Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Drake and company have moved to a new home website location

Apparently, Drake and company have moved to a new home website locationhttp://americannationalmilitia.com/

Also, he has a new radio show location, Global Voice Radio Network.

Yesterday's, 6-3-12, mp3s of which are below.
There was quite a bit of news in Part 1, and some in part 2.
All of the other mp3s were volume adjusted, and the opening 1:30 in the show is from the introduction.
His main site currently is the site from which you may receive email updates when the “green light” is given.
There will be another show on Wednesday, 6-6-12
MP3s (each part, 30 min., 5 MB) (volume leveled)
Part 1
Part 2
Complete show (Parts 1+2, 56 min., 10 MB)
Preliminary piece (unedited, with interruptions etc.)
Radio Show Links:
Global Voice Radio Network: http://www.spreaker.com/user/4664624
Drake’s recommended sites:
(this is Drake’s new home website; sign up and get auto email when green light is given)

Emitte lucem et veritatem
Send out light and truth

Diagrams of Walter Russell and his WOW explanations

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 

Diagrams of Walter Russell and his WOW explanations, published in THE SECRET OF LIFE and COURSE in COSMIC CONSCIOUSNESS
Posted By: Bob [Send E-Mail]
Date: Tuesday, 5-Jun-2012 17:40:46

Diagrams by Walter Russell
Click on the pictures in the link below, to find Walter Russell’s fascinating explanations of the workings of the universe and more, which
He published in THE SECRET OF LIFE (in 1947) and in his COURSE in COSMIC CONSCIOUSNESS.
Incredible pictograms of all of creation, explained.

Recap of Drake Radio Show - May 31, 2012

 Recap of Drake Radio Show - May 31, 2012

Drake Said:

* Europe is being salvaged by credit default swaps [garbage].
* We are finalizing the collateral accounts.
     Liens will then be served on the central banks.
* Timing is unknown; this is a new process.
   We are one week away from zeroing out the banks.
   Banks will be closed 3-5 working days, then
   another week required to bring in new currencies - thus no banks for 2 weeks.
* You may have to operate on IOU's with merchants.
* The idea of financial bonanzas may or may not materialize.
*  NESARA (secret one) will be implemented.  No flat tax but there will be a "use fee".
    Overall, this will greatly reduce overall taxes.
*  [Drake is wheezing.  Hope he is not exhausted]
*  Pots & Pans Demonstration - he is all for it.  Let the officials know how you feel.
     Demonstrate Thursday afternoon.
*  Announcements should be made in two weeks.
*  LD: Peaceful demonstrations in Canada; 500 lawyers in robes marched;
          Groups are coming together to say no to govt.
*  The Constitution has been suspended by the Homeland Security Act.
*  We need to start organizing ourselves now.
*  MM:  Join up with Occupy Movement.  PatriotUnity.com(?)
* Wealth will flow into each country from collateral accounts.
     Funds will go to EVERYBODY.
* The U.S. has completed freeing itself to legal satisfaction of those that needed it.
* The experts do not know how credit default derivatives work or what
     will happen to them.  Sit back and watch JP Morgan Chase.
* Its OK to leave your money in banks not heavily tied in with the Federal Reserve banks
    (small chains). Your currency there will be revalued.
     Stay away from bailed out banks.
* Student loans are fraudulent and will be zeroed out.
* Possible flooding in the future of as much as 200 feet.  Do your own research.
* The reset is coming quickly; afterwards there will be no reasons for war.
* All of the banking rules and other laws will be changed.
     Basil III will no longer matter.
* Mitt Romney is not exactly an honest man from business dealings.
* The Reset will occur prior to the elections.
* Iraqi Dinar:  All currencies will be RVed at the same time.  He has no feel for values.
* Your mortgage will be forgiven.  If you do not own a house you will have
     great credit creating ability to purchase one.
* Persons will be able to immediately be drug free painlessly.
   The technology has been hidden and will be released.
* Neil Keenan is now finalizing the financial part of his lawsuit which will end the C. Banks.
* Emergency food will be available to all.  Get to know your neighbors.
These Notes First Seen Here





Mankind as caterpillar;  a parable
For thousands of years on earth, mankind has been inching along the ground.  Bound by limited consciousness, held down by kings and secret societies and spiritual vampires into the animal farm of limited life and spirit.  Overtures from masterful and transcendent minds have come from time to time.  Great butterfly spirits from other worlds and from among the population have interjected on occasion inviting us into true freedom and exalted spiritual flight, however, the collective sentiment is that we are caterpillars and cannot really fly.  What a silly idea we say. We are held down on the farm in stables of limited life.  The free sky is unknown and scary.  What would happen to us out there.  All manner of scary thoughts rise up and drive us deeper into the stalls.  Our bale of hay and pleasant distractions are good enough, we say.  The pigs run the farm and that is that.  Its always been that way and will always be.  Its our continuum.  Its life on earth.  It must be meant to be this way because this is the way it is.  We are frightened of freedom and the unknown. 
Yes you are right.  That is the way it was meant to be…….for caterpillars.
Then something strange occurred two centuries ago.  A quickening happened.  The slow pace of life began to end and time and events speeded up.  Technology began to evolve and increase its speed of development exponentially.  The pigs evolved as well and saw new opportunities for farm management and control.  They felt threatened by change as well so tightened the controls.  They formed a “chrysalis” of containment.  Mankind was changing in some way.  We began to morph into something else and they wanted to stop this or at least keep control of it.  So the chrysalis was made more tight and containing as time marched on.  We became very confined and limited.  Our days of inching along happily through the garden came to an end.
Well, this will never do, we said.  We simply must break free of this.  It is an agony.  We will die in here, in this “cocoon.”  We cannot live this way.  But we cannot go back to caterpillaring.  We have changed from that now.  Its over.  So what are we to do?  We must break out of this somehow.
But what will we become then, if not a caterpillar? We don’t know but all we know is we have to break out of this chrysalis.  There must be some part of us that is strong enough to create a breach or an opening.  An alpha mind.  A tenacious will that can crack open this cocoon.  Someone who is not afraid of the results and is daring enough to lead the way.  We know now it must be done.  Further containment will mean our end.  So we sense that something is different as well.  We have changed.  We have a different body now.  We can feel it.  What does it look like?  We are excited somewhat.  There is some kind of new potential.  What is it?
Wait, ohmygod we are emerging.  There seems to be a new form to us now.  Something like…yes…like a wing.  Now another wing.  They can move.  Wow.  We are beautiful and glorious now.  Lets try out these wings.  Yes, yes, we are flying….off the ground.  Wow, Amazing.  And finally the day came when pigs could fly and everyone else as well. 
Well, it was the love of life and the will to be and be free that broke through the chrysalis.  The very love of freedom and being.  You see now that….”all you need is love.”  “There will be an answer, let it be.”  “The long and winding road, has become an airport.”  So we now become butterfly man.  Welcome to………..the Drifterworld.  
“Might as well face it you’re addicted to love.”
Alpha bro.

Join the Global Planetary Liberation taking place TODAY



On June 5th/6th there will be a Venus transit, a rare cosmic event when
planet Venus passes in front of the solar disk.  This Venus transit will
mark a completion of the 8 year cycle of the Return of the Goddess which
started with a previous Venus transit in 2004.

Goddess energy is a pure feminine essence of Love that will help us easing
the planetary liberation process. Both masculine energies of action and
feminine energies of receptivity are needed to complete this process successfully.

Removal of all dark entities will be a direct consequence of a newly achieved
balance of female and male energies on this planet.

9:30 pm EST (New York); 6:30 pm PDT June5th (Los Angeles)
a list of times are included in the link, along with complete instructions
and also a video...enjoy!!!

We need to have 144,000 people doing this visualization with focus to
achieve the desired effect.

Emitte lucem et veritatem
Send out light and truth


Judge Dale in his quest for fame has revealed some private communication relating to our Dinar intel exchanges which was not for public consumption. And these private communications have been posted in Dinar Chat rooms without my knowledge or permission.

My connections and referrals to him have been terminated.

I remain an honorable person working with honorable folks to get the information out to the people.

John MacHaffie

Soldier hugs web site ------ Check it out -----AWESOME!



I created a website platform in support of Drake´s broadcasts and is intended to Unite all US citizens and other peoples of the planet in the support of the Mass Arrests of Cabal Criminals. You can help send a message to our Brave Men & Women in uniform and let them know our collective free will and command for Freedom, Sovereignty, and Common Law.

I was inspired to create this site via a very strong spiritual message I received about 3 weeks ago and it hit me like a "freight train", sort of like a voice inside my head urging me to do it...

My intent of the site is to serve as another link in the support chain by creating a platform of "collective voice and action" for this cause. It was my intent to try and create something that would in fact "evoke" and emotional response and hence help to unite all of us under one common and undeniable truth that we all share the same fate and position as US citizens.

By creating and aggregating this unified support wave, it was my intent that this serve as an observable communication channel to all US military personnel from the standpoint of love and support as opposed to conflict and strife.

Please visit www.soldierhugs.com and create a "SoldierHUG" and send a message and command to our Brave military men and women to arrest these criminals that threaten us from within and here at home.

Thank you and if you like it and agree with it, please help to share it far and wide.

Thank you,

Soldier Hugs Admin  www.soldierhugs.com


The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 

Posted By: Seawitch [Send E-Mail]
Date: Tuesday, 5-Jun-2012 09:53:36

Internet Policy dicated by the Constitution (Not the United Nations)
The United Nations has declared access to the Internet, “A HUMAN RIGHT” – and now a handful of countries, led by China, Russia and India, are pushing a resolution to TAKE CONTROL OF THE WORLD WIDE WEB.
Under their plan, the UN’s International Telecommunication Union (ITU) would become the governor of the Internet – which means you, an American citizen, would be subject to the rules, regulations, and censorship doled out by supra-national, supra-constitutional bodies.
Your First and Fourth Amendment rights would be null.
This is an URGENT ALERT: Contact Congress right now and tell them to save Internet freedom and preserve your First and Fourth Amendment rights! Send your Personalized Fax right now, before it’s too late!
Conservative Action Alerts has been fighting for nearly two years to stop government efforts to take control of the Internet. The battle continues here in our Congress, and now panic is reaching a fever pitch around the world.
Entities are working domestically and globally to regulate, control, and ultimately tax the Internet.
That is why this week the House Energy and Commerce subcommittee on Communications and Technology will hold a hearing and hear testimony from Robert McDowell, a Republican commissioner on the Federal Communications Commission (FCC); David Gross, a former State Department official; and Sally Shipman Wentworth, the senior manager of public policy for the nonprofit Internet Society.
Reps. Michael McCaul (R-TX) and Jim Langevin (D-RI), Co-Chairs of the House Cybersecurity Caucus, introduced H. Con. Res. 114, urging the United States Permanent Representative to the United Nations to oppose any resolution that would allow regulation of the Internet.

America's mysterious space plane to land after a YEAR in orbit Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-2154405/Secret-mission-accomplished-Americas-secret-space-plane-land-YEAR-orbit--knows-did-there.html#ixzz1wvWPoo7z

Secret mission accomplished: America's mysterious space plane to land after a YEAR in orbit - and no one knows what it did up there

  • The X-37B has been circling the Earth at 17,000mph and was due to land in California in December
  • Mission of highly classified robotic plane extended for unknown reasons
  • Will now land in mid- to late-June

The U.S Air Force’s highly secret unmanned space plane will land in June - ending a year-long mission in orbit.
The experimental Boeing X37-B has been circling Earth at 17,000 miles per hour and was due to land in California in December. It is now expected  to land in mid to late June.
At launch, the space plane was accompanied by staff in biohazard suits, leading to speculation that there were radioactive components on board. 

Mystery tour: The mission of the X-37B space plane was extended after it spent nine months orbiting the Earth
Mystery tour: The mission of the X-37B space plane was extended after it spent nine months orbiting the Earth
The men and women of Team Vandenberg are ready to execute safe landing operations anytime and at a moment's notice,' said Colonel Nina Armagno of the U.S. Air Force's Space Wing.
The plane resembles a mini space shuttle and is the second to fly in space. 
It was meant to land in March, but the mission of the X-37B orbital test vehicle was extended – for unknown reasons.
The first one landed last December at Vandenberg Air Force Base in California after more than seven months in orbit.
The 29-foot, solar-powered craft had an original mission of 270 days. 
The Air Force said the second mission was to further test the technology but the ultimate purpose has largely remained a mystery.
The vehicle's systems program director, Lieutenant-colonel Tom McIntyre, told the Los Angeles Times in December: 'We initially planned for a nine-month mission. Keeping the X-37 in orbit will provide us with additional experimentation opportunities and allow us to extract the maximum value out of the mission.'
Questions: The unmanned space plane is the second of its kind to be sent up by the U.S. Air Force - but its purpose has never fully been explained
Questions: The unmanned space plane is the second of its kind to be sent up by the U.S. Air Force - but its purpose has never fully been explained
Finishing touches: Scientists in protective suits inspect the solar-powered craft prior to its mission
Finishing touches: Scientists in protective suits inspect the solar-powered craft prior to its mission
However, many sceptics think that the vehicle's mission is defence or spy-related.
There are rumours circulating that the craft has been kept in space to spy on the new Chinese space station, Tiangong. 
However, analysts have pointed out that surveillance would be tricky, since the spacecraft would rush past each other at thousands of metres per second.
The top-secret robot plane is now expected to land in mid- to late-June
The top-secret robot plane is now expected to land in mid- to late-June
Keeping watch: An artist's rendition of the X-37B shuttle orbiting the Earth
Keeping watch: An artist's rendition of the X-37B shuttle orbiting the Earth
It's still not clear who or what the plane is meant to be watching
And Brian Weeden, from the Secure World Foundation, pointed out to the BBC: ‘If the U.S. really wanted to observe Tiangong, it has enough assets to do that without using X-37B.’
Last May, amateur astronomers were able to detect the orbital pattern of the first X-37B which included flyovers of North Korea, Iraq, Iran, Pakistan and Afghanistan, heightening the suspicion that the vehicle was being used for surveillance.
Other industry analysts have speculated that the Air Force is just making use of the X-37B’s amazing fuel efficiency and keeping it in space for as long as possible to show off its credentials and protect it from budget cuts. 
This undated image released by the U.S. Air Force shows the X-37B spacecraft. Its mission and cost are shrouded in secrecy
The X-37B sits on top of an Atlas V rocket as it's launched at Cape Canaveral Air Force Station in Florida
Lift off: The X-37B sits on top of an Atlas V rocket as it's launched at Cape Canaveral Air Force Station in Florida
gf Ready for launch: The X-37B rocket in Florida before it blasted off into space
Mystery: Scientists work on a prototype for the rocket prior to its launch
After all, under budget cuts for 2013 to 2017 proposed by the Obama administration, the office that developed the X-37 will be shut down.
According to X-37B manufacturer Boeing, the space plane operates in low-earth orbit, between 110 and 500 miles above earth. By comparison, the International Space Station orbits at about 220 miles.
The current flight launched from Cape Canaveral, Florida, in March. 
This computer image shows the space plane re-entering Earth. Although it resembles a small space shuttle it is not designed to carry humans. It's wingspan is a mere 4.5m with a length of 8.9m. It is powered by batteries and solar cells

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-2154405/Secret-mission-accomplished-Americas-secret-space-plane-land-YEAR-orbit--knows-did-there.html#ixzz1wvWHGuFu

Meditation & How To Use It In Your Life

I get many questions on Meditation, so I will explain how I practice it and enjoy it in my life, because there are a lot of good things to "harvest" within yourself, which will blossom as intuitive knowledge beyond thoughts. This is my personal view on Meditation and I want to share it with you.


State flowers come together in a bouquet!

                 State flowers come together in a bouquet!

                               Click  below!

                               State Flowers


How President Obama Stole Our Money to Buy Votes

How President Obama Stole Our Money to Buy Votes

posted on by Gary DeMar

BuyingVotesIf you have a house that you sell for $200,000 and you owe the mortgage company $150,000, then you have $50,000 in equity. That $50,000 is your money to invest, spend, or save. If you make a wise investment, you’ll make money. If you make a bad investment, you’ll lose money. It’s that simple, unless the government gets involved.
Private equity firms partner with financial institutions, venture capitalists, and private investors to purchase companies that are often poorly managed and losing money. The private equity firms believe that with hands-on management, possibly a reduced work force, restructuring, the sale of some assets, the company can be salvaged, either for a sale or ongoing profitability. The goal is to make money for the investors, not to guarantee someone a job.
Some companies make it and others do not. The risk of gain or loss remains with the investors with their own money at no risk to tax payers.
President Obama and some of his fellow Democrats have criticized Mitt Romney’s tenure at the private equity firm Bain Capital. What’s there to criticize? Romney and his business partners invested their own money in failed companies and brought a good number of them back to life. Sounds like a good thing to me. Did some people lose their jobs? Yes. Did some people keep their jobs? Yes. If the investment had not been made, would everybody have lost their jobs? Yes.
President Obama has been using money that the government took from you and me to “invest” in companies for political purposes. We didn’t give him permission to do this. There is no constitutional basis for such “investments.” If a private equity firm stole money from you and me to invest in a company – no matter how good the investment might be – the managers of that company would go to jail.
We’ve heard about the $535 million dollar “investment” that President Obama made with our money that went to the solar panel manufacturer Solyndra. Solyndra’s after-“investment” bankruptcy is just the tip of the iceberg. Marc A. Thiessen offers the following summary of some of the President’s tax-payer-funded “equity investments” in his article “Forget Bain — Obama’s Public-Equity Record is the Real Scandal”:
  • In 2010, the Obama administration gave Raser Technologies a $33 million taxpayer-funded grant to build a power plant in Beaver Creek, Utah. The company filed for bankruptcy.
  • The Obama administration gave ECOtality $126.2 million in taxpayer money in 2009. According to ECOtality’s own SEC filings, the company has since incurred more than $45 million in losses.
  • The Obama administration gave Nevada Geothermal Power (NGP) a $98.5 million taxpayer loan guarantee in 2010.
  • The Obama administration provided First Solar with more than $3 billion in loan guarantees for power plants in Arizona and California.
  • The Obama administration gave Abound Solar, Inc. a $400 million loan guarantee to build photovoltaic panel factories.
  • The Obama administration gave Beacon Power— a green-energy storage company — a $43 million loan guarantee.
  • A company called SunPower got a $1.2 billion loan guarantee from the Obama administration, and as of January, the company owed more than it was worth.
  • Brightsource got a $1.6 billion loan guarantee and posted a string of net losses totaling $177 million.

All of these “investments” have three things in common: (1) the companies are failures, (2) the money was taken from us – the taxpayers – to fund what a private equity firm would not, and (3) “as Hoover Institution scholar Peter Schweizer reported in his book, ‘Throw Them All Out,’ fully 71 percent of the Obama Energy Department’s grants and loans went to ‘individuals who were bundlers, members of Obama’s National Finance Committee, or large donors to the Democratic Party.’ Collectively, these Obama cronies raised $457,834 for his campaign, and they were in turn approved for grants or loans of nearly $11.35 billion.”

It’s fun being the President when you can “invest” other people’s money and not have to pay it back if you lose it.

Read more: http://godfatherpolitics.com/5499/how-president-obama-stole-our-money-to-buy-votes/#ixzz1wt6hBtuC

Louisiana GOP spirals into chaos as Ron Paul delegates injured, arrested

Louisiana GOP spirals into chaos as Ron Paul delegates injured, arrested

By Stephen C. Webster
Monday, June 4, 2012 10:43 EDT

Henry Herford Jr., 
chairman of Ron Paul's LAGOP 2012 convention, being arrested after 
attempting to organize his delegates. Screenshot via YouTube.
Topics: ron paul

Several supporters of Rep. Ron Paul (R-TX) sustained injuries while being arrested during the Louisiana Republican Party’s state convention over the weekend, in a conflict that engulfed the meeting after Paul’s supporters overwhelmed other delegates and voted in new leadership, only to be ignored.
Former Sen. Rick Santorum (R-PA) won the Louisiana primary and received 10 delegates, while former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney (R) took second, earning five delegates along with it. Paul finished fourth in the primary, behind former House Speaker Newt Gingrich (R-GA), but his supporters dominated the state’s caucusing process in April, meaning he stood to gain as many as 30 delegates at the state convention.
And with an audience widely stacked in his favor on Saturday, it seemed likely that Paul would again emerge from a state convention the unexpected victor… That is, until the LAGOP chairman turned the process on its head.
The conflict hinged upon an alleged violation of the state party’s rules by Chairman Roger Francis Villere, Jr., who’s headed up the LAGOP since 2004. Paul supporters claim he called upon a former Rules Committee chairman, who had been defeated the night prior, in order to implement rules that would marginalize Paul’s delegates. That’s when Alex Helwig, a Paul supporter who’d claimed he had won the race to chair the rules committee, stood up and objected to the chairman’s actions, only to be ignored.
As Helwig’s protest continued, cameras caught Villere saying: “This is not debatable. He is the chairman of the rules committee. I would ask you to sit down. We told you to sit down… I’m going to ask you to be seated, or I’m going to have to ask you to leave. I’m going to have you escorted out if you don’t leave.”
“Mr. Villere, with all due respect, it pains me to do this,” Helwig responded. “I supported you in your run for Lt. Governor. You are a good man.”
“This is not debatable,” Villere replied. “I don’t need this.”
In a video published to YouTube, police officers seize Helwig by both arms and drag him out of the room, breaking several of his fingers in the process, according to Ron Paul 2012 press release. It all transpired as as the crowd chanted: “The chairman must remove! The chairman must remove!”
That’s when the convention split.
Paul delegates moved to request more information on the chairman’s decision, but he continued as if they weren’t present. So, they decided then and there to elect a new chairman, picking state central committeeman Henry Herford Jr., a Paul supporter, to lead the party.
When Villere refused to acknowledge the vote, Paul’s delegates picked up their chairs and turned away from him, forming a new convention on the spot and passing a microphone to their new chairman.
Moments later, Herford, too, was seized by police. Camera-wielding Paul supporters surrounded the fracas as Herford pleaded with officers to be gentle due to his prosthetic hip. “I have a handicap! I’m handicapped!” he said as they pulled him to the ground.
Herford said later, after he was treated for dislocating his prosthetic hip, “It felt like somebody had kicked me, brought me down. They said I was resisting arrest, but they never said I was under arrest. I didn’t leave when they told me to leave, but I never was told to leave… I have a room here in this hotel and I’m on the state central committee. I don’t know how I could be in an improper place.”
John Tate, Ron Paul’s national campaign manager, said, “Mr. Herford has a prosthetic hip and according to a doctor at the scene it appears as though the prosthetic was dislocated and may require replacement. The injury occurred as he was beginning to call to order the newly re-formed convention.”
A Shreveport police spokesman later told Reuters that Herford resisted arrest and was ultimately cited for the misdemeanor offense of remaining on private property after being forbidden.
Tate characterized the incident as Herford being “attacked by some security officials who didn’t realize that the body had voted out the previous chairman.”
The re-formed convention, however, was not recognized by the LAGOP hierarchy, which went on to select its own delegates. Paul supporters also selected their own delegates, claiming they had a clearly established majority. There was no resolution between the two groups.
Tate called the outcome a “positive conclusion,” following a meeting between Paul delegates and Romney officials, who pledged to help ensure Paul’s supporters have a voice at the national convention. “Our thoughts and prayers are with those who were injured at the convention,” he said. “And, we thank all responsible convention participants for ending the day on a more unified note.”
With the LAGOP descending into chaos, the Republican National Committee of contests will be tasked with deciding, purely by fiat, which group of Louisiana delegates will be allowed to represent Louisiana at the party’s national convention in August.
Paul delegates are already on the outs with the RNC, which has threatened to block the Nevada delegation for allegedly seating too many Paul supporters. Romney supporters in that state have instead thrown their support to an outside group called Team Nevada, which The Las Vegas Sun‘s Jon Ralston called a “shadow state party” set up to conduct establishment Republicans’ political affairs in the swing state.
Other states have seen similar post-election surges for Paul, and he’s encouraged his supporters to continue using arcane party rules to essentially replace neoconservative Republicans with more libertarian-minded officials.
The LAGOP did not respond to a request for comment.
This video, showing the arrest of Ron Paul supporter Henry Herford during the 2012 LAGOP state convention, was published to YouTube on June 2, 2012.


Henry Herford Jr., chairman of Ron Paul’s LAGOP 2012 convention, being arrested after attempting to organize his delegates. Screenshot via YouTube.

FREE ENERGY Suppression documentary

FREE ENERGY Suppression documentary

Electric power is everywhere present in unlimited quantities
and can drive the world's machinery without the need of coal,
oil, gas or any other of the common fuels.

-Nikola Tesla

Free Energy is available, and not too dificult to access.
Once you get the ball rolling world-wide, then repeated improvements will soon enable humanity to have localized free-energy. Competitions, fan clubs, small set up garages, world wide annual free energy meetups, etc, will rocket the advancement of free energy development.
I would take a guess and say that in just one year of concentrated development and research , we should have a large scale multiple version free energy prototypes running all around the world. From small local table top units , to bigger ones powering a house, to even bigger units powering apartment complexes, trains, planes, busses, trucks, cars, and ultimately , a networked prototype that powers an entire small town.

For this to happen though , we need to get the ball rolling down the hill. Just ONE LAUNCH of a free energy device will do the trick.
In order to bypass the NWO, the Oil Cartel, and the what-have-yous, this prototype needs to be launched on the internet, quickly, spread virally, and facilitate quick and easy development in small local garages.

This is another reason they are closing down the net slowly.
You think Oil companies do not have access to information on patents of free-energy devices?
You think that the Oil companies do not have research teams that have charts showing when the oil golden-goose will end, and the logical progression of the launch of free energy devices by the public?
You think they have done no research to show WHO will develop these energy systems, which target group, and using what kind of technology?
My thinking is that they are a 100 steps ahead.
And are already planning how to limit and put down laws that regulate the usage of free energy devices.

Mark my words, unless we destroy this huge worldwide tumor known as the Bilderbergers, the NWO, the Rotchschilds , etc, we are going nowhere fast.

What we need to do right now, is not spend time trying to invent free-energy systems, as that has already been done and their inventors murdered by the NWO, the Oil Cartel and what have you.
What we need to do right now is take our power back from the NWO , the Oil Cartel, and what have you's.

From there its a short step to your four-seater anti-gravity outer-orbit cruiser.

Part 1 of a 53 part series on YouTube:>>

Panacea's FREE energy suppression documentary researcher's edition (DVD set also available for a donation, and coming soon to the torrent networks).

Over 5 years of research has enabled us to collect over 10 hours of data to illustrate how bad the problem is and justify ours or ANY proposed solution.

Panacea's FREE energy suppression documentary (researcher's edition) is material intended to help the media publish the information to the public. Alternative and suppressed FREE energy devices are needed to be disclosed to the public with a suppression script to educate and motivate them to all eyes on the cartels that would financially benefit from the suppression of this technology. This is to help achieve PUBLIC SOCIAL REFORM, safety, security, get endorsement and build consumer awareness and demand.

If you know of a media program that can help the FREE energy community by the use of this subject matter please refer them to this page:
[link to www.panacea-bocaf.org]

Please help and promote this. Part 2 will have a more positive outlook with the logic for our proposed granted NON PROFIT research center to support all and counter the same mistakes that FREE energy under goes. This is archived
educational footage - some you may have seen, alot you may have not.

Part 1 suppression cases:

Nikola Tesla
Nathan Stubblefield
Pogue Carburetor 200MPG
Tom Ogle
Fuel Vaporizers
Viktor Schauberger
Bob Teal
Thomas Townsend Brown
Buckminster Fuller
John F Kennedy
Henry Moray
Henry Ford car
Bio diesel from hemp
Electric vehicles
Avion sports car
Tank hydrogen cars
Jack Nicholson
United Nuclear
Daniel Dingel
Solar energy suppression - Jimmy Carter
John Bedini
Raymond Rife
Hydroxy boosters
Tatra T87 (aerodynamics)
Bios Fuel
Stan Meyer
Stan Meyer thermal explosive energy
Water spark plug
Yull Brown
Paul Zigouras
Bob Boyce
Dave Lawton
Ravi Raju
Isaac De Rivaz
Francisco Pacheco
Charles Garrett / G H Garrett
Archie Blue
Russian Water Engine
Water Spark Plug
Herman Anderson
Firestorm Spark Plug
Ball tipped spark plug
Cornish hydrogen
Hydrosonic Pump
Disclosure Project
Matthew Carson
David Hamilton
Theodore Loder
Paul LaViolette
Thomas Valone
Tom Bearden
Mark Mcandalish
John Maynard
RAFE MAIR Show with Harold Berndt April 2005
Fife Symington
Lockheed SkunkWorks, Astronauts speak out on Roswell, Gordon Cooper on government UFO suppression,
Steven Greer on energy suppression (Orion Project, Disclosure Project)
Fastwalkers - Steven Greer
Obama to disclose x files on Anti Gravity Technology
Dan Akroyd interviewed by David Sereda (Disclosure Project, UFO technology)
A Case For NASA UFOs
NASA compilation by Martin Stubbs
Senator Daniel
Wolfhard Willimczik
Focus Fusion
Roto Verter
Stefan Nystrom
Magnetic motor technologies
Perendev Power
Robert Adams
Thomas Valone - Patent suppression
Evergreen Amplifier
Howard Johnson
Kohei Minato
Wang Shum Ho
Parallel path magnetic motor
John Searl
Energy By Motion
Eric Dollard
David Sereda
Peter Sumaruck
Philo T Farnsworth
Shell Opel
Hungarian free energy suppression
James DeMeo
Trevor James Constable
Chuck Larue energy saver
Gravity Assisted free energy
Bob Mary
Veljko Milkovic
Johann Bessler
Compressed air motors:
Lee Rogers
Maruf Karimov
Kim Zorzi
Willhelm Reich
Bill Muller
Richard Willis / Magna Coaster
Paul Pantone
Joseph Newman
John Hutchison

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June 5, 2012, 8:56 am
Filed under: small newsUncategorized | Tags: 
Sheba Medical Center geneticists have found that a population of Indians in the U.S. state of Colorado has genetic Jewish roots going back to the expulsion of Jews from Spain. The common marker was a unique genetic mutation on the BRCA1 gene. This mutation, commonly known as the “Ashkenazi mutation,” is found in Jews of Ashkenazi origin and is associated with an increased risk of developing breast and ovarian cancer. The trail began with research conducted by Prof. Jeffrey Weitzel, an oncogenetic (cancer genetics) expert at the City of Hope Hospital in California.

Weitzel examined samples from 110 American families of Hispanic origin, and followed them through a computational genetics study, and in 2005 published an article pointing to their common ancestry: People who had immigrated to the United States from Mexico and South America. Weitzel’s discovery of the BRCA1 mutation in these Hispanics led him to suspect that there was a genetic connection between them and European Jews, and he sought to confirm the connection. A study recently conducted at Sheba Medical Center, Tel Hashomer whose findings have been accepted for publication by the European Journal of Human Genetics has found the missing link: The mutation was also found in a group of Mexican Indians who had immigrated from Mexico to the United States over the past 200 years and settled in western Colorado. When their samples were submitted to a computational genetic study, it emerged that they, along with Weitzel’s original Hispanic subjects, all had a common ancestor: A Jew who immigrated from Europe to South America up to 600 years ago, the period in which Christopher Columbus discovered America and the Jews of Spain were expelled.

The Sheba research was performed by a team headed by Prof. Eitan Friedman, head of the medical center’s Oncogenetics Unit, and student Yael Leitman, and sought to identify the original source of the BRCA1 mutation, found in about 1.5 percent of Jews of Ashkenazi origin and 0.5 percent of Iraqi Jews. To do this, they collected samples from 115 families carrying this mutation from all over the world. These included Jewish families of Ashkenazi and Iraqi origin, and Jews originating from the Indian city of Cochin. They also, with Weitzel’s help, collected samples from 16 mutation-carrying families among the Mexican Indians in Colorado, five British families from Manchester, and three families from Malaysia. The study was based on previous Sheba research from 15 years ago, during which primitive analyses were done on the mutation found in Ashkenazi and Iraqi Jews; at that time, it was thought the mutation had first occurred 2,500 years earlier, during the dispersion after the destruction of the First Bais Hamikdosh. However, the new analysis, which checked 15 different genetic markers associated with the mutation, demonstrated that the Iraqi version of the mutated gene traces back only 450 years, which testifies to a migration of Ashkenazi Jews to Iraq – most probably merchants – that has not been well documented. Meanwhile, the mutation found in the Colorado Indians was found to be identical to that of Ashkenazi Jews, and dates to a period more than 600 years ago. Researchers say this offers incontrovertible genetic proof that some of the Jews expelled from Spain who reached the New World intermarried with local Indians whose descendants later migrated to the United States.
read also About ancient 10 commandments found in New Mexico