Friday, March 2, 2012

Alex Jones - possible Israeli intel agent - Cancels Speaking Tour


Alex Jones Cancels Speaking Tour 3 Days After Exposure As Possible STRATFOR Double Agent

Posted: February 16, 2012 in Alex JonesBREAKING NEWS

Alex Jones cancels American speaking tour after revelations that he may be working for Israeli intelligence agency STRATFOR.

On February 12, 2012, David Chase Taylor of broke the story that Alex Jones was likely an intelligence tool for STRATFOR, a private Zionist intelligence agency located in Austin, Texas. As detailed in the original article (see below), STRATFOR admits to being an intelligence gathering center and therefore it stands to reason that Alex Jones and his affiliates of Inforwars  and PrisonPlanet have likely been gathering intelligence, data and info on patriotic Americans since 1996, coincidently the exact same year that STRATFOR was founded.
“You don’t know who’s good or bad until you get to that crisis point.” ~Alex Jones, October 14, 2011

Just three days after Taylor’s original article entitled “Is Alex Jones A STRATFOR Double Agent?” was published, 
Alex Jones abruptly canceled his nationwide speaking tour without a reason except that “the collapse is so imminent”. Jones went on to attack the links between himself and STRATFOR by stating that he started his radio broadcast in 1995 and that was indeed self-made.

On the February 15, 2012, edition of the Alex Jones Show, Jones stated that HE WILL attend the first two scheduled speaking tour dates in Dallas, Texas, on Sunday, February 19, 2012 (7:00 PM) and in Orlando, Florida, on Sunday, February 26, 2012 (7:00 PM), but that HE WILL NOT be traveling and speaking throughout America as previously planned.

Clearly Jones has been made as a traitorous spy and is running scared. Revelation of Jones’ ties to Israeli intelligence should come as no surprise since Jones has not and will not reveal the true Zionist control of America.

Is Alex Jones A STRATFOR Double Agent?”
February 12, 2012
Now that Alex Jones has been exposed as a potential STRATFOR intelligence operative, his upcoming speaking tour may provide security challenges for the Shin Bet security team that is likely responsible for keeping him safe. Alex Jones of and has long been accused of being many things; namely: a CIA agent, a Mossad agent, or a Jesuit priest. While his true identity and political allegiance has been secret for many years, his time as the defunct leader of the 9/11 Truth movement is about to come to an end.

Based on the following evidence, Alex Jones is likely a STRATFOR (Strategic Forecasting, Inc.) double intelligence agent. This conclusion is based on the following data and research which should leave little doubt that Alex Jones has been built up over the last decade to prematurely ejaculate the 2nd American Revolution, disrupt genuine political movements, and gather intelligence on American citizens.

End Game
Alex Jones’ film “End Game” appears to be the cover for Operation Endgame, a  "2003-2012 plan under implementation by the Office of Detention and Removal Operations of the U.S. Department of Homeland SecurityBureau of Immigration and Customs Enforcement to detain and deport all removable aliens and “suspected terrorists” currently living in the United States by 2012″. 
Based on f0llowing evidence and behavior history of Jones, it is highly likely that he is part of this operation.

Austin, TexasThe city of Austin is the capital of Texas and home to both STRATFOR and Alex Jones. The city also boasts other political intelligence operatives; namely: Karl Rovetop Republican Strategist, Steven Jackson, founder of the Illuminati card game, Jehmu Green, founder of Rock the Vote, and Silona Bonewald, founder of theLeague of Technical Voters.  Austin is located only 199 miles away from Lake Jackson, Texas, which is home to U.S. Congressman and 2012 U.S. Presidential candidate Ron Paul. Needless to say, Austin represents a majority of the Republican/Right Wing power structure in America.

Founded in 1996 
A global intelligence company, Strategic Forecasting, Inc., also known as STRATFOR, was founded in 1996 in Austin, Texas, by George FriedmanAlex Jones’ career was also founded in 1996 when he began his radio career with a public-access television cable TV program, but was quickly promoted and hired on at KJFK in Austin hosting a show entitled “The Final Edition”.

Apples & Oranges?
Prior to STRATFOR’s alleged hacking incident on December 24, 2011, the following data and information was present on the STRATFOR website. When compared, there is little doubt that STRATFOR and Alex Jones’ Infowars and PrisonPlanet are indeed one and the same:

The Apples
STRATFORE WEBITE: “STRATFOR’s global team of intelligence professionals provides an audience of decision-makers and sophisticated news consumers in the U.S. and around the world with unique insights into political, economic, and military developments. The company uses human intelligence and other sources combined with powerful analysis based on geopolitics to produce penetrating explanations of world events. This independent, non-ideological content enables users not only to better understand international events, but also to reduce risks and identify opportunities in every region of the globe. The company delivers content daily on its Web site, in videos, e-mails and books, and an iPhone app.”
STRATFORE WEBITE: STRATFOR delivers critical intelligence and perspective through:
  1. Situation Reports: Snapshots of global breaking news
  2. Analysis: Daily reports that assess key world events and their significance
  3. Quarterly & Annual Forecasts: Rigorous predictions of what will happen next
  4. Multimedia: Engaging videos and information-rich interactive maps
  5. Intelligence Guidance: Internal memos that guide STRATFOR staff in their intelligence-gatheringoperations in the immediate days ahead
Currently STRATFOR’s products are oriented around individual subscriptions, of which the “Premium” product is the most comprehensive in content offered. Some of STRATFOR’s work remains available free to the public. STRATFOR has some products available to the public including private briefings, corporate memberships, a publishing business that includes written and multimedia analysis and an iPhone application.

The OrangesAlex Jones and his team of reporters, writers, and producers routinely schedule, host and quote former and current intelligence officials such as Dr. Steve Pechenik (DOD), Wayne Madsen (NSA), Lt. Col. Anthony Shaffer(Senior Fellow at the Center for Advanced Defense Studies), David MacMichael (CIA), Ray McGovern (CIA), andJames Wesley Rawles (ARMY Intelligence) just to name a few. These intelligence operatives provide Alex Jones’ listeners with unique insights into political, economic, and military developments. Alex Jones and Infowars use live reporting, websites, podcasts, video streams, videos, books, iPhone applications and a host of other media to attempt to explain and make understood world events.
Alex Jones & Infowars delivers critical intelligence and perspective through:
  1. Situation Reports: Snapshots of global breaking news (Nationwide      Reporting- Nightly News)
  2. Analysis: Daily reports that assess key world events and their      significance (Daily Radio Show)
  3. Forecasts: Rigorous predictions of what will happen next      (Forecasting – Gerald Celente)
  4. Multimedia: Engaging videos and information-rich interactive maps      (Movies, Videos, Websites)
  5. Intelligence Guidance: (Internal memos likely guide INFOWARS staff      in their intelligence-gathering operations as they database      addresses, phone numbers, and email addresses)
Alex Jones’ main product is merchandise in the way of DVD’s, books, stickers and clothing, but customers can obtain the “premium” Prison Planet TV membership which allows unfettered access to all of Alex Jones’ films, interviews and broadcasts in high quality. Alex Jones’ daily radio show, website and iPhone application remain free to the public.

People in High Places
According to STRATFOR, the company’s publicity list includes Fortune 500 companies and international government agencies, although their client list is allegedly confidential. Like STRATFOR, Alex Jones’ publicity list includes celebs like Charlie Sheen, Willie Nelson, Jesse Ventura and Joe Rogan, as well as a number of other “elite” individuals within government, intelligence, Hollywood, and the corporate world. How and why Jones is so deeply connected to the “elite” despite being a “conspiracy theorist” is a mystery and quite baffling unlesshe is indeed part of an intelligence network.

9/11 Predictions

In the days before and on 9/11, both STRATFOR and Alex Jones were making predictions about what was going to happen and who would be allegedly responsible. According Wikipedia, STRATFOR has a connection to the 9/11 attacks: “At the time of the September 11, 2001 attacks, STRATFOR made its “breaking news” paragraphs, as well as some notable analyses predicting likely actions to be taken by al-Qaeda and the Bush administration, available freely to the public.

According to Alex Jones himself, he predicted 9/11 and the Anthrax attacks that followed. Jones’ information and insight is also free to the public. Clearly, there is some sort of an intelligence connection at play. STRATFOR, a Zionist intelligence operation, obviously knew of the impending 9/11 attacks which were carried out by the Israeli MossadJones job has been to make 9/11 an “Inside Job”, thus putting the blame squarely on the American government and it’s people rather than the Israeli Mossad where it belongs. Jone’s numerous and baseless terror predictions such as an impending bioterror attack is likely coming from STRATFOR and the Mossad intelligence networks.

ZionismSTRATFOR was founded by Dr. George Friedman, an admitted Zionist.  In an interview, Friedman was asked the following: “Does being Jewish affect the way you view the world, I begin. “Being Jewish keeps things in perspective,” he says, smiling. “We lost two temples.” Alex Jones’ repeated denials and lies in regards to Zionism clearly indicate that he is a Zionist tool. Aside being married to an Israeli, Jones has purposely lied and deceived his audience about the real Zionist threat to America.

Clearly Alex Jones and his likely employer STRATFOR have ulterior and devious motives when it comes to the 9/11 Truth movement and the future of America. Exposing Jones and his partners in crime is the first steptowards getting a real and independent investigation into 9/11 and saving America from is rapid free-fall.
Alex Jones previously attempted to bait the American public into a full-blown riot on the eve of Y2K (December 31, 1999) by repeatedly stating that the Russians had nuked the United States

Jones’ traitorous actions were to be repeated on February 6, 2011, when a thermonuclear weapon was to be detonated at Super Bowl XLV in Dallas, Texas. David Chase Taylor’s free ebook entitled The Nuclear Bible was published 10 days prior on January 28, 2011, in an attempt to stop the impending false-flag nuclear attack.
Overwhelming direct and circumstantial evidence has now surfaced in the aftermath of the failed Super Bowl plot which unequivocally shows that Taylor’s actions did indeed stop, or at least postpone, a Zionist nuclear terror attack upon America. Jones was set to blame the U.S. government in the aftermath of the attack in a calculated attempt to goat Americans into an armed response, despite the fact that Pakistan has been set up over the last 25 years as the scapegoat of nuclear terror.

Humanity, namely America, is waking up. Had a nuke gone off in Texas that Sunday night, riots, martial law, and an armed revolution would have likely ensued. Alex Jones’ job is to make sure that happens.
We are in an information war. While 90% of what Alex Jones says is true, it’s the 10% he is omitting that is going to end up damning America. Exposing the one and only Alex Jones as a potential STRATFOR double agent is paramount and the first step into exposing the truth behind the truth movement.
Please do your part. Namaste.

The following is an excerpt from an article entitled “McStrategy”:
How would you like to tap into an exclusive private intelligence service staffed by ex-CIA analysts who glean exclusive information from shadowy sources, cross-grid raw intel to detect relevant patterns, and alert you by email when the product requires your attention?

Welcome to Stratfor, the brainchild of George Friedman, a Texas academic and sometime U.S. government consultant, who became an intelligence entrepreneur and runs what the press routinely calls “a private CIA” out of an office building in downtown Austin.

Friedman’s private CIA, for that matter, isn’t much different from the official version.
The comparisons of Stratfor with the CIA are not entirely off-base. By main force and superior salesmanship, George Friedman has managed to replicate the key features of the intelligence establishment on a private footing.

Prior to STRATFOR’s alleged hacking incident on December 24, 2011,
the following FAQ data and information was present on the STRATFOR website:

What is STRATFOR’s political orientation?
STRATFOR is rigorously non-partisan and non-ideological. We are privately-owned, not affiliated with any government or non-governmental agency. We are an objective intelligence service, providing information about what has happened or will happen, not what should happen. We make no policy prescriptions or advocacy statements.

What’s the difference between “news” and “intelligence”?
News is a commodity that you can get anywhere on the Internet. 
Intelligence today is what’s going to be news tomorrow.

STRATFOR provides three types of intelligence products:
Situational Awareness – Situational Awareness is knowing what matters, and an intelligence professional’s responsibility – STRATFOR’s responsibility – is to keep you apprised of what matters without wasting your time with clutter. 
We provide near real-time developments from street revolutionary movements and military invasions. 
OJ’s latest arrest and mudslinging in Washington and Brussels don’t make the cut.
Analyses – STRATFOR tells its Members what events in the world actually mean. We also tell you when events are much ado about nothing. Oftentimes the seemingly momentous is geopolitically irrelevant and vice versa.
We discern what’s important objectively – without ideology, a partisan agenda, or a policy prescription.
Forecasts – Knowing what happened yesterday is helpful; knowing what’s going to happen tomorrow is critical. STRATFOR’s intelligence team makes definitive calls about what’s next. These aren’t opinions about what should happen; they’re analytically rigorous predictions of what will happen.


The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 

Posted By: watcher51445
Date: Friday, 2-Mar-2012 07:59:38

By: Devvy
October 22, 2004
"The real rulers in Washington are invisible and exercise power from behind the scenes." -- Supreme Court Justice Felix Frankfurter,1952
The issue of vote fraud has been all over the news for months. The first time I ran for Congress in the '93-'94 cycle, my campaign put out 25,000 flyers on Jim Collier's book VoteScam: The Stealing of America. Vote fraud and electronic ballot machines have been one of my pet issues and crusades since 1993. I find it ironic that the ones making the most noise about this are the Democrats, bona fide experts when it comes to vote fraud.
There was vote fraud in the March 1996 primary when I ran as a Republican against the nitwit incumbent, Congressman Wally Herger. Just one of the many things that happened: While I was legally on the ballot, in the largest county in the district, my name didn't even appear on the ballot in one of the biggest precincts! When all was said and done, the Secretary of State, Republican Bill Jones, refused to investigate and in his short, terse letter to me said if I didn't like the outcome of the election, sue the state. By that time, the vote had been certified and it was all over. At that point I realized the "Grand Old Party" wasn't interested in the truth or fair elections, the party was over, I kissed the GOP good bye and have never regretted my decision.
Following the phony primary in 1996, I wrote a 45 page booklet titled Blind Loyalty. This little booklet is filled with page after page after page of verifiable vote fraud. It was updated in 2000; I retired it earlier this year after selling 700,000 copies. However, if you click here, I have pulled some excerpts from the booklet that are on my CD so you can examine the numbers.
The Democrats are already gearing up to create court battles in many states of the Union the minute the polls close on election day. One columnist recently wrote "If the abuses continue, we may have reached the point that Jefferson foretold." He was referring to Jefferson's comment about the tree of liberty must from time to time be refreshed with the blood of patriots. There already is violence over the Bush/Kerry ticket, which I find truly pathetic considering either candidate spells more disaster for our Republic.
America is going to see monstrous problems that will make Florida 2000 pale in comparison. The whole horse and pony show that you will see is going to be deliberately engineered. Certainly, the voting system in this country is a mess and there will be provable fraud, but the Democrats are determined to create chaos which will, of course, keep the people divided and their attention diverted from what's really going on behind the scenes in furtherance of a one world government.
The real fraud is inside the machines
"I am concerned for the security of our great nation, not so much because of any threat from without, but because of the insidious forces working from within."- General Douglas MacArthur
Magicians use something called a 'magician's distraction.' They direct your attention to one hand while the other hand is busy doing the magic trick. Right now, everyone is watching the ballots and registrations, but they're ignoring what's inside these machines we pay for with our tax dollars, and according to the high court here in California, we have no right to do so to protect "proprietary interests" of the manufacturer. Let me enlighten you by quoting from a vote fraud newsletter (Cincinnatus News Service), December 1996:
"The missing link in the vote fraud investigation has been found. The November 1996 issue of Relevance Magazine reveals that two-way hidden modems are being built into the ever growing number of computerized optical scanner/direct recording voting machines in use all across the country from New England to California.
"These ostensibly independent voting machines are each driven by its own mini-computer. For example, the citizen, immediately after voting, feeds his ballot through an optical scanner which "reads" the vote and allegedly records the results immediately. Right after the polls close, a precinct worker obtains the cumulative "results" from that polling place by pushing a button which causes the mini-computer to issue a printed sheet.
"How can tens of thousands of these independent voting machines in tens of thousands of separate locations possibly be manipulated without involving tens of thousands of people?....The bombshell from O'Halloran's article is that these hidden modems are accessible by remote cell phone technology. In other words, these voting machines can be accessed and manipulated from a central super computer without a phone line connected to the wall, and without the local precinct workers knowing that anything is happening at all.
"According to Dr. O'Halloran, "Of course, when the same company that writes the source code, also designs the internal modem, the possibilities are endless for accessing the computer either before, during or after the election to alter, or at least interrogate the computer's vote count. It raises the specter of a remote high-speed, vote rigging computer automatically and surreptitiously contacting, querying and rapidly adjusting the votes inside many precincts and/or central counting machines nationwide."
"Dr. O'Halloran verified his bombshell findings from the following sources: (1) Global Election Systems which makes the popular Accu-vote optical scanner; (2) the web site ( of the largest supplier of computer voting systems in the USA, Business Records Corporation (BRC); (3) PJ Lyon, 25 year computer veteran with BRC at Berkeley who maintains the BRCs source code; (4) Penelope Bonsall, long standing spokes person for the FEC; and (5) the Clerk's Office of Birmingham, Michigan."
Dr. O'Halloran also confirmed by contacting Doubleday Publishing of Kalamzaoo, Michigan which sells the GES "Accu-Vote system, "A programming technician matter-of-factly told me that there are modems inside each of the vote counting computers which are used to transfer results from dozens of precincts to computer counting computers. They talk between modems. There is a modem between each computer unit." This means the voting counting computers can talk to a central computer mainframe and are vulnerable to outside access. Dr.O'Halloran went on to say, "The Doubleday technician explained that special command cards can be inserted into the machine to tell the precinct computer to call the central computer with results. According the technicians, "You have to program the phone number into the card, the card accesses the modem and the card tells it to dial into the central computer. To close the election you slide the 'ender-card' - like a special ballot - which has certain codes on it and tells it to lock up the election."
GES isn't the only manufacturer of these internal modems. Dr. O'Halloran further investigated a Florida based company, Optech, and found the following on it's web site: "Modem communications and results transfer capability from the precinct with the OPTECH III-P Eagle and regional accumulation with the Smart Pack Receiving System." This alarmed O'Halloran because "the presence of an internal (hidden) modem which could allow outside access to the computer without anyone's knowledge." At that point, Dr. O'Halloran contacted Ronnie Dugger, author of a highly acclaimed November 1997 article in New Yorker about computerized election fraud. For those who are interested, you can read one of Dugger's articles here; another detailed article on vote rigging via these insidious machines is here.
"A modem in an election computer would be highly suspect," Dr. O'Halloran quoted Dugger. "You can't insulate a computer from outside communication if you have a modem in it. There would be a sub-routine (in the source-code) program which would cause the results being turned into the central computer to be phoned to you too, so that you could find out how many votes you needed to steal the election."
Here's another example: Voting machine fails inspection By Robert Lemos, Staff Writer, CNET, July 24, 2003:
University researchers delivered a serious blow to the current crop of electronic voting systems in an analysis of one such system's source code in which they concluded that a voter could cast unlimited ballots without detection. Using an earlier version of the source code that powers machines manufactured by Diebold Election Systems, the security experts--three from Johns Hopkins University and a colleague from Rice University--performed an audit and found numerous security holes. "Our analysis shows that this voting system is far below even the most minimal security standards applicable in other contexts," said the researchers in a paper published Wednesday on the Internet, concluding that "as a society, we must carefully consider the risks inherent in electronic voting, as it places our very democracy at risk." The criticisms echo a fundamental issue that many security researchers have raised with most current systems: There is no way to verify that a vote was correctly recorded and no permanent record is kept." Full article is at:
For those who jump into a state of denial that this couldn't possibly happen in America, it has and it will on election day. As long as we the people have no access to the internal workings of those machines, we will never know what is being fed into them via software programming and those internal modems. Get rid of all electronic machines, period and stop the fraud. While the parties are busy bickering and fighting about the ballots and registrations, the real fraud will occur during the voting process - regardless of what company manufactured the machine. Electronic ballot machine voting is the most secret process you've ever seen and it reeks of fraud.
High stakes means controlling the vote
Americans are woefully uninformed about the bigger picture, a subject I have been writing about for more than a decade. Here's the bottom line for vote fraud: Control the vote, you control who gets "elected" into positions of power. These elected officials will then work to fulfill the agenda of the international banking cartel that owns the White House, Congress and the two "mainstream" political parties. If they don't, they lose their next election. That's how the game is played and if you play the game, it will play you.
After the pretend elections in 2000, the duplicitous in Congress got busy looking indignant, outraged and set forth to appropriate tens of millions of dollars to provide a uniform voting system in America using what else? Electronic voting machines. The feds cannot force the states to use these machines. This is a Tenth Amendment issue that the states must enforce and tell Congress to take a walk. The only way this will happen is through your legislatures and your county supervisors.
Mark my words: We will never know the true vote count next month on election day no matter how many times the ballots are run through a machine or how many lawsuits the Democrats file against the Republicans and visa versa. All of this is just smoke and mirrors. We will never know how many votes were actually cast for Michael Peroutka representing the Constitution Party. In the end, America will get one of the two new world order facilitators (Bush or Kerry) jammed down our throats.
As someone who has run for public office, put their whole heart into the effort, along with all the volunteers and the financial generosity of so many, I would rather have waited four or five days for a real vote count than be cheated. I don't want election results at the speed of a button, I want a true vote count. 21st Century high-technology is fine, but not for our elections. Speed should not be the order of the day. Fairness and impartiality to obtain an honest outcome should be the number one consideration. Do we really need to know who won the election one minute after 8:00 pm Pacific Standard Time?
How come Peter Jennings and the big networks know the winners of so many races within a few hours of all polls closing with only 2% of the precincts "reporting"? How is it that USA TODAY can report on July 25, 2004 that Bush is going to win by so many electoral college votes months before the election? The electors don't cast their electoral college vote until the second week in December. How do these state polls or strategists seem to know the outcome long before the election? We always hear on election night that so and so won X number of electoral college votes with only a few percentage points of precincts "reporting." How is this possible? "Exit polls"? Now, there's another hoax.
What can be done?
A must is to get rid of the insidious Motor Voter Law of 1993. All states of the Union must purge their voting rolls and start over from scratch. There is a two year period between elections. That's more than enough time for anyone who has a real desire to vote, to obtain a certified birth certificate and personally get down to the county clerk's office to register. If someone can't find those few minutes over a two year period, then fine, keep them out of the voting booth. County clerk offices across the country can stay open on Saturdays during this process or even a few evenings a month until 7:00 pm. It's a small price to pay for fair and impartial elections. Voting rolls all across the country are filled with deceased folks, felons and massive numbers of illegal aliens. I know because I have investigated this issue quite thoroughly.
We must have paper ballots that are marked with a black felt pen that are then put into a clear plastic box that sits in everyone's view until time to count. The count must take place in front of anyone who wants to watch. This will accomplish a number of things:
1. With a plain, sturdy paper ballot, using a black felt pen, there can be no mistakes about chads or other diversions. If someone makes a mistake, they can either X it out clearly and remark their choice, or bad ballots would be shredded right there in front of everyone and a new ballot issued.
2. All ballots placed in a clear plastic box that never leaves the precinct so they can be lost, stolen or stuffed behind closed doors; neither will anyone be able to alter the ballots. After the count, the boxes would then be escorted by the county sheriff and deputies to the county clerk's office for secured storage in the event a recount is requested. The process now means you vote, put the ballot in a cardboard box, walk out the door and never know what happened to your ballot after that. I know what happened with mine in the 1996 primary; it was a joke, a open invitation for fraud.
3. Break down the precincts. No more than 20,000 voters per precinct so that hand counting is manageable, accurate and time effective. There are more than enough volunteers in this country who want fair and impartial elections to assist on election day. In 2000, up in Canada with tens of millions of votes to count by hand, it was done and finished in less than 24 hours. Where there's a will there's a way. Paper ballots, hand counted in the precinct in front of anyone who wants to watch is the only way to ensure fair and impartial elections, period.
"The real menace of our Republic is this invisible government which like a giant octopus sprawls its slimy length over city, state and nation. Like the octopus of real life, it operates under cover of a self created screen. At the head of this octopus are the Rockefeller Standard Oil interests and a small group of powerful banking houses generally referred to as international bankers. The little coterie of powerful international bankers virtually run the United States government for their own selfish purposes. They practically control both political parties." NY Mayor John F. Hylan, 1922
Believe it. If the American people want to be the masters of their own destiny, they must put aside this absurd blind loyalty to a political party and fight for our right to fair and impartial elections in 2006, because you won't be getting it next month. With the way things are going in this police state environment, we'll be lucky to even have elections two years from now. Our Republic is in deep peril and we need real honest to goodness statesmen and constitutionalists elected. The only way that is going to happen is to clean up the voting process.
© 2004 Devvy Kidd - All Rights Reserved
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Devvy Kidd authored the booklets, Why A Bankrupt America and Blind Loyalty, which sold close to 2,000,000 copies. Has been a guest more than 1600 times on radio shows, ran for Congress twice and is a highly sought after public speaker. Devvy is a contributing writer for Devvy's web site is:; is sponsored by El Dorado Gold; e-mail
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Magicians use something called a 'magician's distraction.' They direct your attention to one hand while the other hand is busy doing the magic trick. Right now, everyone is watching the ballots and registrations, but they're ignoring what's inside these machines...


This is a repeat posting but worth it!

Poor Bibi. He Demands War With Iran And No One Will Start It

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 

Poor Bibi. He Demands War With Iran And No One Will Start It
Posted By: Lion [Send E-Mail]
Date: Friday, 2-Mar-2012 07:27:49

"Bibi" Netanyahu had his anger on display at a meeting in Israel with Sens. John McCain and Lindsey Graham."
So the psychopath's Netanyahu, McCain, and Graham are not happy that they are not murdering enough innocents.
Notice here it's ALWAYS Netanyahu, McCain, and Graham perpetrating the lunacy. They are the insane criminals, period.
It was Netanyahu, McCain, Graham, and Levin who wrote the NDAA bill of treason.
It's time to arrest these clowns, yesterday, and take them out of circulation before they do any more damage.
Source: Lew Rockwell
Will Bibi Break Obama?
by Patrick J. Buchanan
Recently by Patrick J. Buchanan: Did 'The Great Society' Ruin Society?
The prime minister of Israel is angry with Barack Obama and is coming here to force a hardening of U.S. policy toward Iran.
"Bibi" Netanyahu had his anger on display at a meeting in Israel with Sens. John McCain and Lindsey Graham.
McCain emerged saying he had never seen an Israeli prime minister "that unhappy." "He was angry," said McCain. "I've never seen U.S.-Israel relations at this point."
"The Israelis are unnerved," said Graham. "They think the administration is sending the wrong signal, and so do I."
What has so enraged Netanyahu? The Obama policy of tightening sanctions on Iran while holding out the opportunity for Tehran to negotiate and provide guarantees that its nuclear program is not aimed at an atomic bomb.
The U.S. intelligence community unanimously believes that Iran is some time away, perhaps years, from being able to produce a nuclear weapon and has not made the command decision to build one.
Israel retorts that Iran is entering a "zone of immunity," when Israel will lack the ability to attack and abort Iran's nuclear program, as new nuclear sites are being moved underground. Netanyahu's government is also angry at what it sees as U.S. leaders' distancing themselves from Israel.
When that fifth Iranian nuclear scientist was assassinated and Tehran accused America and Israel of complicity, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton denounced the murder, leaving Israel as prime suspect.
Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta leaked to columnist David Ignatius that Israel might strike Iran in April, May or June, leaving no doubt as to who wants a war, while ex-CIA Director Michael Hayden openly disparages Israel's capacity to cripple Iran's nuclear sites: "They only have the ability to make this worse."
Adm. William Fallon, who headed U.S. Central Command, has been categorical: "No one I am aware of thinks that there is a positive outcome from a military strike" on Iran.
Chairman of the Joint Chiefs Gen. Martin Dempsey has called Iran a "rational actor" and told the Israelis that for them to attack Iran now would be "premature," "destabilizing" and imprudent.
Netanyahu said that Dempsey's remarks "served Iran" and the general was "unwilling to aid Israel."
Like Panetta, U.S. Director of National Intelligence James Clapper has said he does not believe that Iran has decided to build a bomb, while National Security Adviser Tom Donilon spent three days in Israel, reportedly arguing against an Israeli attack.
"The Israelis are fuming over what they perceive as deliberate attempts by the Obama administration to undermine the deterrent effect of the Jewish state's threat to use force against Iran by publicly questioning the timing and utility of such strikes." So write Jay Solomon and Carol Lee of The Wall Street Journal.
Netanyahu is coming to Washington, the Journal writers add, to demand that Obama spell out the "red lines" Iran will not be allowed to cross without triggering a U.S. attack.
What Netanyahu wants is a U.S. ultimatum to Iran.
White House sources say that when Obama meets Netanyahu Tuesday, he will reject the prime minister's demands.
But the pressure to shorten the timetable for war is intense and growing.
Obama will speak Sunday to the annual assembly of the Israeli lobby AIPAC. Newt Gingrich, Rick Santorum and Mitt Romney, all more hawkish than the president, have also been invited to address the conclave.
Three dozen senators have signed on to a resolution declaring it a U.S. "vital national interest" that Iran not possess even a "nuclear weapons capability."
S.R. 380 reads like a resolution crafted as a casus belli, a cause for war. For South Korea, Brazil and Japan all have a "nuclear weapons capability," as all have the industrial proficiency and technical know-how to build an atomic bomb, should they chose to do so.
The resolution demands that Iran halt all uranium production and end its ballistic missile program, and declares "unacceptable" any U.S. policy of containment of an Iran that is capable of building a bomb, even if Iran has decided not to build a bomb.
Containment succeeded with a Soviet Empire with 10,000 nuclear weapons, but is apparently inadequate for dealing with an Iran that has no atom bombs, only the potential to build one.
S.R. 380 points directly toward a U.S. war on Iran.
Who wants that war? Netanyahu, his government, and his allies in U.S. politics and the press, and in a Congress that gave him 29 standing ovations the last time he spoke there.
Who does not want a war?
The White House, the Pentagon, the Joint Chiefs, the intelligence community, the antiwar left and Old Right, and millions of Americans who believe a U.S. war on Iran could ignite a sectarian and regional war that could prove catastrophic for the Middle East, the world economy and the United States of America.
March 2, 2012
Patrick J. Buchanan [send him mail] is co-founder and editor of The American Conservative. He is also the author of seven books, including Where the Right Went Wrong, and Churchill, Hitler, and the Unnecessary War. His latest book is Suicide of a Superpower: Will America Survive to 2025? See his website.
Copyright © 2012 Creators Syndicate

Ron Paul Holds Key To White House." on YouTube

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 

[freedomfight] Watch "Doug Wead: Ron Paul Holds Key To White House." on YouTube
Posted By: watcher51445
Date: Friday, 2-Mar-2012 06:11:30

[freedomfight] Watch "Doug Wead: Ron Paul Holds Key To White House." on YouTube

Massive opposition file on Romney hits Internet,

Massive opposition file on Romney hits Internet, likely from 2008 McCain campaign

If you think you’ve already heard everything there is to know aboutMitt Romney, think again. A 200-page document that appears to beSen. John McCain’s entire 2008 election-year opposition research file on the former Massachusetts governor hit the Internet with a vengeance Tuesday evening. And it’s an eye-opener.
The file explores everything from the assessed value of Romney’s house (“$3.162 million”) to his views on the Boy Scouts’ ban of homosexuals (“publicly opposed … in 1994 and 2002 campaigns”). It was made public Tuesday on the social media website Buzzfeed, although it appears to have been accessible online for two months.
The document, given the name “The Romney Book,” was viewed less than 100 times on the page where it was originally uploaded by its anonymous leaker on November 11.
Neither McCain nor his former presidential campaign staffers have authenticated the untitled document, and McCain’s recent endorsement of Romney makes that highly unlikely. Still, the file is comprehensive enough — even by Washington, D.C. opposition-research standards — to suggest that it was assembled as a tool to counter a Romney candidacy on a national scale. And the news articles it references stop late in 2007.
After a four-page introduction and timeline of Romney’s personal and professional life, the file’s next six pages cover what the authors called “top hits.” The last six pages are an appendix describing a “Boston Video Archive.”
The biggest portion consists of a detailed and heavily sourced exploration of Romney’s evolving positions on social issues (22 pages), economic issues (21 pages) and domestic policy (48 pages).
A 33-page section details his business record at Bain Capital, and 16 pages cover political issues that the authors believed can be exploited against Romney.
Another 11 pages are devoted to his “flip-flops.”
Read the Romney file:

The extensive research on Romney’s business history includes many snippets and quotations from news stories that are no longer available online or have disappeared behind newspaper paywalls, making the file a likely gold mine for Romney’s political rivals this year.
For instance, a 1991 Boston Globe article explored how Bain “cultivated a mystique around the secretive firm, which was once dubbed ‘the KGB of consulting.’ Partners didn’t carry business cards and referred to clients by code names. … And it inculcated in the recruits such a sense of mission that young consultants became known as Bainies, a reference to the Unification Church’s Moonies.”
Citing a 1994 Globe article, the file concludes that “Romney used Drexel Burnham junk bonds to finance [a] 1988 leveraged buyout, right around the time SEC officials were taking formal action against the company.”
In a followup article cited in the file, the Globe reported that Romney and another Bain Capital partner “defended their decision to hire Drexel before the SEC suit — at a time when rumors of the investigation were rife on Wall Street — as well as after the suit was filed.”
The dossier also explores the history of Bain’s business transactions related to Ampad, Maytag, Haier Group, and seven other companies that were subjects of Bain takeovers.
In the section covering Romney’s political liabilities, the document’s authors note his praise for Hillary Clinton during a 1998 event where he declared, “Hillary Clinton is very much right, it does take a village.” They also explore his support for former Salt Lake City mayor Rocky Anderson, who returned the favor by running an ad in which he said, “Take it from this liberal Democrat. If you want an amazing leader, vote for Mitt Romney.”
The authors also claim Romney “opposed [Newt Gingrich's 1994] Contract with America without even reading it.”
The video library, if it still exists, includes undated footage of Romney describing his position on assault-weapon bans as the “same as [Sen. John] Kerry and [the late Sen. Ted] Kennedy.”
In another video clip described in the file, Romney outlines a position on illegal immigration that closely approaches a recommendation for amnesty. “[T]hose who are here contrary to the law should seek to establish legal residence,” the document claims he said, “and if they do so, I’d be delighted to provide support.”
One tape, filed under the heading “awkward moments” is summarized by noting Romney’s observation that the Harlem Globetrotters basketball team has trouble making touchdowns.
In another, the documents authors claim, Romney had this pearl of wisdom: “I thought becoming rich and famous would make me happy. Boy was I right.”
David is The Daily Caller’s executive editor. Follow him on Twitter
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”Duality is acting out the final scene of its very long play on the planet!”

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 

Matthew Message 3-1-12…”Duality is acting out the final scene of its very long play on the planet!” by kauilapele
Posted By: watcher51445
Date: Friday, 2-Mar-2012 05:38:10

New post on Kauilapele's Blog
Matthew Message 3-1-12…”Duality is acting out the final scene of its very long play on the planet!”
by kauilapele
It is heartening that many of you have correctly discerned that the Illuminati are using the only tactic left in their arsenal: fear.
From our vantage point... few are buying into those [dark, end times type] scenarios, none of which is part of Earth’s destiny.
We say “stay out of fear” because its magnified energy prevents light from reaching consciousness, thereby keeping individuals mired in third density, unable to evolve spiritually and intellectually.
It is with elation that we see fear subsiding in the collective consciousness, but it’s as potent as ever on an individual basis.
During this unprecedented time in the universe, still another means of divine grace is being offered.
...through meticulous arrangements to assure that all is in accordance with your laws, the top echelon of Illuminati in the banking and lending industry have been removed from their positions and will face legal prosecution.
Within the months ahead, governmental shake-ups will weed out Illuminati members or those acting under their control, and persons with moral and spiritual integrity will step in.
...the global economy will reach rock bottom and an honorable system will start operating worldwide.
Wars, violence, deception, oppression and media censorship will cease incrementally as the dark hearts and minds among you leave the planet.
It can be no other way—simply, this is the physics that governs life in this universe.
One of the truths to come forth is that Zionism... actually is a bellicose political movement within the Illuminati... [they] do NOT represent the Jewish peoples in Israel or anywhere else.
Rejoice with us that duality is acting out the final scene of its very long play on the planet!
Matthew's Message 3-1-12
Fear subsiding in collective consciousness; divine grace in karmic completion; light forces' success against Illuminati; developments in coming months; Zionism; duality, divisiveness; family pre-birth agreements; children living in Nirvana
1. With loving greetings from all souls at this station, this is Matthew. There is such diverse and fervent activity in your world, even lightworkers may find it difficult to connect all the dots that show the light is subverting the dark ones’ efforts at every turn. It is heartening that many of you have correctly discerned that the Illuminati are using the only tactic left in their arsenal: fear. The talks about preemptive strikes against Iran to prevent that country’s possibility of producing a nuclear weapon; the possibility of a terrorist attack on New York City; the possibility of another devastating earthquake in Japan; the possibility that North Korea may become sufficiently menacing to cause war in Southeast Asia.
2. From our vantage point that permits viewing the collective consciousness, we know that few are buying into those scenarios, none of which is part of Earth’s destiny. Even those who still are slumbering insofar as understanding that these moments at hand are fast leading to Earth’s Golden Age are aiding the light by refusing to live in fear of “possibilities.”
3. Nevertheless, let us insert at this point a reader’s question: “Fear can be directed positively, so why do you keep saying that we must stay out of fear?” We say “stay out of fear” because its magnified energy prevents light from reaching consciousness, thereby keeping individuals mired in third density, unable to evolve spiritually and intellectually. Fear precludes sound reasoning, common sense, logical questioning and the will to rise up against tyranny and corruption—that is why puppets of the dark forces were able to control the peoples of Earth for many millennia. The dark ones “feed” on the energy of fear—without it, they cannot exist!
4. It is with elation that we see fear subsiding in the collective consciousness, but it’s as potent as ever on an individual basis. Through the universal law of attraction, the energy of fearful individuals goes out into the universe and attracts matching energy; like a boomerang it returns and brings with it still more fearful circumstances for the person to deal with. Anyone who is “courting” fear in the belief that it can be directed positively is playing with fire. It would be confusing that powerful negative energy with its more powerful opposite: the positivity of living steadfastly in the light, which gives rise to the self-confidence, spiritual strength, courage, wise judgment and determination that can overcome hardships encountered.
5. It is true that billions are living in fearful conditions that are harsher or of longer duration than they needed to complete those aspects of their soul contracts. It is in these instances that contracts are amended at soul level so those persons can leave Earth lifetimes before finishing other karmic provisions, and by divine grace, they are credited with full completion of third density karma. In other instances, the original contract calls for a short lifetime in those dire circumstances—that is enough to balance other lifetimes, and the souls move forward in spiritual evolvement. In both cases, the dual benefits are that the fear energy formerly on the planet is gone and those souls are beaming their light from Nirvana to Earth.
6. During this unprecedented time in the universe, still another means of divine grace is being offered. Evolved souls are volunteering to take on part of weaker souls’ hardest karmic experiencing, thereby letting them complete other contract provisions; at soul level they move in concert so the weaker ones become strengthened and can evolve out of third density. It is customary for spiritually evolved physical civilizations to assist weaker ones who ask for help—this is exactly what many of them nearby and far distant have been doing for Earth and you! However, in this unique era, that soul-level cooperation also is available for spiritual growth—yet another example of the boundless love within lighted beings.
7. Now then, through meticulous arrangements to assure that all is in accordance with your laws, the top echelon of Illuminati in the banking and lending industry have been removed from their positions and will face legal prosecution. “Feeling the heat,” others are leaving voluntarily, and retrieval of the Illuminati’s stolen fortunes is underway. Military leaders are cooperating with the light forces to impede aggression by troops still in the Illuminati camp, and the destruction of some of their cavernous underground areas has halted heinous experiments and other covert activities.
8. Within the months ahead, governmental shake-ups will weed out Illuminati members or those acting under their control, and persons with moral and spiritual integrity will step in. The nascent governments born in “Arab spring” will become stabilized and tyrannical regimes will fall. Rampant corruption in multinational corporations will meet its well-deserved end; directors who serve the interests of the populace will remain, those who are greedy and self-serving will go. National economies in bankrupt status will not be successfully revived; the global economy will reach rock bottom and an honorable system will start operating worldwide. Wars, violence, deception, oppression and media censorship will cease incrementally as the dark hearts and minds among you leave the planet.
9. It can be no other way—simply, this is the physics that governs life in this universe. As Earth continues apace into successively higher planes, nothing with low vibrations in any form—physical bodies, subversive plans, theft, dishonesty, unjust laws and imprisonment, bigotry, cruel customs and deeds—can survive.
10. Moving on, no, it will not be quite like religions being “totally discarded and replaced by universal laws in the Golden Age.” When the truths come forth that science and spirit are one and the same and that religious dogmas were originated by early leaders of church and state to control the masses, people whose consciousness has risen beyond the constraints of third density will adhere to the spiritual aspects of their respective religions and the devised, controlling aspects will fall by the wayside.
11. One of the truths to come forth is that Zionism, which by dark intent has been made synonymous with Judaism, actually is a bellicose political movement within the Illuminati, and its aim for more than six decades has been to create conflict and instability in the entire Middle East. Zionists, who have wielded powerful influence within and behind major governments and their military forces, do NOT represent the Jewish peoples in Israel or anywhere else. And, like all other Illuminati factions, they have been committed to that cabal’s goal of global domination.
12. Although Semites are of diverse national origins and religions, the Zionists have been successful in convincing many that “anti-Semitic” is exclusively prejudice against the Jewish peoples and opposition to Israel’s right to defend itself from its “enemies.” By means of that blatant distortion, they obtained not only world sympathy, but also massive defense funding from Israel’s allies, most especially the United States, all of which served to increase the Illuminati’s vast profits from their industrial-military machine.
kauilapele | March 1, 2012 at 22:19 | Tags: Matthew, Messages from Matthew, suzy Ward | Categories: apocalypse, ascension, channeling, chaos, earth changes, energies, new energies, obama, prosperity package, releasing, spiritual growth | URL:
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