Saturday, June 2, 2012


The Full Article Here:

U.S. reverses stance on treaty to regulate arms trade

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The United States reversed policy on Wednesday and said it would back launching talks on a treaty to regulate arms sales as long as the talks operated by consensus, a stance critics said gave every nation a veto.

The decision, announced in a statement released by the U.S. State Department, overturns the position of former President George W. Bush's administration, which had opposed such a treaty on the grounds that national controls were better.

On Wednesday Obama Took the First Major Step in a Plan to Ban All Firearms in the United States. The Obama administration intends to
force gun control and a complete ban on all weapons for US citizens through the signing of international treaties with foreign nations. By
signing international treaties on gun control, the Obama administration can use the US State Department to bypass the normal legislative process in Congress. Once the US Government signs these international treaties, all US citizens will be subject to those gun laws created by foreign governments. These are laws that have been developed and promoted by organizations such as the United Nations and individuals such as George Soros and Michael Bloomberg. The laws are designed and intended to lead to the complete ban and confiscation of all firearms.

The Obama administration is attempting to use tactics and methods of gun control that will inflict major damage to our 2nd Amendment before US citizens even understand what has happened. Obama can appear before the public and tell them that he does not intend to pursue any legislation (in the United States) that will lead to new gun control laws, while cloaked in secrecy, his Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton is committing the US to international treaties and foreign gun control laws. Does that mean Obama is telling the truth? What it means is that there will be no publicized gun control debates in the media or votes in Congress. We will wake up one morning and find that the United States has signed a treaty that prohibits firearm and ammunition manufacturers from selling to the public. We will wake up another morning and find that the US has signed a treaty that prohibits any transfer of firearm ownership. And then, we will wake up yet another morning and find that the US has signed a treaty that requires US citizens to deliver any firearm they own to the local government collection and destruction center or face imprisonment.

This is not a joke nor a false warning. As sure as government health care will be forced on us by the Obama administration through whatever means necessary, so will gun control.

Please forward this message to others who may be concerned about the direction in which our country is headed.

We are being led like a lamb to the slaughter (Socialism/Dictatorship).


Bilderberg Members Discuss Killing Ron Paul

Bilderberg Members Discuss Killing Ron Paul

  •  The Alex Jones ChannelAlex Jones Show podcastPrison Planet TwitterAlex Jones' FacebookInfowars store
Heated conversation about Congressman dying in plane crash takes place in hotel lobby
Paul Joseph Watson
Friday, June 1, 2012
During a heated conversation in the lobby of the Westfields Marriott hotel yesterday, Bilderberg members expressed their desire to see Ron Paul die in a plane crash, according to veteran journalist Jim Tucker’s inside source.

The close up shot was necessary to eliminate background noise. A full interview with Jim Tucker ( will be posted later.
The shocking exchange took place just after Bilderberg attendees started arriving yesterday morning as they were driven through crowds of hundreds of Paul-supporting demonstrators.
Wasting no time to shoot their mouths off, one Bilderberg member expressed his desire to, “Get Ron Paul and all of his supporters on an airplane with a Muslim suicide pilot and take ‘em down,” according to Tucker’s source, which has been proven routinely accurate with Bilderberg information in the past.
“That was the harshest comment made but there were a lot of mean-spirited comments made as the Bilderberg boys gathered in the lobby of the hotel,” added Tucker.
Tucker explained that the Bilderbergers are becoming increasingly irate at the resistance amongst patriotic Americans to their program, with protest figures rising at each annual confab.
  • A D V E R T I S E M E N T
“The program planned by Bilderberg has been set back for years and every year it gets worse and every year they get more depressed and every year they get more outraged – we’re winning, they’re losing,” said Tucker.
Bilderberg is furious that Paul is working to stop the full ratification of the Law of the Sea Treaty, which as we documented yesterday is being discussed at this year’s conference. The treaty would hand the United Nations control over all U.S. oceans and force ships to pay a tariff directly to the global body.
This is not the first time Bilderberg members have expressed their desire to see the Texan Congressman and staunch constitutionalist meet his maker.
Back in December 2007, best-selling author and Bilderberg sleuth Daniel Estulin told the Alex Jones Show that the U.S. intelligence establishment was considering assassinating Paul as a means of derailing the Ron Paul Revolution, which later gave rise to the Tea Party and spawned a generation of anti-big government grass roots activists.
Paul Joseph Watson is the editor and writer for Prison He is the author of Order Out Of Chaos. Watson is also a regular fill-in host for The Alex Jones Show and Infowars Nightly News.

Footforward Commentary - Currencies RV

[wheezer2] footforward ....just to play devil's advocate here- but if it is still evolving then it in fact could not be done ?? does that make sense? it has been a ROUGH week! :)

[footforward] wheezer2 I'm talking about the bank packages. That's why these bank packages won't be done until a few hours after the RV.

[1biz4u] footforward what can you share with us today where we stand with seeing the RV??

[footforward] 1biz4u I saw a wood chuck today?

[1biz4u] footforward what can you share with us today where we stand with seeing the RV??

[sono] footforward You must feel sometimes like you are in the eye of a tornado...all these questions and comments spinning around you...picking them out in such rapidity...doing such a great job handling all of them...

footforward] sono some days. Honestly, the only thing that really gets to me, is when people hear info and they freak out in this state of fear.
[wheezer2] footforward ....just to play devil's advocate here- but if it is still evolving then it in fact could not be done ?? does that make sense? it has been a ROUGH week! :)

[footforward] wheezer2 I'm talking about the bank packages. That's why these bank packages won't be done until a few hours after the RV.

[1biz4u] footforward what can you share with us today where we stand with seeing the RV??

[footforward] 1biz4u I saw a wood chuck today?

[1biz4u] footforward what can you share with us today where we stand with seeing the RV??

[sono] footforward You must feel sometimes like you are in the eye of a tornado...all these questions and comments spinning around you...picking them out in such rapidity...doing such a great job handling all of them...

footforward] sono some days. Honestly, the only thing that really gets to me, is when people hear info and they freak out in this state of fear.


[footforward] dealdoctor because I know what has to happen to really change things around. And im sorry, 1 dollar is not going to cut it. Neither is 3 or 4.

[youneverknow] Very nice footforward, thank you for the reassurance

[dealdoctor] footforward thanks...makes cents pun intended

[tkdmama] footforward - great. I kow u need this just as much as I do...

[footforward] dealdoctor :)

[footforward] you guys know i dont rant and rave about intel most of the time, but ya, it has been THAT GOOD this week. That's my take

[DrRod] footforward Good evening. Glad to see you sharing with us.

[footforward] DrRod Hey, my friend. You know I can't keep my mouth shut for long. lol. How are you?

[blessing] Papa Bear hey good to see you.. So can you bring this baby home tonight? Thanks and GOD BLESS

[footforward] Edna good. Then I don't have to hit you. lol. jk

[Major] footforward, thank you for your encouragement and positive attitude!!!!! Much appreciated!!

[miabella] footforward TY just Chillaxing tonight :)


[footforward] Major yw :) miabella Good plan.

[DrRod] footforward Doing well, just waiting like most folks, but every now and then I've got to get away to do real work. I think we will be surprised and in awe when we actually get the news. I pray people have made their plans and will listen to and use the professionals, or else many will lose it all.

[footforward] DrRod I agree. I know it will be a shock, but a good one imo.

[Barck] footforward Do you think we have missed the RV window for today?

[footforward] Barck still think it can be any time.

[greek1212] Foot any truth to the VND not being sold today?

[footforward] greek1212 for some banks, ya.

[Garfield] Foot forward .. it was reported that the VN has left the basket and RV. Generals 64 is trying to confirm. If true, is that good or not?

[footforward] Garfield good for people holding VND, bad for everyone else and bad for the big picture.

[footforward] positiveperri because all together there was enough money in the baskets to fix everything. There is strength in numbers and if the VND goes seperately, it just messes things up. That's as much as I can really say.

[.ladybug65] footforward ~ would that make the IDQ RV quicker?

[highhopes] You know, If they would just push the RV through, they wouldn't have to worry about the VND going alone. It makes no sense to me at all what the delay could be.

[footforward] .ladybug65 no, if the VND went first it would most likely delay things.

[dopeygrl] footforward I have agreed with you many of times, but I cannot agree with you on the VND being a bad thing going first.

[wheezer2] highhopes personally i think it is all just a bunch of little boys in big boy clothes trying to play king of the mountian !

[footforward] dopeygrl that's ok. You dont have to agree with me. But if the VND goes first, we will either be waiting longer for the dinar, or its going to RV at 1 dollar. So I don't see how that's good.

[gretco] footforward - how can we find out?

[footforward] gretco people are trying to verify now.


[beudful1] footforward Thank you...who thinks it is?

[Maryrose] footforward why do you think the VND will go B4 the dinar? Is it because China is pushing the VND and is tired of waiting on Iraq?

[footforward] Maryrose I don't think it will go first.

[footforward] beudful1 many hearing rumors about it. I don't think they are true.

[.ladybug65] footforward ~ could all be RV ing now?

[dopeygrl] footforward So if they go together, the VND will not be 2 bucks and the IQD will be double digits???

[footforward] dopeygrl they dont want a high valued currency! they have an export based economy! they cant have that high of a rate or it will kill their economy which is what the bad guys want!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

[footforward] dopeygrl yep

[Diane Marie] footforward ~ what will the VND be ???

[footforward] Diane Marie 5-20 cents.

[telemar59] footforward if all is done why don't they both go now and solve the problem?

[footforward] telemar59 I wish I knew.




footforward] Poofer exactly! You know as well as I do that would kill their economy at anything over 20 cents.

[bandit] footforward -Do you feel our next iqd opportunity is next week or we can still be good for weekend?

[footforward] bandit IT CAN STILL GO ANY TIME.

[larryc] is it in China's best interest to have the VND come out more than 7-10 cents?

[footforward] daveydinar it's not true. Maliki is not an issue and will not be removed. He will walk away a few months after the RV is done.

[bandit] footforward -What was our down turn from last night hype?

[footforward] bandit I dont have anything specific, but it boils down to the fight for control between good and evil.

[[dopeygrl] footforward With the amount of natural resources Viet Nam has (in the top 10), they are going to be a power house...I do agree they will realy on the exporting, but so will Iraq and for that matter so will the US. Remember that China owns the seaports ...

[footforward] dopeygrl I know, but people will be focused on Iraq, so Viet Nam will not get as much action on their resources. Iraq will be able to sell more for less money and already has people flocking to get in there.

bandit] footforward -Who defeats the evil at this point?

[Diogenes] footforward May I ask, how many do you think are the number of the bad guys or those that control these events?

[footforward] Diogenes less then a dozen.

[bandit] footforward Is O on our side

[footforward] bandit hard to tell with him. I hear he is but some days it's hard to see it that way.

[dopeygrl] footforward but Iraq does not have the amount of different Natural Resources the Vietnam has. If Iraq has no oil, nobody would care. I do understand that Iraq has billions of barrels of oil and some gold and natural gas, but so does Vietnam and Vietnam has Natural cont.

[footforward] dopeygrl sorry that is not correct. Iraq is the richest nation in terms of resources. Just watch, oil, diamonds, minerals, great land, gold, silver, other metals..

[geterdone] footforward are both the good guys and the bad guys still trying to crash the system?

[footforward] geterdone yes, but the bad guys are trying to stop that from happening now.

[geterdone] footforward this is so confusing. Are they going to pump more $$$ in? Seems they keep coming up with money?

[footforward] geterdone they can keep printing money in this old system.

[footforward] again


[footforward] I'm just trying to help at the end of the day, so that we have the best- both long and short term.

Friday, June 1, 2012

Potato Chips

If you take 60 seconds to read this wonderful story. It will give you time to settle your brain, gather your thoughts, calm down.

Potato Chips

A little boy wanted to meet God. He knew it was a long trip to where God lived, so he packed his suitcase with a bag of potato chips and a six-pack of root beer and started his journey.

When he had gone about three blocks, he met an old man. He was sitting in the park, just staring at some pigeons. The boy sat down next to him and opened his suitcase. He was about to take a drink from his root beer when he noticed that the old man looked hungry, so he offered him some chips. He gratefully accepted it and smiled at him.

His smile was so pretty that the boy wanted to see it again, so he offered him a root beer. Again, he smiled at him. The boy was delighted!
They sat there all afternoon eating and smiling, but they never said a word.

As twilight approached, the boy realized how tired he was and he got up to leave; but before he had gone more than a few steps, he turned around, ran back to the old man, and gave him a hug. He gave him his biggest smile ever..

When the boy opened the door to his own house a short time later, his mother was surprised by the look of joy on his face.  She asked him, "What did you do today that made you so happy?"
He replied, "I had lunch with God." But before his mother could respond, he added, "You know what? He's got the most beautiful smile I've ever seen!"

Meanwhile, the old man, also radiant with joy, returned to his home. His son was stunned by the look of peace on his face and he asked, "dad, what did you do today that made you so happy?"

He replied "I ate potato chips in the park with God." However, before his son responded, he added, "You know, he's much younger than I expected."

Too often we underestimate the power of a touch, a smile, a kind word, a listening ear, an honest compliment, or the smallest act of caring, all of which have the potential to turn a life around. People come into our lives for a reason, a season, or a lifetime! Embrace all equally!

Have lunch with God.......bring chips.

Send this to people who have touched your life in a special way. Let them know how important they are. I did!!!!

God still sits on the throne. You may be going through a tough time right now but God is getting ready to bless you in a way that only He can.
Keep the faith!

 This prayer is powerful, and prayer is one of the best gifts we receive. There is no cost but a lot of rewards. Let's continue to pray for one another.

Here is the prayer:
Father, I ask You to bless my friends, relatives and e-mail buddies reading this right now. Show them a new revelation of Your love and power. Holy Spirit, I ask You to minister to their spirit at this very moment. Where there is pain, give them Your peace and mercy. Where there is self-doubt, release a renewed confidence through Your grace. Bless their homes, families, finances, their goings and their comings. In Jesus' precious name, Amen.

Acceleration Of Financial Meltdown Can't Be Stopped


Those who are ready begin to implement GOOD (Get Out Of Dodge) Plan.
Keep what you need in paper and what you can afford to lose in banks in order to pay day to day expenses/bills.
The rest of your investments/retirements should NOW be pulled from the market and moved to safe haven assets like Precious metals, farmland, fire arms and food. Prepare to ride out what we are calling the coming RESET BUTTON.

Acceleration Of Financial Meltdown Can't Be Stopped
/ From International Banker Friend
May 31, 2012


The Iron boot has been firmly planted to the pedal of this runaway tractor trailer that is heading off the cliff. All of the Euro banks including my former associates at the Royal Bank of Scotland (RBS)  are all prepped and ready for the Euro collapse. What we in the inside are calling "Spanish Flue" is now running hot with temperatures that are setting ten year yields sky high. What many do not realize is that Bankia's demise has started a breach in all the firewalls and safety measures that are in place in the Eurozone. This had an immediate effect on the Italian markets as you can now see the pandemonium that is there.

We keep hearing reports of massive bank runs that are occurring across many of the PIIGS but is not just limited to them. As I stated many times the UK and France are the most vulnerable to the Eurozone collapse, many of their populace are cashing out of their equities though there is a massive media blackout about this. European contacts report that there is a flight to German bonds, UK and a mass migration to the US dollar. But these currency life preserver jumps will not help as the contagion in all FIAT markets are affected. It is a game of hot potato that the investors are playing, jumping from one asset to the next and again before the one that they just jumped to burns. A juggling act with fire that cannot be quenched. Gold jumped over $40, it is telling us something.

Many banks in the Eurozone are stuffed with US Bonds/TBills as a hedge, this will not work for them for the following reasons:

1- The American TBTFs (Too Big to Fails)  are filled to the brim with T-Bills, so are many banks in the Eurozone, the backroom deal was take the bills, bolster your balance sheets, dont sell them and We (Federal Reserve) will help you out. Why do you think the details of a Fed bailout of Eurobanks were never fully divulged? It is because they are being propped up by any means possible including American Treasuries that can not be dumped.

2- They cannot dump them, the main reason is that the Fed is THE # 1 buyer of American Debt. Yes that is correct #1 not #2 we have surpassed the Chinese, since the ChiComs did not show for many of the last bond auctions and are stealth dumping US Debt Obligations. This has caused the balancing act to begin...Fed is Printing, at the same time buying what it prints, thus the banks can't lend causing a solvency crisis the likes of which we have not seen and killing all credit markets like a ELE (Extinction Level Event) This will create a hyper Velocity Parabolic crash.

There is no stopping this...We are still on track as I have been predicting for a while now for a fall/winter collapse of the Eurozone and naked exposure of all derivative markets the world over. Europeans will go through a major reset, after time they will recover as Europeans do not carry the type of personal debt that Americans do. It is for America that I worry. Look for these signs next:

1- JPM will be bailed out again but it will not stop the coming market crash. More details will emerge about their derivative swap failure $150 billion and counting.

2-BOA (BAC Bank of America) will fold and be absorbed into JPM as a way to prop up the bleeding Giant. JPM will get the best picking of this deal just like they got with Bear Stearns.

3- Massive layoffs at Citigroup and Wells Fargo

4- Goldman Sachs finally pays the piper, look for massive cuts there as well as BIG Losses

5-  Bond market bust which leads to freeze of all bond sales

6- Derivative bust the next one will be BOA followed by Citigroup

7- All CDS shorts and swaps will freeze.

8- Total Meltdown

Those who are ready begin to implement GOOD (Get Out Of Dodge) Plan. Keep what you need in paper and what you can afford to lose in banks in order to pay day to day expenses/bills. The rest of your investments/retirements should NOW be pulled from the market and moved to safe haven assets like Precious metals, farmland, fire arms and food. Prepare to ride out what we are calling the coming RESET BUTTON.



Deep Intel Down The Rabbit Hole 6-01-12 Removed

The Deep Intel Down The Rabbit Hole 6-01-12 was removed at the request of the source. Information was not to be made public. Obviously the actual time of the announcement has gone by ----

My apologies but this is a continued problem with a REAL TIME NEWS service.

Link to High-Level Corruption and Series of Catastrophic Events

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 

Link to High-Level Corruption and Series of Catastrophic Events
Posted By: RodneyStich [Send E-Mail]
Date: Friday, 1-Jun-2012 12:59:36

Seemingly Innocuous Events can lead inquisitive People
To Discover Matters of Major National Significance
In November 2011, a former New York City Mafiosi was released from federal prion to a halfway house 24 years before his sentence was up. His release was secretly ordered by a federal judge because of his prior work as a mole in the al Qaeda cell responsible for the 1993 bombing of the World Trade Center.
In this position he obtained advance information about several major successful catastrophic attacks against U.S. targets, including 9/11. He and his attorney provided this information to FBI agents in New York City for over a year. That information was kept secret so as to protect a key FBI supervisor involved in a series of murders with the father of that mole. Nearly 4,000 deaths could have been prevented, along with preventing the U.S. involvement in Afghanistan and Iraq, and the associated hatred against Americans.
Despite strong opposition from high officials in the U.S. Department of Justice, Scarpa’s unprecedented 24-year reduction in prison sentence was ordered by a federal judge in New York.
For those who have a healthy curiosity, the answer is in the digital or print book at and other internet sources: Crimes of the FBI-DOJ, Mafia, and al Qaeda.
More information for serious-minded people

School lunch programs and the lowest bidder

Imagine schools feeding children the cheapest and nastiest garbage,
er, excuse me, I mean 'processed foods' available.

Imagine the government and media blaming parents for childhood
obesity, when it's the schools that are feeding kids stuff as bad
or possibly worse than McDonald's.

Remember, Congress declared pizza and french fries to be

Well, there's no need to imagine. We learn from 'The Real Food
Channel' that this is a reality in the majority of schools in the

High fat, high salt, low nutrient density. That describes school
lunches across the nation.


- Brasscheck

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The Unknown History Of Social Security

The Unknown History of Social Security and the Social Security Card
Posted: 19 Apr 2012 08:12 PM PDT Dick Kantenberger
Social Security Cards up until the 1980s expressly stated the number and card were not to be used for identification purposes. Since nearly everyone in the United States now has a number, it became convenient to use it anyway and the message, “NOT FOR IDENTIFICATION,” was removed. Franklin Roosevelt, a Democrat, introduced the Social Security (FICA) Program. He made the following promises:
1. Participation in the Program would be completely voluntary.
This is no longer the case.
2. Employees and employers would only have to pay 2% of the first $3000 of an employee’s annual income for a total of $60 per year.
The employee (4.2 percent through the end of 2012)/employer rate (6.2 percent) is now 10.4 percent on the first $110,000 earned.
3. The money the participants elected to put into the program would be deductible from their income for tax purposes each year.
Social Security is no longer tax deductible.
4. The money the participants put in would go into an independent ‘Trust Fund’ rather than into the general operating fund, and therefore, would only be used to fund the Social Security Retirement Program, and no other government programs. Under Lyndon Johnson the money was moved to the General Fund and spent.
5. The annuity payments to the retirees would never be taxed as income.
Under Clinton and Gore up to 85% of your Social Security can be taxed. Since many of us have paid into FICA for years and are now receiving a Social Security check every month — and then finding that we are getting taxed on 85% of the money we paid to the Federal government to ‘put away’ — you may be interested in the following:
Q: Which Political Party took Social Security from the independent ‘Trust Fund’ and put it into the general fund so that Congress could spend it?
A: It was Lyndon Johnson and the democratically controlled House and Senate.
Q: Which Political Party eliminated the income tax deduction for Social Security (FICA) withholding?
A: The Democratic Party.
Q: Which Political Party started taxing Social Security annuities?
A: The Democratic Party, with Al Gore casting the ‘tie-breaking’ deciding vote as President of the Senate, while he was Vice President of the US.
Q: Which Political Party decided to start giving annuity payments to immigrants?
A: Jimmy Carter and the Democratic Party. Immigrants moved into this country, and at age 65, began to receive Social Security payments! The Democratic Party gave these payments to them, even though they never paid a dime into it!
After violating the original contract (FICA), the Democrats have accused Republicans of wanting to take away your Social Security. And the worst part is uninformed citizens believe it!

Health - 3 Solutions for Paralyzed Stomach - Gastroparesis

3 Solutions for Paralyzed Stomach - Gastroparesis
Every now and then, we all feel a little sluggish.
It can be the result of a number of things--when we're fighting a virus, didn't sleep well the night before, had a tough workout, were up late working or studying, etc.
Typically, once we get a good night's sleep, or rest our muscles or the virus we're fighting passes, the sluggishness goes away.
But it's quite a different story when your stomach is sluggish.
Isn't it?
Because a sluggish stomach isn't relieved by rest and typically causes a lot more problems than just some yawning and a desire to flop on the couch for an evening.
Here's the scoop on a sluggish stomach--otherwise known as gastroparesis.

Gastroparesis -- the "paralyzed stomach"
Gastroparesis literally means "paralyzed stomach."
It occurs when the muscles in your stomach don't open like they should to let your partially digested food (called "chyme") pass into the upper part of your small intestine (your duodenum).
This is a serious condition for two major reasons.
For one, the duodenum is the "Grand Central Station" of your digestive tract. Here is where the MOST digestive action takes place--NOT in your stomach as so many people believe.
So if your food (chyme) isn't passing into your digestive hot spot like it should, well, guess what gets screwed up?
Yup--your digestion.
And that can mean all kinds of "nasties" like gas, bloating, constipation, diarrhea and poor nutrient absorption (which can then lead to malnutrition and wasting away).
You can also get vomiting, nausea, heartburn and lack of appetite.
The guest that stayed too long...
Another reason gastroparesis is serious is because if your food ISN'T going into the duodenum like it's supposed to, that means it's overstaying its welcome in your stomach.
When this happens the food can actually harden (called a bezoar) and cause a blockage that can be life-threatening.
In addition, food that sits in the stomach too long, rots. And that can lead to harmful bacteria overgrowth in your stomach, which can make you extremely ill.
Plus, gastroparesis can make diabetes worse by making blood glucose control more difficult.
The reason for that is when food that was delayed in the stomach finally gets to the duodenum, blood glucose levels rise. Since gastroparesis can make stomach emptying so erratic, a diabetic person's blood glucose level can also be erratic and hard to control.

"Why is my stomach too pooped to pop?"
Causes of gastroparesis may include:
1) Damage or malfunction of the vagus nerve
The vagus nerve is actually a pair of nerves that run down from your brain stem, wrap around various organs, and end in your abdominal area.
The vagus nerve helps to regulate heartbeat, control muscle movement, keep you breathing and keep your digestive tract in working order--including contracting the muscles of the stomach and intestines to move food along.
So if it's not working right...your stomach doesn't have the muscle power it needs to push food through.
Other causes or contributing factors of gastroparesis can be:
2) Diabetes--which can cause vagus nerve damage
3) H. pylori infection in the stomach
4) Medications (like anticholinergics and narcotics) that slow contractions in the GI tract
5) Surgery on the stomach or abdominal area
6) Viral infection
7) Autoimmune diseases
8) Nervous system disorders like Parkinson's
Many people also have "idiopathic" gastroparesis, which means a cause can't be found.

So what happens now?
Gastroparesis is usually diagnosed by a scope, ultrasound or the new "Smart Pill"--a wireless electronic capsule you swallow that looks around at your innards, transmits data to a little receiver that you wear on your hip, and eventually makes its way to your toilet bowl.
As far as treatment goes, if the underlying condition behind gastroparesis can be tackled, then the stomach should (hopefully) get things moving again like it's supposed to.
But many people either can't correct the underlying problem (as in the case of things like Parkinson's) or don't know what it is...
...and they continue to suffer.
Gastroparesis is somewhat of a challenge to the medical community too, and their offerings aren't too attractive.
The most common is only for symptomatic relief, like medications to control nausea and vomiting.
Another "option" (if you can call it that) is drugs to stimulate the muscle contractions in the stomach, like Reglan. But that comes with a deadly price...because Reglan can cause an irreversible condition called
"Tardive Dyskinesia."

Tardive Dyskinesia is characterized by repetitive, involuntary, uncontrollable movements such as grimacing, sticking out your tongue, lip smacking, puckering and rapid eye blinking.
Rapid movements of the arms, legs and trunk can also occur. Movements of the fingers may appear as though you're playing an air guitar or piano.
Surgery (stomach stapling or bypass) is also done in certain cases.

Safer options
If the typical treatment options either don't excite or scare the living daylights out of you, that's understandable.
The good news is there are safe, natural, effective options that can help with gastroparesis...and you don't have to worry about your tongue sticking out uncontrollably or staples in your gut.
They include:
1) Lipoic acid
This is especially helpful for diabetes-induced gastroparesis. Lipoic acid helps liver function and regulation of blood sugar, plus it also happens to be an outstanding antioxidant.
Experts recommend 600 mg. of lipoic acid daily.

2) Make your meals easier to digest in the first place
When your stomach is challenged in its ability to push food through, then it's not just a "good idea" but absolutely VITAL that you eat meals that are easily broken down and digested.
The Great Taste No Pain health system can make this a no-brainer for you.
And for those of you who have gluten sensitivity, Great Taste No Gluten.
The Great Taste No Pain and Great Taste No Gluten both guide you on how to construct delicious, nutritious, easy-to-digest meals.
You see, the average typical modern meal is anything BUT easy to digest. Look around you in the grocery store or drug store--you'll see and endless ocean of antacids, anti-gas remedies and anti-diarrheals and this is why.
But when you follow the few simple food pairing rules you'll learn in GTNP or GTNG, you'll be giving your stomach a HUGE help in an area where it needs it.

3) Digestive enzymes
Supplementation with a high quality digestive enzyme supplement can also be very helpful with gastroparesis (and other digestive issues).
And Digestizol Max fits the bill.
Its super-potent blend of 14 enzymes targets a broad range of proteins, carbohydrates, sugars, fats and fibers in your diet.
Plus its 5 herbal botanicals assist in soothing and healing your digestive tract.
Digestizol Max will help to digest every single kind of food you could possibly eat...which gives a body with a compromised stomach a welcome boost, plus helps to conserve your body's remaining natural enzyme supply.
With Digestizol Max, not only will you be taking a huge step toward helping with gastroparesis, but also help to prevent other enzyme-related issues down the road.

Gastroparesis is a burden to increasing numbers of people...and the lack of viable, effective treatment options can make people who have it feel hopeless.
But when you take safe, natural measures to give your body the help it so desperately needs to accomplish the digestive process, it can make all the difference in the world.
To your health,
Sherry Brescia
PS: The fire ball inside Thomas is no more...
Hi Sherry,
I have been suffering from stomach problems for as long as I can remember. I turned 40 less than a month ago and went through a horrible past couple of months prior to that. I was out on medical leave due to anxiety and other problems.
I had a syncopal episode which the doctors thought was a seizure and went through a battery of tests to prove it wasn't. I also had a cardiac workup done to rule out that I didn't have heart issues.
All along those weeks I was off work, I really wanted to see a gastroenterologist because I was having severe bloating, cramping, and gas. Whatever I ate made it worse and therefore I stayed away from eating anything but a liquid diet. I felt weak, frustrated, and still anxious.
A week ago, I finally got my appointment to have an upper and lower endoscopy done to see what was going on. It turned out that I have gastritis. The doctor described it as a "fire ball" on my inside.
The next day, I started researching what kinds of food I could eat that would not cause any irritation to my already irritated stomach. I saw your website and looked into what you had to say. I thought to myself that this is exactly what I'm going through, but I had my doubts that something this easy would make such a huge difference quickly.
I was desperate to get some kind of answer to my problems so I tried your Great Taste No Pain plan. To my amazement, I felt better the same day. Still unsure that maybe it was just for the day, I went ahead and gave it a few more days. It has been over a week now and I feel great!
I don't have anymore stomach pain, no bloating, no gas, no cramping. It was truly a blessing for me. I feel more energy, less anxious, and not afraid to eat wondering if I'll pay for it later.
Your program is very easy to do and there is no special diet that you have to spend to do it. You are truly amazing and I am grateful to have found your system. I have told a few of my friends about it and they are trying it as well.
Thank you so much for changing my life. Now I can honestly say that life begins at 40.

Want the best probiotic on the market today? Then learn why Super Shield outshines all the rest here. 
As we age, our supply of digestive enzymes decreases. This is especially true for people who eat lots of processed food and hard to digest meals. Foods such as these require LOTS of enzymes to break them down and over time your body's ability to produce enough enzymes is diminished. Nothing can make you feel older than gas, bloating, heartburn and constipation from ineffective digestion and too few enzymes. Give your body the support it needs and feel great inside with Digestizol Max natural digestive enzyme supplement.  Learn more about Digestizol Max and all the ways it can help you here.
A medical-grade fish oil like VitalMega-3 can help fight high cholesterol and triglycerides, as well as keep your joints feeling good, reducing chronic inflammation.
Learn more about VitalMega-3 and all the great things it can do for you here.

Gluten has been linked to hundreds of health problems, including autoimmune diseases. If you are gluten sensitive or have an autoimmune disease, see what avoiding gluten can do for you.  Great Taste No Gluten will make gluten avoidance easy, while giving you 160 of the world's best gluten-free recipes to make you love every bite of your gluten-free life. Learn more about Great Taste No Gluten here.

Want case studies?  Here are a few thousand health turnarounds for you to marvel at.

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- and feel the power of Great Taste No Pain.

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* Forward this email to the people you care about the most!
(c) copyright 2012 Holistic Blends

Orders: 1-315-295-1236
**The FDA has not evaluated all of these statements. The contents of this email are not to be considered medical advice and are for educational purposes only. If you are experiencing health challenges, always consult your doctor for medical advice and follow it even if it contradicts the contents of this email.**
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Omni Law

     June 1, 2012

     Feel free to copy this and transmit this throught the internet or by printed copies through the mail, etc. Free copies by email can be sent to you. Contact . Ask for copy of "Omni Law" and give your email address, etc. For  financial support for this make checks, etc. out to NIFI and send to NIFI, P.O. Box 1465, Seneca, SC 29679 . This national drive will  reform the federal government back to honesty, restoration of the U.S. Bill of Rights to enforced legal authority again, restoration of the legal intent of the U.S. Constitution back to legal authority over Wash., D.C. again, firing of federal judges who mock their legal judicial oath of office to uphold the U.S. Constitution and U.S. Bill of Rights in their courts, etc. We understand that Obama secretly had the means to pay off the national debt of America which could reduce permanent federal income taxes for all Americans and businesses by even 40% and let China get this pending money instead of America.

     If this Omni Law is passed fast enough in America in 2012, we may be able to save enough of the secret money you do not know about to yet pay off the national debt and give a permanent tax break as a wage bonus on all jobs in America and additional profits for all businesses in America. Stall until 2013 and forget the matter then. Will you, your children, and grandchildren get this permanent tax break on all jobs in America or will you blow it by not quick forcing Congress to submit this as a passed proposed constitutional amendment to submit to the states for ratification? By the way, if the states pass this proposed constitutional amendment before Congress votes and submits it to the states, this puts Wash., D.C. in a colossal legal jam where if they don't like lightning vote this through Congress and submit it to the states for ratification, then a constitutional convention is called which can fire the federal government from authority and set up instead an honest, and new national government for America. With pressure like this, Congress will pass the Omni Law like lightning if the legal threat of a constitutional convention is facing them if they don't pass it fast! We save this secret money from the con artists running the federal government now including White  House, we may also have the money to pay off much or all the state debts of all 50 states of America. State governments pass this Omni Law as a proposed constitutional amendment before Congress acts and you put fire under them to act and very fast! People, show this document to your elected officials federal and state and ask them bluntly if they will back passing this Omni Law and now or else evade backing it. Put the heat on them!

     President Richard Nixon in 1973 promised the federal government in Wash., D.C. would start working on solving the energy crisis of America over oil. Engineering sources know why Wash., D.C. hasn't even started seriously working to solve the energy crisis of America over oil. By the way, high gas mileage on cars basically eliminates pollution of the atmosphere, but Wash., D.C. never told you that. And an honest former President of America sponsored the research project which solved the oil crisis of America for several hundred years hence at cheaper prices for gasoline than you will pay now, but later White House administrations quietly ignored this and suppressed the results of this federal research project from you. They are very crooked in Wash., D.C. and too many work for secret interests rather than the American people who elected them to office! One influential Washington attorney used to talk about how you could pay off members of Congress to pass a certain bill without leaving a paper trail showing they had been paid off to be crooked in Congress. Proposed Omni Law now follows. Folks, the ball is now in your hands whether this becomes law or not!


     James Madison Father of the U.S. Constitution, stated that the U.S. Constitution and all other law in America must obey the supreme authority of the national compact (American Declaration of Indepependence) founding America in 1776 or else not be valid law or even government in America. Therefore, the American people always retain final legal authority over all government in America.
Therefore, the American people always retain final legl authority over all government in America whether to leave it intact, amend it, or abolish it altogether replacing it with approves new government created by authority of the American people.

     We therefore authorize the creationof ten civil tribunes for America with the same basic tested legal powers as possessed by the wisely created ancient civil tribunes of Rome. They will protect the people from tyranny in law whether legislative, judicial, or executive. They will be elected for four years instead of the one year under Roman law. They will hold referendums to create national law by states instead of by the original tribes of Rome. The first 10 civil tribunes will beappointed for years by the National Institute For Inventors to keep anycorrupt leaders from undermining and sabotaging the beginning of this new branch of government. These civil tribunes will proposed a national plan for referendum on how to swiftly make fuel cheap again in America, restore our common law rights and 1776 declared "God-given rights" to contract and to property which were the foundation to the founding of the powerful American version of free enterprise, and break the power of corrupt interests to control politicians by making deals with them or else cannot probably be elected to public offices with their finances. And address other national issues needed for the future of America. And by national referendum will propose the plan to be approved for honest future tribune elections so the people elect and control these elections, not corrupt interests. Money cannot be allowed to dominate our elections isntead of the will of the American people. And the tribunes are to establish a tribune controlled national newspaper to print the truth to break the corrupt hold of many corrupt news sources censoring the truth and lying about the truth in important issues to the American people. The civil tribunes will be assigned to keep the federal government honest, fair in law in courts, and agencies, and serving the American people rather than any corrupt interests."

      The Roman Race was the most pragmatic race on earth for hundreds of years and why the Roman Empire grew so powerful and became the foundation for the future civilization of the Western World. The civil tribune angle kept the Roman Republic basically honest for several hundred years. This office had to be subverted and overthrown to return the Roman Republic to corrupt government such as Wash., D.C. dearly loves today! This Omni Law is written in the spirit of Thomas Jefferson who during the American Revolution of 1776 declared, "Resistance to tyranny is obedience to God!

     And Abraham Lincoln, President and also an inventor (Patent #6,469!), gave some wise advice to America that members of Congress and officials of federal agencies should remember today, "You cannot help the wage earner by pulling down the wage payer. You cannot further the brotherhood of man by encouraging class hatred. You cannot help the poor by destroying the rich. You cannot keep out of trouble by spending more than you earn. You cannot build character by taking away man's initiative and independence. You cannot help men permanently by doing for them what they could and should do for themselves."

     - Omni Law written by a voice crying in the wilderness for sanity, freedom, and prosperity in America - Erasmus of America (pen name for one who believes in peaceful reform rather than violent revolution to solve the problems of a nation) By the way, large bills are written in Congress to hide the hundreds of pages of con in them. This is simple, short, deadly, and to the point. The American people are given back control of their national government which they have now lost control of to corrupt and radical elements which have the money and pressure to control Wash., D.C. instead of the American people. The moment of truth for America has now  come! The American people will now decide the future of America or else corrupt, disloyal, and some moron leaders of Wash., D.C. Action wins victory. "The answer to a problem is to solve it!"

The Gang That Started It All: Bush Family and the S&L Scandal

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 

The Gang That Started It All: Bush Family and the S&L Scandal
Posted By: Lion [Send E-Mail]
Date: Friday, 1-Jun-2012 10:37:30

The Bush family and the S&L Scandal

Neil, George Jr., George Sr., and Jeb Bush
The Savings and Loan industry had been experiencing major problems through the late 60s and 70s due to rising inflation and rising interest rates. Because of this there was a move in the 1970s to replace the role of S&L institutions with banks.
In the early 1980s, under Reagan, regulatory changes took place that gave the S&L industry new powers and for the first time in history measures were taken to increase the profitability of S&Ls at the expense of promoting home ownership.
A history of the S&L situation can be found here:
What is important to note about the S&L scandal is that it was the largest theft in the history of the world and US tax payers are who was robbed.
The problems occurred in the Savings and Loan industry as they relate to theft because the industry was deregulated under the Reagan/Bush administration and restrictions were eased on the industry so much that abuse and misuse of funds became easy, rampant, and went unchecked.
Additional facts on the Savings and Loan Scandal can be found here:
There are several ways in which the Bush family plays into the Savings and Loan scandal, which involves not only many members of the Bush family but also many other politicians that are still in office and still part of the Bush Jr. administration today. Jeb Bush, George Bush Sr., and his son Neil Bush have all been implicated in the Savings and Loan Scandal, which cost American tax payers over $1.4 TRILLION dollars (note that this is about one quarter of our national debt).
Between 1981 and 1989, when George Bush finally announced that there was a Savings and Loan Crisis to the world, the Reagan/Bush administration worked to cover up Savings and Loan problems by reducing the number and depth of examinations required of S&Ls as well as attacking political opponents who were sounding early alarms about the S&L industry.
Industry insiders were aware of significant S&L problems as early 1986 that they felt would require a bailout.
This information was kept from the media until after Bush had won the 1988 elections.
Jeb Bush defaulted on a $4.56 million loan from Broward Federal Savings in Sunrise, Florida. After federal regulators closed the S&L, the office building that Jeb used the $4.56 million to finance was reappraised by the regulators at $500,000, which Bush and his partners paid.
The taxpayers had to pay back the remaining 4 million plus dollars.
Neil Bush was the most widely targeted member of the Bush family by the press in the S&L scandal.
Neil became director of Silverado Savings and Loan at the age of 30 in 1985. Three years later the institution was belly up at a cost of $1.6 billion to tax payers to bail out.
The basic actions of Neil Bush in the S&L scandal are as follows:
Neil received a $100,000 "loan" from Ken Good, of Good International, with no obligation to pay any of the money back.
Good was a large shareholder in JNB Explorations, Neil Bush's oil-exploration company.
Neil failed to disclose this conflict-of-interest when loans were given to Good from Silverado, because the money was to be used in joint venture with his own JNB. This was in essence giving himself a loan from Silverado through a third party.
Neil then helped Silverado S&L approve Good International for a $900,000 line of credit.
Good defaulted on a total $32 million in loans from Silverado.
During this time Neil Bush did not disclose that $3 million of the $32 million that Good was defaulting on was actually for investment in JNB, his own company.
Good subsequently raised Bush's JNB salary from $75,000 to $125,000 and granted him a $22,500 bonus.
Neil Bush maintained that he did not see how this constituted a conflict of interest.
Neil approved $106 million in Silverado loans to another JNB investor, Bill Walters.
Neil also never formally disclosed his relationship with Walters and Walters also defaulted on his loans, all $106 million of them.
Neil Bush was charged with criminal wrongdoing in the case and ended up paying $50,000 to settle out of court. The chief of Silverado S&L was sentenced to 3.5 years in jail for pleading guilty to $8.7 million in theft. (Keep in mind that you can get more jail time for holding up a gas station for $50.)
Today Neil Bush is working on closing a deal in Florida, where his brother Jeb is governor, to sell a software package to schools with his startup company Ignite.
Update 11/28/2003: Some of Neil Bush's business deals have been exposed in his recent divorce case. For more on this see:
It should also be noted that shortly after news of Neil Bush’s involvement in the S&L scandal hit the press his father, George Bush Sr., announced the Desert Storm campaign in Iraq, which subsequently had the result of making Neil’s name quickly fade from the headlines.
In addition, while Neil Bush's divorce proceeding were exposing more backroom Bush dealings, America was once again bombarded with war propaganda for Operation Iraq Freedom.
The S&L scandal is by no means the only incident of questionable, and actually illegal, financial activity that the Bush family has been involved in.
The line of questionable, illegal, and unethical businesses practices goes back at least to Prescott Bush Sr., George Bush Sr.’s father. Prescott Bush was a Senator from 1952 – 1963. Previous to his time as a Senator Prescott was a banker and businessman.
Prior to the American entry into WWII Prescott Bush was director of Union Banking Corporation. Union Banking Corporation helped to finance Hitler’s regime.
The Concentration Camps of Nazi Germany were labor camps that the Nazis used to make products for their regime as well as for sale to raise money.
Prescott profited directly from the Auschwitz labor camp.
In 1942, after Hitler declared war on America the United States government seized the Union Banking Corporation under the Trading with the Enemy Act as a front operation that was supporting the Nazis. Much of the profits from the operation were already pocketed by Prescott however, and $1.5 million was put in a trust fund for George Bush Sr.
For more on Prescott Bush's ties to the Nazis see:,12271,1312540,00.html
The issues of WWII will be revisited again later.
This is actually just the tip of the iceberg as far as the Bush family and business dealings are concerned, the topic is a book in itself.
In the interest of brevity I invite you to research the Bush family business ties yourself, including those in Saudi Arabia, where George Bush made millions as an oil well developer, and George Bush’s $14 million deal when he sold the Texas Rangers, while leaving tax payers footing the bill.
For information on Prescott Bush Jr.'s economic ties to China see:
This page is a part of This War Is About So Much More which was written in March and April of 2003.
This document should be read in the order that it is presented. If you are coming to this page from an outside source, such as a search engine, and you are interested in how this information relates to Operation Iraqi Freedom, then please start at the Foreword.
In addition, if you have been directed here from an outside search engine then you may want to re-search this website with the same criteria because it is likely that this website contains additional information on the same topics.