Saturday, June 2, 2012

Valuable and useful information

 Subject: Valuable and useful information

Finally, someone has forwarded an email to me that is worth it's weight in gold.  All of this makes perfect logical sense.

ATTORNEY'S ADVICE -- NO  CHARGE.  Read this and make a copy for your files in case you  need to refer to it someday. Maybe we should all take some of his  advice!
A  corporate attorney sent the following out to the employees in his  company.

1.   The next time you order checks have only your initials (instead of first  name) and last name put on them. If someone takes your check book, they  will not know if you sign your checks with just your initials or your  first name, but your bank will know how you sign your checks.
     &nb sp;  
2.   Do not sign the back of your credit cards. Instead, put "PHOTO ID  REQUIRED".
3 When  you are writing checks to  pay on your credit card accounts, DO NOT  put the complete account number on  the "For" line. Instead, just  put the last four numbers. The credit card company knows the rest of the  number, and anyone who might be handling your check as it passes through  all the check processing channels won't have access to it.
4. Put  your work phone # on your checks instead of your home phone. If you have  a P.O. Box, use that instead of your home address. If you do not have a  P.O. Box, use your work address! Never have your SS# printed on your  checks. (DUH!) You can add it if it is necessary. But if you have it  printed, anyone can get  it.
NOTE:   You have the right to refuse to give a phone number and especially your  SS# to anyone. Merely say "I prefer not to give that  information." No one can make you.  

5. Place  the contents of your wallet on a photocopy machine. Do both sides of  each license, credit card, etc. You will know what you had in your  wallet and all of the account numbers and phone n umbers to call and  cancel. Keep the photocopy in a safe place. I also carry a photocopy of  my passport when travel either here or abroad.  We've all heard  horror stories about fraud that's committed on us in stealing a name,  address, Social Security number, credit cards.
Unfortunately I, an attorney, have  firsthand knowledge because my wallet was stolen last month. Within a  week, the thieve(s) ordered an expensive monthly cell phone  package, applied for a VISA credit card, had a credit line approved  to buy a Gateway computer, received a PIN number from DMV to change my  driving record information online, and more. But here's some  critical information to limit the damage in case this happens to  you or someone you  know:

1.  We have been told we should cancel our credit cards immediately. But the  ke y is having the toll free numbers and your card numbers handy so you  know whom to call.  Keep those where you can find  them.
2. File a police report  immediately in the jurisdiction where your credit cards, etc., were  stolen. This proves to credit providers you were diligent, and this is a  first step toward an investigation (if  there  ever is one).
But here's what is perhaps most  important of all: (I never even thought to do  this.)
3. Call the 3 national credit  reporting organizations immediately to place a fraud alert on your name  and Social Security number. I had never heard of doing that until  advised by a bank that called to tell me an application for credit was  made over the Internet in my name. The alert means any company that  check s your credit knows your information was stolen, and they have to  contact you by phone to authorize new credit.
By the time I was advised to do  this, almost two weeks after the theft, all the damage had been done.  There are records of all the credit checks initiated by the thieves'  purchases, none of which I knew about before placing the alert.   Since then, no additional damage has been done, and the thieves threw my  wallet away. This weekend someone turned it in.  It seems to have stopped them  dead in their tracks.
Now, here are the numbers you  always need to contact about your wallet, etc. if it has been  stolen:
1.)  Equifax :  1-800-525-6285
2.) Experian:  1-888-397-3742
3.) Trans  Union  
:  1-800-680-7289
4.)  Social Security Administration (fraud line):  1-800-269-0271
We pass  along jokes on the Internet; we pass along just about everything. But if  you are willing to pass this information along, it could really help  someone that you care about.  

Secret Recipes - FREE Download

G. Thomas Gulick Intel Updates

"If the American people knew what we have done, they would string us up from the lamp posts."
                                              ____ President George H.W. Bush

"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false."                                  -- William Casey, CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)
Horizionalized? Ask Ollie North.
To our loyal Saturday morning seekers to find out the Friday FDIC Failed Bank listings, you will need to click on the above attachment regarding Daily events. . The 'dog fight' I picked with the Managing Editor over at Daily Events will give you the rest of the story. Should you apply yourself, there is no doubt, you are going to benefit from this e-session. If not, you just may remain a dumbed American! The choice is yours!  

Wowie! My e-mail response is much too much for personal reply. Many of you remain 'new inquiry minds' and a lot of you have simply
been 'skimmers' only to remain in the dark as to what has happened and about to happen. I see an announcement of a 'Rich Dad' insurance company
is about to be announced. Selling for pennies on a dollar too! But I see 'Victory Circle" for us when WE THE PEOPLE,
planned, acted, dreamed about and believed it would happen win over THE ENEMY WITHIN. In the days and hours ahead, we are going to see
self-evident truths unfold. Names from the top-down will become public. In the meantime, let's review the attachment above for today's FDIC Failed
Bank List Report and much more. When? I just told you! Read between the lines! Continue to be on watch!

It can now be reported that pedophile war criminal, former British Prime Minister Tony Blair, former year 2000 illegal White House occupant, election stealing and nation wrecking George W. BushFRAUD, both Bill and Hillary Clinton and FOX News' CEO Rupert Murdoch, had secret trading accounts linked to the Isle of Man and Jamie Dimon's JPMorgan (PROMIS software has the trading records). PROMIS is the 'best inside trader' 'perfect inforation' I ever found. PROMIS has more use than WD-40! This is where the money also comes from. Double dog dare you to click and see for yourself at: Yes, I have a file on this too. You will be surprised to learn what Bilderberg Group & Bilderberg Project has done with this since the 1970s.  Keywords = Bill Hamilton & Rupert Murdock

The Isle of Man (play /ˈmæn/; Manx: Ellan Vannin,[5] pronounced [ˈɛlʲən ˈvanɪn]), otherwise known simply as Mann (Manx: Mannin, IPA: [ˈmanɪn]), is a self-governing Crown Dependency of the United Kingdom, located in the Irish Sea between the islands of Great Britain and Ireland, within the British Isles. The head of state is Queen Elizabeth II, who holds the title of Lord of Mann. The Lord of Mann is represented by a Lieutenant Governor. The island is not part of the United Kingdom, but its foreign relations and defence are the responsibility of the UK Government. Although the United Kingdom does not usually interfere in the island's domestic matters, its "good government" is ultimately the responsibility of the Crown (that is, in practice, the Government of the United Kingdom).[6]
The island has been inhabited since before 6500 BC. Gaelic cultural influence began in the 5th century AD, and the Manx language, a branch of the Gaelic languages, gradually emerged. In the 9th century, the Norse began to settle there. A Norse-Gaelic culture arose and the island came under Norse control. In 1266, the island became part of Scotland as formalised by the Treaty of Perth. After a period of alternating rule by the kings of Scotland and England, the island came under the feudal overlordship of the English Crown in 1399. The lordship revested into the British Crown in 1764 but the island never became part of Great Britain or its successor the United Kingdom and retained its status as an internally self-governing Crown dependency.
We can also divulge that the government of Greece has joined John Hancock insurance company in a class action lawsuit against the criminal U.S. banking giants Goldman Sachs and J.P. Morgan.
The class action lawsuit accuses both Goldman Sachs and J.P. Morgan of fraudulent sales practices in the marketing of bogus mortgage-backed securities from the year 2003 to 2007.
Goldman Sachs and J.P. Morgan sold these bogus financial instruments to the government of Greece while at the same time they were actually shorting these financial instruments in offshore hedge funds on the Isle of Man and the Cayman Islands. Obama declared war on the American People and forfeited any chance of an alleged re-election. All in all. . when he signed the TREASONOUS, UN-Constitutional National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA), which permanently shredded the U.S. Constitution. Connect the dots to dots to dots. Discover the truth!

FoxNews 'fair & balanced' is  a joke! Ask Glenn Beck! I really must stop with all the class action lawsuits being made public. I am about to stutter! Soon you will learn the puppets, Obama and Romney are one in the same! Can we survive another 4 years like the past 12 years? Enough is enough!

"Cash is King! Whatever happens, the exchange during the 'reset' appears to be
planned to be most kind to those holding almost worthless U. S. Federal Reserve
Notes. Those holding investments like the 'Bad Boys' are about to play short will lose
or see their wealth vaporize. About $2.8 trillion for starters.
During the reset, best way to describe it, a Great Correction is coming!"
G. Thomas Gulick, HOW MONEY WORKS - SINCE 1970

Do you recall that 'Cloud Message' mentioned yesterday. Well it
turns out, so far, to read as follows:
Friday, June 01, 2012 - WHAT IS GOING DOWN?
“Think of it as a “GREAT CORRECTION” OR “RESET BUTTON” OR “The Divine Date…Has Been Reached” or “GREAT CLEANSING” or “No More Money Out of Thin Air” or “Plain & Simple - MEGA ARRESTS!” ~ G. Thomas Gulick
I made this fit this into explaining The Logan Act. For those interested in learning what the Logan Act is all about. The attachment for that Act is included in the above. So, for our vision challenged teamplayers, there are only two attachments. Read the titles and convert from text to audio. If a problem, call Gerry. 919-805-0332.
In closing, our global group of like-minded relationships, both for profit and those thousandsof savvy, smart, mad WorldPressDotCom players are truly informing the world & have gone viral! So from this point on, stay informed at the places I have mapped out to fish. The Gatekeepers will continue to control the left/right news media but only for a short period of time. Exposure is truly going to find much of what I am exposing to become public. Our NexBoom Champions are 'spot on' and will continue Financial-Health-Wellness as usual. Our wealth is our wealth. Not the money! I see a wonderful future with several Rothschild suppressed patents are released for the new economy. Just as this 'mell of a hess' vaporizes! In time, life will be
better for all of us! Get it?
G. Thomas Gulick

Join Michael as he brings back Dr. Rand for an update on Planet X!

Join Michael as he brings back Dr. Rand for an update on Planet X!
Also, please go to this page and share it everywhere so we can put the light on the Bushes as they meet for their satanic ceremony where they hope to kill a newborn baby on June 21st in Colorado!
On this page you will hear from Anthony Levay who witnessed Bush Sr and Jr. at this Kimball / Cherokee Castle event himself!  He talked to Stew about it on the MP3 that you will see on that page.
Please get the word out and help us with this anyway you can!




But judges admit tax funds used 'for arguably religious purposes'

A federal appeals court says a Marine can’t challenge a U.S. government subsidy for a program that promotes Shariah, that radical Islamic law that includes chopping off hands for theft and beheading for leaving Islam.
They explained that the federal TARP funds given to AIG were exempt from such challenges because the authorizing legislation didn’t consider giving money to aid religious outreaches such as AIG’s Shariah programs, and that the money was directed there by “executive” decisions.
Thus, the taxpayer lacked “standing” even to complain about the issue.
And they came to their conclusion even though the court opinion admitted that shortly after the Treasury Department acquired an interest in AIG, the “department sponsored a conference entitled ‘Islamic Finance 101.’ The stated purpose of the conference was to provide government policymakers information about Islamic finance. The presentation materials from the conference discussed topics such as the source of Islamic finance, how Islamic finance works, and the market factors that caused its growth.”
The plaintiffs argued that Congress could or should have known its bailout money to AIG would go to Shariah “since AIG was well known as the leader in [Shariah complaint finance].”
No matter, the judges ruled, This “falls well short of supporting a reasonable inference of congressional intention that a portion of the [federal bailout money] might support [Shariah].”
The appeals judges affirmed an earlier decision from a trial court judge who concluded the $153 million of U.S. taxpayer money spent supporting Islamic Shariah really isn’t anything worth mentioning.
The case was filed against Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner and others and is over the nation’s bailout with taxpayer money of AIG insurance, which operates multiple companies promoting Shariah-complaint insurance products.
The specific lawsuit was filed on behalf of taxpayer Kevin J. Murray over the bailout, which has involved billions of taxpayer dollars. It’s being handled by Robert Muise and David Yerushalmi of the American Freedom Law Center.
At the district court level, the case was dismissed by Judge Lawrence Zatkoff, who ruled that the case needed yet to prove that “the diverted funds were not de minimus in relation to the total amount…”
The Merriam-Webster dictionary defines de minimus as “so minor as to merit disregard,” but the plaintiffs attorneys noted in their appeal brief that “even the district court had to concede that after cash-strapped AIG received billions of dollars in taxpayer money … it provided two of its SCF [Shariah-compliant] subsidiaries with at least $153 million.”
The lawsuit alleges that the U.S. government’s takeover and financial bailout of AIG was in violation of the Establishment Clause of the First Amendment.
According to American Freedom Law Center’s investigation, AIG has five subsidiaries that promote and practice Shariah in Saudi Arabia, Malaysia, Bahrain and the United States.
Those companies hire Muslims to tell them how to meet the demands of Shariah, and the U.S. government has placed no controls over the billions of dollars in taxpayer money delivered to AIG.
Yerushalmi and Muise said they would appeal the case alleging the U.S. government’s takeover and financial bailout of AIG was in violation of the Establishment Clause of the First Amendment.
It claims specifically, at the time of the government bailout (beginning in September 2008 and continuing to the present), AIG was (and still is) the world leader in promoting Shariah-compliant insurance products. As the Sixth Circuit acknowledged in its opinion today, “‘Shariah’ refers to Islamic law based on the teachings of the Quran. It is the Islamic code embodying the way of life for Muslims and is intended to serve as the civic law in Muslim countries.”
As argued by AFLC, by propping up AIG with taxpayer funds, the U.S. government is directly and indirectly promoting Islam and, more troubling, Shariah. And as the Sixth Circuit noted in its opinion, Murray objects to his tax money being used to support Shariah because it “forms the basis for the global jihadist war against the West and the United States.”
Muise said, “This decision by the Sixth Circuit is troubling on many levels. First, it is contrary to controlling U.S. Supreme Court precedent, which allows a taxpayer to challenge a congressional spending program that violates the Establishment Clause. And second, this decision permits the federal government to continue its practice of promoting and supporting Shariah through the use of taxpayer funds. We intend to request a rehearing by the full court, and if that does not succeed, we will ask the U.S. Supreme Court to review the case.”
The court ruling admitted, “AIG subsidiaries ensure the Shariah-compliance of its SCF products by obtaining consultation from ‘Shariah Supervisory Committees.’ The members of these committees are authorities in Shariah law and oversee the implementation of SCF products by reviewing AIG’s operations, supervising the development of SCF products, and evaluating the compliance of these products with Shariah law.”
The court acknowledged that “AIG’s subsidiaries received a significant portion of the funds AIG received from the federal government” and that “[s]ix AIG subsidiaries have marketed and sold SCF products since AIG began receiving capital injections from the federal government.”
Yerushalmi said, “It is one thing that our government felt compelled to bail out AIG after its fortunes were destroyed due to the company’s own recklessness and bad acts. It is quite another thing to use U.S. taxpayer dollars to promote and support AIG’s Shariah businesses.”

The Hutchison Effect - The Philadelphia Experiment

A very true and interesting read about the Philadelphia Experiment:

The Hutchison Effect - The Philadelphia Experiment

The Hutchison Effect - a collection of Phenomena discovered by John Hutchison ... in an incident known as the Philadelphia Experiment. "A Highly complicated Piece of ...​index.php?option=com_content&...



You say: 'It's impossible'
God says: All things are possible
( Luke 18:27)
You say: 'I'm too tired'
God says: I will give you rest
( Matthew 11:28-30)
You say: 'Nobody really loves me'
God says: I love you
( John 3:1  6 & John 3:34 )
You say: 'I can't go on'
God says: My grace is sufficient
(II Corinthians 12:9 & Psalm 91:15)
You say:  'I can't figure things out'
God says: I will direct your steps
(Proverbs 3:5-  6)
You say: 'I can't do it'
God says: You can do all things
( Philippians 4:13)
You say: 'I'm not able'
God says: I am able
(II Corinthians 9:8)
You say: 'It's not worth it'
God says: It will be worth it
(Roman 8:28 )
You say: 'I can't forgive myself'
God says: I Forgive you
(I John 1:9 & Romans 8:1)
You say: 'I can't manage'
God says: I will supply all your needs
( Philippians 4:19)
You say: 'I'm afraid'
God says: I have not given you a spirit of fear
( II Timothy 1:7)
You say: 'I'm always worried and frustrated'
God says: Cast all your cares on ME
(I Peter 5:7)
You say: 'I'm not smart enough'
God says: I give you wisdom
(I Corinthians 1:30)
You say: 'I feel all alone'
God says: I will never leave you or forsake you
(Hebrews 13:5)

God determines who walks into your's up to you to decide who you let walk away, who you let stay, and of whom you refuse to let go.

"There are many things in life that will catch your eyes but, only a few will catch your heart......"

Human barcode

‘Human barcode’ could make society more organized but invades privacy, civil liberties 

As tech companies work to develop ID chips, how long until we're no longer anonymous?


Updated: Friday, June 1, 2012, 9:38 AM

uniquely india/Getty Images

The U.S. continues to flirt with the idea of a ‘human barcode,’ an electronic ID chip assigned to every person at birth.

Would you barcode your baby?
Microchip implants have become standard practice for our pets, but have been a tougher sell when it comes to the idea of putting them in people.
Science fiction author Elizabeth Moon last week rekindled the debate on whether it's a good idea to "barcode" infants at birth in an interview on a BBC radio program.
“I would insist on every individual having a unique ID permanently attached — a barcode if you will — an implanted chip to provide an easy, fast inexpensive way to identify individuals,” she said on The Forum, a weekly show that features "a global thinking" discussing a "radical, inspiring or controversial idea" for 60 seconds .
Moon believes the tools most commonly used for surveillance and identification — like video cameras and DNA testing — are slow, costly and often ineffective.
In her opinion, human barcoding would save a lot of time and money.
The proposal isn’t too far-fetched - it is already technically possible to "barcode" a human - but does it violate our rights to privacy?
Opponents argue that giving up anonymity would cultivate an “Orwellian” society where all citizens can be tracked.
“To have a record of everywhere you go and everything you do would be a frightening thing,” Stanley, senior policy analyst at the American Civil Liberties Union, told the Daily News.
He warned of a “check-point society” where everyone carries an internal passport and has to show their papers at every turn, he said.
“Once we let the government and businesses go down the road of nosing around in our lives...we’re going to quickly lose all our privacy,” said Stanley.
There are already, and increasingly, ways to electronically track people. Since 2006, new U.S. passports include radio frequency identification tags (RFID) that store all the information in the passport, plus a digital picture of the owner.
In 2002, an implantable ID chip called VeriChip was approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration. The chip could be implanted in a person's arm, and when scanned, could pull up a 16 digit ID number containing information about the user.
It was discontinued in 2010 amid concerns about privacy and safety.
Still scientists and engineers have not given up on the idea.
A handful of enterprising companies have stepped into the void left by VeriChip, and are developing ways to integrate technology and man.
Biotech company MicroCHIPS has developed an implantable chip to deliver medicine to people on schedule and without injection. And technology company BIOPTid has patented a noninvasive method of identification called the “human barcode.”
Advocates say electronic verification could help parents or caregivers keep track of children and the elderly. Chips could be used to easily access medical information, and would make going through security points more convenient, reports say.
But there are also concerns about security breaches by hackers. If computers and social networks are already vulnerable to hacking and identify theft, imagine if someone could get access to your personal ID chip?
Stanley cautioned against throwing the baby out with the bathwater each time someone invents a new gadget.
“We can have security, we can have convenience, and we can have privacy,” he said. “We can have our cake and eat it, too.”

olec 5-31-12 Interview with Tim Bravo…”The Andromeda Council Biospheres” (Audio)

Rumor Mill News Agents Forum
Tolec 5-31-12 Interview with Tim Bravo…”The Andromeda Council Biospheres” (Audio)
Posted By: Mr.Ed [Send E-Mail]
Date: Friday, 1-Jun-2012 22:38:19

A peek into the future for the next 24 months. (Audio)
Tolec 5-31-12 Interview with Tim Bravo…”The Andromeda Council Biospheres”
PAO_Connection : Message: [Andromeda Council] Tolec 5-31-12 Interview with Tim Bravo…”The Andromeda Council Biospheres”

Hobo Prince Update

Update, June 1, 2012
Dear Friends,

Out of respect for Mr. Mitchel Curzon, Chief Enforcement officer of the Oregon Insurance Division, we are going to postpone putting up the newly designed website until we are CERTAIN that all paperwork for the Hobo Prince Economic Project has been completed properly. We are working quickly to resolve this matter so there will be no further delays. I take full responsibility for this and assure you that our goal is to have the website up by early next week.

Thanks to all of you for your continued support and words of encouragement.

Shelby H. Bell
President, Be'Rio Transports
Director, Hobo Prince Economic Project

essage from the Galactic Federation of Light by Greg Giles - June 1, 2012 'Overcoming Delays'

Rumor Mill News Agents Forum
Message from the Galactic Federation of Light by Greg Giles - June 1, 2012 'Overcoming Delays'
Posted By: Mr.Ed [Send E-Mail]
Date: Friday, 1-Jun-2012 23:05:01

Message from the Galactic Federation of Light by Greg Giles - June 1, 2012 'Overcoming Delays'
There will be some delays here as matters concerning your new system are complex, and roads that need to be built cannot be constructed at this time as many complications hinder the building of these lanes that would bring to you faster results of an ‘overnight’ fashion. We, the Galactic Federation of Light, are working diligently behind the scenes to bring about change for your world as rapidly as we can. There are here so many problems that finding peaceable solutions is a challenge that will take some time. Nothing is going to change here overnight, we wish for you to please understand this. Many changes are scheduled to occur over periods of years that could run into decades. Do you understand this? Do you understand that change on such a grand scale is not change that can happen overnight or over a period of days?
What we have designed for you and what we have planned to implement here in your world are changes to your systems that run just about every nuance of your civilization. Where to start is always an important concern, and here in your world where to start is a question that is a matter of some debate between our top scientists, researchers, architects and planners. There are so many pressing matters that need attention immediately here that we feel the best approach is the safest approach and the approach that will bring to your world stability and balance immediately, before other matters concerning your comfort and pleasure should be considered as important enough to supersede these far more serious matters.
What we have planned for you on the drawing board is a way to begin implementing changes without ruffling the feathers of those of you who are yet to awaken and who show no signs that they will awaken any time soon. We are shaking the cage, as it were, of their reality, yet they do not see the cage they exist within and they do not hear our banging on the bars that encapsulate them in limitation, struggle, hardship, disease, poverty, destitution, crime, violence, pollution, separation and illusion. They do not hear and they do not see. They do not ask questions, they do not understand answers, and it is here that we face our greatest challenge and a need to tread so lightly on the floor that is their home just as much as it is yours. We understand there are those of you who are ready for change on a worldwide scale, but how do we plow ahead into a home that is shared by multiple families when only a small fraction of these families would be able to handle our intrusion mentally and emotionally?
How best to approach this matter is a great concern of ours and we spend a great deal of our time in meeting rooms discussing different scenarios that can bring about change for you without radically altering the realities of those who are not yet ready for such change. Could you help us help you in this area? Could you act as a desensitizing agent for those of your world who are not yet prepared to learn of our existence and the fact, not the possibility, that we are here already and not on our way? If you could do this, you would be helping us construct bridges that we can walk across into your world and your reality. This is what we ask you at this time, and this is a matter that some of you have been working on for some time now.
Results are positive, we wish to report this to you, however, for the changes that so many of you seek, the changes that will bring to each individual in your world a better way, an easier way, a cleaner way, a more fulfilling and fruitful way, we need to lay groundwork throughout all corners of your globe that will inform as many as is possible that we are here and change on a massive scale is the reason for our visitation. Think of this assignment as your only assignment. Do not think of yesterday or tomorrow as they do not count, they do not matter. All that matters is the task at hand, and the task at hand is informing all of your brothers and sisters that we, the Galactic Federation of Light, are here and are willing to lend assistance to lift your world out of the trouble that it is in.
There are so many wonderful subjects that are certainly worthy of great discussion amongst yourselves, and we see your online social networks full of the sharing of these stories, theories, concepts and ideas, and in no way do we wish to say to you that the sharing of these subjects have no place here in your world and this sharing is not without great merit and value. All we say to you at this time is cannot these topics, hobbies and interests wait just a little while we together plow through the wall that currently stands between us and between you and your new world? This is all we are asking, and we do not wish for any of you to feel we are chastising you, judging you, or looking down upon you for your right and your creative and investigative need to learn and to quench your thirst for curiosity and share these gifts with others, for we are not. It is absolutely wonderful that so many of you are utilizing your online social networks to share all these treasures of mystery and wonder, but we only say to you that there will be plenty of time to share and discuss all these stories and information at a later date after we begin the great remodeling project of your world.
Today is a day for something else, and that something else is the sharing of information about our presence here, what gifts we have to offer in the name of love and service to our Creator and to you, our universal brothers and sisters. Today is a day to take the wrecking ball and hurl it through the wall of blindness, of deafness, of ignorance, of fear. Today is the day for this, and this task is the only task that cannot wait, for it is this task that is the starting domino that will trigger thousands more which are projects and programs that will alter for the better every day and every way of your new lives. We ask you, our Lightworkers and any and all of you that wish to assist us in our plan to disclose our presence to all of the people of your world, to drop whatever it is that draws your interest today and focus on this one task, this one chore, to tell as many within earshot range of you that we, the Galactic Federation of Light, are here in vast numbers and possessing gifts for you that will benefit so greatly each and every individual on your planet.
What we bring you are gifts of joy, gifts of chorelessness, gifts of freedom, gifts of health, gifts of wealth, gifts of youth, gifts of longevity, gifts of science, of math, of technology, of architecture, of building and construction of the likes none of you have seen throughout your incarnations into the physical. Can you imagine what your world can be like once we are able to present these gifts to you? We would like you to take a moment and think about this and envision just what this world could be like utilizing the gifts of technology that we use to construct our massive and beautiful ships that can travel from one end of this universe to another at speeds so rapid it is as if time stands still until we have reached our destination. Think about this while you envision a picture in your mind of what your cities and your towns and villages could look like and how well they can function and what beautiful places they can be to live once we can begin to help you redesign them and re-sculpt them like a beautiful work of art at one of your gorgeous museums that house visions of some of your greatest creative minds and hearts that possess the desire to create these works of art.
We possess the talent and the desire to create works of art such as these, only our canvases are of a greater size. Our canvases are the size of planets that we visit, and our heart desires to paint these canvases in gorgeous color and living beauty, love and peace, harmony, balance and tranquility, and we ask you to take our hand and pick up a paintbrush with us and begin to create together our masterpiece which will be your new home. Are you ready to begin? If you are ready to begin say “I am ready to begin on our masterpiece”, and then begin to tell as many of your brothers and sisters as you can that we are here at this time to begin to create with you a work of art.
We are the Galactic Federation of Light.
As channeled through Greg Giles