not one reference to any traffic problems, not one indication of cars being blocked. No, it is clear that the reason they called was because - we were there peacefully offering free bibles. In fact the Islamists came out and told us to get off of the sidewalk, that it was their sidewalk. We did not leave, so they called police.

To which the police, city attorney, and courts were all too willing to act with expediency and malice to silence the Gospel of our Lord Jesus. It takes a village to convict a Christian.

You in authority quickly sided with the Islamists who speak of us as the Great Satan: Islamists who issued a fatwa against David Letterman for telling a joke about Al-Qaida. Islam is the most violent, repressive, tyrannical ideology in the world today.

Of the last 126 people who have been indicted in America for terrorist charges, all were Muslim. Not 90%, not 95%, all of them: Even though the DHS commercials picture white people as the terrorists.

A Harvard instructor may lose his job for an op-ed piece he wrote entitled, "how to wipe out Islamic terror."

After my arrest I asked my friend Rev. James to go to the local mosque in Wichita and ask them for a copy of the Koran. This is what they gave him. Here are just two verses:

Surah 5:72, they do blaspheme who say, " God is Christ the son of Mary," Surah 9:5, “But when the forbidden months are past, then fight and slay the pagans, wherever you find them and seize them, beleaguer them, and lie in wait for them, in every strategum (of war).

Wichita you are confused, I am not your enemy, Islam is. Thou shalt have no other gods' before me. Islamists believe that it is okay to lie if it is to help in the cause of allah. My own government called a foreign Islamist to testify for them against me, an American-born-Christian peacefully handing out free bibles.

The arresting officer said he is Christian. The court judge says he is Christian. The prosecutor says he is Christian. The City attorney says he is Christian. 4 of the 6 jurors say they are Christian.
And I have been convicted for handing out free bibles.

How sad, how incredibly sad… ( Please take the time to read his complete statement here. )

First they came for the Socialists, and I did not speak out -- Because I was not a Socialist. Then they came for the Trade Unionists, and I did not speak out -- Because I was not a Trade Unionist.

Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out -- Because I was not a Jew. Then they came for me -- and there was no one left to speak for me.” Martin Niemoller

If only we had more pastors who would speak such piercing words to power. Drop Pastor Mark a line. Let him know how much you appreciate him fighting for all of us.

Christianity is being criminalized. It can’t happen here…in America…right?

Click Here for an audio version of this commentary.

Do you think like a Christian or a humanist? Did the Founders really separate Church and State? Is Judicial tyranny ruining America? Check out these great teachings by the Coach

© 2011 Dave Daubenmire - All Rights Reserved

Coach Dave Daubenmire, founder and President of Pass The Salt Ministries and Minutemen United, is host of the high octane Pass The Salt radio show heard in Columbus, Ohio.

In 1999 Coach Daubenmire was sued by the ACLU for praying with his teams while coaching high school in Ohio. He now spends his energy fighting for Christian principles in the public domain.

The "Jobs Plan Tanks" article: DRUDGE NAILS IT!

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room The "Jobs Plan Tanks" article: DRUDGE NAILS IT!
Posted By: watcher51445
Date: Saturday, 10-Sep-2011 14:44:34
The "Jobs Plan Tanks" article:

ANYONE with 2 brain cells knows you can't BORROW your way to prosperity. *AND* anyone with 2 brain cells knows you can't BORROW your way out of debt. But then, we're not talking about "ordinary people" back in Washington D.C. now are we? We're talking about all those self-described "experts" back in Washington D.C. who don't want the world to see them for what they may very well may be: fiscal incompetents and mental morons. Is that really what's going on or is there another game in play here?
Another rational description of what may very well be going on is the INTENTIONAL, FORCED collapse of the U.S. Economy by the globalists, the bankers and the One World Government promoters who see America as that ONE last shining star, that one last holdout for individual freedom and liberty - something which the New World Order crowd hate and despise with every ounce of their being.
Think about it!
The Communists hate America. The National Socialists (Democrats) hate us. The Fascists (Republicans) hate us. The Muslim Religious Fanatics around the world hate us. WHY? Because "America" has always stood for FREEDOM and LIBERTY of the Individual.
True, this country is in ONE ROYAL political and economic MESS right now....but we're not down for the count yet because The People of this country WILL NOT SUBMIT.....not yet, anyway.
So, if you were a One World Communist or One World Socialist Government type, or if you wanted to REALLY break the back of America you would have to do it on an individual level, and that's where breaking America's economic back comes into play.
If and when you could strip each and every American of HOPE you would have America right where you wanted America to be ....ripe for Communism, Socialism or ripe to have America blended into some sick, twisted form of a One World Government.
Think about it.
Any government of these United States which truely cared about the economic health of this country and the people of this country would NEVER enter into Free Trade Agreements (Treaties actually) with other countries which would end up stripping America's manufacturing base away from America and sending those manufacturing plants and jobs to foreigners.
Any government of these United States which truely cared about the economic health of this country and the people of this country would NEVER spend this country into TRILLIONS of dollars of debt without a truthful, logical, sane reason.
And, any government of these United States which truely cared about the economic health of this country and the people of this country - the CITIZENS of this country - would NEVER leave open the borders of this country so that millions of uneducated people could invade this country IN SPITE OF the immigration LAWS of this country - in U.S. Code!
Those millions of uneducated foreign invaders do two things:
(1) They increase the TOTAL number of people in the labor pool of this country thereby forcing wages down. It's simple supply and demand. More people seeking fewer jobs gives the employer the option to lower wages...and if you want a job you take the wages offered. That's already going on.
(2) These illegal invaders suck the economic and financial life blood out of this country....and at the same time demand more in social services thereby creating MORE government debt...which you have to pay for in higher taxes.
All of this...everything I wrote about above.... is a recipe for destroying the economic health of a country and breaking the back of this nation.
So, as in the article which Drudge refers to, it says:
"Mr. Obama’s plan focused on generating jobs and included a number of tax cuts and spending proposals, like an extension and expansion of the cut in payroll taxes and a tax holiday for small businesses for hiring new employees. The president was to send a detailed proposal to Congress in a week."
Now just who is trying to fool who here?
Is Obama THAT incompetent? Does he honestly think that he can "HELP" America get back to America's greatness by borrowing America into DEEPER DEBT and throwing a "tax holiday" here and there? Or, is what is going on here more sinister and more evil than that....and is Obama (as with past presidents) part of it? I believe the latter is what is going on.
Make no mistake, Obama DOES care about his "Image." Nobody wants to look like a fool or to be made to look like a fool, but when you have the big money and the New World Order thugs pulling your strings you do what you're told to do, regardless of how you will look in the end. It's either that or you just might not live very long.
About Obama: You might get mad at him for not being a natural born citizen or for not having a valid social security number or for being a FRAUD president. What you should REALLY be mad about is the fact that he is nothing but a puppet doing the bidding of those behind him with money and power. What you should be mad as hell about are the subversives, the traitors and those in government who are committing treason against this very country - Obama included.
One last thing....a little prediction. I may be wrong, but I'll make the prediction just the same. Watch as the Republicans throw this election so that Obama gets re-elected. The Republicans and the Democrats couldn't care less about America. They're both in this New World Order game....and they're both in bed with one another. Right now Obama is THEIR man...THEIR puppet.
And the beat goes on....

9/11: Explosive Evidence -- Experts Speak Out (Full)

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room

9/11: Explosive Evidence -- Experts Speak Out (Full)
Posted By: Dquixote1217 [Send E-Mail]
Date: Saturday, 10-Sep-2011 11:15:03
The powerful new documentary film by Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth

Dinar Intel Addendum 9-10-11

Dan states this is the conclusion of this now -confident of the men behind this - before now it was  not positive due to things needing to take place - and frustration came from TOMORROW and TOMORROW ....and now we at the end of this long road/journey we are on...some say this will go- on 9-11....

[1:08:56 PM] Dan said some people were let go by Maliki last night and it didn't effect anything and there was an announcement last night that these things did take place and all the scheduled things for their weekend are still moving forward.. those relieved over there was their good news - now we hear this has to take place after the closing of trade and announcement of ministers and position of Allawi defined and the Erbil announced publically - do not have to wait for the publication just announcement.. and thats imminent - do not have to wait for the visual...  most likey still Sunday and we should hear some things starting tomorrow.....

[1:12:40 PM]  TONY states we had an earlier call still hearing all things are in position and again I got calls that all banks have a green light they have a rate and finance companies have a rate and FOREX has a rate and green on their board - and monetary companies who say that have a rate - I did hear they held it up after Obamas speech and they were to do it now... O wanted to take credit for this so he didn't want this to take credit of this AFTER his speech and how can he do that THIS HAS BEEN A 10 YEAR PROCESS HOW CAN HE TAKE CREDIT.   I got calls this AM and CBI's went back to work at the CBI workng right now - parliament is working right now and THIS CAN HAPPEN AT ANY TIME - I mean this they are saying ANYTIME - What Dan said about those three things - they could happen all at one time - something is scheduled wiht Allawi for Sunday and its public Knowledge and it could be like the rest put it in their paper and it would have already happened...not sure they could throw everyone off  like that.... Alot feel that Sunday is a terrible day for this to happen - horrible day for them to celebrate and us being sad in remembrance of 9-11 - how can our government let that happen I pray they didn't...

[1:18:06 PM] Dan states that he has the same feeling ....BUSH said America would NOT pay for this war - what a great gift I think to do this on 9-11 that it was NOT in vain and Bush's plan to change the monetary system it worked and on purpose 9-11 would be a gift back - not over shadowing the atrocity that took place - to me its a positive... TONY states there is 300 million Americans and only 3 million Americans only have dinar so how can you relate this to the 300 million?  We know this so how can this relate to the whole US picture?  There are credible threats right now scheduled for Sunday right now go see the agency news and TV reports  SO how can putting this out for Sunday be a celebration?  Dan states he still feels that way and those celebrating are not those that did this.... THIS WILL effect everyone - jobs are coming back - there will be astronomical effects on this to the monetary system.... Tony says MOST AMERICANS do NOT know about this - this is a world monetary event yes but again it won't effect them... Dan goes on and on about 9-11 and thus could be a good day to celebrate an RV - not to lesson their services for that day...

[1:20:48 PM]  TONY states that today tomorrow that very day would have more significance to this - we still hear anytime and Dan you hear this will happen by Sunday on Sunday and our resources say that the minister things are done and they are waiting to celebrate and Allawi does have a thing scheduled for Sunday... hard to believe they will do this then but lets see - they say this sometimes two days before we see it... the banks are still sitting there - they are NOT wondering as the USTreasury has sent the signal and a timeframe and they are ready to go and every single agency involved in this they are ready to go....  We either get paid  Monday and to Banks on Tues. = we are at that point now - we do know this is the closest window we have ever been in on both sides - Dan agrees... He states we felt like why do the call as we know that this is going to happen as it could have been last night or today...

[1:21:44 PM]  Allawi wants to do this so he can have his day in the limelight and didn't want to do this today as its their holy day.... KNOWING it was to be Saturday Sunday all along - but again this could pop up and we could be wrong - and again I say this is the last week of waiting...

[1:22:12 PM]  TONY states we are at the end of this the banks are standing there waiting we are at the end...

[1:36:47 PM] Caller - I'm going to ask the question a lot of people are dying to ask..TONY a lot of places that have the rate and you are not saying it..???  TONY states the other day his source from Iraq called and said that it took 6 US DOLLARS PER 1 DINAR TO PURCHASE - and this came from an agency an HE GAVE ME PERMISSION TO TELL YOU THAT while I was on the call... so lets wait to see what ever the rate we will be happy - so if you stay at $3.22 and above that is just great then we don't loose - BUT IF YOU ASK ME WHAT I AM HEARING ITS TOTALLY DIFFERNET, NOT FROM JUST OVER SEAS BUT I AM HEARING IT FROM FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS TOO - Dan states it under $3.40 to $3.42 when announced just under the Kuwait dollar - he believes thats it.... OK Tony states let me add this....think about this the news stated and articles that came out last with Shab's stating they will have the highest currency in the region... only another 72 hours and will know by Monday...the rate for real

[1:43:02 PM]   first a comment that the USD is soaring lately...77.286 and moving up strong...why???  TONY states dow is down again today again there is news going on that no body knew..tony...Dow down another 300 pts going on that nobody knows the $ going up the market going down..yes i see it means that they are posturing for the RV = caller asks to the pound or not? - DAN states he felt always pegged to the USD...I get frustrated at myself because when I listen to myself on the calls i sound like a "know it all" and don't mean to do that...lots of rumors out there with no foundation behind I feel still to the USD...  TONY states we hard from some department it would be pegged to the GBP and others say no - I hear its over $6=7 and that it was..... but this is what I was told today difference between bank rate and CBI rate is $2 is what i have heard can figure the rest out for yourself...but you will like the rate no matter what...

[1:44:59 PM]   Caller any indication that there will be an influx or change ...going up after it comes out?  TONY States that he hears that the 35 locations for the UST has been scrapped - NOT DOING ANY PAYOUT locations at all....DID FINALIZE the 15% across the board tax for everybody with NO time limit.... and there is a time frame on the rate going up and I say the 2nd rat Will get the cheese...

DAN states what ever is said tonight I'm still going to stand behind the people I've been listening to...  .please address what is being said in the industry...still plan to stand behind what my sources are saying and hoping Tony's peeps are right because they are saying it will happen before what my sources are stating.... Dan states hope okie is right that it's happening in an hour...TONY states we'll all be staring at each other on Monday, no matter what happens saying "what the hellllll happened"...I'm not maliki or shabs so I don't know what they're thinking..the financial institutions (banks, Forex, wall street) are ready...we just have to put all the pieces together...what had me really excited is all the numbers are the same...all my peeps from all places are saying it is going down...and coming up with the exact same number coming from 3 -4 places........and ready to if we are not done by Monday then something could happen...don't know...maybe all three of those things will happen boom boom boom...maybe after their holy day is done...I think they're trying to get it done before the forex closes but I've heard it doesn't matter...then  I've heard it will be when banks around the world are open....all of them...Idk anything more than that...don't know what will be the final factor all i can say is what i'm being told that we are ready for it to show any anytime.. DAN I am usually going into weekend feeling cautious...but don't feel caution this weekend!...I know we've done the best we could to bring the best information  I just don't feel that this weekend.. can't see it getting to Monday...but we are dealing with people who can do anything...  TONY states the video mentioned a 2-3 year process but do not worry about that - the other video

The rest of the call was about their site and their after RV meeting in San Francisco

Ghost from OOM site
Summary “Peoples Invested”
 [mammat] [generals64]If you listened to some calls last night they confirmed GeorgiaBoy’s timeline and said Obama stopped it from happening yesterday. Believe it or not. #1.Iraq’s dinar was at $4.79 in 1938…Go to Iraq Dinar and read about it. #2. This whole thing is Called “artificial Devaluation”. It was done inGermanyby Hitler…Japan By Roosevelt…Vietnamby Ho Chi Mihn..Cubaby Castro andItalyby Mussolini……Oh yeahKuwaitby Sadaam Hussein…
 [mammat] #3. All the other countries were revalued to their former state before occupation….the former state ofIraqwas $2.87…go read it under Iraq Dinar. #4. The Iraqi Dinar should show as $3.22 former rate as that was the rate Husseing allowed his friends only….The U.S. and the IMF allowed them a 20% inflationary rate…Sometime in November of last year….That puts them at $3.86…They know Kuwait wants to go higher…but they can’t be higher than .25 cents…so, they will let Kuwait at $4.17 and they at $4.22
 [mammat] [generals64] Now, Date…..possibly today….why?…too many things pointing in the direction…;when Kuwait rv’d….they didn’t RV….they RI’d get ready for this one Kuwait came back originally at a very low price and it was put on a “Float”…and it got to $11.14. The hedge fund people panicked and it came back down and settled at the $3.62 range…..Anyone want to know how I know???????????????????Have a guy I went to Grade school with who got in on it…When he cashed out he got (before atxes) $44,000,000.00 [Kuwait RI’d at 3:15 p.m. on a Wednesday. Then revalued on Fridays

Dinar Intel Update 9-10-11

Dan: Some things happened today. (From 9-9-11 evening)

Tony: I’ve gotten several calls today…. Calls from mods… a lot of the
stuff you are seeing on the other boards is what I am hearing. Heard
anytime from 2 o’clock on. Heard the rate has been pushed through the
ust, and passed on to financial institutions, forex, banks etc… got
that from the ust and from east and west coast banks as well. Said
they actually got the rate from them today. That they had the live
rates. Some people in NY out of the banking system and the money
system said they got the rate today. Got the live rate today. Heard
anytime after 2 est.

Even heard supposed to happen before 6 o’clock but O stopped it and
wanted to do it after his speech. Again we wait. All good news. The
banks always said they saw the rate but never for the live rate pushed
to them. The other institutions never got the live rate. The Forex
said live sitting on the board. They see it, have a green light…

My information is all positive as
well. I think it is some time before Sunday. There is an announcement
by A on Sunday.

A Global monetary stimulus…. That package… they also said this
weekend. Imo tied to A’s speech… they are waiting for a few things to
happen. Let’s not get bummed out if we don’t see it Thursday or
Friday…. Before I repeat something I have to research it… have a
different way of looking at the information. This sounds like the play
we have been waiting for.

Gary: I am getting very excited as I watch the events unfold here. All
of our sources saying the same thing…. Now hearing it on a credible
news network saying about a global stimulus… we have been talking
about the dinar being one of the things to impact what is going on.
Will begin the adjustments of a lot of currencies around the world.
Can’t think of what else would do that but the iqd.

Dan: We have been talking about the iqd rv for years. The Paris
Treaty. All of these countries forgiving the debt. What they can say
is where is this packages coming from – coming from under ground the
trillions of $ in oil…. A solution they can define around a currency
and aq monetary piece.

Tony: We are there one way or the other. Banks looking for it,
traders, forex people – all they need is a go signal or buy signal. I
thought when the ust released it - it is a go – they said nobody has a
buy till they get told that they have a buy.

Tony: Have a good evening guys!

Joys of Muslim Women

Joys of Muslim Women- A Must Read!!!

This was written by a woman born in Egypt as a Muslim.

This is not hearsay, and it will scare the life out of you.
Make sure you read the paragraph (in red) towards the end.

Joys of Muslim Women
By Nonie Darwish

In the Muslim faith, a Muslim man can marry a child as young as 1 year old and have sexual intimacy with this child. Consummating the marriage by 9.
The dowry is given to the family in exchange for the woman (who becomes his slave) and for the purchase of the private parts of the woman, to use her as a toy.

Even though a woman is abused, she cannot obtain a divorce.
To prove rape, the woman must have (4) male witnesses.
Often after a woman has been raped, she is returned to her family and the family must return the dowry. The family has the right to execute her (an honor killing) to restore the honor of the family. Husbands can beat their wives 'at will' and he does not have to say why he has beaten her.

The husband is permitted to have (4 wives) and a temporary wife for an hour (prostitute) at his discretion.

The Shariah Muslim law controls the private as well as the public life of the woman.

In the West World ( America ), Muslim men are starting to demand Sharia Law so the wife cannot obtain a divorce and he can have full and complete control of her. It is amazing and alarming how many of our sisters and daughters attending American Universities are now marrying Muslim men and submitting themselves and their children unsuspectingly to the Sharia law.

By passing this on, enlightened American women may avoid becoming a slave under Sharia Law.
Ripping the West in Two.
Author and lecturer Nonie Darwish says the goal of radical Islamists is to impose Sharia law on the world, ripping Western law and liberty in two.

She recently authored the book, Cruel and Usual Punishment: The Terrifying Global Implications of Islamic Law.

Darwish was born in Cairo , spent her childhood in Egypt and Gaza before immigrating to America in 1978, when she was eight years old. Her father died while leading covert attacks on Israel . He was a high-ranking Egyptian military officer stationed with his family in Gaza .

When he died, he was considered a "Shahid," a martyr for jihad. His posthumous status earned Nonie and her family an elevated position in Muslim society.

But Darwish developed a skeptical eye at an early age. She questioned her own Muslim culture and upbringing. She converted to Christianity after hearing a Christian preacher on television.

In her latest book, Darwish warns about creeping Sharia law - what it is, what it means, and how it is manifested in Islamic countries.

For the West, she says radical Islamists are working to impose Sharia on the world. If that happens, Western civilization will be destroyed. Westerners generally assume all religions encourage a respect for the dignity of each individual. Islamic law (Sharia) teaches that non-Muslims should be subjugated or killed in this world.

Peace and prosperity for one's children is not as important as assuring that Islamic law rules everywhere in the Middle East and eventually in the world.

While Westerners tend to think that all religions encourage some form of the golden rule, Sharia teaches two systems of ethics - one for Muslims and another for non-Muslims. Building on tribal practices of the seventh century, Sharia encourages the side of humanity that wants to take from and subjugate others.

While Westerners tend to think in terms of religious people developing a personal understanding of and relationship with God, Sharia advocates executing people who ask difficult questions that could be interpreted as criticism.

It's hard to imagine, that in this day and age, Islamic scholars agree that those who criticize Islam or choose to stop being Muslim should be executed. Sadly, while talk of an Islamic reformation is common and even assumed by many in the West, such murmurings in the Middle East are silenced through intimidation.

While Westerners are accustomed to an increase in religious tolerance over time, Darwish explains how petro dollars are being used to grow an extremely intolerant form of political Islam in her native Egypt and elsewhere.

In twenty years, there will be enough Muslim voters in the U.S. To elect the President by themselves! Rest assured they will do so... You can look at how they have taken over several towns in the USA. Dearborn Mich. Is one... And there are others.

I think everyone in the U.S. Should be required to read this, but with the ACLU, there is no way this will be widely publicized, unless each of us sends it on!

It is too bad that so many are disillusioned with life and Christianity to accept Muslims as peaceful.... some may be but they have an army that is willing to shed blood in the name of Islam, the peaceful support the warriors with their finances and own kind of patriotism to their religion.
While America is getting rid of Christianity from all public sites and erasing God from the lives of children, the Muslims are planning a great jihad on America .

This is your chance to make a difference...! Pass it on to your email list or at least those you think will listen.

Some of those I'm sending it to WILL NOT!

Put your head back under the covers so you can't see the boogieman!

Reader's opinion on O taking credit for PP & Dinars - Is This Possible?

Submitted by Rich - Thanks

As I see it, with all the news over the past 3-4 days about the PP's and Dinar about to come forth like a whirlwind, O had to quickly make a speech about getting another $500 billion to stimulate the economy for jobs that will "quickly" put people to work.  

Whether he gets the funds or not doesn't really matter because all he has to do in his next speech is his usual (lie) to the world because all of a sudden he strategically placed the funds where jobs could "quickly" get people hired.  Now with that said; the PP's and Dinar are "quickly" and very quietly coming on line and that will cause over 330,000+ multimillionaires, thus causing many to quit their jobs so the unemployed can take them; bring many hidden inventions out of peoples garages into the manufacturing areas, also over 3,000 hidden (shelved) technologies of the past 100 yrs. to come on line, causing many jobs to open for new buildings to be built (more jobs) creating thousands of jobs in many States and, businesses to hire for  mass production; houses to be built for the PP and Dinar people (causing more jobs)  thousands of vehicles being bought causing the automotive industries to come back to life to make vehicles and also suppliers(more jobs) for parts etc.  Furniture stores to hire and build more furniture for hundreds of thousands of homes and clothing stores to hire, etc.  You all get the idea.  

AND who will get all the credit of this explosion of jobs!; why the Big O ,himself (THE PEOPLES SAVIOR). 

There will be no broadcast of the Dinar RVing or the PP's being delivered  He has it all perfectly planned.  

JUST MY OPINION and I know I only touched on a small fraction of jobs.  Forgot about the millions of potholes and hundreds of thousands of  bridges that are in dire need of repairs, etc..