Friday, October 28, 2011

Nevada Makes Illegal Foreclosures a Felony

Subject: Nevada Makes Illegal Foreclosures a "Felony"

Sent: Friday, October 28, 2011 2:10 AM
To: Undisclosed-Recipient:;
Subject: Fw: Nevada Makes Illegal Foreclosures a "Felony"

Date: Thursday, October 27, 2011, 12:06 AM

Nevada Makes Illegal Foreclosures a Felony

By Mike Colpitts

Responding to homeowner complaints, Nevada has become the first state in the nation to make illegally repossessing a home a felony, and may send bankers to jail for doing such. The new law was enacted after tens of thousands of homeowners complained to lawmakers about their homes being foreclosed without proof of ownership. The outcry of consumer complaints over illegal robo-signing tactics has produced a series of lawsuits against mortgage servicing companies and banks in Nevada, which has led the U.S. in foreclosures six straight years.

Read it here: <

Health - Easily relieve, eliminate and prevent bothersome jock itch naturally

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room

Easily relieve, eliminate and prevent bothersome jock itch naturally
Posted By: Dquixote1217 [Send E-Mail]
Date: Friday, 28-Oct-2011 13:55:29
Itching in the groin area due to the condition known as “jock itch” can be quite the annoying problem - and embarrassing too if you are caught scratching and rubbing in public while trying to relieve the bothersome symptoms. Fortunately, natural remedies can quickly relieve and eliminate the itching and prevent potential embarrassment. There are also steps one can take to minimize the chances of getting it again.
See also:
"Natural Remedies for Yeast Infections and Candida"

"standing strong in peace"


Today the Lord was speaking to me about "standing strong in peace". I wrote it down to share with you.

"Be faithful in all the small things that I have told you to do. In so doing every step that you take from obedience will bring you to the next level. Remember that every step is preparation for your destiny. Be patient as you continue to fulfill the plan that I have for you. Your stand in the plan of promise will cause you to walk straight into the victory that I ordained for you. Even when the enemy tries to block, stop, or detain you, let him know that you mean business, and stand strong. Stand strong in My peace! I Am your peace, and your obedience to every step causes you to live in a place of peace. It does not matter what the circumstances say, I Am has spoken and will bring you to the place of fulfillment. You remained in My provided refuge when storms raged against you, because you love My Word.

Now to you My faithful child, it is time for you to prepare to enjoy a fresh new season. You can come out into the shining of a new day. Consider this as your times of refreshing, that has come as reward for your faithfulness to Me and My Word. In this refreshing will come freedom to walk in sign, wonders, and miracles. It will be as natural to you as breathing. You will know that this season is to usher in as many souls into the Kingdom as possible. Many will come to the 'rising' of My children, to see if you know your God. Because you have spent time in the secret place getting to know Me, they will know that you have been with Me. I have given a reprieve to the world at large so that My children will arise and carry out to the fullest My plan. Once you are strengthened and prepared to carry out to the full My plan, then the world will speed toward it's purpose. You will shine with My glory and those lying in darkness will go towards the light, and I will make their darkness light. Many will continue on in darkness, for they prefer it over the light, they love evil. My peace gives you the ability to stay tuned to Me and the next step that I have for you. All of the transitioning and repositioning is for your good, take Me at My Word. So stand in My peace and be not moved!"

Scripture References: Ps.119:165; Isa.42:14-16; John 3:18-21; John 16:33; Acts 3:19

Message from SaLuSa by Mike Quinsey - October 28, 2011

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room

Message from SaLuSa by Mike Quinsey - October 28, 2011
Posted By: Mr.Ed [Send E-Mail]
Date: Friday, 28-Oct-2011 06:43:52

Message from SaLuSa by Mike Quinsey - October 28, 2011
As you are fond of saying "things are hotting up" and the signs are there for all to see. The old paradigm is breaking up before your very eyes, and those still trying to maintain it are in fear of the consequences. People power is showing up all over the world, and growing stronger all of the time. It is not just a passing phase but one built upon the intent to bring change in, and force out that which no longer serves your needs. It is working because it is carried forward by the immense Light being attracted to Earth. Your time has come Dear Ones, when your visions of the new are rapidly manifesting, and already exist in the higher dimensions. It remains only for the Light levels to rise a little further and nothing can delay or stop the changes. With the expected energy surge with the coming of 11.11.11 there will definitely be an upliftment, and it remains to be seen how far it goes.
What is happening in your world is causing confusion, because it threatens to seriously disrupt peoples lives. Yet those of you who know it is necessary to sweep away the old, are able to be a balancing energy to avoid utter chaos. You are needed more than ever and indeed many of you came to the Earth for that very purpose. Lightworkers all have their own roles to fulfill and should by now be aware as to what they are. Some are simply to be beacons of Light, whilst others are healers, or active for causes that spread the Light. If you have not yet found your vocation, spread love and joy wherever you go and help lift people up. Beyond that be assured that once the plan for your future is revealed, many opportunities to serve will come up.
Time continues to speed up and it is unbelievable to many that you are nearing the close of this year already. That is of course welcome as the next two months are going to be quite exceptional. Something that would not be noticed yet, is because of the higher vibrations the aging process is slowing down. Eventually it will stop, and once you have crystalline cells the whole process can be reversed through the power of thought. The new cells will have a greater degree of consciousness than previously, and re-act to thought more quickly. Already in your Astral levels that souls pass on to after death, they have sufficient power to present themselves to you as they wish to be seen. This is clearly useful when newly arriving souls meet with others who passed over many, many years before them. In this respect when you ascend you are not really going to experience something that is completely new to you.
Many things that you are used to now will no longer apply once you ascend, and perhaps the most far reaching will be where food is concerned. No longer will great tracts of land be used for farming, and at one stage food replicators will be used until you can "think" into being whatever you require. There will be no necessity to rape or violate the Earth for the production of food or for fossil fuels. It will be restored to its original pristine condition and you will become the Guardians of the Earth. Neither will it be a dumping ground for all of your waste, as whatever is not used will be treated or changed to serve other purposes. Pollution will be unheard of as no processes will produce any.
Bit by bit, you are learning about the new Earth, and how it will change your lives. You will realize that your old ways were rather crude, and not helped by the drive for profit. In the future all will have everything they need and money will not come into it. You will all work with one another, for the good of all, and no soul will carry the lower vibrations as they cannot exist in the higher realms. So the mentality and desire to profit by taking from others, will not exist at those levels of consciousness. In your industrial and mechanized age noise is clearly a real problem, leading to illness through stress. That again will not be a problem in the higher dimension, as production where necessary will involve totally different methods that are noiseless. Much will be "thought" into being and sometimes involve groups of people, whose combined power will be so much greater.
Anything that you are called upon to do at this time will be so worthwhile, when you reflect on the wonders that await you in the future. We mainly address those of you who are dedicated to Ascension, but as we have mentioned previously not everyone of a higher vibration desires to ascend. Some of you will be identified by your Space family, and find that you arranged to return with them to your home planet after your Earth journey was completed. Many different civilizations are waiting to benefit from your experiences, such are the magnificent achievements that you have made. Perhaps now you will understand why you are so important to them, as not every soul will have entered duality or has necessarily desired to do so. You are indeed extra special souls with so much to offer to others.
As the cycle closes, remember that you have all played out lives on both sides of duality, and they are seen as necessary experiences to enable you to balance both energies. You may have succeeded now, but do not allow your achievement to cloud your mind against the dark Ones. Have compassion, and bear in mind that they are still sparks of the Light and Love, and can fully make their way back to the Light. In fact because they have dropped lower than many other souls, they will in time make great Light Carriers. You cannot know their karma so make allowances for their roles in your present period of history.
Whilst you are not punished for your "sins" you do make reparations so that you fully understand the effect of them on other souls. This can be very deep and heart wrenching, but it is the only way to learn your lessons. You have all to some degree had such experiences, so now you can understand why it is essential you are non-judgmental where other souls are concerned. Do your best to be forgiving if you have been personally hurt, and please do not harbor the energies of hate as they will eat into your body and cause you illness. They will also hold you back from progressing, as you cannot take them with you into the higher dimensions.
I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and that will be enough lessons for one day, so focus on your Love and Light and all will be well.
Thank you SaLuSa.
Mike Quinsey.

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Is Bank of America preparing for a Chapter 11?

Is Bank of America preparing for a Chapter 11?
Posted By: Susoni [Send E-Mail]
Date: Thursday, 27-Oct-2011 19:13:47
Bank of America has managed to step into the kimchee several times over the past couple of months, an achievement that only warms the hearts of crisis communications professionals. First came the abortive settlement of $10 billion or so in put-back claims by some large investors. The State of New York and anyone else paying attention intervened. Settlement is now mostly muerto in political terms, although the big investors are still paying the big lawyers to soldier on in hope of forcing a settlement on all parties. Only in New York are such things possible.
Then came the decision by Bank America CEO Brian Moynihan to impose a $5 per month fee on ATM transactions, this in response to the Dodd-Frank law which cuts about half of the profits for big banks in the electronic payments market. Consumers reacted in rage to the announcement, which arguably helped to catalyze the Occupy Wall Street movement. Truth is that the big bank’s cartel control in payments is under assault by more than Congress. Think technology, Apple and Google, and stay tuned for a future post on the payments revolution. Steve Jobs does get the last laugh on the big banks.
Most recently Bank America drew attention to itself by disclosing that it had moved all of the derivatives footings from its Merrill Lynch subsidiary to the lead bank, Bank of America N.A. Bloomberg ran the first story, reporting “BofA Said to Split Regulators Over Moving Merrill Derivatives to Bank Unit.” This report led to comments and reports claiming that the Fed, by allowing this move, had somehow impaired the national patrimony and violated Section 23A of the Federal Reserve Act. Section 23A is among the more bizarre parts of the Fed’s enabling law and governs transactions between banks and affiliates.


Hello to all and a reminder of this Saturday's Florida Republic meeting and some GREAT NEWS!!!

Come meet our president and listen to what he has to say

Here are the details again:
Good news for Sovereigns, family, friends or anyone in or facing foreclosure!!! This is extremely important information!!!

As the Florida Republic shifts into full action we need to have as much knowledge as possible. This is an Intensive all day seminar.

Topics:                          Deeds; Liens and Standing
Speakers/Trainers:      Tim Pledger/Thom Chapman /Gene Exum and others
Cost:                             $25.00 and spouse is free (just enough to pay for speakers expenses)

WAR CRIMES Henry Kissinger

Henry Kissinger
Aliases:     Henry Alfred Kissinger, Heinz Alfred Kissinger, Butcher of Cambodia
Age:     80+     Build:     Heavy
Sex:     Male     Hair:     Gray
Height:     ??     Eyes:   
Weight:     ??? pounds     Race:     White (or is it " khazaran jew. an asiatic"?)

In the minutes of a secret 1975 meeting of the National Security Council attended by President Ford reveal Henry Kissinger grumbling, "It is an act of insanity and national humiliation to have a law prohibiting the President from ordering assassination." - LOST CRUSADER: The Secret Wars of CIA Director William Colby, by John Prados, Oxford University Press, 2003

The February and March 2001 issues of Harper's Magazine feature a series by Christopher Hitchens on the case for charging Kissinger with War Crimes. Part I: The making of a war criminal Part 2 will feature an extensive section on East Timor.

Christopher Hitchens' Trial of Henry Kissinger: A Review By Mike McGlothlin ...

    Hitchens presents a rather straightforward argument that establishes two seemingly undeniable propositions: on at least one occasion, Henry K. conspired to commit murder, and that on numerous other occasions, Henry K. was the primary force behind certain acts that could quite plausibly be considered war crimes. The case for Henry K. as murder conspirator is what Hitchens calls a "lay-down" case, i.e., one that stands out for its clear facts and clear law. The murder victim is General Rene Schneider, who was the Commander in Chief of the Chilean Army, whom Hitchens misidentifies as the Chilean "Chief of Staff."; According to Hitchens (and the 09 September, 1970 minutes of the "40" Committee, the Kissinger chaired secret panel that oversaw U.S. covert operations), the Chilean military had a strong tradition of neutrality in political affairs, a rarity on the South American continent. General Schneider was known as an officer committed to upholding the Chilean constitution and therefore opposed to the rumored incipient coup against newly elected Socialist President Salvador Allende by a right wing would-be junta of current and former Chilean military officers. Using U.S. Government communications cables from the CIA and documents from the State Department, and White House, Hitchens relates the facts of Kissinger's direct involvement in the direction, planning, financing, and general support by the organs of the U.S. Government in the plot to remove General Schneider.

LA Weekly: WLS Review: Henry: Portrait of a Serial Kissinger

How You Can Do What the Government Won’t: Arrest Henry Kissinger - Manhattan’s Milosevic, The Village Voice, Week of August 15 - 21, 2001

    ... bring Henry Kissinger to justice for crimes against humanity. Consider, though, what happened to the last people to talk even jokingly about plans for a citizen's arrest of the real-life model for Dr. Strangelove. ... An indictment of Henry Kissinger for genocide, crimes against humanity, and war crimes would include (but not be confined to) the following. ...

Henry Kissinger: War Criminal or Old-Fashioned Murderer? - Welcome to the "Henry Kissinger: Unindicted Terrorist" file! ...

    Incredibly, Henry Kissinger—the man who rivals Pol Pot for the dubious honor of being the person responsible for the death of the largest number of innocent people in South East Asia (and far surpasses Pol Pot in criminality when one factors in Kissinger's various levels of responsibility for wholesale slaughter and repression in other parts of the world)—still wields significant power in the United States; but his role as eager facilitator of mass murder, totalitarian repression and other atrocities is never discussed in polite society.

Masterminded the murder of as estimated 600,000 peasants in Cambodia (the "Secret bombing")

Pol Pot And Kissinger On war criminality and impunity by Edward S. Herman

    President Ford and Secretary of State Kissinger gave the go ahead to Suharto's invasion of East Timor and subsequent massive war crimes there, and the same Kissinger, who helped President Nixon engineer and then protect the Pinochet coup and regime of torture and murder, and directed the first phase of the holocaust in Cambodia (1969-75) ...

The time was September 11, 1973. The country was Chile. The event was the bloody overthrow of a democratic government. And the criminals were Henry Kissinger, Richard Nixon, The CIA, and Chilean Dictator Augusto Pinochet. Pepsico, ITT, and other large U.S. corporations were also guilty parties in these crimes against the State and against The People of Chile. The Pornography of Power

TOBY HARNDEN, TELEGRAPH, LONDON: Washington reacted furiously to a request by Chilean judges for Henry Kissinger, the former secretary of state, to answer questions about an American journalist killed during the 1973 coup in Chile. A Bush administration official condemned the Chilean supreme court decision to send questions to Dr Kissinger, saying the move increased unease about the proposed International Criminal Court in The Hague. The administration source said: "It is unjust and ridiculous that a distinguished servant of this country should be harassed by foreign courts in this way. The danger of the ICC is that, one day, US citizens might face arrest abroad and prosecution as a result of such politically motivated antics." . . . In its ruling, Chile's supreme court said a list of questions should be sent to the US supreme court with regard to Dr Kissinger's knowledge of the circumstances surrounding the death of Charles Horman, a journalist arrested by troops loyal to General Augusto Pinochet. His body was identified in a mortuary weeks later . . . The Chilean order came less than two months after French detectives delivered a court summons to Dr Kissinger, who was visiting Paris, asking him to testify about the disappearance of French nationals in Chile . . . In another case, a judge in Argentina has ordered Dr Kissinger to testify in a human-rights trial about a 1970s plan by South American governments to kidnap and kill Left-wing critics. [news/2001/08/01]

The US involvement in coup planning began even before Allende's election victory, under the code-name FUBELT, with action plans prepared for Kissinger's consideration. One group of officers working under CIA direction carried out the assassination of General Rene Schneider, a pro-Allende officer, in an unsuccessful attempt to spark a full-scale coup before Allende could take office. Can Henry Kissinger be Extradited?

He serves his consulting firm, Kissinger Associates, serves as a sort of private National Security Adviser and Secretary of State to about 30 major corporations around the world, such as American Express, Freeport-McMoRan Minerals, Chase Manhattan Bank, Volvo ... Walter Isaacson on Booknotes

According to the new book Kissinger, by Walter Isaacson, published in 1992 by Simon & Schuster, ASEA Brown Boveri (page 733) had a contract or project arrangement with Henry Kissinger’s money-making consulting firm, Kissinger Associates, in 1990. According to this fascinating book, Kissinger started his consultancy in July 1982 with “$350,000 lent to him by Goldman Sachs and a consortium of three other banks.” Some of the people Kissinger hired to work for him were Brent Scowcroft, former national security adviser, and Lawrence Eagleburger “who was lured aboard as president in June 1984 after serving as undersecretary of state”. Both Snowcroft and Eagleburger left Kissinger Associates in 1989 to join President Bush’s administration. Kent Associates is a subsidiary of Kissinger Associates. On pages 733-734 a list of some of Kissinger’s corporate clients include, aside from ABB: Shearson Lehman Hutton, Atlantic Richfield, Banca Nazionale del Lavora (BNL) “a Rome bank that made illegal loans to Iraq”; Fluor; Hunt Oil; Merck & Co.; Union Carbide.

The Iranian: Opinion, Kissinger, Good will - From "The Oil Deal With Iran" by Henry Kissinger, distributed by the Los Angeles Times Syndicate and published in The Washington Post (October 28, 1997).
Chapter 9 - An Abridged History of the United States - . This material rested on illegal wiretaps ordered by Henry Kissinger, and it turned up in John Ehrlichman's office.
Kissinger, Iraq, BNL

Kissinger was born in Fuerth, Germany, on May 27, 1923, came to the United States in 1938, and was naturalized a United States citizen on June 19, 1943. He speaks French and German.

Kissinger is married to the former Nancy Maginnes and is the father of two children [Elizabeth and David] by a previous marriage. First wife, Ann Fleischer.

Henry and Nancy Kissinger have a house in Kent Connecticut.

On American Express Board of Directors.

The Chairman of Kissinger McLarty Associates is Dr. Henry Kissinger. Washington, D.C.-based Kissinger McLarty Associates is an affiliate of Kissinger Associates, Inc., which is headquartered in New York City. GlobalNet Retains Kissinger McLarty Strategic Consulting Firm ... “The firm of Kissinger, McLarty & Richardson epitomizes Washington, D.C. at its worst – sleazy ex-administration officials, feeding off special influence and power and then ... - Larry Klayman from Judicial Watch KISSINGER, McLARTY & RICHARDSON

Kissinger Associates, Inc.
350 Park Avenue
New York, NY 10022
(212) 759-7919



October 27, 2011 – White Hats Report #31 - VERY GOOD READ!

Posted: 26 Oct 2011 10:17 PM PDT
BUSH SR. - THE "KING" IS LOSING HIS MIND – How can a Stage Two Alzheimer Patient continue to terrorize American and  World Leaders!?

America is in grave danger by Washington Autocracy who have continued to fail to address the criminal actions of Bush Senior's Dark Cabal who are in collusion with renegade bankers to destroy not only America's, but the entire World's financial system.  America is not immune to the collateral damage from other countries, because our financial systems and currencies have become homogeneous and interdependent. An unchecked system has allowed the greed, self interest, and criminal activities of a few to prosper while the rest of the world collapses.  JP Morgan Chase, Goldman Sachs, Bank of America, Citibank and Wall Street stand ready to fall, as they are cross invested in the European Union with substantial loans and trading portfolios.   America is in a free-fall led by a clueless President who is involved in vast criminal manipulations, a puppet on a string controlled by Bush Senior's Cabal and George Soros.

As the global financial system spirals faster and faster to a bankrupt state, Bush Senior and Obama plan for their next move.  Obama is preparing for his exit as a failed one term President, with Senior allowing him to spend more time congregating his stolen offshore bank funds, which we last reported exceeded 11 Billion Dollars.  He has degradated America with the ultimate scam.  And a long time ago Bush Senior started to make plans for his escape.  Hence, the Bush family, Soros and cohorts over the last several weeks have been flying in mass equipment and assets to their heavily fortified 100,000 plus acre Paraguay Ranches.  As the World's major financial system collapses, their plan is to take all their stolen assets and escape to the old Nazi Safe Haven immune from extradition. The Paraguayan newspapers have already announced the future arrival of the Bush family.   Our justice system is neutered to stop and apprehend them.  The world looks at America aghast with disbelief.  

By the end of next week investigators will have completed a comprehensive report on Bush Senior, exposing the location of his stolen global banking funds.  Upon completion we will also detail an expose of Obama’s fraudulent funds.  Furthermore, this information will be made available to the proper global authorities for future criminal investigations.

As the G20 countries struggle for a global financial solution, Chancellor Angela Merkel and Nicholas Sarkozy now realize their own survival is being threatened and entrapped with the sinking ship.  They see the demise of Bush Senior’s power and the disintegration of the old Cabal.   Although they both understand that Bush Senior’s Dark Cabal still has some power,  the encroaching reality that Bush Senior has entered the second phase of dementia is now perceived that it is time to review Geo Political loyalties.   Simply stated, “The King is losing his mind,” but make no mistake that even now Senior is still calling all the shots.   Obama, Geithner, Bush Junior, the Clintons and other of the co-conspirators are still moving to the will of the puppet master.   

As an example of Bush Senior’s control, as we have viewed from recent European Union events, we are very concerned that the present actions of Chancellor Merkel may possibly reveal that Bush Senior or his co-conspirators may be bribing or threatening Merkel if she does not prevent or derail by any means a solution to the European financial crisis.  Remember the Cabal's new world order can only succeed with the failure of the global financial system.

Even though Bush Senior maintains control over some of the political powers, we are seeing signs of his collapse.  We have reported that Josef Ackermann played a focal role in conjunction with Bush Senior, but due to Josef Ackermann's clear criminal exposure and visibility via the White Hats, the Bilderbergs have now severed their relationship with Ackermann in hopes of preventing criminal activities encroaching on them.  Ackermann's wheels are coming off.   Dr. Michael Herzog has threatened to tell all when he is arraigned over the Falcone fraud executed by Ackermann, Mitt Romney, Bush Senior and other co-conspirator’s associates.   We can now report from further investigation that Bush Senior, Mitt Romney and Josef Ackermann made approximately 3 Billion Dollars together with their criminal partners Dr. Michael Herzog and Paul Guenette stealing from Edward Falcone.  The CIA was also a recipient of Falcone’s stolen funds.   Ben Bernanke tracked this transaction following Falcone's stolen funds, but later took no action due to pressure from Bush Senior.   How will the new CIA director, an honorable man and true patriot, react to this?

Now that we see signs of the collapse of the Dark Cabal, a demented King slowly losing his mind to Stage Two Alzheimers and a President perceived by the world as greatly inept with his moral authority lost and his moral compass destroyed, the World is ready for a financial and political reset.   We have reported that money exists via the World Global Settlements and lawful obligations by the United States Treasury to patriotic individuals which would more than suffice to regenerate the World Global economies.       

The United States Treasury and Federal Reserve have been offered a simple and fast way out of our dilemma:
  1. Return the long overdue funds rightfully owed to patriotic Americans.
  2. Release the World Global Settlements.
  3. Repay what was stolen from Tropos Capital and all other missing funds. 
The Federal tax revenue alone will eliminate our national debt.  This responsible action will immediately channel major US humanitarian and global infrastructure projects.  This will immediately help resolve the Euro financial dilemma, create millions of jobs through industrial projects and new technologies, while building a new foundation that will not only benefit America, but financially stabilize the World.      

Edward Falcone is another American Investor ruthlessly betrayed in a Bush Senior fraudulent transaction.  Falcone has planned substantial construction investment projects to develop and aid communities in Florida and other US states, which would create jobs and income security for Americans.  Via an audit review, over 800 Billion Dollars has been created by inter-Bank compound trading with Falcone’s stolen funds.  Based on Falcone's stolen funds, the British Tax Authority may have missed 160 Billion (US Dollars) in tax revenue.  This does not include all the other transactions that could possibly run into the trillions of dollars in tax revenue owed to the British Government.  The largest beneficiary of these funds was the CIA, and secondly Bush Senior, whose accounts we are presently tracking.  Instead of Falcone's earned capital going as planned to help America, it has triggered theft and bribery of corrupt Politicians.

Remember, we reported a Two Hundred Million Dollar bribe taken by Vice President Joe Biden, offered by Hillary Clinton, acting for Bush Senior.   Of the 3 Billion dollars reported above, Mitt Romney alone, acting with Bush Senior was paid over $1 Billion to front for Bush Senior.  This money was stolen from Falcone’s program.  Falcone and his associates have already communicated with key Republican Senators and their plan to remove Romney as a Presidential candidate by filing a Federal lawsuit against Romney, Bush Senior and his associates.  Falcone is using the same strategy now as he did when Romney was a Vice Presidential candidate for John McCain.  Just when he is most vulnerable and a likely candidate, Falcone will share the incriminating evidence and have Romney removed.  The White Hats will make sure that all opposition parties are aware of the details of Romney's corruption. Romney cannot be allowed to be elected as yet another corrupt and bribe-taking United States President.

This whole saga of Political and Banking corruption was predicated upon large scale use of London Banking, operating via nominee and hidden offshore accounts.  Trillions of dollars have been traded in a series of bank programs making a total mockery of the humanitarian intent of these programs.  Political entities and persons in high level positions have been bought off.  Even the Bank of England itself is implicated in the Falcone affair along with Barclays, Deutsche Bank and HSBC Bank.

This corrupt practice has now been exposed to the House of Lords and the Parliamentary Audit Committee under Margaret Hodge.  While pressures and roadblocks will be imposed to delay investigations, once this gets into the hands of the opposition MP’s, Unions and media, exposure will create a Tsunami of redress consequences.  It will blow the lid off in a fire storm of retribution.   There are possibly Trillions in withholding Taxes which have been avoided, and will face enforced collection by the Revenue Commissioners in London once appraised.  The UK’s own Fiscal dilemmas can be resolved by simple Tax enforcement and conspiring Bankers being brought to justice.   Murdoch’s own media interests will be well served to expose this as Political dynamite but that has a lot to do with what the Bildeberg’s direct him to do.    The Federal Reserve Bank of New York has no idea of the extent of their files being held, corruption activities becoming known and being systematically tracked.   As this is exposed to the European Union and British media, IT’S GAME OVER!   Watergate will look like a Kindergarten birthday party.

THE WORLD GLOBAL SETTLEMENTS MUST BE RELEASED TODAY!   Also, the Iraqi Dinar revaluation is a cross-linked element of the solution, but compromised by Bush family interests and co-conspirators who have demanded and received twenty percent (20%) of the Forex differential, when exchange valuations are set to underpin the new currency.   In demonstration of the collusion between Bush and Obama, Obama has agreed to this “fee” for the Bush family.  Yet Obama, nor any one person in the Administration, is willing to provide a justifiable and legal position for this “fee”.

Will Obama finally realize he is being cut loose and that Senior has no more use for him?  Does he realize that he is expendable and will take the major part of the fall?  Can Obama be so blind or is Valarie Jarret not serving the interests of the President and thereby the interests of the American people?   Senior has allowed him to steal in excess of 11 Billion dollars in fraudulent funds.  Will Obama wake up and realize that Senior will never allow him to use these funds?  THE ONLY CHOICE FOR OBAMA IS TO USE HIS EXECUTIVE POWERS AND RELEASE ALL THE WORLD GLOBAL SETTLEMENTS IMMEDIATELY!   He still has the power to do what is right, but will his moral compass continue to be self edifying?  Obama alone will take the final punishment and be the end of his own demise.

All this and so much more has and will continue to be unveiled.  Pay what is lawfully owed and get Americans back to work.  Let real Patriots get Projects started.  Investigate and start the political and banking clean-up NOW!

What happens in the next few days may be the most important events in the history of mankind.

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Andromeda Council: Removing Reptilian undersea bases from Middle East & China

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room

Andromeda Council: Removing Reptilian undersea bases from Middle East & China
Posted By: Rumormail [Send E-Mail]
Date: Wednesday, 26-Oct-2011 21:14:40
By Alfred Lambremont Webre, JD, MEd
This is the 5th article in a series of articles on information of the Andromeda Council, a reported galactic governance council composed of selected star system representatives that carry out governance and development functions in a selected areas of our populated and organized galaxy and universe.
ED. NOTE: CAVEAT LECTOR - The opinions expressed in this article by interviewees are solely those of the interviewees and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of this reporter or Thank you.
In an exclusive ExopoliticsTV interview released Oct. 26, 2011, a human representative of the Andromeda Council, a reported galactic governance council whose membership consists of star systems and includes representation from the galactic governance council of our Milky Way Galaxy, disclosed policing actions being undertaken by star systems of the Andromeda Council using advanced sonic energy beam weapons against specific undersea bases operated by Draco & Hydra based reptilian extraterrestrials off of the Middle East and of China.
Maps and video at link below: