Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Americans saw wealth plummet 40 percent from 2007 to 2010, Federal Reserve says

Americans saw wealth plummet 40 percent from 2007 to 2010, Federal Reserve says

By Ylan Q. Mui, Published: June 11

The recent recession wiped out nearly two decades of Americans’ wealth, according to government data released Monday, with ­middle-class families bearing the brunt of the decline.
The Federal Reserve said the median net worth of families plunged by 39 percent in just three years, from $126,400 in 2007 to $77,300 in 2010. That puts Americans roughly on par with where they were in 1992.

The data represent one of the most detailed looks at how the economic downturn altered the landscape of family finance. Over a span of three years, Americans watched progress that took almost a generation to accumulate evaporate. The promise of retirement built on the inevitable rise of the stock market proved illusory for most. Homeownership, once heralded as a pathway to wealth, became an albatross.
The findings underscore the depth of the wounds of the financial crisis and how far many families remain from healing. If the recession set Americans back 20 years, economists say, the road forward is sure to be a long one. And so far, the country has seen only a halting recovery.
“It’s hard to overstate how serious the collapse in the economy was,” said Mark Zandi, chief economist for Moody’s Analytics. “We were in free fall.”
The recession caused the greatest upheaval among the middle class. Only roughly half of middle­-class Americans remained on the same economic rung during the downturn, the Fed found. Their median net worth — the value of assets such as homes, automobiles and stocks minus any debt — suffered the biggest drops. By contrast, the wealthiest families’ median net worth rose slightly.
Americans have tried to re­balance the family budget but have found it difficult to reverse the damage.
The survey showed that fewer families are carrying credit card balances, and those who do have less debt. The median balance dropped 16 percent, from $3,100 in 2007 to $2,600 in 2010. The Fed also found that the percentage of Americans who have no debt rose to a quarter of families.
But that progress was undermined by other factors, leaving the median level of family debt unchanged. The report said more families reported taking out education loans. Nearly 11 percent said they were at least 60 days late paying a bill, up from 7 percent in 2007. And the percentage of families saddled with debts greater than 40 percent of their income stayed the same.
Not only were Americans still facing significant debts, but they were making less money. Median income fell nearly 8 percent, to $45,800, in 2010. The median value of stock-market-based retirement accounts declined 7 percent, to $44,000.
But it was the implosion of the housing market that inflicted much of the pain. The median value of Americans’ stake in their homes fell by 42 percent between 2007 and 2010, to $55,000, according to the Fed.
The poorest families suffered the biggest loss of wealth from the drop in real estate prices. But middle-class Americans rely on housing for a larger part of their net worth. For some, it accounts for just more than half of their assets. That means every step downward is felt more acutely.
Rakesh Kochhar, associate director of research at the Pew Hispanic Center, calls this phenomenon the “reverse wealth effect.” As consumers watched the value of their homes rise during the boom, they felt more confident spending money, even if they did not actually cash in on the gains. Now, the moribund housing market has made many Americans wary of spending, even if their losses are just on paper.
According to the Fed survey, that paper wealth — or what is officially called unrealized capital gains — shrank 11 percentage points, to about a quarter of Americans’ assets.
The findings track research Kochhar released last year that showed a dramatic drop in household wealth during the recession, particularly among minorities. That study found record-high disparities between whites’ wealth and that of blacks and Hispanics.
“It was turning the clock back quite a bit,” Kochhar said.
The Fed’s survey is conducted every three years. Although there have been some signs that the recovery has picked up — housing prices have begun to stabilize and unemployment has fallen — Fed economists said those improvements largely do not change the survey results.
“Recovery from the so-called Great Recession has also been particularly slow,” the report said.
More from The Washington Post:
Klein: It's the economy, dummkopf

Update by Sheldan Nidle for the Spiritual Hierarchy and the Galactic Federation - June 12, 2012

Rumor Mill News Agents Forum
Update by Sheldan Nidle for the Spiritual Hierarchy and the Galactic Federation - June 12, 2012
Posted By: Mr.Ed [Send E-Mail]
Date: Tuesday, 12-Jun-2012 20:38:13

Update by Sheldan Nidle for the Spiritual Hierarchy and the Galactic Federation - June 12, 2012
13 Etznab, 11 Moan, 8 Manik
Dratzo! We return! We are completing the last required level of legal diligence. Much has been formally filed and our legal teams are busy compiling the documents for the last few outstanding filings. We are also meeting each day with the future caretakers of the temporary governments and finalizing the protocols that the many arrest-teams are to follow. The various social programs that will be instituted by the new caretaker governments need to be accompanied by extensive uploads of detailed files at the time of these governments' first announcements. These documents have been prepared by our personnel and are to be loaded onto Earth-based server systems to be available when needed. Our defense forces have practiced their role in the proceedings and we are closely monitoring the cabal's military forces and are ready to neutralize them when so commanded by our liaisons. The final thrust can only go forward when Heaven gives us the go signal. We expect this event to happen quite shortly.
The leaders of your sacred secret societies are securing the new financial system and preparing to notify the new governments to make a public announcement regarding universal debt-forgiveness and the commodity-backed, hard currency system. This aspect is essentially ready to go, and it is only a few last-minute items that are delaying this project's completion. We are paying close attention to the cabal's activities and also the ongoing mischief making secretly ordered by your major governments. Those who have ruled over your realm so arrogantly are in a state of panic which mounts by the day. The actions ordered by these 'leaders' are intended to trigger a chain-reaction that would vastly ratchet up the chaos building around the planet. All this must be kept at acceptable levels. We have told our defense ships not to intervene unless absolutely necessary. We are merely to observe and report back on what is happening in your world's many trouble spots.
Another facet of this operation is working with the groups under the direction of the Ascendant Masters. They are keen to begin disseminating the spiritual truths they have learned over the millennia. They are aware that these sacred facts run counter to a number of your religious belief systems and we feel they cannot be circulated until after disclosure happens. We fully intend to help these sacred societies bring forth this wonderful information as it sets the stage for a host of revelations that will be announced by the Ascendant Masters. Moreover, it will finally allow us, too, to begin a series of educational broadcasts on true Earth history. These early discussions may at first disconcert you; nevertheless, they constitute an introduction to a whole lineup of talks which will allow you to get a handle on your true origins and history. This too is likely to surprise you, but in the long run we are confident that the truth will bring you joy. It will be proof positive that a brand new era is upon you!
These coming changes are what every one of you has been longing for deep down. Even the dark cabalists intuitively understand what is to happen. It is only their fear-laden worldview that has made them so apprehensive about this shift. It is quite simply a time that has been prophesied through the ages by every major religion and tradition on your world. It is a golden time that you are about to experience, and is the reason for our being here now, as we may have mentioned before! The logistics of what is being prepared are complex, but the essence of the thing is quite simple. The old, dark ways of your global societies will suddenly disappear and be replaced by something sane and healthy. It was hoped to have it all in place a decade and a half ago, but the shifting conditions on planet Earth demanded a certain flexibility. This abrupt redoing of your reality is an essential preparatory step which leads to the grand event of our mass landings. This will put you on a highway to full consciousness. It will bring you to Inner Earth and your metamorphosis into fully conscious Beings of Light.
Blessings, dear Ones! We are your Ascended Masters! We come on this day with more good news! Our associates are completing the final steps toward your global freedom. The implementation of a series of mandated arrest of many major governmental and corporate leaders will signal the transition of your world from the immoral rule of the dark. The new governance and the new global economy will break the back of a power structure that has dominated your world for nearly 13 millennia. This is the time selected by Heaven for a new epoch that is to bring in the great Light of Spirit, and bless us with a grace that is free from all the slavery and grand deceptions of the dark and its arrogant minions. We rejoice that this divine action is upon us and that a new golden age has arrived to take all of you forward into full consciousness. We can at last openly meet with you again and directly pass on to you the sacred wisdom of the ages.
Your move into freedom will be a joyous moment! Many events will follow which will bring you the prosperity and abundance long prophesied by Heaven. Your reality will become a grand schoolroom that enables you to learn about your world, physicality, and Spirit. This divine knowledge is just the beginning of an education that will prepare you for your new life as a fully conscious Being. Our sacred task is to guide you and provide the advice and mentoring to allow you to achieve the numerous goals that you set yourselves before you were birthed into this realm. Your many heavenly guides are to assist us in this task and make it possible for you to live the remainder of your life in joy and profound peace. When you finally ascend from this life, your accomplishments will be many. The world, likewise, is to transform and return to her natural 5-D reality.
Mother Earth is a great Being. Her Spirit has enveloped and guided us all since birth. We pay homage to her beauty and her wisdom. We have walked the great sacred paths of this world and have had the privilege to pray and meditate at the many power spots on this globe. We are in joy at what we have been taught and what we have learned through the centuries. Mother Earth is a strict teacher. She fully comprehends what you require, and uses your immense talents to aid in achieving what you need in order to fulfill your glorious and sacred missions. It is on her surface world and in her interior sacred cities that we have all learned about Spirit, about righteousness, and about the true meaning of courage. In this we are forever grateful for the wisdom given us by Mother Earth. Soon these great joys will be shared with all of you!
Today, we continued our messages. We come here with a great joy and a deep determination to complete, divinely, what Heaven has decreed for this most sacred of orbs. Very soon, we are to land here and take you on the final steps to full consciousness! Know, dear Ones, that the countless Supply and never-ending Prosperity of Heaven are indeed Yours! So Be It! Selamat Gajun! Selamat Ja! (Sirian for Be One! and Be in Joy!)
Planetary Activation Organization

Obama - Yet another skeleton

Subject:  Yet another skeleton!

I knew they had both lost their law license, but I didn't know why until I read this.

This is legit. I checked it out myself at https://www.iardc.org Stands for Illinois Attorney Registration And Disciplinary Committee. It's the official arm of lawyer discipline in Illinois; and they are very strict and mean as hell. (Talk about irony.) Even I, at the advanced age of almost 65, maintain (at the cost of approximately $600/year) my law license that I worked so hard and long to earn.
Big surprise.

Former Constitutional Law Lecturer and U.S. President Makes Up Constitutional Quotes During State Of The Union(SOTU) Address.

Consider this:

1. President 
Barack Obama, former editor of the Harvard Law Review, is no longer a "lawyer". He surrendered his license back in 2008 in order to escape charges he lied on his bar application. A "Voluntary Surrender" is not something where you decide "Gee, a license is not really something I need anymore, is it?" and forget to renew your license. No, a "Voluntary Surrender" is something you do when you've been accused of something, and you 'voluntarily surrender" your license five seconds before the state suspends you.

Michelle Obama "voluntarily surrendered" her law license in 1993. after a Federal Judge gave her the choice between surrendering her license or standing trial for Insurance fraud!
3. So, we have the first black President and First Lady - who don't actually have licenses to practice law. Facts.
4. A senior lecturer is one thing, a fully ranked law professor is another. Barack Obama was NOT a Constitutional Law Professor at the University of Chicago.

5. The 
University of Chicago released a statement in March 2008 saying Sen. Barack Obama (D-Ill.) "served as a professor" in the law school-but that is a title Obama, who taught courses there part-time, never held, a spokesman for the school confirmed in 2008.

6. "He did not hold the title of Professor of Law," said Marsha Ferziger Nagorsky, an Assistant Dean for Communications and Lecturer in Law at the 
University of Chicago School of Law.

http://blogs.suntimes.com/sweet/2008/03/sweet_obama_did_hold_the_title.html ;

7. The former Constitutional Senior Lecturer (Obama) cited the 
U.S. Constitution the other night during his State of the Union Address. Unfortunately, the quote he cited was from the Declaration of Independence ... not theConstitution.

8. The B-Cast posted the video: 
9. Free Republic: In the State of the Union Address, President Obama said: "We find unity in our incredible diversity, drawing on the promise enshrined in our Constitution: the notion that we are all created equal.

10. Um, wrong citing, wrong founding document there Champ, I mean Mr. President. By the way, the promises are not a notion, our founders named them 
unalienable rights. The document is our Declaration of Independence and it reads:

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.

11. And this is the same guy who lectured the 
Supreme Court moments later in the same speech?!!!!!!!

When you are a phony it's hard to keep facts straight.

Keep this moving -- educate others.


FengShuiSerenity: Lone Indian Man Plants 1,360 Acre Forest

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 

FengShuiSerenity: Lone Indian Man Plants 1,360 Acre Forest
Posted By: CGI_admin
Date: Tuesday, 12-Jun-2012 16:46:09

I recently viewed a short documentary called "The Man Who Planted Trees". This film tells the story of a shepherd who repairs the ruined ecosystem of a secluded valley by single-handedly cultivating a forest over a thirty year period.(IMDB). The story is filled with pathos as it takes us on a journey with the two characters who find solace in the landscape. What begins as a bleak and foreboding situation is slowly and methodically transformed into a exhilarating and joyful experience. The animation is outstanding, as the compassionate artistic interpretation of the lives of the characters and the terrain come to life. The story is a metaphor for life: what we sow so shall we reap. In the subtlety of this creative expression of hope and fulfillment of purpose, the filmmakers have revealed the very profound life of a very humble sheep-herder.
In light of the above, I post this story of Mr. Payeng, whose mission in life mirrors the one described in the movie. These messages remind us of what can happen when we perform work from our heart. -S.C.-
By Stephen Messenger - treehugger.com
A little over 30 years ago, a teenager named Jadav “Molai” Payeng began burying seeds along a barren sandbar near his birthplace in northern India’s Assam region to grow a refuge for wildlife.
Not long after, he decided to dedicate his life to this endeavor, so he moved to the site where he could work full-time creating a lush new forest ecosystem. Incredibly, the spot today hosts a sprawling 1,360 acre of jungle that Payeng planted single-handedly.
The Times of India recently caught up with Payeng in his remote forest lodge to learn more about how he came to leave such an indelible mark on the landscape:
It all started way back in 1979 when floods washed a large number of snakes ashore on the sandbar. One day, after the waters had receded, Payeng , only 16 then, found the place dotted with the dead reptiles. That was the turning point of his life.
Please continue at: http://fengshuiserenity.blogspot.com/2012/06/lone-indian-man-plants-1360-acre-forest.html

The Occult History of Ireland 3 – Michael Tsarion

The Occult History of Ireland 3 – Michael Tsarion
Posted on June 11, 2012

Filmed in 2009, Michael Tsarion’s introduction to the occult history of Ireland addresses the Irish conflict and role of British Intelligence. 

Irish secret societies; Illuminati in Ireland; Clan na Gael, Ancient Order of Hibernians, Defenders, United Irishmen, Orange Order, Black Preceptory, Royal Black Institution; Battle of the Boyne; Irish Counter-Intelligence Agents within the Republican Movement; the Provisional IRA, the Irish Republican Brotherhood, Ribbon Society, Order of the Illuminati; Order of the Carbonari; Giuseppe Mazzini, Adam Weishaupt; Astro-Theology; Masonic Symbolism; Judite Symbolism; Atonism; Worship of the Dark Side of the Sun; World Control; Genocide of the Druids and Arya; Misrepresentation of the term Aryan; Conor MacDari, Anna Wilkes, Comyns Beaumont, etc…for more info log on to -

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Emitte lucem et veritatem
Send out light and truth

Why I don't use SNOPES anymore.

Subject: Why I don't use SNOPES anymore.

I thought I had debunked the "Soros financing David and Barbara Mikkelson" garbage a couple of years ago, but like most Urban Legends, this one won't die. Here is SNOPES (pictured below).  The only thing missing is a mobile home full of cats.

I wrote a piece about Obama a couple of years ago that they decided to call "false."  Ticked me off since I think my research work is a little bit better--and more honest--than theirs.  So I decided to find out who the "brains" of SNOPES was.  Here they are.

This is the whole "organization."  Meet Barbara (the political far left brains) and David (the researcher--and a fairly good one at that).  Keep in mind ferreting out the truth is different than slanting it.  They are Obama groupies who  live and work in a double wide mobile home in California. (Forgot the city they live in, but its somewhere in the San Fernando Valley.) I forgot because it wasn't pertinent enough to remember.  I would never reveal where they, or anyone, lives
since there are a lot of lunatics out there (both left and rightwing) that love to harass people.

Barbara is a Canadian citizen but that doesn't mitigate her social progressivism.  This photo came from a Readers' Digest story about them in April, 2009. (http://www.rd.com/home/rumor-detectives-true-story-or-online-hoax/)  The photo was in the print version.  Almost made me stop reading the magazine.  Wait a minute...it pretty much did.  I've probably bought 2 or 3 copies of that magazine since the article appeared. 


June 11, 2012


By Erasmus of America (a pen name briefly for now!) I once studied under six of the most brilliant economists of America and Europe including a German economist endorsed by Albert Einstein to be teaching the only true economic science in the 20th century. International Who's Who type organization once wrote I was "Einstein of American Economics." Since the main news media of America is ultra-liberal, they were not interested in publicizing someone who has been called "The Apostle of Free Enterprise." Also, since I am both strongly Christian and ultra-conservative in key values, they did not want to publicize that my mother had once been rated by I.Q. test to be the most brilliant child in American history up to then. And in Wash., D.C. they tested my I.Q. and claimed I scored an intelligence level of "beyond scientific measurement." That measures academic brains, but not common sense. My father was brilliant in common sense and that is a form of intelligence I rate higher than formal academic I.Q. levels. Thomas Edison who had a few weeks of formal education in his life and had "tons" of common sense in inventions skyrocketed past the engineers in creating inventions that boomed the economy and advanced mankind on earth. As he shrewdly wrote about himself and his team at his "invention factory," they were jointly dedicated to advancing the prosperity and general economy of mankind on earth by their inventions.

     I love censorship in the economic courses in the colleges and universities because they serve corrupt interests rather than the truth. I am pushing to engineer a return to a Christian based government in America and so long as the dedicated to evil leaders do not know my powerful answers from economic history, then they can't compete against me in what I can offer to the American people and then people of the world. My Christian based economics is founded upon 25 economic principles of the Bible which worked with great success in history and brought prosperity to those who followed the wisdom of God offered us through our Christian Bible. My economic formula below is based upon my study years ago of 84 economic systems used in the last 2,000 years of history. Once I spotted this formula, I found it successfully traced when these economies would prosper and when they would suffer tough times or even collapse as national economies. My formula predicted the recent coming collapse of the American real estate market which nearly bankrupted America. The Democrats had just secured effective control of Congress and passed dumb regulations in the mortgage field in the name of "racial equality" instead of sound economics and nearly bankrupted America overnight with their fanaticism instead of common sense in national economics. I sent reports out warning the American people about the very deadly pending collapse of the American real estate market and what must be done to avoid having this happen to America, but the people enjoyed sleeping rather than facing reality and heading off this real estate crisis before it was too late. I think it so pathetic that Barney Frank and Obama were two of the main Democratic leaders to engineer the real estate crash of America while Bush was President and then pinned the blame on Bush instead of themselves! Obama won the White House for the moron economic leadership he had supplied along with Barney Frank to crash the American real estate mortgage market. . Bush tried to reform the mortgage market before the economic crash, but the Democratic leadership in Congress blocked his efforts to save the American real estate mortgage market from pending national crash. Just to keep the record straight, the last President I think tried that seriously to do what was right for the American people was President Ronald Reagan. I had strong criticisms of Bush as well as Clinton, etc., but that is water over the dam now!

      A real Christian leader wants to serve the people as Jesus taught. A real pagan leader wants to be master over the people as the Satanists and allies teach. I will supply America with the economic answers it needs, but these will be on my terms, not the terms of the power elite who have great hatred of the common people in their hearts. That is why they want to be masters over the people. I am willing to serve the people. The power elite want to be masters over the mob as they see the people. I once met one of the Rothschilds. I am a man of my word of honor. I agreed I would not give his name away that I had met with him. I have not told you his name, but only that he was a Rothschild. If I got the John Andrews Process for him how to cheaply turn coal powder and water into a cheap, high octane substitute gasoline, he offered me an inner circle position in what he called the "Secret Government" of America as the American people according to him were too stupid, too irresponsible, and too morally unfit to be allowed to govern America through Wash., D.C. so they secretly did, not the American people. I had no interest in joining his "secret government of America" composed of his family, the Rockefellers, etc. as he named some of the families involved, but I let him do the talking to see how much he would actually admit to me. He also talked about how this secret group basically controlled most of the news media in America and would crucify by newspaper smear, etc. anyone in Congress who tried to be too honest and truly serve the American people instead of what he called "The Secret Government of America." They want to control the federal government in Wash., D.C. because Wash. is the power source to make most of the American economy corrupt instead of honest. In the corruptions created through Wash., D.C., the American people have given away to this power elite maybe even wild figures as high as eight hundred trillion dollars to the power elite or more through Wash., D.C. They keep pulling con after con on the American people and the news media owned or controlled by them covers for these cons so they never get reported by the American news media to the American people.

     In studying huge volumes of economic history censored from the colleges and universities, I came across a monetary system taught by Jesus Christ in the New Testament but our naive Christian scholars never realized Jesus told mankind how to be greatly economically blessed on earth by the wisdom of God recorded in the Bible. Naive Christian scholars, the Bible tells us how to prosper the economy on earth as well as us land up in Heaven later on. God is not our enemy, but evil man is our enemy on earth! SeparateIy, I  recognize the sloppy scholarship of our economic graduates from these brainwashing schools they got degrees from, so think it is safe not to risk giving the secret away and tell these economic amateurs that four times this monetary system taught by Jesus Christ has been used in history and it works like a skyrocket for prosperity for the workers and businesses everytime we do what Jesus taught us to do with our money. The first time it was given several names including "Monetarum Renovatum" which is Latin and means money which renews itself. Since this system practiced the system of money taught by Jesus Christ in the New Testament, I thought credit should be given to the only teacher of mankind who ever taught this concept of money to mankind up to then and so I called it Jesus Money. The early bankers and then later bankers hated workers all getting so prosperous and business booming like it never had before. So they put their wicked little brains together and figured out how to overthrow it four times in history. They then censored it from your public education in order to keep the people under control of the wicked secret rulers of society through censorship of your public education. And they always hired rabble rousers to control the people so the people didn't catch on to what had just fiercely cut their throats financially. We call these rabble rousers politicians today who sell out their souls for power at any cost, secret money bribes, sexual bribes, and much more.

     A little sample from economic history to show how slick they were to censor your public education to keep you controlled by censorship. You heard from your schools about the "Dark Ages" during the Middle Ages of Europe. A smart Catholic Archbishop first launched the Jesus Money system in 1150 A.D. It spread across France from 1170 A.D. to 1270 A.D. Tiny France in population then of maybe 10 million French for this period of time of 100 years soon had no poor, no unemployed, the people all owned their own homes, they dressed with the same quality clothes as the nobility. The men worked 6 hours a day 4 days a week and had 100 national holidays on top of Sundays to not work. The women stayed home to raise their kids. People retired at the age of 45 to 55 and lived off of their investments in real estate and business. They ate better course meals than modern Americans. Crime basically disappeared from society. Wars stopped. Taxes went down and governments stopped having hoards of bureaucrats to regulate the people and businesses. Local historians wrote that a virtual golden age had descended on mankind. In their new found colossal prosperity and wealth, the common people without taxes, bank loans, etc. out of their spare prosperous money in gratitude to God who had given them this golden age on earth did the following. They built in this 100 year period 80 giant beautiful Gothic cathedrals and 500 cathedral grade large Gothic churches to thank God who had given them this virtual golden age on earth in France. Then our clever evil early bankers figured out how to trick the people out of this and the French economy collapsed with the outlawing of Jesus Money in France. Jesus Money was an important part of social justice as Jesus Christ wanted on earth for mankind. Tiny Chartres, France with a population of less than 2,500 built in less than 40 years the beautiful Cathedral of Chartres nearly as big as The Washington National Cathedral started in 1907 and completed in 1990. It was stated when done that America was not rich enough as a nation to ever build another large cathedral by the old Gothic method of the Middle Ages as the Washington National Cathedral had been. Tiny France without our modern industry, our federal reserve currency which was started historically in 1666 as a slick system to mass steal from the people and which I shorten to '666 money to show it is the money taught by the followers of Satan today, built 580 magnificant large Gothic churches cathedral-size in 100 years versus one for America under '666 money. Have I stepped on enough toes yet?!!!

     Okay folks. My formula short and sweet and which expands into hundreds of economic formulas how to mass boom the American economy or any other economy in the world is T = MPV. T stands for Total Purchasing Power For A Given Period OF Time For A Given Size Of Population. M stands for units of money, credit, and other effective substitutes. P stands for effective purchasing power per unit of money or effective substitute. V stands for the velocity factor (spending rate) of money in an economy for a given period of time. This formula I invented from massive study of 84 national economies over the last 2,000 years of recorded history tells how to create full employment and prosperity anytime for America! My formula says Congress has engineered mass deflation by psuedo-economic science and will end up destroying the American economy and maybe the world economy if not stopped in time! Mass deflation will lead to mass inflation under Washington policy of Obama and the end result if the whole American economy collapses, then from 90% to 99% of the American people can then potentially die as a barter system of economics will not support the large populations in the cities who can only live in the cities with an effective monetary system. Money creates what is called a sophisticated division of labor in society not possible with a barter system of economics.

     If you want me to use my economic formula above to mass boom the American economy, pass my Omni Law and I suggest in 2012 BEFORE THE NOVEMBER ELECTION!  If you do not have a copy, send your email address, etc. to fastboomamericaneconomy@gmail.com and request a copy of the Omni Law Report which if printed out is 4 pages at this time. I may only briefly release this report A Lesson In National Economics so if you think your friends, other contacts, the nation, etc. should see this, better email your copies of this to all you think of and now. I am tired of doing all the work without volunteers to help promote important answers to America. And I have paid out of my pocket to supply answers to the American people and did not get finances to continue promoting to the American people. They would say great material but no volunteer help and no finances to help so I could reach all the American people! If you want a booming economy, back my Omni Law and this economic report if you think it will help. You have actually got a super highly educated economist on your side! Better use me while you can! God gave you brains, Now use your brains and promote this like the proverbial "fanatic." Yours for God and Country, Erasmus of America

     June 12, 2012 Comments: My economic formula expands into hundreds of economic formulas to solve all the economic problems facing government and society. At a large university, I took the tough math course how to independently invent all the math systems used in the world today. Separately, I took a course originally prepared at M.I.T. how to use scientific procedure and logic to find the true answers of science in any field of science and confirm them to be correct! I am way beyond the ordinary economists and know secrets of economic science probably no other economists on earth know. For example, the U.S. Congress in its stupidity has set up levels of sophisticated deflation in the American economy by laws and policies all of which can suddenly wipe out most or all of the money in America and potentially crash the American economy overnight. And these morons in Congress don't even know they have set America up for potential instant economic crash anytime one wrong move is made such as requiring mortgages to be financed on the basis of race quotas instead of sound economics. For the liberal idiots in Congress, you don't loan to people who are not qualified to pay back the mortgage loan note. Does it take a rocket scientist genius to figure that one out liberal morons in Congress?!!!  Idiots in Congress, boom the economy and then ALL of the people working can buy their own homes or condo apartments if they want to! Does it takes a "genius" in Congress to understand that? Let me give you a soundbite capsule version of sound national economics. Sound national economics is based upon the effectively used work of the people of the nation, the smart to brilliant management of the assets of the nation to make the economy prosperous and stable, and the family unit is the economic unit of the nation upon which all sound national economics must be based upon! I once saw a fine section of a city turned into a crime den and ghetto by all the prostitution, sex shows, sex perversion and drugs going on there. That does not build up the city economy, the state economy, or the national economy! I am a cold-blooded, hard-as-nails scientific brain in economic science and I tell the economic truth regardless of hurt feelings or hurt toes I step on! Truth will skyrocket the economy of America, not lies invented by politicians pushing psuedo-science in economics rather than reality and truth! Sorry boys! True science is built upon the truth, not lies! Engineering must use true scientific principles found by science and then applied to the engineering project by correct application of sound math. This approach makes engineering fields work and also the national economy! 

     A quote for the members of Congress from Sir Winston Churchill: " I contend that for a nation to try to tax itself into Prosperity is like a man standing in a bucket and trying to lift himself up by the handle." By the way, the 1% service fee on all bank transactions in America to go into effect as soon as the November election is over has the potential to slam the brakes on the American economy and either throw America back into the Depression of the "thirties or else totally bankrupt and wipe out the economy of America and wipe out America as a nation. Obama and Democrats, this is typical Marxist socialism taxation and designed to smash the economy of America. No wonder you hid this from the American people. They would never vote for you after this bank fee tax clobbers their pay on jobs and the survival of businesses in America. And our corrupt news media carefully censored this information from the American people. Also, items like page 107 of the Obamacare health bill uses the Islamic word to legally say that the American people are now the conquered slaves and serfs of Islam which has taken over Wash., D.C. as the new national government of America. Democrats and Republicans, you had better read sometimes the big massive bills you pass without knowing what is in them! I bet the U.S. Supreme Court was too mentally lazy to read all the deadly legal cons built into the Obamacare health bill! I give to Congress a final economic concept how to build a lot of fast economic wealth for America as we still have talented business brains, scientific brains, and economic brains to make this economic concept work great for America! But I can't help it if members of Congress know too little about economic science to know how to make this economic concept create a vast fortune for America and massive new jobs for the American people. People, pass my Omni Law in 2012 and force the politicians to submit the Omni Law to vote in Congress and state legislatures when the political heat is intense on them before the November, 2012 election. Then once the Omni Law is passed, we will set up the right commercial laws for the nation to make this work great in America!

     My sophisticated economic concept which gives America a new angle how to fast boom the American economy and create massive new high paying jobs in America. "Maximum national wealth is created by use of limited assets that create profits as a system far in excess of the assets held by the business system set up. So by creation of an effective, profitable business system, national wealth is created by being worth far more than the assets belonging to the business system set up." When I studied commercial accounting many years ago, I saw this opening for national wealth to build up the national economy fast. But Congress is too amateur to know how to set up the commercial laws right for this. But once we pass the Omni Law, we can fast boom the American economy! The Bible has smarter teachings in national economics than your pagan economic courses taught in the "politically correct' schools of America. Jesus Money would make this economic concept boom the economy and we don't have to have national inflation or deflation if you follow seriously the Bible economics taught which worked when used in history! 


The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 

Posted By: IZAKOVIC [Send E-Mail]
Date: Tuesday, 12-Jun-2012 10:33:37

Isle of Man UK (SPX) Jun 12, 2012
Chinese authorities have now confirmed that the country's first manned space docking mission will be launched on the evening of 16th June, and that it will carry two men and China's first female space traveller into orbit. The first photographs have been released of the two crews who are being readied for the mission undertaking flag raising and tree planting ceremonies, at the Jiaquan Satellite Launch Centre, during Sunday. The two crews are:- Nie Haisheng (Commander), Zhang Xiaoguang, Wang ... read more:

Colorado Rogue Police in Aurora Start Constitutional Crisis

Colorado Rogue Police in Aurora Start Constitutional Crisis

Rogue Cops Threatens to Murder Child with Shotgun, Aurora, Colorado, June 9, 2012

Watch Officer “Osama bin Idiot” Terrorize a Child

By Gordon Duff, Senior Editor

Yesterday, police in Aurora, Colorado, a department noted for poor discipline, poor standards and lax training, arrested and handcuffed 42 innocent civilians, even holding shotguns at the heads of small children.
All those held were arrested at gunpoint, roughed up, all were cuffed but the smallest of children, as young as two years.  Some small children were, barely able to walk and speak, were subjected to detention with a dozen or more weapons on them, all loaded, safeties off, ready to fire.
Though the suspect, carefully identified, video taped, was 45 years old, male, white and quite large, the majority of those arrested were women, small children or minorities.
“Protect and Defend” is what it says on the cars but increasingly, American citizens are arming themselves, not radicals but hard working, tax paying middle class Americans, arming themselves against their own police, as department after department fall under the control of the Mexican drug cartels and forget the oaths they once swore but now now longer remember.
Is Aurora, its city government and police a “cartel town?”  Things are beginning to look that way and not just this incident.  The cartels first went after Arizona, where their control is increasing every day.  Their next target, having Utah in their pocket 100%, that and Nevada, is Colorado.  Denver will be “ground zero” and police in the Denver area, starting with outlying regions will be among the first cartel recruits as real terrorism comes to America.
Denver will be key, with it’s downtown of major banks, long known for laundering drug money, the same town where hundreds of millions were stolen in the staged bankruptcies of the Columbia and Silverado Savings and Loans, where Washington politics, drug money and the local mob made a killing.  We are watching Denver.  Anyone remember Neil Bush or that attempted killer of President Reagan, Bush family associate John Hinckley, from the famous family of Mormon prophets, came from Denver?
This is the kind of behavior Americans around the country have been terrified would begin, that their own police would turn on everyday citizens, an armed gang.  Stifling dissent of the “occupy” movement, taking payoffs from “banksters” is one thing but, not the photo above, that is a 12 ga. shotgun inches from the face of a small child.  That is a felony, not just a violation of “police procedure.”
That is a child, he is being terrorized and, in doing so, according to all our new laws, the officers involved belong in prison, not in the US but Poland or Egypt or Bulgaria, where hundreds of hours of waterboarding can get their confessions.  It is time that we recognized the real American terrorists, the real threat to democracy we have created.
They were looking for bank robbers and they did make their arrest, be clear on this.  However, they violated numerous criminal laws, unlawful imprisonment, false arrest, assault with intent, or “GBH” as it is known in police jargon.  In fact, they did everything wrong.
As Judge Napolitano rightly points out, a police department, poorly trained, out of control, with no respect for law, put the lives and safety of dozens at risk by performing a dangerous arrest while dozens of potential victims were handcuffed in the immediate vicinity and hundreds of bystanders were around.
They never gained control of the scene, instead, intending to bring about a “wild west” shootout, killing as many innocent civilians as possible.
It was the bank robbers themselves that have to be credited with using good sense in surrendering instead of taking hostage the dozens police put under their power through pure idiocy, criminality and incompetence.
Standard police procedure would be to set up a checklane with chase cars at the rear, separate cars by a safe distance and secure the lives of innocent bystanders first, not arrest, handcuff and detain them at gunpoint.
My own experience is managing a group which includes former top FBI trainers, including founders of the FBI hostage rescue training center in Qantaco, VA along with members of other elite US, UK, French, South Korean, Greek and other services from SWAT to counter-terrorism.  We will be glad to travel to Aurora and, after doing thorough background checks on all local officials and police, make recommendations. Don’t depend on many keeping their jobs and we will report all evidence we find of criminal activity to the FBI.
My suspicion is that we would guarantee a dozen agents a year’s work at least.
The US spends millions each year from the federal budget  specifically to train police officers not to point shotguns at small children.  The man above is guilty of assault with a deadly weapon and his police career needs to be traded in for one that involves long term incarceration as do the officers assisting him and those who approve this behavior.
This is criminal behavior in Colorado, unconstitutional in the US and a war crime according to the rules governing the International Criminal Court at the Hague.
This is Judge Napolitano wrote exclusive commentary on this incident for the Fox News Insider.
The big picture here is that the police in this small Colorado town applied tactics that are forbidden by the U.S. Constitution, and which were perfected by the SS in Nazi Germany, in order to make their job easier. Nazi Germany had the lowest crime rate of any modern society; but it had no freedom. The cops and the SS regularly arrested groups until they found the person they wanted. We fought World War II in large measure to prevent such behavior by the government.
Here is the law. The government may stop a person temporarily–for a few minutes and in public–and ask questions of the person only when it has “articulable suspicion” about that person. The suspicion must be based on objective observations, not immutable characteristics (such as race or gender) or group characteristics (such as location or beliefs). The government may only arrest a person–prevent movement using restraints or force for more than a few moments–when it has probable cause to believe that the arrested person has committed a crime. The standard for arrest requires a “more likely than not” objective conclusion of criminal behavior on the part of the arrested person.
The behavior of the cops on Aurora, CO will cost the town a great deal of money; and it should provoke a federal criminal investigation of the police behavior. The Aurora police violated basic constitutionally-guaranteed rights, federal law, rights guaranteed by the Colorado Constitution, and state law.
It is estimated that lawsuits covering this police outrage will cost Aurora, Colorado in excess of $200 million dollars.
As a Mitt Romney follower, I think the first thing to pay for this should be the police retirement fund, their health insurance and a 50% cut in pay and the elimination of all overtime.
Let patrolmen use their own cars, buy their own gas, if they are going to act like a criminal gang, make them work in uniforms with a simple sign:


Oh, and before I forget,  from now on, rubber guns only.
Another suggestion, fire the lot, from the Chief down, replace them with unemployed veterans who have at least two years of college and are not felons, not big felonies anyway, which would normally exclude them from working in Aurora.  Will Attorney General Eric Holder let this go by as he has so many other constitutional violations, will he fail to enforce these federal crimes, rogue police who have, this time, actually turned on white middle class Americans, the only group Americans are told police are meant to protect?
Next time you may need to visit Aurora, Colorado, perhaps you had best ask your friends to meet you on “American territory” where there are laws.

How the border between India and Pakistan is closed, every day.


Pileup at the White House

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Pileup at the White House

By Published: June 11

It has been a Junius Horribilis for President Obama.
Job growth has stalled, the Democrats have been humiliated in Wisconsin, the attorney general is facing a contempt-of-Congress citation, talks with Pakistan have broken down, Bill Clinton is contradicting Obama, Mitt Romney is outraising him, Democrats and Republicans alike are complaining about a “cascade” of national-security leaks from his administration, and he is now on record as saying that the “private sector is doing fine.”
Could it get any worse?
Early Monday morning, Obama learned that it could. His aides delivered the news to him that his commerce secretary had been cited for a felony hit-and-run after allegedly crashing his car three times over the weekend. In one incident, the previously obscure Cabinet officer apparently rear-ended a Buick, spoke to the car’s occupants, then hit the vehicle again as he left.
Thus did Jay Carney, the oft-besieged White House press secretary, have another briefing carjacked by bad news. And Carney, who either didn’t know the details of the bizarre episode or wasn’t at liberty to divulge them, had to execute a full range of defensive maneuvers.
“I can simply tell you that he was engaged, as has been reported, in a couple of traffic incidents,” Carney began, as if the secretary, John Bryson, had been photographed by a speed camera or two. Bryson “suffered a seizure, was hospitalized. But beyond that I’ll refer you to Commerce for the details.”
“Is the secretary healthy and fit to serve?” inquired Ben Feller of the Associated Press.
“I would refer you to the Commerce Department.”
Ann Compton of ABC News asked whether the White House chief of staff, who spoke to Bryson, considers the incident serious.
“I don’t have a specific response to give you,” Carney said.
CNN’s Brianna Keilar asked about “the timing of the seizure in relation to the accident.”
“I would refer you, as I said in the past, to the Department of Commerce,” Carney answered.
“I’ve been asking them for hours,” Keilar protested.
“I think I would refer you to the Commerce Department,” was Carney’s rote reply.
The former journalist informed the questioners that he “was not a presiding doctor on this case” and could confirm only that “the commerce secretary was alone, he had a seizure, he was involved in an accident.”
“He was involved in several accidents,” called out April Ryan of American Urban Radio.
“Thank you for the correction,” Carney said. He did not sound grateful.
Carney’s non-defense doesn’t suggest much job security for Bryson, who, depending on what caused the episode Saturday, has either a medical problem or a legal problem.
For the White House, it was just the latest entry in the when-it-rains-it-pours ledger. This has been one of the worst stretches of the Obama presidency. In Washington, there is a creeping sense that the bottom has fallen out and that there may be no second term. Privately, senior Obama advisers say they are no longer expecting much economic improvement before the election.
Carney had the unenviable task of confronting the full arsenal of gloom at Monday afternoon’s briefing.
The AP asked about the president’s unfortunate private-sector-is-fine remark. The Reuters correspondent asked about the economic “head winds” from Europe. Ed Henry of Fox News Channel asked about the looming contempt-of-Congress vote against Attorney General Eric Holder. Margaret Talev of Bloomberg News asked about the Supreme Court striking down Obamacare. Norah O’Donnell of CBS News asked about calls for a special prosecutor to probe leaks. Victoria Jones of Talk Radio News asked about the stalled talks with Pakistan.
Carney sought relief by calling on TV correspondents from swing states, but the one from Wisconsin asked about the failed attempt to recall Republican Gov. Scott Walker and the one from Nevada asked about her state’s unemployment rate, the nation’s highest.
Mostly, though, questions veered back to the commerce secretary’s motoring.
AP Radio’s Mark Smith asked whether Bryson “is now on medical leave.”
“I would refer you to the Commerce Department.” (Eight hours later, Carney issued a statement saying that Bryson was indeed taking such a leave.)
Ryan asked about “mandatory physicals” for Cabinet nominees.
“I don’t have any details about that.”
A New York Daily News correspondent asked if Obama has confidence in Bryson staying on the job with a “felony rap.”
This one Carney answered — by not answering. “He is concerned about Secretary Bryson’s health and broadly about the incident,” the spokesman said — in marked contrast to the “absolute confidence” he said a moment later that Obama has in Holder.
Apparently Bryson will have to clean up his own wreckage. This White House has too many other pileups to deal with.

For Washington Sketch columns, go to washingtonpost.com/opinions.

BREAKING INTEL - SYRIA: US / NATO / GCC to Stage Coup-D'Etat as early as Friday!! Israel Considering a Military Attack!!

BREAKING INTEL - SYRIA: US / NATO / GCC to Stage Coup-D'Etat as early as Friday!! Israel Considering a Military Attack!!

In a few days, perhaps as early as Friday, June 15, at noon, Syrians wanting to watch their national TV stations will see them replaced on their screens by TV programs created by the CIA.

Studio-shot images will show massacres that are blamed on the Syrian Government, people demonstrating, ministers and generals resigning from their posts, President Al-Assad fleeing, the rebels gathering in the big city centers, and a new government installing itself in the presidential palace.

This operation of disinformation, directly managed from Washington by Ben Rhodes, the US deputy national security adviser for strategic communication, aims at demoralizing the Syrians in order to pave the way for a coup d’etat.

NATO, discontent about the double veto of Russia and China, will thus succeed in conquering Syria without attacking the country illegally.

[link to globalresearch.ca



The Arab League has officially asked the satellite operators Arabsat and Nilesat to stop broadcasting Syrian media, either public or private (Syria TV, Al-Ekbariya, Ad-Dounia, Cham TV, etc.)

A precedent already exists because the Arab League had managed to censure Libyan TV in order to keep the leaders of the Jamahiriya from communicating with their people.

Several international meetings were organized during the past week to coordinate the disinformation campaign. The first two were technical meetings, held in Doha (Qatar); the third was a political meeting and took place in Riyad (Saudi Arabia).

The first meeting assembled PSYOP officers, embedded in the satellite TV channels of Al-Arabiya, Al-Jazeera, BBC, CNN, Fox, France 24, Future TV and MTV. It is known that since 1998, the officers of the US Army Psychological Operations Unit (PSYOP) have been incorporated in CNN. Since then this practice has been extended by NATO to other strategic media as well.

They fabricated false information in advance, on the basis of a “story-telling” script devised by Ben Rhodes’s team at the White House. A procedure of reciprocal validation was installed, with each media quoting the lies of the other media to render them plausible for TV spectators. The participants also decided not only to requisition the TV channels of the CIA for Syria and Lebanon (Barada, Future TV, MTV, Orient News, Syria Chaab, Syria Alghad) but also about 40 religious Wahhabi TV channels to call for confessional massacres to the cry of “Christians to Beyrouth, Alawites into the grave!.”

The second meeting was held for engineers and technicians to fabricate fictitious images, mixing one part in an outdoor studio, the other part with computer generated images. During the past weeks, studios in Saudi Arabia have been set up to build replicas of the two presidential palaces in Syria and the main squares of Damascus, Aleppo and Homs. Studios of this type already exist in Doha (Qatar), but they are not sufficient.

The third meeting was held by General James B. Smith, the US ambassador, a representative of the UK, prince Bandar Bin Sultan (whom former U.S. president George Bush named his adopted son so that the U.S. press called him “Bandar Bush”). In this meeting the media actions were coordinated with those of the Free "Syrian" Army, in which prince Bandar’s mercenaries play a decisive role.

[link to www.voltairenet.org]