Saturday, June 16, 2012


By Jerome R. Corsi and Drew Zahn
AMES, Iowa – Rep. Steve King, R-Iowa, told WND that he plans to file a motion in federal court to block the Obama administration from implementing a controversial executive order announced this week excluding many young illegal immigrants from deportation.
The order is aimed at illegals who were brought to the U.S. before they turned 16 years old and are currently younger than 30. The president says it’s unfair to punish those young people for decisions their parents made and argues those young adults are already contributing to society.
But King says Obama’s move defies the U.S. Constitution by attempting to create new laws via executive order after the DREAM Act, a bill that would have similarly granted benefits to young illegal aliens, failed to pass Congress.
“I don’t need Congress to defend the Constitution,” King said, indicating he was open to others in Congress joining him, but that he planned to proceed, alone if he must.
“Barack Obama’s executive order defies the will of the American people,” he explained. “Congress has considered and refused to pass the DREAM Act.”
King told WND that he has a team of lawyers working through thorny legal problems, including venue – in which court he should choose to file the action – and standing, the argument that this is a case that allows King to bring legal action in the first place.
“Obama has directly challenged the separation of powers, a principle fundamental to the Constitution,” King said. “If we stand by and allow Obama to succeed, we might as well get out a black pen and start marking out those parts of the Constitution Obama finds offensive to him.”
King noted that Obama’s statute disregards existing federal law that demands illegal immigrants be apprehended and deported, regardless of the age at which they came to the United States or if they have graduated from high school.
He also pointed out Obama’s speech in March last year, when Obama said he did not have the authority to do what he just did
“I intend to file a legal action in the courts as soon as possible,” King stressed, “before Obama has a chance to do even more damage to the Constitution.”
King’s fellow elected official, Sen. Chuck Grassley, R-Iowa, also questioned the president’s authority to ignore immigration law and grant a form of soft amnesty to what some news sources have estimated is roughly 800,000 illegal aliens.
In a statement, Grassley said that Obama’s action is “an affront to the process of representative government by circumventing Congress and with a directive he may not have the authority to execute.”
“The president once denied that he had the legal authority to do this, and Congress was assured more than once that the administration would consider individuals for this sort of deferred status on a case-by-case basis only, and that there was no plan to implement a broad-based program,” Grassley said. “It seems the president has put election-year politics above responsible policies.”
King is locked in one of the most highly visible congressional contests in America, with his Democratic opponent being Christine Vilsack, wife of former Iowa Governor and current Secretary of Agriculture Tom Vilsack.
Though King represents a Republican-leaning district, major Democrat donors have targeted the congressman for toppling by backing Iowa’s former first lady, including Hollywood producer Norman Lear, Jonathan Soros, son of billionaire financier George Soros, Obama advisor David Axelrod, super-lobbyist Steve Elmendorf and New Hampshire yogurt company CEO Gary Hirshberg, as well as major political action committees, like EMILY’s List, the influential Washington, D.C.-based organization that boosts Democratic women who support abortion rights, and CREDO SuperPAC, which boasts it has donated over $70 million since 1985 for “social change” causes like Greenpeace, Planned Parenthood and the homosexual lobby.
King, a favorite among tea partiers in Iowa as well as nation rallies, has a long history of duking it out with the Vilsack family, extending back to the 1990s, when he and Tom Vilsack both served in the Iowa State Senate.
Then in 1999, while King was still an Iowa state senator, he brought a successful lawsuit in state court against then-Governor Vilsack, who had decreed by executive order that state government offices would not discriminate against homosexual and transgender individuals in employment decisions.
A judge in 2000 ruled that Vilsack had indeed exceeded his authority in issuing the order, a result similar to what King hopes to see in his challenge of Obama’s executive order.
“It’s a very, very similar case,” King told the Des Moines Register.
An earlier WND interview with King, in which the congressman asserted he was preparing to take legal action against Obama’s executive order, can be heard below:

"Important Drake update Sunday"

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 

Reader: "Important Drake update Sunday"
Posted By: hobie [Send E-Mail]
Date: Saturday, 16-Jun-2012 14:43:21

(Thanks, K. :)
Reader K. writes:
(just seen this at Global Voice 2012 Facebook page thanks Ken G)
Sunday June 17 , 2012 - 1-3pm Eastern - Drake Important Update
 (805) 399-1200
Participant Code 153938#
Drake will provide very important updates
Denise Rednour I would consider this call more important than previous...they will all be getting more important as we get closer and closer.
Denise Rednour DRAKE WILL BE MAKING EMERGENCY ANNOUNCEMENTS - you won't want to miss it.

Let's all eat at Chick-Fil-A this week

A must read

LIVE IN THE GLADNESS OF TODAY *********************************************************

Let's all eat at Chick-Fil-A this week
Now the Socialists  have targeted Chick-Fil-A, a Southern based company with the below resume..

I think, I'll have a Chick-Fil-A sandwich tomorrow.
Chick-fil-A is an American success story. Founded by Georgian entrepreneur Truett Cathy in 1946, the family-owned chicken-sandwich chain is one of the country's largest fast-food businesses. It employs some 50,000 workers across the country at 1,500 outlets in nearly 40 states and the District of Columbia ... The company generates more than $2 billion in revenue and serves millions of happy customers with trademark Southern hospitality.

So, what's the problem? Well, Chick-fil-A is run by devout Christians who believe in strong marriages, devoted families, and the highest standards of character for their workers. The restaurant chain's official corporate mission is to "glorify God" and "enrich the lives of everyone we touch.." The company's community-service initiatives, funded through its WinShape Foundation, support foster-care, scholarship, summer-camp, and marriage-enrichment programs. On Sunday, all Chick-fil-A stores close so workers can spend the day at worship and rest.

Over the past month, several progressive-activist blogs have waged an ugly war against Chick-fil-A. The company's alleged atrocity: One of its independent outlets in Pennsylvania donated some sandwiches and brownies to a marriage seminar run by the Pennsylvania Family Institute, which happens to oppose same-sex marriage.

In the name of tolerance, the anti-Chick-fil-A hawks sneered at the company's main product as "Jesus Chicken," derided its no-Sunday-work policy, and attacked its operators as "anti-gay." Petition drives on websites are demanding the company change and disavow their standards. Facebook users dutifully organized witch hunts against the company on college campuses.
Progressive groups are gloating over Chick-fil-A's public-relations troubles. This is not because they care about winning hearts and minds over gay rights or marriage policy, but because their core objective is to marginalize political opponents and chill Christian philanthropy and activism.. The fearsome "muscle flexing" is being done by the hysterical bullies trying to drive them off of college grounds and out of their neighborhoods in the name of "human rights."
Clearly the Christian business man who lives what he believes deserves our support....Thank God that some people are strong enough to stand up for what they believe even in the face of assault and ridicule from those who have no integrity....Let's all eat at Chick-fil-A. ---
Let’s all eat Chick-Fil-A! Truet Cathy founded a wonderful company who hires teenagers and pays their way to college. Not only that, it is delicious. These people are undermining American strongholds in order to weaken us for the enemy within and theenemy without!
Please pass this on if you believe companies with Christian principles have a right to freely conduct business in the U.S.
Amen to this!!!!
May the Lord Direct Your Steps!!!!
Firearms are second only to the Constitution in importance;
They are the peoples' liberty's teeth.

George Washington



     We have lost maybe 90% of the national industry and more that America should have had because lunatics in Congress and state governments no longer believe in the founding principles of America in 1776 of God-given rights for mankind. To restore economic prosperity to America now, we must pass the Omni Law now which restores to power the founding legal principles of the American Revolution of 1776. If you need a copy of the Omni Law Report (4 pages when printed out), ask for a free copy by sending your email to When asking members of Congress and state legislatures to pass the Omni Law, be sure to give them the 4 page report which contains the Omni Law within it. This shows them why it is so important to the American economy, freedom in America, national defense of America, etc. that it be passed and now as national law. 
     To show that even our U.S. Supreme Court no longer believes in the founding principles of America in 1776 and upholding the original legal intent behind the U.S. Constitution and U.S. Bill of Rights, read the following. The judges of the U.S. Supreme Court back in 1844 were raised in the generation where the American Revolution was still recent to them and veterans of the American Revolution would legally correct them if they took the wrong stand on the legal intent behind the U.S. Constitutution and U.S. Bill of Rights as written by the founding fathers of America in 1776 and afterwards. Joseph Story (1779-1845) was appointed to the U.S. Supreme Court by James Madison called "the Father of the U.S. Constitution." In 1844 he wrote the unanimous opinion of the U.S. Supreme Court then in the case of Vidal v. Girard's Executors on the original meaning of the 1st Bill of Rights on religion: "The real object of the First Amendment was not to countenance, much less to advance Mohammedianism, or Judaism, or infidelity, by prostating Christianity, but to exclude all rivalry among Christian sects (church denominations) and to prevent any national ecclesiastical patronage (establishment of a denomination as the national church) of the national government."
     In the same unamimous ruling of the U.S. Supreme Court, they explained that it was lawful and expected under the First Bill of Rights on religion to teach the Bible, both Old and especially the New Testament, in all the schools of America covered by the U.S. Constitution as national law. And the churches could teach far more privately, but the New Testament was expected under the U.S. Constitution and its U.S. Bill of Rights to be the sole national standard to teach all the school children of America the basic morality needed by all citizens of America. These U.S. Supreme Court Judges were raised in the American Revolution and immediately afterwards and knew the correct legal intent understood by the American people and states when they ratified the U.S. Constitution and the Preamble with its 10 U.S. Bill of Rights saying in legal language that the U.S. Bill of Rights were legally superior in authority to the rest of the U.S. Constitution which could not be used to overturn the 10 U.S. Bill of Rights in final authority.
     The Northwest Ordinance of 1787 which remained the national law of America for 125 years afterwards, in Article II, federal territories could not pass any law licensing or regulating bona fide contracts which included the sale of stocks or bonds (except for legal fraud previously committed as already covered by common law). Article III required federal territories to teach morality (the Christian Bible) in their public schools or could not later become a state of the United States. And the state constitutions written for these prior federal territories must have these legal rights retained in their new state constitutions to become a legal state of the United States. If you have not read this American history in your "politically correct" public schools of America, thank the Communists! The Soviet spy ring in America once wanted my father's trade secret industrial food process and in trying to win him over, they boasted they would end up taking over America anyway because they had captured control of the teaching of American history and were successfully brainwashing American students in the Communist written version of American history! With American students believing in Communist principles instead of the founding principles of America, America would eventually fall like a ripe plum into control and conquest by Communism coming from the radically won over  U.S. Congress in Wash., D.C.
     I Erasmus of America once had a unique economic library composed of economic books and economic reports given to me by six of the top economists of America and Europe who considered me to be a super star in economics. One of them wrote to Col. Curtis B. Dahl at Liberty Lobby in Wash., D.C. that he rated me to be the fastest-rising economic genius in America. Col. Dahl, former son-in-law of Pres. F.D.R.,  contacted me and showed me this letter from the leading conservative economist of America who was a good friend of mine. Wash., D.C. in order to try and silence me in economics I guess, destroyed my economic library with many books and references that could never be replaced in America. Much of what I say that follows comes from the law textbook "A Treatise On Natural Law" written by Professor George Tucker about 1842-46. The Tucker family wrote the leading law references in America then and were good friends of President Thomas Jefferson. Thomas Jefferson founded the University of Virginia in 1819 he stated so the true legal concepts America had been founded upon in 1776 would be preserved and taught in America by at least the University of Virginia. As he sadly commented, already the lawyers now were only interested in legal fees and not learning the founding legal principles of America in 1776. He asked the Tucker family to write the legal reference or references that would preserve for America the true legal concepts America was founded upon in 1776. I was going to later mass print this Treatise On Natural Law by Professor George Tucker so all Americans could learn the wonderful legal concepts America was founded upon in 1776, but morally corrupt Wash., D.C. did not want America to hear this kind of legal and economic material from American history. If anyone has a copy left of this classic law textbook, let me know so that I may reprint it and give back to America the great heirloom of God-based law America was founded upon in 1776.
     The God-given right to contract was based upon the Bible and whatever the Bible approved of could not be forbidden or regulated by government. That is why the Continental Congress told American citizens in the Thirteen Colonies to ignore any state governments trying to regulate or license citizens to sell interests in business enterprises by commercial contracts we now call stocks, bonds, common-law trusts, etc.  That is why when the American Revolution ended, already industries were springing up all across America. The genius of the people had been released by freedom to practice free enterprise in this newly formed nation of America. Also, the Continental Congress running the American Revolution supplied technical reports, etc. on manufacturing technology to citizens wanting to set up new industries in America while the American Revolution was still being fought! Britain had outlawed the Thirteen Colonies from setting up industries that could compete against British industries, yet at the end of the American Revolution, already Alexander Hamilton was discussing with President George Washington about setting up tariff protection for new industries forming in America so British industry could not wipe them out by price warfare. All this is censored history not taught in "politically correct "(Communist front education) public schools of America. The God-given right of contract as derived from Bible authority and teachings included work agreements, sales contracts including the setting of prices, and creation and sale of contracts called stocks and bonds! And the right of any worker to be an independent contractor instead of an employee with job! Government could not stop this as no law was to be valid or binding on American citizens not based upon the authority and teaching of the Bible!
     God has given land to all of mankind so all men may support their families by means of the soil. When men form governments and turn over their right to a fair share of land given them for use by God, they have to be given back by society in turn the right to be able to earn an honest living in this society and the effective means to support themselves and families by other means if they have given up their God-given right to land to a collective organization called government. If government will not allow them to earn an honest living by means approved of in the Bible and will not supply them the environment so they can support themselves and families, then they have the God-given right to take back their land rights from government, and set up a new community, society, and government which will respect and support their right to support themselves in life. The old government then forfeits its right to manage and distribute the land for the involved areas and has no right to be a government any longer having lost its authority from God to be a government on earth. (The people can change their government then!)
     Government could only give conditional title to land to individuals, but not absolute title as only God has final title to all land on earth. However, whatever man produced by his own effort, material, and investment was his total property to own and he had total right to so long as it would not harm the rights of others to sell this property to whomever he wanted to and for whatever price he wanted to. Whatever property he created approved of by the standards of God was his private property which government could not forbid him from having, producing, or selling so long as ethically used. And his private property could never be taken away from himby force of government except first by judgment of jury trial! In America in 1776, it was legally asserted that jury trial was required to prevent tyranny! And a first decision of the U.S. Supreme Court once created was that any jury had the right not only to judge by law, but also by whether the law was just or valid. They, not the judge, made the final decision whether a listed law should be enforced or else nullified by jury decision.
     Separately, James Madison, "Father of the U.S. Constitution," writing on the same topic of God-given rights to property, wrote his famous essay on property. He taught that property also included man's personal, political, and religious beliefs which government could not forbid him from having and communicating these beliefs to others if he so wanted. Thomas Jefferson backing up Madison's position that all  U.S. law must be based upon the Bible to be valid as law as required by the founding principles of America also wrote, "The Bible is the cornerstone of all liberty!" Separately, Benjamin Franklin once wrote, "Where liberty dwells, there is my country!" America's greatness, prosperity, and freedom all came from applied Bible teachings! As a great French intellectual commented when visiting America in the early 19th Century, "America is great because America is Christian. If America ceases to be Christian, then it will cease to be great." Yours for God and Country, Erasmus of America (Pen name for now until the timing is right as America returns to God! The evil have complained I made too much sense to too many of the people and so they repeatedly tried to silence me when I began to show the American people the real truth about major national issues. I always scare the daylights out of the evil as they are afraid of losing their control over the American people and America as a nation if too much of the nation hears me. Email this report all over America and America will wake up from its sleep caused by the censorship of truth from America!) As the Bible teaches, "Listen to the truth and the truth shall make you free!
      Comment June 16: Pres. Obama doesn't need Congress to pass bills into law now! He just decrees from the White House and another law is created for America in violation of the terms of the U.S. Constitution. Speaking of legal terms, it had been federally defined in federal court some time ago that the term in the U.S. Constitution that a man running for or elected as President of America must be born of two natural citizens of America plainly means that he cannot run for the White House if both of his parents were not American citizens. Obama's father was a citizen of Kenya and never was an American citizen! Everyone in the Democratic Party pushing Obama for President in 2012 is willfully violating his oath of allegiance to uphold the U.S. Constitution as the national law of America. And any citizen of America who ever took an oath of alllegiance in the name of God to uphold the U.S. Constitution and then votes for Obama knowing that legally he cannot run for the White House in 2012 violates his oath he or she has given to God and is called perjury of oath of allegiance. A sobering thought for those who think there is no problem that can arise over this, foreign governments do not have much confidence in Obama as President and a number of them are getting ready to dump the U.S. dollar as the reserve currency of the world. What does this mean? Well, if this happens, the American people may be shocked to find that they pay a fortune for gasoline after that and even pay for a loaf of bread with a wheelbarrow of money as happened to the Weimar Republic of Germany when hyperinflation hit them in the 1920's! This would wipe out the bank accounts of America if this goes too far. I always figured even if people love to be intensely corrupt in moral values, there comes the time when common sense says to do the right thing instead of the tempting morally wrong thing!
      I am planning to release one more report shortly on the teaching of Thomas Jefferson that the American people and the national government have the God-given right to survival which is higher law before God than any and all man created laws on earth. I plan for this to be my final report on God-given rights as fought for and believed in by those who led and those who fought in the American Revolution of 1776 to found America as an independent nation under the laws and blessings of God. By the way, the end of the U.S. Constitution had the legal term placed in it by George Washington and was so ratified by the 13 original States of America. Jesus Christ is legally declared to be the "Lord" of the U.S. Constitution meaning King of America! As used in legal documents of that era, when you said "In the year of our Lord," you referred to Jesus Christ as King in authority over that legal document, contract, etc.
      A little more comment on the God-given right to contract and property, the inventors cannot give America hardly any new industries because the U.S. Patent Law is very corrupt and all sorts of ways tries to block or else set up for stealing by corrupt U.S. interests or else foreign nations the attempted patent ideas of U.S. inventors. Also, inventors are normally treated as archcriminals and worse than the Mafia if they try to offer to American citizens business investment offers on their inventions. That is why so many inventors now want to try to sell to China as they are not allowed to push their inventions as business offers in America. I published years ago the First National Directory of Inventor Organizations and heard countless horror stories of how American inventors were treated by American law when they tried to get new industries started in America. I have the Vatican endorsed food process my father invented and which Pope Pius XII endorsed as potentially the greatest news for mankind since the coming of Christ since it could potentially solve the twin problems of starvation and malnutrition in the world. Also, university tests predicted the entire human race will shortly go extinct on earth like the dinosaurs if this Vatican endorsed super health food is not added to the American and world diet. Medical lab test results from all over the world indicate the entire human race will shortly go biologically go extinct if an effective answer is not fast found for the human race on earth. But for savage resistance from Wash., D.C., I would have had my father's industrial food process reestablished in America shortly after I left the univesity as a history major a number of years ago! I estimate so far even 3 billion people have died due to this Washington genocide policy of killing off as much of mankind as possible by continued suppress of my father's Vatican endorsed trade secret food process and my father was Vatican endorsed even though he was not a Catholic but a hardcore Protestant!
      If my Omni Law cannot be passed in America in 2012, in order to save the human race from potential extinction, I will then morally have to start dealing with foreign governments until I get the deal I wanted set up in America. The nation getting this Vatican endorsed trade secret food process will potentially become the richest and most powerful nation in all of human history. I have been trying to give this food process to America, but Wash., D.C. savagely fought me to not set this up in America. Time is up. If the Omni Law is passed in America in 2012, I can start setting up this vatican endosed food industry in 2013 in America. If not, maybe Russia, Canada, Australia, etc. may get this worldwide food industry instead of America. If another nation gets this giant worldwide food industry, they will likely eternally thank the American people for giving them all this national wealth that was originally going to America. This Vatican endorsed food product was judged by Adolf Hitler, Joseph Salin, the Vatican under Pope Piux XII, will give colossal power and wealth to the nation ending up with this Vatican endorsed food industry. Pass the Omni Law folks! Time is up! Before God I am obligated to make some nation trustee of this great world food industrybefore it is too late and mankind goes extinct like the dinosaur on earth! If you do not have a copy of my Omni Law Report (4 pages in print), send me your email address and request a copy of the Omni Law Report. And then show this to all elected officials and candidaes federal and state and demand their position whether to pass this Omni Law in 2012 or else tell you why they do not want this Omni Law passed in America and why they do not want this colossal size world food industry for America instead of Russia, Canada, Australia, etc. whoever I choose to end up with this. Yours for God and country, Erasmus of America (my pen name for the moment!) 


From a Viet Nam Vet -- "It's unfortunate that when I tell this to most of the folks I associate with, they think I'm just spinning the facts to suit my own perspective.   Nearly everyone believes that we lost the VN conflict.  We being the U.S. military.  As Giap says, the media and the politicians ran up the white flag for us and then spit in our eye when we came home.  Am I bitter.  You bet your ass I am and I'll never forget how
Walter Cronkite, Jane Fonda,and LBJ engaged in traitorous actions they should
have been shot for.  That's just my opinion…"


General VoNguyen Giap.
General Giap was a brilliant, highly respected leader
of the North Vietnam military. The following quote
is from his memoirs currently found in the
Vietnam war memorial in Hanoi :
'What we still don't understand is why you Americans
stopped the bombing of Hanoi . You had us on the
ropes. If you had pressed us a little harder,
just for another day or two, we were ready
to surrender! It was the same at the
battle of TET. You defeated us!
We knew it, and we thought
you knew it.
But we were elated to notice your media was
helping us.
They were causing more disruption in
America than we could in the battlefields. We
were ready to surrender. You had won!'
General Giap has published his memoirs and confirmed
what most Americans knew. The Vietnam war was not
lost in Vietnam -- it was lost at home. The
same slippery slope, sponsored by the US media,
is currently underway. It exposes the
enormous power of a Biased Media to
cut out the heart and will of
the American public.
A truism worthy of note: ... Do not fear the enemy,
for they can take only your life.
Fear the media,
for they will destroy your honor

Wash DC march of the Silent Majority - Free Download Presentation



Las Vegas, NV

Kansas City, MO (Original)

Kansas City, MO (Current)

A billboard depicting Barack Obama as an Islamist suicide bomber, a homosexual and a Mexican bandit has triggered a storm of criticism in a western US city weeks ahead of crucial polls.

The colorful poster of the Obamas -- under the ironic slogan "Vote DemocRAT" -- is attracting attention from media worldwide and from people clogging a local parking lot for a closer look.

Beneath the cartoonish figures of Obama -- also depicted as a cigar-chomping gangster -- are rats, labeled as trial lawyers, the Inland Revenue Service (IRS), the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the Federal Reserve bank.

Pretty much says it all . . .
Las Vegas, NV


Berlin, Germany

Tucson, AZ

Cedar Rapids, IA

Mason City, IA

Blue Springs, MO

Atlanta, GA

Barrow County, GA
Niles, OH

Wheat Ridge, CO

Atlanta, GA

Chehalis, WA
Remember those Burma Shave road signs along those dusty highways of years past? Well, check out these Barack Obama road signs on I-5 near Chehalis, WA, 88 miles south of Seattle (cursor down a bit).
West Plains, MO

Mason City, IA

Location Unknown

Oshkosh, Wisconsin

North Versailles, PA

Athens, Alabama

Clovis , NM

New York, NY

Beijing, China

Why Jimmy Loves Barack
November 6, 2012
You are not alone!
Forward far & wide..

No virus found in this message. Checked by AVG - Version: 2012.0.2176 / Virus Database: 2425/5028 - Release Date: 05/28/12

Pulled Fox News Sunday --- If this does not turn you against Obama, nothing will.

Subject: This one will absolutely turn your stomach!

Pulled Fox News Sunday --- If this does not turn you against Obama, nothing will.
Date: June 13, 2012 10:23:42 PM CDT
 Remember all the notices we kept getting to watch Fox News on Sunday at 9PM? What Happened?
This is the clip that got pulled due to pressure from the Administration.
Obama Puts Heat on Fox News to Prevent Sean Hannity airing this piece.
This is a video that Sean Hannity of FOX News has been trying to show that we are told has consistently been blocked by the Obama Administration for several weeks.
Watch it now before it gets pulled from the internet!

Do you know who I am!

 Do you know who I am!

Montana Restaurant
This is a great story! The radio station America FM was doing one of its 'Is Anyone Listening?' bits this morning. The first question was, 'Ever have a celebrity come up with the 'Do you know who I am?' routine?'
A woman called in and said that a few years ago, while visiting her cattle rancher uncle in Billings , MT , she had occasion to go to dinner at a restaurant that does not take reservations. The wait was about 45 minutes; many ranchers and their wives were waiting.
Ted Turner and his ex-wife Jane Fonda came in the restaurant and wanted a table. The hostess informed them that they'd have to wait 45 minutes.
Jane Fonda asked the hostess, 'Do you know who I am?' The hostess answered, 'Yes, but you'll have to wait 45 minutes.'
Then Jane asked if the manager was in. When the manager came out, he asked, 'May I help you?'
'Do you know who we are?' both Ted and Jane asked.
Yes, but these folks have been waiting, and I can't put you ahead of them.'
Then Ted asked to speak to the owner. The owner came out, and Jane again asked, 'Do you know who I am?'
The owner answered, 'Yes, I do. Do you know who I am? I am the owner of this restaurant and I am a Vietnam Veteran. Not only will you not get a table ahead of my friends and neighbors who have been waiting here, but you also will not be eating in my restaurant tonight or any other night. Good bye.'
Only in America , is this a great country or what?
To all who received this, this is a true story and the name of the steak house is:
Sir Scott's Oasis Steakhouse
204 W. Main ,
Manhattan , MT 59741
(406) 284-6929
If you ever get there, give this fellow a sharp salute, buy a steak, and tip the waitress. Keep passing this on. We should never forget our national traitor!

Ron Paul endorsement

Subject: Ron Paul endorsement

Ron Paul News

Ron Paul Message to Supporters

Uploaded by Ron Paul on Jun 15, 2012 

Ron Paul Will Not Endorse Mitt Romney
He is, as he has always been, the man of principle

June 16, 2012
Lew Rockwell .com 

Lew Rockwell was asked to appear on the Alex Jones Show on June 14 to discuss the the wars, the euro, the bankster bail-out, and the #1 topic in the libertarian and conservative political world, Rand Paul's endorsement of Mitt Romney.

With much speculation being bandied about regarding an endorsement by Ron, Lew quickly and decisively puts the matter to rest. He tells us that the Ron Paul he met in 1975 is the same Ron Paul today. He is not going to endorse Mitt Romney any more than he did George W. Bush, John McCain, or similar figures.

Lew continues by noting that there is only one Ron Paul. He's unique in American history, and he doesn't sell out. We have no worries whether nor not this great man will stick to his principles.

(For the remainder of the interview, Lew expounds on many aspects of our too big government and the evils which it imposes on us and around the world.
This discussion is a mini-course on libertarianism by one of the most important men in the Freedom Movement who was at one time Ron Paul's chief of staff. It's well worth your time to listen to this...Vin)

(Copy and paste this URL into your search engine to open.)