Tuesday, November 1, 2011

The medieval, unaccountable Corporation of London is ripe for protest

The medieval, unaccountable Corporation of London is ripe for protest
Posted By: Steve [Send E-Mail]
Date: Tuesday, 1-Nov-2011 05:44:42

Working beyond the authority of parliament, the Corporation of London undermines all attempts to curb the excesses of finance

It's the dark heart of Britain, the place where democracy goes to die, immensely powerful, equally unaccountable. But I doubt that one in 10 British people has any idea of what the Corporation of the City of London is and how it works. This could be about to change. Alongside the Church of England, the Corporation is seeking to evict the protesters camped outside St Paul's cathedral. The protesters, in turn, have demanded that it submit to national oversight and control.
What is this thing? Ostensibly it's the equivalent of a local council, responsible for a small area of London known as the Square Mile. But, as its website boasts, "among local authorities the City of London is unique". You bet it is. There are 25 electoral wards in the Square Mile. In four of them, the 9,000 people who live within its boundaries are permitted to vote. In the remaining 21, the votes are controlled by corporations, mostly banks and other financial companies. The bigger the business, the bigger the vote: a company with 10 workers gets two votes, the biggest employers, 79. It's not the workers who decide how the votes are cast, but the bosses, who "appoint" the voters. Plutocracy, pure and simple.

Occupy the Treasury! Reclaim the monetary system with the NEED Act – HR 2990

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room

nikkialexander.wordpress.com: Occupy the Treasury! Reclaim the monetary system with the NEED Act – HR 2990
Posted By: watcher51445
Date: Tuesday, 1-Nov-2011 04:25:38
Occupy the Treasury! Reclaim the monetary system with the NEED Act – HR 2990
October 23, 2011 by Nikki Alexander

HR 2990 – The National Emergency Employment Defense Act of 2011 could be the catalyst for a global renaissance. The NEED Act eliminates private control of the monetary system and restores the government’s Constitutional authority to create money without creating debt and spend it into circulation to rebuild the productive economy.
With all the hysteria about government debt and deficit spending, ostensible pretexts for annihilating the public sector, why is no one scrutinizing the source of the problem ~ the monetary system?
Our economy has been running on credit since 1913 when Congress forfeited its sovereign authority to create the nation’s money supply and gave that privilege away to a cartel of private banking corporations ~ the Federal Reserve System. What passes for money (Federal Reserve notes) is actually bank credit that enters circulation through private bank loans as interest bearing debt. Credit is not money. Credit is debt.
Not only did Congress forfeit its Constitutional authority to create money without incurring debt, it simultaneously gave private bankers the power to control the whole economy by dictating where credit flows ~ to Wall Street or Main Street. The bankers who control the credit supply, control both realities. They can arbitrarily expand credit exponentially to create a housing bubble or $600 trillion mortgage derivatives casino, and they can also starve the PRODUCTIVE economy by contracting the credit supply – at will. Wall Street corporations are sitting on $2 trillion in cash reserves and executive bonuses are soaring while millions of Americans are losing their jobs and homes through no fault of their own.
Federal Reserve chairman, Ben Bernanke, admitted that the Federal Reserve caused the Great Depression, known to bankers as the Great Contraction. The same credit contraction of the productive economy is happening again today. This is why hospitals and schools are closing, businesses are collapsing, the job sector is shrinking, and municipalities have insufficient revenue … why every part of the productive economy is contracting. The domino effect of contraction increases as people have less to spend and can’t support local business that in turn must lay off workers. Unemployed workers have no income to pay taxes. Decreased tax revenue starves federal, state and local governments, which in turn lay off more workers and cut spending. Spending cuts and layoffs further contract the economy. Is the productive economy being deliberately destroyed or are these people really stupid?
(See this stunning graphic ~ the geography of recession.)
Why is no one publicly questioning the power banks have to contract the economy with their monopoly control over credit? Why don’t we reinstate sovereign money instead that is issued by the federal government, per US Constitution Article 1, Section 8? We wouldn’t have a national debt because the government wouldn’t have to borrow. We wouldn’t be at the mercy of banks that withhold credit and contract the economy because our government could inject liquidity directly into the PRODUCTIVE economy. This basic truth is so obvious, there must be an unspoken agreement that explains why governments everywhere continue to borrow credit instead of originating the national money supply without incurring public debt.
Who benefits?
Large corporations and ultra wealthy individuals theoretically pay 35% in taxes, but in reality from 17% to zero, compared to 50% and 91% respectively, in 1960. Today, the federal government borrows from these two extremely affluent groups instead of taxing excessive wealth. The public pays them back, plus interest ~ an arrangement that fosters income inequality, concentration of wealth, federal debt and deficits. Why not reform the tax code? Concentrated wealth buys political influence to dictate tax policy.
Who else benefits? The military siphons off 58% of the visible federal discretionary budget. The invisible Pentagon budget, in excess of one trillion annually is unknown to Congress because the Pentagon has never passed an audit. Pentagon contractors, DHS and the “security” industry have sucked up $7.5 trillion since 9/11. The corporate war and national “security” industries are financed with borrowed credit that goes on the taxpayer tab for future generations. If this government spending had to be financed through direct taxation do you think Americans would refuse to pay $6 trillion for illegal wars in Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan and Libya and $7.5 trillion for so-called “offensive security”? The cost of this antisocial spending is so excessive it would consume the entire annual income of most workers. Rebellion would surely derail the corporate war and national “security” gravy train.
Here are some other big beneficiaries of government debt … Wall Street financial institutions, transnational investment banks and members of the Federal Reserve System that derive billions of dollars in interest payments provided by American taxpayers. Government debt is a lucrative commodity. (Student debt soared from $200 billion in Y2000 to a whopping $830 billion in Y2010, surpassing the nation’s total credit card debt of $800 billion.) Just to give you a sense of how cavalier the transnational bankers are that gamble with our lives, ICE US Trust LLC, a Federal Reserve member, is a multi-trillion dollar credit default swaps casino that accepts only two forms of collateral to place a bet ~ cash and G-7 government debt.
Where did sixteen trillion dollars in taxpayer loans come from to bail out corporations and domestic and foreign banks that crashed the global economy with their mortgage derivatives casino? That credit was generated by the Federal Reserve to save the banks that created the crisis from well-deserved bankruptcy. Their liabilities were transferred to taxpayers and bailout funds were used to expand their monopolies. The US Treasury is their ATM and we, the taxpayers, supply the cash.
Another major beneficiary is the World Bank-IMF syndicate of predators that engineer government debt as a weapon of mass destruction. The “sovereign debt crisis” being used in Europe as a pretext for “austerity” is classic IMF structural adjustment (economic train wreck) and has its counterpart in the US, masquerading as government deficit reduction. Neoliberal privateers follow a predictable blueprint: deregulate to clear a path for criminals, drive a nation into debt to confiscate state assets, privatize the public sector, loot the treasury, slash wages, destroy unions, steal pensions, cut social spending, raise taxes on workers and cut taxes on the wealthy. Sound familiar? The IMF has been using this blueprint since WWII to loot the world.
The Occupy Movement has a stunning opportunity to halt and defeat this global attack on the public by restoring sovereign monetary systems worldwide.
Occupy the Treasury ~ Transform the monetary system
In the United States, Congressman Dennis Kucinich has introduced a bill that could be replicated in other countries – HR 2990 The National Emergency Employment Defense Act of 2011. The NEED Act restores the constitutional prerogative of the federal government to create the national money supply – without incurring debt – and ends ‘fractional reserve’ lending, the accounting device that banks use to arbitrarily create credit with a computer keystroke. Henceforth, ONLY the US Treasury’s Monetary Authority would have the legal authority to create US money. Banks would only be able to lend US money they actually have on deposit or borrow from the Monetary Authority. Implementation of The NEED Act would pay off federal debt with US Money as it comes due until it is permanently retired.
Money would initially enter circulation by federal spending to promote the general welfare, for example on public infrastructure ($2.2 trillion needed, creating 7 million jobs); underwriting the public education system from kindergarten through college; stabilizing social security and state pensions; funding federal mandates; making grants and interest-free loans to states for public infrastructure, education, health care and rehabilitation. In addition, the Monetary Authority would give 25% of money created to the states, and a tax-free dividend to all US citizens to inject liquidity into the economy. All without incurring one penny of debt.
Passing this legislation would give the PUBLIC control over creating the money supply and the MEANS to expand the PRODUCTIVE economy. People who are employed have money to spend which increases the number of customers for small (and large) businesses which can then hire more workers. Greater employment and increased productivity creates more state and local tax revenue which can then be spent on funding public services. In other words, the NEED Act reverses the cycle of economic contraction engineered by private banks withholding credit – permanently.
The NEED Act nationalizes the monetary system ~ not the banking system. Serious banking regulations, Wall Street reforms and prosecutions for fraud are still in order. Immediate withdrawal from the World Trade Organization 1999 Financial Services Agreement is a critical prerequisite for reinstating regulations that protect the public. The 1999 WTO FSA mandated massive deregulation of the financial sector in 105 countries and forbids sovereign governments to EVER roll back these destructive mandates. By what authority? Add the unaccountable, unelected WTO tribunal to the list of transnational predators sabotaging financial integrity and monetary sovereignty.
Who wouldn’t want a public monetary system that serves the whole society? The beneficiaries of a debt scheme that siphons off our nation’s resources to finance antisocial pursuits and concentrate wealth in the hands of a few. Their lobbyists will descend on Congress. This bill will die a quiet death in the House Committee on Financial Services and never be brought to the floor for a vote unless we – the 99% – make it visible and demand its passage.
The Occupy Movement has enormous potential to transform the structural inequality built into our monetary, economic and political system. Superficial “reforms” are meaningless. Please devote yourself to building public momentum to demand passage of this bill. If we reach critical mass we just might ‘form a more perfect union, establish ECONOMIC justice, ensure domestic tranquility, promote the general welfare and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity.’
Restoring sovereign monetary systems worldwide could spark a Global Renaissance.
A message from Dennis Kucinich to Occupy Wall Street protesters: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4IdPyYRnOY0
HR 2990 NEED Act Fact Sheet: http://kucinich.house.gov/UploadedFiles/NEED_Act_Fact_Sheet_09232011.pdf
Read the NEED Act: http://kucinich.house.gov/UploadedFiles/NEED_Act_FINAL_112th.pdf
Hear Dennis Kucinich explain the bill http://www.truthdig.com/podcast/item/dennis_kucinich_and_chris_hedges_on_the_99_percent_20111006/ Dennis Kucinich and Chris Hedges on the 99 Percent
Article: “Dennis Kucinich beats President Obama to the punch with a jobs plan”
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Posted in Articles by Nikki Alexander | Tagged credit crisis, discretionary budget, economic contraction, federal debt, federal deficit, Federal Reserve, HR 2990, monetary system, NEED Act, Occupy the Treasury, Occupy Wall Street, recession, the National Emergency Employment Defense Act 2011, WTO Financial Services Agreement | 2 Comments »
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Benjamin Fulford 11-1-11 the Rothschild banking monopoly finally about to be dismantled?

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room

Benjamin Fulford 11-1-11 the Rothschild banking monopoly finally about to be dismantled? 
Posted By: watcher51445
Date: Tuesday, 1-Nov-2011 04:05:05
Benjamin Fulford 11-1-11chIs the Rothschild banking monopoly finally about to be dismantled?h
Posted on October 31, 2011 by kauilapele

From this weekfs Ben report, it appears all is moving into place to remove the criminal banking elements and institutions (gWould you like me to remove those Rothchilds, Madame?h) and reboot the entire world financial system. Yes, the Chinese are involved (exactly which Chinese, he does not say; just as David Wilcock reported in one of his October surprise articles).
And, according to Ben, it looks like a gwild rideh November. [maybe also you want to check out Blossom's latest (Brace Yourselves!), and Northwatuppa's latest (Very gintense-erestingh month) articles]
Oh yes, my dream. Last night, before I saw this article, I had a dream. The part I remember was there was a rather ornate, 3 or 4-story building, classical European facade (and yes, it could have been a bank, also some rich peoplefs house). Someone behind me was firing flaming arrows at the windows. Next thing I saw was all windows (felt like 9 of them) were on fire. Then in front of the building, a sword fight was happening. These 3-musketeer type guys were involved, and all of a sudden one guyfs arm was cut off (and remained there writhing), then a sword decapitated this same guyfs head. (Sorry for the graphics, here, but that was the dream). When I then read this Ben article, about the Rothchilds banking system going down, it was clear (to me) that this was confirmation of what he was writing about. The 9 windows means a finishing off, or completion (g9 signifies completion, numerologically (at least in my understanding)). So see how that rings with you.
All I would add here is that it will be helpful to all of this to remain in our own Higher Spaces, in the Light, and to hold all involved here, including the Rothchilds, Rockefellers, and anyone else that has gperpetratedh this old system, including acts against humanity, in that same Light. We are all in this together, and even the gblackh sheep are part of the Light, whether they know it or not, whether some like it or not.
[KP Note added 1040 HST: I neglected to mention that, ever since this "European solution" to the debt situation was announce, I (and I'm sure many others out there) felt that this was not really a solution; only an attempt-to-stave-off-the-inevitable-collapse tactic, just as Ben says]
Of course, apply Higher Discernment to these articles.
geThe IMF and the World Bank existed to force the Rothschild banking system on the countries of the world,f is how an extremely senior Chinese official explained the situation. eOur goal is to reboot the system, to start over and set all the parameters in a fair way so that all countries benefit from the pooled assets of the people of the world and not just Europe and North America,f he continued.h
gWhat is now going to happen is that the 100 countries that have so far joined the new system started in Monaco in August, are going to implement the new system in four stages, according to a White Dragon Society source. The US military and agencies will be involved in this process right from the beginning, he added. Efforts to intimidate generals by using corrupt institutions like the IRS to try to repossess their homes will backfire and lead to criminal prosecutionsc There will also be mass arrests.h
READ MORE: http://kauilapele.wordpress.com/2011/10/31/benjamin-fulford-11-1-11-is-the-rothschild-banking-monopoly-finally-about-to-be-dismantled/

Watch the Eagle --

Watch the Eagle --

CHECK OUT THE Bald Eagle video below .. ... ,.

'Challenger' is his name (in honor of the lost space shuttle crew) & is cared for by the non-profit American Eagle Foundation (AEF).  He's a 'human-socialized' bird accidentally raised by the people who rescued Him - after being blown from a wild Louisiana nest in a storm as a baby in the late 1980's.  Declared 'non-releasable' by federal and state wildlife Authorities, he was trained by the AEF to perform educational free-flight demonstrations at high profile public events.  He's the first Bald Eagle in U.S. History that learned to free-fly into Stadiums, arenas and ballrooms during the singing of the Star Spangled Banner. The celebrity eagle has appeared at numerous major sporting events like the World Series, Pro-Bowl, All-Star game, BCS National Championship, Fiesta Bowl, Men's Final Four, etc.

This eagle named Challenger has also flown before 4 U.S. Presidents!
His life story is told in a children's storybook


5.0 Gulf of Aden quake: Andromeda Council sonic beam destroys reptilian base

5.0 Gulf of Aden quake: Andromeda Council sonic beam destroys reptilian base

Alfred Lambremont Webre's photo

Alfred Lambremont Webre

, Seattle Exopolitics Examiner
November 1, 2011 - Like this? Subscribe to get instant updates.
By Alfred Lambremont Webre, JD, MEd
ED. NOTE: CAVEAT LECTOR - The opinions expressed in this article by interviewees are solely those of the interviewees and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of this reporter or Exopolitics.com. Thank you.
5.0 Gulf of Aden quake: Andromeda Council sonic beam destroys reptilian base; Oct 31, 20115.0 Gulf of Aden quake: Andromeda Council sonic beam destroys reptilian base; Oct 31, 2011
U.S. Geological Survey

Slideshow: 5.0 Gulf of Aden quake: Andromeda Council sonic beam destroys reptilian base

FIG - A 5.0 Gulf of Aden quake epicenter: Andromeda Council sonic beam destroys reptilian undersea base

Slideshow: 5.0 Gulf of Aden quake: Andromeda Council sonic beam destroys reptilian base

Video: 5.0 Gulf of Aden quake: Andromeda Council sonic beam destroys reptilian undersea base

Confirmation - Destruction of Reptilian undersea base
In an exclusive Oct. 31, 2011 ExopoliticsTV interview, the human representative of the Andromeda Council confirmed that a 5.0 earthquake reported by the U.S. Geological Survey (U.S.G.S.) to have occurred in the Gulf of Aden at 1:22 am on October 31, 2011 was in fact an effect of a sonic beam weapons attack by the Procyon star system (members of the Andromeda Council) on a Draco & Reptilian undersea base located at the same coordinates as the epicenter of the Gulf of Aden earthquake. (See FIG A for U.S.G.S. map setting out the exact epicenter of the Gulf of Aden earthquake).
In an October 31, 2011 statement, Tolec, the human representative of the Andromeda Council stated, “Yes, I was able to confirm this event with the commander of the primary biosphere where many of the Andromeda Council meetings are held. This was a strike by the Procyon people. They're just doing their job as promised. This base in now completely collapsed & destroyed.”
Tolec, the human representative of the Andromeda Council, forwarded this reporter this statement confirming the Andromeda Council attack. At the time Tolec forwarded this statement, Tolec had no prior knowledge of the U.S.G.S. map or other source setting out the exact epicenter of the Gulf of Aden earthquake when he forwarded the Andromeda Council statement about this attack.
The Andromeda Council statement itself established the location of the Procyon star system sonic beam weapons attack on the reptilian base as identical to the exact location of epicenter of the Oct. 31, 2011 Gulf of Aden earthquake.
The Andromeda Council Oct. 31, 2011 attack comes a little more that two months after the Andromeda Council’s reported sonic beam weapons’ attack of August 23, 2011 that destroyed underground Orion grey and Draco & Hydra reptilian bases and tunnels under Washington, D.C. and that resulted in a shallow 0.1 km earthquake felt from Virginia to Ottawa, Canada.
Independent researchers have now stated that the August 23, 2001 Virginia-Washington, DC earthquake was the result of advanced extraterrestrial attack using frequency weapons to destroy grey, reptilian and New World Order (NWO) bases under Washington, DC, and that similar advanced extraterrestrial attacks destroyed underground reptilian and NWO bases under Denver, CO and in the southwest USA. These statements are in agreement with prior statements of the Andromeda Council as to Andromeda Council attacks destroying reptilian-NOW bases under Washington, DC on August 23, 2011, and subsequently under Denver, CO and in the southwest USA.
The Andromeda Council
The Andromeda Council is a reported galactic governance council composed of selected star system representatives that carry out governance and development functions in a selected areas of our populated and organized galaxy and universe.
Information, interviews and articles regarding the Andromeda Council can be viewed at:
Gulf of Aden attack predicted in October 26, 2011 Andromeda Council statement
On October 26, 2011, this reporter published an exclusive Andromeda Council report “disclosed policing actions being undertaken by star systems of the Andromeda Council using advanced sonic energy beam weapons against specific undersea bases operated by Draco & Hydra based reptilian extraterrestrials off of the Middle East and of China."
The October 26, 2011 report predicted the Andromeda Council sonic beam weapons attack on the reptilian undersea base in the Gulf of Aden that appears to have been fulfilled by an attack whose effects were demonstrated in the Oct. 31, 2011 Gulf of Aden earthquake.
Watch Oct. 31 ExopoliticsTV interview regarding the Gulf of Aden earthquake and Andromeda Council destruction of a reptilian undersea base
Readers can watch the Oct. 31 ExopoliticsTV interview regarding the Gulf of Aden earthquake and Andromeda Council destruction of a reptilian undersea base embedded in the article above or at the URL below:
Andromeda Council statement on 5.0 Gulf of Aden earthquake
Tolec, the Andromeda Council representative, released the following Oct. 31, 2011 statement on the 5.0 Gulf of Aden earthquake.
5.0 "Earthquake".
Gulf of Aden - Reptilian undersea base

Tolec’s statement reads as follows: “Yes, I was able to confirm this event with the commander of the primary biosphere where many of the Andromeda Council meetings are held. This was a strike by the Procyon people. They're just doing their job as promised. This base is now completely collapsed & destroyed.

Location of the Undersea Base
“Take a look at the second map, the Google map, [from the "Andromeda Council Destroying Dangerous Undersea Bases" breaking news report], the one of the southern Saudi Arabian/Yemen/Oman peninsula, south of Yemen, where the "Gulf of Aden" is spelled out in tiny white letters against the deep blue gulf water.

“To the left of these words, "Gulf of Aden", you will see a small square box. At the meeting of the vertical left line & horizontal top line in the far left hand corner, exactly due west of this corner is where the base was located. You can more exactly place it just north of a relatively small hill that you can see on this map. This is where the base was, just north of this hill. And next to, just west of that small hill, is a mountain range.”
[ED. NOTE: This Google map is set out as FIG. B in the slide show attached to this article.]

The Actual Strike
“The people from Procyon were able to, again, using a specific, pin-pointed, sonic beam... they first aimed directly at what they found was the weakest part of the protective energy shield over this domed base. They kept focusing this sonic beam on this area of the shield... until they finally broke through. He showed me images of buildings collapsing unto themselves. With intense pressure that deep underwater it absolutely hastened the collapsing of all the structures inside the base. The amount of water rushing in was amazing.

“In addition, he showed me they also hit the mountain range just due west of that hill & the base... to bury the remains of this undersea base under tons of mountain rubble.

“In closing, I asked for a confirmation that this particular base had been completely destroyed and that no additional action was needed. He said, ‘Yes, it is completely destroyed.’”
Andromeda Council – Reptilian base in Gulf of Aden
In a report on the Draco and Hydra reptilian base in the Gulf of Aden published Oct. 26, 2011, the Andromeda Council representative stated (in part), “[The reptilian undersea base] is located in the area of the Gulf of Aden. This gulf is located in the Arabian Sea between Yemen, on the south coast of the Arabian Peninsula, and Somalia in the Horn of Africa. “In the northwest, it connects with the Red Sea through the Bab-el-Mandeb strait, which is about 20 miles wide. Because of what I’ve learned from my Andromedan contacts about this matter, I did some research & found out that the Gulf of Aden is already a dangerous area known as “Pirate Alley” because of the historically large amount of pirate activities located here. I’ve sent you a Google photo & a simple map of this area. As you may or may not know the “vortex” phenomena also happened in this body of water, the Gulf of Aden.
“Further, my Andromedan contacts have told me this base is deep, thousands of feet underwater, about a mile & a half (1&1/2) deep. And this base has for years beamed a very specific, highly irritating & highly agitating, fear based & anger inducing, attenuated sonic frequency' right at the area of the Middle East, due North-Northeast' to keep the people in this area in a constant, high state of emotional confusion, fear, agitation, anger & aggression.
“They’ve shown me, there is a transmitter that literally rises out of the ceiling of this base, much like a periscope in a submarine, and it rotates. A particular frequency is chosen which turns people against each other. Then the Reptilians turn it on. They turn it on almost every day. However, if people were underwater, or standing on the land, they would not be able to this frequency, this beam, with their own eyes. It’s sonic, a sound frequency. And, it’s out of our spectrum. But, this is how the Reptilians dominate & control these people. This particular base has been in operation about 5,000 years. And the highly agitating sonic vibratory energies beamed from this base also reach as far as Syria, Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan, Pakistan and a bunch of other countries in the region, including Israel and Palestine. This is powerful technology that is very far ranging, reaches a very long distance' serious long-range capability. And it only takes about 15 minutes of operation, of this transmitter being on & activated' for people in this area to start to feel its effects. Explains a lot doesn’t it….”
Reptilian base under Gulf of Aden is a priority target
“Both of these bases, the one south of the Saudi Arabian, UAE, Yemen, Oman peninsula, this is the one in the Gulf of Aden, and the one off of the coast of China -both are well fortified, re-enforced fortresses, if you will, deep under water bases located on the ocean floor. Each is a large operational, underwater base with a domed roof, and an energy shield protecting each base. They are simply well protected.
A Matter of Importance
“But, taking out the Reptilian base on the floor of the ocean south of the Saudi Arabian, UAE, Yemen, Oman peninsula is a priority, a much more pressing matter. The reason is simple. As you know, Earth’s history continues to repeat itself year after year. The squabbling, the skirmishes in this region, these have gone on for thousands of years. And the original reasons for these skirmishes have gotten blown way out of proportion. With help from the Reptilian undersea base, as you can understand.
“And, the constant ‘bombardment’ of this region with a highly disruptive -agitation, confusion, anger & fear based sonic energy beamed from the transmitter from this specific undersea base' continues to escalate the possibility of full blown war in this region. Constant fighting, constant irritation, constant bickering' even among their own people. And they don’t even realize what is going on. They don’t even know the reason why - The undersea base with its transmitter.
“In closing, I’m going to quote the commander of primary Andromeda Council biosphere, when I asked him about this situation, he said,
“’The people in this area are being played much like what you call ‘pawns on a chess board’, and they have no knowledge as to how, why, or how long this has taken place. We have to and we will put a stop to this. This undersea base will be taken out.
“’Yes, outside parties, with outside interests, have attempted nuclear strikes in order to start a full-scale war in this region. Which we have stopped, disabled and neutralized their bombs, a few times. Yes, we had a ‘hand’ in this.
“’Understand, a full-scale nuclear war cannot and will not happen in this region. We will not allow actions that permit nuclear war to start by either side. The impact would be far too great to your planet, your people, and the rest of your solar system. What you do on Earth affects us all.”
“Anything else I might say about this situation would get into tactical or strategic information. I can’t and won’t do this.
“The goal is simply to put an end to the mostly unknown, unaware 'enslavement' of the people of Earth.
“And the end of this war in space is concluding with the destruction of the underground & undersea bases on Earth, and removal of these malevolent Reptilians and their regressive Grey associates from our world.
“Earth IS our planet. And we have a right to be free, sovereign people.”
[END OF OCT. 26, 2011 STATEMENT] To read the full statement, please go to: Andromeda Council: Removing Reptilian undersea bases from Middle East & China
How to evaluate correlation of the 5.0 Gulf of Aden earthquake and the reported Andromeda Council destruction of an undersea reptilian base
1. Independent evidence/Convergence – There is no independent evidence of the actual communications from a reported Andromeda Council extraterrestrial representative regarding the destruction of reported Gulf of Aden undersea Draco and Hydra reptilian at the time of the Oct. 31, 2011 Gulf of Aden earthquake. The evidence that exists are Tolec’s communications to us of experiences and communications he is having with the reported Andromeda Council extraterrestrial representatives themselves.
In this case, the location of the Gulf of Aden reptilian base as reported by the Andromeda Council is identical to the epicenter of the earthquake as reported by the US Geological Survey. This convergence adds a measure of credulity to the possible reality of the Andromeda Council as the actual source of the communication, and of the veracity of the reported destruction of the reptilian base.
One can also evaluate the possible reality of the reported Andromeda Council scenario for destruction of the Gulf of Aden undersea reptilian base by testing its congruence with other independent findings or reliable assertions.
2. Congruent independent analysis regarding advanced ET frequency weapons destroying reptilian deep bases at multiple locations – Independent researchers have come to similar conclusions that previous Andromeda Council sonic beam weapons against deep bases under Washington, DC, Denver, CO and elsewhere are the result of advanced ET frequency weapons.
Therefore it is reasonable to conclude that the Andromeda Council’s police action with sonic beam weapons may have resulted in the destruction of the deep reptilian bases under Washington, DC on Aug. 23, 2011, under Denver, CO and elsewhere in the USA.
It is reasonable also to conclude that these same galactic governance Andromeda Council sonic beam weapons systems and methods were applied in destroying the Gulf of Aden undersea reptilian bases on Oct. 31, 2011.
Recommended reading
FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions page -
8. Andromeda Council: Removing Reptilian undersea bases from Middle East & China
7. ExopoliticsTV - Andromeda Council: Removing Reptilian undersea bases from Middle East & China
6. Andromeda Council: The facts about life as a 4th dimensional human
5. Andromeda Council: Transformation to a 4th Dimensional Earth Life
4. Andromeda Council Update on Elenin, brown dwarf, Nibiru, earth changes, 4D Earth
3. YOU TUBE: Andromeda Council Update on Elenin, brown dwarf, Nibiru, earth changes, 4D Earth
Part I
Part II
2.ET Council: War with grey-Draco reptilian ETs is won, no false flag ET invasion
1.YOU TUBE: Andromeda Council - War with Orion grey-Draco Reptilian ETs is won, no false flag ET invasion
COPYRIGHT: Permission to use extracts & copyright notice

Copyright Alfred Lambremont Webre JD, MEd, All right reserved
Permission is granted to include extracts of this article on websites and email lists provided a link is included to the original article.
This article is copyrighted and should not be added in its entirety on other websites or email lists without author's written permission. For permission please contact: exopolitics@exopolitics.com. Thank you.




We of the star systems & planets of the Andromeda Council are your  family  &  friends.    We  are  here  to  let  you  know  your planet Earth/Terra and all of your people are about to go through major changes, a major stage of growth,  a  shift-up  in  vibration, called “upliftment”.   It is a completely new vibration, new higher consciousness & awareness, a new existence… for  the first time in your planet’s history.

It is a cleansing, a rebirth, a transformation.  It is a transition.  For you on planet Earth - it is a new beginning.  Most important, it is simply an evolution. 

Though  the  process  has  already  begun, somewhat.   Earth  is about   to   transform   in   vibrational   frequency   from  its current 3-D solid  matter  form  existence in the 3rd dimension… into the  4th dimension/density reality, the vibratory rate one frequency faster than currently on Earth, as Earth's solar system and planet Earth are about to cross into the galactic equatorial plane zone of the Milky Way galaxy.

Overall, this new area of 4th dimensional space is a place where matter has far less density & weight, an area of much faster & higher frequency energy vibration.  It is also a dimension where time will no longer have a hold on Earth humans.  From a 4th dimension perspective, time doesn't exist... at least not the way Earth presently experiences time.

In addition, this area of 4th dimensional space also has a 'black hole' with highly charged magnetic energies at its core. Earth's solar system and planet Earth will upon entry of this zone encounter the highly charged magnetic energies of this 'black hole' and feel its effects.  Some of your  Earth scientists, astrophysicists, call this area - a  Galactic or Torsion Energy Wave.

The  speeding  up  of  this  solar  system &  its planets including Earth due to the faster & higher frequency energy vibration rate of this area -  their upliftment into the 4th density resulting in continued geophysical events  and additional changes to planet Earth - these changes are projected to start by mid-October 2011.

The official beginning of  4th dimensional energy  will begin to affect Earth's solar system on  11.11.11  as it encounters the galactic equatorial plane region - as a universe & galactic wide harmonic frequency -  will open and affect this whole area of space.

The saturation of this higher frequency vibration will continue through all of 2012, reaching full strength during the time frame of December 2012,  through March 2013 when the final rotation of the 90 degree shift of Earth's crust happens with the present day East/West orientation of the continents moving into their new North/South orientation.

These changes are  expected to settle down throughout remaining 2013, and will begin the completion of this cycle by the end of October, winding down in December 2013.  With 4th dimensional life officially beginning in January 2014.

During this time every living thing  from the largest to the smallest will be offered the opportunity to change, to evolve, into 4th dimensional life.

It is expected Earth will begin to settle into its new 4th dimension vibration existence, its new 4D life, in January 2014.  Yes, planet Earth will likely go through continued dramatic changes to get there.  But these events as life changing they will be to both humans and all life on the planet... these changes are normal and necessary for this process.   It  is  evolution.

Just  like  a  woman's  body  changes, adjusts & expands,  Earth too must go through its uncomfortable adjustments, its labor pains, and the momentary intense pain of child birth.  Earth  too  must  adjust  &  prepare  herself  for  this  new beginning, for her new life as a 4th density world... a far more  colorful,  vibrant, &  beautiful  4th  dimensional  world.

Once Earth is vibrating in the 4th dimension, Earth's remaining sentient inhabitants, including all humans, will be forever changed.  They will manifest a variety of natural, multi-sensory abilities as never before experienced in Earth's history.  These new abilities include:  telepathy, telekinesis, teleportation, and levitation. For all of transformed humanity - human consciousness, human life, will make a quantum leap in evolution.

Humans finally experience and learn first hand about the truth & reality of their own soul, their true spiritual essence.

4D humanity experiences a true spiritual life - complete self awareness and cognition, total memory recall, clairvoyance, &  greater natural harmony with others.

A complete transformation of your solar system.  A complete transformation of the human race on planet Earth.  This time in Earth’s history will begin what many have described as a new age of enlightenment, real spiritual awareness, living  & consciousness, an age of  true human renewal...

back to the origins of what the human race was meant to become.  And;

you of planet Earth, you people will determine your own destiny, you will make your own choices... you will determine your future.   No one else.

But the difference is, from this time forward  you, people  of planet Earth, now a 4th dimensional race, you will no longer be alone,  and now truly reconnected  with  your cousins, brothers and sisters across the  stars  in  this  vast  universe  full  of  sentient,  intelligent  life.


Monday, October 31, 2011



Melbourn, Florida


October 31, 2011
Remember when I told you that you must gird up your loins with the truth of My word, because without it you will surely perish.  The remnant army is stirring up themselves to be a light in a world of darkness.  All about them is deception, even in the camp of God's people, and this grieves their hearts because they know that if they are not fed the truth, they will surely perish.  For in the end of all times you must have Truth buried in your heart so deep, and to be so grounded with it that when they say that My word means one thing, they will know if it is lining up or not with Truth.
For you can't just have My word and be settled, you must have the Truth of My word.  You must have discernment to know truth from error, and know that you must not partake even of a slight mixture of truth and error.  For even the enemy knows My word, and he even knows how to preach it, but what he does not know is how to mix My word with Truth, and that is why he doesn't have the power to ensnare My loved ones.....those who would love not their lives unto death, those who are willing to pay the price not to compromise, those who are willing to speak out even in the congregation of the saints, and speak out when error is being proclaimed.  
They will sound the alarm when the sheep are being fed poison for without the Truth of My word you will surely perish.  For when you see darkness all about you, and there is a famine in the land of pure manna, you will know that I warned you to prepare yourself for this time, to be like the Bereans who searched out the word to make sure it was Truth.  You must discern even the slight mixture of error for even a trace of it will pervert the whole loaf, and you will be set up for a snare.  
Search My word to make sure it is true what you are hearing to not accept even a trace of secular humanism, that which takes the wisdom of man and tries to mix it with My word for what you will come up with surely will be a lie for you cannot mix that which is Mine and mix it with the wisdom that man received from the evil one.  That is where you get the beginning of cults, every sort of deception, and the very root of the occult.  It starts with taking My word and placing it in a pot of lies and out comes a seed that grows into a large tree of deception with roots and tentacles that reach out in all directions trying to ensnare anyone that comes in its direction.  
For it all stems from eating from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil that man was commanded not to eat of for to eat of it you will surely die.  So do not accept less than the best.  Trust your heart and not accept everything that you hear from anyone for anyone could have bitten into that forbidden fruit and have the poison of it on their lips.  Don't trust in names and faces of those who have been called godly men.  Examine the fruit whether there is peace or if there is confusion for a sound man will know their authority and will carry a pure word able to cut through and divide the soul from the spirit.  They will know those who operate from the soul realm.  They will know those who are trying to ensnare the sheep by what they feed them, and how they lead them, and if they are truly loving them.
For surely this is the end of all times, and you must be girded about with Truth.  You must be a light in a dark place.  You must sound the alarm and warn when you know there is a mixture.  For surely if you don't take a stand for the land, you will surely perish.  The blood of those who you allow to be fed what isn't of Me will be on your own hands.


From: Dennis Kucinich <reply@kucinich.us>
Subject: Occupy

Dear Friends,

An Iraq War veteran who survived two tours of duty gets his skull fractured in ... Oakland!
53 activists arrested in Atlanta. SWAT teams deployed to boot out peaceful protesters.

Recent actions against Occupy protesters are irresponsible and tragic. They're an assault on our democracy. These protesters are bravely exercising their right to freedom of expression, to bring attention to a political and economic system that's rigged against most Americans. I stand with them; and, all Americans -- left and right -- should join me in protecting their freedom to non-violently create change.

This isn't a Democratic or Republican movement. It's not about one party or one policy. It's about standing up to a financial system that's completely backwards. Wall Street banks get billions in bailouts and emerge with massive profits. Most Americans see a program of austerity in a painful economic climate -- benefit cuts, high unemployment, declining wages, and crumbling infrastructure. Congress moved swiftly to "save" banks (something I strongly opposed), and now Congress is paralyzed, unable to create jobs and to save our middle class.

It's no surprise Americans are standing up. Our country's economic policies have consolidated and accelerated wealth to the top. One percent of Americans now control 42% of our wealth. It's not radical to think this is out of balance or to demand a government that is of the people and for the people. I've been to these protests, and I can tell you they're filled with honest, hard working Americans who are concerned with the direction of our country and our economic future.

I am deeply concerned. I'm concerned about an economic system which tethers job creation to China and big banks. We shouldn't have to borrow money from China -- or Japan or South Korea -- to get out of this ditch. We should stop the Fed from giving billions to the big banks. We have to take back the power to manage our own economy, to regain control over our monetary system, consistent with the U.S. Constitution. That's why, one month ago, I introduced the National Emergency Employment Defense (NEED) Act. The legislation would put the Federal Reserve under the Department of the Treasury, and it would help us recapture control of our financial system. As part of the NEED Act, Congress would use its constitutional power to invest in America, creating millions of jobs by putting billions of dollars directly into circulation. And since this money is adding real, tangible value to our national wealth, it will not generate inflation.

We need a financial system that is of the people and for the people. We need to take it back from the big banks. We need economic and social justice. I will continue to support the Occupy movement. I will continue to fight for legislation, including the NEED Act, that sets America on a path of jobs for all, health care for all, education for all, retirement security for all, and peace.

Let's keep this movement alive. Let's keep fighting for economic and social justice. Keep occupying Wall Street. And, with your help, I'll keep occupying Congress.

With respect,

Dennis Kucinich

P.S. Please forward this email to your friends and family, and share it on Facebook and Twitter. Let's spread this movement, and continue to support the Occupy protests.

Greece and Angela

Monday, October 31, 2011

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Picture: Poor Angela - Angela Merkel Greek Nazi poster

Picture: Adolf Hitler's illegitimate daughter as unpopular in Greece as DadIn Greece, Greek government ministers are now being openly depicted in newspaper cartoons and posters knuckling down to German instructions or obediently delivering the Nazi salute.

The recent annual march in Thessaloniki commemorating the Greek national struggle against the Second World War Axis Powers (Germany, Italy and Japan) was blocked by protesters shouting "traitor" at the Greek President.

The German-led EuroZone's financial thought police ("inspectors") are about to establish a permanent occupation office in Athens to ensure "full implementation" of the externally-imposed austerity policies. Greece has now been stripped of even the pretence of national sovereignty.

The two halves of the EuroZone (North and South) are locked together in a failed and broken marriage. The structural gap between them cannot possibly be closed by debt-deflation in the South. Greece, Italy, Spain and Portugal are in debt because they cannot compete with Germany and northern Europe. The four southern countries are simply imprisoned in the wrong currency. The EU refuses to confront this core issue. The Euro itself has become an engine of destruction and cross-border rancour. Europe will not be happy again until this misguided Rothschild currency experiment is finally shut down and consigned to the dustbin of history. More here (30.10.11).

And with regard to the UK/Japanese-sourced intelligence about the seminal bona fides of the current German Head of State, Angela Merkel, see downpage here (24.10.11).