Saturday, June 16, 2012

Scientists Admit Cancer is Man-Made

Subject: Scientists Admit Cancer is Man-Made

Underground Health Reporter
     From the Desk of Danica Collins       
"Cancer is Man-Made," Scientists Admit
How to overcome cancer in 10 natural ways
A recent study by University of Manchester scientists has strongly suggested that ... cancer is a modern, man-made disease caused by environmental factors such as pollution and diet.

Egyptian Mummies     In the extensive study conducted at the University's KNH Centre for Biomedical Egyptology, scientists examined hundreds of mummies and found ... no signs of cancer—except for one isolated case.

     Professor Michael Zimmerman said: "In an ancient society lacking surgical intervention, evidence of cancer should remain in all cases."  Therefore, the virtual absence of tumors and malignancies in mummies must necessarily be interpreted as evidence that cancer was indeed rare in ancient times. 

The 17th Century Ushers Cancer In

It wasn't until the 17th century that the first reports of cancer appeared in scientific literature—such as cancer of the scrotum (found in chimney sweeps in 1775, caused by soot particles); and nasal cancer found in users of snuff (finely ground tobacco) in 1761.

     The University of Manchester study indicates that cancer-causing factors exist only in modern, industrialized societies—and cancer is fueled by the excesses of modern life.

     The food you eat ... the air you breathe ... the clothes you wear ... the water you drink ... the personal care products you use ... the medications you take ... the water you bathe in ... virtually everything you consume, and everything you do—or are exposed to—causes cancer these days!

  Here are Just a Few Factors Present in
Modern Life That Cause Cancer:
*  Tobacco (including second-hand and third-hand smoke)
*  Genetically modified food
*  Most laundry detergents
*  Commercial hair dyes
*  Air pollution (including carbon monoxide, methylene
       chloride, and acrolein)
*  Granite countertops (which emit radon)
*  Rancid peanuts and seeds
*  Canola oil
*  Canned tomatoes
*  Food laced with pesticides
*  Chemicals from aerosol cans
*  Mammograms
*  X-Rays
*  Food microwaved in plastic containers (including
        plastic wrap, the plastic trays that come with frozen
        TV dinners, and even plastic baby bottles)
*  Environmental pollutants (such as asbestos, benzene, and

Professor Rosalie David, at the Faculty of Life Sciences, said:
There is Nothing in the Natural Environment That Can Cause Cancer ... So It Has to Be a Man-Made Disease

Given the prevalence of cancer-causing factors in the modern world, what can you do to escape cancer?

     Many scientists agree that a healthy diet ... regular physical activity ... and maintaining a healthy weight can prevent about one-third of the most common cancers.

     But ... eating healthy is not a guarantee that you'll never get cancer.  Even those who think they have a healthy diet are not immune to cancer.  Consider the case of Linda McCartney, the late wife of Beatle Paul McCartney.  She was a life-long vegetarian, who also wrote a book on vegetarian cooking and produced a line of frozen vegetarian meals.  Yet, despite her healthy eating, she died of breast cancer at the age of 56.

     Regular physical activity—although definitely a healthy thing to do—is not a guarantee either.  Consider Lance Armstrong, 7-time Tour de France cycling champion.  He engaged in more physical activity than most people, and yet he was diagnosed with Stage 2 testicular cancer.

     Maintaining a healthy weight also does not assure you of immunity from cancer.  Many physically fit celebrities have fallen prey to cancer—Patrick Swayze, Jaclyn Smith, Robert Urich, Suzanne Somers, Farrah Fawcett, Ryan O'Neal, to name a few.

Extraordinary Natural Cures for Cancer

In the years I've spent as Editor of Underground Health Reporter eAlert
TM, I've written about dozens of cancer cures that are stunningly effective.  From among them, I've compiled the cures that have been consistently hailed by alternative health practitioners as "the best of the best." 

==>A gold-colored spice derived from the ginger family reverses the growth of cancer cells by 98%, and rivals the effectiveness of chemotherapy (page 16)
Natural Cancer Cure No. 2When the cancer-fighting properties of this spice were first discovered by Western medicine, an American pharmaceutical company tried to patent it in order to rake in millions of dollars in profits.  Health practitioners from India were OUTRAGED, considering they have been using this herb for thousands of years to heal cancer and treat major diseases.
==>A natural anti-cancer formula that kills virtually 100% of cancer cells within 48 hours (page 32)
Esophageal CancerDick's esophageal cancer surgery left him with septic shock, two staph infections, and a metastasized cancer recurrence two years later.  Radiation reduced his cancer by about 55% but couldn't eliminate it completely.  But after six months on this anti-cancer formula, a bronchial scope and CT scan showed no cancer in Dick's esophagus or trachea!
==>A 4-herb tea that reduces pain and causes a recession in cancer growth in patients suffering from pathologically proven cancer (page 72)

==>A compound from the bark of a little-known fruit tree is the only cancer treatment that destroys drug-resistant—and chemo-resistant—cancer cells.  It's 10,000 times more effective than a commonly used cancer drug—and no, it's not graviola (page 50)
Natural Cancer Cure No. 2Over the course of 20 years, and with the help of a $5 million dollar fund established by the NCI, the Professor Emeritus of Pharmacognosy at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, has proven the viability of this natural extract as an effective cancer treatment.
==>Two inexpensive food items combined together in specific proportions are proven by numerous independent clinical studies to provide a powerful and effective means of treating even the most advanced cancers90% cure rate (page 96)

==>A Chinese healing practice that dissolves a cancer patient's orange-sized tumor in 40 seconds (page 113)
There are hundreds of health practitioners who specialize in this healing practice in the U.S. and many parts of the world.  In one study, cancer cells were cultivated in Petri dishes.  Masters of this healing practice emitted healing energy upon them and instantly killed all the cancer cells in the Petri dishes.
==>NaturalA medicinal mushroom that is proven by a National Institutes of Health study to cure cancer—especially breast cancer (page 115)

==>A natural substance that creates an oxygen-rich environment in the body which causes cancerous tumors to shrink—and inhibits the growth of other tumors, as well as pathogens, viruses and harmful bacteria (page 57)

==>A vegetable with such powerful cancer-fighting properties that many natural health practitioners claim that it could be sold as a prescription drug (page 86)

==>An "eleventh hour" cancer remedy made from the juice of cereal grasses proves effective in curing advanced terminal cancer (page 126)

2 out of 5 get cancer     According to the American Cancer Society, 41% of all adults will develop cancer in their lifetimes ... or die from it!  That's 4 out of 10 ... or 2 out of 5 people.  ==>

  In fact, you might already have undiagnosed cancer right now ... and not even know it.

     Whether you or a loved one already suffers from cancer ... or you fear that cancer might strike you or your family one day, you must get the full story on 10 powerful natural cancer cures that have helped many thousands of cancer patients reclaim their health and their lives

     Click here now to discover all the research studies, medical reports, inspiring real-life stories of those who have successfully used these 10 amazing natural therapies to cure their cancer.
Wishing you the best of health,

Danica Collins

If the links above are not working, just copy & paste the following
website address onto your Internet browser:  

Think-Outside-the-Book Publishing LLC

506 N. Larchmont Blvd.
Los Angeles, CA

Nick Wallenda makes it across !!!

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 

Nick Wallenda makes it across !!!
Posted By: Journey
Date: Saturday, 16-Jun-2012 05:04:04

I watched the high wire man himself walk the distance to fulfill his dream. It was quite the stunt even tho he had to wear a safety harness to his chagrin.
The guy was talking to Jesus and God many times along the way ... I really wonder if that had anything to do with it after he stressed it was the training that played the biggest part.
Next up ... the Grand Canyon ...

The World's Largest Cave That Has A Jungle And Waterfalls Hidden Deep Inside!

The World's Largest Cave That Has A Jungle And Waterfalls Hidden Deep Inside!

We continue to look for amazing places on our planet and this is one of them.

Son Doong is the name of the world's largest cave in the world. It is not only huge, but also a very beautiful place filled with wonders.

It is almost like an alien world on Earth. What is truly fascinating is the jungle inside the cave.

As you can see on these breathtaking images this is without doubt one of the most remarkable places on our planet.

Son Doong cave is more than 200 meters wide, 150 meters high, and approx 9 kilometers long, with caverns big enough to fit an entire city street inside them.

It located in Son Trach, Bo Trach District, Quang Binh province, Vietnam. The cave was found by a local man named Ho Khanh in 1991 and was recently discovered in 2009 by British cavers, led by Howard Limbert.

It was created 2-5 million years ago by river water eroding away the limestone underneath the mountain Where the limestone was weak, the ceiling collapsed creating huge skylights.

Read more and see beautiful pictures of the cave at: [link to]

Rand Paul's Manuever Begins to Bear Fruit

Subject: Rand Paul's Manuever Begins to Bear Fruit

The more I think and analyze the maneuver by Rand Paul the more I am coming to the conclusions that IT WAS BRILLIANT!

Joining forces with the Republican Establishment has eased the tension between the Ron Paul Supporters and the staunch least from the Republican Establishment point of view.

The first positive result was just announced...

Ron Paul Festival Set for Fairgrounds in Tampa Aug 24-26th

TAMPA, June 12 2012 - The rollercoaster ride for Ron Paul's supporters continues amidst more delegate wins and Senator Rand Paul's controversial endorsement of Romney.
Liberty Unleashed, the nonprofit group incorporated in Florida by Paul supporters specifically to organize Paul Festival, announced today that it had signed a contract with the Florida State Fairgrounds in Tampa to hold the event there August 24-26. The RNC starts August 27.
Liberty Unleashed and the Fairgrounds needed approval from the RNC Committee on Arrangements (COA) in order to proceed with the event. Both major parties typically lock up hundreds of venues in the host city during the week surrounding their national conventions. Liberty Unleashed had claimed that the COA was blocking the event to alienate Paul's supporters.


We all need to remember that this is a chess match where the Good Guys are thinking 5-6 moves ahead. The RNC was PISSED OFF at the success of the Ron Paul Election Strategy. They have been and would have continued to block Ron Paul's supporters...until now. Now they WANT to bring the Paulites under their wing. They want the support of the Tea Party. They are asking for a GIANT BIG HUG and they will get it.

Then the tide will turn ABRUPTLY when the monetary crash hits and the Paulites and Tea Party will DEMAND  the same kind of treatment  and respect that they showed the Republican Establishment when their candidate was the shoe-in choice.

Make no mistake. Rand Paul knows the tide is about to turn and this maneuver will secure the support of the rest of the Republican Party when the nation turns to Ron Paul for the answers.

May that foggy Road you choose be the Right Road!

Bix Weir



Have you noticed, your Social Security check is now referred to as a "federal benefit payment"? I'll be part of the one percent, to forward this, our government gets away with way too much in all areas of our lives, while they live lavishly on their grossly overpaid incomes! KEEP passing THIS AROUND UNTIL EVERY ONE HAS READ IT.....


This is another example of what Rick Perry called "TREASON" in high places"!!! Get angry and pass this on!

Remember, not only did you contribute to Social Security but your employer did too. It totaled 15% of your income before taxes. If you averaged only $30K; over your working life, that's close to $220,500.

If you calculate the future value of $4,500 per year (yours & your employer's contribution) at a simple 5% (less than what the government pays on the money that it borrows), after 49 years of working you'd have $892,919.98.

If you took out only 3% per year, you'd receive $26,787.60 per year and it would last better than 30 years (until you're 95 if you retire at age 65) and that's with no interest paid on that final amount on deposit! If you bought an annuity and it paid 4% per year, you'd have a lifetime income of $2,976.40 per month.

The folks in Washington have pulled off a bigger Ponzi scheme than Bernie Madhoff ever had.

Entitlement my butt, I paid cash for my social security insurance!!!! Just because they borrowed the money and wasted it, doesn't make my benefits some kind of charity or handout!!

Congressional benefits ---- free healthcare, outrageous retirement packages, 67 paid holidays, three weeks paid vacation, unlimited paid sick days, now that's welfare, and they have the nerve to call my social security retirement entitlements?
We're "broke" and can't help our own Seniors, Veterans, Orphans, Homeless.

In the last months we have provided aid to Haiti, Chile, and Turkey. And now Pakistan...... home of bin Laden. Literally, BILLIONS of DOLLARS!!!

Our retired seniors living on a 'fixed income' receive no aid nor do they get any breaks while our government organizations pour Hundreds of Billions of $$$$$$'s and Tons of Food to foreign countries!

They call Social Security and Medicare an entitlement even though most of us have been paying for it all our working lives and now when it’s time for us to collect, the government is running out of money.

Why did the government borrow from it in the first place? Imagine if the “GOVERNMENT” gave 'US' the same support they give to other countries.
Sad isn't it?
99% of people won't have the guts to forward this.

I'm one of the 1% -- I Just Did

Gates And Monsanto Go After Milk

Health and Nutrition
Gates And Monsanto Go After Milk
By David Peters
Jun 15, 2012 - 6:20:03 AM
Gates And Monsanto Go After Milk
By David Peters
Perhaps, a large reason for why the Monsanto head of the FDA's food safety division is threatening to get rid of raw (real) milk has just raised its ugly head.

The following is certainly no scientific assessment of Gates' project but it is clear he is intending to genetically engineer milk and is looking at altering immunity itself.


Bill Gates just gave an $8.3 million grant to develop GMO Designer Humans.   By simply altering, deleting, or adding certain gut bacteria (genes) and fungi, corporations can create “Designer Human Consumers” in the near future, and Bill Gates wants to do just that, starting by “spiking” the milk that a toddler drinks. Gates and corporations he licenses, could potentially make a human short, tall, smart, dumb, submissive, aggressive, autistic, savant, healthy, or constantly in need of pharmaceutal [sic] drugs, or depend on WINDOWS computer based assistance for the rest of their life.

Worst of all, Gates could potentially control how long you live. In the near future, human development can potentially be dictated by corporate America, through the Bill & Malinda [sic] Gates Foundation and their $8.3 U.C. Davis grant.

Is this genetically engineering people?  And with what authority?  With unlabeled GMOs, how would anyone defend themselves against their immune system being permanently deregulated by genetically engineered milk?  What safe milk would be left if the FDA manages to ban raw milk, or should one say, non-industrial milk not contaminated by pesticides, GMOs, hormones, antibiotics, and the Crohn's bacterium?  If GE-milk was  approved, there could be constant changes to the milk, subjecting people to whatever genetically engineered unknowns Gates may wish to try out on people.

While Gates is looking to genetically engineer milk and perhaps gut bacteria itself, a significant study has just  shown that normal bacteria-rich yogurt which supports the person's own gut bacteria (their immune system) equals or even outdoes AIDS drugs.

Gates' work would genetically engineer the milk that goes into the yogurt (as well as into cheeses, ice cream, cottage cheese, cream, butter, cream cheese, etc) which might genetically engineer the bacteria that is in the gut (thus genetically engineering the person's immune system, which is primarily comprised of gut bacteria).

The yogurt study is tremendously good news for Africa and for all AIDS patients, both medically and financially, but the NIH article ends by mentioning Gates:

For such a change in mindset to occur [using an incredibly inexpensive and locally available simple food like yogurt to treat AIDS], and for data to be appropriately obtained to gauge the degree to which probiotic food can provide relief, governments (in developed and developing countries) and organizations such as WHO and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation may have to take a lead role.

But the lead Gates is apparently taking is to undermine the yogurt [and potentially the people's immune systems], rather than just making sure people have healthy food.  Gates' project might even rescue AIDS drugs by ruining yogurt and people's chances to simply get well on their own by supporting their immune system.  Gates is likely aware that this is revolution that is occurring in health - the human body plus real food is curing diseases.  Gates' project would impact both the body's ability to repair itself and a central food it uses to do so.

Here's the donation and the project will be led by Washington University in St. Louis - that's Monsanto territory.  Jeff Gordon at Washington University will lead the work.   Showing a photo of a poor African kid, once again.

"Researchers at the University of California, Davis, will join in an international research effort to develop new ways to diagnose, treat and prevent malnutrition in infants and children around the world."

Since when does one need a way to diagnose malnutrition? Or a complex biotech way to "treat" it?  Or to find a way to prevent it?  Beyond seeing  thin children and extrapolating from that they need real food and making sure they get it?  It is crucial to emphasize "real food" which is to say organic food, because genetically engineered "non-food" and processed "non-food chelates or bind the nutrients so they can't be used by the body but simply pass through.

This chelation of nutrients is argument enough for not genetically engineering milk but it also puts the lie to Gates' stated intention to deal with malnutrition since he would be increasing it.  Countries could be sucked into paying large sums for Gates' special milk for malnourished children, only to find the children couldn''t get the nutrients out of it, couldn't be "nourished" by it.  This would be truly MAL-nourished.

The WHO, funded by Gates, pushes AIDS drugs but has done nothing about clean water and good food.  With Gates' project, they can subvert the same dairy product that shows promise to heal AIDS in Africa and can alter (?) the very immune systems of children (and thus people) who simply need food and water.  (Africa is being squeezed dry of water  with water mining and Gates who says he care about poor children, is involved in the move toward giant agribusiness plantations in Africa which are the primary users of that water.)

UC Davis Partners In $8.3 Million Effort

Effort To Fight Childhood Malnutrition

May 14, 2012

The new research builds on ongoing clinical studies in Africa, South Asia and South America of malnourished and healthy infants and children and their mothers.
Researchers at the University of California, Davis, will join in an international research effort to develop new ways to diagnose, treat and prevent malnutrition in infants and children around the world.

The Breast Milk, Gut Microbiome and Immunity Project is funded by $8.3 million from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and will be led by the Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis. UC Davis will receive $1.1 million of the total.

The UC Davis researchers who will participate in the project are nutritionist Kathryn Dewey and microbiologist David Mills.

Severe malnutrition has long been thought to stem simply from a lack of adequate food. But now scientists understand the condition is far more complex and may involve a breakdown in the way gut microbial communities process various components of the diet.

The community of intestinal microbes and its vast collection of genes, known as the gut microbiome, is assembled right from birth and influenced by babies’ early environments and the first foods they consume, such as breast milk.

Through the Breast Milk, Gut Microbiome and Immunity Project, scientists will evaluate the relationship among first foods, the developing community of microbes in the intestine, and the developing immune system.

The new research builds on ongoing clinical studies in Africa, South Asia and South America of malnourished and healthy infants and children and their mothers; the Gates Foundation also funds those studies.

“This multidisciplinary project will allow us to expand our understanding of how to prevent infant malnutrition, which is a major focus of the UC Davis Program in International and Community Nutrition,” Dewey said. “The results of these experiments will provide critical information about whether the lipid-based nutrient supplements that we are evaluating in ongoing research have an influence on the collection of microorganisms in the human gut, which will help us understand the impact of our interventions on child growth."

As director of the International Lipid-Based Nutrient Supplements Project, Dewey is involved with two projects in Malawi that are providing biological samples for the newly funded research consortium. More information about the lipid-based nutrient supplement project is available at:

As part of the new project, Mills and his colleagues at the UC Davis Foods for Health Institute will examine the complex, protective sugars in breast milk and characterize specific bacteria in the guts of these infants. The researchers also will look for similar protective sugars in existing dairy products.

“This project will identify specific milk components from commercial dairy streams, which -- in combination with milk-responsive bacteria -- may extend the natural protection of mother's milk past weaning to a fragile population of children who desperately need that protection,” Mills said.

“The opportunity to deliver diet-based solutions in the near term ­ sourcing from commercial milk operations ­ is truly exciting, ” he said.

More information about the UC Davis Foods for Health Institute is available at

The overall project will be led by Jeffrey I. Gordon at the Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis.

Media contact(s):

David Mills, Foods for Health Institute, (530) 754-7821,
Kathryn Dewey, Nutrition, (530) 752-0851,
Pat Bailey, UC Davis News Service, (530) 752-9843,

© Copyright by all rights reserved

One-Man Quartet

Blessed are thou who believe, therefore they shall inherit the earth!!!  This is beautiful !  Have a blessed evening! 

Subject: One-Man Quartet


Where there is love, there must be faith and where there is faith, there's peace indeed.
Where there is peace, there must be God and where there is God--
There is no need.
How Great Thou Art
~Sung by a one man barbershop quartet~
This is incredible! Enjoy!

WORRYING does not take away tomorrow's TROUBLES; it takes away today's PEACE.

Lit Motors unveils functioning prototype of its C-1 self-balancing electric motorcycle

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 

LIT MOTORS unveils first working prototype of its C-1
Posted By: FreePlanet
Date: Saturday, 16-Jun-2012 05:35:10

readers of Free Planet will remember seeing the glossy white concept C-1 two-wheel stabilised monocoqued motorbike from Lit Motors going through its paces, being slammed into by a car (and not falling over) and standing on its own two wheels during parking (and not falling over).
All very stable, and promising...
My critical contention was that the Peraves E-Tracer was a sexier visual proposition and it didn't need the expense and weight of electromagnetic stabilisation because it had LEGS with wheels on the end, for parking and in stalled traffic or at zera crossings, traffic lights etc.
Well, here's new footage of a full-scale working prototype of Lit Motors C-1 and (it has to be said) it doesn't look as stable, e.g. at zebra crossings, as projected in the concept stage AND they've included unobtrusive-but-essential parking legs as if they also had concerns that a long-stay spell of parking might result in this thing falling over.

Message from the Galactic Federation of Light by Greg Giles - June 15, 2012 'Why We Are Here'

Rumor Mill News Agents Forum
Message from the Galactic Federation of Light by Greg Giles - June 15, 2012 'Why We Are Here'
Posted By: Mr.Ed [Send E-Mail]
Date: Saturday, 16-Jun-2012 01:15:47

Message from the Galactic Federation of Light by Greg Giles - June 15, 2012 6/15/12 'Why We Are Here'
These words are symbolic that we share with you from time to time. The thoughts and expressions we share with you are not always to be taken literally, and we do see many of you taking our words too literally too often. How to decipher whether our words are presented as metaphor and simile is a matter for you to decide for yourselves. When we speak to you we wish to convey certain thoughts, certain ideas, certain concepts and certain information to you. Depending on what we wish to convey to you at a particular time changes the manner in which we may present words to you.
When presenting particular and specific information about an upcoming event or suggestions we may make to you about how to better improve upon your communications and your tasks at this time would be occasions when we would not present to you expressions through the use of metaphor, as these cases would not be a suitable arena for such a use of expression. If we, for example, would like to share with you our feelings and emotions about a particular subject, then this would be a more suitable place for the use of artistic and poetic metaphor. Do you see the difference my friends? Do you see when there is a suitable place for metaphor and other artistic uses of language and when a more direct approach through the use of language is called for?
We hope that you can recognize the differences and apply this knowledge while you are reading our regular communications to you. We have noticed sometimes that some of you read communications from us that were presented metaphorically too literally. This can cause quite a bit of confusion, and it is confusion that we wish to avoid as we move ahead towards certain events in your future. We do not wish for any of you to be misled by metaphoric expression when they are merely presented to you to allow you to comprehend greater certain thoughts and ideas we wish to share with you. Please do not mistake metaphor for promises or assurances of what you will or will not experience, as this is not the intention of such expression.
We feel we do a good job presenting to you a more straightforward approach when it comes to speaking of events above and below the level of your awareness in your world. We will do our best to make it clear to you when we are speaking metaphorically or when a particular message we would like to share with you calls for a more straightforward and businesslike approach to the language and style of our communication. We also would like those of you reading our communications to take a little extra time if needed and slow down just a little while reading these messages and think about what it is we are saying and what it is we are trying to convey to you. We have taken notice on occasion that some of you may be rushing through these messages far too quickly to adequately grasp what it is we are trying to share with you on a particular day. We also feel there are those of you who are skipping passages entirely throughout a given message and even some of you who only read the comments others leave about a message to gain an idea of what the contents of the message were. This is not an advisable way to learn what we have to share with you on a given day, and we'd like all of you who comment under our messages to at least take some time and read the message before offering your thoughts.
That is all we ask, and we remind you that all viewpoints are respected and honored by us at all times and we say to you whether you agree with our communications or not to feel free to engage in the discussions that follow these postings. Any and all opinions and viewpoints are important to us, as no one’s views and opinions are more valid than any other individuals and all input, whether it be negative or positive, assists us in our mission to comprehend greater the levels of human consciousness and expansion at this time.
We'd like to take a moment to speak to you about what our mission is here on this planet at this time. There are many of you who have demonstrated confusion as to why we are here, and would like to clarify at this time what our purpose is here and dispel some unfounded rumors that we feel are leading to confusion, suspicion, distrust and even fear throughout your world. We, the Galactic Federation of Light, are here at this time in service to our Creator, who is also your Creator and who is the Creator of this entire universe and everything within it. Our Creator has decreed that we of the higher realms are to assist you, the people of the planet you call Earth, at this, your time of great change here in your world.
What you are being given is an opportunity to accept our assistance or to decline it. No one is forcing you to choose either way. This is your right, and we will honor and respect either choice that you make. When we say you, we mean you, the people of your planet as one collective whole, as one entity, for indeed, in a very meaningful and important way you are one entity and this point needs to be made clear to you as it is important each and every one of you understands this. You are one, and as such what happens here on your planet is due to a collective choice that you have made. Although there are billions of individuals on this planet, each of you enters your thoughts and actions into the collective mind of your planetary structure. It is the collective vibration of the energy entered into this planetary structure that decides for you the events you will experience as you move ahead on your journey.
As such, it is the overall vibrational frequency of the energies each of you enters into the collective consciousness of your world that decrees what we can do and cannot do for you at this time. What we would like to do for you is one matter, and what you will allow us to do for you is another matter entirely. This is a very important concept for each of you to understand, and this is why we say to you that sharing the information about our presence here, our honorable intentions to assist you, and what your options are at this time is so vitally important to your future and the events that you will experience. Can you understand this? Does this make sense to you? That is why we suggest to you, the ones that have awakened and do understand their choices and options at this time and who understand who we are and why we are here to share this information as far and as wide as you can.
Again, your job is not to try to convince anyone of anything. Your job is to simply make this information available to those who are willing to accept it as truth and act upon this information in any way that they see fit. This is your task, and this is all that is required of you in this area. Please do not feel you need to win anyone over in our favor, as this is not the task you are charged with. It is up to each and every individual to decide for themselves whether to accept the reality that we are here and to choose to believe that we are here in love and in service to our Creator and to you, our brothers and sisters. It is at the time when sufficient vibrations are reached when a choice is made and suitable events matching this vibrational frequency will schedule themselves upon your future timeline. Each and every moment of each and every day is an opportunity for you as a collective to choose the events you wish to experience together.
We hope that we have made this point very clear to you today, and we will continue to monitor your online social networks to collect data and determine how many of you fully understand this important concept at this time. We thank you for your time today and tell you that today's message is not presented as metaphor, but it has been presented in a straightforward manner, as what we have discussed with you today has had no call for poetic expression. When we say to you that each and every thought and action you make throughout your day is entered into your collective consciousness which chooses the future events you will experience together, this is precisely what we mean. We wish for all of you to choose more carefully and wisely your thoughts throughout your day, as they bear such greater importance than many of you may understand at this time, and we wish for more of you to fully understand this concept. Thank you for your time today, and we look forward to speaking with you again very shortly.
We are your friends from the Galactic Federation of Light.
As channeled through Greg Giles

Message from St. Germain by Kris Won, June 14, 2012

Rumor Mill News Agents Forum
Message from St. Germain by Kris Won, June 14, 2012
Posted By: Mr.Ed [Send E-Mail]
Date: Saturday, 16-Jun-2012 03:19:00

Message from St. Germain by Kris Won, June 14, 2012
Dearest Brethren:
I am addressing all of you with the sole intention of making you a request: please, don't spend so many hours sitting in front of the TV!
Believe me, there are many ways to fill up your time in this life in a more productive manner than sitting like 'couch potatoes', allowing all that enormous amount of images and subliminal messages to fill up your subconscious as well as your conscious mind.
Perhaps you are not aware of it, but you spend so many hours in front of your TV, picking up an enormous amount of unnecessary information, that is even damaging to your psyche and is being stored as 'garbage' in your mental body.
On the other hand, you are also being the target of many forces that are very powerful as well as lethal, who are trying to distract you with that superfluous and banal information so that you don't wake up to a reality that would endanger the control and domination they enjoy in those spheres of dark power.
In a manner of speaking, they are interested in maintaining you in the most absolute ignorance, in order to be able to continue devising all kinds of plans and plots to keep you under control, and therefore, deceived.
Don't think it twice, and dare to initiate a drastic change in your habits and routines; turn off your TV, or be much more selective when choosing what type of programs you will sit down to watch with your family.
The idea is not to fill up your minds with images on what to consume, or how and why, or try and find out who is the murderer in a thriller series and how is the police going to capture him, or to know which team is going to win the championship final in any sport.
The idea is, rather, to learn to empty your minds of so many superfluous thoughts that keep you feeling continually restless and wanting to feed always your mind with a multi-colored fan of dull and absolutely useless topics.
The system in which your life is immersed in makes you think that you need all that 'garbage' information with which they bombard you non-stop, so that you can feel 'alive'. For instance, you think that you have to be 'up-to-date' with that impressive amount of scandalous occurrences told by the newspapers and TV newscasts, so that you devour them daily in order to chat about them with your friends; and if what you are telling them is horrifying, so much the better because that accentuates the morbidity of the conversations. Is that not so?
Don't you realize how damaging to you is that type of frivolous and empty chatter/gossip?
If you were to use only half the time you spend watching TV for meditating within on your Inner Self, your lives would change extraordinarily, and they would be infinitely more vital, useful and productive.
That is, then, the purpose of my communication of today, to ask you to make a real effort to at least watch less TV or read less about what's happening in the newspapers, and devote more of your time to go deep within yourself and look for the eternal truths, which have been carefully and jealously guarded in your inner temples.
In these difficult times of economic crisis and social uncertainty in which you live now, the only available refuge lies in looking for the truth and the purpose of your existence within yourselves.
Make a decision, and initiate the change that will transform you into renewed souls of deep wisdom, respect for others and unconditional Love for your Creator!
Speaking to you is your Brother in Consciousness, who loves you deeply and unconditionally.
Source: Saint Germain
Channel: Kris Won
Translator: Gloria



15/6/2012, PRESS RELEASE

Treasure hunters confirm they have found something abnormal in the seabed

STOCKHOLM, Sweden, June 15, 2012

The Ocean X Team dove down to the circle-shaped object in the Baltic Sea and met something they never experienced before. First they thought it was just stone or a rock cliff, but after further observations the object appeared more as a huge mushroom, rising 3-4 meters/10-13 feet from the seabed, with rounded sides and rugged edges. The object had an egg shaped hole leading into it from the top, as an opening. On top of the object they also found strange stone circle formations, almost looking like small fireplaces. The stones were covered in something resembling soot.

"During my 20-year diving career, including 6000 dives, I have never seen anything like this. Normally stones don't burn. I can't explain what we saw, and I went down there to answer questions, but I came up with even more questions ", says Stefan Hogeborn, one of the divers at Ocean X Team.

The path to the object itself can be described as a runway or a downhill path that is flattened at the seabed with the object at the end of it.

"First we thought this was only stone, but this is something else. And since no volcanic activity has ever been reported in the Baltic Sea the find becomes even stranger. As laymen we can only speculate how this is made by nature, but this is the strangest thing I have ever experienced as a professional diver", continues Peter Lindberg, one of the founder Ocean X Team.

Right now, scientists are examining samples from the circle-shaped object, and experts in sonar imaging are processing data from the ship to hopefully shed more light over the mysterious object.

"During my 20-year diving career, including 6000 dives, I have never seen anything like this. Normally stones don't burn. I can't explain what we saw, and I went down there to answer questions, but I came up with even more questions ", says Stefan Hogeborn, one of the divers at Ocean X Team.

The path to the object itself can be described as a runway or a downhill path that is flattened at the seabed with the object at the end of it.

"First we thought this was only stone, but this is something else. And since no volcanic activity has ever been reported in the Baltic Sea the find becomes even stranger. As laymen we can only speculate how this is made by nature, but this is the strangest thing I have ever experienced as a professional diver", continues Peter Lindberg, one of the founder Ocean X Team.

Right now, scientists are examining samples from the circle-shaped object, and experts in sonar imaging are processing data from the ship to hopefully shed more light over the mysterious objec.

Friday, June 15, 2012

Michael Tellinger - author, researcher, scientist from S. Africa re. world banking

Published on May 7, 2012 by ABNDigital
Author, researcher and scientist, Michael Tellinger has just filed his 1,100 page notice of motion against Standard Bank in the Constitutional Court, accusing the bank of “unlawful and unconstitutional activity”. He also served the notice on the Reserve Bank and the Minister of Finance. Michael Tellinger joins ABN’s Samantha Loring in studio to give us more details.

Emitte lucem et veritatem
Send out light and truth

A peek into the future of transportation???

Rumor Mill News Agents Forum
A peek into the future of transportation???
Posted By: Mr.Ed [Send E-Mail]
Date: Thursday, 10-May-2012 16:15:58

A peek into the future of transportation???
This looks very much like the new off world technology that the GFL have been telling us about.
I heard it was crash proof and this fits...
Actually anti-gravity has been around and is suppressed, so maybe this is suppressed rather than off earth.
This is the first example of this technology I have seen so far. :)
Volkswagen People's car project, Hover Car, the flying two-seater - YouTube

Dinar - Dame Post

> Dame does not post much anymore but when she does I listen. P
> Global central banks are preparing a coordinated action to provide liquidity to financial markets following the Greek election on Sunday if it becomes necessary, according to a report by Reuters, citing unnamed G20 sources. The markets and the euro are rallying on the news, with the Dow jumping as much as 180 points.

> Wow, Dame....This is heavy!
> Do you all know what it means to provide liquidity? Simply put..."Have more cash on hand."
> Global Central banks are ready to use their profits from the IQD to support their failing, debt-stricken, cash-strapped banks.
> How can they "provide liquidity" without a huge influx of cash from somewhere. Remember, if the richest people in the world all give up half their fortunes, it wouldnt pay for our yearly deficit in this country.
> You and I are not the only ones hungering for this thing to happen,people...hang in there!
> I have been looking for intel like this...

Elites Admit Violent Revolution Imminent - The American Empire is Finished! -vid

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 

Elites Admit Violent Revolution Imminent - The American Empire is Finished! -vid
Posted By: Jordon [Send E-Mail]
Date: Friday, 15-Jun-2012 11:50:07

Elites Admit Violent Revolution Imminent: NWO Conference Part 2
TrutherGirl Sonia and Ken Fernandaz (who is a journalist and holds two law degrees) return to the 18th International Economic Forum of the Americas and find the discourse very different from the previous day's sessions. Today, the bankers and CEOs admit that the present model of globalization (imperialism) is not working, and that if things don't improve, violent revolution may be unavoidable.
I have to commend Mr Ketan Patel, Pres and CEO of Greater Pacific Capital, for his courage to be so honest about the current situation, to give credit to the level of awareness of the general public and to suggest that a complete overhaul of the system is needed- one in which the deck is not stacked in favor only of the elites. I don't know how his vision for 'Globalizatiion 2.0' would pan out, but at least he was willing to admit the current game plan (which looks to me like what the Rockefeller Institute once called 'Lock Step') is sure to end in disaster for the elites as well as the rest of us.
Here is Part 1:
TrutherGirl Infiltrates NWO Conference!
Special Report! TrutherGirl Sonia successfully infiltrates this year's NWO conference with subversive journalist Ken Fernandez and brings you a full report on what Elites such as banker and Bilderbergers have been discussing. Although the tickets are very expensive, which makes the event inaccessible to most of the public, to their credit they offer special deals for students, and are open to the media and generous with them, and encourage even difficult questions from journalists.
The 18th International Economic Forum of the Americas

Restoration Time!

I believe that restoration of the Constitution and preservation of our freedom requires elimination of the Federal Reserve System, the IRS, and the federal income tax; as well as restoration of the appointment of U.S. senators by the respective state legislatures as originally provided in the Constitution.
These necessary corrections to the errors of the past which initiated the Progressive movement in the United States will encompass either repeal or simple removal of the fraudulent 16th and 17th amendments from the Constitution.
The only presidential candidate who has addressed these matters and who could be expected to pursue these actions is Ron Paul.
I am not publicly endorsing or supporting Ron Paul, nor do I belong to a political party. I am simply acknowledging the truth of the dire situation in which our country finds itself, and of the positions expressed by the candidates themselves in respect to the underlying causes of our problems deriving from the massive corruption of our system of government which has now become so apparent that it is impossible to ignore.
The news below sounds very promising:
“MAJOR ANNOUNCEMENT: Lawyers for Ron Paul Lawsuit
There was a conference call Thursday evening @ 10pm EST. This call was recorded and I have the link below. Two major announcements were disclosed, one being a update on the lawsuit and the other one I'll let you be surprised by listening.”
It is being reported that important litigation has been initiated in federal district court in California seeking to restore to Ron Paul the Republican delegates who were denied to him as a result of large scale corruption of the voting process in Republican primary elections across the country. The attorney interviewed who describes this new litigation is clearly quite optimistic. I too was feeling this optimism, until he revealed the name of the judge assigned to the case in the United States District Court for the Central District of California.
The judge assigned to this case is former U.S. Marine officer and decorated combat veteran David O. Carter.
Does that name ring a bell? It should. Judge Carter is the federal judge who betrayed America in the Barnett case challenging the constitutional eligibility of Barack Obama.
In his surprise order in October 2009 dismissing the Barnett case, following explicit assurances in open court that he would insure a resolution of the issues raised in the Barnett case, Judge Carter made the following incredible statement which effectively rendered the relevant guarantees and protections of the Constitution meaningless:
“Plaintiffs have encouraged the Court … to effectively overthrow a sitting president who was popularly elected by “We the People” – over sixty-nine million of the people.”
Federal Judge David O. Carter
Order of Dismissal, Barnett et al v. Obama et al
October 29, 2009  
The massive corruption which is being reported as having been uncovered in the Republican primary elections was apparently engineered by the powerful figures in the Republican Party who have anointed Mitt Romney as their candidate. 
Will Judge Carter betray America again in his oversight of a promising legal effort to root out this corruption? I would like to believe that the American people can rely on Judge Carter to do his duty in this case, but his recent history is not encouraging.
Listen starting at 40:00 re: fraud in delegate awards in Republican primaries -
Republican lawyer describes Mitt Romney:
“(The court) will be looking at affidavits from well over one hundred people citing criminal acts from a criminal organization headed by a syndicate figure named Mitt Romney.  
This man is not the lesser of two evils. This man is evil. When you see the evidence we have you will have no doubt that this man has no place in the oval office of the United States.”
Then the lawyer volunteering to fight for Ron Paul goes on to state:
“This is absolutely ground-breaking news. It will be done by the opening gavel at the Republican convention in August. We believe that Judge Carter will get it done…
We have never seen something like this happen before. The amount of corruption is amazing…
The people are taking over the Ron Paul campaign. We are sick of this top-down politics, this top-down control.
We are saying ‘We want our country back!’
‘We are taking it back ourselves!’”
For more information, go to:
The November election may represent our last chance to save America. If we can restore sanity in Washington with a new administration which supports and defends the United States Constitution, there will be a lot of work to do to undo the damage not only of the last four years, but of the last one hundred years.
We need to insure that the next occupant of the White House is an American who understands what needs to be done. Based on what I have seen, I do not believe that even the leadership of the Republican Party understands what needs to be done!
David F. LaRocque