Sunday, June 17, 2012

Twist and Turn and QE Equals Zilch

BREAKING NEWS: Twist and Turn and QE Equals Zilch
EXPLOSIVE Back Breaking News
Twist and Turn and
QE Equals Zilch 
by Tom Heneghan, International Intelligence ExpertSunday June 17, 2012

UNITED STATES of America - It can now be reported that the Federal Reserve's balance sheet remains backloaded on the deferred end on the yield curve.

The Fed's policy continues to be a policy to rearrange their books aka bail out the derivative-riddled banks that still really can't loan money to the public.

Accordingly, another round of stimulus by the Fed is questionable.

It will produce no real jobs, will create more derivative debt and all it will really do is enable black box high frequency crooked trading by the banking casinos.

Previous stimulus from the Fed has produced short term asset bubbles (perceived inflation), until the asset bubbles then burst and what we get is more deflation.

P.S. At this hour, repatriation of collateralized assets continues (property rights and precious metals) as IMF and Central Bank of Japan officials continue to demand the final implementation of the Wanta-Reagan-Mitterrand Protocols that will reduce worldwide debt, re-collateralize the banks making the election in Greece irrelevant and create a currency exchange rate equilibrium.

P.P.S. Stay tuned for further intelligence briefings including the 24-hour Bank of England bridge loan and the tie in to an IMF-European Union INTERPOL investigation of a noted major hedge fund and its activity in creating crooked, artificial euro-yen currency spreads on the London LIFFE Exchange.

Note: This major hedge fund, working in duality with a noted crooked bank, then used the proceeds from the artificial spreads to margin other financial transactions.

It is time for forced liquidation!

Drake's Message 6-17-12 ---- WHAT DO YOU THINK?

This posting is to seek out your opinion per the Drake's Message. Your comment will be listed for all of us to share.

Transcript of Stephen Cook’s Exclusive Interview with Cobra, June 13, 2012 – Part 1/2

Transcript of Stephen Cook’s Exclusive Interview with Cobra, June 13, 2012 – Part 1/2

2012 JUNE 17
Posted by Steve Beckow
The transcript of  Stephen Cook’s interview with Cobra has arrived, thanks to Ellen.  I’ve posted it in two parts, the second to follow on Monday. Those who wish to read the second part today can do so by going here.

The Light Agenda: Cobra – Presented by Stephen Cook

Episode 1 – Wednesday June 13, 2012: Exclusive World First Radio Interview with Cobra – Part 1/2
Stephen Cook: As recently as March 31st this year, my first guest was completely unknown, but a blog titled Portal 2012 and the messages posted there have changed all that. In the short space of just two and a half months, Cobra has become a strong and sometimes controversial voice in the light-worker community: organizing mass meditations and visualizations; being a messenger for the underground Resistance Movement; and imparting knowledge and intel on various universal concepts and incidents behind the scenes.
A few weeks ago, I conducted an e-mail-only interview with Cobra for the2012scenario website. As those who regularly enjoy the site will know, Cobra did not wish to reveal his or her real identity, and I respect that.
During that interview, however, we learned that Cobra: needs to protect his or her own identity simply because people close to Cobra have been attacked by the Cabal; that Cobra is a Pleiadian incarnated in a human body; that he or she has had a long association with a man named Michael who started the resistance movement some 35 years ago; and that Cobra posts encoded messages to assist the Resistance Movement in their quest to remove the dark.
We agreed at the time of that interview that, when the appropriate time came later, Cobra would be my first guest here on The Light Agenda, as long as I disguised his or her voice. And so, true to the given word, Cobra joins us now, vocal enhancements and all.
Cobra, welcome to the very first episode of The Light Agenda.
Cobra: Thank you. Thank you for inviting me to this interview.
SC: My pleasure. Now, it’s been a fairly big few days over the last few days, and it’s probably also been a little bit confusing for some of us. We’re hearing from you and others that the Cabal has stepped forward to seek negotiations for their surrender, and yet, at the same time, we’ve had all sorts of polls on various websites asking us what “we,” as the citizens of Earth, would like the Earth Allies, the Resistance Movement and others, including Drake, to do with the Cabal.
For me and possibly some other listeners now, it’s been a bit confusing. Could you bring us up to speed with where things are at as we stand today?
Cobra: Actually, things are not confusing at all. It is very simply a big step forward in this planetary liberation process, because this is the first time in human history when the Cabal has actually considered surrendering. So, this is a very big step. It is the first real option for peace on this planet.
So, what is actually happening is that some segments of the Cabal are actually considering surrendering, and they would like to know the terms of that surrender. And the purpose of all those polls on various websites is to — just to have a general idea what the awakened part of the population would like. So, it’s actually very simple and very clear.
SC: Okay, but I’m still a little bit confused, because following the June 6th Venus transit I think you, and possibly a couple of other people, said that at that moment, the Cabal then made an offer to surrender. So, what was that offer at that time, and how is it either the same or different from what’s just happened the past few days?
Cobra: Actually, the Venus transit is one very powerful moment, and it is the moment when after more than 5,000 years the Goddess energy came back to this planet.
SC: Um-hmm.
Cobra: And if you really know human history, you’ll know that before that time there was a long period of peace upon this planet. In the Neolithic times, there was no wars. And now, finally, when this energy is coming back, this energy influences everybody, not just the light-workers, but also the average human population and the Cabal. So…
SC: People like you and me as well. [laugh]
Cobra: Everybody. Everybody. So what happened is that [for] the first time the Cabal began to realize that they’re losing their power for sure, and they’d better negotiate. It is similar to the criminals, when they realize that they’re going to get caught, they begin to think about surrendering because they might get a lighter sentence. So this is exactly what happened immediately the Venus transit.
And what’s happening in the last few days is just the process of negotiation, the process of finding out what do we really want, and how the Cabal will respond to this.
SC: Okay…
Cobra: I cannot guarantee they will accept the surrender, but it would be a very good thing, they will.
SC: How did you first learn, or how did you learn that the Cabal was thinking of surrendering, after the Venus transit? And then, what action was taken, or who of the Cabal came forward, and to whom, at that time?
Cobra: Okay. So, I heard about those negotiations for a few months. I didn’t take them seriously. I was not working with that particular group, and I actually heard about this from Drake’s interview. And I was very skeptical first. So I decided to check my contacts. And they said, “yes, this is really happening”. I didn’t believe it at first, and I said, again, “Is it really happening?” They said, “Yes.”
I was not happy about the idea that the mass arrests will not happen in the same way as it was planned, but then they explained to me that actually what’s happening is better. They gave me intel and some background about this, and then I said okay, and then I posted it on my website.
So, what’s happening now is actually, there is a certain group within the Rothschild and Rockefeller faction that would like to surrender, most likely the central bankers. This is not the whole of the Cabal, this is just one faction.
SC: Yes.
Cobra: They’ve been negotiating, especially with Keenan. And Drake is in contact with Keenan, and they are negotiating this.
SC: So, when you say “Keenan,” that’s Neil Keenan who…
Cobra: Yes.
SC: … I think David Wilcock first said, that had served the liens on not only the Federal Reserve but then the 12 Federal Reserve banks in America, and also some of the central banks within Europe.
Cobra: Exactly.
SC: So, have you been in contact with Drake to find this out, or have you got your own intel sources that give you that information?
Cobra: I have no contact with Drake, I work independently. But I have my own sources, and they said this is happening, this is true.
SC: Okay. So, do you know how the Cabal has stepped forward? Like, what did they say? What did — like who did they — did they just contact Neil Keenan direct and say, “We’re interested in making some sort of deal here”?
Cobra: They contacted Neil Keenan, and I think also Drake received a phone call from them. And they just — they are scared, they would like to surrender. And there is no news yet how this all turned out, because they still need to think about it, a few days maybe.
SC: Okay.
Cobra: And when I contacted my sources in the Resistance, they said there is a certain deadline that needs to be put, and they need to surrender by that day. And this was — the suggested day was the 21st of June. The summer solstice.
SC: Yeah, the summer or winter solstice, depending on where we live.
Cobra: Yes, right.
SC: So, do you know at this point, though, what that surrender might entail, how that would actually happen?
Cobra: There are various conditions put forth, and this is not yet finalized, but from the perspective of the Resistance Movement, one of the main conditions would be that they would need to go on the mass media and publicly announce their surrender and explain, in brief, who they are and what they did. This is the first condition.
SC: Yes?
Cobra: And the second condition is for them to completely and absolutely and forever step down from their power. So this gives us freedom to finally begin shaping our destiny on this planet.
SC: And are they the only two conditions at this time?
Cobra: These are the two main conditions given forth by the Resistance Movement. There are many more that are given forth by the negotiation group.
SC: Right. And do you know who that …
Cobra: This is quite a detailed proposal at this point. I don’t have all the details, but it’s not just these two main conditions. There are many, many more.
SC: Right. Do you know who the negotiation group may be? Because one of the things that you did say to me when we did our e-mail interview on the2012scenario was that in the past you had been involved in negotiations of handover of certain members of the Cabal?
Cobra: Yes, but that was a different faction. I was more involved with negotiation of the surrender of the Jesuit faction and some other Archon type entities.
SC: Right.
Cobra: So I’m not in contact with this group. Not directly.
SC: Right. But those members of the Cabal who you assisted with their negotiation process, are you able to say who — would any of us know who they are?
Cobra: I’m not allowed to give any names. For them, for some of them I didn’t know the names, and for some of them I know the names but I am not allowed to speak about that.
SC: Okay. But when you… okay. So if, for example, you were doing a negotiation, are you literally the person in the middle saying, “They’re offering this, do you accept this?” “They say no,” and you move forward like that? Is that how it actually happens, in the same ways as negotiation …
Cobra: It’s actually a negotiation with somebody who’s opposing you, and you need to know — need to have tactics how to deal with them. You need to understand their psychology, their way of thinking, how they will react, where to push, where to step forward, where to go back, how to do it. You know, they are crazy people. They are not — they don’t think like usual human beings. So you need to understand how they react and what are their weak spots.
SC: So is that …
Cobra: One of the main …
SC: Yeah, sorry.
Cobra: … One of the main factors here is just gathering intel on what their weak spots are. This is one of the main things here.
SC: Right. But when you’re actually doing that negotiation, obviously it’s a game of psychological warfare to some degree?
Cobra: Yes.
SC: Yes. So, is that something that you, as Cobra, have trained in in the past, or that you have taught yourself? Or is that something that just comes naturally to Cobra?
Cobra: Actually, my contacts with the Resistance, many, many, years ago, taught me about this. And I went to some, I would say — there was not a formal training, but some kind of training, yes.
SC: Yes. Okay. So in terms of the Cabal surrendering or not surrendering, if they don’t surrender…. There was a period where we were all expecting all the mass arrests to happen, and we were all waiting and waiting. April came and went, people thought, oh, maybe it’s May. May came and went. Then we were hoping it would happen around the time of the eclipse, then people were hoping it would happen around the time of the June 6th Venus transit. Why does it keep on being delayed?
Cobra: It is because nobody knows everything. And this is like in every war, nothing goes as planned. Actually, the date of April 2012 was given to me 10 years ago. And I was expecting this to happen in April. And when the April came and went, I was given explanations why it doesn’t happen now, why it doesn’t happen now, and more and more factors that are involved were being revealed. So, actually, nobody knows when and how this is going to happen. The only thing I was given assurance of is that this will happen, one way or the other. This planet will be liberated.
So, actually, when the Resistance asked me to put up the Cobra blogsite, they said, the purpose of this is to inform the general population, because now is the time when the planet is going to be liberated.
And I wouldn’t put up the website if this was not guaranteed.
SC: Okay, but in terms of the mass arrests themselves, like, you just said, that the time — I suppose the time-frame has changed. What is actually impacting on that time-frame? What is slowing it down? Or what can you tell us about what may be happening behind- the-scenes that keeps making it shift?
Cobra: The first factor here is concern by the positive light forces of the reaction of the general population upon this. Nobody actually knows how the general population will react when something like this happens.
There are some projections, there are models being made, computer simulations, but nobody really knows because nothing like this has ever happened on this planet. And this planet is so difficult to liberate just because the general population has been brainwashed so deeply. This is the main factor here. And a large part of the general population might not cooperate with the plan. So this is one of the main factors here.
SC: Do you think that’s the case, though? Because, say, for example — I mean, I know it usually blows people away. I mean, I talk to people quite regularly, friends and even family, and say, look, you know, these are some of the things that have happened, these are the things that could be possible.
Most people go, “Oh, I’d love my life to be different! I would love that I’m not constrained. I would love that there was no war. I’d love to know I had — to know I have no money worries and I didn’t have to work and leave my children.”
So, do you not think that the general population itself would really appreciate being liberated at last?
Cobra: They will liberate — they will appreciate it after this is over, but not during the process, because the process itself might not be completely peaceful or smooth. And they would not appreciate actively cooperating in this, they would just like to make it happen. But somebody has to do it.
And if there is a small, yet powerful, group doing it, we have to do it very carefully.
SC: And when you say “small, yet powerful,” you’ve told me in the past there’s around about 300 Resistance Movement members on the surface. Does that mean there are thousands of other Resistance Movement members underground, and then…
Cobra: There are 20 million at this moment underground.
SC: Oh, wow. Okay. I didn’t know that! [laugh] And are they human beings, or are they Pleiadian beings?
Cobra: They are beings in physical bodies, they look like humans, but they are — their origin is coming from other star systems, and basically they lived on Planet X for the last few incarnations at least. Some of them have already been incarnated on this planet in the past, some of them not. But they understand quite well our situation here. And they look like very much human.
SC: Okay. Planet X? Planet X — I’m not quite sure of Planet X. Can you tell me a little bit about what that is?
Cobra: Planet X is a planet on the outer — it’s on the outer — range of the solar system, beyond Pluto.
SC: Um-hmm.
Cobra: It’s a planet a little bit bigger than this planet. And there is a certain civilization living under the surface of that planet. And they came — they’re actually the ones who created the Resistance Movement, or actually they renewed the Resistance Movement, because it was almost destroyed about 12, 13 years ago.
SC: Okay. So they’re the people that will actually assist in, I suppose, bringing in the Cabal?
Cobra: They will assist, but actually it is the job of the positive military group to do that. The Resistance Movement will help behind-the-scenes, and they will become active on the surface only if there is need for that.
SC: Okay. So are you foreseeing that there will be need for that, based on the fact that we’re still dragging out month after month with no surrender or, you know, capitulation on behalf of the Cabal?
Cobra: They might be needed. It’s not known yet.
SC: Okay.
Cobra: So, I would give (it a) fifty percent chance that the Cabal surrenders, another fifty they will not. So, we’ll see what happens.
SC: Now, listening to you now, do you foresee that this is going to be … a horrific battle, or are we seriously hoping that this will be a peaceful and quiet and basically, generally, calm solution?
Cobra: I don’t know. At this moment, everything is put on the table. Things are not yet decided. There are many possible futures at this moment. We are doing everything we can for a peaceful transition, but it cannot be guaranteed.
There are actually some plans from the Pleiadians that came in just like one or two days ago, that are not yet finalized. They will be finalized in a few days. And when they are finalized I will be allowed to speak about it, and those plans might improve the situation quite much.
SC: Okay. Now, when we talk about the Cabal and I suppose the fear and the dangerous things and the horrific things they’ve done, you, yourself, though, the reason you need to protect your identity at the moment is because you’ve actually been physically attacked in the past. Is that correct?
Cobra: Yes, that’s correct. And also, people that are very close to me have been attacked even much, much, much, much more drastically. And I will never want to happen this again.
SC: So, does that mean that you’ve lived a life, somewhat, of fear?
Cobra: There was a — there was certain period of time there was I was very afraid of them, but then I realized that I have to fight. And I gathered contacts, and so I am here. Right now.
SC: Okay. So, in being able to do that, though, I mean, does that mean you’re constantly looking over your shoulder, to think that someone may still be after you? Or, or a member of …
Cobra: No. No, no.
SC: No?
Cobra: No. I have created the mechanisms of protection that are very strong, and actually I feel quite safe and quite secure right now. I just know that I need to be careful doing certain things. I know how they work, and that’s all.
SC: Okay. So, in terms of your day-to-day existence, you’re not necessarily restrained or, I suppose, you’re not like held captive yourself, hiding out so that no one can come and get you again?
Cobra: No, no, no. Not at all. I usual — I — I lead a normal human life, normal existence. The only difference is that I know certain things that most people don’t, and this puts me in a little bit (of a) different position. It can be difficult sometimes not to speak about something, but otherwise it’s just a regular human life.
SC: Okay, now, in light of that, though, some of the things you’ve posted in the last few days — and this is nothing to do with the Cabal; this is actually readers of your actual blog post Portal 2012 — you’ve actually come under a bit of attack yourself from readers who’ve suggested that you’ve been cloned. Like, is that true?
Cobra: Hmm, yes, some people have reactions, and I’m quite used to that, because whenever you put some intel (out) to the public, some people are going to like it, some people are going to hate it — and it’s just the way it is.
SC: So, do you just ….
Cobra: But this is nothing compared to what Cabal can do, so, I have no problem with that.
SC: All right. So, in answer to those people who’ve in the last few days posted some odd things, you’re not full of disinformation and you’re not actually, I suppose, an agent for the Rockefellers or the Rothschilds?
Cobra: No, I’m not. Of course I’m not. Actually, there was cloning happening (in some) place(s) on this planet, but this has been cleared by the Resistance, mmm, I think about 10 years ago. So there are no clones walking around right now.
SC: But no clones of Cobra, definitely not. [laugh]
Cobra: No. For sure not.
SC: So, but when you read that, I think — and look, in talking to you before via e-mail and talking to you now, I know you’re working very hard to try to achieve what you’re hoping to do — but when you get comments like that, does that make you think, “Oh, why am I doing all this?” or does it make you feel as though you should actually be doing it even more, and get more involved and more committed?
Cobra: It doesn’t influence my decision. I have made my mind up a long time ago. I am here — based on my life experience, I made a vow a long time ago to insist on liberating the planet no matter what, until it’s done. So this is what I’m going to do, and little bits of comments on my website doesn’t change anything. It’s not an issue anymore.
SC: Okay. So, could we talk a little bit about nuclear weapons? Because some of our galactic sources, I mean, you’ve obviously heard of SaLuSa, Matthew Ward, channeled by both Mike Quinsey and Suzy Ward respectively, they have said the galactics would never allow another nuclear warhead to be used. But in reading one of your recent posts, you actually said that the Rockefellers and the Rothschilds had access to nuclear weapons as recently as December 2011.
Cobra: Actually, they had access to nuclear weapons since the time of the first atomic bomb explosion in Hiroshima. And the — what the channels are saying I cannot comment, because most of those sources are not completely reliable. You see, channeled information goes through the filter of the human mind, and although some channels can be quite clear on certain things, most information that comes through the channeling process is being distorted.
So, the Pleiadians never said they can completely guarantee to prevent a nuclear war. Actually, when I met Pleiadians a long time ago, they were quite scared of a nuclear war here, but they said they will do everything to prevent it. And they have much power to prevent it, but again, they need to follow certain protocols.
For example, if there were mass landings taking place right now, that would for sure trigger all the weapons arsenals that the Cabal has. So they have to be careful how to do this, and yes, they have technology to block most of this, but not all of this, yet.
SC: Okay, now you —
Cobra: So …
SC: — you just mentioned then that you’d met with the Pleiadians. I’m going to come back to that in a little while. But ….
Cobra: Okay.
SC: … in saying that the Rockefellers and the Rothschilds had nuclear weapons as late as December last year you also said that by January that had changed. So what actually changed to stop, or to take those nuclear weapons away from them?
Cobra: Okay. There was a certain project that was a combination of actions from the Pleiadians and other positive races and the Resistance Movement to remove the access of the nuclear weapons from the Ro — especially of the Rothschild faction. And this was very successful, was going on between, I would say, late November last year and middle of January this year.
And as a result of this, all this information about the mass arrests and everything else could come to the surface. Without that, that would not be possible. It was simply too dangerous. Now, certain things have been released after that time, and it is much easier now to carry on the plan.
SC: Okay. So, in terms of nuclear weapons now, though, you’re pretty sure from your intel that they don’t have access to nuclear weapons now?
Cobra: I have — I’m 99 percent sure that this has been cleared. Not all of it has been cleared, but it has been limited to the sufficient extent that I am 99 percent sure that this — something like this will never happen.
SC: Okay, because I remember, I …
Cobra: But I cannot give you 100 percent guarantee. I didn’t, did not receive confirmation for that 100 percent.
SC: Right. But I was — but I remember last year reading a very — actually not last year, a few weeks ago — reading the most bizarre story, that Kodak, that used to be a photo and film company, had a nuclear reactor in their building. So, maybe that’s how the Rothschilds and the Rockefellers have actually had these nuclear facilities. Maybe they’ve been part and parcel of some secret part in some of the biggest corporations.
Cobra: Oh, it’s much easier than that. The Rothschild faction has people very deep in the military, and they have access to nuclear codes. So, there was a certain project to change this somehow, so that their codes don’t work any longer.
SC: Okay. Now, you this weekend just past mentioned that the physical Archons within the Jesuits also had access to nuclear weapons. Does that mean that they no longer have access, as far as you know?
Cobra: This is a little — they are a little bit of a problem. They night have some, but very little. It’s far less dangerous than it was, even a week ago, so this is being cleared right now.
SC: All right. So despite the fact that our galactic sources are saying there will be no nuclear action, there will be no — I suppose nuclear war, nothing will outbreak, there may well be some still in possession of people, but they could well be nullified at some point.
Cobra: Exactly. So, there was many instances in the past 10 or 20 years, we were very close to nuclear war, and because of the intervention of the Pleiadians and other races, this has been prevented many, many times.
SC: Okay.
Cobra: So the situation now is so much better than it was ever in the last 50 years. This is the reason why the channeled sources are saying there’s no danger. I would say there is maybe one percent danger, but it’s almost completely erased.
(Continued Monday. Those who wish to read the second part of the interview now can go here.)

The Light Agenda - Wednesdays at 6pm PDT/9PM EDT on InLIght Radio.
Stephen’s next guest (June 20) is Suzy Ward - mother of Matthew Ward, receiver ofMatthews’ Messages and author of The Matthew Books.

NESARA–Our Worldwide Declaration of Indepednence

               Hello All:
                      People all over the world are wanting Nesara NOW. Read about the others.
                                 God Bless   Love to all Smile Red rose Red heart 

              Nancy Dettweiler: NESARA – Our Worldwide Declaration of Independence

NESARA–Our Worldwide Declaration of Indepednence

Posted on June 16, 2012 by Nancy B. Detweiler, M.Ed., M.Div.
Whether or not NESARA was actually signed into law by the Clinton administration, it represents the will of the people worldwide. NESARA is the 2012 version of America’s 1776 Declaration of Independence.
Gaia—or Planet Earth—will undergo tremendous changes during the remainder of 2012 and beyond. Becoming familiar with some of the major concepts behind this transformation will allow us to discern truth and participate wisely.
During the 40+ weekly demonstrations for NESARA in front of the Peace Palace, Hague, Netherlands, NESARA Take Action Groups requested—from the countries of the world—banners announcing their support. This banner is from New Zealand. Additional banners may be seen at:
NESARA, as the 2012 worldwide version of America’s Declaration of Independence, reiterates the demand of the people of the world—that their unalienable (God-given) Rights to Life, Liberty, & the Pursuit of Happiness be recognized and all impediments to the unfolding of these Rights be removed.
As excitement builds in anticipation of the sweeping changes emerging on our planet, I call your attention to the following articles.
You may find more articles relating to NESARA on my blog:
Steve Beckow has listed additional articles on NESARA on his 2012 Scenario website: Many of Steve’s articles include information from our galactic family relating to NESARA.
Gathering information on NESARA as our worldwide Declaration of Independence magnifies greatly the energetic field around the concepts contained therein and thereby assists in building Earth’s Golden Age!   

Baltic ‘UFO’: New dive, new details (PHOTOS)

Baltic ‘UFO’: New dive, new details (PHOTOS)

Published: 17 June, 2012, 09:58
Image from
Image from
TAGS: Space, Europe

A “UFO-shaped” object, found at the bottom of the Baltic Sea last year, has puzzled many. And a Swedish expedition that plunged into the deep eventually surfaced with more questions than answers.
­Covered in soot, with little “fireplace”-like structures and lying at the end of a 300-meter “runway” – this is not something you would expect to find sitting on the sea floor. And whatever you think about extraterrestrial life, “the thing” is still there and there has to be an explanation. So what could it be?
On June 19, 2011, a team of Swedish treasure hunters was exploring the bottom of the Baltic Sea with their sonars when they noticed a bizarre, disc-like structure at a depth of 90 meters. Back then, international experts failed to explain the sonar images. In 2012, after months of preparation, the Ocean X Team, as they call themselves, went back in order to unveil the mystery.

Read the rest of the article at:

Foreclsure - state tax exemption: home property


I took a break last night and went out dancing and discussed a
situation with someone I dance with. She has a rental home she
wants to just let go. This reminded me of something some of you
may not realize.

Most states, not all, have a tax exemption for your primary
residence. Arizona currently does but the law may change some. I
don't know of any state that has the exemption for a second and/or
rental property. This is a big deal.

Lets say your rental property has a mortgage for $200,000 and you
let it get foreclosed on. The bank sells it for $100,000. The bank
will send the info to the IRS. The IRS will consider that you had
a $100,000 "windfall." It will be taxed at 50% and the tax is due
immediately. If you don't know, immediately they start charging
interests and penalties.

Instead of owing $50,000 you will soon owe $100,000 +. If you have
more than one rental property, keep adding.

The bank will make you an offer wherein they will claim
that they won't report the foreclosure to the IRS if you don't
fight. BULL!!! Its not their choice and you can bet they will report
the foreclosure no matter what they promise, and there is nothing you
can do about them lying to you because it would be a fraudulent deal.

I have seen this scenario happen more times than I can count. Every
time the people were wiped out financially and will probably never
recover. BK won't always save you from this mess.

I believe this was part of the plan, and this whole thing was
planned, from the very beginning.

The point was really about what to do with about your property. My
answer is the same as it always is. Fight for the truth, keep
fighting for the truth and fight for nothing else.

The truth is there is no VALID mortgage, it was all a lie, every
bit of it. The truth is the property is paid in full and you own it.

But they will lie in court, which means liars will be listening
to them, and liars like lies and other liars; and hate the truth
even more than you do. Our system was created from the truth. The
people in our system are nothing but liars and got there because
the other liars wanted more liars. They won't even let people in
the system who aren't liars anymore.

Your only intelligent option is to fight, and keep fighting. Maybe
it will teach you to fight for the truth as I have for 4 decades
now. I am nt saying it will work r will be fun, I am just saying
maybe you will learn is better to die fighting for the truth than
living for the lie.

Nough said.
www. notary

John C.  Stuart, aka Mobius Nemesi
4101 W. Union Hills Dr. #1043 Glendale, Arizona (85308)


The settlement between 49 states and the federal government with 5 of the largest mortgage servicers - Bank of America, JP Morgan Chase, Wells Fargo, Citi and Ally - provides direct financial relief to borrowers and former homeowners, cash payments to the states and the federal government, and imposes new standards on the servicing loans in foreclosure



Dear Members,

Dawn has found a beauty……Amber Villa, from the Mass AG's office who works on foreclosures, is going to be one of the presenters at a webinar next week. You can attend Monday and/or Tuesday by using the links below. The webinar is given by the National Consumer Law Center (NCLC) will archived on the NCLC website if you miss the webinar. This could be very educational for us all as Amber Villa is the person most likely to end up with our recent complaint…….so we will be able to get a read on her present mind set. 

Don't be surprised if she is pushing modifications for the banks. It should be interesting.


Take notice that.........................This webinar will provide an overview and update legal advocates on the essential terms of the settlement. Presenters: Assistant Attorneys General Phil Lehman of North Carolina as well as Christopher Barry-Smith and Amber Anderson Villa of the Massachusetts Office of the Attorney General.

If you have signed up for the National Elder Rights Training Project email list, you will receive an invitation to join this webinar on Monday, June 18. Not on that email list but wish to receive an invitation to participate in this webinar? Please submit your email address.

Sent: Thursday, June 14, 2012 3:10 PM
Subject: Consumer Alert for Elder Advocates plus Mortgage Webinar Announcement

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Hello you are receiving this email because you are a subscriber of "Consumer Alerts for Elder Advocates." This upcoming webinar may be of interest to you.

Save the Date: Free Webinar next Tuesday, June 19 at 2PM EST

Update on the National Mortgage Settlement for Legal Advocates

Sanders Releases Explosive Bailout List

Sen. Bernie Sanders, Reader Supported News

June 13, 2012
ore than $4 trillion in near zero-interest Federal Reserve loans and other financial assistance went to the banks and businesses of at least 18 current and former Federal Reserve regional bank directors in the aftermath of the 2008 financial collapse, according to Government Accountability Office records made public for the first time today by Sen. Bernie Sanders.
On the eve of Senate testimony by JPMorgan Chase CEO Jamie Dimon, Sanders (I-Vt.) released the detailed findings on Dimon and other Fed board members whose banks and businesses benefited from Fed actions.
A Sanders provision in the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform Actrequired the Government Accountability Office to investigate potential conflicts of interest. The Oct. 19, 2011 report by the non-partisan investigative arm of Congress laid out the findings, but did not name names. Sanders today released the names.
"This report reveals the inherent conflicts of interest that exist at the Federal Reserve.  At a time when small businesses could not get affordable loans to create jobs, the Fed was providing trillions in secret loans to some of the largest banks and corporations in America that were well represented on the boards of the Federal Reserve Banks.  These conflicts must end," Sanders said.
The GAO study found that allowing members of the banking industry to both elect and serve on the Federal Reserve's board of directors creates "an appearance of a conflict of interest" and poses "reputational risks" to the Federal Reserve System.
In Dimon's case, JPMorgan received some $391 billion of the $4 trillion in emergency Fed funds at the same time his bank was used by the Fed as a clearinghouse for emergency lending programs. In March of 2008, the Fed provided JPMorgan with $29 billion in financing to acquire Bear Stearns. Dimon also got the Fed to provide JPMorgan Chase with an 18-month exemption from risk-based leverage and capital requirements. And he convinced the Fed to take risky mortgage-related assets off of Bear Stearns balance sheet before JP Morgan Chase acquired the troubled investment bank.
Another high-profile conflict involved Stephen Friedman, the former chairman of the New York Fed's board of directors. Late in 2008, the New York Fed approved an application from Goldman Sachs to become a bank holding company giving it access to cheap loans from the Federal Reserve. During that period, Friedman sat on the Goldman Sachs board.  He also owned Goldman stock, something that was prohibited by Federal Reserve conflict of interest regulations. Although it was not publicly disclosed at the time, Friedman received a waiver from the Fed's conflict of interest rules in late 2008. Unbeknownst to the Fed, Friedman continued to purchase shares in Goldman from November 2008 through January of 2009, according to the GAO.
In another case, General Electric CEO Jeffrey Immelt was a New York Fed board member at the same time GE helped create a Commercial Paper Funding Facility during the financial crisis. The Fed later provided $16 billion in financing to GE under this emergency lending program.
Sanders on May 22 introduced legislation to prohibit banking industry and business executives from serving as directors of the 12 Federal Reserve regional banks.
To read a report summarizing the new GAO information, click here.

Jamie Dimon Is Not Alone

During the financial crisis, at least 18 former and current directors from Federal Reserve Banks worked in banks and corporations that collectively received over $4 trillion in low-interest loans from the Federal Reserve.
US Senator Bernard Sanders (I-Vt.)
Washington, DC
June 12, 2012
  1. Jamie Dimon, the Chairman and CEO of JP Morgan Chase, has served on the Board of Directors at the Federal Reserve Bank of New York since 2007. During the financial crisis, the Fed provided JP Morgan Chase with $391 billion in total financial assistance. JP Morgan Chase was also used by the Fed as a clearinghouse for the Fed's emergency lending programs.
    In March of 2008, the Fed provided JP Morgan Chase with $29 billion in financing to acquire Bear Stearns. During the financial crisis, the Fed provided JP Morgan Chase with an 18-month exemption from risk-based leverage and capital requirements. The Fed also agreed to take risky mortgage-related assets off of Bear Stearns balance sheet before JP Morgan Chase acquired this troubled investment bank.
  2. Jeffrey Immelt, the CEO of General Electric, served on the New York Fed's Board of Directors from 2006-2011. General Electric received $16 billion in low-interest financing from the Federal Reserve’s Commercial Paper Funding Facility during this time period.
  3. Stephen Friedman. In 2008, the New York Fed approved an application from Goldman Sachs to become a bank holding company giving it access to cheap Fed loans. During the same period, Friedman, who was chairman of the New York Fed at the time, sat on the Goldman Sachs board of directors and owned Goldman stock, something the Fed’s rules prohibited. He received a waiver in late 2008 that was not made public. After Friedman received the waiver, he continued to purchase stock in Goldman from November 2008 through January of 2009 unbeknownst to the Fed, according to the GAO. During the financial crisis, Goldman Sachs received $814 billion in total financial assistance from the Fed.
  4. Sanford Weill, the former CEO of Citigroup, served on the Fed's Board of Directors in New York in 2006. During the financial crisis, Citigroup received over $2.5 trillion in total financial assistance from the Fed.
  5. Richard Fuld, Jr, the former CEO of Lehman Brothers, served on the Fed's Board of Directors in New York from 2006 to 2008. During the financial crisis, the Fed provided $183 billion in total financial assistance to Lehman before it collapsed.
  6. James M. Wells, the Chairman and CEO of SunTrust Banks, has served on the Board of Directors at the Federal Reserve Bank in Atlanta since 2008. During the financial crisis, SunTrust received $7.5 billion in total financial assistance from the Fed.
  7. Richard Carrion, the head of Popular Inc. in Puerto Rico, has served on the Board of Directors of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York since 2008. Popular received $1.2 billion in total financing from the Fed's Term Auction Facility during the financial crisis.
  8. James Smith, the Chairman and CEO of Webster Bank, served on the Federal Reserve's Board of Directors in Boston from 2008-2010. Webster Bank received $550 million in total financing from the Federal Reserve's Term Auction Facility during the financial crisis.
  9. Ted Cecala, the former Chairman and CEO of Wilmington Trust, served on the Fed's Board of Directors in Philadelphia from 2008-2010. Wilmington Trust received $3.2 billion in total financial assistance from the Federal Reserve during the financial crisis.
  10. Robert Jones, the President and CEO of Old National Bancorp, has served on the Fed's Board of Directors in St. Louis since 2008. Old National Bancorp received a total of $550 million in low-interest loans from the Federal Reserve's Term Auction Facility during the financial crisis.
  11. James Rohr, the Chairman and CEO of PNC Financial Services Group, served on the Fed's Board of Directors in Cleveland from 2008-2010. PNC received $6.5 billion in low-interest loans from the Federal Reserve during the financial crisis.
  12. George Fisk, the CEO of LegacyTexas Group, was a director at the Dallas Federal Reserve in 2009. During the financial crisis, his firm received a $5 million low-interest loan from the Federal Reserve's Term Auction Facility.
  13. Dennis Kuester, the former CEO of Marshall & Ilsley, served as a board director on the Chicago Federal Reserve from 2007-2008. During the financial crisis, his bank received over $21 billion in low-interest loans from the Fed.
  14. George Jones, Jr., the CEO of Texas Capital Bank, has served as a board director at the Dallas Federal Reserve since 2009. During the financial crisis, his bank received $2.3 billion in total financing from the Fed's Term Auction Facility.
  15. Douglas Morrison, was the Chief Financial Officer at CitiBank in Sioux Falls, South Dakota, while he served as a board director at the Minneapolis Federal Reserve Bank in 2006. During the financial crisis, CitiBank in Sioux Falls, South Dakota received over $21 billion in total financing from the Federal Reserve.
  16. L. Phillip Humann, the former CEO of SunTrust Banks, served on the Board of Directors at the Federal Reserve Bank in Atlanta from 2006-2008. During the financial crisis, SunTrust received $7.5 billion in total financial assistance from the Fed.
  17. Henry Meyer, III, the former CEO of KeyCorp, served on the Board of Directors at the Federal Reserve Bank in Cleveland from 2006-2007. During the financial crisis, KeyBank (owned by KeyCorp) received over $40 billion in total financing from the Federal Reserve.
  18. Ronald Logue, the former CEO of State Street Corporation, served as a board member of the Boston Federal Reserve Bank from 2006-2007. During the financial crisis, State Street Corporation received a total of $42 billion in financing from the Federal Reserve.

My Dad's Car ----- For us guys --- nice video