Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Second American Revolution May Be Underway ---- TAX REVOLT


Information coming to us from several sources is indicating that a second American revolution may be underway, with the objective of restoring the operation of the United States Constitution to its original vision as a charter of a limited government of enumerated powers, as it was intended by the Founding Fathers.

Whether this information is true or not does not really matter, for it is clear to any observer with a basic understanding of economics that the present trend in government spending is unsustainable. The outcome is not in doubt – the only question is whether the revolution that is inevitable in America will be peaceful, or otherwise.

The American form of government, described as a “representative republic” or a “constitutional republic”, was carefully designed by the Founders with apparent divine inspiration, and after extensive review of the history of government of nations throughout recorded history, in order to create a new form of government with the greatest potential for the preservation of the liberty of its citizens.

The Founders were clearly concerned about the potential for a large central government of virtually unlimited powers to devolve into the tyranny which had become so familiar and pervasive throughout history. For this reason, they carefully designed the Constitution to protect against this development.

It is now apparent that the fears of the Founders are being realized in the present day. Important constitutional protections have been overridden by Congress, by the Executive, and by the Judiciary. Our government has taken on all the characteristics of a tyranny, the manifestations of which are growing by the day. Moreover, it has now become evident that corruption on a massive scale has spread like a cancer throughout all levels of government in America.

If one subjects the origins of this tyranny and corruption to examination, it becomes clear that the sources of these nation-destroying problems can be traced back to the departures by Congress from true fidelity to the Constitution in the early part of the 20th century with the creation of the Federal Reserve System and the adoption of the federal income tax.

It can truly be said that the income tax (in the form in which it is enforced by the IRS as an unconstitutional direct tax without apportionment) and the private Federal Reserve System (including the unconstitutional fiat currency issued by the Federal Reserve System) are the ‘twin pillars” of the massive corruption which is engulfing all three branches of our federal government.

Accordingly, it is clear that once this second American revolution gets underway, the removal of the individuals immediately involved in and responsible for this corruption can only be a beginning.

Restoration of the Constitution must necessarily include the undoing of the disastrous actions taken by Congress in 1913. The Federal Reserve System must be eliminated, and the federal income tax must be eliminated or restored to conformity with the limitations of the United States Constitution as an indirect tax on foreign earnings.

In consideration of this need, I have transcribed and edited the short series of videos produced by Shreveport attorney Tom Cryer on the subject of the fraudulent federal income tax.

Attorney Cryer discovered the problem with the federal income tax accidentally while sharing lunch with a colleague who had learned of the income tax hoax, and who had stopped filing income tax returns.

Having considerable experience himself as an attorney drafting tax legislation, Cryer set about to prove his colleague wrong. He was astonished to discover that his colleague was correct, and that there is no law requiring most Americans to file income tax returns or to pay income tax on private earnings.

When Cryer himself stopped filing income tax returns, he came to the attention of the IRS and was charged with income tax evasion. These charges were reduced to “failure to file”, and went to trial by jury in federal district court in New Orleans in early 2007. Cryer was acquitted of all charges in July 2007, and to this day he does not file income tax returns or pay federal income taxes.

Tommy Cryer’s videos summarize the case against the IRS very succinctly. I believe that I have captured the essence of his arguments accurately in my transcriptions. I urge everyone who receives this message to read this transcription, and to watch the videos if possible, then forward this message to as many of your fellow-citizens as possible. (When doing this please remove my identification from your outgoing messages so that I don’t have IRS agents breaking down my door.)

Links to several excellent additional videos from other well-regarded sources recommended by former IRS Special Agent Joe Banister have also been included.


Following are condensed transcripts of the series of four videos on the truth if the income tax produced by Shreveport, LA attorney Tom Cryer, and posted on his web site at  www.truthattack.com

Tommy Cryer’s Story

Tommy Cryer on the Income Tax – Part 1:

1.       There is no law that makes the average American citizen liable for an income tax;
2.       Income is defined as the profit that is generated from some taxable activity;
3.       Your earnings and wages cannot be separated into principal and profit, or capital and profit; and therefore are not income as defined by the Supreme Court;
4.       Your fundamental God-given right to earn a living - just as fundamental, just as basic, just as constitutionally-protected as your freedom of speech and your freedom of religion – is not a taxable activity. It is exempt from taxation by Congress or any other entity.

Therefore, if you exclude from your income everything that resulted from your exercising your fundamental right to earn a living through any lawful occupation, then you will have a zero or near-zero gross income. If you have no gross income, you are probably not required to file an income tax return.

Tommy Cryer on the Income Tax – Part 2:

Income tax law is contained in Title 26 of the United States Code.

This law must be strictly construed. Nothing can be inferred, nothing can be implied, and nothing can be drawn from it as an indication of general intent. Either the law states clearly that you are liable, or you are not liable.

If the law does not state clearly that your income is taxed, it is not taxed. If the law can be interpreted in more than one way, then that law must be interpreted against the tax collector and in favor of the citizen.

Examine the law for liability –

First: Subtitle A of Title 26, section 701 – partners liable for income tax but only in their separate or individual capacities (this does not create liability without further specificity);

Second: Non- resident aliens and foreign corporations, section 884  - this is not income tax;

Third: Section 1461 -  Chapter 3 of Subtitle A – withholding taxes on non-resident aliens or foreign corporations

Nowhere else in Subtitle A is there any provision making anyone liable for any income tax.

Fourth: Section 3403, Subtitle C – Employment taxes, employer shall be liable.  Section 3401 describes “employees” and “wages”. So if you are an employer required to withhold taxes from a non-resident alien or a foreign corporation or from an employee as defined in Section 3401, you may be liable for payment of taxes.

Every tax law clearly states the subject of the tax. Every tax law clearly states the person who is liable.

I have twenty-five examples of tax laws – in each and every case of these taxes, they have first of all clearly defined what the subject of the tax is, and second, they have defined precisely who is responsible for paying that tax.

Only in the income tax law are there no (or virtually no) liability provisions, and there is no law making you liable unless you are one of the (few) individuals listed (see video).

See the movie “Freedom to Fascism” by Aaron Russo – the reason that Russo could not get the government to tell him where the income tax law is located is because there is no law, and the government will not admit that:

Tommy Cryer on the Income Tax – Part 3:

What is taxed? The code says it taxes “taxable income”.

CFR Section 861: “How to calculate taxable income from sources within and without the U.S.”

What we learn here is nothing less than shocking. The first thing that we find out is that we should also deduct those items that cannot be included in gross income to start with.

Section 861.8 – Items that can be included: there is nothing here that applies to ordinary Americans:

foreign income, income from U.S. territories, sources from merchant marine vessel contracts.

Section 861.18: Some income is actually exempt from gross income per the Constitution.

Nowhere in the income tax law do we find a definition of income.

Income has been defined by the Supreme Court, but not by the statutes.

They do not tell us what is exempt income. They give only examples of what income is not exempt – all examples of non-exempt income are inapplicable to the typical American; three of four examples are from foreign sources, and the fourth example is income from U.S. territories.

There is no language that clearly states what income is included within the scope of the income tax law. If your income is not expressly and clearly and plainly identified as taxed, then your income is not taxed. Tax liability cannot be established by inference or implication.

We must look to United States Constitution to find out whether your income is within the constitutional power of the United States to tax – is your income really income under the Sixteenth Amendment and Article I of the United States Constitution?

I was shocked to learn that the Sixteenth Amendment did not authorize the income tax, as I had always been taught.

This is not me telling you this – this is the Supreme Court telling us this, time and time again.

I was also surprised to learn that most of my earnings over my lifetime were exempt from taxation, either because they were outside the taxing authority of the government pursuant to the U.S. Constitution, or they  were the result of my exercising a fundamental right.

All of these exemptions and limitations on the power of the federal government to tax are covered in “The Memorandum” at:

You must learn your rights under the law. Do not continue to be fooled by your lack of understanding, do not be fooled by implications which are not supported by the strict language of the statutes.

Tommy Cryer on the Income Tax – Part 4:

No law makes you liable for the income tax.

What income can be taxed by the federal government? Get and read “The Memorandum”.

What can we do about it? What can you do about the “big lie” that’s been perpetrated, and the “big trick” that’s been played on the American people?

The odds are that your income has never been taxable.

What you can do is to demand the truth from the government.

Write to your congressman. Demand to be told what law makes you liable for the income tax. If all of us demand the truth, the lie will have to stop.

Why is this important? Because all of this excess revenue that the federal government was never intended by the Founding Fathers to have has allowed it to outgrow its intended role, to take over and to usurp issues and decisions that you and I are supposed to be able to make on a state-by-state basis.

Fifty-six percent of the federal budget is spent on regulatory and government bureaucracies that the Constitution never authorized. Fifty-six percent of the budget that we are now funding with your hard earned wages are spent on purposes that are not permitted in the first place. That’s why this is important.

(Note: In this era of out-of-control federal spending, the portion of government spending that conforms with the Constitution is probably less than 20 percent, and may be as low as 10 percent. DL)

You can do this.

You can be a voice for truth, you can be a beacon for truth, you can demand that the “big lie” stops.

Keep demanding an answer to the question.

They cannot answer the question because there is no law.

Tommy Cryer Esq.


For those with a desire to learn more about the “big lie” behind the income tax hoax in America, and the beginning of the shredding of the United States Constitution over one hundred years ago when the Progressives (read Marxists) began their assault, the following videos are highly recommended:

“The Truth Behind the Income Tax”- Gordon Phillips

(This is an excellent presentation which had been taken down from YouTube. It was re-posted on May 11, 2012. Since it may be taken down again, it should be viewed as soon as possible.)


“Theft by Deception-Deciphering the Federal Income Tax” – Larken Rose

(This is a detailed analysis of the IRS code which explains the insidious nature of the IRS deception, available in a 90-minute video at Google or in a nine-part series at YouTube. )

“Theft By Deception - Deciphering The Federal Income Tax” at Google:

1:27:51  - 6 years ago

“The misrepresentation and misapplication of the United States federal income tax constitutes the largest acquisition of wealth by way of deception in history. A handful of government lawyers fabricated an intricate maze of legalese which created a perfectly Constitutional tax (a tax on income derived from certain types of international and foreign commerce), but which at the same time could easily be misread to give the impression that the income of all Americans is subject to the tax. For decades, the American people have been "conditioned" to believe that the income tax applies to all income and trained to pay "their" taxes.

All the while, however, hidden in a previously nearly universally misunderstood (therefore misapplied) section of the law known as Subchapter N, Section 861 was the truth that the income tax is NOT a direct tax on incomes but is an indirect tax imposed only on those individuals engaged in certain types of international and foreign possessions commerce. Most Americans are engaged in purely domestic commerce (commerce that occurs entirely within and between the 50 states). Subchapter N proves that domestic income received by residents of the United States (most incomes) is not taxed, due to Constitutional restrictions on Congress' power to tax.”

“Theft by Deception” on YouTube:

Editorial review of “Theft by Deception” from Amazon.com:

“The federal income tax deception has been so successful for so long that most people find it difficult to even begin to doubt the ‘conventional wisdom’ on the subject (that all Americans owe the tax). The federal income tax statutes and regulations were intentionally written to be confusing and deceptive in order to DECEIVE most Americans into paying income taxes that were NOT owed by law. Government lawyers were able to CONCEAL the fact that the "income tax" is an excise tax only on engaging in certain types of international (not domestic) commerce.
Even after the ‘legalese’ hiding the truth in Section 861 had been fully deciphered (which occurred only a few short years ago), the truth was still in a form that took significant effort to digest and comprehend.
When one first reads about this video, he may instinctively think ‘this can’t possibly be true”. However, the average citizen will also admit that he surrenders his hard-earned money to the IRS either because of an assumption or because ‘experts’ have ‘told’ him that he was required to do so, but not because he has ever seen the law for himself. The law does not lie and the evidence will not go away; see for yourself what the law has always said.
Product Description
The federal income tax law is constitutional and valid. But because it is limited, a handful of government lawyers deliberately fabricated an intricate maze of legalese which created a perfectly Constitutional tax (a tax on income derived from certain types of international and foreign commerce), but which at the same time could easily be misread to give the impression that the income of all Americans is subject to the tax.
All the while, hidden in the labyrinth of statutes and regulations, the law itself showed that the incomes of most Americans have never been taxed; the receipt of income does NOT automatically mean that it becomes ‘taxable income’ under the law. Deceiving even the ‘experts’, the critical significance of Subchapter N, Section 861 has until recently been nearly universally misunderstood, therefore misapplied.
At last the truth has been put into a form that is readily understandable to the average citizen. Using the medium of video, concepts can be explained in a way that is far more understandable than is possible using the written word alone. This 88-minute video gives a logical, well-documented proof that the federal income tax, while being entirely valid and constitutional, simply does not apply to the income of most Americans, according to many decades of federal income tax statutes and regulations. The video was designed specifically to remove all of the inherent difficulties in understanding the truth about the federal income tax. The viewer does not need any prior knowledge about the law to understand the issue.”


“It’s Time to Learn the Truth”  - Peter Hendrickson, author of “Cracking the Code – the Fascinating Truth About Taxation in America”


Awakened Belgium mayor reveals what he found about NWO ---etc.

Peter Vereecke, Former Belgium Mayor


Published on May 26, 2012 by liloumace
Former mayor in Belgium, Peter Vereecke awakened 10 years ago to a new reality
and have ever since actively participated in letting people know what he has found
out regarding NWO, Vaccins, Chemtrails, Food and more.

For more videos and to support the tour visit http://www.JuicyLivingTour.com

Emitte lucem et veritatem
Send out light and truth



Greetings to our ground crew and Earth brothers and sisters. This is Peter, and I do apologize for our long delay in communication. We have been very, very busy, as you can probably guess. As you know, we are the surveillance crew – the hunters and gatherers of intel for the Galactic Federation of Light and Ashtar Command and a few others who have joined us at this time. We pretty much snoop around the satellites and intercept what the cabalists think is “top secret” and “highly confidential” communication. We assure you it is not. We have extremely diligent code crackers, and, of course, we speak all languages – even the very obscure ones that they try to use from time to time.

So, yes, we have been busy filtering their whirlwind of communication, and we can tell you that they are most assuredly in a panic over all the recent bank officials resignations and other financial blunders that are all now out in the open. And they have been in this panic for some time now. As you have been hearing for some time now from many other channels, they know that they are defeated. Some of them are still trying to hide out and prolong their own arrests, but we all know their exact whereabouts, and, in time, with the proper warrants in place, they will soon find themselves completely incapacitated.

We know you all loathe the “soons,” but we cannot give you exact dates, otherwise they will know exactly when, themselves, and they might try to pull another fast one. It’s not their “escape” that we worry about. They can never escape. It is their ability to do harm to others that we worry about. We’re not talking nukes and missiles. We assure you that the big guns have been disarmed. It is the smaller arsenals of weaponry they have stockpiled all over the Earth that we currently can’t do anything about. There is still free will. And they are still being given the option to use it to either make good for themselves or to buy themselves a one-way ticket to no-man’s land. We ask you at this time, out of the goodness of your hearts, to focus on them making the right choices for themselves. Send them light and love and this will encourage better behavior. At the very least, it will ensure the safety of innocent people in their path.

You have all become very, very powerful in the past few months. Collectively you have been combining your energies and powers in extraordinary ways to create magnificent changes on your planet. Excellent work. We applaud and commend you! We are quite sure that you are feeling the improvements already as you incorporate more and more of the positive energy that is being gifted to you and Mother Earth.

Many of you are discovering that there really is nothing to fear. That you are actually far more powerful than you ever thought yourselves to be. You are learning that when you join together in loving ways, you can change things in a positive way without force or violence. You are learning that love is all there is, and, when you apply it in liberal amounts, it can soften even the hardest of hearts and harshest conditions.

Now, for those of you who are impatient about the financial situation, we have a suggestion for you. Nothing “new” will ever come to you until your current system completely fails. At this time, many of you are still paying these very thugs who control you. And you are completely funding their control over you. Do you realize that, dear ones? Has this thought crossed your mind at all? How many credit cards do you have in your wallets? Consider the department store cards, too. Who is the real financial institution behind those? Don’t know? Look into it. You will find that many of the larger world banks are the owners of your debts, and they are still benefitting from your monthly payments on all of your loans and credit cards. If you are still paying them, you are contributing to keeping them afloat. So now we have to ask you…


Why are you keeping them afloat?

The financial system won’t fully collapse, dear ones, until you collectively say “no more.”

That’s right. YOU are the ones who hold that power. YOU are the ones who must collapse the financial system.

If you want your new system RIGHT NOW, that is.

We have watched you collectively organize global meditations. We have watched you gather in huge numbers to protest all over your planet. And we have watched you continue to struggle.

Look, standing up for your beliefs and protesting, that’s all well and good, but, at this point, we see it as wasted energy when you can all just very simply – but it must be collectively – just stop paying these people who control your world.

If EVERYONE stops paying, we ask you…what could they possibly do?

Go take a look right now at all your amounts due this month to loans and credit cards. Total it up. What is the amount? Wouldn’t that be put to better use putting food on your table and funding YOUR efforts to make this planet a better one? Or, perhaps, you can help out a family member or friends who are struggling to meet their own basic needs.

So here is your mission, should you choose to accept it, ground crew. Organize an enormous collective to stop paying monthly bills in the month of June. Just STOP. All across the globe. Worldwide. Shut down the banks. Stop funding their control over you. Stop paying them and render them powerless.

Do this, and you will have your new financial system (or non-financial system) by July.

Again…it is all up to you.

What are you waiting for?

I am Peter, member of the Pleiadian 500 and affiliate of the Pleaidian Council of Light. We love and adore you, and we implore you to empower yourselves at this time. We are behind you 100 percent.

Please spread this far and wide, but do not alter any of the communication, and please make reference to FreerSpirit.com.



The Ant and the Contact Lens - A True Story

rock climber
Brenda Foltz of Pinceton, MN was almost halfway to the top of the tremendous granite cliff.  She was standing on a ledge where she was taking a breather during this, her first rock climb.  As she rested there, the safety rope snapped against her eye and knocked out her contact lens.

'Great', she thought.  'Here I am on a rock ledge, hundreds of feet from the bottom and hundreds of feet to the top of this cliff, and now my sight is blurry.'  She looked and looked, hoping that somehow it had landed on the ledge.  But it just wasn't there.

She felt the panic rising in her, so she began praying.  She prayed  for calm, and she prayed that she might find her contact lens.  When she got to the top, a friend examined her eye and her clothing for the lens, but it was not to be found.  Although she was calm now that she was at the top, she was saddened because she could not clearly see across the range of mountains.  She thought of the bible verse 'The eyes of the Lord run to and fro throughout the whole earth.'

She thought, 'Lord, You can see all these mountains.  You know every stone and leaf, and You know exactly where my contact lens is.  Please help me.'

Later, when they had hiked down the trail to the bottom of the cliff they met another party of climbers just starting up the face of the cliff.  One of them shouted out, 'Hey, you guys!  Anybody lose a contact lens?'

ant carrying contact lens Well, that would be startling enough, but you know why the climber saw it?  An ant was moving slowly across a twig on the face of  the rock, carrying it!

The story doesn't end there.  Brenda's father is a cartoonist.  When she told him the incredible story of the ant, the prayer, and the contact lens, he drew a cartoon of an ant lugging that contact lens with the caption, 'Lord, I don't know why You want me to carry this thing.  I can't eat it, and it's awfully heavy.  But if this is what You want me to do, I'll carry it for You.'

I think it would do all of us some good to say, 'God, I don't know why You want me to carry this load.  I can see no good in it and it's awfully heavy.  But, if You want me to carry it, I will.'  

God doesn't call the qualified, He qualifies the  called.

Snopes verifed story - http://www.snopes.com/glurge/antcontact.asp


The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 

Posted By: Seawitch [Send E-Mail]
Date: Tuesday, 29-May-2012 14:37:43

The Kennedy family - Part 6 of 14 - Illuminati families
Posted by Vatic Master
Vatic Note: Oh, boy, this is a humdinger of a write up and analysis. I was a big Kennedy fan. I worked on his campaign as a young teenager and he shook my hand and thanked me for my work and touched my shoulder and I told my mother " do not ever wash this shirt". LOL Aaah stupid teens. lol I have a different analysis of the same information that he gives here becuase he neglects to mention various talks that JFK gave trying to warn us about the vast conspiracy in play and how very international it was and very big. He gave one talk about this at Columbia University and another at the press club. I have the audio of those speeches, and they are on here somewhere.
This write up by Fritz also gave a great summary on Anton Levy, the head of the "Church of Satan" in which General Aquino (US Military/Pentagon) is his second in Command. That was fascinating and tied into the families in various ways. It also gives an excellent view of MJ12 committee and just how powerful that committee is. I think this was one of the best of Fritz's family write ups.
He also does not mention Kennedy firing the head of the CIA and his determination to garner control of that organization which was in fact run by the Illuminati through MI6. My speculation was that "yes, the Kennedys' are an illum family just like the others.... the problem was the oldest always became the one that would play the biggest role for the family. That is the child that would have been ritually sex abused in order to gain mind control over the children..... Since the assassination, it appears they now do it to all the children. Remember, JFK was not the oldest boy in the family,
His brother Joe was and he was killed in the war. So JFK inherited that position without the indoctrination usually afforded the oldest child. Neither was Bobby who was going after the mafia, and apparently he did not know the illuminati controlled the mafia as we learned in previous blogs on these families. So that is why both had to die. Ted Kennedy was the spoiled last child and got into too much trouble to successfully take control of the government.
Today, the illums now ritually mind control all the children to avoid what happened with JFK and Robert and ensure a continuation of the agenda should anything happen to any of the children. What happened with Jon Bennett Ramsey is a good example of a sex ritual for Satan gone horribly bad and notice, no one paid for that crime.

Blog Now over 11 million views, over a million per month

Our adventure keeps on rolling on folks, now over 11 million headed for 12.

Thanks again to all for your support of this honest news blog.

This blog now has 5 authors who contribute periodically and the blog is welcoming more.

If you want to get something out to a big worldwide audience send me an email to johnmachaffie@gmail.com with subject 'AUTHOR'.

GOD Bless,

John MacHaffie

A True Story of Graft

Think this could be true?
Be sure to read the last sentence

A True Story of Graft
(for whatever you make of it)

You can't make this stuff up. Read the NY Times Oct 13, 2011 to verify ownership.

Do you know the park in NYC that the Wall Street protesters occupied? 

It's Zuccotti Park .

Did you know this park is NOT owned by the city of New York ?

It's owned by Brookfield Properties.

Brookfield Asset Management received an Obama Department of Energy Loan guarantee of over $160 million within 10 days of approving the take over of the Park.

Brookfield is a Canadian company with assets of 70 billion. Google it  It's all on their website - and WHY is the US Taxpayer guaranteeing a loan to a VERY wealthy Canadian company?!?!

Who was just hired by Brookfield Properties as an attorney?

Vice President Joe Biden's son.

Who sits on the board of Brookfield Properties?

NYC Mayor Bloomberg's live in girlfriend.

Now, guess what company just received some of the last of the Obama Stimulus $$$$$$$.

Thaaaaaaaaaaaat's right, Brookfield Properties.  (a Canadian Corp)
Isn't life great in America !

Now, guess what, on a completely unrelated note?  Wisconsin is shaping up to be the swing state in the 2012 presidential elections. Not Florida . Not Ohio . But Wisconsin .

Now, guess who owns the company that will be tabulating all the electronic votes in Wisconsin .

Thaaaaaaaaaaaat's right, the biggest contributor to Obama, the puppeteer George Soros. Whaaaaaaaaaaaat a coincidence!

And now for your quick refresher in World History:

Remember what Stalin said. "He who votes does not have the power.
He who counts the votes has the power".

Facts: Brookfield Office Properties is part of Brookfield Office Management
John Zuccotti is chairman of the board.
Obama granted a $168.9 million dollar "loan" for Granite Reliable wind farms owned by Brookfield Properties
Robert Hunter Biden, (Joe's son) is an attorney whose firm was hired by BOP credited with sinking millions of tax dollars into Amtrak.
Diana Taylor is the name of Bloomberg's girlfriend.
Don't believe this? Do your own research...and I don't mean Snopes or FactCheck!

Great Truths

1. In my many years I have come to a conclusion that one useless man is a shame, two is a law firm and three or more is a congress.

-- John Adams

2. If you don't read the newspaper you are uninformed, if you do read the newspaper you are misinformed.

-- Mark Twain

3. Suppose you were an idiot. And suppose you were a member of Congress. But then I repeat myself.

-- Mark Twain

4. I contend that for a nation to try to tax itself into prosperity is like a man standing in a bucket and trying to lift himself up by the handle.

-- Winston Churchill
5. A government which robs Peter to pay Paul can always depend on the support of Paul.

-- George Bernard Shaw
6. A liberal is someone who feels a great debt to his fellow man, which debt he proposes to pay off with your money.

-- G. Gordon Liddy

7. Democracy must be something more than two wolves and a sheep voting on what to have for dinner.

-- James Bovard, Civil Libertarian (1994)

8. Foreign aid might be defined as a transfer of money from poor people in rich countries to rich people in poor countries.

-- Douglas Casey, Classmate of Bill Clinton at Georgetown University

9. Giving money and power to government is like giving whiskey and car keys to teenage boys.

-- P.J. O'Rourke, Civil Libertarian

10. Government is the great fiction, through which everybody endeavors to live at the expense of everybody else.

-- Frederic Bastiat, French economist(1801-1850)

11. Government's view of the economy could be summed up in a few short phrases: If it moves, tax it. If it keeps moving, regulate it. And if it stops moving, subsidize it.

-- Ronald Reagan(1986)

12. I don't make jokes. I just watch the government and report the facts.

-- Will Rogers

13. If you think health care is expensive now, wait until you see what it costs when it's free!

-- P.J. O'Rourke

14. In general, the art of government consists of taking as much money as possible from one party of the citizens to give to the other.

-- Voltaire(1764)

15. Just because you do not take an interest in politics doesn't mean politics won't take an interest in you!

-- Pericles (430B.C.)

16. No man's life, liberty, or property is safe while the legislature is in session.

-- Mark Twain(1866)

17. Talk is cheap...except when Congress does it.


18. The government is like a baby's alimentary canal, with a happy appetite at one end and no responsibility at the other.

-- Ronald Reagan

19. The inherent vice of capitalism is the unequal sharing of the blessings. The inherent blessing of socialism is the equal sharing of misery.

-- Winston Churchill

20. The only difference between a tax man and a taxidermist is that the taxidermist leaves the skin.

-- Mark Twain

21. The ultimate result of shielding men from the effects of folly is to fill the world with fools.

-- Herbert Spencer, English Philosopher (1820-1903)

22. There is no distinctly Native American criminal class...save Congress.

-- Mark Twain

23. What this country needs are more unemployed politicians.

-- Edward Langley, Artist (1928-1995)

24. A government big enough to give you everything you want, is strong enough to take everything you have.

-- Thomas Jefferson

25. We hang the petty thieves and appoint the great ones to public office.



1. You cannot legislate the poor into prosperity, by legislating the wealth out of prosperity.

2.What one person receives without working for...another person must work for without receiving.

3. The government cannot give to anybody anything that the government does not first take from somebody else.

4. You cannot multiply wealth by dividing it.

5. When half of the people get the idea that they do not have to work, because the other half is going to take care of them, and when the other half gets the idea that it does no good to work, because somebody else is going to get what they work for, that is the beginning of the end of any nation! 

10 good reasons to eat more fruit

To all the naysayers that say fruit is evil, fruit is bad for you…
consider these 10 good reasons to eat more fruit: *

(* make sure organic -- and if not clean w/11.5 pH water which removes
deadly pesticides from fruit ---- and ONLY created by Enagic's technology
- watch demo: www.kangendemo.com)

Fruit is the best carbohydrate — The human being is meant to live primarily on a diet of carbohydrates. That’s what all long-lived populations in the world eat, such as the Okinawans in Japan (sweet potatoes), the Costa Ricans of the Nicoya Pininsula (corn tortillas, beans, rice and fruit), the healthier Asian populations (rice), the Hunzas (fruit), and the best athletes in the world. Fruit is the best carbohydrate food because it is alkaline forming (grains are slightly acid-forming, and animal foods are very acid forming). It’s rich in vitamins and minerals and packed with nutrients.

Fruit doesn’t require any seasonings — Fruit is probably the only food that people love to eat in its natural state without any seasonings. It’s perfect on its own. Who wants to add salt and pepper to a papaya? A pineapple doesn’t need any dressing, and a banana is perfect as it is.

Fruit is low in sodium — Fruit is naturally low in sodium and because it doesn’t require any seasonings, eating more fruit will help you lower the overall sodium content in your diet. The more calories you get from fruit, the less sodium-rich your diet will be. This will in turn lower your blood pressure and keep you healthier.

Fruit is low on the glycemic index — It’s a myth to think that fruit quickly raises blood sugar. In reality, fruit is low on the glycemic index. While a piece of white bread has a glycemic index of 95 (high), a banana is 54 (low), a peach is 42 (low), and grapes are 46 (low). Only a few fruits, such as dates, have a high glycemic index (103 for dates). The reason why fruit is so low on the glycemic index is that fruit contains a combination of sugars: fructose, sucrose and glucose. Each sugar is assimilated at a different rate.
Fruit also contains plenty of fiber, which slows down the assimilation of sugar. In this sense, fruit is the perfect energy food. It contains some sugar that is assimilated immediately, giving you instant energy, and some that are assimilated slowly, giving you long-term energy.

Fruit is hydrating — Fruit is so full of water that it’s not only a food in itself. It’s a drink!
Many fruits are over 90% water.

Fruit is fast food — Fruit can be easy and quick to eat. What could be easier than peeling a mango and eating it? Or biting on a ripe peach? Almost all fruits are conveniently packed, wrapped in their own mother-nature containers we call peels, and ready to be consumed. There are a few exceptions though, such as the spiky durian, or the giant jackfruit, whose skin is full of a sticky substance similar to glue!

Most long-lived cultures eat fruit — The Hunzas, who for a while were reputed to be some of the longest-lived people in the world, probably ate more fruit than most cultures in the world. Although fruit can be a delicacy in many cultures, most long-lived cultures in the world today and long-lived people anywhere typically eat a lot of fruit. For each centenarian we can find that smokes constantly and eats a junk food diet, you’ll find many more that eat plenty of fruit.

Fruit is packed with antioxidants — Fruit is packed with cancer-fighting antioxidants — so much that many companies are trying to concentrate this goodness into expensive fruit juices and pills. Almost all of the anti-aging compounds that are the most effective are found in fruit. Think of the reputed richness of antioxidants in blueberries, pomegranate juice, açaí berries, and the tropical mangosteen. Colored fruits are almost always packed with healthy compounds we are only beginning now to research and understand.

Fruit keeps you lean — Fruit is the perfect weight loss food. Just eat a large apple before any meal, and it will fill you up and prevent you from overeating at the table. Fruit is filling because it’s filled with fiber and water, yet it is low in calories. Fruit, on average, contains 250 calories per pound.
On the other hand, bread contains 1200, starches are 500, and nuts are 2800!
Only vegetables have a lower caloric density than fruit.
That means you can fill up on fruit and be certain to never get fat!

Fruit Makes You Beautiful — David Wolfe, who published my first book The Sunfood Cuisine, used to say that beautiful people eat a lot of fruit. Research has shown that certain compounds in fruits and vegetables, like carotenoids, help the skin look more vibrant and beautiful.

One research even showed that people who eat a lot of fruits and vegetables are considered more attractive because the carotenoids gives the skin a healthy natural “tan” look.
Just make sure you don’t drink too much carrot juice though, otherwise your skin might turn orange!

You don’t have to become a fruitarian to get the benefits of fruit.
Start eating more fruit today, beginning with your favorite one!
My favorites include pineapple, white peaches, Hawaiian papaya, Rainier cherries, just to name a few.
What about you?
by F. Patenaude

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The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 

Posted By: Steve [Send E-Mail]
Date: Tuesday, 29-May-2012 13:35:43

Tom Bearden: The Priore Machine and Phase Conjugation

             Hello All;
                      Even the Medical profession has conspired against us. We could have had a cure for Cancer, Aids, and others years ago. This and others have been kept from us because of GREED.
                           God Bless         Love to all Smile Red rose Red heart


Tom Bearden: The Priore Machine and Phase Conjugation

Home > 8. THE 2012 SCENARIO > NEW TECHNOLOGY > Tom Bearden: The Priore Machine and Phase Conjugation
One of Priore's intermediate devices. This device cured terminal cancers and leukemias in thousands of laboratory animals. (Courtesy Bob Whitney)
Col. Tom Bearden is an unsung hero of the free-energy movement who will receive his due one day. He revealed the Soviet development of scalar weapons going back to the 1960s, the hidden agenda behind the Soviet push for disarmament (disarmament of nuclear weapons, that is; not of scalar weapons, which Americans did not even know existed), and a range of other applications of free-energy devices.
Here he discusses the application of scalar or “phase-conjugate” technology to the rapid cure of disease through machines developed by Antoine Priore in France in the 1960s and 1970s.
Priore was utterly defeated in his work by unknown forces. The world could have had medical technology in the late 20th Century that would cure diseases like AIDS, cancer, and leukemia effortlessly. Instead the technology was denied it, undoubtedly by those who profited from allopathic medicine. Thanks to Gabriele.

The Priore Machine and Phase Conjugation

Tom Bearden, Tom Bearden Website, http://www.cheniere.org/books/aids/priore.htm
A Non-Technical Description of the Priore Process
In the 1960′s and 1970′s, in France Antoine Priore built and tested electromagnetic healing machines of startling effectiveness.
In hundreds and hundreds of rigorous tests with laboratory animals, Priore’s machine cured a wide variety of the most difficult kinds of terminal, fatal diseases known today.
Funded by the French government in the amount of several million dollars, Priore’s machines concretely demonstrated a nearly 100% cure of all kinds of terminal cancers and leukemias, in thousands of rigorous laboratory tests with animals. These results were shown to medical scientists as early as 1960.
Many of the experiments and tests were done by prestigious members of the French Academy of Sciences. Robert Courrier, head of the Biology Section: and Secretaire Perpetuel, personally introduced Priore’s astounding results to the French Academy.
The operation of the Priore machine was seemingly incomprehensible. Many orthodox French scientists—some of them world renowned—were outraged at the success of such a machine, shrilling that science had nothing to do with “black boxes.”
They loudly called upon the inventor to explain the mechanism utilized by his machine, but the inventor either wouldn’t or couldn’t explain the curative mechanism.
Priore certainly knew how to build the machine and make it work. It is debatable to this day whether anyone—Priore included —actually understood its principle of operation.
Neither the French Academy nor Antoine Priore knew anything of phase conjugation at the time.
In fact, the entire Western World knew nothing of phase conjugation in the 1960′s when Priore was getting his finest results. At that time, only the Soviets knew of time-reversed waves.
Certainly Priore’s machine was impressive.
Into a tube containing a plasma of mercury and neon gas, a pulsed 9.4 gigahertz wave modulated upon a carrier frequency of 17 megahertz was introduced. These waves were produced by radio emitters and magnetrons in the presence of a 1,000 gauss magnetic field. Experimental animals were exposed to this magnetic field during irradiation, and the mixture of waves (some 17 or so) coming from the plasma tube and modulating and riding the magnetic field passed through the animals’ bodies.
Amongst other things, a plasma can convert a transverse wave to a longitudinal wave. Also, phase conjugate (time-reversed) waves can be produced by plasmas. Priore’s apparatus produced a scalar EM wave/signal with deliberately constructed, infolded components including phase conjugate waves.
One may roughly view a cancer cell as a normal human cell gone “awry” and out of control of the body’s master cellular control system. The cancerous cells, viewed as a sort of separate, parasitic group of cells, form a special kind of organism having its own master cellular control system “level,” immersed in the host’s biopotential.*
*One strongly points out the relevance of Dr. Robert Becker’s epochal experiments proving that cells can be dedifferentiated and redifferentiated electrically. Those experiments are strong indicators that the cancer cell should be capable of being reverted to its more primitive state—that of the normal cell—by electromagnetic means.
There is thus a specific, constant electromagnetic “delta” that differentiates the parasitic cancerous “organism” from the normal -human cellular organism.

This “delta” can be considered a sort of constant, complex-structured charge existing in the body’s atomic nuclei. It’s exactly as if the body biopotential had been charged up by Kaznacheyev’s “death photons” for that specific cancer condition.
If this cancerous “delta” (which may be rather like a complex intermodulation mix of waves)—or a frequency shifted “transform” of it to a different frequency band—is phase conjugated, a specific healing delta frequency pattern results.
If phase conjugate replicas of a cancer’s cell’s specific “delta” frequencies are fed into the body having that cancer, the deviation of the cancer cell’s master cellular control system will be “time reversed.”
That will return the cancer cell to control of the animal’s proper master cellular control system. The cancerous cell will be immediately destroyed, or reverted back to a normal cell of the animal.
A very similar process exists for just about every disease bacterium and infectious agent that attacks the body.
Phase Conjugates of ‘Death Photons” are “Healing Photons”

The Kaznacheyev experiments in the Soviet Union proved that any cellular death and disease pattern can be induced by a specific electromagnetic pattern carried on an electromagnetic signal, if the target cells are bombarded with the pattern-carrying carrier signals for a length of time. What was not published of Kaznacheyev’s work was the correspondent work showing electromagnetic reversal of cellular death and disease conditions by irradiating the diseased cell cultures by phase conjugate replicas of the pattern-carrying induction signal.
In simplified terms, if an action in forward time induces a condition, then the time-reversal of that action will reverse the condition.
The concept is almost laughably simple. The time-reversal of an electromagnetic disease process is a specific healing process for that disease.
In his device, Priore internally structured the carrier photons themselves—making them vacuum engines. He phase conjugated his vacuum engines, and then passed these time-reversed vacuum engines down and through a strong magnetic field which thoroughly penetrated all cells of the biological organism being treated.
The scalar components (structured photons) representing the time-reversal of the disease were absorbed and reradiated in all the cells, “charging up” the nuclei of the atoms in the organism to some potential level of the exact “healing and reversing pattern.”
In the process, the cancer/leukemia pattern/charge also destroyed the cancer calls, or converted them back to normal cells as appropriate.
As a highly simplified analogy, the complex signal – viewed as a scalar Fourier expansion – represented a “stress” against any abnormal cellular control system encountered and returned it to the normal cell’s master cellular control system of the body.
Encountering the normal control system in normal cells, it produced zero stress.
Encountering the abnormal control system in tumerous cells, it produced great stress on it, reverting it to the normal control system of the body’s normal cells.
Thus to a normal cell the Priore signal pattern acted somewhat as a comb passing through one’s hair.
No interference occurred with the normal cell (one whose scalar control pattern is phase-locked to the body’s master cellular control system and in phase with it).
The Priore signal stimulated and “stroked” the normal cell, but did not hurt it at all.
On the other hand, the scalar control pattern in and of an abnormal (cancerous) cell is out of phase with the body’s master cellular control system, and is not phase-locked to it.
Hence the Priore signal caused direct interference with the abnormal cell’s independent scalar control system. The interference pattern constituted the reconstruction of normal energy directly in the cancerous cell, and also jammed its abnormal scalar life signal.
This destroyed the cancerous cell by two mechanisms: (1) physical energy was kindled directly in the abnormal cell, causing direct mechanical damage, and (2) the cancerous cell, being an “independent living critter,” had its scalar life channel (connecting its primitive “mind” to its “body”) jammed and stopped.
If the cancerous cell was reverted to a normal cell by the Priore stress before being destroyed, it became just a normal cell and the Priore stress had no further effect upon it.
The Effect is Universally Applicable
Any disease with cellular, biochemical, or genetic basis can be cured in like fashion.
Priore’s method, for example, was clearly shown to be able to completely reverse clogging of the arteries with fatty deposits, and to be able to lower the cholesterol level to normal, even in the presence of an abnormally high cholesterol diet.
His method also showed complete mastery and cure of sleeping sickness and trypanosome-induced illnesses.
Often Priore found that every cell of the body—even the hair— must be irradiated and treated (“charged up”) with the signal, for the disease pattern was in every cell. The master cellular control system is holographic—the pattern (substructured potential with its dynamic, oscillating components) is in each component (each atomic nucleus, hence in each cell.)
Every structural level of the body larger than the cell also has its own correlated pattern, or modulation, on the overall.
A biological organism can regenerate lost limbs, for example, if it can utilize its natural recovery process in a Priore manner.
Even though Priore’s work was presented to the French Academy of Sciences by Robert Courrier, the prestigious head of the Biology Section, the Academy could not understand the device and its functioning.
That was because the Academicians knew nothing of scalar electromagnetics, and phase conjugation, and the Priore machine was a scalar electromagnetic device using phase conjugation.
In the Mid-70′s It Ended

In 1974, a change of local government lost Priore his government supporters. His support and funding were lost.
Ironically, Priore was just completing a 4-stories-tall apparatus capable of radiating and treating entire human bodies. It would have been capable of curing cancer and leukemia in humans rather than just in laboratory rats. (His previous machines were much smaller, and only a small animal could be irradiated whole-body. In that machine Priore used a “1amp,” a special section, in which 17 specific frequencies were mixed and modulated upon the 9.4 gigahertz carrier.

The large, special, phase-conjugating plasma tube for Priore’s giant
device. The final machine would have treated humans “whole-body.”
(Courtesy Bob Whitney)

Capping assembly for the top of Priore’s giant plasma tube device. The
last device would have treated human patients “whole-body.” The cap assembly was
on the third floor of the device.
(Courtesy Bob Whitney)

The machine was large enough to irradiate humans over their whole body. It should have been capable of curing cancer and leukemia in two five-minute irradiations, one week apart.
While Priore was still alive, with my associates I spent nearly two years of my life in an effort to bring the Priore device to market and into the mainstream of medical research and development.
Robert Whitney, Frank Golden, and Tony Gideon played the major role, going to France and negotiating directly with the Priore group and the French government.
Verbal agreements with both the Priore group and with the French government were obtained. The machines were to be built, assembled, and tested in Bordeaux. Then they were to be dismantled and shipped to the purchasers—large medical research and development laboratories where they would be reassembled on site.
A group of wealthy backers was going to provide the necessary millions to fund the effort. Final contracts were being drawn.
Mysteriously, all funding for the project was suddenly withdrawn. Our backers were “leaned on” very hard and strongly threatened. Nothing we could do could revive the project.
Priore never again recovered his funding, and later died. The machine fell into disarray and was disassembled.
However, the proof that the requisite time-reversed signal can be produced, and will ride down a magnetic field, to penetrate every cell and every atomic nucleus in the body, is already in the present hard-core physics literature, if one knows where to look and how to properly interpret the work.
The fact that such signals can reverse nearly every major cellular illness condition of the body also has been proven by Priore and the scientists who worked with him, and it is in the French scientific literature.
The Priore-type cure for AIDS and other diseases only requires the necessary funding and personnel to be redeveloped and reestablished.



Forget about getting to age 75, this exact thing happened to me this morning at Danbury hospital here in Ct.   I was scheduled for a cardio-lite stress test.  This is a tread mill stress test where during the process they inject nuclear dye into your blood stream and then put you in a CAT scan or something similar and take a picture of your heart.  If all is good the heart shows up red, if there are blocked arteries anywhere that portion of the heart shows up pink.  I have had three of these tests in the past twelve years due to blocked arteries discovered in 2000.   They use the test to determine if I need a roto router or a bypass operation.

So I arrive at the hospital at 8 am this morning and I am in the process of checking in at Cardiology and the lady says that my appointment has been canceled.  She makes a call and speaks with someone and hands me the phone.  It is a nurse in cardiology who says that my medical coverage denied the procedure.  I said it was routine, part of my heart maintenance process and ordered by my PCP and with approval from my Cardiologist who is the head of Danbury Cardiology which is right where I was standing.  She goes, "yes but we were denied our request".  So I say, I have Medicare so what is my backup insurance doing denying anything.  Then the bombshell, she says it was the Medicare board that denied the procedure. 

At that point, I turn to everyone behind me, and it was a long line, and I say to them "well you won't have to wait too long today because my stress test procedure was just canceled by a Medicare Death Panel.  I am only 67 so can you imagine what is going to happen when we really get old".    The entire waiting room and everyone there from patients to staff just went dead silent.  So I turn to the front desk and tell them,  " I guess I will have to write a letter to the editor of the Danbury News Times and call my Senators and Congressman and let them know the Death Panels have already convened".    Then I walked out.

By the time I got home the message machine was blinking.  My PCP had already called and so did the hospital and guess what,  Medicare decided to approve my stress test procedure and if I could get back down to the hospital they would fit me in right now for this 3 hour procedure.  I told them I couldn't make it, that I was going fishing because I didn't know how many more fishing trips I could get in before I went into cardiac arrest but not to worry about me costing the government any money because I am a 30% disabled Army veteran, due to Agent Orange poisoning which is what caused this heart problem to begin with, and I qualify to be buried for free in a plain pine wrapper in the cheap graves section at any National Cemetery.     I certainly don't want to cost our government any money so maybe we just won't do this procedure anymore and we can use the money to redistribute it to all of the illegal's to keep them alive so they can mow the lawns at the National Cemeteries. 

So this Death Panel crap has started.  If we don't vote this guy and his criminal cronies out of office this November then we will all die younger than we should as broke paupers as the country goes bankrupt.  Feel free to distribute my note to anyone and make it a mission to not only make your vote count but on behalf of all of us please make an effort to change the thinking of anyone remotely willingly to get intellectually engaged in this critical time in our country's history.     

      <><> - SENIORS - <><>

WeAreChange chapters being targeted and harassed by the CPD and DHS at the recent NATO conference

With WeAreChange chapters being targeted and harassed by the CPD and DHS at the recent NATO conference, it is safe to say WeAreChange is under attack. Under these extreme circumstances, WeAreChange has decided to stand up and fight back. The best way we can do that is non-violently, of course, in the information war.
For the past six years, WeAreChange has taped countless confrontations that have not seen the light of day.  That ends now. On May 31st 2012, WeAreChange is launching the 1st ever WeAreChange Donation Drive during the 1st day of the Bilderberg Conference in Chantilly Virginia. On that day, we will release some of the most hard-hitting, never before seen work of WeAreChange alongside a 12hr broadcast encouraging everyone to donate. Our goal is to raise enough money to support us indefinitely as we tear holes through the establishment!


Eisenhower 1961 Mililary.-Industrial Complex Speech

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 

CGI's HotCoffee: Eisenhower 1961 Mililary.-Industrial Complex Speech
Posted By: CGI_admin
Date: Tuesday, 29-May-2012 13:04:13

My fellow Americans:
Three days from now, after half a century in the service of our country, I shall lay down the responsibilities of office as, in traditional and solemn ceremony, the authority of the Presidency is vested in my successor.
This evening I come to you with a message of leave-taking and farewell, and to share a few final thoughts with you, my countrymen.
Like every other citizen, I wish the new President, and all who will labor with him, Godspeed. I pray that the coming years will be blessed with peace and prosperity for all.
Our people expect their President and the Congress to find essential agreement on issues of great moment, the wise resolution of which will better shape the future of the Nation.
My own relations with the Congress, which began on a remote and tenuous basis when, long ago, a member of the Senate appointed me to West Point, have since ranged to the intimate during the war and immediate post-war period, and, finally, to the mutually interdependent during these past eight years.
In this final relationship, the Congress and the Administration have, on most vital issues, cooperated well, to serve the national good rather than mere partisanship, and so have assured that the business of the Nation should go forward. So, my official relationship with the Congress ends in a feeling, on my part, of gratitude that we have been able to do so much together.
it's all here


From AbundantHope.net
Targeted Messages
You are die hard slaves of an uncreated master
By CM, channel NOT given
May 28, 2012 - 11:49:40 PM
We have long known what the problem is and we have long known who the problem is.  You are die hard slaves of an uncreated master and now the weight of it is fully and squarely upon your own shoulders.

We also have been apprised for quite some time of your plan to ‘bring it all together’ and it is for this that we have brought into play the ‘three days of darkness’.  Either you cease and desist and let us do what must and will be done without your arrogant and psychopathic need to render the destruction of this world, WHICH WILL NEVER HAPPEN NO MATTER WHAT YOU DO, or you continue with your plan of a false flag assassination attempt of your Obama that you will then officially blame on Iran while spreading rumors on the street that it was the work of White Supremacists in order to create your long awaited and planned for, racial holy war.

Such a move to declare martial law will have no meaning.  At the first intent of manifestation of such an evil and destructive chain of events, we shall pull the plug and all of your efforts will be for naught, nothing, nada, zip!  The three days will commence sooner, rather than later, you will all be rounded up, no matter where you hide, and taken straight to the courts of Orvonton and that will be that.

OUR ground people all agree that you, and those that have sold their souls to you, are the ones that must be dealt with first and foremost and so we shall.  We are chomping at the bit to get this done and are quite happy to have you give us a valid reason to accelerate our schedule.  Either way, the result will be the same, so have at it, if you are willing to pay the full price for it.  Your hurry to ‘beat us to the punch’ holds no meaning.  Your means are futile as is your hope for your desired ends.  You believe that might makes right.  You have not yet seen the might of the Heavenly Hosts of Legions of Armies of God!

You showed no mercy but persecuted the poor and needy.  You have slain the innocent and the broken in heart.  You have loved cursing and eschew blessing.  As you have clothed yourself, so shall it be in you and with you.  The memory of you shall be cut off from this beautiful Earth Shan Gaia and all upon her will receive their just due!


We are preparing our ones for what must be done.  We suggest you do the same and surrender willingly.  You may surrender unwillingly, if you insist.  Either way, you will surrender.

You have been told and now, all requirements have been fulfilled.  Let us all be at our stations and get to it.





This piece is under copyright protection of  http://www.abundanthope.net It may be placed anywhere on the web as long as it is not changed in any way and a link placed back to this site.  It is preferred you place the entire piece, and if not possible to do so, you must note that the rest of it can be found at the link.  Thankyou, Candace.

© Copyright by AbundantHope.net all rights reserved

Madam WU - Thank You

We Americans should thank Madam Wu Xiaoling as she and the Chinese Old Guard are the ones in charge of pushing through the RV of the currencies here in USA. She has recently confronted the evil ones of the Federal Reserve Bank and met there match. She is known as the Iron Lady of China.
I for us Americans say with much respect --- say 

John MacHaffie
Subject: Madame Wu Xiaoling
Madam Wu Xiaoling
Independent Director

Wu Xiaoling

Madam Wu Xiaoling is an Independent Director of Central Huijin. She is concurrently a member of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress (NPC) and Vice Chairman of the Financial and Economic Committee of NPC. Previously, Madam Wu served as Deputy Governor of the People's Bank of China (PBOC), Administrator of the State Administration of Foreign Exchange, Governor of PBOC Shanghai Branch, Director General of the Research Bureau of PBOC, and Deputy Director General of Financial System Reform Department of PBOC. Madam Wu also served as Deputy Chief Editor (deputy director general level) of Financial News affiliated to PBOC.
Madam Wu was born in 1947, and holds a master's degree in economics.