The Rumor Mill News Reading Room
The Tyrants know Ron Paul will Win in the End-- That is the sole reason for the coming 2012 Mayhem..
Posted By: Watchman
Date: Monday, 2-Jan-2012 11:04:02
Date: Monday, 2-Jan-2012 11:04:02
This is an Awareness Blog to consider the future of your world. Actions are being done now to restore our freedom. County, State, and National Assemblies are forming across our world nullifying the corrupt corporations. Watch and become AWARE! Participate and be a part of making history! 62 MILLION VIEWS PER MONTH Exclusive public outlet for documentation and notices from The Original Jurisdiction Republic 1861 circa 2010.
Message from Montague Keen - January 1, 2012 I would like, if I may, to wish everyone A Very Happy New Year. In this year of enlightenment, you will be shown evidence that will question all that you had accepted as truth. Open your minds. The truth is there. It has never been more accessible than it is now. Many obstacles will be put before you. FEAR will be used; it always worked in the past. Remember, the Cabal are creatures of habit, they always use the same methods of control. But you are wiser now and will see straight through all their propaganda. Who do you trust? As I have said in the past, look at their actions, not their words. The eyes are also a good indicator of honesty. People of the Light do not seek to control you, they know that you were given free will. This will certainly be an interesting year for many of you. Some have tasks to complete. You will be guided on this. These decisions are not made on the Earth Plane. Our plans will be carried out under our supervision. It is a joint effort. More and more people, on both sides of life, will work together in harmony. This is how it was meant to be. It was like this before the Cabal set about destroying the connection and casting man into the darkness of the control they inflicted on generations of you. All of you who are of the Light decided to return, to retake your planet and return it to the Light. It is a war between light and dark, good and evil. It is not easy to accept that there are people who look just like you, outwardly, who have planned to depopulate your world - to destroy millions of you. They do not have a conscience. They do not see you as worthy of life in the world that they are planning. They have shown you that they planned this take-over in 2012. But did they really think that Heaven would stand by and watch this happen. Every one of you is a precious soul. You are all important in the scheme of things. You have among you, people of the light. People who can see clearly, who have devoted their lives to showing you the truth, though many obstacles were put in their way. They carried on regardless to fulfil their missions. David Icke is one such person and Michael Tsarion has been exemplary in researching the Real Truth and writing it in such a way that he paints the picture in words, thus making it easy to understand, and see clearly the path of your destruction; how it was done and why it was done. Here you have two such different men: each a great scholar in his own right. Their writings will surely open the minds, even of the sceptics. There are many more like these two, who work tirelessly to guide everyone to the light. The energy in your world is changing rapidly. It affects many of you. Your extreme tiredness, my dear, is because of this. These changes we have put in place are a necessary part of the Transition. The more sensitive among you will experience more than others. This energy also encourages others to speak out and reveal truths that they had kept hidden for years. Such people need support and encouragement. Not speaking out makes you an accomplice. You may find it very disturbing to be around those who are not of the light. It's as though they are exposed, they have nowhere to hide anymore. Wealth offers no protection at times like this. You are the 99%. Again, I say to you, that it is when you research ancient Ireland that all becomes crystal clear. You will wonder how you could possibly have accepted as fact what you were told about history or religion. Trust me, this is the easiest way to establish the truth. For it is then, that everything was turned on its head: locations were changed, names were altered, but the evidence is still there for all to see. If you fail to do this, you will remain in the dark cell of ignorance and darkness in which your controllers have placed you. No, I was not Irish in my last incarnation. I was born in London to an orthodox Jewish family. I was, in a past life, Irish. I loved the way of life in Druidic times. When you research this, you will see the world in a very different light. All will become clear. It's like everything else, you have to start at the beginning and that is where it all began. It's up to you - all of you - to rescue your world and your people. Take it to the Light. 2012 is a year of opportunity. Go for it ! Assistance is at hand. You are right, my dear. It is a spaceship that you see most nights when the sky is clear, and yes, it has moved closer. They are observing and waiting the call of humanity to assist in the Transition. They come in friendship to welcome you back into the great Universe that you were once a part of. All will become clear when the truth is there for all to see. I would like to personally thank the children and your friends who, together, got you a new computer so that we can continue our work. This will relieve you of the stress of trying to cope with an old and temperamental machine. They are blessings in your life and are much appreciated. It is not all doom and gloom. There is work to be done to take your world forward. Once this is done, you will enjoy being on Earth. It will become Heaven on Earth, with everything you could possibly dream of, all there for you. Evil will be removed to become a thing of the past, gone forever. Let us go forward together to re-establish our World of Love and Light for all men. My love is guiding you always. Your adoring husband, Monty. Website: The Montague Keen Foundation |
Message from SaLuSa by Mike Quinsey - January 2, 2012 We hear you saying "at last" as you commence this year that is divinely bringing the cycle of duality to a completion. There are a whole mix of expectations as people look for signs that it will fulfill their own particular vision. The dark had planned to cause events that would have confirmed the Apocalypse, by fulfilling the ages old prophesies. However, with the loss of their power bases it is no longer possible, and the path to Ascension is to pass without great tragedies or destruction on a world wide scale. With the acceptance of our plan for your release from the controls of the dark Ones, as time passes your levels of consciousness will grow and come more into harmony. Much will clearly have to change, and the period to the end of the year will be clearly outlined by us. We want everyone to become aware of what is happening and the reason for it, and it will not be too long before we have to start giving out information. We know that it is equally important that all souls are informed of their future options, and great care will be taken to assure those who desire to remain in this present dimension, that they will receive as much care as anyone else. Even those who are of the last cabal, will ultimately receive every opportunity to follow a new path to their eventual salvation. God Is All Love, and makes no distinction between one soul to another when it comes to the sharing of All That Is. Throughout the Cycle of Duality you have fully exercised your God given freewill, and your choice is honored at all times with the provision that you learn from the consequences. Your experiences are most vital to your spiritual evolution, and there is no place like the Earth that offers you a better chance to progress. It is a hard and at times an unrewarding experience, that nevertheless speeds up your progress and makes you suited to pass it on to others on a similar path. Bear in mind that all experience is of value, and your intent is to follow a certain path of service to others. The fact that very few of you are unable to recall your past lives, means that you proceed based on a great deal of trust. You have always been promised that at the end of duality, you would be helped to return to the higher realms from whence you came. However, some souls have not progressed as quickly as others, and do not feel ready to take a quantum leap forward as will many others. That presents no problem, and by their choice will move to a similar dimension where they can continue their experiences. No soul is abandoned or as some believe damned by God. All travel their paths with the guidance of many higher souls, who are always ready to help and give advice. It does however help immensely if souls acknowledge their presence and "talk" with them. "Ask and you shall receive is based on truth", but do not expect to get exactly what you decide you want, as sometimes your Guides would rather give what is in your best interest. The timing is also important, and you need to be in a suitable period when it will work for you. Have faith in the outcome by accepting that you do not necessarily know what is best for you. Now so many of you are awakened to the truth of self and your purpose in life, this year should give you so much satisfaction as you will know the path that you need to tread. In the knowing you will also release any fear that you may still have held within, as you can no longer be distracted by efforts to mislead you. With the inevitable contact with us that is not far away, you will understand that the Galactic Federation is one that is made up of advanced civilizations that have already ascended. We are at present far more advanced than you will be by the end of the year, but you will have made immense progress. We will lift you up stage by stage very quickly, whilst you who have turned to the Light will be given every help to reach new levels of consciousness. This will all be quite normal and necessary to bring you up to one that aligns it with your true potential as Galactic Beings. Life as you have experienced it on Earth was never going to be a permanent condition, but simply a step up to enable you to take the next one to Ascension. Your real home is in the higher dimensions, and you are about to take the first step that will return you to it. This is where we come in, and you are assured of a happy conclusion to this cycle. Certain events resulting from Mother Earth's need to carry out her own cleansing will result in upheaval, but we will be there with you to minimize the affects. Between us all, the final year will not be anywhere near as cataclysmic as some have prophesied. However, as we have intimated previously, still be cautious if you live in areas prone to earthquake activity. If there is any real danger we will give out warnings, but we cannot stop the physical changes that are necessary to help return your Earth to its original pristine condition. As you have been informed by other sources already, in some areas where activity may be more severe our Dear friends who are also your ancestors of the Inner Earth will give you a safe haven. The Lemurians and the Atlanteans were both civilizations that nearly all of you would have had lifetimes with, and both ended with almost complete destruction. The Lemurians that were forewarned of the impending disaster like the Atlanteans emigrated to survive, but the Lemurians went underground where they built beautiful cities. They will come up again to make themselves known to you, but not until it is safe to do so. You have much to learn about your ancestors, and other life forms that live within the Earth. The knowledge has been kept back from you, as has much else that will soon be made known to you. Proof of these connections lies hidden in the Vatican secret archives, but it will be revealed in good time. Your whole history going back thousands of years is quite different to that which you have been led to believe, and will be correctly laid before you. I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and share your excitement at the beginning of year 2012, and all it promises to be. It is the year of completion and many have yet to grasp the full meaning of it. We wish you all the fulfillment of what you wish for yourselves, and may it bring you Love and Light. Thank you SaLuSa. Mike Quinsey. |
Alex Jones - Federal Reserve is Private Property (Video) The Federal Reserve tells Youtube to take down THIS CRITICAL VIDEO. (10-15-11) - YouTube |
Message from the Galactic Federation by Greg Giles - January 1, 2012 Dear ones, we come to you today with a message of joy and hope, of love and light, and the promise of a new year for you and your people. Today marks the first day of your new year, a year that will see many changes for your civilization. We would like to say that these changes will be smooth, transitionally speaking, but we must be honest with you at all times and tell you these changes may be abrupt and very tumultuous to many of your world. If you look at it from the viewpoint of the yet un-awakened, you may see these changes from a new perspective. One day these souls believe they exist within a world where their governments protect them from all harm, look after all of their medical needs, safeguard their economy for them, even tell them how to behave and how to think. The next day the government structure they have grown so attached to is gone, replaced by a structure of many men and women they may not know of and they did not vote for. These un-awakened souls will be told, and perhaps hear these words for the first time, that they have been lied to about almost everything they have come to believe as their one true reality. These souls will have to question everything they have come to understand, and be forced to see their world and universe in an entirely new light. For a soul to learn for the first time that their race is not alone in the universe may seem an easy lesson to some, but to others this kind of information is ground shattering. Try to be there for those souls who find it difficult to deal with this kind of revelation. This is your task, one of many, but if you did not think you could do it and there were not those of us who felt you were capable of this assignment, you would not be where you are today reading these words. We, the Galactic Federation, are prepared to make our move. We have our people in position and are only awaiting the signal from all involved that they are ready to move forward with the first implementation of the overall plan. This plan includes the replacement of all your government officials who have clearly demonstrated they are service to self individuals who cannot be trusted in any position of authority in your world. Then we will begin disclosure announcements declaring our presence in your atmospheres surrounding your planet, followed quickly by our landings and open contact with you, the people of Earth, throughout your media and even in person in your cities and towns. Many of your media who today engage in propaganda and cover-ups do so under threat and pressure from the cabal and their agents. With the removal of the cabal and many of their minions, those souls of your media who are of integrity will finally be free to do what their positions require them to do; report to you the truth of your world and others as well. This day will be a most joyous one for you. Can you imagine your excitement upon turning on the television and instead of incessant propaganda and mind control programming you see your brothers and sisters alike sharing with you in-depth information rarely ever discussed through your media? We have much to say as well and will often make presentations to you and your families. Many areas of new knowledge must be shared with you before the last days of 2012 close out and humanity gears itself for ascension into the higher realms. Use your last days of duality wisely. Look back and review the many events of your lives. Many were planned meticulously by you and your Star Families for you to learn and to grow from. Do not let these great efforts go to waste. Be there for your brothers and sisters who need your advice and calming influence during the rough seas of changing tide ahead. This is one of your tasks. You have proven a master at this. This is why you are here, and this is why you are reading these words. This is how we at this time are communicating with much of our ground crew, and we are so pleased at the incredible job so many of you are doing spreading the knowledge of our presence and honorable intentions. Events are set to commence. Prepare yourselves and your families, friends, and strangers alike for a bit of unsettlement as the old makes way for the new. Some areas of this change will be smooth and some areas rough. This is the way it must be. We are also masters at what we do. Together we will make it work. Together we will succeed in restoring this world to its rightful owners, you, the citizens of your planet. What you have waiting before you is nothing shy of miraculous, and will make all of your hardships worth every second of them. Hold on tight. Remain ever grounded. Your day is rapidly approaching. We are your Family of Light from the stars. As channeled through Greg Giles Ascension Earth 2012 |
You must watch this... they are coming all the way to their end..... SHARE THIS FAR AND WIDE...~ YOU MUST WAKE UP~Declaration of WW3 Guaranty of Civil War. Get arrested for anything & risk Indefinite Detention. Defend your Life & GOD Given Rights. "This evil act doesn't change that". Senate and Obama "NWO" passed NDAA (Legal Holocaust bill), SOPA PIPA (Internet Censorship) Ending all of Your Rights. |
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20 min. Interview with an ET Contactee - Q & A (Video) Enrique Villanueva - ET Contact and the Expansion of Consciousness - YouTube |