Wednesday, June 20, 2012

The Dollar Bill ---- In GOD We Trust ----- Who was Haym Solomon?

Do your children know this?  -Do their teachers?  -Do you?
Who Was Haym Solomon?
Read this fascinating history of the $1 bill –
all the way to the bottom to know about Haym Solomon.
You may be in for quite a surprise!

On the rear of the One Dollar bill,
you will see two circles.
Together, they comprise the Great Seal of the United States.
The First Continental Congress requested that Benjamin Franklin and a group of men come up with a Seal.
It took them four years to accomplish this task
and another two years to get it approved.
If you look at the left-hand circle, you will see a Pyramid

Notice the face is lighted, and the western side is dark.
This country was just beginning.
We had not begun to explore the west or decided
what we could do for Western Civilization.
The Pyramid is uncapped, again signifying that
we were not even close to being finished.
Inside the Capstone you have the all-seeing eye,
an ancient symbol for divinity.
It was Franklin 's belief that one man
couldn't do it alone, but a group of men,with the help of God, could do anything.
'IN GOD WE TRUST' is on this currency.

The Latin above the pyramid, ANNUIT COEPTIS,
means, 'God has favored our undertaking.'
The Latin below the pyramid,
means, 'a new order has begun.'
At the base of the pyramid is the Roman numeral for 1776. (MDCCLXXVI)

If you look at the right-hand circle, and check it
carefully, you will learn that it is on every
National Cemetery in the United States .
It is also on the Parade of Flags Walkway at the
Bushnell, Florida National Cemetery , and is the
centerpiece of most heroes' monuments.
Slightly modified, it is the seal of the
President of the United States , and it is always
visible whenever he speaks, yet very few people
know what the symbols mean.

The Bald Eagle was selected as a
symbol for victory for two reasons:
First, he is not afraid of a storm; he is strong,
and he is smart enough to soar above it.
Secondly, he wears no material crown.
We had just broken from the King of England .
Also, notice the shield is unsupported.
This country can now stand on its own.
At the top of that shield there is a white
bar signifying congress, a unifying factor.
We were coming together as one nation.
In the Eagle's beak you will read,
' E PLURIBUS UNUM' meaning, 'from many - one.'
Above the Eagle, we have the thirteen stars,
representing the thirteen original colonies, and
any clouds of misunderstanding rolling away.
Again, we were coming together as one.

Notice what the Eagle holds in his talons.
He holds an olive branch and arrows.
This country wants peace, but we will never be
afraid to fight to preserve peace.
The Eagle always wants to face the olive branch,
but in time of war, his gaze turns toward the arrows.

An (untrue) old-fashioned belief says that the number
13 is an unlucky number.
This is almost a worldwide belief.
You will almost never see a room numbered 13,
or any hotels or motels with a 13th floor.
But think about this:

America, which relies on God (not a number)
to direct and lead, boldly chose:

13 original colonies,
13 signers of the Declaration of Independence ,
13 stripes on our flag,
13 steps on the pyramid,
13 letters in 'Annuit Coeptis',
13 letters in ' E Pluribus Unum,'
13 stars above the eagle,
13 bars on that shield,
13 leaves on the olive branch,
13 fruits, and if you look closely,
13 arrows.
And finally, notice the arrangement of the
13 stars in the right-hand circle.
You will see that they are arranged as a
Star of David.
This was ordered by George Washington who,
when he asked Haym Solomon, a wealthy Philadelphia
Jew, what he would like as a personal reward for
his services to the Continental Army.
Solomon said he wanted nothing for himself,
but he would like something for his people.
The Star of David was the result.
Few people know it was Solomon who saved
the Army through his financial contributions ...
then died a pauper. Haym Solomon gave $25
million to save the Continental Army, money
that was sorely needed to help realize America’s –
our- freedom and independence from England .
Therein lies America ’s Judeo-Christian beginning.
Most American children do NOT know any of this.
They are not taught because their history
teachers do NOT know this.
[They were not taught!]
On America ’s Freedom:
Too many veterans gave up
too much to let the meaning fade.
Many veterans came home to
an America that did not care.
Too many veterans never came home at all.
They  served, 
they died  for  youfor  me.

I hope you will share this page with many-so they can
and what it stands for.
America is at a critical juncture.
Let's do whatever we can to save her
while never, ever forgetting:
 It is God in whom we put our trust!

Message from SaLuSa by Mike Quinsey - June 20, 2012

Rumor Mill News Agents Forum
Message from SaLuSa by Mike Quinsey - June 20, 2012
Posted By: Mr.Ed [Send E-Mail]
Date: Wednesday, 20-Jun-2012 03:43:56

Message from SaLuSa by Mike Quinsey - June 20, 2012
You are getting so near to some real action that will leave you in no doubt that you are about to witness the beginning of the end of the dark Ones. It is all arranged and cannot be held up much longer. Even so you will be surprised at what is about to occur, and astonished that an operation of such size has been mounted. The planning has been meticulous to ensure that the arrests are as far as possible carried out in the least possible time. Be assured that the evidence of criminal actions by each individual has been carefully documented, and is sufficient to uphold the charges that will be made.
The Illuminati are shocked at the speed with which their fortunes have changed, and never thought that they would have to answer for their crimes against Humanity. They are also at their wits end trying to avoid ultimate justice but find we have cut off their escape routes. We have each one tracked so that our allies can quickly round them up, and we are overseeing the whole operation. For the dark Ones this is the time of accountability that is inevitable, but in their case instead of reviewing their lives and actions after death, they face you the people who desire that justice is seen to be done. It is also important that you understand how you have been held back for centuries of time, and their roles behind almost every incident involving immense loss of life. Wars have been "arranged" to line their pockets and reduce the population which has always been their aim.
However, we wish you to concentrate on the future and seek first to maintain the Light upon Earth, without wasting your energy by directing your anger at the Illuminati and their minions. These will be hard times for anyone who has recently lost loved ones or friends as a result of their actions. It will however be a test of your ability to stay within the Light, and show your strength by forgiving those responsible. If you do not do so and seek any form of revenge you end up little better than what they are, and you form a link of energy with them. They may not deserve much sympathy, but see them as souls who have gone badly astray and almost lost their spark of Light. It will take a lot of Light to raise them up again but it can be done. We feel sure you will see that it is far better to lift the fallen up again, than compound their situation by linking them to more negative energy.
All of you have experienced stages where you have gone against the Light. However, with few exceptions you have understood the reasons that brought it about, and stand today as examples of those who have overcome the challenges of duality. You are all the stronger for it and that is indeed the reason you elected to spend many lives in the lower dimensions. We now see the most beautiful souls amongst you who have achieved a level of mastery and Light, that wherever they go are magnificent beacons of Light helping others awaken. As we see it the mass consciousness is rapidly growing and that is another guarantee that you have a definite path to Ascension.
Whatever happens around you or directly to you stay strong and any problems should be quickly resolved, as you are now clearly on the upward curve and leaving the lower energies behind. In fact so many of you are drawing a clear line between yourselves and the old energies that no longer satisfy your desire for the pure things in life. It can cause difficulties between family and friends but you have to follow your own needs. You are in a time of self realization and discovering who you really are, and no longer beholden to the opinions of others. If necessary make your own pathway to Ascension and allow others to do the same. Loved ones may also be involved but they too must follow their intuition, and we reiterate that the love link will always be there.
In the near future you will if so desired, travel by thought and that is instantaneous. So your loved ones will never be totally out of your reach. With each life you have spent on Earth your close relationships have been extremely limited, particularly as you tend to incarnate with the same group of souls. However, you do in fact have many great relationships formed over a very long period of time, and once you have ascended you will remember them again. Many await your upliftment so that friendships can be renewed and not least of all your real family, who you will instantly know. You can understand that there will be much to celebrate in grand style.
You can start feeling better about life because of what it promises to be, and feel it from the heart as once you have ascended it will become a pleasure to be alive. It will bear little contrast to what you experience now, because in some ways you have not really lived yet as you were intended to be. Joy and happiness should be yours to savor all of the time, and not just for fleeting moments. To be in the energy of the higher dimensions is blissful and you will feel love all around you. It is exhilarating and peaceful in such a way that you will not want to leave it, but remain in it forever.
Even on board our ships the energies are "adjusted" to lift you into Love and Light, and you will be able to feel the peace and harmony that exists everywhere. It is similar to experiences some of you have when out of the body and enter the astral regions of Light. Compared to the Earth's vibration they are noticeably higher and it is no surprise that many souls try to remain rather than return to their bodies. However you have come to love Mother Earth in your own way, but she could do with more recognition and love for the way in which she has coped with your presence. All she now asks of you is that you do your part to clean up the mess you have left the Earth in and she will do the rest. As you know Dear Ones, we of the Galactic Federation of Light are going to use our technology to make short work of clearing pollution, including areas contaminated with radioactive waste and fallout. You can help by restoring the balance between you and nature, and all other life forms. They have suffered tremendously due to successive generations that have used them for their own profit and greed to make money.
I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and trust that we have uplifted your hearts and minds. As always we send you our love and best wishes.
Thank you SaLuSa.
Mike Quinsey.

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Irish Politicians Demand Their Finance Minister Be Arrested For Attending 2012 Criminal Bilderberg Meeting

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 

Irish Politicians Demand Their Finance Minister Be Arrested For Attending 2012 Criminal Bilderberg Meeting
Posted By: Maryhrt
Date: Tuesday, 19-Jun-2012 21:53:47
Politicians in Ireland have demanded an account of discussions that the Irish finance minister took part in during his attendance at the 2012 Bilderberg meeting in Chantilly, Virginia earlier this month.
The Irish Times reports that Minister for Finance Michael Noonan’s appearance in an unofficial capacity at the secretive elite confab cost the taxpayer more than €4,300.
The report states that a number of Irish TD’s, parliament members, raised Noonan’s Bilderberg trip in parliamentary questions.
Representatives from Labour, Sinn Féin and the technical group all asked for more information on the discussions that took place behind closed doors and away from media scrutiny in the US.
Noonan responded to the questions, but provided scant details, simply saying that he had been invited “given my position as Minister for Finance” and “used the opportunity to tell fellow attendees of the opportunities that exist in Ireland for investors and multinational companies.”
He added that another reason for attending the meeting was to promote the notion that the Irish government has restored economic stability to the country.
“The Irish people have a right to know what their senior Ministers are saying at a meeting like this, and what stance they are taking on global issues.” said Pat Nulty, a former Labour whip, adding that Noonan’s responses were not sufficient.

Obama Push For World War III Shocks Putin

June 19, 2012
Obama Push For World War III Shocks Putin
By: Sorcha Faal, and as reported to her Western Subscribers

A highly disturbing report prepared by the Foreign Ministry on yesterdays nearly 3 ½ hour meeting between President’s Putin and Obama at the G-20 Summit in Mexico states that Russia’s leader was “shocked” after he told the US leader that America’s Middle East policies were bringing the world to brink of total war to which Obama replied…“I don’t care, maybe that’s what we all need anyway.”
The context of this meeting, this report says, was an airing of both sides about the crisis situations involving the Middle East (Syria and Iran) and the pending implosion of the Eurozone, both of which contain the “seeds” of a global catastrophe not seen since the dark days of the 1930’s that led up to World War II.
Putin, this report continues, castigated Obama for fomenting chaos throughout the Middle East by assisting and allowing radical Muslim forces to take control of many nations including Tunisia, Libya, Morocco, Yemen and Egypt while at the same time supporting this regions most brutal and despotic regimes of Saudi Arabia, Bahrain and all of the other Gulf area monarchies which refuse their people freedoms.
Putin further was enraged at Obama, this report says, by the West’s constant beating of “war drums” through the use of outright propaganda designed to inflame the American and Western publics into supporting a global war against those Middle Eastern nations that have moved against the US Dollar and include IraqLibyaSyria and Iran.  
To all of Putin’s concerns, this report says, Obama barely responded focusing his attention, instead, on the global economic crisis and stating that a “New World Order” of some kind was needed to address all of the world’s ill’s in order to prevent a catastrophic loss of confidence in the Western economic model that has existed since the end of World War II.
This report concludes by stating that Putin was “visibly shaken” after his meeting with Obama noting that the American leader appeared more focused on enriching his bankster allies that put him into office instead of being able to“deal rationally” with a world fast plunging towards total war.
Interesting to note is that Putin’s observations of Obama were shared this past week by none other than one of the American President’s ‎former Harvard professors, Brazilian scholar and politician Roberto Unger, who warned that Obama “must be defeated.”
Not being told to the American people about the true cause(s) of this impending world war is that the US dollar has probably been the closest thing to a true global currency that the world has ever seen. For decades, the use of the US dollar has been absolutely dominant in international trade. This has had tremendous benefits for the US financial system and for US consumers, and it has given the US government tremendous power and influence around the globe.
Today, more than 60 percent of all foreign currency reserves in the world are in US dollars. But there are big changes on the horizon. The mainstream media in the United States has been strangely silent about this, but some of the biggest economies on earth have been making agreements with each other to move away from using the US dollar in international trade.
There are also some oil-producing nations which have begun selling oil in currencies other than the US dollar, which is a major threat to the petrodollar system which has been in place for nearly four decades. And big international institutions such as the UN and the IMF have even been issuing official reports about the need to move away form the US dollar and toward a new global reserve currency.
So the reign of the US dollar as the world reserve currency is definitely being threatened, and the coming shift in international trade is going to have massive implications for a US economy already falling ever closer to the abyss.
Especially angering Obama and his bankster allies, who are all depended on US dollar global dominance, was the sudden agreement between China and Japan late last year to abolish the US dollar in trades between their countries.
Quick to respond, however, Obama ordered a new round of sanctions on Iranian oil which this past week he refused to give China a break from, and in a direct attack against Japan ordered all of the world’s insurance companies to stop insuring Iranian oil shipments.  Even worse, Obama ordered what is being called the “Pacific Pivot” moving thousands of US military and naval forces, and equipment, into a crisis situation against China.
As the US and China are now headed towards a collision over Iranian oil, and Japan is now passing laws against both EU and US sanctions against Iran oil shipments, Iran, Russia, China and Syrian military forces are now being reported to be preparing for these nations largest ever military war games in the Middle East said to involve over 90,000 troops, and hundreds of warships, aircraft and tanks.
Obama regime propaganda, meanwhile, continues at full force with the latest “story” being about Russian warships and troops headed towards Syria, but which the Kremlin states is nothing more than a “routine exercise.”
To what the final outcome of all of these events will be it is not in our knowing other than to note that the last time all of these seemingly divergent issues collided between the great world powers a global war did, indeed, erupt nearly 100 million lives were lost…and that was in a war where only two atomic bombs were used.
June 19, 2012 © EU and US all rights reserved. Permission to use this report in its entirety is granted under the condition it is linked back to its original source at WhatDoesItMean.Com. Freebase content licensed under CC-BY and GFDL.
[Ed. Note: Western governments and their intelligence services actively campaign against the information found in these reports so as not to alarm their citizens about the many catastrophic Earth changes and events to come, a stance that the Sisters of Sorcha Faal strongly disagrees with in believing that it is every human beings right to know the truth.  Due to our missions conflicts with that of those governments, the responses of their ‘agents’ against us has been a longstanding misinformation/misdirection campaign designed to discredit and which is addressed in the report “Who Is Sorcha Faal?.]

San Onofre Nuclear Power Plant

San Onofre Nuclear Power Plant 
View of the San Onofre Nuclear Power Plant in north San Diego County (AFP Photo/Mark Ralston)
View of the San Onofre Nuclear Power Plant in north San Diego County
(AFP Photo/Mark Ralston) June 19, 2012
A nuclear nightmare on par with the Fukushima disaster could have unfolded at a power plant outside of Los Angeles, California, federal regulators reveal to the Associated Press in a just-published report.
Following an incident at the San Onofre power plant this past January, federal regulators have investigated conditions at the facility around 70 miles south of Los Angeles.
Now after months of meticulous investigating, regulators involved in the probe tell the AP that design flaws have caused the tubing that carries radioactive water throughout the plant to be worn down extensively.
A scare back in late January led to the temporary shut-down of the San Onofre power station.
Nearly six months after the fact, however, the twin-reactor remains idle as investigators wrap up their thorough report. And much to the chagrin of management at the plant, it looks as if the leak suffered earlier this year wasn’t just a fluke.
Commenting on the investigation, Nuclear Regulatory Commission Regional Administrator Elmo Collins tells The Associated Press over the weekend that the design of the heavily modified generators at San Oforene is to blame for the rapid deterioration of the facility’s tubing.
The AP adds that only one other nuclear plant in the US uses the same generators as those at San Onofre, but that facilities has not seen tube decay anywhere near what’s evident in southern California. The reasons, Collins suggests, is because the San Onofre plant produces a remarkable output of power. On the website for the facility’s owners, Edison International, the plant is described as being able to create 2,200 megawatts of electricity — “enough power to meet the needs of 1.4 million average Southern California homes at a point in time.”
“The phenomenon that we think causes this tube-to-tube interaction is definitely proportional to the power,” Collins adds. “At least in some theoretical sense, that might be part of the answer.”
The rest of the answer might be a ways in the future, though. Although regulators believe they have pin-pointed the culprit at San Onofre, actually correcting the issue is a whole other story. Of particular concern is also the age of the components believed to be behind the leak. The plant’s current steam generators were installed as replacement in 2009 and 2010 at a cost of $670 million.
The NRC adds in their report that of the 129 steam generator tubes tested in March of this year, eight had failed completely, “indicating that they could rupture during some operating conditions.”
“The integrity of steam-generator tubes is important because the tubes provide an additional barrier inside the containment building to prevent a radioactive steam release,” the report adds.
“It’s not too hard to frame up the problem,” Collins says. “The answers are very difficult, or they already would have emerged.”
“These are significant technical issues. They are not resolved yet.”
Unit 2 of the San Onofre facility was shut down for routine maintenance and upgrades earlier this year when the plant’s crew was forced to halt operations of Unit 3 upon discovering the leak.
A meeting is being held Monday night to dsicuss the specifics of the report.
In a statement released by the groups Residents United for a Safe Environment and San Clemente Green, critics of the plant say the crippled San Onofre nuclear power plant has posed an unnecessary risk to our environment and our communities. It has also left Southern California Edison ratepayers footing a $670.8 million bill for critically flawed steam-generator equipment.
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Emitte lucem et veritatem
Send out light and truth


Here’s what happened to Lilly when she came back from Germany (her son, thankfully, emerged from his coma). She found a ‘FOR SALE’ sign in the yard and a new lock on the front door. Her house had been completely emptied; the furniture acquired over years, the Purple Heart her son had earned when he was shot during an earlier tour in Iraq: all gone. Bank of America had illegally and fraudulently sold her house to Fannie Mae only days after she’d left the country. And, they’d thrown all of her belongings in the city dump.

So like David confronting impossible odds, she stood up and fought. She moved back in, fought the eviction in court, and replaced her furniture with donations from her church. When the Sheriff’s deputies came in January 2012 to evict her, Lilly won a stay of eviction. Then in April she found a judge who finally recognized that she had been robbed by Wall Street bankers and let her legally possess her home again.

The fight has cost her, though. Fighting the Sheriff’s deputies gave her a slipped disk. The stress caused her a heart attack. She’s gone to the hospital six times and is facing yet another surgery. She’s on disability. But she’s outraged that the banks can break the law, steal her house, throw away everything she’s ever owned, ruin her health without facing any consequences whatsoever.

She’s headed back to court to force Bank of America and Fannie Mae to give her title to the house free and clear and make them pay damages.

Look What Flew Over the Akron Air Show!!!

Subj: Look What Flew Over the Akron Air Show!!!

Look What Flew Over The Akron Air Show - the second photo is PERFECT!
I’m surprised da prez didn’t have a 'Black Helo' shoot this one down...

Some aircraft just seem to get more beautiful with time...


The Great Transfer Of Wealth Video

It's from June 17th.

THRIVE Movement Update

Dear Thrive Movement,
We just returned from an inspiring two weeks on the road. We toured around the U.S. attending screenings of Thrive, meeting with self-created Thrive Solutions groups, and engaging with thousands of people in Q & A sessions.
Thrive Solutions Groups
One of the most exciting developments for us was to meet with some of the many Solutions Groups that are forming to take on leveraged actions in their own communities. Large groups of people are relieved and excited to finally move beyond the old failed political polarities of Left and Right into principle-based actions. Using a whole-systems THRIVE solutions model, different towns are taking on pressing issues and developing templates to share with others.      
This way people all over can benefit from the best practices of each other's efforts and make faster progress on issues that we have in common. For example, people in Boise, Idaho are organizing a "Sheriff's First" initiative to protect communities from Federal intrusion. People in Sedona, Arizona are organizing to stop toxic spraying of Chemtrails. Community organizers in Marin County, California have successfully created a GMO-Free Zone and Nevada City is focusing on homelessness... just to name a few.
In the next couple of weeks an organizing toolkit and support materials will be available at for anyone who would like to form a THRIVE Solutions Group to facilitate linking together to multiply impact.
The Movie
Thrive has now been available online for nearly 6 months, and, as many of you know, is now FREE to watch online in 14 languages (with more coming soon) at
More than 3 million people have now seen the film, and it's spreading fast. Our intentionis to reach 100 million views to spread this critical information as far and wide as possible. THRIVE was # 2 on Amazon in Japan and is spreading wildly throughout Universities in Pakistan. A recent live steam we did from Santa Fe included people from Vietnam, Finland, Saudi Arabia and Canada, and our emails come from a range of cultures who recognize the common principles underlying both our plight and our potential.
If you haven't yet shared Thrive with your friends and family, now is the time! Please spread the word on Facebook, Twitter, and within your networks.
People all over the world have been writing reviews and testimonials that warm our hearts - you can see some of them here on our website. One highlight was a recent article by Odyssey Magazine based out of South Africa.
"THRIVE is more than a documentary relevant to the times. It is more than a well-researched and alarming insight into who really controls how the world works. It is a recipe and blueprint for how we can, each and every one of us, thrive in the way that the rest of nature does - easily, naturally and with expansive grace. For this last point alone, it is more than worth the time to see." - Odyssey Magazine 
To read the full article, click here.
We are proud to say that Thrive has been chosen as the recipient of the Bronze Palm Award at the 2012 Mexico International Film Festival, as well as being named Transformational Film of the Year in public polling by the Aware Guide. Many of the big film festivals have turned down our submission, either because some of our material was too controversial, or our alternative distribution strategy put us outside their requirements. But we are eligible for a major award at a big event in New York and you can help us win!
Thrive has been nominated for the Best Documentary of the Year by ALIVE NewAlive New York York, the largest Health & Eco Benefit & Awards Show in the world.
Please take a moment to vote for Thrive here! It only takes a second and with your vote of support, we can make it happen.
We are profoundly inspired by how ready people are to take the information in THRIVE and incorporate it into effective action. We look forward to what lies ahead and appreciate the quality of your presence everywhere we go.
Foster Gamble 
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If you have not had the chance yet to watch this documentary, take the time to see it.  It is incredible and it is knowledge that we all should have - universally...

Here's a little excerpt from below:
"More than 3 million people have now seen the film, and it's spreading fast. Our intention is to reach 100 million views to spread this critical information as far and wide as possible. THRIVE was # 2 on Amazon in Japan and is spreading wildly throughout Universities in Pakistan. A recent live steam we did from Santa Fe included people from Vietnam, Finland, Saudi Arabia and Canada, and our emails come from a range of cultures who recognize the common principles underlying both our plight and our potential."

It's 2 hours long ~ unless it's movie night at home and you break out the popcorn, you might want to split it up into 30-minute increments if need be.  This documentary pretty much covers EVERYTHING that is happening on our entire planet right now, who, why, and, most importantly, solutions on what to do about it... this is info you don't want to, you will enjoy the fact that this is getting out to the millions but we need many more millions globally to see this...

GLOBAL ELITES THROWN OUT OF ICELAND: Iceland Dismantles Corrupt Gov't

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 

GLOBAL ELITES THROWN OUT OF ICELAND: Iceland Dismantles Corrupt Gov't
Posted By: Maryhrt
Date: Tuesday, 19-Jun-2012 15:36:22
GLOBAL ELITES THROWN OUT OF ICELAND: Iceland Dismantles Corrupt Gov’t Then Arrests All Rothschild Bankers
Since the 1900′s the vast majority of the American population has dreamed about saying “NO” to the Unconstitutional, corrupt, Rothschild/Rockefeller banking criminals, but no one has dared to do so. Why? If just half of our Nation, and the “1%”, who pay the majority of the taxes, just said NO MORE! Our Gov’t would literally change over night. Why is it so hard, for some people to understand, that by simply NOT giving your money, to large Corporations, who then send jobs, Intellectual Property, etc. offshore and promote anti-Constitutional rights… You will accomplish more, than if you used violence. In other words… RESEARCH WHERE YOU ARE SENDING EVERY SINGLE PENNY!!! Is that so hard? The truth of the matter is… No one, except the Icelanders, have to been the only culture on the planet to carry out this successfully. Not only have they been successful, at overthrowing the corrupt Gov’t, they’ve drafted a Constitution, that will stop this from happening ever again. That’s not the best part… The best part, is that they have arrested ALL Rothschild/Rockefeller banking puppets, responsible for the Country’s economic Chaos and meltdown.
Last week 9 people were arrested in London and Reykjavik for their possible responsibility for Iceland’s financial collapse in 2008, a deep crisis which developed into an unprecedented public reaction that is changing the country’s direction.
It has been a revolution without weapons in Iceland, the country that hosts the world’s oldest democracy (since 930), and whose citizens have managed to effect change by going on demonstrations and banging pots and pans. Why have the rest of the Western countries not even heard about it?
Pressure from Icelandic citizens’ has managed not only to bring down a government, but also begin the drafting of a new constitution (in process) and is seeking to put in jail those bankers responsible for the financial crisis in the country. As the saying goes, if you ask for things politely it is much easier to get them.
This quiet revolutionary process has its origins in 2008 when the Icelandic government decided to nationalise the three largest banks, Landsbanki, Kaupthing and Glitnir, whose clients were mainly British, and North and South American.
After the State took over, the official currency (krona) plummeted and the stock market suspended its activity after a 76% collapse. Iceland was becoming bankrupt and to save the situation, the International Monetary Fund (IMF) injected U.S. $ 2,100 million and the Nordic countries helped with another 2,500 million.
Great little victories of ordinary people
While banks and local and foreign authorities were desperately seeking economic solutions, the Icelandic people took to the streets and their persistent daily demonstrations outside parliament in Reykjavik prompted the resignation of the conservative Prime Minister Geir H. Haarde and his entire government.
Citizens demanded, in addition, to convene early elections, and they succeeded. In April a coalition government was elected, formed by the Social Democratic Alliance and the Left Green Movement, headed by a new Prime Minister, Jóhanna Sigurðardóttir.
Throughout 2009 the Icelandic economy continued to be in a precarious situation (at the end of the year the GDP had dropped by 7%) but, despite this, the Parliament proposed to repay the debt to Britain and the Netherlands with a payment of 3,500 million Euros, a sum to be paid every month by Icelandic families for 15 years at 5.5% interest.
The move sparked anger again in the Icelanders, who returned to the streets demanding that, at least, that decision was put to a referendum. Another big small victory for the street protests: in March 2010 that vote was held and an overwhelming 93% of the population refused to repay the debt, at least with those conditions.
This forced the creditors to rethink the deal and improve it, offering 3% interest and payment over 37 years. Not even that was enough. The current president, on seeing that Parliament approved the agreement by a narrow margin, decided last month not to approve it and to call on the Icelandic people to vote in a referendum so that they would have the last word.
The bankers are fleeing in fear
Returning to the tense situation in 2010, while the Icelanders were refusing to pay a debt incurred by financial sharks without consultation, the coalition government had launched an investigation to determine legal responsibilities for the fatal economic crisis and had already arrested several bankers and top executives closely linked to high risk operations.
Interpol, meanwhile, had issued an international arrest warrant against Sigurdur Einarsson, former president of one of the banks. This situation led scared bankers and executives to leave the country en masse.
In this context of crisis, an assembly was elected to draft a new constitution that would reflect the lessons learned and replace the current one, inspired by the Danish constitution.
To do this, instead of calling experts and politicians, Iceland decided to appeal directly to the people, after all they have sovereign power over the law. More than 500 Icelanders presented themselves as candidates to participate in this exercise in direct democracy and write a new constitution. 25 of them, without party affiliations, including lawyers, students, journalists, farmers and trade union representatives were elected.
Among other developments, this constitution will call for the protection, like no other, of freedom of information and expression in the so-called Icelandic Modern Media Initiative, in a bill that aims to make the country a safe haven for investigative journalism and freedom of information, where sources, journalists and Internet providers that host news reporting are protected.
The people, for once, will decide the future of the country while bankers and politicians witness the transformation of a nation from the sidelines.

Message from the Galactic Federation of Light by Greg Giles - June 19, 2012 ‘Message in a Bottle’

Rumor Mill News Agents Forum
Message from the Galactic Federation of Light by Greg Giles - June 19, 2012 ‘Message in a Bottle’
Posted By: Mr.Ed [Send E-Mail]
Date: Tuesday, 19-Jun-2012 20:33:03

Message from the Galactic Federation of Light by Greg Giles - June 19, 2012 ‘Message in a Bottle’
The messages that we share with you are intended to act as torchlight to lead those of you out of the darkness of a lack of information and into the light where you will find more answers and more solutions to the obstacles that present themselves to you throughout your day. Our messages are not intended to convince anyone of anything, or make anyone believe anything that they are not prepared or they do not wish to see or understand at this time. Our messages are not intended to awaken those who do not yet choose to awaken. Our messages are not designed for such a purpose, and therefore would not be able to successfully complete this task as they hold no properties to prove anything to anyone or to awaken anyone from their slumber. Do you understand this? Do you understand that our messages cannot be used in this way as they are not meant to be used in this way and possess no abilities to produce results in this way?
What these messages are designed for is to allow those who have chosen to awaken and are looking for higher and greater understandings to be able to access a fountain of information for this thirst of knowledge and understanding of what it is that is transpiring here in their world around them and within them at the same time. What we would like to see more of you doing is using our messages for the purpose that they were intended, as a source for information only for those who seek it. This would greatly enhance the effects they are intended for, and your efforts in this light would assist us tremendously on our shared mission.
We thank those of you who make such efforts to share our messages far and wide and we say to you we do not wish you to stop or let up on these efforts, but say to you to choose more carefully who it is you are sharing these messages with. There are those that just simply are not ready for this kind of information that at this point for them on their journey is quite startling and beyond the reaches of believability for them. We understand that there are many of you who find this information quite the contrary and very believable and understandable, and that this information that we provide to you actually makes greater sense than any other scenario that many of you have found as implausible as to the reasons why you are here and the reasons responsible for the nature of this world. We say to you there is very good reason why this information resonates so well with some of you and that these reasons go beyond the experience of many of your contemporaries, and tell you on the whole you are a rarity, you are not the norm, but the exception.
What we would like to discuss with you today is what we see as inevitable at this juncture of your journey. We see challenges up ahead for you and we see opportunities to create for yourselves triumphs beyond anything that many of you have ever experienced before. What we do not see are excuses being provided to you to choose to fail, to choose to quit, to choose to roll over in defeat. We have not provided you these opportunities and these events for you to use them to defeat yourselves. We have, at the bequest of our Creator, designed for you events and opportunities that will allow those of you who so choose to conquer fear that they may have stored within themselves and conquer obstacles and defeat challenges that have been designed meticulously and specifically to bring out the best in each of you individually and at the same time collectively.
This certainly has been no easy task that our Creator has asked of us to accomplish, but we, just as you, relish this opportunity and we have chosen to use this opportunity to its greatest potential to allow us to reach our greatest potential. We hope to see many of you also choose to use this opportunity wisely to seek your greatest potential, and we are convinced that many of you will be quite surprised indeed to discover just how great your individual and collective potential truly is. There have been many lessons and experiences created here in your world, but none such as the experiences that await just ahead for those of you who choose to persevere, to move on, to move up and open new doors that will remain closed for some of you that choose not to push themselves, to test themselves, to challenge themselves to become much more than they are today.
There will come a day when each and every soul on your planet will choose to leave the old paradigm for new adventures and experiences that will add to their pedigree, but today it is best for many of these souls to remain here and focus their attention on some lessons they have yet to learn and obstacles they have yet to find a way to hurtle. We hope that you, the ones that are prepared for something new, understand this and for now allow these souls to continue on in the lives that they have become accustomed to and that for them still present to them challenges to overcome and many lessons to learn from. They will at one point reach the pinnacle that you stand before today and will be prepared to take the leap of faith, of trust, of confidence, of courage and bravery, of adventure, of wonder and of mystery that you are about to take.
We say to those of you who are now ready to take this leap that you have come a long way and that you have faced many challenges and have endured many experiences designed to test you and to strengthen you and to bring about for you the higher self that has always dwelled within you. This is your day, and this is one item that does not necessarily have to be shared with all the others, as they are not ready for such gifts yet at this time. We hope that you understand this, and we hope that you will enjoy your experiences and the events to come knowing that you will not be experiencing them with everyone that you may wish to. This is the way it must be for now at least, and there will always come a day in the future when all will make the same journey that you have made and you can be there waiting for them on the other side of the door that you are about to pass through just a while before them.
To those of you today reading our words who are not yet sure that you are ready to take this leap out of the old into the new, we say to you that every choice is the correct choice, and that if you feel this is not the time for you to move on, then we say embrace what it is you know, you understand and you feel inside and feel glory in your decision to remain here with many of your brothers and sisters that have also made the same choice as you. This is the wiser choice for many of you at this time, and we say to you take solace in knowing that you have developed the skills, the intuition and the wisdom to locate for yourself the path that you wish to travel and the path that will bring about for you the challenges and experiences that will bring about your higher good. Be proud in knowing that you have the courage to make this choice knowing that there was another choice you could make and that you just somehow felt inside it was not the better choice to make for yourself at this time.
You are showing great wisdom and great restraint to choose to remain here and work on some portions of yourself that may need more experience and more lessons. We say to you that you will receive just what it is that is needed to allow you to forge your wings to one day take flight from here when you feel it is now the time and you are now ready. Until then, do not ever feel there is anything or anyone rushing you to make this decision before you feel it is right for yourself, for there is no ticking clock for you and you have all the time to develop yourself and to experience only what a realm of the physical has to offer.
For those of you who do choose to move on, we say to you the time for this is drawing very near and you do not have much time left to make final preparations and to perhaps hone and sharpen the points of yourselves that at this time may be slightly dulled and in need of attention. We all have our own unique qualities about ourselves and we all have areas of our lives and ourselves that could use some attention, and we say to those of you who are now packing your bags, so to speak, to take a few moments each and every day and take inventory of yourselves and what it is that you feel could benefit from some attention and some improvement. If you could do this we know that you will experience, enjoy, and prosper from, the benefits of such efforts. There is nothing that you can ever give effort to that will not result in a benefit in some way for you and for others around you. This we would like you to remember today, to always give each and every task no matter how great or how small your attention and your sincerest efforts, and you will always reap the reward for such noble effort and achievement.
We are your friends and we are your family from the Galactic Federation of Light. Peace unto you, our brothers and sisters.
As channeled through Greg Giles

Update by Sheldan Nidle for the Spiritual Hierarchy and the Galactic Federation - June 19, 2012

Rumor Mill News Agents Forum
Update by Sheldan Nidle for the Spiritual Hierarchy and the Galactic Federation - June 19, 2012
Posted By: Mr.Ed [Send E-Mail]
Date: Tuesday, 19-Jun-2012 20:19:07

Update by Sheldan Nidle for the Spiritual Hierarchy and the Galactic Federation - June 19, 2012
10 Ix, 7 Kayab, 8 Manik
Dratzo! We return! We are watching the final pieces of your puzzle being solved by those who are our Earth allies. Around your globe a massive effort is now underway to complete the processes necessary for arresting your dark cabal and their many collaborators in government, major banking, and many multinational corporations. The preliminary orders for these mass arrests have been completed, and what remains is to issue the legal warrants for their detainment. They are to be held in special purpose-built facilities. Our liaison teams are in contact with those in charge of these activities, and they will be one of the groups that will formally declare the end of the executive administrations of most western nations. The new 'caretakers' have a massive task to perform in what is a very short window of action. However, these are extraordinary times. Those who have been chosen for these caretaker tasks have a ready-to-go agenda that is to be carried out swiftly and thoroughly by these new governments. Their work will prepare the way for all that is to follow.
Our holographic forces are poised to intervene if necessary. We are assured that such a back-up force is good to have on hand but is not truly required. The changeover nations' military, police, and security forces are deemed more than adequate to carry out the task of ousting their respective regimes from power. The same proficiency will apply to the further thousands of arrests that will isolate the dark cabalists from their sources of wealth and power. It is to be a wholesale termination of an international group that has run your world for nearly 13 millennia. With this single act, you are to become free, sovereign, and prosperous. We will be supervising all of this, and then, at the appropriate moment we will land and begin a more personal contact with you. Much will be discussed between us. This is, after all, the time just before you go to Inner Earth where you will be returned to full consciousness. Our joint mission actually begins at this divine juncture. Much needs to be accomplished together, both in this galaxy and in this region of physicality.
Much is expected of you as a people. Now within your ranks are some of the finest minds in this galaxy. Each of them came here willingly, to make it possible for you to adjust to the many alterations needed to mold you into a new galactic society. This new Earth society will be the heart of your new star-nation, and an essential first requirement is a rapid coming-together of the grand diversity that characterizes your planetary society. This is one reason why so many of you have come from across this galaxy and incarnated into your present bodies. You are going to integrate these physical vehicles into your complete spiritual essences. This essence contains special messages from Heaven, and these will guide you in formulating your new reality. Heaven's plan includes a large series of missions for your new star-nation to undertake, and this further emphasizes to us the unique significance you bring to the new epoch of peace and unity now sweeping through this galaxy.
Our mission here is therefore vital to what follows in this galaxy. Literally, the eyes of the galaxy are upon you! Heaven assures us that the immense changes needed are now to happen, and consequently, we have instructed our first-contact team to thwart the various forms of skullduggery planned by the dark cabal, thus allowing the agents of the Light to emerge victorious. This will constitute the opening shot in the move to establish the new energies that will bring you to the very brink of full consciousness. Many Beings of a high spiritual nature have come together on your world to create the conditions for first contact and all that is to follow. We are using our technological advantage to promote this plan and to ensure that this pivotal opening move plays out as Heaven so directs. To this end, we are pooling our resources with our co-workers on your planet as the time is now upon us for the next big step forward. The solstice holds many keys to what will now happen!
Namaste, dear Ones! We are your Ascended Masters! Humanity has been through many ups and downs in its 13-millennia history. Our ancestors went through three golden ages, filled with the promise of an eventual return to our fullest state of potential as human Beings. Those who fatefully took over the helm after the fall of Atlantis denied us these joys and brutally punished us for our acts of insubordination. These, whom you now know as the Anunnaki, have gone, leaving behind them 'obedient' humans whose distaste for what we stand for is deeply regrettable. We have long been at spiritual loggerheads with them, but this is now coming to a most welcome conclusion for all humanity. Much is happening in secret which is creating your release from this seemingly endless cycle of suffering. Heaven has heard our words and has brought the means to return us to our fully conscious, sacred ways. It is time now for all of us to rejoice!
We come today on the wings of this triumph to give you a wonderful message of hope, truth, and joy! Your world is changing for the better. Those who have long fostered a world of suffering and elitism have met with defeat! Those associates of ours who have worked so hard to carry our blessings to your world have finally reached an accord with those who currently hold the reins of power. This document sanctions their departure and allows a new reality to spring up around us with its Love, Peace, Sovereignty, Prosperity, and above all, your Freedom! We thank the great Ones of Heaven, those who have come from afar, and those who have held the sacred flame deep within the wonders of this most beautiful world. A new Way is now in motion which will restore us to our natural state of full consciousness.
We rejoice, and we sound the trumpets of Heaven to call to the throne of freedom and the temple of our joys and dreams! We have waited long for this divine moment! We seek only the blessings and decrees of Heaven and the jubilant energies of Lord Surea. We come in this mode to teach and to guide you in the ways of Heaven, and to acquaint you with the responsibilities of those who are co-creators of physicality. Come, Loved Ones! Be in bliss, and go before all to show your appreciation for those who have secured your freedom and given you back your divine Sovereignty. You are now to understand that you were never alone, and that Heaven never abandoned you to the dark ones. To the contrary, you have a sacred destiny! And the right divine time has come to fulfill this destiny! We have kept this Light alive on your world, and we give it back now in deepest Love to You all!
Today, in exultation we relay to you what is happening on your world. Many of us have come to deliver you from the dark and return you to the Light. This process of first contact is also to transform you into fully conscious Beings of Light. Much will be revealed to you, and much will be expected from each of you! Know, dear Ones, that the countless Supply and never-ending Prosperity of Heaven are indeed Yours! So Be It! Selamat Gajun! Selamat Ja! (Sirian for Be One! and Be in Joy!)
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