Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Iceland Court Sentences Ex-Byr Savings Executives To Jail

Iceland Court Sentences Ex-Byr Savings Executives To Jail

Byr Savings Bank former Chairman Jon Thorsteinn Jonsson and the lender’s ex-Chief Executive Officer Ragnar Zophonias Gudjonsson were today found guilty of fraud and sentenced to four and half years in prison by Iceland’s Supreme Court.
The court found that the two former executives had used their positions at Byr to grant an 800-million kronur ($6.2 million) loan to Exeter Holdings ehf in 2008 as Iceland’s financial system was on the brink of collapse.
Proceeds of the loan were used by Exeter to buy Jonsson’s and Gudjonsson’s shares in Byr. Exeter guaranteed the loan by putting the Byr shares up as collateral.
“In deciding the punishment” the Supreme Court took account of the fact that the “magnitude of the offences was significant,” according to the ruling posted on the Reykjavik- based court’s website. Jonsson’s action “relieved him from personal guarantees on loans” and Gudjonsson’s “infraction was committed under the auspices of his mandate” as Byr’s chief executive officer, according to the ruling.
To contact the reporter on this story: Omar R. Valdimarsson in Reykjavikvaldimarsson@bloomberg.net.
To contact the editor responsible for this story: Jonas Bergman at jbergman@bloomberg.net.


A Real Eye Opener

Informative, and mind

You think the war in Iraq was costing
us too much? Read this:

We have been hammered with the
propaganda that it was the Iraq war and 
the war on terror that is bankrupting us.

I now find that to be RIDICULOUS.

I hope the following 
10 reasons are 
forwarded over and over again until 
they are read so many times that the 
reader gets sick of reading them. I also 
have included the URL's for verification 
of all the following facts...


$11 Billion to $22 billion is spent on welfare
to illegal aliens each year by state governments.

http://www.fairus.org/site/PageServer?pagename=iic_immigrationissuecenters7fd8 <http://www.fairus.org/site/PageServer?pagename=iic_immigrationissuecenters7fd8> 


$22 Billion dollars a year is spent on food
assistance programs such as food stamps, 
WIC, and free school lunches for illegal aliens.

http://www.cis.org/articles/2004/fiscalexec.HTML <http://www.cis.org/articles/2004/fiscalexec.HTML> 


$2.5 Billion dollars a year is spent on
Medicaid for illegal aliens. 

Verify at: 

http://www.cis.org/articles/2004/fiscalexec.HTML <http://www.cis.org/articles/2004/fiscalexec.HTML> 


$12 Billion dollars a year is spent on
primary and secondary school education 
for children here illegally and they 
cannot speak a word of English!



$17 Billion dollars a year is spent for
education for the American-born 
children of illegal aliens, known as 
Anchor Babies.



$3 Million Dollars a DAY is spent to
incarcerate illegal aliens. 

Verify at: 

http://transcripts.cnn.com/%20TRANscriptS/0604/01/ldt.01.HTML <http://transcripts.cnn.com/%20TRANscriptS/0604/01/ldt.01.HTML> 


30% percent of all Federal Prison
inmates are illegal aliens.
Verify at: 
http://transcripts.CNN..com/TRANscriptS/0604/01/ldt...01.HTML <http://transcripts.cnn.com/TRANscriptS/0604/01/ldt...01.HTML> 


http://premium.cnn.com/TRANSCIPTS/0610/29/ldt.01.HTML <http://premium.cnn.com/TRANSCIPTS/0610/29/ldt.01.HTML>


$200 Billion dollars a year in suppressed
American wages are caused by the illegal 

<" href="http://transcripts.cnn.com/TRANSCRI 

In 2006, illegal aliens sent home
$45 BILLION in remittances to their 
countries of origin.

http://www/. <http://www/..rense.com/general75/niht.htm> rense.com/general75/niht..htm < " href="http://www/..http://www/...<><>


Are we THAT Stupid?


If this doesn't bother you, then just
delete the message. If, on the other 
hand, it does raise the hair on the back 
of your neck, I hope you forward it to every 
legal resident in the United States. 
It's going on year after year!!!

ALTERNATIVE HEALTH CARE~ Four Winds 10 - Truth Winds

Patrick H. Bellringer

Smaller FontLarger FontRSS 2.0
June 11, 2012
Many people with health problems have gone through the medical profession’s drug-cut and slash-chem-nuke therapy, and end up with their body poisoned, parts missing, and with very little healing. Are you one of these? Do you want a second opinion?
Alternative health care is doing a great service to humanity through healing via herbs, vitamins and minerals (nutrition, enzymes, etc, ) and some very sophisticated scientific research and technology, which aids the human body to cope with disease and heal itself.
If you are seriously looking for answers to your health needs, I suggest that you call 1-605-343-2682 and talk to Dr. Cory Carter, Randy McCormick or Angela Meyer of Alt Med Services, Black Hawk, South Dakota. In his thirty some years of work Dr. Carter and his staff have assisted thousands of people in the U.S. and thirty other countries to find healing with minimal cost, and live happy lives again.
Alt Med Services has also been of great help to both Anne and me.
Patrick H. Bellringer

Cobra’s Exclusive World-First Radio Interview

Cobra’s Exclusive World-First Radio Interview 

It will be aired this Wednesday June 13th , 6 pm EDT / 9 pm PDT USA on InLight Radio:


More about this interview here:

If you want to know when this is in your time zone you can check here:

I am now open for other radio interviews, provided that my voice is modulated with voice modification program to protect my identity. If you are interested in doing an interview, contact me at cobraresistance@gmail.com .

Drunvalo Melchizedek: Crop circles, Russians, coming solar flares...use your discernment !!


Ronald Reagan - Will we ever hear this again?

Will we ever hear this again?????

Legacy of The Manchurian Candidate , after 3 years in office

  NO SURPRISE - IS IT ?  X( angry

 Well- SIC – (shithead in charge ) Obummer’s 3 years in charge – his legacy.

Anybody that vote for him, turn around and bend -over, for your well deserved kick in the ass  - .MAYBE WE CAN JUMP START YOUR DAMN BRAIN , WHICH MUST BE HIDING UP YOUR BUTT !

Monday, June 11, 2012

The net worth of the American family has fallen to its lowest level in two decades, according to government data released Monday, driven by a more than 40 percent drop in their stakes in their homes.

The Federal Reserve’s detailed survey of consumer finances showed families’ median wealth plunged from $126,400 in 2007 to $77,300 in 2010 — a 39 percent decline. That put them on par with median wealth in 1992.
More Here:
[link to http://www.washingtonpost.com

24 hrs to stop the Merchant of Death

Dear friends across the USA,

1,000 children have been killed in the Syrian violence, and diplomacy is failing. But the US could take an action to stop the flow of arms to Syria right now -- cancel a $1 billion contract with the company supplying the weapons to the Syrian military. The government and the arms dealer are both attending an arms fair in Paris right now. Click to sign the urgent petition to President Obama now!

Sign the petition
1,000 children have been killed in the Syrian violence, but if we can get the US government to act in the next 24 hours, we could stop the flow of weapons to the regime and end these massacres.

The Pentagon recently signed a $1 billion contract with the same company that supplies weapons to the deadly Syrian military. The US can cancel the contract at any time. The US has already persuaded the company to stop light weapons sales to Syria. Right now, the US and the Russian company are in Paris -- if we can build up the pressure on our government to speak out, Rosoboronexport could be forced to cut Syria's arms supply completely.

Click here to sign the urgent petition to the government to get Russia to stop dealing death to Syria and tell everyone -- our call will be delivered to the delegates tomorrow at the arms fair in Paris:


International political solutions are failing to stop the bloodshed in Syria -- the world was stunned by the brutal al-Houla massacre where 49 children were executed, and last week there was another mass killing. Why? Assad is protected by his old friend Russia, which has blocked international action while profiting in arms sales -- Rosoboronexport is Russia's biggest arms dealer bringing the government billions in revenue per year.

President Assad is only clinging to power through military might and sowing fear. If the US can convince Russia that supporting the Syrian regime is not worth it, and end arms sales to Assad, his killing arsenal will wane and his command will slip away.

The US has led efforts to stop the violence, and a group of US Senators is right now calling on the Pentagon to cancel a massive helicopter contract with Rosoboronexport. If they get massive public support to push this through, the US pressure on Russia will grow and Russia would reconsider weapons and sales and suppprt for the regime.

Rosoboronexport could be held legally responsible for war crimes for sending weapons to the Syrian regime, but due to huge profits they continue their bloody business as usual. Diplomatic pressure is mounting on Russia right now, but it is this financial threat that could be the deciding card. We have to act now and make sure the US speaks out this week in Paris. Click to call our government to stop Russia’s deadly deals now and forward to everyone:


Over the past year, Avaaz members have supported the Syrian Spring and an end to the violence -- we have broken the blackout, exposed hidden atrocities and provided critical lifelines to Syrians under siege. Now, let's do all we can to cut off the weapons at the source that are killing the Syrian people.

With hope and determination,

Alice, Joseph, Denis, Luca, Emma, Ricken, Stephanie, Wissam, Dalia and the entire Avaaz team


The Pentagon's Dirty Deal (Huffington Post)

Pentagon is OK with Buying Helos from Putin’s Favorite Arms Dealer (Wired)

Isolate Syria’s Arms Suppliers (Human Rights Watch)

Russia Said To Halt Syrian Arms Supplies After U.S. Pressure (Bloomberg)

Houla Massacre: Russia's Tipping Point On Syria? (Reuters)

Troubling Rosoboronexport Contract Examination Mandated by New NDAA Provision (Human Rights First)

Syria army stockpiling Russian arms, report says (AP)

Eurosatory Arms Fair. Paris June 11-15.

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Avaaz.org is a 14-million-person global campaign network
that works to ensure that the views and values of the world's people shape global decision-making. ("Avaaz" means "voice" or "song" in many languages.) Avaaz members live in every nation of the world; our team is spread across 19 countries on 6 continents and operates in 14 languages. Learn about some of Avaaz's biggest campaigns here, or follow us on Facebook or Twitter.

Nuclear Cover-Up: Explosions, Military Helicopters Filmed Near Blacked Out Radiation Zone

06-08-2012, 08:13 PM
Nuclear Cover-Up: Explosions, Military Helicopters Filmed Near Blacked Out Radiation Zone

By Anthony Gucciardi
June 8, 2012

Contributed by and originally posted at NaturalSociety.com

Eyewitnesses on the ground near the media-blacked-out elevated radiation zone near the border of Indiana and Michigan, where radiation levels hundreds of times higher than normal were quickly removed from public viewing by the EPA, are now sending in a large number of photos and videos documenting massive explosions accompanied by unmarked helicopters, A-10 Thunderbolts, and military personnel.

These reports come after a Department of Homeland Security hazmat fleet was sent out to the location after ‘years’ of inactivity.

Those on the ground report that the explosions are ‘loud and deep’, sounding like fireworks with a kick.

The explosions are oftentimes followed up with a squadron of helicopters or other aircraft, oftentimes black and unmarked.

One Michigan resident reports the following, and is then backed by dozens of organic comments which confirm the findings:

“EXPLOSIONS EVERYWHERE! Also, Large helicopter heading away from Local Air Force base flying toward scene of explosions! These explosions are seriously consistant, loud booms for the last hour or more.”
After generating much interest, the poster was able to capture some of the explosions on tape. While he would be the first to do so, many more videos began to pop up recording both the explosions and the onset of military aircraft flying through the area into the radiation zone.

You can view the video and hear the explosions for yourself:   http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=Ahh2BYvw3HA

Further comments went on to document the increased presence of unmarked choppers and strategic military aircraft.

A number of photos have begun to surface from eyewitnesses in the tri-state area of the event, reporting that the helicopters and other crafts were traveling towards the center of the incident. Some pictures are shown below:

Thousands of comments on articles, discussion boards, and twitter posts are surfacing regarding this event. Explosions are still reportedly being heard in rapid secession, often a large number over the course of only a few seconds.

Nuclear Cover-Up: Explosions, Military Helicopters Filmed Near Blacked Out Radiation Zone :

Global News

- Developing: Nuclear Cover-Up? Extreme Radiation Levels Prompt EPA Censorship, DHS Hazmat Team (Natural Society, June 8, 2012):
In a developing story that is raising concerns over a potential nuclear cover-up by the EPA, alarming amounts of radiation were reported near the border of Indiana and Michigan and later censored by the EPA online geiger tool. The readings, which were captured in a screenshot, measured as high as 7,139 counts per minute (CPM). This is particularly startling, as the normal radiation levels are generally between 5 and 6 CPM. Sources say that a Department of Homeland Security hazmat team has now been dispatched after ‘years’ of inactivity.

A number of community reports have came in on the subject in fact, with readers of community boards and concerned citizens offering up some interesting and intriguing information regarding the potential radiation cover-up. Discussion over the information first began to surface on internet boards like Reddit and user-submitted news source Digital Journal. In the Reddit submission, which ultimately reached thousands of comments — many from those in the area who had contacted radiation monitoring stations and other affiliated individuals — and brought some further information to light.

One Reddit reader, an eyewitness who reportedly attends a nearby University shared some concerning information which quickly rose to the top and was later confirmed by accompanying comments. According to the user, a large fleet of hazmat team members and reponse trucks funded by Homeland Security have been dispatched after years of inactivity. The comment, which has been screen captured for preservation, states:
“I work at a large public university next to a small research reactor that’s located near the back of campus. There’s (normally) a large fleet of hazmat response trucks and trailers parked in the nearby lot. Most of them are NIMS early response vehicles funded by Homeland Security (says so right on them). Haven’t seen them move once since I started working a few years ago. Tonight? All gone.”
The Digital Journal submission, however, was promptly edited and much of the shocking detail in the original post was wiped away. They quickly added an edit stating that the measurements must be false due to the fact that they were so high. Comments quickly cited the changes to be inaccurate and bizarre. One comment, currently at the top of the page, states:
“I don’t buy this false alarm stuff for one min! There are other independent sources doing their own measuring and coming up with similar results.”
As the comment mentions, a number of private organizations have recorded the radiation spike using their own methods to monitor the spike. One such measurement coming from the Radiation Network in Fort Wayne, recorded a massive increase in radiation as seen in the released image below:

Amid the publicity, most likely amounting to hundreds of thousands of visitors to Radiation Network’s website regarding this image — which supports the fact that there is a massive and ongoing radiation cover-up — Radiation Network then issued a quick and delayed message on their homepage stating that they must have experienced an error in their system. Additional findings however, which are now censored to the public, confirm the findings once displayed by the Radiation Network. Again, you can view the original numbers in the screen capture showing the results before they were terminated from viewing by the EPA.

Latest: Major Nuclear Base Running ‘Containment Exercise’ Amid Censored Radiation Spikes

Therefore, to add even more credibility to the spike being much more than an unforeseen error, the increase was actually measured from two entirely different and privately owned locations (BlackCat and the Radiation Network). What this means is that the statements regarding the reading being nothing more than small fluke in the system appear to be quite impossible.

Developing: Nuclear Cover-Up? Extreme Radiation Levels Prompt EPA Censorship, DHS Hazmat Team

Breaking: Major Nuclear Base Running ‘Containment Exercise’ Amid Censored Radiation Spikes As High As 7.139 CPM!

- Breaking: Major Nuclear Base Running ‘Containment Exercise’ Amid Censored Radiation Spikes (Natural Society, June 8, 2012):
Amid a number of reports of massive and bizarre radiation readouts coming from experts, eyewitnesses, radiation facilities, and a key choice news outlet, it has now come out that one of the largest nuclear bases is currently running a ‘nuclear containment exercise’. The Minot Airforce Base exercise, running in North Dakota, reportedly involves the use of B-52 aircrafts. The news comes after a developing story arose over the potential cover-up of a nuclear situation stemming from near the border of Indiana and Michigan.

Sources from near where the elevated levels of radiation were observed say that a Department of Homeland Security ‘hazmat’ fleet has been dispatched after ‘years’ of inactivity. The story first erupted after online geiger readings showed an unprecedented radiation spike in the area, with levels reaching as high as 7.139 counts per minute (CPM) over the average of between 5 and 6. While there has been no official reported cause of the spike, there has been quite a bit of foul play regarding the information being put forth by many media outlets, the EPA, and even radiation measurement centers. After the readings shocked viewers, the EPA quickly censored the ability to view the levels online.

Thankfully, the readings were captured in a screenshot, which show the elevated levels far exceeding normal limits.

Measurements were recorded by a number of sources, though the growing publicity over the event has caused denial and censorship from not only the EPA but private organizations as well. The Radiation Network originally released an image showing an outburst in radiation levels stemming from the location, but later issued a special message on their home page stating that the readings were the result of an ‘error’. This, of course, is virtually impossible as the readings were confirmed by two entirely different locations. BlackCat and the Radiation Network both recorded the levels, meaning that the likelihood both of their systems failed at the exact same time and produced the exact same result would be dismal.
As the story develops, more information will undoubtedly come out on the subject. It appears that the EPA’s incognito takedown of the measurement results indicates that the agency, perhaps along with other government organizations, will vehemently deny that there was any real spike in radiation levels. The ‘failure’ message issued by the Radiation Network also shows that it is very possible that an organized level of non-disclosure may ultimately be the result until alternative media organizations continue to pry into the situation.

Breaking: Major Nuclear Base Running
Elevated Indiana radiation levels — specifically near the border of Indiana and Michigan — have prompted explosions, military helicopters, thousands of eyewitness accounts, but where is the mainstream media coverage? Now independent radiation experts are reporting increased levels in some other states, with one particular station noticing an increase since just around 11:45am mountain time on Thursday. This coincides with community board posts created just around the same time in a number of locations, even before the incident hit the public. In one such posting on a law enforcement website discussing the radiation increase, an individual from Chicago states “We’ve been encountering some high readings at the labs here.”

Independent radiation monitoring station owner Joey Stanford has uploaded a video showing spiked radiation levels as far as Colorado. Some individuals are questioning the actual source of the increased radiation, stating that it could be solar-based.

Stanford created the video in response to the growing concerns over elevated radiation levels stemming from Indiana. Indiana radiation levels normally hover around 5 and 6 counts per minute (CPM), but the levels drastically increased to as much as 7,139 CPM without warning. Afterwards, the EPA disabled the online measurement tool. Here is the screenshot of the tool showing the skyrocketing levels.

You can view Joey Stanford’s video below — remember that Joey is in Colorado, not Indiana so the elevated levels are not nearly as high:

Video at the page link: Odd radiation by Joey Stanford on Socialcam - Jun 08
Joey’s report echoes what many stations are finding, with live Twitter updates reporting a consistently increased amount of radiation since the initial event around 11:45 AM on Thursday. Some Twitter updates from last night’s Radiation Monitor, Joey’s own station all the way in Colorado, read:
252 CPM, 2.0462 uSv/h, 1.9820 AVG uSv/h, 7 time(s) over natural radiation
324 CPM, 2.6309 uSv/h, 2.1884 AVG uSv/h, 8 time(s) over natural radiation
222 CPM, 1.8026 uSv/h, 1.7459 AVG uSv/h, 6 time(s) over natural radiation

Once again, this is nothing compared to the 7,139 CPM reported near Indiana, however it shows that there is a possibility of correlation. While the answer as to what is going on is not clear, it is clear that it has piqued the interest of government officials. Military helicopters, aircraft, and Department of Homeland Security hazmat fleets have reportedly been dispersed towards the area based on eyewitness photos and accounts.

Indiana Radiation Spike Triggers Elevated Levels In Other States, Media Stays Silent (Video)

National Geographic Photos & Music
