Friday, December 2, 2011

Message from SaLuSa by Mike Quinsey - December 2, 2011

Message from SaLuSa by Mike Quinsey - December 2, 2011
Posted By: Mr.Ed [Send E-Mail]
Date: Friday, 2-Dec-2011 13:40:06

Message from SaLuSa by Mike Quinsey - December 2, 2011
There is no doubt that matters on Earth are now coming to a head, and it should eventually lead to many of the changes that we have been telling you about for quite some time. By and large your faith has stayed strong, and now you will begin to see some positive action taken. There is after all a divine date that still stands as the final one beyond which we shall no longer tolerate delay. If need be we shall take direct action, but one way or another we will soon commence our plan for your final release from the dark Ones. The European crisis could yet see a number of countries default on the payment of their loans, and that has put other countries in the European Group at risk. It is also putting other countries outside of Europe at risk, so you have not seen anything yet compared to what the outcome is likely to be. If you continue to see these as exciting times, you will not be pulled into the panic that is likely to occur.
It is obvious that whatever happens now no particular adverse situation will last for too long, as time speeds by and you are almost in the magical year of 2012. See events as a means to an end, and it will be one that is totally satisfactory and bringing the welcome changes that will alter your lives forever. It has been a testing journey, and that was the object of it so that you could evolve out of conditions that were liable to pull you down. As we see it, you have done exceptionally well particularly since the turn of the century. It was expected because as time passed more Light was being beamed to Earth. It has been grounded through those of Light, who in many instances came to Earth especially for that purpose. It is not just the dark Ones who planned their goals well in advance, as we of the Light have done so for millennia of time. Our advantage has come from the backing and support from great sources of Light Beings, who have even been prepared to send an aspect of themselves to Earth. Perhaps even more important to the outcome, this cycle was always planned to ensure victory for the Light.
The Galactic Federation is ready to act at very short notice, and in the meantime continues to closely monitor all activities on Earth. We have no hesitation in showing our superiority where technologies are concerned, and make it clear to the dark Ones that opposition to us is futile. Yet they stubbornly refuse to give in, knowing that any engagement with them requires us to obey the rules. We respect all life, whereas they have none at all even when it comes to fellow humans. Life to them is expendable, and they will use it to gain over anyone who gets in their way. We on the other hand will remove our "enemies" to safety rather than kill or wound them. You may therefore be assured that we removed all personnel prior to destroying underground military bases. Anyone who says otherwise is untruthly reporting events, and out to paint a false picture of us.
Some of you will wonder why in view of what we have said about ourselves, why we do not save lives in any other circumstances such as catastrophes. That is an expected re-action and the answer is one we have given previously, and relates to a souls life plan. The souls that leave in such circumstances have desired to leave, and chosen a situation that fulfils their needs. Understand that there no such thing as an accidental death, and what you call natural deaths are also planned. If you think upon it, there would be little purpose in planning a life to expand your spiritual understanding, if you could accidentally be prevented from experiencing it in full. It is however true that because of your freewill, you can shorten your life expectancy. However, that would only be after you carefully considered the implications of it.
There will be others amongst you who will pick up on lives shortened by suicide, and even these souls are given a last minute opportunity to change their minds. They are met by their Guides who are aware of their original life plan and shown the outcome, and how it would affect their family and friends. We can assure that because of it many souls are grateful to have had the chance to change their minds. Generally speaking in any one lifetime you do not undertake anymore than you can handle. In these end times there are however many souls who are anxious to clear their karma, and have packed their life full of experiences.
Of course when you rise up into the higher levels, you have a simple transition from one life to another without going through death. You do it through your own choosing, as you decide when it is your time to move on. You can literally step out of your old body into a new one as you desire. Along with the changes in your body cells that keep you young and healthy, you have none of the illnesses or disabling features experienced on Earth. Whatever you are called upon to do to achieve Ascension is obviously very worthwhile, as it might be a long time before it comes around again. It is up to you, and it is certainly not impossible to ascend from any one lifetime, but you would have to achieve it through your own endeavors. That is why your Ascension now is considered so unique, as it is an offer to every soul and endless help is being given to those who decide to take it.
If you are one who is just awakening to who you really are and beginning to understand the purpose of life, be assured that you are already surrounded by loving souls who are eager to help you. There is still time and once you set your sights on ascending, you are halfway there and you will find your consciousness levels rising. To be on the Earth and not of it, is very useful advice as it allows you to concentrate on the future and allow the old ways to pass you by. It is those who cannot release their hold onto earthly things that are struggling to break free, and as we often point out it is usually fear that is at the root of it. Come from fearing the changes to welcoming them, and see their necessity if the Human Race is to progress from the old cycle to the new one. However slow changes may take place where some of the massive cycles are concerned, everything is on the move even if it appears undetectable.
I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and thank all of you who are sending us your love and invitation to join you. We could not come without it, and we now know that the time is right for our open contact with you. We love you all.
Thank you SaLuSa.
Mike Quinsey.


                                                                                                                                                                                                           Thanks to a reader for alerting us to the information below. We have known for a while that "Sorcha Faal" is disinformation, as are a large number of other websites, both 'mainstream' and 'alternative.' We advise readers to examine ALL information on the Internet with care.

Christopher Story reports that "Sorcha," while claiming Russian Kremlin sources, is instead "by a US military intelligence operative working with an Irish source (i.e., for the Clinton component of the criminalist ‘Box Gang’)."


Just FYI, Christopher Story outed Sorcha Faal as a CIA disinfo agent... Scroll down to the footnotes and you'll see her site is registered by CIA headquarters.


Scroll down to the footnotes:

8. It has just been revealed that two particularly egregious disinformation platforms – the Sorcha Faal reports purporting to represent postings from inside the Kremlin, but which are revealed to be perpetrated by a US military intelligence operative working with an Irish source (i.e., for the Clinton component of the criminalist ‘Box Gang’), and the website, are American deception operations.

That website has been exposed by the research given below. A list of suspect and intelligence-controlled websites is given on page 512 of the Editor’s work, ‘The New Underworld Order: Dark Actors Playing Games: The Global Fantasies of the Geomasonic Illuminati’: Edward Harle Limited: see the books section of this integrated website.

Exposure of a subversive CIA-controlled website:

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Anonymous Coward
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Re: Top CIA Agent Killed Trying To Protect D.C. Madam
IP Location: US, McLean, Virginia.

Contrary to popular belief, the CIA headquarters is not located in Langley, VA, but in the Langley suburb of McLean,Virginia.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          FROM RUMOR MILL NEWS:

Thanks to a reader for alerting us to the information below. We have known for a while that "Sorcha Faal" is disinformation, as are a large number of other websites, both 'mainstream' and 'alternative.' We advise readers to examine ALL information on the Internet with care.

Christopher Story reports that "Sorcha," while claiming Russian Kremlin sources, is instead "by a US military intelligence operative
[11:02:03 AM] JJSmith-Outlaw*: Just FYI, Christopher Story outed Sorcha Faal as a CIA disinfo agent... Scroll down to the footnotes and you'll see her site is registered by CIA headquarters.                                                                                                                                  

Obama Regime Warns All Americans: “IF YOU FIGHT US YOU WILL DIE!”

December 2, 2011
Obama Regime Warns All Americans: “IF YOU FIGHT US YOU WILL DIE!”
By: Sorcha Faal, and as reported to her Western Subscribers

In one of the most stunning reversals of human rights in modern history the Federal Security Service (FSB) is reporting today that the Obama regime has issued a blunt warning to all American citizens that, in essence, states that any one of these once free people who dare to oppose their government they will be immediately killed and offered no chance to defend themselves before a Court and/or jury of their peers.
According to this report, this unprecedented attack was begun yesterday when the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) General Counsel Stephen Preston in responding to a question at an American Bar Association national security conference bluntly stated that “American citizens are not immune from being treated like an enemy if they take up arms against the United States.”
Obama regime lawyers further stated that only the Executive Branch, not the Courts, is equipped to make military battlefield targeting decisions about who qualifies as an enemy thus equating all American citizens as being potential “enemies of the state” thus effectively destroying the Constitution all of these government officials had sworn to defend.
As we had stated in our previous report about the destruction of the freedoms and liberties once enjoyed by the American people, the US Senate, likewise, voted this past week to expand the power of the Obama regime to target its own citizens by the passing of new law debated in secret allowing for the total military takeover of this once free country.
So frightening is this new law it caused the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) to issue an unprecedented warning that stated “The power is so broad that even U.S. citizens could be swept up by the military and the military could be used far from any battlefield, even within the United States itself.”
This FSB report notes that the actions now being undertaken by the Obama regime show its “outright contempt” for the democratic process and the US Constitution in that for the first time in American history military power is being put above that of civil authorities; a move many Russian intelligence analysts say can only be compared to the ending of freedoms in Russia under the Communists and Germany under the National Socialists (Nazis) preceding both World Wars of last century.
Even more astounding in the US Senates action, which according to noted American anti-war activist Justin Raimondo has created a “Presidential Dictatorship,” was Obama’s threat to veto this new law wasn’t because it went too far, but ratherbecause it didn’t go far enough in allowing him to crack down on his own people.
To the reason behind the Obama regimes wanting to target its own citizens with state-sponsored murder and military rule, this FSB reports warns, is its Great Game” strategy to overturn the entire Middle East and Central Asia in order to gain control over the majority of our planets last few remaining fossil fuel energy resources and whose next targets are Syria, Lebanon and Iran.  
Virtually unknown to the vast majority of the American people is that “The Plan” to conquer the Middle East and Central Asiawas revealed by General Wesley Clark (Ret.) who on 2 March 2007 [watch video HERE] stated that 10 days after 9/11 while walking through the Pentagon he was approached by another General who told him that the Bush regime was making preparations to invade Iran and at least 7 other Middle Eastern and Central Asian nations over the next 5 years.
Unfortunately for the American war hawks, however, was the Bush regime wasn’t able to complete their goal in the time they allotted themselves because they underestimated the fierce resistance they were met with, but since Obama took office has beenable to gain speed.
Now, most ominously, with the US Senate passing by a unanimous vote to place sanctions on Iran’s Central Bank this FSB report warns that conflict is “all but assured” as Iran had previously stated that such an actions would be considered by them as an “act of war.”
The FSB further notes in their report that the American peoples ability to counteract the measures being put into place against them by the Obama regime appear to be “all but nonexistent” due to the “gulag mentality” instilled in these once free people through their educations system said to be virtually indistinguishable from their prisons [see video HERE] which hold more prisoners than all of the other worlds jails combined.
Current news stories coming out of the United States more than back up this FSB assessment of the way American children are being treated like criminals and include: 1.) A 4-year-old girl arrested for shoplifting at a Safeway store and made to sign a statement banning her from this store for life. 2.) A 13-year-old boy arrested, handcuffed and jailed for burping in class. 3.) A 6-year-old child charged with “sexual assault” when found “playing doctor” with another student. 4.)Two 12-year-old students investigated for “sex crimes” after they kissed in school.
And if the treatment of America’s children isn’t bad enough, new reports emerging from the United States by Obama regime supporters are now warning that Christians are a“national security threat” because they place their belief in God above that of their government.
So today, as millions of American children wake up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered, one does indeed wonder when these once free people will awaken from their long slumber before all is lost.
December 2, 2011 © EU and US all rights reserved. Permission to use this report in its entirety is granted under the condition it is linked back to its original source at WhatDoesItMean.Com. Freebase content licensed under CC-BY and GFDL.
[Ed. Note: Western governments and their intelligence services actively campaign against the information found in these reports so as not to alarm their citizens about the many catastrophic Earth changes and events to come, a stance that the Sisters of Sorcha Faal strongly disagrees with in believing that it is every human beings right to know the truth. Due to our missions conflicts with that of those governments, the responses of their ‘agents’ against us has been a longstanding misinformation/misdirection campaign designed to discredit and which is addressed in the report “Who Is Sorcha Faal?.]

Per Current Events --- GOD Bless America

In light of current corrective activities going behind the scenes and about to be made public.

GOD Bless America Again!

Thank You White Knights, Our 'Good' Military and the Lightworkers.

Amazing times for the history books.

GOD BLESS You And Yours,

John MacHaffie ---- HIS humble servant

Thursday, December 1, 2011

White House Insider - 11/30/11

This update from the White House Insider gives you an inside perspective of the political warfare and sentiments of those in D.C. towards the White House and Obama. The biggest news is about Eric Holder. He is expected to resign. I would rather see prosecutions. –B 
“Witnessing the Republicans and the Democrats bicker over the U.S. debt is like watching two drunks argue over a bar bill on the Titanic.”

WHITE HOUSE INSIDER: There Is A Very Uneasy Peace Between President Obama And The American Military.
By Ulsterman on November 30, 2011 with 22 Comments in News

Ulsterman: If you don’t mind, I would like to do some simple topic association so that we might cover as much ground possible with the little time you have to speak with me today.
WH Insider: Sure – as long as you ask me about Eric Holder. That’s my focus right now. Everything else – and there’s a lot of it…but everything else is in limbo until after December 8th.
Ulsterman: Eric Holder it is then…
WH Insider: Pay attention. In a week or so. The hearing. That – we are reaching the-the moment of truth on Holder. What do we got now…almost 60 members – members of Congress calling for his resignation? And that’s just publicly. There are Democrats voicing the same uh…the same suggestion. I’ll say it to you again – you keep asking me about it, every time we talk so one more time for you…Eric Holder will no longer be Attorney General of the United States. That-that is – you’ll see that happen soon now. Very soon.
Read more in News
Ulsterman: When?
WH Insider: What? You asking me – like a day? A specific day? I don’t have that…
Ulsterman: Next month? Next year? When?
WH Insider: Soon. The hearing is in about a week, right? December? First week of December, right? In front of Judiciary. The Senate hearing went very well for us on this. You likely don’t understand all of that – all of the…it went well. That was among the most aggressive Senate hearings I’ve seen in a long time. You don’t get that from them very often. That was further proof that this thing won’t be put back in the barn. It’s out and it’s a problem that isn’t going away for this White House. And the cover-up…that’s there. It’s known. It’s been known. The rope was let out, over and over and they just kept taking it up. How did I put it to you months ago? “We got them.” Right? Something like that, right? Well – we got ‘em. 
And let me say something else on this. Might seem to be stating the obvious to you here but I want to say it anyways. Eric Holder is about the most corrupt and…sinister – he’s the most sinister Attorney General this country has seen. Dangerous. He’s gone off the reservation all on his own from time to time. I used to believe everything came through certain people, or a certain person. But Holder has been running his own game on a lot of this stuff. He’ll be forced out and then…the-the…and then the American people are gonna start to hear what was going on at Justice. It won’t come out all at once. They are working to cover those tracks as we speak – but too many got the goods now. It’ll come out in drips and drabs. They’ll try to minimize the damage for ’12. It won’t work. Not entirely. We are seeing to that. That’s what they are bumping into right now you see. The political liability that Holder has become. 
Back in 2010, they thought they could ride it out. Delay. Bury it. Move one. And they have been somewhat successful, but the information is getting out, and enough in Congress know they have to act on it or get their own fingers caught up in the machine. That was seen during the Senate hearing – but that hearing was intended to set up for Judiciary coming up. And after that…we got the foundation in place to force out a United States Attorney General. I wasn’t privy to all of that until just recently. Suspected it. Had it figured. Now it’s been confirmed. What we are waiting on with this now is the on-the-record condemnation of Eric Holder from Democrats. We have it off the record – but now we need it to go public. Then the endgame is there. This part of the plan is nearly done.
Ulsterman: Jarrett vs Daley
WH Insider: There is no “Jarrett vs Daley”. She is out of her league. I told you there would be a prominent staff departure, right. You recall that, right? That departure would be a-a signal. A message that all bets are off if you will. This White House is on its own. Daley kept a lot of sh-t at bay. Kept it controlled. The little tit for tat sh-t with his announced departure followed up by them stripping him of his duties – whatever. They got nothing. Nothing on Daley. They are so outmatched with that. You see the media attacks against the administration since Daley announced his leaving? You notice that? The signal was sent out and now it’s on for this White House. There’s gonna still be the ass-kissers. The guys hedging their bets. Hell, there was a time I was counted among them – but more and more are reaching the same conclusion I did last year – this damn administration has got to go. This White House is…it’s as bad as – no, it’s worse than the detractors can think it. Godd-mn dangerous is what it is. For all of us.
Ulsterman: Be more specific please. Are you referring to something recent? If so – be specific.
WH Insider: Specific? Yeah – it’s specific. A whole sh-tload of specific. Where to start? You want a line on the military angle. Afghanistan? Iraq? How about the super-committee boondoggle? How about that? The blow up over that? Inside the party? All of that is swirling around – but my focus…right now it’s Eric Holder. It’s Issa and others pushing this thing to its necessary conclusion. For now everything else is distraction. And that’s about all this administration has left – they sure as hell don’t lead do they? It’s distract-distract-distract. You know how frustrating it is to be working against the same damn tactics you’ve used yourself for years during how many campaigns now? I am fighting against my own godd-mn playbook!
Ulsterman: How about the super-committee? Tell me a little about what went on with that. It certainly appeared the administration wanted it to fail.
WH Insider: Want…didn’t want. It’s not even that. It’s like they didn’t even care. What did the president do when the deadline was coming down? He left the country. He went golfing, gave a few more speeches, said Hawaii was in f**king Asia, right? Shoulda been a Dan Quayle moment for him – another one. But the media…enough of them still carrying the godd-mn water for these people. Whatever. Enough heard about it. But it gets old doesn’t it? How many gaffes the man makes? How many times he reveals to the world what a fool he is? But there are still people saying he’s a smart guy. I’m telling you – seen it up close. Barack Obama isn’t smart. Arrogant. Immature. Naïve. Lazy. You bet – but he ain’t smart.
Ulsterman: Back to the super-committee…what happened with that? The “boondoggle” as you put it?
WH Insider: That mess actually feeds right into some of the other stuff…Afghanistan, Iraq – the military. The fractured relationship that exists between this White House and the military. All the way up to the Joint Chiefs apparently. Some of them boys are extremely pissed off at this president. If not for their devotion to a code of conduct…he’s not a popular guy. 
Ulsterman: That’s both repetitive and obvious. Back to the super-committee – what happened? Are the rumors it was intended to fail true?
WH Insider: You just put me down? Did you – did you just call me boring? (laughs)
Ulsterman: Let’s focus on the super-committee…the allegations of intentional failure floating around.
WH Insider: Sure…intentional. I think that intent was coming more from the Democratic leadership. Not so much the White House. Now I’m not saying the White House isn’t happy it broke apart – that scenario fits in with the “run against Congress” thing the re-election crew has come up with. Harry Truman reborn or whatever the hell they think they are gonna pull off. Sure as hell can’t run on Barack Obama’s incompetence and total f-ckuppery now can they? It’s just the White House doesn’t have much direct input to Congress these days. Been that way for some time actually.
But that committee, yeah, it was doomed at the outset. The Dems…not all of them – the leadership…they want to cut defense and this committee was an ends to go and do that you see. Create the mandatory cuts legislation that was part of the deal a few months back. So those Dems get the cuts – the president gets his do-nothing Congress campaign theme, and the Republicans get the blame because the media keeps calling it the “Republican Congress” right? That tagline has been in play all year long.
Where it got interesting though from an in-house standpoint, is the couple gentlemen who went to the leadership with a plan – a bi-partisan plan, to work it all out. And each of them had support from their own parties – maybe 60-70 or so other members who indicated their support. There were some folks in Congress who actually wanted to get something done on this. And that’s been the case all along. How many bills have been stalled in the Senate since 2010? Hundreds. The Republicans and some Democrats are sending things over from the House and Reid is trashing them. And the guy who has plans to replace Reid as the Democratic Party leader in the Senate – John Kerry. The Kerry office in fact is responsible for more of the anti-bipartisan tone than Reid. So Kerry was the guy making certain the super-committee fell on its ass. He is among the Dems who are still very loyal to the Obama White House. There isn’t so many of them these days, but they hold the positions of power, so their influence remains strong.

Back to these two gentlemen though – these two junior members of Congress. They tried repeatedly to meet with the Democratic Party leadership and were brushed off. At one point they finally accused a staff member from a certain high ranking Democrat’s office of purposely setting up the negotiations to fail. This staff member confirmed that was exactly what was happening and they would be better off just “shutting up and following orders.” Now that pretty much sums up the attitude within the party right there. Shut up and follow orders. That was exactly how the Obamacare votes went down. Shut up and follow orders and we lost a whole slew of good people in the 2010 elections because of it. But that right there isn’t even the real meat of this little story. When the staff member was pressed on why…when the two Congressmen asked if the president was aware the committee’s intent to fail [and that it] may push the country on the brink of another credit downgrade, this little sh-t of a staff member said the following – in these exact words:
The President knows what we want him to know and nothing more. That works fine for him and that works even better for us. He doesn’t return our calls and we don’t return his.
Those exact words. So what we have is a small group of Congressional Democrats – the leadership, completely dismissing the obligation to working with the President of the United States and that same president, who also happens to be a Democrat as well, completely dismissing the obligation to work with Congress. Now to someone uninformed, that might not seem like much. Big deal, huh? Well, it’s a very big deal. It’s a very dangerous situation. It’s why the military boys are now coming out on record and criticizing a sitting Commander in Chief. If those mandatory cuts go into effect, which will decimate the military budget, that puts the country at increased risk. Look at the godd-mn world – it’s on fire right now! This country isn’t feared. It isn’t respected. In just three short years President Obama has made the United States a fu—ing joke to the world. Russia…Putin – the guy mocks us. China is buying us up one treasury sale at a time. Iran tells us to f-ck off every day of the week. Iraq pushes us out. We spent a trillion or two over there – how many lives, and they tell us to get the f-ck out. Germany…they think we are just about through. Do you know that? The chatter coming out from Germany – they think America is about ready to collapse. They’re just deciding whether or not to intervene or let it happen. 50/50 they say. Maybe one – maybe the other. Share what’s left with China.
Now these two gentlemen make their way to the Republican leadership. Get a meeting there – not just some staff member brush off. They are told nothing can be done at this point until after the elections. The Republicans seem to think they are gonna win the Senate and all will be better. Poor dumb bastards that they are, right? But at least they recognize the problem – which is sure as hell a lot more than the Democratic leadership is doing these days. Those people are the problem. And we got a movement from within the Democratic Party to take it back if you will. A moderate movement going against the progressives – the f-cking progressives who have all but destroyed the party over the last decade. We’ve always had our oddballs – our far lefters – no different than the Republicans got their crazies too, but you don’t give them the leadership. You don’t make them the face of the party. But that’s what happened. All of that anti-Bush hysteria…the barbarians took the gate and we are just now realizing they ran as Democrats—
Ulsterman: (Interrupts) —Who was the military – you said someone in the military openly criticized the president? Who was that? Was this recently?
WH Insider: Now you see, that’s part of the problem. You should have known about this – spotted it right away. I’m not blaming you – but the example is…it’s – what’s the word here…it’s indicative of how the real stories are getting buried in the bullsh-t of the mainstream. It’s why we set this thing up here. Get it out and hope it percolates and eventually goes mainstream, right? I get to share things here I can’t share publicly.
Ulsterman: Who in the military criticized the president? Openly?

WH Insider: Joint Chiefs. The very top. And he wouldn’t speak for himself – that’s not how the CoC works in a situation like this. When he spoke – he spoke for the United States military. And he spoke out against the administration and what is happening to our Armed Forces around the world. 
Ulsterman: What was said?
WH Insider: I don’t recall the word-for-word of it but the gist was this – that the relationship between the United States and Pakistan has never been worse than it is today. And that indicates it has never been more dangerous. Pakistan – you wrote something on this right? Pakistan is a nuclear power. Very unstable. The same radical Muslims who are overtaking Egypt, Libya, and elsewhere have their sights set on Pakistan. Push out the military junta replace it with a hardline Muslim fundamentalist government – only this time, those Muslims will have the bomb.
When the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff goes on record indicating the situation in Pakistan– and by default then you gotta say Afghanistan as well…that it’s the most f-cked up it’s ever been – that’s about as strong a rebuke of a current presidential administration as you’re gonna get from a member of the military at that high of a level. And don’t forget – there have been other examples of the military speaking out against this White House. There is a very uneasy peace between President Obama and the military. And a hell of a lot of mistrust – on both sides. Dempsey was just recently appointed Chairman, but he was in there for a spell before that. He knows damn well what’s going on – and I am told Obama had far less to do with Dempsey being made Chairman than Leon Panetta. And it’s been Panetta who has been letting off the loudest warnings about slashing the military budget at this time, right? And it was Panetta who oversaw the Bin Laden killing – not Barack Obama, right? Dempsey has been warning about the possible military cuts for months now…anyone want to argue none of this is related they can have at it. I’m not gonna play that kind of dumb though. At least not anymore. I am convinced there are forces at play here far more powerful than our little song and dance political warfare we got going here. I just pray to God that if things break against us, these people are on our side.
PART TWO COMING SOON: Insider speaks on Occupy Wall Street, the alleged and possibly staged “assassination attempt”, more on Obama’s race-war political agenda, and the GOP primary race.
NOTE: The Eric Holder Fast and Furious Congressional Hearing is scheduled for December 8th, 2011.
I have a feeling that the American people are not going stand for Obama being part of the new interim government with these low approval ratings. It is very important that they put someone at the helm the majority of the people can really get behind, someone that will really implement the changes that we all thought Obama was going to bring. Therefore, if Obama is going to do any good, he needs to do it now before the Interim government takes over. He will be no good to us after the interim government takes over. –B 
Obama‘s Approval Rating Finally Drops Below Carter’s: Worst of Any President at This Stage of His Term
Posted on November 29, 2011 at 6:26pm by Description: Tiffany GabbayTiffany Gabbay

It’s been a slow, steady decline but President Barack Obama‘s job approval rating has finally dipped below Jimmy Carter’s, earning Obama the worst approval rating of any president at this stage of his term in modern history.
Gallup’s daily presidential job approval index put the current president‘s job approval rating at 43 percent compared to Carter’s 51 percent.
Back in 1979, Carter was far below Obama until the Iran hostage crisis, eerily being duplicated in Tehran today with Iranian protesters storming the British embassy. The early days of the crisis helped Carter’s ratings, though his failure to win the release of captured Americans, coupled with a bad economy, led to his defeat by Ronald Reagan in 1980.
According to Gallup, here are the job approval numbers for other presidents at this stage of their terms, a year before the re-election campaign:
– Harry S. Truman: 54 percent.
– Dwight Eisenhower: 78 percent.
– Lyndon B. Johnson: 44 percent.
– Richard M. Nixon: 50 percent.
– Ronald Reagan: 54 percent.
– George H.W. Bush: 52 percent.
– Bill Clinton: 51 percent.
– George W. Bush: 55 percent.
To make matters worse, Gallup reports that Obama’s overall job approval rating ranks among the worst in American political history, averaging 49 percent. Only three former presidents have had a worse average rating at this stage: Carter, Ford, and Harry S. Truman.
It might also be worth noting that no president in history, save the unpopular Truman, won re-election with such ratings. And, as U.S. News points out, Truman did so by running an anti-Congress campaign that Obama’s team is using as a model.
Strangely, the current climate in Iran is eerily similar to what it was when Carter held the highest office in the land.
This short article describes what S1867 is all about. It is actually an old bill that keeps getting revived over and over again until it passes. –B
US Senate To Vote On Bill That Will Allow The Military To Arrest Americans On American Soil And Hold Them Indefinitely
November 26, 2011

Since Occupy Wall Street began, American police officers have arrested thousands of people for exercising their constitutionally protected right to protest. On Monday or Tuesday, the US Senate will vote on a bill that would give the President the ability to order the military to arrest and imprison American citizens anywhere in the world for an indefinite period of time.
A provision of S. 1867, or the National Defense Authorization Act bill, written by Senators John McCain and Carl Levin, declares American soil a battlefield and allows the President and all future Chief Executives to order the military to arrest and detain American citizens, innocent or not, without charge or trial. In other words, if this bill passes and the President signs it, OWS protesters or any American could end up arrested and indefinitely locked up by the military without the guaranteed right to due process or a speedy trial.
This bill was written in secret and approved by committee without a single hearing. Senate Republicans support the bill and enough Democrats support it to give it a great chance of passing. This provision does have opponents. President Obama has threatened to veto the bill and even Ron Paul is concerned enough to bring it up during one of the GOP debates. An amendment called the Udall Amendment has been offered by Democratic Senator Mark Udall that would delete the dangerous provision.
If you are an American citizen, protect your constitutional rights. Call your senator and tell them to approve of the Udall Amendment. No American citizen should be arrested by the military and held indefinitely without charge or trial. It’s not conducive to American values and would give the military and the government more power over the American citizenry. The last time Americans had to deal with an overreaching military was during the Revolutionary era. Because of that, the Founders included the 3rd Amendment to ban the quartering of troops during times of war and peace. Once again, Americans are under threat of dealing with a military that has more power than it should have. And it could cost us most of the freedoms we tend to take for granted.
America is NOT a battlefield. America is a free country and American citizens should not ever be arrested by the military and certainly not without being charged or getting a trial. This provision would cast aside the Constitution and put the liberties of American citizens here at home and around the world at serious risk. Please call your senator or visit this link, because this is a risk Americans cannot afford to take.
It figures that John McCain would be a co-sponsor of this bill. –B

While some have claimed that this is incorrect, and that American citizens would be exempted from the indefinite detention within U.S. borders authorized by the Act, the Committee chairman who co-sponsored the bill – Carl Levin – stated today in Senate debate that it could apply to American citizens.
Levin cited the Supreme Court case of Hamdi which ruled that American citizens can be treated as enemy combatants: “The Supreme Court has recently ruled there is no bar to the United States holding one of its own citizens as an enemy combatant,” said Levin. “This is the Supreme Court speaking.”
Under questioning from Rand Paul, co-sponsor John McCain said that Americans suspected of terrorism could be sent to Guantanamo.
You can hear the statements from Levin and McCain on today’s broadcast of KFPA’s Letters and Politics.
As Raw Story notes:
The provision would authorize the military to indefinitely detain individuals — including U.S. citizens — without charge or trial.
“If these provisions pass, we could see American citizens being sent to Guantanamo Bay,” Rand said in the video. “This should be alarming to everyone watching this proceeding today, because it puts every single American citizen at risk.”
“There is one thing and one thing only protecting innocent Americans from being detained at will at the hands of a too-powerful state — our Constitution, and the checks we put on government power,” he continued. “Should we err today and remove some of the most important checks on state power in the name of fighting terrorism, well, then the terrorists have won.”
“Detaining citizens without a court trial is not American. In fact, this alarming arbitrary power is reminiscent of Egypt’s ‘permanent’ Emergency Law authorizing preventive indefinite detention, a law that provoked ordinary Egyptians to tear their country apart last spring and risk their lives to fight.”
The debate is also being streamed live on CSpan-2.
While passage of the bill would make the Founding Fathers roll in their grave, it might not change that much. As former constitutional lawyer Glenn Greenwald notes: With very few exceptions, the McCain-Levin bill, awful though it is, doesn’t create any powers beyond what the O Admin thinks it now has.
Indeed, the U.S. has been a de facto police state for many years.
The ACLU and over 30 other organizations sent a letter to the Senate asking them to oppose an effort in Congress that threatens to revive the use of torture and other inhumane interrogation techniques. If passed, an amendment introduced by Sen. Kelly Ayotte (R-N.H.) to the Defense Authorization bill would roll back torture prevention measures that Congress overwhelmingly approved in the 2005 McCain Anti-Torture Amendment, as well as a 2009 Executive Order on ensuring lawful interrogations. It would also require the administration to create a secret list of approved interrogation techniques in a classified annex to the existing interrogation field manual.
In a related development, republican presidential candidate Michele Bachmann renewed her attack on the prohibition of waterboarding and other forms
of torture …. Continue reading
What Obama does with this bill at this late stage of the game will say a lot about Obama. Either he stands with the people or the dark cabal. According to Tom Heneghan, it is Faction One (Fed. Res./Bush/Clinton cabal) that is calling the shots, not Obama and Hillary told Obama to sign it. We’ll see if Obama is going to remain a pawn of the dark cabal or stand with the people. Fear cannot be part of an enlightened president. Maybe overcoming fear is one of his life’s lessons. If true this is his opportunity to do so before the hammer drops. The world can’t wait any longer. According to Sheldan Nidle’s last update, if U.S. administration continues to resist the changeover after the Earth Allies and Agarthans have completed all negotiations, the galactics will intervene and finish the job.  –B  
Thursday, December 1, 2011

William Rivers Pitt wonders is not confident and wonders if we've simply gone too far to turn back and if any President could possibly be principled enough in this climate to do the right thing:
"The dreary fact of the matter is that the slash-and-burn attitude taken towards the US Constitution by the Bush administration did such tremendous damage to the most basic underpinnings of this society that it was widely feared there would be no going back. After all, any politician who has gotten to the point where the office of the President is even a possibility is a politician absolutely drenched in hubris, ego, and a desire for personal power. It cannot be any other way; there are no angels flying in that rarefied atmosphere of American politics, and my rule of thumb for many years now has been that a politician most people have heard of is, to one degree or another, an utter and complete bastard, for only utter and complete bastards have the will and ruthlessness to achieve such heights...and when it comes to presidents and serious presidential contenders, multiply that by a factor of ten. I've met a great many of them on too many campaign trails, and trust me, almost none of them are people you'd like to be stuck in an elevator with, much less allow them to run the country."