Disgustingly True!
Wednesday, October 26, 2011
545 PEOPLE By Charlie Reese
Some Info About the Poofness
http://kauilapele.wordpress. com/2011/10/24/some-info- about-the-poofness-who-is- this-poof-er-not-that-theres- anything-wrong-with-that/
Some Info About the Poofness… “Who is this Poof-er?” (not that there’s anything wrong with that…)
Posted on October 24, 2011 by kauilapele
I received a couple of emails from Suzy Star, with some correspondence she had written about who this “Poofness” really is. What she wrote was fascinating, and she said it would be okay to post it here.
First is a correspondence to David Wilcock. Next is the text of a series of emails in chronological order that Poof wrote to someone re: Ben Fulford, followed by a couple of comments by myself and Suzy.
Hope some of you enjoy this. As always, no matter what is written here, one’s own Higher Discernment is the Final Guide.
From: David Wilcock
To: Suzy Star
Sent: Tuesday, October 18, 2011 8:00 PM
Subject: Re: Fw: Question: Fulford?
Dear David,
Not at all! I have known him since 1996. He was sent here to help usher in Omega, a trust that was set up by Saint Germain back in the late 1800′s. Saint Germain appeared to him in his home in Tennessee and asked him to help oversee the program and that is what he has been doing all these years.
When I first met him, he was known as Truth Warrior and I used to talk weekly with Michael Kodosky and Michael told me about him and on a couple of occasions, we would have a three way conversation. Michael’s main desire was to end world hunger and Truth Warrior’s (Poof) main passion is to bring free energy to the world.
He is a very dedicated lightworker who is passionate about making the world a better place to live. There is much more to the story but perhaps this is enough to erase some of your skepticism. If not, let me know and I will be happy to furnish some more background info on the Omega Trust.
There are about 300,000 of us involved and when the funds are released to us, our job is to help jump-start the economy and use our money for many different projects that we were sent here to accomplish. Check out my website [www.suzystar.net] to give you an example of just one of many projects that will take place with the assistance of the Omega Trust.
I have actively devoted my life to this mission and have recruited close to 200 fellow lightworkers who will assist in making these communities a reality.
Suzy Star

Dear Ones,
Below is some correspondence between my friend & Poof that I thought you might find of interest. I would appreciate any feedback you might care to offer.
Blessings, Suzy Star
——– Original Message ——–
To: 2goforth@safe-mail.net
Subject: Question: Fulford?
Date: Mon, 17 Oct 2011 18:47:44 -0400
We have talked many times and it is my understanding that the White Dragon Society are above reproach! They are the ones who are truly behind getting the US back to the Constitution and the world back on a gold or precious metal based money system. They also have more than enough money to buy off the world’s debt. So why would the WDS compromise themselves like this? It doesn’t make sense!!
Today’s Fulford report stated, “Rothschild family offers White Dragon Society $25 trillion to “go away.” When the WDS representative said “can you make it $50 trillion?,”
——– Original Message ——–
Subject: Re: Question: Fulford?
Date: Tue, 18 Oct 2011 10:44:25 -0400
ANSWER: Fulford is way behind the 8 ball. Yesterday they pulled all the military hardware and software from the banks…ending any coup attempts. We are already back under the constitution. The announcements are all that’s necessary for the people to know. The real treasury that was frozen in 1933, is back online ‘under the republic’.
The Rothschilds made their peace with the dragons some time ago and I know the white dragon and he doesn’t have a society. p [= Poofness]
From: Kauilapele@xxxxxx
To: Suzy Star
Sent: Tuesday, October 18, 2011 7:41 PM
Subject: Re: Question: Fulford?
Thank you for this Suzy. I’m not sure yet if I would, or should post any of this, not yet. But what do you think about putting it out at some point?
That answer will come. Right now I can’t.
Also, I’ve felt Poof has been right on about everything. As I’ve felt out the Ben, I’ve sensed that he sees as much as he can, and is doing as much as he sees as right to do and his intention is to assist and heal humanity and the planet.
This White Dragon society thing is there, it’s just that the name implies it’s an Asian thing. I get that it’s much larger than that and does not fit any concept of any previous “society”. Can’t put it in any boxes.
That’s exactly what I see as a Galactic ship being. A ship is a collection of beings working together for a purpose. Yet it is constantly changing form and composition as the needs change.
If anything is lacking from Ben it’s that his viewpoint is pretty much all Earthly 3D based.
So they’re all there doing their thing, each in their own way. Remember that the elephants head doesn’t see what its tail is doing. That’s maybe like all of us. We’re just each playing our heart roles, knowing we’re part of a big elephant. And that’s okay!
Aloha… KP
From: Suzy Star
Sent: Tuesday, October 18, 2011 8:15 PM
I blind copied a reply to you of David Wilcock’s email for I wanted to fill you in on Poof and I agree that he has been right on about everything. At some point yes, it should go out and that is one reason why I sent it to you for I value your comments and I know that the info needs to be made public at some point in time.
I know that David has done much to help Ben as he is coming from a more 3-D reality and that is alright for he is submitting a valuable piece of the puzzle that we might not otherwise have access to.
Poof tells me he has a good friend who is a member of the White Dragon Society and it is much more than just the Asian society. From what I have been given to understand, there are members from all countries working for the good of the world. So you are correct in your analysis of a Galactic Ship.
I had to chuckle about your comment regarding the elephant as I just today sent a link to my email list of a baby elephant that is having difficulty figuring out what his trunk is.
The synchronicity is just too much and so have fun. viewing it. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/ 2011/10/17/baby-elephant- trunk-video_n_1016599.html
Suzy Star
Some Info About the Poofness… “Who is this Poof-er?” (not that there’s anything wrong with that…)
Posted on October 24, 2011 by kauilapele
I received a couple of emails from Suzy Star, with some correspondence she had written about who this “Poofness” really is. What she wrote was fascinating, and she said it would be okay to post it here.
First is a correspondence to David Wilcock. Next is the text of a series of emails in chronological order that Poof wrote to someone re: Ben Fulford, followed by a couple of comments by myself and Suzy.
Hope some of you enjoy this. As always, no matter what is written here, one’s own Higher Discernment is the Final Guide.
From: David Wilcock
To: Suzy Star
Sent: Tuesday, October 18, 2011 8:00 PM
Subject: Re: Fw: Question: Fulford?
Dear David,
Not at all! I have known him since 1996. He was sent here to help usher in Omega, a trust that was set up by Saint Germain back in the late 1800′s. Saint Germain appeared to him in his home in Tennessee and asked him to help oversee the program and that is what he has been doing all these years.
When I first met him, he was known as Truth Warrior and I used to talk weekly with Michael Kodosky and Michael told me about him and on a couple of occasions, we would have a three way conversation. Michael’s main desire was to end world hunger and Truth Warrior’s (Poof) main passion is to bring free energy to the world.
He is a very dedicated lightworker who is passionate about making the world a better place to live. There is much more to the story but perhaps this is enough to erase some of your skepticism. If not, let me know and I will be happy to furnish some more background info on the Omega Trust.
There are about 300,000 of us involved and when the funds are released to us, our job is to help jump-start the economy and use our money for many different projects that we were sent here to accomplish. Check out my website [www.suzystar.net] to give you an example of just one of many projects that will take place with the assistance of the Omega Trust.
I have actively devoted my life to this mission and have recruited close to 200 fellow lightworkers who will assist in making these communities a reality.
Suzy Star
Dear Ones,
Below is some correspondence between my friend & Poof that I thought you might find of interest. I would appreciate any feedback you might care to offer.
Blessings, Suzy Star
——– Original Message ——–
To: 2goforth@safe-mail.net
Subject: Question: Fulford?
Date: Mon, 17 Oct 2011 18:47:44 -0400
We have talked many times and it is my understanding that the White Dragon Society are above reproach! They are the ones who are truly behind getting the US back to the Constitution and the world back on a gold or precious metal based money system. They also have more than enough money to buy off the world’s debt. So why would the WDS compromise themselves like this? It doesn’t make sense!!
Today’s Fulford report stated, “Rothschild family offers White Dragon Society $25 trillion to “go away.” When the WDS representative said “can you make it $50 trillion?,”
——– Original Message ——–
Subject: Re: Question: Fulford?
Date: Tue, 18 Oct 2011 10:44:25 -0400
ANSWER: Fulford is way behind the 8 ball. Yesterday they pulled all the military hardware and software from the banks…ending any coup attempts. We are already back under the constitution. The announcements are all that’s necessary for the people to know. The real treasury that was frozen in 1933, is back online ‘under the republic’.
The Rothschilds made their peace with the dragons some time ago and I know the white dragon and he doesn’t have a society. p [= Poofness]
From: Kauilapele@xxxxxx
To: Suzy Star
Sent: Tuesday, October 18, 2011 7:41 PM
Subject: Re: Question: Fulford?
Thank you for this Suzy. I’m not sure yet if I would, or should post any of this, not yet. But what do you think about putting it out at some point?
That answer will come. Right now I can’t.
Also, I’ve felt Poof has been right on about everything. As I’ve felt out the Ben, I’ve sensed that he sees as much as he can, and is doing as much as he sees as right to do and his intention is to assist and heal humanity and the planet.
This White Dragon society thing is there, it’s just that the name implies it’s an Asian thing. I get that it’s much larger than that and does not fit any concept of any previous “society”. Can’t put it in any boxes.
That’s exactly what I see as a Galactic ship being. A ship is a collection of beings working together for a purpose. Yet it is constantly changing form and composition as the needs change.
If anything is lacking from Ben it’s that his viewpoint is pretty much all Earthly 3D based.
So they’re all there doing their thing, each in their own way. Remember that the elephants head doesn’t see what its tail is doing. That’s maybe like all of us. We’re just each playing our heart roles, knowing we’re part of a big elephant. And that’s okay!
Aloha… KP
From: Suzy Star
Sent: Tuesday, October 18, 2011 8:15 PM
I blind copied a reply to you of David Wilcock’s email for I wanted to fill you in on Poof and I agree that he has been right on about everything. At some point yes, it should go out and that is one reason why I sent it to you for I value your comments and I know that the info needs to be made public at some point in time.
I know that David has done much to help Ben as he is coming from a more 3-D reality and that is alright for he is submitting a valuable piece of the puzzle that we might not otherwise have access to.
Poof tells me he has a good friend who is a member of the White Dragon Society and it is much more than just the Asian society. From what I have been given to understand, there are members from all countries working for the good of the world. So you are correct in your analysis of a Galactic Ship.
I had to chuckle about your comment regarding the elephant as I just today sent a link to my email list of a baby elephant that is having difficulty figuring out what his trunk is.
The synchronicity is just too much and so have fun. viewing it. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/

Suzy Star
Benjamin Fulford on the Vinny Eastwood Show - 24 Oct 2011
The Rumor Mill News Reading Room
Benjamin Fulford on the Vinny Eastwood Show - 24 Oct 2011
Posted By: Jordon [Send E-Mail]
Date: Wednesday, 26-Oct-2011 08:34:39
Date: Wednesday, 26-Oct-2011 08:34:39
Vinny Eastwood |
The Rumor Mill News Reading Room
Posted By: Seawitch [Send E-Mail]Date: Wednesday, 26-Oct-2011 08:10:50
Message from SaLuSa by Mike Quinsey - October 26, 2011
Message from SaLuSa by Mike Quinsey - October 26, 2011
Posted By: Mr.Ed [Send E-Mail]Date: Wednesday, 26-Oct-2011 06:43:32
Tuesday, October 25, 2011
Update by Sheldan Nidle for the Spiritual Hierarchy and the Galactic Federation
Rumor Mill News Agents Forum
Update by Sheldan Nidle for the Spiritual Hierarchy and the Galactic Federation
Posted By: Mr.Ed [Send E-Mail]
Date: Tuesday, 25-Oct-2011 20:29:53
Date: Tuesday, 25-Oct-2011 20:29:53
Update by Sheldan Nidle for the Spiritual Hierarchy and the Galactic Federation
8 Etznab, 11 Tzec, 8 Manik
Dratzo! We return! The moratorium imposed by the Earth allies on their various objectives is ready to be lifted. It has been a difficult task to locate and take into custody all those individuals involved in the dark's last delaying actions. In the same vein, those who had been entrusted with numerous important posts turned out to be moles inserted long ago by the dark elites for just such an eventuality as this. Several recent raids on some of our Earth allies' lesser facilities uncovered a huge number of people who needed to be added to our ever-lengthening list of arrestees. The location where these individuals are being held is rapidly turning into a small city! Our intention is to move these people to special aboveground facilities once the dark cabal's governments have resigned and the new governance is in place. At that time, we will add those persons in government who were part of the dark's illegal shenanigans, and then announce dates for the special trials. These trials will be held in civilian common-law courts, and will address the severe violations of constitutional and common-law principles.
These trails will be pursued on an international basis. Together, our Earth allies and our Agarthan cousins have already arrested tens of thousands of individuals. These persons and their higher-placed colleagues will be tried within regions, and it will be the responsibility of each region to conduct their own hearings and to sentence these individuals if and when they are convicted of crimes. We recently set up purpose-built holographic environments to house those convicted until such time as the migrations to the metamorphosis Light chambers commence. Your limited-consciousness reality produced essentially two categories of people: the haves and the have-nots. The disparity between these groups created a wide variety of karmic patterning and bonds between many of you, and the key to releasing all this is simply Love and forgiveness. Generations of lives were played out in a hugely inventive and complex epic, written by master playwrights: you! But it is time now to end these dramas.
Ahead of you lies the shift into full consciousness. In this mode of being, you can easily recall each second of any life you choose to relive. In so doing, you can see how you entwined each other in various dramas, lasting years, decades, or even lifetimes. The purpose of all this was to go through experiences that would build up your store of wisdom, like choosing to learn certain 'lessons' either collectively or individually. Now you are to discover the reasons behind these experiences. Use this knowledge, as we do, to broaden your perspective of what makes a person 'human.' You can explore the full gamut of 'the human experience' which we have all, at one time or another, lived through. Here you will find both sadness and humor, allowing your dearly won wisdom to come into its own as you examine other planetary cultures that are in similar states of limited consciousness. Our exosociologists deeply value their time on your world, and you too, by virtue of your extensive experience, will become most wise and sought-after Souls.
The new political and economic system forged by our Earth allies and our Agarthan cousins is very close to manifesting. The last secret-government underground bases are closed, and we evacuated many more thousands of dark cabal underlings from them. Our sights now turn to the major conspirators. Here we expect to be able to force the resignations of the dark's illegal regimes and so this operation is ready to begin in earnest. Our Earth allies, under the supervision and divine direction of your Ascended masters, possess a legal standing backed by allied military divisions that use their moral and legal authority to compel the stand down of the military forces of several nations pledged to the services of the dark cabal. Happily, these forces are inclining increasingly to the Light, and this changing-sides is reaching a point where it becomes possible to leverage the remaining dark governments from office. Once this situation is fully accepted by the dark, deliveries, followed by new governance and announcements, become possible.
Blessings! We are your Ascended Masters! Your planet is in the final stages of moving herself into full consciousness. Her Spiritual Hierarchy has delayed the last few moves that herald her surface makeover. However, feeling deeply Gaia's desire to raise her consciousness, we Ascended Masters have accelerated the procedures contributing to the transformation of humanity, including the basic operating protocols of your financial and governmental structures. What needs to take place now is a wholesale change of perception in your social philosophies: in essence, this involves moving from the strictly material toward a more spiritual worldview. What is needed is a global society based on mutual respect and the honoring of all. The separations and hatreds that have long characterized Earth's societies are no longer appropriate; it is time to acknowledge your 'oneness' with each other and create societal structures rooted in these beliefs.
These new structures are to manifest when the changes we have been discussing become reality. Our associates, with great fortitude, have created the conditions that will make such a world possible. Your anticipation of these new realities can be seen in the numerous governmental changes and public manifestos of what is swiftly becoming a global movement for peace, justice, and prosperity. Implicit in this movement is a universal acceptance of each other. You are proclaiming yourselves to be a united and free humanity, and we take this global movement as proof of what you truly aspire to. St Germaine's world trust and those facilities created by our associates are waiting to be born. And so comes the time to bring these things into the light of day and begin our joint march toward a new fully conscious reality!
We have asked our associates to finish whatever details remain outstanding and to get the prosperity out to the people. It is extremely important that your present form of governance be replaced as the dark-oriented regimes are the major obstacle preventing the long-promised funds from being delivered. On top of that, disclosure and all that that entails needs to be announced as soon as possible. These issues have lain around unresolved for far too long. Now, Gaia desires to go ahead with her transformation, and our timetable has also reached the point where it can no longer accommodate any more delays. And so we have sent out a single communiqué to both our Agarthan friends and the Galactic Federation, recommending them to act on our behalf and to do so now! It is time to set aside protocol and let our beloved planet and her peoples be free!
Today, we resumed our discourse with you by continuing with both our own message as well as that of the Ascended Masters. The time comes for those who have been in power for nearly 13 millennia to stand down. The Anunnaki have moved to the Light, and so it is time for the dark minions to do likewise. Know, dear Ones, that the countless Supply and never-ending Prosperity of Heaven are indeed Yours! So Be It! Selamat Gajun! Selamat Ja! (Sirian for Be One! and Be in Joy!)
The Galactic Federation through Wanderer of the Skies -- October 25, 2011
Rumor Mill News Agents Forum
The Galactic Federation through Wanderer of the Skies -- October 25, 2011
![]() The Galactic Federation through Wanderer of the Skies - October 25, 2011 Greetings from the Federation: We return with more news for you in these waning days to Disclosure. Already there is a great movement about your earth in all aspects of the Ascension process. More and more individuals are waking up. Some are still a little “drowsy” and only see the beginnings of the truth. Others, who are now shaking off the last remnants of sleep, see more clearly exactly what has gone on in their lives through the forces that are quickly surrendering to the Light. Ascension will take you to incredible heights and you will finally become the great and powerful spiritual beings you were meant to be. Notice how your thoughts have now moved from doubt about our very existence to concentration on the many aspects of this movement already underway and about which we have informed you these long years. It is a sign that there is no longer any time to doubt. There is barely enough time to appreciate the enormity of what is transpiring around your globe right now. You have undertaken a great task and we are proud of your efforts to see it through to conclusion. Shortly, your work, and these messages, will reach a much larger audience than even you thought possible at this stage of the game due to several factors that are presently being executed within your media and government channels. That will allow greater “traffic” to sites which promote an understanding of these messages and the way to Ascension. This includes mandatory “training” of insiders using materials on the internet from these sites. Be prepared accordingly. While we do not endorse any date, either for Disclosure or Ascension, any date you choose is only as good as your thought intentions in creating its reality. We stand prepared to move towards Disclosure according to the plans we have developed for a long time now. You will again be amazed in the next coming weeks at the sheer number of our craft revealed to you in your skies. The complexity of the craft, their size and performance, will only get better as time progresses. This is also a clear sign that what we are telling you is coming to pass. We are “ramping up” the Disclosure process because we must. It is an imperative now and we have no alternative to it. However, we are quite pleased with your progress in your protests and demonstrations, which have given rise to a thought pattern of true change among you. Now that we have seen this develop on its own, we are given permission to proceed with our own plans in this respect. Expect much in the next several weeks and you will not be disappointed. Disclosure is on your doorstep. When it knocks, welcome it with open arms for it ushers in a truly new paradigm for your existence. There will shortly be further revelations from individuals of your Inner Earth who will come to you with much in the way of evidence necessary to prove the existence of your lost relations. It will come in a myriad of formats, so watch carefully for these developments. Keep open to the possibilities that exist before you and you will find these coming days truly exciting and worthwhile. Be at peace. Channeler: Wanderer of the Skies |
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