Thursday, May 31, 2012

More than 101 reasons to use coconut as a home remedy to improve your health naturally

More than 101 reasons to use coconut as a home remedy to improve your health naturally

Thursday, May 31, 2012 by: JB Bardot

(NaturalNews) Coconuts are a versatile superfood providing nutrition, health benefits, and amazing medicinal properties all wrapped in one delicious package. Coconuts are totally natural, easily available and affordable; and every part of the fruit is useful.

Green coconut water uses:

--Natural, healthy source for hydration, energy and endurance, making it the perfect sports drink.
--Restores electrolytes after exercise, vomiting, diarrhea.
--Antiseptic properties provide antibacterial, anti-viral and anti-fungal agents to purify blood -- killing measles, herpes, influenza, AIDS, SARS, hepatitis C...
--Useful for emergency transfusions due to being close in composition to human plasma.
--Used to prevent vomiting, nausea and replace lost fluids in cases of malaria, typhoid, influenza...
--Dissolves kidney stones alkalizing urine pH.
--Used as a natural cleanse, coconut water mixed with olive oil eliminates intestinal parasites.

Coconut oil medicinal uses:

Virgin coconut oil tastes and smells like coconut. Expeller pressed oil has no scent or taste and both types can be used medicinally.

--Kills bacteria causing urinary tract infections, gonorrhea, gum disease, staphylococcus, MRSA...
--Destroys fungus causing candida.
--Kills viruses causing flu, infectious disease, typhoid, HIV...
--Inhibits parasite growth such as tapeworm, liver flukes, giardia...
--Eases acid reflux, relieves gallbladder disease.
--Enhances proper bowel function and lowers incidence of hemorrhoids when oil is consumed.
--Relieves and heals intestinal disorders, ulcers, colitis, IBS, and Crohn's disease.
--Stabilizes blood sugar and insulin production.
--Eases neuropathies and itching from diabetes.
--Protects against osteoporosis and reduces problems from cystic fibrosis.
--Enhances pancreatic function, enzyme production and reduces pancreatitis.
--Improves magnesium and calcium absorption, promoting stronger bones.
--Reduces joint and muscle inflammation, supporting repair of tissues.
--Regulates thyroid function.
--Protects against cancers of colon, breast, and digestive tract.
--Medium chain fatty acids (MCFA) protect against development of Alzheimer's disease.
--MCFA strengthen heart and circulatory system protecting against artherosclerosis and heart disease.
--Prevents oxidation of fatty acids.
--Provides antioxidants to fight free radicals slowing aging and degenerative diseases such as arthritis.
--Relieves symptoms of chronic fatigue syndrome.
--Reduces incidence and intensity of epileptic seizures.
--Stabilizes female hormones reducing hot flashes and vaginal dryness during menopause.
--Lessens symptoms associated with prostate enlargement.
--Strengthens the liver and protects against degeneration.
--Soothes earaches when mixed with garlic and olive oil.

Topical uses for coconut oil:

--Forms a chemical barrier on skin to protect and heal infections.
--Topical applications relieve pain and swelling from hemorrhoids.
--Moisturizes and softens dry skin.
--Reduces bags, puffiness and wrinkles under eyes.
--Lessens occurrence and appearance of varicose veins.
--Preps skin before shaving.
--Mixed with baking soda, coconut oil makes an effective toothpaste.
--Soothes sunburned skin and promotes healing of burns and blisters.
--Heals psoriasis and eczema lesions.
--Stops pain, burning, and itching of bug and snake bites.
--Prevents itching from poison ivy, oak, and sumac.
--Promotes firm skin tone, preventing age spots, sagging and wrinkles.
--Eliminates head lice.
--Removes makeup easily.
--Heals nail fungus under finger and toenails.
--Prevent nosebleeds by applying light film inside nostrils.
--In combination with cornstarch and baking soda, coconut oil makes an effective deodorant.
--Makes an excellent massage oil, a natural personal lubricant, and great sunscreen.
--Conditions hair, prevents split ends, reduces frizz, controls flaky scalp and dandruff.
--Removes scars and stretch marks.
--Repairs cracked, sore, dry nipples from nursing.
--Heals diaper rash and removes cradle cap on babies.

Nutritional uses for coconut oil:

--Enhances absorption of nutrients and improves digestion.
--Provides a quick energy source and stimulates metabolism.
--Produces immediate, usable energy source rather than being stored as fat.
--Increases metabolic rate, stabilizes body weight, and controls food cravings.
--Enriches milk supply for breast-feeding women.
--Doesn't form harmful by-products during cooking when used at high heat.

Sources for this article include:

About the author:
JB Bardot is trained in herbal medicine and homeopathy, and has a post graduate degree in holistic nutrition. Bardot cares for both people and animals, using alternative approaches to health care and lifestyle. She writes about wellness, green living, alternative medicine, holistic nutrition, homeopathy, herbs and naturopathic medicine. READ HER OTHER ARTICLES ON NATURAL NEWS HERE: You can find her on Facebook at or on Twitter at jbbardot23!/jbbardot23 

Learn more:

BOMBSHELL: Cardinal Timothy Dolan Paid Off Pedophile Priests

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 

BOMBSHELL: Cardinal Timothy Dolan Paid Off Pedophile Priests
Posted By: Jordon [Send E-Mail]
Date: Thursday, 31-May-2012 10:39:52

Cardinal Authorized Paying Abusers

Cardinal Timothy M. Dolan of New York authorized payments of as much as $20,000 to sexually abusive priests as an incentive for them to agree to dismissal from the priesthood when he was the archbishop of Milwaukee.
Questioned at the time about the news that one particularly notorious pedophile cleric had been given a “payoff” to leave the priesthood, Cardinal Dolan, then the archbishop, responded that such an inference was “false, preposterous and unjust.”
But a document unearthed during bankruptcy proceedings for the Archdiocese of Milwaukee and made public by victims’ advocates reveals that the archdiocese did make such payments to multiple accused priests to encourage them to seek dismissal, thereby allowing the church to remove them from the payroll.
A spokesman for the archdiocese confirmed on Wednesday that payments of as much as $20,000 were made to “a handful” of accused priests “as a motivation” not to contest being defrocked. The process, known as “laicization,” is a formal church juridical procedure that requires Vatican approval, and can take far longer if the priest objects.
“It was a way to provide an incentive to go the voluntary route and make it happen quickly, and ultimately cost less,” said Jerry Topczewski, the spokesman for the archdiocese. “Their cooperation made the process a lot more expeditious.”
Read more:

Six Ways to Thrive in Tough Times

  Six Ways to Thrive in Tough Times

Tough times can bring you to your knees. They can also raise you to new heights.

You can be stressed to the max on a bad day, yet, as long as life seems manageable, you don’t usually look for new strategies to get through it.

The tendency is to pull yourself up by the bootstraps, grit your teeth and keep on going. During prolonged or sudden tough times, though, normal defense mechanisms are not enough to keep you from feeling vulnerable and overwhelmed.

It’s when events feel overwhelmingly beyond your control, that you either find new ways to cope or are pulled down by the undertow. Your usual defenses are inadequate to protect from overwhelming long-term stress.

Stress can build gradually beyond tolerance level, or a surprising turn of events like those recently reported in the news can create the kind of vulnerability that demands openness to change.
The soft inner core of your being feels exposed. This exposure opens a crack in the old armor through which an opportunity for renewed life can shine.

Here are six tips that can help you thrive in tough times.

Nourish Yourself – Let go of the bootstraps for a few moments, acknowledge your stress and be kind to yourself. What nourishes you — inspirational reading, music, a cup of tea …? Are there people or places, a favorite chair or spot in nature that provide sustenance? Make nurturing yourself every day a priority.

Stay Present – Don’t project ahead. Take life one day, one moment at a time. Tough times are more manageable when you pay attention to making decisions and taking action on only the next step. Fearful preoccupation or worries about dire imagined future possibilities can leave you open to illness, accidents and errors in judgment that compound your problems. Scale down, simplify your activities and concentrate your precious energy supply on only what is critically important right now.

Accept Support – This can be difficult for people who prize self-sufficiency. Remember it is as virtuous to receive, as it is to give. Without the receiver, the giver has no way to share their abundant gifts. Don’t deprive your friends and family of the pleasure to help you when you need it. Shared burdens provide opportunities for enhanced closeness and appreciation for one another.

Trust Your Resilience - Chances are you have been through tough times before. What natural strengths did you rely upon in those situations? How did you make it through adolescence, childbirth, marriage, divorce, school, first job? What are your natural inner resources? Trust that you have what you need to see this tough time through.

Visualize Success – See yourself moving into a new chapter of life. How do you want to write that chapter? Creation begins in the imagination. If you can think it, you can create it. In order to be free to dream and hope for something new, you must let go of old visions, descriptions and limitations of the person you think you are or can become.

Forgive Past Errors – Forgive past hurts, and people who may have inflicted them, knowingly or unknowingly. This is not out of kindness to them, rather out of kindness to you. After all, you are the one carrying the burden of these hurts. Forgive yourself for mistakes or paths not taken. Release the burden of the past so you can travel lighter in the present.

In times of crisis and radical change, remember that living means growing. I have never seen anything in nature grow backward. So, as bad as you feel, and as much as you doubt it, if you are alive you are growing.

Growth is creative. So, take advantage of the opportunity in these tough times to re-create your life by nourishing yourself, staying present, accepting support, trusting your resilience, visioning possibilities and letting go of the past and perceived limitations.

Even though tough times are hard, they can also be the best times to explore ways to live more harmoniously with yourself and others.

Occupy Bilderberg 2012 - New World Order goes mainstream

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 

Occupy Bilderberg 2012 - New World Order goes mainstream
Posted By: FreePlanet
Date: Thursday, 31-May-2012 03:47:27

when RUSSIA TODAY goes into intimate financial detail about The Bilderberg Club and The New World Order, you know this is the start of something very exciting.
and here's another hymn from the sheet, this time from Mark Dice. But mainstream media won't do shit, they're IN THE POCKET. They're PAID to do as they're told. They can't bite the hand that feeds.
Corporate infiltration of THE MAINSTREAM MEDIA happened in the 1900s when thirty or so major American newspapers were bought out, ensuring only the Jeckyl Island message would be the one they broadcast to the sleeping masses, the mesmerised sheople, your fathers and your mothers, your grannies and your grampies 

Federal Reserve audit PDF July 2011

"The first top-to-bottom audit of the Federal Reserve uncovered eye-popping new details about how the U.S. provided a whopping $16 trillion in secret loans to bail out American and foreign banks and businesses during the worst economic crisis since the Great Depression."

The Red Coats Are Coming !

The Red Coats Are Coming ! ! ! The Red Coats Are Coming ! ! !
Paul R
Hoist up the lanterns
PHOTOS taken in Chicago on Thurs just as President Obama was arriving and got into a terrible traffic jam.

This was not seen on the nightly news on any of the networks.

By the way, I didn't see the ABC, CBS,
NBC, CNN, MSNBC covering this - did you?

Those who have visited Chicago may recognize the downtown area.

Redistribute my work ethic !!!

The axis of taxes : )

Love this one : )

This one is good too : )

E-mail and pass this around; keep it going.
Let the country know the back-lash has started
And we can't afford Obama or his CHANGE!

 The skunk has replaced the Eagle as the new symbol for the President. 
It is half black, half white, and everything it does stinks.

WHITE HOUSE INSIDER: Obama In Serious Trouble – And That Makes Him Very Dangerous

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 

WHITE HOUSE INSIDER: Obama In Serious Trouble – And That Makes Him Very Dangerous
Posted By: MrFusion [Send E-Mail]
Date: Thursday, 31-May-2012 01:53:23

After a long hiatus, WHITE HOUSE INSIDER is back in another interview. Disclaimer: No one except Ulsterman knows whether WHITE HOUSE INSIDER is a real White House insider, so discernment is advised:
WHITE HOUSE INSIDER: Obama In Serious Trouble – And That Makes Him Very Dangerous
by Ulsterman on May 30, 2012
“He owes them for everything. Everything he’s got – they gave to him. Everything. The guy’s Manchurian to the shoes on his feet.” -WHI

Message from the Ashtar Command by Greg Giles - May 30, 2012

Rumor Mill News Agents Forum
Message from the Ashtar Command by Greg Giles - May 30, 2012 'Encountering Online Hostility'
Posted By: Mr.Ed [Send E-Mail]
Date: Thursday, 31-May-2012 02:51:32

Message from the Ashtar Command by Greg Giles - May 30, 2012 'Encountering Online Hostility'
It is your task as Lightworkers in the field to do what you can to rise above the, at times, negative and even hostile atmospheres created throughout your online social networks. It is not your job to engage in debate and argument with individuals who do not yet understand and practice a more positive way to communicate. You have been trained and have shown that you can ignore the quips, insults and attempts to lure you into argument. You have demonstrated how well you can perform your duties as a bringer of higher ideals and adequately perform your duties even under the fire of seemingly opposing forces who do not, and at times cannot, see the larger picture and understand the importance of positive communication that brings about advancements to each person engaged in these discussions.
What has been transpiring here throughout your online communities can often be described as hostile bickering between those who are trying to show others a higher vibrational way of living and of thought, and those who have yet to adequately grasp this concept and understand that it is love that is the motivation that brings you to this conversation in the first place. We do see so many of you, our devoted Lightworkers, who do at all times remain focused on delivering, positive in attitude and response, your views while engaging in these discussions with others, and we do see and appreciate so greatly those of you who remain centered and balanced and refuse all attempts to lure you into heated discussion while remaining professional at all times.
We see only occasionally those of you who allow yourselves to be lured into heated debate, and we only wish to offer you support and say to you to remember your training and remember that many of you have many times before undertaken such missions and have successfully thwarted all attempts to pull you into conversations that have no ability to produce positive results no matter what you offer to the discussion. We remind those of you who find themselves under personal attack and insults to their integrity to state your reason for posting such content and engaging in discussion and move on, not allowing yourselves to get weighed down in the heavy bogs of negative vibration. If you could do this, you would be doing yourself and our mission a great service and we, the Ashtar Command, greatly thank each and every one of you for your tremendous efforts to spread a wave of higher dimensional vibration across this planet to help rinse away the tarnishing residue of so many years of negative storm.
We know you can do it, and that is why you are here. We have full confidence in your abilities, and we only wish to remind you today not to allow yourselves to get dragged into discussions that fuel the need for some to engage in confrontation and argumentative discussion. This is a habit for a number of individuals in this world. It is an addiction, the need to fill a void created by the lack of more positive outlets of their creative and academic powers that, at this time and in part, lie dormant in some of these individuals. In time ports will open for them, and like powerful rivers flowing to the sea, their artistic and intellectual desires will flourish, resulting in a manifestation of beautiful blooms of creative gift.
What we see from our perspective are gorgeous bouquets of brightly colored flowers blossoming all around your planet from the seeds that so many of you beautiful souls have sown. Without your hard work and dedication, none of the changes scheduled for this world could be made possible. It is you who are to be thanked for what is transpiring here, and even though the numbers can be considered few who understand this and appreciate the work you are doing, from our perspective you are the sunshine and you are the rain to the seeds of possibility for this world. We thank you, we appreciate you, and we say to you that there will come a day when you're identities will become known and your tremendous efforts to bring to this world love and light, peace and prosperity, harmony and balance, will be known and recognized by all of this world who will understand that the gifts they enjoy are blessings that have been made possible through your tireless efforts and your perseverance to continue on in the face of such adversity.
Restoring a planet to peace, prosperity and harmony is never an easy assignment. There are worlds that have been submerged in darkness for so many eons, that when light begins to shine through certain corridors the inhabitants are shocked as a ‘deer in the headlights’, as you say. Many do not know what to make of this, and many cannot easily assimilate this life altering, conscious altering and reality altering information. This is very important for you to remember at all times, that very few of those of worlds we visit to help advance them as far as they wish to advance can easily and quickly grasp hold of these concepts and understand that they are for their betterment and upliftment. Many of these beings from the worlds we visit react negatively and react with hostility at the introduction to these new ideas and concepts. It is no different, as many of you are coming to realize, here in this world.
Many of you are facing the same obstacles and adversity only from different faces and different names, but the product is the same, and this product is a compound of fear and confusion, insecurity and un-comfortability. We wish to always proceed smoothly and slowly, carefully and gently, as we introduce another way for their society and their lives. We must tread very lightly, as many of the beings that we are dealing with have fragile psyches and a tender emotional and mental makeup. Although we are all brothers and we are all sisters, not all beings are like you. Not all beings are made of what you are made of, and not all beings have experienced what you have been blessed to experience that makes you the being you are today.
There was a time, perhaps very long ago, when you too were first exposed to life-changing and reality changing concepts, and perhaps you too reacted in a similar way that some react to your infusion of these new ideas today. We ask you to always keep this in mind, and perhaps this will gift you with increased patience and increased tolerance for those who lash out at you with different forms of verbal sparring and jabs at your honor and integrity. We ask you to remember who it is you are and who it is and what it is that you represent, and continue to be a shining example for those of worlds that we offer our gifts of love and service to.
We love you and we say to each and every one of you that you are performing your duties at an exceptional level, and tell you that the finish line for this stage of our joint operation is approaching rapidly. It will be soon that you can move on to the next phase of our mission, proudly knowing you performed your duties to the best of your abilities while laying the groundwork for the many changes that will return harmony to this world and happiness to the hearts of those who call this planet their home and who have not experienced this kind of joy in eons of time.
We are the Galactic Federation of Light.
As channeled through Greg Giles

The Ponzi pile funny numbers just keep getting bigger. How much more money isn't there?

THURSDAY, MAY 31, 2012
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The Ponzi pile funny numbers just keep getting bigger. How much more money isn't there?
The nominal value of all outstanding over-the-counter derivative contracts in the West is now reported to be between $1.2 quadrillion and $4.0 quadrillion. World Gross Domestic Product is around $60 trillion a year. Do you detect a slight problem with the mathematics?

A single US bank, JPMorganChase, is said to be concealing a fully-booked derivatives loss of between $70 trillion and $120 trillion. The market capitalisation of this bank is currently $128 billion. Wherever will Jamie Dimon find sympathetic auditors to massage his trading loss? And how much will he have to pay the people at the top of the rating agencies to keep quiet about his broken piggy bank?

Meanwhile, the US, which has always been the European bankers' main slave state, is being forced, by the City of London, to pay for the EuroCrash. The eventual bill will be paid by American tax payers and laundered through the US Federal Reserve system to European banks.

More developing global background here (28.05.12), here(22.05.12), here (14.05.12) and here (14.05.12).

U2, Bono? Celeb partners with Monsanto, G8, to biowreck African farms with GMOs

Political Information
U2, Bono? Celeb partners with Monsanto, G8, to biowreck African farms with GMOs
By Rady Ananda
May 30, 2012 - 4:35:30 AM

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

U2, Bono? Celeb partners with Monsanto, G8, to biowreck African farms with GMOs

Rady Ananda
Activist Post

At the G8 Summit held two weeks ago at Camp David, President Obama met with private industry and African heads of state to launch the New Alliance for Food Security and Nutrition,
a euphemism for monocultured, genetically modified crops and toxic agrochemicals aimed at making poor farmers debt slaves to corporations, while destroying the ecosphere for profit.

And Bono, of the rock group U2, is out shilling for Monsanto on this one.

It’s phase 2 of the Green Revolution. Tanzania, Ghana, and Ethiopia are the first to fall for the deception, with Mozambique, Cote d’Ivoire, Burkina Faso and other African nations lining up for the “Grow Africa Partnership,” under Obama’s “Global Agricultural Development” plan.

In Obama Pitches India Model of GM Genocide to Africa, Scott Creighton writes:

But African civil society wants no part of this latest Monsanto aligned ‘public private partnership.’ Whatever will the progressives do now that their flawless hero has teamed up with their most hated nemesis to exploit an entire continent like they did to India not that long ago?

With a commitment of $3 billion, Obama plans to ‘partner up’ with mega-multinationals like Monsanto, Diageo, Dupont, Cargill, Vodafone, Walmart, Pepsico, Prudential, Syngenta International, and Swiss Re because, as one USAID representative says ‘There are things that only companies can do, like building silos for storage and developing seeds and fertilizers.’
Of course, that’s an outrageous lie. Private citizens have been building their own silos for centuries. But it’s true that only the biowreck engineers will foist patented seeds and toxic chemicals on Africa.
Creighton continues:
Bono says that there has to be a ‘public private partnership’ in order to get this done and that they are going to be using the ideas of the African people and farmers. Really? This is what the African farmers say to that…
‘We request that: – governments, FAO, the G8, the World Bank and the GAFSP reconsider their promotion of Public/Private Partnerships which, as they are now conceived, are not suitable instruments to support the family farms which are the very basis of African food security and sovereignty.’ African Civil Society Organizations

I wonder if that could be any clearer. They don’t WANT the public private partnerships involved in this process…. It’s not enough that huge mega-corporations are bleeding the nations of Africa dry by sucking the valuable mineral resources out of their hills. No. As Bono says about the development in Africa:
‘They’re future consumers for the United States. The president is talking business. This is good. It’s a whole new development paradigm today. The old donor/recipient relationship… it’s over.’
Volatility chimed in:
The history of corporate agriculture and its ‘Green Revolution’ is a perfect example of the unfulfilled promises, and therefore proven lies, of corporatism. What was the Green Revolution? With a huge one-off injection of fossil fuels, and building upon ten thousand years of agronomy, corporate agriculture temporarily increased yields within the monoculture framework.

But, in the Green Revolution, writes Volatility:
The soil is stripped of all nutrition and zombified by ever-increasing applications of synthetic fertilizer. Monoculture is ever more dependent on the increasing application of ever more toxic herbicides and pesticides. Deployment of GMOs escalates these vulnerabilities. Factory farms can exist only with ever increasing use of antibiotics. All these systems are extremely tenuous, vulnerable, not robust, not resilient. They’re all guaranteed to collapse. Hermetic monoculture, and industrial agriculture as such, is one big hothouse flower which requires perfect conditions to survive….

[T]he Green Revolution was a scam to use cheap fossil fuels to increase monocrop yield, drive tens of millions off the land, and use the stolen land and food to render food temporarily artificially cheap for Western consumerism.

Like with Monsanto’s Bt cotton deployed in India, at first yields improved and farmers profited. Now, however, according to a leaked Advisory from the Minister of Agriculture obtained by the Hindustan Times last month:
Cotton farmers are in a deep crisis since shifting to Bt cotton…. In fact cost of cotton cultivation has jumped…due to rising costs of pesticides. Total Bt cotton production in the last five years has reduced.

The Advisory definitively links farmer suicides to debt-enslavement enabled by the synthetic food model spawned by Monsanto, Dupont and other ecocidal corporations: “The spate of farmer suicides in 2011-12 has been particularly severe among Bt cotton farmers.”

That’s not all the harm wrought by the petrochemical synthetic ag industry, as this 2012 superweed map by the University of Wisconsin shows:

Over half of US states are now plagued by agrochemically-induced superweeds.  An industry sponsored study of pesticide use predicts that by 2016, nearly a billion pounds of these toxic chemicals will be poured on US soils.

Insects have also developed resistance. As reported last August,
“The Western rootworm beetle – one of the most serious threats to corn – has developed resistance to Monsanto’s Bt-corn, and entire crops are being lost.”

In March, two dozen corn entomologists warned regulators that the only way to defeat growing insect resistance to genetically modified corn is to plant non-GMO seed. “Increasing pesticide use or buffer zone size will not solve the growing problem of rootworm resistance to corn genetically modified.”

But if that doesn’t deter African farmers, these petrochemicals have also been linked to human birth defects. Where “Roundup Ready soy is being cultivated on a massive scale,” reports Dr. Mercola, “widespread reports exist of immediate illness defects from massive glyphosate spraying operations.”

In fact, “Monsanto, Philip Morris and other U.S. tobacco giants knowingly poisoned Argentinean tobacco farmers with pesticides,” reports Courthouse News Service, “causing ‘devastating birth defects’ in their children, dozens of workers claim in court.”

The Bt toxin used to engineer cotton and corn also kills human kidney cells, reports Dr Eva Sirinathsinghji, and the drift from aerial application of Roundup prompted the Mississippi Rice Council to sound a national alarm over genetic damage to natural rice, calling for severely restricted aerial application.

Newly emergent pathogens have appeared, reports Dr. Don M. Huber, a plant pathologist who coordinates the Emergent Diseases and Pathogens committee of the American Phytopathological Society, as part of the USDA National Plant Disease Recovery System. Last year, his team discovered a “self-replicating, micro-fungal virus-sized organism which may be causing spontaneous abortions in livestock, sudden death syndrome in Monsanto’s Roundup Ready soy, and wilt in Monsanto’s RR corn.”

Huber’s warning to the USDA to halt GM crop approvals, and specifically, genetically modified alfalfa, was not only ignored, but two months ago, Ag Secretary Tom Vilsack hastened the approval process for genetically engineered crops.

“The new rules will cut the time needed to approve biotech crops in half,” reports Dr. Mercola, “from an average of three years, to about 13 months for new versions of already existing crop technologies, and about 16 months for brand new technologies.”

Obama’s Global Agricultural Development plan conspires with multinational corporations to foist these ecological and human health costs onto the public while siphoning the profits. As Creighton says, “Socialized costs, privatized profits. All in the name doing good and saving the people of Africa.”

Let’s hope these “public/private partnerships” are met with firm resistance by African farmers, as supported by this Declaration from a group of African civil society organizations.  The last thing Planet Earth and all its organisms need is more toxic industrial chemicals.

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You can help support this information by voting on Reddit HERE.

Rady Ananda is an investigative reporter and researcher in the areas of health, environment, politics, and civil liberties.  Her two websites, Food Freedom and COTO Report are essential reading.


[Colour fonts and bolding added.].


'Saint Bono' the anti-poverty campaigner facing huge Glastonbury protest – for avoiding tax. See:


Bono's ONE foundation under fire for giving little over 1% of funds to charity. See:


Bob Geldof Feeds the Starving Rich. See:


"Manufacturing Dissent": the Anti-globalization Movement is Funded by the Corporate Elites. See:

The Philanthropic-Zionist Complex. See:


Warren Buffett, Bill Gates ask billionaires to give away wealth. See:

© Copyright by all rights reserved

Rockefeller and Rothschild Dynasties JOIN FORCES!

Rockefeller and Rothschild Dynasties JOIN FORCES!?!?!??!!

The fact that David Rockefeller and Jacob Rothschild are working together for 50 years,
as confirmed now makes up the long expressed conspiracy theory a conspiracy practice. - Parsifal

The article:
Rockefellers and Rothschilds form strategic partnership LONDON May 30, 2012
(Reuters) - The Rothschild banking dynasty has agreed to invest in the Rockefeller group's wealth advisory and asset management business to form a strategic partnership, the Financial Times reported on Wednesday.
Rothschild's RIT Capital Partners will purchase a 37 percent stake in the Rockefeller business for an undisclosed sum, ...
The partership will focus on setting up investment funds, eyeing joint acquisitions of wealth and asset managers and granting each other non-executive directorships, ...
The coming together of two of the best known business dynasties in the Europe and the United States will give the London-listed Rothschild trust a much sought-after U.S. foothold.
The transatlantic union brings together David Rockefeller, 96, and Lord Rothschild, 76 - two family patriarchs whose personal relationship spans five decades, ... (Reporting by Stephen Mangan)


Emitte lucem et veritatem
Send out light and truth



An atheist was seated next to a little girl on an airplane
and he turned to her and said, "Do you want to talk? Flights
go quicker if you strike up a conversation with your fellow

The little girl, who had just started to read her book,
replied to the total stranger, "What would you want to talk

"Oh, I don't know," said the atheist. "How about why there is
no God, or no Heaven or Hell, or no life after death?" as he
smiled smugly.

"OK," she said. "Those could be interesting topics but let me
ask you a question first. A horse, a cow, and a deer all eat
the same stuff - grass. Yet a deer excretes little pellets,
while a cow turns out a flat patty, but a horse produces clumps.
Why do you suppose that is?"

The atheist, visibly surprised by the little girl's
intelligence, thinks about it and says, "Hmmm, I have no idea."

To which the little girl replies, "Do you really feel qualified
to discuss why there is no God, or no Heaven or Hell, or no life
after death
, when you don't know shit?"

Obama Credentials For Election

Obummer's God complex: America's Psychopathic President is clearly out of control

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 

Obummer's God complex: America's Psychopathic President is clearly out of control
Posted By: Watchman
Date: Wednesday, 30-May-2012 23:20:04

Yvonne Ridley
Opinion Maker
Wed, 30 May 2012 17:43 CDT
The fatal shooting of black teenager Trayvon Martin shocked a nation, inspired tens of thousands to march for justice and even prompted the US President to declare, "If I had a son, he would look like Trayvon".
It took nearly six weeks for George Zimmerman, the Florida man accused of killing the teenager, to be arrested and charged with second-degree murder after enormous pressure from the public.
Zimmerman - the captain of a Neighborhood Watch group - pursued Trayvon because he said that he thought he was acting "suspicious" and "up to no good". And that is exactly the same excuse used by President Barack Obama as he justifies ticking off names on a "kill list" for drone attacks.
While Obama called on federal, state and local authorities to work together as part of the investigation into the killing of Trayvon, just who is going to investigate the President for his extra-judicial killings? He is a man out of control, and while his predecessor justified his actions with a catch-all "God told me to do it", this president thinks he is God, making decisions about who should live and who should die.
If he was the head of a banana republic the UN Security Council would be meeting as I write to bring about regime change, with the International Criminal Court on standby with a writ to charge Obama with war crimes.
But the USA is not a banana republic - not yet, anyway - and Obama is the head of a superpower and supposed to be the most powerful man in the world; the man who in 2009 went to Cairo and convinced us all that he was going to engage positively with the Muslim world from the Middle East to Asia.
Looking back at that historic day all I can visualise is a fox being heralded and saluted by his victims as he walks up the ramp into the chicken coop.
We don't know how many people Barack Obama has ordered to be killed, but according to the New York Times he has "placed himself at the helm of a top secret 'nominations' process to designate terrorists for kill or capture, of which the capture part has become largely theoretical".
There is huge hypocrisy in the media and from the so-called liberal left when it comes to this particular White House incumbent. The tame journalists who make up the Washington press pack ignore the fact that several times a month around 100 members of the government's sprawling national security apparatus gather, by secure video teleconference, to discuss who should live and who should die.
This murderous secret nomination process was the invention of the Democrat Obama Administration, just as the Democrat Bill Clinton Administration brought kidnap and extraordinary rendition flights to the world. Republicans must look on enviously at how the Democrats get away with breaking international laws and conventions without being challenged.
It is almost beyond belief that this kill list has been sanctioned by a man who won the Nobel Peace Prize and ran his US Presidential campaign on a human rights platform. Remember Obama's declaration that he wanted to close down Guantanamo, end torture, stop secret renditions and raise the bar in fairness and justice? He clearly doesn't.
In Yemen, Somalia and Pakistan, Obama's killing machines are not even clinical or always on target; thousands of innocent men, women and children have been taken out by his drone attacks. Their blood is on the US President's hands, and even his own people are sickened by the hypocrisy and double standards coming out of the White House.
America's outgoing Ambassador to Pakistan, Cameron Munter, a man with more backbone and guts than his predecessor, has revealed that he regards the drone strike-driven policy of his government unacceptable. Rather tellingly, he has complained to colleagues that "he didn't realise his main job was to kill people".
This was revealed in another article published this week in the New York Times, one of the few US media titles finally to adopt a critical stance over Obama's foreign policies. I can only assume that Obama's killing spree has gone largely unchecked by ordinary Americans because they haven't a clue what this president is doing in their name. This is sad, because Americans do care about justice and fair play; they showed this when they rallied and demonstrated after the killing of black teenager Trayvon Martin by a man who thought he was "up to no good".
Trayvon's killer will now stand trial for his actions and his fate will be decided by a judge and jury looking at openly presented evidence. That is real justice, not the shoot and kill version which is coming to define Obama's presidency.
Many of us who cheered when the first non-white president moved into the White House were hoping for a new era of peace and justice, but we have been conned. The true Barack Obama is an out of control psychopathic killer with a loaded God complex, and he's running America. This makes him the most dangerous man in the world as well as the most powerful. And that should make every right-minded person in America and beyond shudder with disbelief.