Sunday, June 3, 2012

Message from the Galactic Federation of Light by Greg Giles - June 2, 2012 ‘Mindset & Future Paths'

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 

Message from the Galactic Federation of Light by Greg Giles - June 2, 2012 ‘Mindset & Future Paths'
Posted By: Mr.Ed [Send E-Mail]
Date: Sunday, 3-Jun-2012 01:30:24

Message from the Galactic Federation of Light by Greg Giles - June 2, 2012 ‘Mindset & Future Paths'
Mindset: Today we would you like to speak to you about the proper setting of your minds and your outlook as we approach the days ahead. What we would prefer to see is a whole new and brighter outlook for you. What we mean by this is we would like to see you look at the days ahead as something to be cherished, something that deserves to be worked for and something that is a valuable and rewarding experience for you in many different ways. What we feel is important for you is not to look towards the days ahead with any kind of contempt, fear, distrust, suspicion, worry and doubt, because if you look at your future through such eyes you very well may end up with the end product that matches precisely or similarly the vibrational energy you have been sending out. Do you understand this? Do you understand this very simple, yet very important scientific, as well as spiritual, fact?
What will happen if you send out these thoughts into the future path of your travel is that you will begin to step on landmines, so to speak, that you, through the direct and indirect actions of your thoughts, have planted in the soil of the path you are traveling upon. What to do about this is a matter of concern for us and we feel certainly should be a pressing matter of concern for you dear ones, as it is your path you are currently clearing today with every thought, no matter how passing in your mind, as you go throughout your day.
We see an incredibly bright, promising and prosperous future for you. What we do not see is a future for you that is bleak, that is disappointing, that is dark, that is dangerous, that is unrewarding, that is unwanted and that is unheralded in any way. We wish for you to see your future through brighter eyes as we do, for if you could see what we could see from our vantage point there would be no reason for any of you to doubt in any way that your future will be as bright as many of you wish it to be, for that is precisely how it works.
We have taken notice of a number of posts and comments throughout your online social networks voicing displeasure and concern with the current state of your experience and concerns about the outcome of your work and your journey here. There is no call for disillusionment at this point in time, as there has been no event to change anything that has been described for you as possible. All and everything we have laid out for you through our descriptions is still very much possible for each and every one of you. We say to you that we only wish for you to reach out and grab tightly the future that you wish to experience and press it into your breast and hold it tightly, making whatever it is you wish to experience yours to experience.
This is what we would like to see you do. It is your experience, it is your journey, and we only wish for you to get out of this what it is you desire and that you had made clear you wished to experience before you set out on your journey here. We do not wish in any way to overstep our bounds and steer you in directions you have not mapped out for yourselves. We do not wish to do this, and we will not do this. We only say to you that whatever it is you choose to experience, choose it and experience it. That is how it works, and that is how you will experience just what it is you wish. We hope that this explanation is clear to understand, as this is a very important concept for you to comprehend and to remember.
There are many different concepts, principles and sciences that are important for you to understand at this time, yet there is no other concept more important to always keep in the forefront of your mind than this; it is your future, and you are creating it as you go through your day. Your future is created through the thoughts that are emanating from you all day and all night even as you sleep. Whatever it is you are thinking about, focusing on and dreaming about is what it is you will experience as you head down the road that you yourself have paved before you.
This is how all of our journeys are created throughout this universe. For you to believe that somehow your future is becoming bleaker or not as promising as you have been imagining is a product of your beliefs, your attitudes, your feelings, your vision, your dreams, your outlook, your personality, your decision making and your choices. The future that each of you is headed for is a product of your own creation, and it is not a product of our creation, our choices or our design, planning or construct. Do you understand this? Do you understand that it is not us that are creating your future? It is not us that can promise you what your future will or will not entail, for your future has little to do with what we desire, we create or we feel is good for you or not good for you.
It is not our right to pave the lanes of your future for you. As we have said many times and we wish to make this point clear again, we are only here to assist you experience just what it is you choose to create. Is this clear to all of you at this time? We hope that it is, for we wish you to realize again that the thoughts that you are thinking right at this moment are planting bricks in the soil that will be the path you walk upon up ahead. Choose your bricks wisely and carefully and plant them solidly and evenly as this will give you a smooth, firm and easy path to travel upon as you head up the road that you have built.
If it is curves in the road that you wish to travel, then it is curves in the road that you shall experience. If it is hills to climb, then build these hills today and they will be there waiting for you when you reach them. If it is a path of unevenly placed bricks with patches of soft mud in between them, then think in your minds things that would bring about the building of a road such as this and this is what will manifest for you. If it is a path smooth and straight with no curves and no hills, then conjure up in your mind thoughts that will construct such a road for you and this is what you shall have. This is what we wish for you to keep in mind as you go through your day and each and every day from this moment forward, as you cannot go back and begin to repave the road that you have already begun to build. You also cannot skip ahead and begin to build patches of the road that you have yet to reach. Today you can only begin to build a road that you will experience at a definite point in your future, and it is here at this point of the road that you are building that you must focus upon and give your efforts into building today.
We are here to assist you build the roads that you wish to travel, and we will lend you our tools and share with you our expertise and experience to allow you, our brothers and sisters, to build any road that you desire to travel upon. This is what we will do for you, this is a promise, and this is the only promise that we will make you and have ever made you, for this is the only promise that we are permitted to make you and that we can make you. We do see from time to time those of you posting through your online social networks that we, the Galactic Federation of Light, have made a certain number of promises that we have not kept. This is not true. We do not make these promises, for what would we promise you? We do not know what it is you desire. We do not know what is you wish to collectively, and even in many cases individually, desire to experience. So what would we promise you? Would we promise you something that we think you may wish to experience? Would we promise you something that we wish for you to experience? No, we would never promise you something that you collectively and individually do not wish to experience.
We do not know what it is you wish to experience, for there are many of you, and a great deal of you who have yet awakened and do not realize that a choice is being presented. These individuals do not understand that it is they who are creating their own future, and therefore their thoughts are not clear on this. The same can be said for those of you who are awakened, as it is also accurate to say that the thoughts of many of you as well are not clear. The thoughts that some of you are giving out are a mix of positive and negative vibrations. On one day you will put out the desire to experience one thing, and yet on another day you will send out the thought waves of an entirely different experience. It is difficult in many cases for us to even comprehend what one of you wishes to experience. Please keep in mind; it is not us that will bring to you the future you wish to experience, for this is a product of your creative powers and the creative powers of this universe. It is not within our power to create for you your experience. Again, we are only here to assist you experience what is you choose.
What we wish to make clear is that we do not know at this time what it is you collectively, and even in many cases individually, wish to experience. Considering our discussion today, do you see now why we say to you that we are not promising you anything in particular, and why we say to you we would never have promised you anything of a particular nature as we could not have and still do not know what it is you wish to experience? What we have laid out for you are your possibilities and your opportunities, and we say to you that these have always been and remain today endless. You may experience anything that you desire, and if we had made you any promises to what you would experience, this would be limiting your choices, would it not?
We in no way wish to put a ceiling on the choices that will bring to you the experiences you desire. We have painted portraits for you of some of the wonderful things that you have the opportunity to experience. We have made an effort to paint for you pictures of a beautiful, harmonious and peaceful world, for this is indeed one of your choices, but your possibilities are endless and it is up to each and every one of you to decide what it is you want and focus on this each and every day as you move forward. The end product for you will be a product of your collective and individual desires. This is a promise you can make to yourself, and this is a promise that will never be broken.
We research your online communities for your responses to our offers. We are looking to find if there are sufficient numbers of you prepared to handle and help initiate the programs that will see to the benefit of your world and each and every individual within. What we are looking for are positive responses, not highlighted in fear or distrust and suspicion of us and our motivations for offering our assistance. We do see many responses from you which are just what we are looking for and what we consider prerequisites to the initiation of these programs. We do also see and take note of the responses that are fear-based and that show distrust, suspicion and fear of us and our reasons for being here. We take into account who it is that are making these comments and attempt to ascertain why they choose to make these comments.
What we do not understand sometimes is why some will choose to make positive comments at some points and negative fear-based comments at another point. This switching back and forth from perspectives is for us confusing at times, and we ask those of you making these comments to better clarify your positions by coming to some conclusions within your own minds before you set out to share your feelings with others and with us, as this is leading to some confusion and is helping to precipitate some delays in the initiation of certain programs. If you could do this for us and for your brothers and sisters as well, you will be doing all of us and your world a great service. We thank you in advance for your cooperation in this regard and say to you that your responses to our messages and offers of assistance are duly noted and are seen as important, as we value the opinions and viewpoints of each and every one of you equally as there is no one more important than any other one of you in your world.
We like to see more of you commenting and posting in regards to our presence here and our messages and offers of technologies and systems that can greatly benefit your world. We have teams in charge of this area who monitor your online social networks and collect large amounts of data that will allow us to better understand what it is you desire for yourselves and how far along you are coming in your understandings of the greater picture that is now unfolding before you here in your world and in your universe. After we are satisfied that there are sufficient numbers of you to begin the initiation of certain of our programs, we will do just that and begin the launch of these projects that many of you have great anticipation for, just as we do, as we see them benefiting greatly so many who we believe have suffered through limitation and lack for too long.
Help us help you are very important words for you to remember, as so much of what we can assist you with is up to you to lay the groundwork for. We cannot leapfrog over your right of choice, this is not permitted in this universe and we will not overstep our bounds and trespass on your rights of free will. What you choose is what we shall assist you to receive, and we look forward to reading more of what is you choose to experience next.
We are the Galactic Federation of Light.
As channeled through Greg Giles

Saturday, June 2, 2012

9-11... Who really did it?

103 Suspected 9-11 Criminal Coconspirators

Patriots Question 9-11   --
Architects and Engineers for 9-11 Truth   --
Pilots for 9-11 Truth   --
Scholars for 9-11 Truth and Justice   --
9-11... The Truth of the Matter   -- 
  Part 1a    Part 1b     Part 1c
  Part 2a     Part 2b    Part 2c
  Part 2d
Journal of 9-11 Studies   --
Physics 9-11   --
9-11 Research   --
WTC 7   --
How the Towers were Demolished   --
9-11 Review   --
9-11 Citizens Watch   --
Cosmic Penguin on 9-11   --
Pentagon Strike   --
9-11 Truth   --
NY 9-11 Truth   --
9-11 Visibility Project   --
9-11 Reading Room   --
Stranger Than Fiction   --
9-11 Blogger   --
Sheila Casey   --
Coincidence Theorist's Guide to 9-11   --

Return of the Goddess - Update

Return of the Goddess - Update

The critical mass for this visualization to have desired effect is about
118,000 people worldwide actually doing it with focus. If we consider that human concentration and meditation skills are not perfect, we need 144,000 people as the critical mass.

But to read about it is one thing and actually do the visualization on
6-5-2012 completely another. I would encourage as many people as possible to actually participate, although it may be in the early morning hours in your part of the world.

We can do it! It still needs to go viral! We need to reach millions of people, so that the critical mass of people actually doing it is attained.
Please post it on your websites and blogs. If you know an alternative media outlet, you can send it to them. You can create a Facebook group for your local group of people doing this in your part of the world. You can create a video about this and post it on Youtube. If you have contact within Occupy movement or Anonymous, they might be interested in spreading this also.

The main Facebook group for this event is here:

You can also watch the video:

General information and guidelines about Return of the Goddess:

Find Your Tribe

Source: 2012
Remember him?
History has a funny way of disappearing, or as Steve Miller once said, “Time keeps on slipping’ into the future.”
Have you ever thought about the weight of memory and the mnenomic strategies we employ just to remember who we are against a psychic landscape that is becoming increasingly distorted and abstract?
When you hear about a naked man eating someone’s face in the streets of Miami, you immediately and quite unconsciously do something that seems familiar; check a sports score, listen to a familiar song, stare at a photo of someone you love.
While the past is being unmade through the de-sequencing of time lines via the eradication of people that are no longer in the present, the future is coming at us like some sort of weird phantasm that is getting harder and harder to recognize. Don’t worry, Jon Stewart will make a joke about it and make you laugh just a little–or try to.
Flesh eating zombies, remote controlled aerial killing machines, fetuses encased in gold, smuggled in brief cases in Asia, a chef in Japan cooks, then serves his own testicles.
The invisible past. The nightmarish future. You in the present.
The Venus transit is big. Really big. We’ll get to some of that sticky syncy stuff a little later.
But for now, I am going to take you down the memory hole, to try to preserve the image of a man that history here in the US is all too eager to forget and sweep under the doormat of time: John F. Kennedy.
If and when we speak of presidents past now, Lincoln’s name is almost always near the top, followed by FDR and then Reagan. Washington gets a bit of a nod since he got first. But rarely is Kennedy spoken of or mentioned and if he is, he’s associated with some weird curse that haunts a fallen Irish family; old dirty money frayed and eaten away by invisible moths that dust them with the spell of death, from generation to generation.
Kennedy was a Gemini–an archetypal Gemini. He lived in two worlds, dated and bedded multiple women, even while married and was mastering the art of double switch and double cross. What we saw of Kennedy was the fusion of practical idealism, the Saturn/Neptune conjunction in the 10th House. What we didn’t see was the horny Mars/Jupiter conjunction in the 8th, along with just about every other planet of significance there as well; Mercury, Sun and Venus. Five very personal planets, hidden from the public’s prying eyes. But that 8th House is the skeleton key to Kennedy. To understand it and JFK, we must first meet his father Joe.
The old man was born in 1888 and lived until 1969. His father, “PJ” made his money in saloons and was a bare fisted street politician, organizing the rough and tumble Irish immigrants into a political machine. Let’s cut to the chase with Joe. He was brilliant and shady. He made a fortune during prohibition (which he fought for BTW). He bought Canadian Whisky from the Bronfmans in the north and rum from Onassis in the south. Yes, that Onassis, who imported not only distilled sugar cane, but other, more deadly vices. Joe Kennedy made a killing on illegal booze. (Though there are those that will dispute this).
The old man was a shark and an opportunist with an eye to the future; as a result, he got into show biz. Moving to Hollywood, he formed the famous studio, RKO Pictures and even produced a few films, mostly for his Hollywood squeeze on the side; “Gloria Swanson.” Joe made his money in movies and theaters and got out. The real killing to be made was in the stock market, where he was tipped off to the great crash before it happened. Then he sold short afterwards and made money while people were losing it. Then he moved back into the market, buying millions of shares for pennies. The old man was connected. He would later use those connections, many of them of the rather sordid, underworld type to get his son elected. In essence, Papa Joe was connected to the elites of his time. Its important to understand this, because it impacts the dual nature of Kennedy and the rather secretive ways played out through his 8th House.
Joe Kennedy called in his old pals to get his son elected. One of them was Meyer Lansky, the famous Jewish gangster. Lansky would provide money and more importantly media clout. He could spin the right headline, in the right paper, on the right day, in the right town, while suppressing news on his rival; Richard Nixon. The only thing that Lansky made the old man promise him, was the the kid would have to keep his nose out of Israel’s affairs. The Kennedy clan heartily agreed and the favor machine was in motion. This would prove to be a fatal mistake for them.
Once JFK got elected, it didn’t take him long to go back on some of his promises. He had his brother go after Sam Giancanna. Bobby was attorney general and had the Sicilian mob boss in his cross-hairs. Meanwhile, JFK became increasingly impatient with Israel and its expansionist aims in the middle east and actually had veto measures against Israel in the UN. This did not sit well with them.
That’s where we get double cross, double jeopardy moves that Kennedy orchestrated.
One week they’re at the Sands in Vegas watching MK beta moll, Marilyn Monroe sing, while Sam Ginacanna’s in the same room. They’re buying each other drinks and passing Marilyn around like she was plate of hors d’oeuvres. John, Bobby and Sam were all doing her.
The next week, they’re busting illegal trucking rings and making Giancanna’s life a mess.
Gemini is the sign of spy craft and double cross.
For all of his star power (Kennedy was the first rock star president), his Sun is marginally aspected.
He has a Sun/Moon square, a Sun/Venus conjunction and Sun/Neptune trine. The Sun/Moon square is interesting, since his Moon was in Virgo, noted for its overly moral outlook, especially when it comes to being harshly critical of the emotions. Gemini is not into morality plays. Its into experience without judgment.
The Venus conjunction of course gave Kennedy sex appeal. He was the first president that unrepentantly flashed it or maybe even had it, though I think that the traitorous (and vain) Woodrow Wilson fancied himself a dandy of sorts.
With all those planets in the 8th House, Kennedy was aware of conspiracies.
One of his greatest speeches of all time touches on this very fact. And you wonder why he’s elbowed out of the margin of the frame, edited out of the movie? One of the turning points for JFK came when he had one of his 8th House dalliances–perhaps the most potently transformational.
One of Kennedy’s hottest and certainly his most fated affair was with Mary Pinchot Meyer (10/14/20).
Mary Pinchot Meyer was the ex-wife of Cord Meyer, then head of the CIA and a 20 degree Libra. Her Sun was exact to JFK’s 20 degree Libra Ascendant. She also had Moon and Mercury in Scorpio in his first house. To say they had a connection was an understatement.
This was also when the CIA was experimenting heavily with LSD. They had a Harvard professor by the name of Timothy Leary on their payroll. It has been speculated by insider heads that Mary Pinchot Meyer knew Tim Leary through her husband and was getting grass and tabs of acid from him. Powered by an intense Scorpio stellium, she was passing it off to her girlfriends, who were having affairs with elected officials and heads of state. This wasn’t random. This was an inside job. The goddess was supplying her minions with colorless, odorless, micro-powered gnosis. They were instigating the awakening of the feminine spirit in American politics, dosing the patriarchy, staging a psychic coup. And Mary Pinchot Meyer’s alchemical flame was JFK. She would wind up dead in a D.C. park, just less than a year after JFK’s assassination.
When the two of them would steal away to a Georgetown apartment, Kennedy’s consciousness was getting an epic re-set between the sheets, with the ex-wife of the of the heads of one of the world’s most powerful spy agencies. The Vietnam war was in its initial stages, still a “conflict” and had not yet become the blown out social battlefield it was fated to be.
With Pluto in the 9th, JFK had a deep desire to effect profound and lasting change on the world. He was ready to not just wind down the war, but to set the United States on a very different path.
While it seems like Obama is enacting an executive order every other day now, the EOs have their genesis in the Kennedy administration and were being set up to be used in times of emergency.
Well once they were put into place, Kennedy drew up “EO 1111.” With its enactment, he took silver out of circulation for the minting of coins. Kennedy, the master Gemini dualist had a plan.
He was going to essentially corner the silver market through the Hunt Brothers and John Connelly, then governor of Texas. They were going to run the silver table and then have it become the default currency of the US, displacing Federal Reserve notes. They were going to do this through Texas, which has the right and power to print its own money, since it is a country unto itself, with a renewable treaty, that as a formality, gets re-upped each year. Kennedy, Connolly and the Hunt Brothers were engineering their own clear break. Unfortunately the silver price was manipulated and the Hunt Brothers were left holding silver and silver certificates that dipped well below their market value. They were ruined. And Kennedy, well you know the rest and if you don’t, well let’s get into it a bit. Grab your miners hat and follow me down the rabbit hole.
JFK was killed on 11/22 which is of course 33 and the number of the “Sovereign Inspector General” in the Scottish Rite. Dallas is just beneath the 33rd parallel (32+).
The Sun was in Scorpio at 29 degrees (11). The Moon was in Aquarius at 11 degrees. The True Node was in Cancer, also at 11 degrees. Add all three together and you get 33. Chiron was in Pisces at 10 degrees–in the first house.
The event will the have its Chiron return in 2013 on March 13th.
Chiron in Pisces is about lifting the veil of illusion, denial and shame and it is very prominently placed in this chart. The Sun at the time of his death was conjunct the mid-heaven at the anoretic degree. But the key elements/symbols to the chart are Saturn/Moon, both in Aquarius, in the 12th House.
Classically, the 12th House represents hidden enemies. It has loftier meaning as well, but I am really interested in the Aquarian connection here. Saturn/Moon conjunction can be hard, especially in the air signs. In Aquarius, the emotional body in these two planets is cold, detached, almost clinical. Saturn here is about to be born into awareness as it rises into prominence, in the first house.
If the Kennedy assassination as some speculate was a ritual, what was it for? In addition to removing a president that was becoming problematic to a number of disparate factions; Israel, The Mob, The MIC, The Black Families, it also triggered the birth of “The Age Of Aquarius.” We can see this with Saturn/Moon, cold, unfeeling and detached, getting ready to hatch.
On the same day that Kennedy was killed, the Beatles released their second LP, With The Beatles which was their first release in North America. Their previous record, Please, Please Memade its debut on 3/22/63. They began the recording sessions for Please, Please Me on 9/11/62.
The album art for both records is interesting, but notice not only the darkness and shadow of With The Beatles but also the single vision, the eye of Horus imagery on each one of the lads from Liverpool. 9/11, 3/22, 11/22.
In 1968, on 11/22, The Beatles released The White Album which contained both “Revolution 1″ and “Revolution 9″ along with of course, “Helter Skelter.” It also happened to be the five-year-anniversary of the death of JFK.
So here is is my theory; It is my belief that the Kennedy assassination was more than just a conspiracy or even a dark magical ritual–it was an event that hacked and altered this timeline.
As a result of Kennedy’s death at that exact time, we’re now occupying the shadow of the the age of Aquarius, a darker, alternate manifestation of what was “supposed” to occur, which would have been a more true and organic realization of unity consciousness rather than the current synthetic version, which would be peddled by another Gemini, two decades later–we’re talking Gemini, George Bush and the “New World Order.”
With Saturn in Aquarius and the profound Uranus/Pluto conjunctions set to happen up through the “Summer Of Love” not just the US, but the world was aligned to truly “Come Together” and what really happened was that it was ripped apart, torn asunder, trampled under foot by trauma after trauma.
We saw the rise of conflict between blacks and whites, women and men, parents and children, the establishment and youth. The Vietnam war was a massive wedge cleaving through all of them, separating, dividing and conquering and not without blood. The war begat violent social activism and spawned the likes of Bill Ayers and the Weather Underground. Ayers would then go on to eventually mentor Barack Obama and even write one of his books, “Dreams Of My Father.”
If Kennedy had lived, the Vietnam war would have ended earlier and there is no Bill Ayers as we know him and Barack Obama might have had just as good a time running a Hawaiin shirt shack on the North Shore as he’s having now as president. Nixon would have likely never served as president and the dollar would never have been adopted as the world’s reserve currency, used specifically to purchase oil and now teeters on the edge of extinction.
When we look at cultural ciphers and touch points for the dark age of Aquarius and the crooked timeline we’re now inhabiting, we see Betty Friedan publishing “The Feminine Mystique” which becomes the Gideon Bible for feminists and ultimately fuels more division.
In September of 1963, Marvel released the first “X-Men” comic. The “X-Men” are thoroughly Aquarian; rebel mutant outcasts, fighting for acceptance and fighting against the forces of evil that would enslave the world that castigates and demonizes them. And of course, there’s the Beatles, who on the heels of the death of Kennedy, would have themselves inserted into the public’s consciousness and offer up a new form of worship. LSD would become the social sacrament for a generation ready to taste a new religion of electrified revelations. The Beatles in turn would become the avatars of this alternate, dark-new-age.
Kennedy as we established was a Gemini. George Bush, the man who is said to be intimately connected with the Kennedy assassination is also a Gemini. John Hinckley, the would be assassin of James Brady and Ronald Reagan was born on the same day as Kennedy. Hinckley was the son of one of George Bushes business partners.
From a symbolic level, the death of Kennedy/Gemini also represents the death of duality.
This would have its ultimate manifestation in the fall of the Twin Towers (Gemini) and the next great American conspiracy; 9/11.
With the erection of the “One World Trade Center” we’re going to witness the capstone of the great plan, which may or may not coincide with the collapse of the global economy, which seems to be creeping ever closer with each passing day.
In retrospect its easy to see why the life and death of JFK gets more generic and less memorable, whited out in the re-telling of history.
He was the last president that was an outsider and saw the opportunity to level the playing field. When listening to his speech on a vast global conspiracy, one gets a sense as to where he was headed. Flawed, human, but grappling with interplay of shadow and light through the labyrinth of deceit and illusion, Kennedy was the embodiment of America and the hope of true unification for not just the USA, but the world at large. Instead we’re now being force fed a synthetic hologram of disturbed consensus, polarized deeper and deeper at every turn, closer and closer to utter demoralization.
Something truly big is happening right now with relationships and I’m not talking about MK Beta Kitten, Mary Kate Olson (Gemini) shagging Nick Sarkozy’s brother. Something more slightly akin to the Kennedy/Pinchot Meyer connection. We’re talking soul-to-soul. Why this retrograde and why now?
Well, it comes on the heels of the annular eclipse and as a preface to the Venus Transit, which we won’t see for another 155 years! And then there’s the Uranus/Pluto square, which could indeed usher in the clash of the will of the people (Uranus in Aries) and the established corporatocracy (Pluto in Capricorn).
With NATO, G8 and Bilderberg all happening on American soil, together, for the first time, it signals that time is almost up here. “Prometheus” opened today and while it might be just propaganda for the gods that walk amongst us, from a Venus Retrograde perspective, its a prequel, which has us re-visit the original “Alien” and our relationship with it.
There’s something about this Venus transit as it crosses the Sun, dwarfed by its solar magnificence, that re-kindles the memory and importance of finding your kin, the members of your own lost tribe and remembering why you decided to come here. This can obviously manifest in one-on-one relationships, but the Sag Moon is not one for sitting still. The human heart doesn’t idle for long in the Sagittarian Moon.
The Sag Moon is about emotional FREEDOM.
So the Venus transit sparks re-calibrating and renewing timeless bonds, but with the Sag Moon, it doesn’t settle. Its wild and free. Perhaps its the kind of love that Mary Pinchot Meyer and JFK had, re-uniting for a real purpose of somatic liberation, fusing sex and an awakened pineal gland for an opportunity to re-cast the world in a softer light with brilliant colors.
Watch for more and more chatter about timelines in the technosphere. There’s a reason for it.
Time as we know it is about to change, and we have one shot at jumping tracks back to a more congruent reality.
Find your tribe.
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Emitte lucem et veritatem
Send out light and truth

Health - The Gluten Shocker

Underground Health Reporter
     From the Desk of Danica Collins
The Gluten Shocker:
Escape the Epidemic that Silently
Threatens Your Health  

Dear Reader,

If you're suffering from fatigue, skin rashes, digestive upsets such as bloating and gas, insomnia, joint pain, blood sugar imbalance or diabetes, weight gain, or chronic infections ... the culprit may very well be a single protein molecule attacking you from within your own body.

     Nearly 40% of older Americans (and more each year) suffer from gastric disorders—persistent bloating and discomfort ... debilitating pain ... and dangerous diseases such as leaky gut syndrome, Crohn's, and diverticulitis.  Conditions once considered rare are now epidemic.  For instance, celiac disease—a health-destroying disorder caused by wheat gluten—went barely noticed a decade ago.  Now it affects 1 of every 133 people.

     Gluten intolerance or sensitivity is far more common than celiac disease, and its destructive symptoms are even more difficult to identify.  Given this, many doctors simply suggest cutting out wheat and dairy to see if you feel better.  The problem with this approach is that gluten and other food culprits are pervasive throughout the Standard American Diet (SAD).  Thus, cutting out wheat and dairy may bring no relief even if these foods are severely undermining your health.  This is why digestive disorders go undiagnosed for years, unleashing much larger problems down the road, such as muscle and joint dysfunction, heart disease, and cancer.

     But recently, scientists made a breakthrough discovery.  They identified a dietary invader proven to cause countless gastric problems.  Pinpointing the cause led quickly to the cure—a completely natural remedy that captures this digestive invader and knocks it out—with no harmful side effects.  After just a few shorts weeks of therapy, people—even those with the most chronic conditions—experienced outstanding benefits against...

      Digestive problems, bloating, gas, and persistent pain
      Food sensitivities—from gluten and grains to nuts and dairy
      Diabetes and blood sugar balance
      Skin rashes and acne outbreaks
      Inexplicable weight gain and cravings
      Low energy, especially after eating
      Arthritis, joint discomfort and muscle stiffness
      Compromised immune function
      Blood pressure and heart health

Mystery Exposed

The root cause of these persistent health problems is a single molecule present in nearly every food we eat.  Ironically, this molecule was once thought totally harmless!  It was even used medicinally as a blood coagulant.  But now science has confirmed a surprising link between this molecule and major digestive trouble.

     The molecule is called lectin.

     "The term 'lectin' was introduced in 1954 by scientists William C. Boyd and Elizabeth Shapleigh," says John A. Casey, M.D., C.C.N.  "Researchers have shown that some lectins are blood type specific...  However, very few of us made the connection between using lectins in the lab to agglutinate blood and going home to have them for dinner."

     Lectins are found in fruits, vegetables, seafood, grains, beans, and seeds.  Gluten is a huge source of lectin—which means lectin is jam-packed into foods such as breads, cereals, and many other processed foods.  Other major lectin sources are corn, milk, soy, and peanuts.

     It's no wonder allergies, digestive chaos, and chronic diseases are skyrocketing!  The American diet is almost completely dependent on gluten and corn-based processed foods, all loaded with lectin.  Referring to celiac disease, one expert gastroenterologist at Mayo Clinic told the New York Times, "It's not just that we're better at finding it.  It truly has become more common."

     The problem is lectin!

Setting off a Cascade of Trouble Within

Lectins start trouble as they enter our intestinal tract.  That's because these molecules attach themselves to the sugars found naturally in healthy cells.  It works like this:  Most cells have membranes that contain carbohydrates.  And as food passes through our digestive system, lectins latch onto cells that line our intestines and colon.

     Unfortunately, once latched on, lectins disrupt and damage cells.  In response to the damage, your immune system kicks in, sending white blood cells rushing in to deal with the problem.  In other words, lectins attack your body ... and your body attacks back.  These attacks can lead to cell destruction.  Even worse, your immune system can become overloaded, leading to autoimmune dysfunction.

     A cascade of problems is now unleashed throughout your entire digestive system, spreading out to your skin, muscles, joints, and even your heart.

A Simple Disguise can Trick a Complex Invader

To solve the problem of lectin—which is found in almost every food you eat—researchers tried a simple experiment.  What if the lectin could be diverted by a flood of "decoy sugars?"  Could the "decoy sugars" get between lectin and the body's own cells?

     The answer was yes, and the secret is "sacrificial" sugars.  When a supplement containing a combination of 5 "sacrificial sugars" is taken with meals, lectin is disabledInstead of attacking your intestine and colon walls, the lectin hitches a ride on the sacrificial sugars and passes harmlessly through your body.

     For patients, the effect of these sacrificial sugars was almost immediate.  With just a few doses incorporated into meals, lectin was vastly eliminated from the digestive tract.
Break the Lectin Fat Signal

Sacrificial sugars can also break lectin's ability to stimulate fat cell production.  That's right, unfortunately, lectin also makes you fat.  According to a report in the peer-reviewed journal Neuropeptides, lectin from wheat, corn, peas, potatoes, and lentils binds to insulin hormone receptors, and triggers them to stimulate fat production.  That's why so many of us with gastric problems also suffer from inexplicable cravings and sudden weight gain.  It's paradoxical but true: by introducing these 5 decoy sugars, you can break the weight gain signal right at its source.

Flush out Lectins and Even Neutralize Nasty Gluten

Since gluten is also a lectin, the sacrificial sugars that flush out lectin also protect you from "hidden gluten" in processed foods, sauces, medicines, and even cosmetics.  Protecting yourself from the lectin-soaked American diet comes with long-term health benefits, because eliminating lectin helps to ...

           Promote weight loss through improved metabolism and energy
           Restore proper water balance in your body
           Soothe those occasionally achy joints, muscles and organs
           Balance inflammation and improve immune function
           Repair your digestive tract and keep it healthy
           Facilitate healthy detoxification in your liver and gut

A "Lectin Force Field" Between You and Lectins Everywhere

You could try to follow a diet that severely limits your intake of lectins.  But lectins are everywhere—not just in foods, but in the environment, too.  Since lectins are prevalent in the plant world, you can be exposed to them just by walking on the grass... inhaling pollen in the air... or spending time in your garden.  Lectins even lurk in medicines... cosmetics... vitamins... and nutritional supplements.

     But you don't have to live in a bubble to stay away from lectins.  Scientific research shows you can create a virtual lectin force field to help protect your gut.  Since 70% of your immune system is located in your gut, this lectin force field can enhance your total immune health, long-term.  Renowned integrative physician Dr. Michael Cutler—with 18 years of experience in chronic degenerative diseases, fibromyalgia, and chronic fatigue—says the discovery of lectin protection deserves nothing short of a Nobel Prize!  Get the details on this natural breakthrough here, so you can protect yourself and your family from the molecule that attacks from within.

Wishing you the best of health,

Danica Collins

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or the advertiser, unless otherwise noted.  The information in this e-mail is not intended to replace
a one-on-one relationship with a qualified health care professional and is not intended as medical advice. 
It is intended as a sharing of knowledge and information from the research and experience
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upon your research and in partnership with a qualified health care professional.

* These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.
The information in this e-mail is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

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Facebook has become a new icon of elite dominance over the web, and increasingly the tech-driven economy as well.  Technocrats are busy building stock market credibility via the IPO for their Facebook spy front, while Bilderberg attendees select politicians, steer social movements and spy on the masses to harvest data.

Aaron Dykes has a special report on Mark Zuckerberg and his intel ring of social media kingpins and financiers. 

Bilderberg 2012 is set to convene on Chantilly, Virginia during May 31-June 3. 
Go to for full spectrum coverage of the secretive meeting.

Cobra's Very First Interview

Cobra's Very First Interview

We Are Honored Cobra Has Chosen the Galactic Free Press for his very first interview

Below are the List of questions asked By the Galactic Free Press Staff Members.
Thank you Cobra We Love You, Love The Earth Allies

GFP: What are your thoughts about justice?
COBRA: Justice is an instrument of divine intervention to bring back balance to planet Earth and its inhabitants

GFP : How do see the new freedom?
COBRA: New freedom will be in full consciousness, with conscious use of free will infused with love, with advanced technologies in harmony with nature

GFP: What is your timeline?
COBRA: Things are already happening with two peaks of culmination of events, one in May/June , the second peak is October to December 2012.

GFP: What is your opinion on Obama and his great changeless & struggles in the office of the Cabal?...
COBRA: All intel about Obama is classified information

 GFP: What do you feel about manipulation of Informations for benefits of few, and our present general population programming state of mind?...
COBRA: It has to be stopped and the Cabal removed immediatelly

GFP: Do you feel that most of 'lightworkers' and freedom fighters will come together under the same flag of Unity and Love?...
COBRA: At a certain point, yes.

GFP: Do you see [your]self as Deceived or Deceiver in this process of Humanity Conciseness rising?...
COBRA: Neither of these. I am awake.

GFP: Are You familiar with Keenan Leans on FR, Central Banks... and what is your part in this mass arrests 'play'?...
COBRA: Yes, I am familiar with these. I am involved in Resistance Movement special operations.

GFP: Are some of these arrests already happened, but not fully disclosed to wide public knowledge and why these events are kept secret and by whom?...
COBRA:  Some arrests that do not include top members of the Cabal have already happened. Many top members of the Cabal have been detained, questioned and released. All this is being kept suppressed by the mainstream media under Rothschild control.

GFP: How much surprise, truth exposure and anonymity of players plays in these games with cabal?...
COBRA: We are in information war against the Cabal. They suppress the truth and we reveal it. Those of us that reveal sensitive intel must remain anonymous.

GFP: What are your thoughts about the concept of evil?
COBRA: Evil is free will that chooses to harm,  to act against Love and Light on purpose.

GFP: Should we be fighting against darkness?
COBRA: We should become aware of it and then remove it and then refocus into the Light.

GFP: If you could say one thing to all of the people right now whose lives are impacted by pharmaceuticals, what would that be?
COBRA: Use natural medicine, live your life in love and balance and you will be healthy reagrdless of all poisons in food, water, air and pharmaceuticals.

GFP: To those whose deeds have created chaos and darkness for Mother Earth and Humanity, what is your message to them?
COBRA: The game is over. You have been defeated. You need to surrender now.

GFP: Did you experience a personal moment when you suddenly understood and remembered your light mission? Can you describe your experience albeit this one can wait for the time when you are safely public?
COBRA: I will not disclose any personal information before the Event.

GFP: Are you excited about what is coming next?
COBRA: Yes, for sure. It is 2012, isn't it?

GFP: What thought thrills you the most? Thank you.
COBRA: To liberate the planet.

GFP: Where are your sources located?  What institutions are they working in?
COBRA:  The Pleiadians (direct intel-no channeling), the Resistance Movement, information agents around the world with connections deep within the occult economy and alphabet agencies.

Obama Administration sues Tuscany Hotel in Vegas

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 

Obama Administration sues Tuscany Hotel in Vegas - Revenge for hosting the Constitutional Sheriffs Convention in January
Posted By: Maryhrt
Date: Saturday, 2-Jun-2012 16:50:11
While proponents of immigration enforcement have been told that the federal government monitors the hiring of illegal aliens by the private sector, including adherence to the federal employment verification (I-9) program, Attorney General Eric Holder's Justice Department appears to have made a decision to penalize organizations that zealously comply.
For example, on Thursday the Justice Department announced that it filed a civil lawsuit against the Tuscany Hotel and Casino in Las Vegas, Nevada, accusing the company of engaging in "a pattern or practice of discrimination in the employment eligibility verification and re-verification process."….
…. Some believe this lawsuit is nothing more than payback by the Obama DOJ since earlier this year the Tuscany Hotel and Casino booked a special conference by a law enforcement group that was not favorable to the Obama administration. The Constitutional Sheriffs and Peace Officers Association (CSPOA) has stated their goal is to "take back America from the unlawful incursions and overreach of state and federal governments and their agencies."
Speakers at the event included Sheriff Joe Arpaio, Sheriff Bradley D. Rodgers, Sheriff Richard Mack, and Larry Pratt, founder and executive director of Gun Owners of America, none of whom are popular in the Obama White House or DOJ.
According to a member of Immigration and Customs Enforcement, the casino had an interest in verifying immigration status as part of its loss prevention program and may have exhibited over zealousness in its internal security program, but a casino environment requires more security than most workplaces due to the enormous amounts of cash involved in that industry.
The ICE agent, who requested anonymity, stated that Holder and his illegal alien-friendly department is more interested in protecting illegal aliens than "in protecting Americans from the crimes perpetrated including workplace crimes."…..

Clif High Must be Stoned!

A couple weeks ago, a belligerent and quite angry Clif High form Half Past appeared on Red Ice Radio to give his take on the rumors regarding the United States Military and U.S. Marshals taking the lead in mass arrests of highly placed untouchables within the United States government and it's financial sectors.(link to podcast)   Henrick Palmgren from Red Ice Creations joined in the slam fest that these rumors were far fetched and should be ignored.  The stance that these journalist took laying down with such distain for the counter possibility to be real was given very little credence. Alternative media journalist David Wilcock and Benjamin Fulford have been reporting on a broad spectrum of behind the scenes movement and speculations concerning a host of issues in global finance and geopolitics centered around a massive law suit filed in the Hague against the Federal Reserve Banking cabal. Recently this year, David Wilcock interviewed a military insider who goes solely by the name of Drake who was making bold predictions of a military take over in the United States to act on the behalf of the American people, who are on the brink of facing a complete collapse of their economy, infrastructure, food  and gas supplies. A series of internet radio podcast were given by this military insider Drake who was delivering explicit and provocative details about a so called "Plan" to peacefully and quietly restore the United States back to a Constitutional Republic and the steps, no matter how painful or uncomfortable they might be, for this necessary change to take place. 

This so called military insider was not asking for donations, selling survival gear, or anything else of the sort. The man was simply making quite impossible to believe predictions and forecasts that the average every day American citizen would call crazy and too good to be true, to say the least. But if that same average ordinary everyday citizen were asked how would you change the world overnight and end poverty and bring the world back from thermal nuclear disaster even a seven year old would say "round up the bad guys in one fail swoop and put them in jail."  The Drake question gets it's traction from the deadlines for these so called mass arrests to take place and a banking holiday that would last for several days where at the end of, we would see a new gold back U.S. Treasury note being circulated to replace the defunct Federal Reserve Note. These deadlines that were laid out by Mr. Drake have all but come and gone, though he did on more than one occasion did give a disclaimer that the execution of this plan was contingent on certain climates and conditions that could delay the mass arrests and bank holiday from taking place.

Regardless of whether Drake was honestly and factually informing the public to prepare them for a major and unprecedented  event to happen in this country that the broad scale social shake up would make 911 look like a Sunday morning Easter egg hunt. The flip side would indicate that this alleged Military insider Drake was an agent provocateur sent to build up the false hopes of desperate Americans and concerned citizens of the World looking for an end to this dark cabal, only to see their hopes perish in the wake of another fraudulent U.S. election cycle driving pessimism and negativity to an all time high. On either side of the coin concerning the authenticity of Drakes intel and it's point of origin, is the living ideal behind the claims that counts. Only the United States Military has the training, muscle and fire power along with the lawful authority to bring this country back from the brink of disaster.  It is the idea, that not matter how extreme, how over the top, how incredibly mind bending the possibility, that the number one institution in this country that is viewed as being just as corrupt and broken as the government it serves could ever be reformed and turned around before it is too late, is not as far fetched of an idea as it may seem. Unlike the our municipal, States and Federal Governments the United States Military has it's written laws and codes but what makes our military special is that it has an honor code of it's own who's tradition goes back hundreds of years and more. That honor code is to fulfill the oath to the Constitution of the United States of America, to defend her against all enemies foreign and domestic. There is not government agency or poll, no statistic, no computer algorithm that can quantify just how sincere and valiant our honorable men and women serving in uniform are. No political pundant or internet drive by critic  can predict or calculate just how willing and prepared they are to fulfill their oath. And absolutely no one has any insight or genius to make a judgement call to forecast just how far those Patriots serving our country are willing to go defend  the greatest country ever to exist on the face of Earth. With all probability, a realignment of the chain of command to restore the United States militarily, from the private on the ground to General Dempsey, and further on up, is more than likely on the move. 

So when a one hundred and eighty degree turn around concerning this subject mater by Mr. Clif High , who we all love and respect, regarding the intervention of the U.S. Military to bring in the bad guys, makes me wonder is Mr. High just stoned? (Link to Clif's most recent post)  I am not here to throw Clif under the bus, he is one of the shining lights out there in the alternative media helping us to think and use our brains. It is quite compelling to see Mr. High release a report that is obviously about 95% spot on with what Mr. Drake has been saying for months now concerning a very welcome Military intervention to stop the Dark Cabal's plan that could most certainly ruin my weekend plans for the next 150 years.  Well regardless of whether Mr. High is actually hitting the chronic or his super duper computer that he uses to make all of his interesting  predictions is on the fritz, I personally  would like to ask, Hey Clif, do you know where I can score some of what ever it is your smoking?

Fix-It Man