Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Former 'God’s Banker' could blitz Vatican with cache of secret documents

Former 'God’s Banker' could blitz Vatican with cache of secret documents

Published: 10 June, 2012, 20:21
Pope Benedict XVI talks to the former head of the Vatican bank Ettore Gotti Tedeschi (AFP Photo/Osservatore Romano)
Pope Benedict XVI talks to the former head of the Vatican bank Ettore Gotti Tedeschi
(AFP Photo/Osservatore Romano)

The former head of the Vatican Bank has become the Papacy’s Enemy Number One, after police discovered a trove of documents exposing financial misdeeds in the Holy See. The banker now reportedly fears for his life.
­Earlier this week police conducted a dawn raid on the house and office of Ettore Gotti Tedeschi. Investigators say they were looking for evidence in a graft case against defense and aerospace firm Finmeccanica, which was formerly run by a close friend of Gotti Tedeschi.
Instead, as it turns out, police stumbled upon an entirely different find.
They discovered 47 binders containing private communication exposing the opaque inner workings of the secretive Holy See. They included financial documents, details of money transfers and confidential internal reports – all prepared by Gotti Tedeschi to build a convincing expose of corruption in the Vatican.
A renowned economics professor and head of the Italian branch of the giant Bank of Santander Gotti Tedeschi took what turned out to be a poisoned chalice of a job in 2009, when he became the President of the Institute for Works of Religion, the formal name for the Bank of Vatican. His brief was formidable – to introduce transparency to a lucrative enterprise that had become a byword for money-laundering and corruption.
After a tumultuous three years marked by in-fighting and public scandals, Gotti Tedeschi was unanimously dismissed from his post by a board of Vatican officials in May.
“I have paid for my transparency” the indignant banker said to the media, as he stormed off even before his dismissal hearing was over.
The confidential minutes of the stormy meeting obtained by Reuters showed the banker accused of "progressively erratic personal behavior" and "exhibiting lack of prudence and accuracy in comments regarding the Institute".
But there may have been other reasons.
Aware that his crusade against corruption was failing, Gotti Tedeschi probably began to leak important documents to the media.
The drip-drip of damaging revelations (alongside more personal ones presumably passed onto the media by the Pope’s own butler) has been dubbed 'Vatileaks', and has captivated Italy in recent months.
At the hearing, the board that dismissed the banker also indirectly accused Gotti Tedeschi of being behind some of the leaks, pointing to his "Failure to provide any formal explanation for the dissemination of documents last known to be in the president's possession."
While the leaks were a weapon with which to attack his enemies, Gotti Tedeschi was also preparing a last resort option if the battle was lost – a ‘suicide belt’ that would blow the lid off Vatican.
Several months ago, he reportedly told his friends that he began collecting an exhaustive dossier “in case something happened to him.”
It is this dossier that the police have now apparently discovered.
The Vatican is barely concealing its panic – and wants the folders handed back unopened.
“We have faith that the prosecutors and Italian judicial system will respect our sovereignty—recognized internationally—with regard to these documents,” said an official statement.
But there is little chance the Papacy will get its way this time.
Italian prosecutors have frequently been at loggerheads with the Vatican and have accused it of using its sovereignty as a shield against proper regulation.
If the documents do spark a legal firestorm, Ettore Gotti Tedeschi is sure to be a key witness in any trial. A former employee against his employers, and a conservative Catholic pitched against the Vatican itself.
Allegedly, Gotti Tedeschi keeps a list of personal enemies in the Vatican – people who he had felt would stop at nothing to prevent him from reforming the Institute for Works of Religion. His friends have told the media he is shaken and scared.
Police are now considering putting the whistle-blowing banker under armed protection.

Emitte lucem et veritatem
Send out light and truth

The Economic Disaster Inflicted by Abortion:


Roe v Wade as Financial Holocaust


Monday, June 04, 2012

By Kelly O'Connell / Canada Free Press


We normally do not consider abortion in economic terms. Usually it’s tagged a legal, human rights, or liberty matter. Yet the economic fallout has been a financial bloodbath for America’s tax revenues, economic growth, immigration policy, and Social Security. In fact, it’s been such a massive attack upon US prosperity it’s surprising it’s not normally analyzed from this angle. But one does not need a degree in finance to understand the loss of 55,000,000 Americans has grave economic consequences.

I. Abortions Since Roe v. Wade

One group estimated there have been over 55 million abortions since 1973:
In a new document, “Abortion Statistics: United States Data and Trends,” estimates that there have been 54,559,615 abortions since 1973 based on data from both the Centers for Disease Control and the pro-abortion Guttmacher Institute, a former Planned Parenthood research arm. Guttmacher receives numbers directly from abortion centers themselves and is the prime source for more current figures because the Centers for Disease Control has never tabulated accurate numbers of abortions.

II. How Many Total Persons Lost?

Starting with 55 million aborted fetuses, let’s assume about 5% of these unborn—or 2.5 million—would have been lost for some reason—medical, such as deformities, etc. Because some abortions are done for this purpose, which also include aborting Down Syndromes, etc. Plus some would be born dead, anyway.

Given 52.5 million live births, how many would have lived to child-bearing years? Let’s say another 5% of all persons are lost before they will reproduce. The average American woman has 2.5 children in her lifetime. If half of the 50 million persons aborted were women, that leaves 25 million women who would have had 62.5 million descendants. Further, these 60 million would themselves have had more children starting approximately 1985. That would have added, let’s say, another 30 million females. At even 1.5 children a piece, that would add another 45 million by 2012.

That leaves a gap of 50 million + 60 million + 45 million potential but canceled Americans, meaning that 155 million more Americans would have been produced. This is a staggering number.

III. How Much Lost Productivity & Tax Revenue?

If there were only 135 million Americans lost to abortion, how much income and taxes and Social Security has been lost? Median income for men since 1970 has been approximately $45,000 dollars, judged by 2009 dollars. Since women earn less on average, and to err on the side of caution, let’s call the median $30,000.
Let’s say 25-30% of the population never works for whatever reason, that still easily leaves at least 100 million Americans employed. If the average American works 30 years, that would be 100,000,000 X $30,000 x 30 years.

That income would equal $90 trillion dollars. Over the last 40 years, there has been much variation in federal tax rates. Given the mean and average over all income brackets of the past 40 years of US federal tax, the figure 25% is surely not excessive, bearing in mind that since the 1970’s the rate was at least 14% for the lowest bracket every year.

So, 25% of $90,000,000,000,000 would be $22.50 trillion. This is how much federal tax revenue has been lost due to earners being aborted out of the American economy.

Social Security tax rates have varied between 4.3% and 5.6% since 1971, but to err on the side of caution, let’s average that to 4%. Therefore, on income of $90 trillion, 4% of that would be $4.4 trillion in lost Social Security taxes for the state coffers.

Total government revenue from income is now at 35%. But let’s measure that at 30% since 1970. Taking the 30% of $90 trillion would mean we are missing $27 trillion from aborted workers, at the federal and state level.

Since this is an admittedly basic analysis of the economic impact of abortion on America, any of these figures can be challenged. But, overall, the financial loss must look something like this amount. And if today’s deficit is $15 trillion, even if the outcome were nearly cut in half, we would still be able to pay off the national debt.

IV. Wages of Sin?

One of the most patently obvious aspects of the outcome of four decades of abortion is there is a connection between doing evil acts and the failure of states. For example, the infamous slave economy of ancient Rome kept a real, vibrant economy from arising, since it is impossible for free men to compete with slaves as wage labor. As one writer states:
The wealth of the Republic was built up on the sweat of the provinces, the loot from wars and the suffering and exploitation of slaves. Like Greece, Rome had inherited a low level of technical skill and achievements were only possible because of the huge amounts of labour and exploitation involved.
Sadly, China—much like America—has chosen to follow humanistic fables such as Malthus’s “earth-is-overpopulated” canard. A current example is China’s own “one-child” policy meant to limit population growth. We can easily deduce this is bad policy given the outcome. China’s one-child-policy wiped out generations of females, causing tens of millions of Chinese men to skip marriage and reproduction. And while China aspires to lead the globe in business, flushing hundreds of millions of potential workers down the toilet is no way to achieve this ambitious goal. Each worker adds to the sum total of GDP, so dumping workers jettisons higher productivity. When public policy goes against the natural law—whether expressly or by flouting common sense, disaster is bound to follow. Such will be true of China, including depopulation via heartless abortion policies.

V. Unavoidable Observations

The fiscal results of American abortion can be described as the natural outcome of immoral policy meeting a failed vision in dealing with the inevitable outcome of the sexual revolution. Much like the grim idea of having only one child per Chinese family, the outcome in America was both predictable and malign. Consider the following natural affects of America’s permissive abortion policy:

A. Economic vitality is badly damaged by mass abortions.

When the rate of live births falls versus retirements, then a shrinking population is forced to support the old age needs of persons no longer able to bolster an economy, while their own prosperity falters.

B. Population growth disappears after abortion policy is enacted

One writer explains:
The collapse of the former Soviet Union is an example of a nation whose demographic implosion has contributed to its economic breakdown. “The main reason for their collapse was internal - 300 abortions for every 100 live births for decades. Their future is still grim. Right now, there are not enough younger women to reverse their population decline. Indeed, they are expected to lose another 40 million people between now and 2050.”

C. Respect for Human Life is Coarsened.

Many stories recount Chinese authorities coming to kill newborns of parents violating the one-child policy. At some point, the average person stops distinguishing between killing newborns and late-term abortions, since the difference is arbitrary. Such is the moral degradation of causistry. Reports one site:
China’s “one family—one child” policy results in 13 million abortions every year. Many of these abortions take place under the pressure from authorities. Demographic restrictions are still in effect in China despite the country’s impressive economic growth: family couples are still legally prohibited from having more than one child. The law per se is a gross violation of human rights, although these rights are violated at a much greater extent by family planning department officials.

D. Pseudo- “Rights” Prop-up Rank Selfishness; Debasing Genuine Human Rights

It cannot aid the common person’s understanding of the theory of natural law when the Constitution is misused to defend such deadly, needlessly violent, deplorably selfish activities as abortion. Such wrong application of America’s foundational concepts merely fuels future human rights debacles. In the meantime, the West’s nonsensical and emotionally brutal hookup culture constantly puts naïve single women in harm’s way via out-of-wedlock pregnancy and abortions.

E. State Support of Abortion Industry Furthers Destruction of Traditional Family

It’s obvious if a country sponsors expansive abortion policy, this state favors killing fetuses over live births. Such policies create an ownership interest in would-be mothers and defers to the state to empower radical female egalitarianism. This ultimately decouples the members of a marriage and family from each other, substituting the Brave New World of “family planning” which further dehumanizes our existence. Imagine stumbling upon this image:
A morning in Hunan, China, brings an unimaginable sight of cruelty and horror. Lying in the gutter of a bustling main road is the tiny, twisted body of a dead baby girl. She is naked, surrounded by only dirty pieces of hospital gauze. Buses and bicycles speed past the corpse, spraying it with mud. Nameless and unwanted, the newborn’s been dumped by the roadside during winter. Few of the locals hurrying by give her a second glance. To them, she is just one of thousands of baby girls abandoned each year as a result of China’s ruthless one-child policy. “I think the baby had just died,” says a woman who was the only person to attempt to rescue the infant. “I touched her skin, and it was warm. Blood was still coming out of her nose

F. Massive Abortion Numbers Defy Millions of Couples Hoping to Adopt

The number of would-be adoptive parents so far outstrips the supply in America (according to one source—a million couples matching the million abortions) as to utterly shatter self-serving leftist abortion arguments. Liberals would have Americans believe it is better to kill a baby than allow it to come into an uncertain or uncaring world. What a joke! Writes one source:
Each year in the United States, about 51,000 American children are placed for adoption. In addition, about 6,500 foreign children are adopted by Americans, for a total of a little under 58,000 children adopted per year. Experts estimate somewhere between one and two million couples seek to adopt yearly. Every year there are about 1.3 million abortions. Only 4% of women with unwanted pregnancies give their children up for adoption. Planned Parenthood often justifies abortion with the slogan, “Every child a wanted child”. Every childis wanted, and wanted desperately.


The fiscal failure of abortion is certainly a financial bloodbath. Yet, on a deeper level the failure to define fetuses as spiritual beings in need of society’s protective love creates an indefensible human rights disaster. Morally obtuse advocates offer hare-brained arguments defying common sense, representing sanctimonious excuses for irresponsibility. But one must wonder about the ethics of a society who moves heaven and earth to help the “poor,” yet takes the most vulnerable and simply runs them through a blender.

America should draw the conclusion after abolishing slavery that one can never do an “economic analysis” that is satisfactory without including a moral survey, as well. Fortunately, more Americans appear to be waking up to the fact that abortion is an utterly indefensible practice, as over 60% oppose the procedure. But how long can we continue to ignore and trample the rights of the weakest and most vulnerable yet still expect national blessings?

Comment: Even if this article is off by 50% on the statistics, it is an amazing 'connecting of dots' that is not often considered. -fm

A grade school principle is refusing to allow kindergartners to sing "Proud to be an American"

A grade school principle is refusing to allow kindergartners to
sing "Proud to be an American" because as a patriotic
song it might offend other cultures.

Five classes spent months learning the patriotic song, but when the
principle discovered what they were planning to sing as the grand
finale of their musical show, she put a stop to it.

Now, the little five year old kids are going to sing some mindless
pop song about teenage love by Justine Bieber, 'Baby'.


Goodman Green
- Brasscheck

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G. Thomas Gulick Intel Updates

Ventura suggested that presidential candidates should be “required to wear a NASCAR racing suit” to “show who owns them”.

Good morning NexBoom Champions & selected few;

Getting a late start this early Wednesday, June 13, 2012. The attachment above is from "My Named - Jesse Ventura File" and not only is the interview worth saving for these history making times, so is the quote. This will go down in history as Willie Nelson & Alex Jones most talked about quote. Those of you that liked the "Lets Relax in Luck, Texas, will appreciate the attachment too. A little humor to spread during life's 'MELL OF A HESS' reality.

Only a select few are visiting on the porch via e-mail just west of Lizard Lick, North Carolina. We are going to sit for a spell and just talk bull this morning.

First, last evening I opened the can of worms regarding so much accuracy in parts of the strange happenings out in Michigan but no body count was my beef.
Was this a 'red flag' to bring on Martial Law? The tanks & helicopters were on railcars. Dropped off in California. Remember? Mineral, Virginia big boom! Remember?
Denver, Colorado big boom! Remember? San Antonio, Texas big boom! Remember? I still find it strange our HAARP & National weatherman, Dutch Since, did not
include a word in his daily messages. But he did. I missed it!  We did get this. . . 6/12/2012 -- Tornadoes and Hail breaking out = Midwest, North, South, and East at: I suggest you visit with Dutch and realize Public Records are being removed from our view. But Dutch is still able to make their software talk to us in total truth about the weather. Newcomers, note the following of other smart, savvy and well informed are showing up for his reports too. WHY SO MUCH RAIN? 6/10/2012 -- South to New England also Midwestern outbreak + next system coming


6/8/2012 -- Indiana Michigan Radiation UPDATE -- Military, DHS, HAZMAT, Large Booms


The New Madrin Fault? Just a reminder. We have been warned since March 11, 2011. Is this what is in the making? Why did the monitors get turned off at Review the Radiation Chart and see why we sould be most concerned for our health. Most of you would not know if we that know had not told you. What's coming down? It's not just rain!

DO NOT ASK ME! DO YOUR HOMEWORK while we continue to do the hard work! I no longer use my compass. Do you know why? Then stop skimming and read! Stevie Wonder can see this coming! A few of us are on this like stink on a monkey. If you find the body count, let me know! I am deal or no deal. . . just the facts on this end! Those 'Mass Arrests" coming, be sure to let me know! No more of my time being spent on such. Are Fulford, Wilcock, Drake being used? Do your homework and let me know! I will tell you if your answer is right. Fair enough?


Really! I am suspect to what appears to be "duped" again and some really big names are being used to point out facts of their running with the bait of
"Mass Arrests" without reminding us " The Enemy Within - THEY control the courts so can stop any ruling anyway". It's no secret that I have been unable to buy into all of this so-called self-evident truth and no arrests. Who controls all of this? Is Fulford, Wilcock, Drake, and others being used? It's not my gut feeling, I am about to find out but details are not released from here until I know and understand more. But each of us should be suspect to all of this 'mass arrests' and 'new releases' B.S.. Wilcock is big time reporting
today. Let's always consider our sources. Always. Get it?

Since 2005 I have been on former Ambassador Leo Wanta and World Global Settlements until I am sick on my stomach! Pen name Christopher Story, Tim Russert and most recently Andrew Breitbart needs to be reckoned with. Then there is the Judge killed with the Congress Woman in Arizona. Court cases filed and now over two years old. Monte knows I am "spot on" and Joe D. knows too! Are we are being 'duped' with good information mixed with misinformation and disinformation. Yes! I regret I ever let others in my mind! Since 1985 my sources have always proven most reliable and I am returning to the pack I know I can trust. Ponder on the sources many of you repeat week after week. Nothing happens and the names published of those accused. Nothing happens. N.Y. Civil Case 8500 and nothing is happening since last November. I repeat, The Enemy Within remains in control. I do not see any mass arrests nor do I find any bodies to count in Michigan. Attorney General Eric Holder in as much
told Congress yesterday. . . . "Up your nose with a rubber hose" and sits on 'dare you to charge him with contempt' too. I rest my case! But do you get the message?

Suggest we stop chasing our tails and P.T.O.A. - " Protect Thy Own A _ _ ." This is not going to end well! It's all about derivatives! The quadrillion dollar Ponzi never to be matched in crimes of our lives! Bonds, Pensions, Retirements are about to be vaporized even if our John Wayne should happen to arrive. But I do not see John Wayne nor the fat lady about to sing! Like it or not, I am going to lay the facts on you. Always!

If you think I am wrong; I will respect your thinking. But if you know and understand I am wrong; then I Lizard Lick, North Carolina double dog
dare you to prove it! That's only reasonable. Now let's get off the porch and join in the hunt for the self-evident truth. And by the way. . . are you mad yet? Let's get Mr. Beale mad! Four minutes. Just do it!

For you newcomers, I am not crazy but a lot of crazy things are happening. Read the books as suggested. Educate yourself. Time is not on our side
any longer. Motto = Be Prepared. How? As you can tell, a few of us are working on it.

Let's go fishin,


G. Thomas Gulick

G. Thomas Gulick Intel Updates

Selected few;

I just released my e-teaching session and most of you were included.
I wanted a few of you to have some 'shop talk' I dared not to include
for others.

David Wilcock is back and his latest is as follows:

To our newcomers, this will be a wild ride for your first time reading.
David has been caught up between Fulford and Drake. Is he is about to
learn the hard way? I do not know but something is wrong! 

My sincere opinion of David is that if he has ever lied to us, it's because
someone lied to him and he repeated it if he did. But he is not easy to fool. 
I have this not disclosed in my last e-teaching as follows:

In a 3-hour long teleconference dated June 6, 2012, we just got information that exposes Benjamin Fulford as a MI-5 agent of disinformation! Fulford, since this leaked out, has denied the charges. Details about some very dangerous disinfo being put out not only by Fulford but also by channelers for the Galactic Federation of Light, Ashtar Command and David Wilcock who has been used to put out disinformation. Drake is also covered in the discussion. Somebody is right and somebody is wrong. Keep in mind, David Wilcock is sandwiched between Fulford & Drake. This is not going to end well as we wanted.

From this point on, I am backing off Fulford, Wilcock, Drake and others
caught up in this 'Mass Arrests' and taking back America. The Bilderberg
Group Annual Meeting met & the trends of the meeting are accelerating.

I do not see The Enemy Within running for their holes! A few weeks ago, I
smelled what was cooking and was reminded to get back to my basics
for good & reliable insights to this 'Mell of a Hess' for sure.

The misinformation and disinformation is as bad as I have ever found it.
With no trends for results to be found, one can only suspect we are
being taken down a pathway of lies & deceptions? Where is the beef?

I am so glad I did not run with that Michigan
story when the body count could not be confirmed. Yes, I tossed in
a bone of contention & the next morning the Internet went viral with the

If HAARP has been ordered to cease & desist, then why are we
getting Dutch's reports showing its still on-going? We still have
skies full of Chemtrails here in North Carolina. That has not stopped.
The drilling CIA ship found in Japan last March 11, 2011 is back. Why?
The one positive? Gas prices at the pumps are lower. Not cheaper but
lower along with commodities.  Strange? Yes! The agenda is for higher
prices not lower. Spain investors soon found out they were about
to step on a big loss and exited the markets when finding the so-called
'bail out' was not enough. Lab reports showing 3 attempts of murder
on Ed Falcone and nothing is happening? I cannot make this stuff up!

I regret to put in my two-cents but I have known what Drake has been
telling since December of 2009. Things are so corrupt, it appears all
of Washington, DC are enjoying 'slush funds' just to look the other
way. Then the Rand Paul bombshell was the straw that broke the
Tea Party up! It's just a matter of time now. Ron Paul, was on the
'hit list' after Bilderberg Meeting. Now we find the Paul's in the news
with joining Romney? What is real and what is not? Whom do we trust?

In any event, I have a few of you that are eager to hear from me.
This is where I stand! Not much to stand on but it is what it is! My plan
of action, to retreat for a while. Time will tell. The truth will follow, 
in time.

Just me,

Gerry G.

Message from the Galactic Federation of Light by Greg Giles - June 12, 2012 ‘Choosing the Nest’

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 

Message from the Galactic Federation of Light by Greg Giles - June 12, 2012 ‘Choosing the Nest’
Posted By: Mr.Ed [Send E-Mail]
Date: Tuesday, 12-Jun-2012 22:02:35

Message from the Galactic Federation of Light by Greg Giles - June 12, 2012 ‘Choosing the Nest’
The television you are watching, even though you think this technology is new and state-of-the-art is actually very old and outdated. Even the couches you sit on, although the concept has remained the same, many things about it too have changed. These are just a sampling of everyday things that you take so for granted that will change radically in the days ahead for you. There is not too much about the future many of you will be entering that will remain the same for you. We, the Galactic Federation of Light, do not wish to rush any of you into these changes that in many areas will be great. We instead wish to gently escort you out of the current paradigm you are experiencing into a new reality which we feel you will agree is far more rewarding, enjoyable and educational than the current lives you are living.
There are many of you who are ready and some of you who are even looking forward to these changes in your experience, though there are just as many of you, even more so, that are not at this time ready to experience such upheavals to their reality and therefore are not looking forward to these changes as some of you are. Please try to keep this in mind as you continue your efforts to share your truth and share what you know of the coming of events for you, as these events may not be in the future for all of those that you speak to. This is the way it must be, as a choice has to be made here to either experience a new beginning or to continue experiencing what some have become used to and what some believe, at least at this time, to be their one reality.
Please respect and honor their choice, and allow them the comfort and the apparent safety of their current nest within the home of their reality to remain undisturbed as much as you can. This is the best thing you can do for them. Shaking them out of their nest before they are prepared to fly away on their own is not in anyone's best interest. These souls are not yet prepared for such a journey and require more schooling and experience right here where they are. Do not feel badly for them as there is no reason for this. Be happy for them that they understand what it is that they need for their own soul’s advancement, and extend to them the courtesy of accepting their choice as the better choice for them as, if they could understand your choice, they may not see it as the best choice, at least for them.
Our choices are a personal one, and each and every choice that we make is sacred and should be honored. Please honor and respect their choice, for it is the choice that they feel is best for them at this time. For those of you who are choosing a new adventure with new challenges, joys and triumphs, we say to you that this is also a choice that we of the higher realms have made in what you know as our past. There was a time when all of us who have already made this choice, and all of you that are now making this choice, chose instead to remain within the familiar confines of our lower dimensional homes and selves. There will come a day for each and every soul to make the choice to leave the old and experience the new, so do not feel it is your task to shake awake everyone and pull them out of their current reality because you feel it is best for them or that they will be missing something so great and rewarding.
‘All things in good time for all beings when it is their time’ are words we would like you to think about today. We have observed some of you feeling it is your duty to ‘disturb the nest’ of those still asleep here in their 3rd dimensional home. This is not anyone's duty or task at this or any other time. What your task entails is to be a beacon of light for those who are awakening and are choosing to follow the light up the path that will lead them out of here and open into a new world of beauty and experience. It should not be hard for any of you to recognize the telltale signs of when someone is demonstrating an interest to leave this current reality for newer horizons.
There are and will be families that are divided by those who wish for a new start and those who wish to remain behind. This may be considered a painful experience for some of you who understand that there will be a departing and a time when you will have to say goodbye, at least for now. This is only natural, and we will not say to you to bottle up your emotions, but we do suggest to you to understand that there never has to be a permanent goodbye as there will always be opportunities for you to reunite once again with those that are today your family and our today your friends. Many of us here within the higher realms stand today with friends and loved ones who in the past have gone our separate ways as well, only to reunite in joy and sometimes great surprise when it was time for those who remained back in the lower dimensions to make the choice to step in and begin their new lives where we call home.
There will be other opportunities for all that choose to remain here within your current dimension to ascend into the higher realms of possibility. Please do not feel you need to rush these souls as it is important they be allowed to continue their experience right here where they are, and only they know best what they need or wish to experience. Thank you for understanding this and thank you for allowing these souls to continue their journey as they see fit, and please do try not to unnecessarily ‘shake the cradle’ of their current reality, as this will do them no good and may even lead to problems that will further delay the day they choose to leave here and the day you will be blessed with a joyful reunion with them.
Try to see all the things you do for them today as preparing them for their ascension to one day come, even if it is to let them be and allow them to continue on in their current dream without learning all the details of your dream. This may be the best thing for some of these souls who are not yet prepared for such life-changing revelations. The human psyche is a delicate flower and must remain shielded from storm and adverse weather and allowed to bloom in the warm and nurturing sun with a little rain from time to time, as both are necessary for its growth. Remember this always and do your best not to trample upon the seedlings, and let them take in a little sun and a little rain while they continue to grow and to flower into the powerful immortal being of light that you are now blossoming into.
Thank you for your time today and thank you for considering the feelings and the choices of all other souls, even if they are so very close to you and you feel that they are going to miss something and you are going to miss them. This is the way it must be for now, as we all must be left alone to nurture and to grow in the garden of our choice, no matter where that garden may grow.
We are the Galactic Federation of Light.
As channeled through Greg Giles

A PRAYER FOR TODAY - Closer Than You Think

Subject: A PRAYER FOR TODAY - Closer Than You Think
Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: cid:image002.gif@01CCD1E7.26AA7E60

“So do not throw away your confidence; it will be richly rewarded”
(Hebrews 10:35, NIV)
Have you been praying and believing for something that seems like it’s taking a lot longer than you thought? Many times, people can miss God’s best simply because they give up before they see their “due season” come. Don’t let that be you! Be encouraged today, your answer is closer than you think. If it seems like things are getting more difficult, remember, when the intensity heats up, that means you are closer to your victory. It’s always darkest just before the dawn arrives.
You serve a faithful God, and He’s working behind the scenes on your behalf. Don’t cast away your confidence today because your reward is coming. And just like a new mother forgets about her labor pain when she is finally holding her newborn, you’ll forget about your struggle when you are holding on to your promise.
While you are waiting, keep an attitude of faith and expectancy. Wake up every morning and say out loud, “I’ve come too far to give up now. My due season is coming. I will reap my harvest.” Stay in faith and look for His hand of blessing because He has promised you victory, and it’s closer than you think!
Father in heaven, today I stand believing that You are working behind the scenes on my behalf. Give me Your strength to continue believing until I see Your promises fulfilled in my life in Jesus’ name. Amen.

Tuesday, June 12, 2012




Judge also wants White House to back its definition of natural-born citizen

Arizona Sheriff Joe Arpaio and his Cold Case Posse lead investigator have submitted sworn affidavits in a Florida case challenging President Obama’s eligibility for the  election ballot of the crucial swing-state that decided the 2000 presidential election.
Significantly, Judge Terry Lewis in Leon County – known for his rulings in the Bush v. Gore case at the center of the 2000 contested election – has confronted the White House for failing to support its claim that the term “natural born citizen” in the U.S. Constitution means something other than the offspring of two American citizens.
Lewis has scheduled a hearing for Monday at 9 a.m. at the Leon County Courthouse in Tallahassee to hear the Obama team’s motion to dismiss the case and determine whether it should go forward with discovery.
Affidavits from Arpaio, Cold Case Posse lead investigator Mike Zullo and WND author and senior reporter Jerome Corsi have been filed ahead of the hearing. The briefs support the complaint’s charge that there is evidence Obama is constitutionally ineligible for the White House and, therefore, original documentation is needed to determine whether he should be on the ballot.
Attorney Larry Klayman, founder of the Washington, D.C., watchdogs Judicial Watch and Freedom Watch, is representing a registered member of the Democratic Party, Michael Voeltz, who has filed the complaint as a Florida voter. Klayman’s work is supported by the
Klayman told WND today that unlike other Obama eligibility cases, this case “likely will go the distance” because of the strength of Florida law, which provides voters with the right to challenge a candidate’s eligibility.
“The judge must make a decision based on eligibility,” Klayman explained. “He can’t sidestep it as judges in other states have attempted to do.”
Florida “is our best hope to get rulings on the merits.”
Klayman said he’s confident his client “has an absolute right to challenge Obama’s eligibility on the Florida ballot.”
“As a Floridian,” he added, “I’m proud that the court has the legal means to make a determination on Obama’s eligibility and pray that this court will follow the law.”
Also at issue in the case is whether it is the duty of Florida Secretary of State Ken Detzner and the state Elections Canvassing Commission – named as defendants – to ensure that all candidates on the state’s ballot are eligible.
In a hearing May 31, Lewis noted that while Klayman’s brief cited a U.S. Supreme Court’s decision defining “natural born citizen” as the offspring of two citizens of the nation, the White House’s arguments provided no citations.
As WND reported, the Florida eligibility case points out that Obama posted on the Internet an electronic image of a purported birth certificate alleging he was born in Hawaii to an American citizen mother and a Kenyan father. The complaint notes that Arpaio’s investigation found probable cause that the document is a forgery. But it argues that even if Obama was born in the U.S., he is not a natural-born citizen, because his father was a foreign citizen.
Sheriff Joe Arpaio
Arpaio recounts in his affidavit how, in response to the request of Maricopa County residents, he commissioned a team “of former police officers and attorneys who have worked tirelessly since last October, looking into this controversy.”
“Upon close examination of the evidence,” Arpaio states, “it is my belief that forgery and fraud was likely committed in key identity documents including President Obama’s long-form birth certificate, his Selective Service Registration card, and his Social Security number.”
Zullo states in his affidavit that he advised Arpaio that the document posted by the White House as Obama’s birth certificate represents two crimes: fraud in its creation and fraud in its presentation to residents of Maricopa County and the American public as “proof positive” of Obama’s birth in Hawaii.
His investigators further determined, he says, that the Hawaii Department of Health has engaged “a systematic effort to hide from public inspection whatever original 1961 birth records the Hawaii Department of Health may have in their possession.”
Zullo points to five videos the Cold Case Posse produced at a March 1 news conference to demonstrate why the White House document is suspected to be a computer-generated forgery.
“The videos illustrate point-by-point the investigators’ conclusion that the features and anomalies observed on the Obama long-form birth certificate were inconsistent with features produced when a paper document is scanned, even if the scan of the paper document had been enhanced by Optical Character Recognition (OCR) and optimized,” Zullo’s affidavit states.
Corsi’s affidavit says his research continues to indicate “key identity papers for President Obama have been forged,” including the birth document released by the White House and his Selective Service registration form.
Klayman also is submitting, as part of Corsi’s affidavit, a copy of the WND reporter’s book Where’s the Birth Certificate?”, which presents a detailed explanation and history of the natural-born citizen clause and its relevance to Obama.
‘The framers were not stupid’
At the May 31 hearing, Judge Lewis responded to briefs filed by Obama’s team that argued it would be an undue burden and expense for the president to fulfill requests for evidence and testimony in the case.
Judge Terry Lewis
The judge then demanded that Obama’s attorney’s cite the authority on which they based their argument that it isn’t necessary to have two citizen parents to be a natural-born citizen.
Klayman has cited the U.S. Supreme Court case Minor v. Happersett from 1875, which defined natural-born citizen as the offspring of two U.S. citizens.
“The framers were not stupid,” said Klayman. “They understood that a president with divided loyalties could present a security and other risks for our nation.”
Lewis ordered further briefing on the natural-born citizen issue before Monday’s hearing.
Klayman has explained in his court filings that Florida’s election statutes provide broad protections for voters to ensure the integrity of the election system. A Florida law enables voters to challenge the nomination of a candidate on the basis of eligibility.
The complaint asserts that because state officials have sworn an oath to “support, protect, and defend” the Florida and U.S. constitutions, they are “duty bound to uphold the eligibility requirements.”
Hard decisions
Klayman, noting Lewis’ decisions in the Bush v. Gore case in 2000, described Lewis as “a judge who is not afraid to make hard decisions.”
“In the Gore v. Bush case he ruled on occasion in favor of Bush even though he generally leans left,” Klayman said in a previous interview. “I am hopeful he will do the right thing and rule that the Florida secretary of state must verify Obama’s eligibility to be on the ballot for the Florida presidential election.”
Prior to his part in the Bush v. Gore case, Lewis drew national attention for overturning a 1999 law requiring that parents of minors be notified 48 hours before their daughters have an abortion.
In his ruling, he wrote “not every minor comes from a Norman Rockwell family.”
“Some have problems with abuse if their parents are consulted,” Lewis said.