Friday, June 1, 2012

SaLuSa 1-June-2012

SaLuSa 1-June-2012

This year you have come a long way in such a short time, and our allies have progressed to the point where their efforts are about to pay off. At times it has been a precarious journey, as the more successful you have been in anchoring the Light upon the Earth, the more the dark Ones have been determined to halt your progress. Yet you have risen to the challenge, and the possibility of you being stopped before you have reached your goal has passed. It is therefore plain sailing from hereon, as our plan unfolds and almost everything is in place for the final thrust. Timing as always is the biggest factor at present, and when we get the signal to go ahead matters will move forward very quickly.

As people have awakened to the Light within, so the Light quotient upon Earth has increased exponentially and has reached a powerful level. The result is such that the lower vibrations are being transmuted, and that a far greater level of consciousness exists than before. It means that all of the planning and hard work to raise such levels has been a great success. Suddenly more of you are receptive to the new ideas that are being put forward, that will lift your civilization up and out of the dark period that you have just gone through. The idea of dramatic changes to your life, ingrained habits and beliefs, is suddenly being welcomed, as you can see the benefits it will bring. Nothing comes without some sacrifices, but as we have often informed you, it is all for your future happiness and wellbeing.

We view your present position as one that enables you to cope quite easily, and we look to you to carry other people forward who are less aware or uninformed. The preparations that we have made, will at some stage take over the responsibility of keeping people up to date with what is happening. That is viewed as very important, as we must be seen to be operating in your best interests at all times. It is in fact very easy for us to superimpose our messages upon your television sets, even when they are not switched on. However, once we are allowed to openly meet you the circumstances will change, as we can then appear live and operate our own channels.

The extent to which there has been an ongoing cover-up of the truth for many, many years, is quite astonishing to us, as your Governments have spent enormous amounts of money in supporting the organizations that are being used for this purpose. Even now it continues with SETI who search the Universe for signs of intelligent life, yet your Government has had a continuous dialogue with the extraterrestrials you know as the Grays. It has been going on for some 70 years, and on a regular basis. Even we of the Galactic Federation of Light have had contact with your leaders, and our offers to bring peace to the world were refused. That did not surprise us, because the agenda of the dark Ones was to take over the world and enslave the people. Their plans were well advanced and within sight of success, until you suddenly responded to the Light and began to understand the truth.

In the past you have looked to us to save you, but that was not permissible as with freewill choice you created the circumstances that developed and trapped you. It relates to the Law of Attraction, and when the vibrations reached a very low point it allowed extraterrestrials Beings of a similar vibration to contact the Earth. That was when agreements were made to allow them bases on your world, in exchange for advanced technological information. It was of course used for ulterior purposes, and mainly weapons of destruction. Very little of it has been passed on to you considering how the great advancements would have benefitted your lives. That suited the dark Ones plans, as they knew that people who have a lack of the necessities to live a normal life are reliant upon them for their existence.
The most abominable aspect of the plans of the dark Ones, was their intent to keep you in a state of war even if it meant starting them by false means. They have the guilt hanging over them for the deaths of millions upon millions of souls. We know some of you cannot understand why in such circumstances we did not intervene, but we are not allowed to interfere with a civilizations evolution. The only exception is where we are given divine authority to do so, as happened more recently when it was decreed that no more wars would be allowed. We will add that it also includes off world wars, and a long time ago your big powers were told in no uncertain terms that nuclear weapons would not be allowed to be taken into Space. Even so they ignored our warning, and suffered the consequences when their craft were destroyed or removed.

Dear Ones, if you really knew the truth about the dark operations that have been carried out, you would be so shocked and upset. People that you have looked up to have often been behind such happenings, and have wielded such power that those who are honest and good willed have not dared come out with the truth, for fear of their lives and often their families. However, we are pleased to note that in very recent times more people than ever are prepared to openly come out with the truth. It is revealing the covert operations of the Illuminati, that are mainly directed and supported by the powerful banking families. Fortunately, the same whistleblowers are able to inform you of how those who work for the Light are putting the pressure on the dark Ones, to the point that many of them are marked for arrest and will answer for their crimes.

What we have revealed has not exactly been kept secret, and if you know where to look you can find much more information on your Internet. One of the most atrocious acts of the Illuminati was 9/11 and since it occurred it has been privately investigated by many professional bodies, and reams of information is there on your Internet. Your mind will not perhaps allow you to believe that the whole attack was a false flag operation, and that it was rigged even to the extent that the enquiry into it was also set up to support the Illuminati version of events. There are others and 24/7 in England was a similar scenario, with people being set up to falsely take the blame. However, all responsible and involved are known and will stand trial for their crimes.

I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and assure you that peaceful times lay ahead.
Thank you SaLuSa.

Mike Quinsey.

Hi Friends,
My apologies as in today's message there is a date error. In the last paragraph it should read 7/7 and not 24/7.
Thank you Mike Quinsey 

Saint Germain ~~ About Disclosure and the Landings ~~ 31/05/2012 Channeled through Méline Lafont

Thursday, May 31, 2012

Saint Germain ~~ About Disclosure and the Landings ~~ 31/05/2012 Channeled through Méline Lafont

Dear Ones,

We come with breaking news! I, Saint Germain and the Arcturians are at liberty to inform you that some of your space brothers have landed on your planet. A few shuttles received permission to land on your soil and more specifically in Roswell (U.S.A.) and Staffordshire (England). Among the first to land were the Pleiadians  and the Arcturians : the Pleiadians for their closeness to your earthly civilization and the Arcturians because of their leadership abilities to handle the procedures involved. The Arcturians are the ones who monitor everything conscientiously as regards to your spiritual evolution on one hand and the disclosure project on the other hand.  We established contacts with President Obama and other authorities to figure out how to be of further assistance to you and how to announce disclosure on your world. Those with whom we have established connections are government representatives and the ground crew, connected with the Disclosure project. Obama will announce Disclosure in our presence through your television network and he will also announce the arrests of the cabal. It is most important that those two issues will be announced simultaneously in order to avoid a panic amongst the population of your planet. 

Unfortunately, the Arcturians and I, Saint Germain, have to confirm what you probably already heard through your daily updates. Evidently we refer to the fact that Disclosure will be delayed somewhat. We firstly would like to continue with the reformation of your governments ; something that is already happening behind closed doors. What isn’t readily known is the fact that the highest ranking members of the cabal have been arrested and their subsequent trials have resulted in them being sentenced for life. They have then been removed from this Earth and were escorted to another world where they can only wait for their final verdict which will be pronounced by our Creator. Please be aware without a shadow of a doubt that they will never ever be allowed to return to planet Earth! Those who already are removed to another world are on this planet replaced by clones which of course have no soul and they can and will be deactivated when their ‘usefulness’ ends. Just a few minor members of the cabal still walk this Earth but they are pretty harmless compared to those higher ranking members and besides we keep a close eye on them and will also be arrested shortly. They still attempt to stop the Disclosure project but their efforts are in vain as Obama has now the upper hand in that project. Time is still a factor before the whole procedure can be rounded up. Nevertheless, Obama has already started and is now at liberty to speak freely. That’s why we were able to land in the first place!

In the meantime we have landed on your planet and a few more shuttles will also be allowed to land until Disclosure is a fact. At the moment of Disclosure we will land everywhere on your world ; we will decloak and become visible for everyone! 
Rest assured that we are really here, a fact that can be confirmed by some channelers who are in the know. Méline Lafont is one of those channelers, she was aware but was asked to keep it to herself. The same applies to the info pertaining to the arrests of the cabal and the verdicts. I opted to use her as my channeler because of our great connection. That being said.   

Why have we decided to do the reformations of the governments firstly and then the announcements? Well to answer that question, we found it opportune to firstly guarantee a kind of stability to your civilization before spreading that kind of breaking news, especially for the sake of the unawakened ones. If they should get to know that their leaders had been arrested and removed from their positions, followed by us introducing ourselves to you, they would easily become disconcerted seeing the whole process as if their world would come tumbling down. As a matter of fact, it has now been decades that you have been lied to by the cabal who depict our existence and our intentions as threatening to your survival. It goes without saying that the unawakened ones would surely consider us invaders when we were to massively land. This is the one thing we want to avoid! We wish to create a smooth transition and help you to co-exist harmoniously with us in the galaxy, for after all, we are brothers. 

I hope by now you can understand why we had to postpone the disclosure project and why we will announce both issues simultaneously. We will firstly create stability in your governments, the new government of Light will govern for just a little while until all of you are equal for evermore! And finally this will be so! The way of your Ascension process has been opened wide and you already enjoy more freedom and connections with us. We will not yet show us to the unawakened ones, we will however start cooperating closely with Lightworkers up to Disclosure. I feel the disappointments amongst the Lightworkers and I feel it in my channeler, Méline Lafont and quite frankly she is not too thrilled to share this message. Nevertheless, I think it is important for you all to know that your freedom has increased and that we are just a whisper away!
You are never alone and this statement should be taken quite literally!

I Am Saint Germain.

Copyright © 2012 by Méline Lafont. All Rights Reserved. Permission is given to copy and distribute this material, provided the content is copied in its entirety and unaltered, is distributed freely, and this copyright notice and links are included.  


Please consider this and perhaps passing it on.  Thanks.


PLEASE Read and Pass On To 20 Of Your Friends...
Warren Buffett, in a recent interview with CNBC, offers one of the best quotes about the debt ceiling:

"I could end the deficit in 5 minutes," he told CNBC. "You just pass a  law that says that anytime there is a deficit of more than 3% of  GDP, all sitting members of Congress are ineligible for re-election.
The 26th amendment (granting the right to vote for 18 year-olds) took only 3 months & 8 days to be ratified!  Why? Simple!   The people demanded it. That was in 1971 - before computers, e-mail, cell phones, etc.
Of the 27 amendments to the Constitution, seven (7) took one (1) year or less to become the law of the land - all because of public pressure.
Warren Buffet is asking each addressee to forward this email to a minimum of twenty people on their address list; in turn ask each of those to do likewise.
In three days, most people in The United States of America will have the message.  This is one idea that really should be passed around.
Congressional Reform Act of 2012
1.       No Tenure / No Pension.
2.       A Congressman/woman collects a salary while in office and receives no pay when they're out of office. 
3.       Congress (past, present & future) participates in Social Security.
4.       All funds in the Congressional retirement fund move to the Social Security system immediately. All future funds flow into the Social Security system, and Congress participates with the American people. It may not be used for any other purpose.
5.       Congress can purchase their own retirement plan,  just as all
Americans do.
6.       Congress will no longer vote themselves a pay raise. Congressional pay will rise by the lower of CPI or 3%.
7.       Congress loses their current health care system and participates in the same health care system as the American people.
8.       Congress must equally abide by all laws they impose on the American people.
9.       All contracts with past and present Congressmen/women are void effective 12/1/12. The American people did not make this contract with Congressmen/women.

Congress made all these contracts for themselves. Serving in Congress is an honor, not a career. The Founding Fathers envisioned citizen legislators, so ours should serve their term(s), then go home and back to work.
If each person contacts a minimum of twenty people then it will only take three days for most people (in the U.S. ) to receive the message.  Don't you think it's time?


If you agree, pass it on. If not, delete.
You are one of my 20+ - Please keep it going, and thanks


Bilderberg 2012: Protesters vs New World Order

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 

Bilderberg 2012: Protesters vs New World Order
Posted By: FreePlanet
Date: Friday, 1-Jun-2012 07:14:03

Russia Today AGAIN feature an anti-Bilderberg piece, this time focussing on the crowds that have gathered outside the Virginia Marriot Hotel in Chantilly VA to PROTEST, but it all looks so futile.
Around 150 of the world's elite approached the grounds of a suburban Virginia hotel on Thursday for the first day of the 2012 Bilderberg Conference, but also on hand were throngs of protesters who gathered to opposed the top-secret gathering. Journalists and critics of the annual clandestine conference stationed themselves outside of a Chantilly, Virginia Marriott hotel near Washington, DC early Thursday to catch a glimpse of the government officials, entrepreneurs and other assorted members of the privileged elite who had gathered for this year's event. [source RT]

The Drake (and Lady Dragon and Minuteman) Show 5-30-12… MP3s

The Drake (and Lady Dragon and Minuteman) Show 5-30-12… MP3s

This show covers a number of issues, including reports from Drake, Lady Dragon (from Montreal), and Minuteman.
Drake discusses situation in Europe (Part 1, 3:21), NESARA (Part 1, 10:38), and the probably good idea of having some supplies and junk silver on hand during the transition process.
Fairly long show, but each time there are surely points one hears that may be helpful. Just remember you may not be in complete alignment with all the ideas here. I try to always “take the best and leave the rest.”
MP3s have been volume adjusted and all music and commercials removed.
MP3s (each part, 30 min., 5 MB)
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Complete show (2 hr. 38 min., 27 MB)

Cenk Ugyar on Obama Mortgage "Plan"

Cenk Ugyur Host of The Young Turks breaks down for you what happened behind the scenes during the mortgage Bailout between Obama and the Big Banks.

Message from the Galactic Federation of Light by Greg Giles - May 31, 2012 'Why Mysteries & Secrets'

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 

Message from the Galactic Federation of Light by Greg Giles - May 31, 2012 'Why Mysteries & Secrets'
Posted By: Mr.Ed [Send E-Mail]
Date: Friday, 1-Jun-2012 00:29:40

Message from the Galactic Federation of Light by Greg Giles - May 31, 2012 'Why Mysteries & Secrets'
Straight communication is the procedure when you wish to relay your thoughts clearly and concisely, without any risk of confusion and misunderstanding. There are times that we observe your posts and comments in the public forums of your online social networks where we perceive difficulties in your communications with each other. What we are suggesting is a much more direct form of communication between each of you through the means of word choice. What we would like to see is an improved form of communication necessitated by a more concise use of the language you speak. The end result would be much clearer communications between you.
We would like to see each of you begin to choose words that cut through the murky waters of confusion and rhetoric. We would like to see you each make your points to each other much more clearly and much more succinctly. Getting to the point faster and explaining your point of view much more briefly are the improvements that we feel will benefit you in the forms of better communications and a reduction in the amount of misunderstandings, and at times, confusion.
Today is a good day to begin as it always is, and what we would like to see is posts and comments made in your online social networks that are shorter, more to the point, and explain your position clearer and sharper without the need to explain your feelings and your point of view through a lot of unnecessary word use and description. If you could do that for us it would not only assist us to better understand you and your points of view, but will also cut down on a lot of unnecessary writing that can be a chore for you due to the limitations of your current technologies. Faster, sharper and more to the point are what we would like to see, and we will be looking for these improvements from you beginning immediately upon the publication of today's communication from us.
We have noticed quite frequently that many of you speak in a very roundabout manner and move into areas that have little to do with the reason for your posting and your comments. We would like you to experience the virtues of getting to the point faster without a need for explanations or apologetic qualifiers and descriptions about your background. The body of your message should only contain the direct point of your communication to better get your point across and cut down on the amount of time consumed by writing so many unnecessary words. This will also save time for the person or persons reading your posts or comments. We feel this is an area certainly worth the efforts to make improvements, and we feel your communications between each other will improve greatly upon your efforts in just this one area.
We see that many of you are very good writers and we do enjoy many of your flowery writing that paint lovely pictures of your experiences, your feelings and your questions. This type of writing does have its well deserved place in this universe, but it is not here and it is not the time for this type of artistic expression. What it is the time and place for is communication on a great level, performed as fast as possible and sent and received as quickly, efficiently and as accurately as possible. Do you see and understand the difference dear ones? What we are engaged in throughout your online social networks is more of a businesslike enterprise, where certain tasks need to be completed at certain intervals of your time. Production is the name of the game now. Rich and beautiful tales told in painted tapestries of romance, action and adventure are not the call of the day. The call of the day is our mission, and our mission calls for procedures to be completed as quickly and as efficiently as they can to allot more time needed for areas of operation that are even more involved and could see delays, delays that we cannot afford the luxury to accommodate as time is running very short and windows of opportunity will close according to a schedule that your universe has set.
If you could see clearer the overall mission with its many involved singular and connected operations, you would understand this much clearer, and we do understand that this can be a frustrating experience for you when you do not enjoy the bird’s eye view that we do from our vantage point. There are very good reasons why there are areas of our operation and our time schedule that are not fully explained to you. Some of these reasons have to do with the reasons why you have incarnated and taken on the challenges that you have. You must understand that there our multifaceted reasons for you being here and not all of them have to do with our mission and not all of them have to do solely with your personal goal of spiritual advancement.
A great deal of your journey here is an interconnected series of goals and tasks you have set out to accomplish. Understanding this will allow you to understand greater why not everything that we know can be explained to you. Can you now understand this? Can you now understand why we do not sit you down and divulge the entire scenario to you, giving away secrets and endings that have never been intended for you until your experience here is completed? We feel many of you now understand this, and understand better why there are areas of operation that we do not divulge to you and why certain time schedules also are not made clear to you.
There are also security concerns involving your dark cabal who have made it clear that they do not wish to see your new systems implemented in this world, and we do have to make certain considerations in this regard. Revealing our plans to you publicly is revealing our plans to them, and this is what we do not wish to do. There are certain areas of our endeavors that we do make known to you through public forums on your Internet, and we feel these areas of operations are well shielded enough to be able to divulge some of these plans to you. There are other areas, of course, that are much more sensitive and we cannot divulge much, if any, information on them through your Internet medium.
There are those of you who have been given a little more information than what can be posted throughout your Internet forums, and these individuals have been able to receive this information due to their abilities to receive telepathic communications from us. This is an area that we would like to see more of you learn and make improvements upon. Telepathic communication is the means in which many beings throughout this universe and many organizations throughout this universe communicate with each other. In time, all of you who choose will be communicating in this manner at least partly, as many of you will continue to also communicate through acoustic speech. Think of telepathic communications as an added tool to the means in which you communicate, but for many of you it will not become the only means in which you relay messages, your thoughts and your feelings to each other.
In the days ahead, we will be able to communicate with you more openly, and at that time you will understand greater our overall mission and the schedule that we have in mind for these events. There will, however, always be some mystery and some question as to your personal journey as it is not our right to divulge this kind of information to you. There are some areas of your personal experience that we do understand and can speak to you about, but please always keep in mind that there are many personal quests that you are involved in and it is up to you to find the clues yourselves and unlock these mysteries and the answers that you seek.
This has all been designed for your advancement and your upliftment, and much of what you are experiencing was mapped out by you yourself before your current incarnation. It was you that knew best what you needed to experience to bring results that would see you grow and prosper as a being on an eternal journey of mystery, wonder and adventure. There will come a time for you when all the mysteries, secrets and answers that are currently just out of your reach will be yours, and it will be then that you create for yourself a whole new set of mysteries, quests, tests and challenges for yourself and you will once again set out to discover these treasures and unlock their secrets.
We are the Galactic Federation of Light.
As channeled through Greg Giles

Thursday, May 31, 2012

Bilderberg Meeting VA - Final List of Participants

Bilderberg Meetings

Chantilly, Virginia, USA, 31 May-3 June 2012

Final List of Participants

FRACastries, Henri deChairman and CEO, AXA Group

DEUAckermann, JosefChairman of the Management Board and the Group Executive Committee, Deutsche Bank AG
GBRAgius, MarcusChairman, Barclays plc
USAAjami, FouadSenior Fellow, The Hoover Institution, Stanford University
USAAlexander, Keith B.Commander, US Cyber Command; Director, National Security Agency
INTAlmunia, JoaquínVice-President - Commissioner for Competition, European Commission
USAAltman, Roger C.Chairman, Evercore Partners
PRTAmado, LuísChairman, Banco Internacional do Funchal (BANIF)
NORAndresen, Johan H.Owner and CEO, FERD
FINApunen, MattiDirector, Finnish Business and Policy Forum EVA
TURBabacan, AliDeputy Prime Minister for Economic and Financial Affairs
PRTBalsemão, Francisco PintoPresident and CEO, Impresa; Former Prime Minister
FRABaverez, NicolasPartner, Gibson, Dunn & Crutcher LLP
FRABéchu, ChristopheSenator, and Chairman, General Council of Maine-et-Loire
BELBelgium, H.R.H. Prince Philippe of 
TURBerberoğlu, EnisEditor-in-Chief, Hürriyet Newspaper
ITABernabè, FrancoChairman and CEO, Telecom Italia
GBRBoles, NickMember of Parliament
SWEBonnier, JonasPresident and CEO, Bonnier AB
NORBrandtzæg, Svein RichardPresident and CEO, Norsk Hydro ASA
AUTBronner, OscarPublisher, Der Standard Medienwelt
SWECarlsson, GunillaMinister for International Development Cooperation
CANCarney, Mark J.Governor, Bank of Canada
ESPCebrián, Juan LuisCEO, PRISA; Chairman, El País
AUTCernko, WillibaldCEO, UniCredit Bank Austria AG
FRAChalendar, Pierre André deChairman and CEO, Saint-Gobain
DNKChristiansen, JeppeCEO, Maj Invest
CANClark, W. EdmundGroup President and CEO, TD Bank Group
GBRClarke, KennethMember of Parliament, Lord Chancellor and Secretary of Justice
USACollins, Timothy C.CEO and Senior Managing Director, Ripplewood Holdings, LLC
ITAConti, FulvioCEO and General Manager, Enel S.p.A.
USADaniels, Jr., Mitchell E.Governor of Indiana
USADeMuth, ChristopherDistinguished Fellow, Hudson Institute
USADonilon, Thomas E.National Security Advisor, The White House
GBRDudley, RobertGroup Chief Executive, BP plc
ITAElkann, JohnChairman, Fiat S.p.A.
DEUEnders, ThomasCEO, Airbus
USAEvans, J. MichaelVice Chairman, Global Head of Growth Markets, Goldman Sachs & Co.
AUTFaymann, WernerFederal Chancellor
DNKFederspiel, UlrikExecutive Vice President, Haldor Topsøe A/S
USAFerguson, NiallLaurence A. Tisch Professor of History, Harvard University
GBRFlint, Douglas J.Group Chairman, HSBC Holdings plc
CHNFu, YingVice Minister of Foreign Affairs
IRLGallagher, PaulFormer Attorney General; Senior Counsel
USAGephardt, Richard A.President and CEO, Gephardt Group
GRCGiannitsis, AnastasiosFormer Minister of Interior; Professor of Development and International Economics, University of Athens
USAGoolsbee, Austan D.Professor of Economics, University of Chicago Booth School of Business
USAGraham, Donald E.Chairman and CEO, The Washington Post Company
ITAGruber, LilliJournalist - Anchorwoman, La 7 TV
INTGucht, Karel deCommissioner for Trade, European Commission
NLDHalberstadt, VictorProfessor of Economics, Leiden University; Former Honorary Secretary  General of Bilderberg Meetings
USAHarris, BrittCIO, Teacher Retirement System of Texas
USAHoffman, ReidCo-founder and Executive Chairman, LinkedIn
CHNHuang, YipingProfessor of Economics, China Center for Economic Research, Peking University
USAHuntsman, Jr., Jon M.Chairman, Huntsman Cancer Foundation
DEUIschinger, WolfgangChairman, Munich Security Conference; Global Head Government Relations, Allianz SE
RUSIvanov, Igor S.Associate member, Russian Academy of Science; President, Russian International Affairs Council
FRAIzraelewicz, ErikCEO, Le Monde
USAJacobs, Kenneth M.Chairman and CEO, Lazard
USAJohnson, James A.Vice Chairman, Perseus, LLC
USAJordan, Jr., Vernon E.Senior Managing Director, Lazard
USAKarp, AlexanderCEO, Palantir Technologies
USAKarsner, AlexanderExecutive Chairman, Manifest Energy, Inc
FRAKarvar, AnoushehInspector, Inter-ministerial Audit and Evaluation Office for Social, Health, Employment and Labor Policies  
RUSKasparov, GarryChairman, United Civil Front (of Russia)
GBRKerr, JohnIndependent Member, House of Lords
USAKerry, JohnSenator for Massachusetts
TURKeyman, E. FuatDirector, Istanbul Policy Center and Professor of International Relations, Sabanci University
USAKissinger, Henry A.Chairman, Kissinger Associates, Inc.
USAKleinfeld, KlausChairman and CEO, Alcoa
TURKoç, MustafaChairman, Koç Holding A.Ş.
DEUKoch, RolandCEO, Bilfinger Berger SE
INTKodmani, BassmaMember of the Executive Bureau and Head of Foreign Affairs, Syrian National Council
USAKravis, Henry R.Co-Chairman and Co-CEO, Kohlberg Kravis Roberts & Co.
USAKravis, Marie-JoséeSenior Fellow, Hudson Institute
INTKroes, NeelieVice President, European Commission; Commissioner for Digital Agenda
USAKrupp, FredPresident, Environmental Defense Fund
INTLamy, PascalDirector-General, World Trade Organization
ITALetta, EnricoDeputy Leader, Democratic Party (PD)
ISRLevite, Ariel E.Nonresident Senior Associate, Carnegie Endowment for International Peace
USALi, ChengDirector of Research and Senior Fellow, John L. Thornton China Center, Brookings Institution
USALipsky, JohnDistinguished Visiting Scholar, Johns Hopkins University
USALiveris, Andrew N.President, Chairman and CEO, The Dow Chemical Company
DEULöscher, PeterPresident and CEO, Siemens AG
USALynn, William J.Chairman and CEO, DRS Technologies, Inc.
GBRMandelson, PeterMember, House of Lords; Chairman, Global Counsel
USAMathews, Jessica T.President, Carnegie Endowment for International Peace
DENMchangama, JacobDirector of Legal Affairs, Center for Political Studies (CEPOS)
CANMcKenna, FrankDeputy Chair, TD Bank Group
USAMehlman, Kenneth B.Partner, Kohlberg Kravis Roberts & Co.
GBRMicklethwait, JohnEditor-in-Chief, The Economist
FRAMontbrial, Thierry dePresident, French Institute for International Relations
PRTMoreira da Silva, JorgeFirst Vice-President, Partido Social Democrata (PSD)
USAMundie, Craig J.Chief Research and Strategy Officer, Microsoft Corporation
DEUNass, MatthiasChief International Correspondent, Die Zeit
NLDNetherlands, H.M. the Queen of the
ESPNin Génova, Juan MaríaDeputy Chairman and CEO, Caixabank
IRLNoonan, MichaelMinister for Finance
USANoonan, PeggyAuthor, Columnist, The Wall Street Journal
FINOllila, JormaChairman, Royal Dutch Shell, plc
USAOrszag, Peter R.Vice Chairman, Citigroup
GRCPapalexopoulos, DimitriManaging Director, Titan Cement Co.
NLDPechtold, AlexanderParliamentary Leader, Democrats '66 (D66)
USAPerle, Richard N.Resident Fellow, American Enterprise Institute
NLDPolman, PaulCEO, Unilever PLC
CANPrichard, J. Robert S.Chair, Torys LLP
ISRRabinovich, ItamarGlobal Distinguished Professor, New York University
GBRRachman, GideonChief Foreign Affairs Commentator, The Financial Times
USARattner, StevenChairman, Willett Advisors LLC
CANRedford, Alison M.Premier of Alberta
CANReisman, Heather M.CEO, Indigo Books & Music Inc.
DEUReitzle, WolfgangCEO & President, Linde AG
USARogoff, Kenneth S.Professor of Economics, Harvard University
USARose, CharlieExecutive Editor and Anchor, Charlie Rose
USARoss, Dennis B.Counselor, Washington Institute for Near East Policy
POLRostowski, JacekMinister of Finance
USARubin, Robert E.Co-Chair, Council on Foreign Relations; Former Secretary of the Treasury
NLDRutte, MarkPrime Minister
ESPSáenz de Santamaría Antón, SorayaVice President and Minister for the Presidency
NLDScheffer, PaulProfessor of European Studies, Tilburg University
USASchmidt, Eric E.Executive Chairman, Google Inc.
AUTScholten, RudolfMember of the Board of Executive Directors, Oesterreichische Kontrollbank AG
FRASenard, Jean-DominiqueCEO, Michelin Group
USAShambaugh, DavidDirector, China Policy Program, George Washington University
INTSheeran, JosetteVice Chairman, World Economic Forum
FINSiilasmaa, RistoChairman of the Board of Directors, Nokia Corporation
USASpeyer, Jerry I. Chairman and Co-CEO, Tishman Speyer
CHESupino, PietroChairman and Publisher, Tamedia AG
IRLSutherland, Peter D.Chairman, Goldman Sachs International
USAThiel, Peter A.President, Clarium Capital / Thiel Capital
TURTimuray, SerpilCEO, Vodafone Turkey
DEUTrittin, JürgenParliamentary Leader, Alliance 90/The Greens
GRCTsoukalis, LoukasPresident, Hellenic Foundation for European and Foreign Policy
FINUrpilainen, JuttaMinister of Finance
CHEVasella, Daniel L.Chairman, Novartis AG
INTVimont, PierreExecutive Secretary General, European External Action Service
GBRVoser, PeterCEO, Royal Dutch Shell plc
SWEWallenberg, JacobChairman, Investor AB
USAWarsh, KevinDistinguished Visiting Fellow, The Hoover Institution, Stanford University
GBRWolf, Martin H.Chief Economics Commentator, The Financial Times
USAWolfensohn, James D.Chairman and CEO, Wolfensohn and Company
CANWright, Nigel S.Chief of Staff, Office of the Prime Minister
USAYergin, DanielChairman, IHS Cambridge Energy Research Associates
INTZoellick, Robert B.President, The World Bank Group

GBRBredow, Vendeline vonBusiness Correspondent, The Economist
GBRWooldridge, Adrian D.Foreign Correspondent, The Economist

Fox News Video looks back to the past 3 1/2 Years of Obummer's Hopeless Changing

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 

Fox News Video looks back to the past 3 1/2 Years of Obummer's Hopeless Changing
Posted By: Watchman
Date: Thursday, 31-May-2012 19:15:05

What an Idiot we elected... We deserve everything We got by listening to this Incompetent Imbecile.....