Wednesday, June 20, 2012



GLR ANdReA's picture
By GLR ANdReA - Posted on 20 June 2012

BY GLR MICHAEL (MICAH) THE PLEADIAN, Guardian of the Divine Plan 
Commissioned by PRIME CREATOR
Dear ones, in regards to the arrest of the cabal and your sovereignty it seems you have a dilemma and we have noticed the following statement keeps popping up for you: "...what remains is to issue the legal warrants for their (THE CABAL) detainment."
We, The Bringers of the Dawn and the Family of Light give you a universal decree to finish the battle for freedom you have been fighting for so long. We so love you and we are watching over you! We are here now very close, so many of us watching what you will do! The whole universe is talking today about EARTH! You your very, very important! What you are about to do has never been done! We want you to handle the URGENT situation on EARTH NOW before we have too! We are here on an urgent mission because the planet is going to heave and buckle if you do not ACT NOW! 
THE earth will ascend regardless, however you can make her labor and your transition easy if you apply the balm of healing to her! Do what feels right in your hearts! We abide under the great law that says do no harm! We ask you to do the same! Love all beings even the ones who are playing the dark roles. Use wisdom and compassion for all life! LOVE does win in the end and there is nothing to fear! Here is a gift written for you to use if you will! We give it to you on this wonderful Earth day June 20, 2012:
We the people of EARTH move now for (this) cause in unanimous agreement and issue the following ORDER AND DECREE:
The Sentient People of EARTH
All Living Beings Comprising THE CRIMINAL CABAL
June 20, 2012 
By Sentient Decree and under the divine order of law, We the living people, beneficiaries of EARTH hereby ORDER the immediate arrest of all those who have caused destruction on and to this planet EARTH and to billions of it's beings. We have assembled as the republic of EARTH and come now for the purpose of issuing final and correct justice by this DIVINE ORDER.
As common GRANTORs of the EARTH TRUST we hereby ORDER that immediate arrest warrants be issued for All Living Beings Comprising THE CRIMINAL CABAL and that these warrants be served and executed AT ONCE by the responsible fiduciary-trustees and co-trustees to bring an end to the controlling commercial tyranny perpetrated wrongfully and by deceit under the threat of deadly force against the sentient beings of EARTH! 
We the people ARE THE INHERITORS OF EARTH and today June 20, 2012 we stand together and present this universal claim of right to the EARTH and our lives and future forevermore! 
Take heed that the harmful corporate 3D Matrix stops today! 
On this glorious day it has been decided that the destruction of EARTH and its people is the highest priority in this galaxy and in the universe and today the harm stops! We have all come here to this planet together and by loving intention to ensure this!
NOTICE: Any attempt to stop this lawful action will be dealt with accordingly and swiftly on all levels by beings of supreme technology and power and measured out under the order of divine justice! 
If you surrender wholly and completely and change your hearts today, June 20, 2012, the people of EARTH and it's loving and powerful watchers will have mercy on you and allow you to be a part of NEW EARTH! 
If you do not stop today, by tomorrow you will be extracted from this plane returned to PRIME CREATOR, your being will be dismantled, distinguished from existence, and then reassembled into light! 
We are the Sovereign Sentient beings of planet EARTH with all natural rights intact and this VIBRATIONAL ORDER goes out to beings of light on Earth and to all galaxies surrounding it! 
Furthermore it is decreed that on June 21, 2012 the darkness both physical and non-physical that has controlled this planet and it's people meets its final demise!
Now true justice is executed! 
Glory, Glory to all those who live upon the EARTH! Peace and goodwill to all! Hallelujah for the Kingdoms of this world have come to an END!
The end of the age is at hand even as summer is nigh! In the great year of 2012 and in the winter, time shall be no more!
We now act in UNITY and by decree and begin preparing the way clearing out all negative entities from this realm.
We the people of EARTH have learned that we ourselves are Gods we shall see the kingdom of Heaven!
Decreed before the great witnesses, bound and sealed in all realms for surety, The PEOPLE OF EARTH have spoken and written FOR TIME ETERNAL!
CHANNELED BY MICHAEL (MICAH) THE PLEADIAN, Guardian of the Divine Plan 6-20-2012
Commissioned by PRIME CREATOR

Cold Fusion - The First Domino in a Paradigm Shift

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 

Cold Fusion - The First Domino in a Paradigm Shift
Posted By: TheInternaut [Send E-Mail]
Date: Wednesday, 20-Jun-2012 16:09:37

Cold Fusion - The First Domino
Those individuals who have attempted to suppress cold fusion have done so for many different reasons. One reason is that the successful commercialization of the technology could be the first domino in a paradigm shift that could change the course of human civilization.
by Hank Mills
Pure Energy Systems News
Cold fusion is not just another every day discovery. It holds the potential to totally revolutionize our civilization. The "powers that be" and the other individuals who have attempted to suppress cold fusion recognize this fact. It is one of the reasons they have worked to suppress the technology. A breakthrough that could provide cheap and almost limitless power is too much of a threat to their control of humanity. However, the benefits cold fusion could offer humanity is not the greatest fear of some of these individuals. What threatens them even more is what could be inspired by the reality of cold fusion's existence becoming well known. The possibility of the technology becoming the first domino that sets off a chain reaction of scientific discovery is their greatest fear.
Read More @ »

Ascension Symptoms

Ascension Symptoms

The Road and Scenery
Because of the vibrations becoming higher and higher here on earth our bodies and minds are changing and adjusting to this, and this can be uncomfortable and can even be painful at times. Be gentle with yourself and give your body and mind lots of rest. Stay as stress free as possible.

Ringing in the ears and Seeing geometric shapes and colors when your eyes are closed:
I feel these are information downloads transferred by light and sound. These help you learn about the new peaceful patterns and structures that may be useful while the old structures fall. It’s a way of keeping you balanced through the ascension process.

Peaks and Valleys:
When you are in the natural flow you may feel great for a period of time and then crash and feel mentally and physically messy for a period of time. I feel this is helping us acclimate to the new higher vibrations. The higher vibrations come in waves so we get used to residing in them and when they fall away we know what we need to let go of. It’s almost like a forced purging at first. As you go on and relax and trust the process it gets easier. The road evens out and the peaks and valleys are not as extreme. Your life becomes more and more effortless.

Physical and Mental Pain:
As your body and mind let go or are purged of the lower vibrating structures you may experience mental and physical pain. The more you hold on to these lower vibrations and the more you fight with the higher vibrations chances are the more pain you will experience. If you realize you are going through this allow yourself to surrender to the process and realize it is a process. If you are feeling bad it will not last forever and once it’s released you will see the next plateau.

Needing Lots of Sleep:
My advice is… Sleep! The process can take a toll on your physical body so rest as much as you can and do not feel guilty about it. It’s exactly what you need and should do at that time. Your body knows. Listen to it.

Divine Timing 11:11, 12:12, 1:11, 2:22….
This tells me that we are always here now. It’s a reminder if you allow yourself to flow in the natural/spiritual direction without fight you will always remain in divine timing.

Feeling Weak:
Your body may feel very weak and frail and at the same time you can feel it repairing itself, being rewired and healing. The best thing to do is rest and allow the alchemy to occur.

Food Cravings:
Food is not to be judged. If you are craving all junk food then eat junk food. If your body wants all fruits and veggies then eat them. Listen to your body and intuition and you will know how much to eat, what to eat and when to eat it. Be prepared for the cravings to change dramatically. Think of yourself as being pregnant and you are giving birth to true self. Treat yourself kindly through the process.

It may feel like you are all alone and not allowed to speak to or see your friends and family at times. This can last a while and it can come and go. I feel this is because you need to balance your vibration and have to disconnect to outside sources for help. You need to become self reliant and self referring and this is one way it seems the natural flow allows you to do this. At first you may kick and scream but I say relax into the silence and your alone time. You will get through these phases much easier than trying to change them. Also do not take this personal. Your friends and family still love you and are there for you. It’s not about them. This is a part of your process.

Not Listening to Music and the Radio and Not Watching TV:
You may find yourself driving your car or walking through the park in silence as opposed to listening to you mp3 player or radio. You may have already gotten rid of cable or your TV. Being by yourself and being quiet helps you balance, rest in and get used to your own vibration. As you get used to our vibration you will begin to feel how other people may be seemingly draining you of energy. The truth is you are allowing your energy to be affected. No one can truly drain your energy. Only you can allow this to happen. You will learn a lot about how different vibrations of different people and events effect you in different ways the more you become silent. By resting and meditating in silence it helps you keep this silence that is you even in the midst of chaos.

Getting Rid of a Lot of or All of Your Stuff:
As your mind is becoming more spacious it seems the environment you live in needs to become more open and spacious. I know a lot of people who are going through the ascension process and a lot of them including me donated most of their material things. It felt really good but I do have to warn you… Get rid of what you don’t need and use but don’t be afraid to keep some things you may want to keep. I don’t regret getting rid of my things but there were a few times I could have really used some of the items again. The material items are not bad and are not the problem. It’s our attachment to them that is the problem. That’s something you may want to keep in mind if you haven’t gone through this part of the process yet. Not saying you will and if you did already, sorry! I wish you and I read this earlier! Ha Ha!

Synchronicity and Intuition:
Synchronicity and déjà vu can happen quite often in higher vibrations and it seems many more people are experiencing them because they are more available as we and earth ascend. Intuition is also more available and will guide you much better than your thinking. Intuition may be experienced as a knowing, a whispering voice, or a pulling in a certain direction and it usually feels like it is not from “you”. That’s because intuition is not from your ego. Intuition really is from the true you and it can take some time to learn to listen to and trust the true you as opposed to your ego. This is because throughout most of our lives most of us only listened to our ego and feared our intuition. You can see why the ascension process may be difficult to navigate at first. A lot of us have to completely change direction, throw away everything we knew and trusted and rewire and rebuild a new navigation system.

Fear is a lower vibrating habit that a lot of people are AFRAID to let go of. Fear of allowing fear to drop away because of the fear of what may be on the other side of fear. That’s a lot of fear!!! You can see the fear catalysts being presented to us and we can choose to learn from these catalysts and go in the natural flow or disregard the lesson and keep blindly walking through catalyst after catalyst. It’s like being continually punched in the face and always being surprised and hit in the face by the first. Eventually you will see the fist. Most people are afraid to stop and look at the fist and see not only can you move around it, it doesn’t really exist!

Look at our economy collapsing. This is affecting a lot of people first hand and they are now afraid they are going to loose their money. How did this situation happen to begin with? All along you could see people in other countries were being killed and exploited so we could get cheap materials. Is it a surprise that a system of greed can not last? Should it last? There are horrible wars going on, people are starving all around the world and we are afraid that our money won’t be as valuable as it once was. When you are aware you see the bigger picture. You not only want things to change, you know they will. You welcome the change with no fear even if this change will affect you in order to make things better for all.

I see more and more people becoming afraid of government and fearing different conspiracy theories like the New World Order. I’m not saying these conspiracy theories are not true on some level. Then again I’m not saying they are. What I will say is if you are afraid you are directly feeding the thing you are fearing. If you there is a conspiracy and you are afraid of it you are giving it power to continue. If you are aware that this conspiracy theory is or may be true but have no fear of it then this changes everything. You do not add any power to it and your own vibration will help to dismantle this lower vibrating structure. You will also be able to speak freely and clearly about it to others.
Communicating the conspiracy theory with no fear of it and helping others see it clearly with no fear and adding no power to the conspiracy. As the others awaken to the conspiracy with no fear they will also not accept this lower vibrating structure and begin to vibrate higher themselves taking more power away from the conspiracy theory/lower vibrating structure. The more of us who are aware, awake and not afraid the more peace, equality and freedom we will experience here on earth. You can not fight fear. You can become aware of your fear. Being aware of your fears allows you to stop feeding them. Without food your fears die.

Letting Go of Spiritual Practices and Paraphernalia
One thing I have found with the ascension is constant change (Universal Law #4). This means letting go of anything and everything when the time comes for it to drop away. One thing that is hard for people who are on the spiritual “path” is letting go of parts of their practice and their spiritual material things like crystals. I thought I would be doing Kundalini Yoga all of my life but my practice became so intense and painful and I had to let go of it. I had enough spiritual energy flowing through my body already. The Kundalini Yoga was much more than I could handle. It served it purpose for many years but there cam a time for it to stop.

All spiritual practices have their purpose and serve as tools to help us get into the natural flow. Once we get in the flow you can let go of any and all practices. I do very soft yoga and meditate. Those are my “practices”. I do not pray or chant. I keep my practice more silent and receptive. I’m not saying this is the right way. This is what works for me right now and this can change tomorrow. If chanting mantras feels right for you right now do it. Whatever feels right for you is right. Just don’t be attached to any practice to the point of not letting go of it if it becomes useless or even uncomfortable to you. Items like crystals are great and serve their purpose as well but again once you start to become balanced and are in the flow crystals may actually knock you off balance a bit.

Spiritual practices and crystals create imbalances to knock you back into the natural/spiritual flow. Once you are in the natural flow you will see how these tools also can confuse and disorient you, especially when you first enter no man’s land or just begin to flow in the natural flow. Once you are in the flow for a while you may feel some bumps but for the most part the disorientation starts to turn into clarity. One of the reasons it’s hard for people to let go of spiritual practices and items is because they will have blissful experiences and associate these experiences with objects and events which creates confusion. They think the crystal or practice gave them this experience.

The experience happened because the tools worked and it was time to experience that experience. Trying to chase or hold onto an experience like bliss is a major spiritual trap. People begin to think wow that was it! This tool and that bliss was it and now I have to get more of that. By doing this you are stopping your potential for ascension and growth because you are now out of the natural flow and chasing an experience. Experiences come and go and change. They are not to be held onto. This creates suffering. This also starts people to worship tools.

The ascension is about self empowerment and your enlightenment. It’s not about worshipping an outside source. You are the outside source. You are the inside source. All you need to do is be. It’s not to say you can’t enjoy reading religious works or even praying if that’s what you like to do. I feel at some point worshipping will start to work against your growth. Worshipping is a tool and many people need this tool to teach them something but if you feel you are finished with this tool I suggest drop it. You can always pick it up again at a later point if you feel you need to. Try not worshipping for a week or two and see what happens. This is a tough one for most people because we’ve been taught to fear God. Well, here’s one for you. God is everything. You are a part of everything. God does not have an ego and does not need to be worshipped. God is you. You may not know it yet but it’s true.

The Secret About Affirmations
Affirmations are fine but I wouldn't expect much of them. I think they are a good step in the right direction for a lot of people but if you say you are great but inside feel like a piece of crap you will still produce crap for the most part. It's a good start though. I suggest you become empty and clear and then you have a chance of producing something of value. If you truly believe something and you have no deeper contradictory thoughts to nullify your belief then the belief can be powerful.
My Thanks to…

Patience is gold.
(Chinese saying)

Virtual tour of THE HOLY LAND, The footsteps of JESUS.(Video link)

Subject: Fwd: Virtual tour of THE HOLY LAND, The footsteps of JESUS.(Video link)


Subject: Virtual tour of THE HOLY LAND, The footsteps of JESUS.(Video link)

This is almost too much for one viewing or one sitting-------you would have to be dedicated to digest it alll:.

 Virtual tour of THE HOLY LAND, The footsteps of JESUS.As a befitting gift to all who have been keenly longing to see the holy places that traces the life of Jesus Christ by Leen Thobias, noted panoramicphotographer.

MOVE THE MOUSE AROUND AND SEE WHAT HAPPENS. Here is an amazing bit of technology that you would never see in person, as you would NEVER be alone in the room.It is ALWAYS VERY CROWDED and of cour se you can't see  HOLYLAND closeup as you can here.

This is especially spectacular if you have a large high-definition screen! Too many details to view on an iPhone/ipad.

TO VIEW EVERY PART OF THE HOLYLAND, JUST CLICK AND DRAG YOURARROW IN THE DIRECTION YOU WISH TO SEE.In the buttons, click on the plus (+) to move closer, on the minus (-) to moveaway. KEEP  SOUND ON.MOVE THE ARROW AND YOU WILL SEE EVERY PAR T OF HOLYLAND .You can use shift/ctrl keys to zoom.This virtual tour of the HOLYLAND is incredible. created by leen Thobias andcrew of P4panorama.CLICK BELOW and ENJOY! 

Best viewed in FULL SCREEN.  


The Corporation - 1040 - TIME FOR CHAAANGE?


Drake's Upcoming Radio Show Wed 6-20-12

Patience is gold.
(Chinese saying)

DRAKE's Upcoming Radio Show

Listen to internet radio with Global Voice 2012 Radio on Blog Talk Radio

Wed 6/20/2012 - 7PM Eastern Drake's Mid-Week Update

Drake's official mid-week update program on Global Voice Network. Tune in for the latest updates.

Drake will speak and then we will open the lines to questions.  Tune in for the very latest news on our path to freedom.

Patience is gold.
(Chinese saying)

SUNDAY's Show:

Drake will be giving "vital" updates concerning our freedom.
Blasting the voice of freedom worldwide.

Visit website 2 LISTEN at



Press Conference on steps of Valdosta City Hall        June 18, 2012
  Date:   Monday, June 18th  
Place:  Valdosta City Hall, 216 E. Central Ave, Valdosta, GA 31601
Time:  1:30 pm
 Lowndes Republican Party Chairman Objects to Gov. Deal’s Request for Pro T-SPLOST List of City Council Members
On Thursday, June 14th, city manager Larry Hanson received a request reportedly from the Connect Georgia campaign of the Georgia Chamber of Commerce’s Transportation Alliance to provide a list of the elected city officials who support T-SPLOST, and committing the governor to campaign for their reelection in exchange for their support of T-SPLOST. Hanson sent this email:
Mayor and Council;
Governor Deal has requested a list of all elected officials who support T-SPLOST.  He is willing to make a commitment to campaign for the reelection of any local elected official who will publicly support T-SPLOST.  How should I respond?  If each of you could respond to me I would appreciate it and I will merely pass it along.  I want to be sure I say this was presented in no way as a threat or a negative, just as a commitment to help and support those who support T-SPLOST.  Lt. Governor Cagle is also coming down for a fund-raiser for T-SPLOST soon.  Both of those are vocal supporters and advocates for T-SPLOST.
Thanks, Larry
Nolen Cox, Chairman of the Lowndes County Republican Party said “This is an unprecedented offer for a governor’s involvement in local elections. The majority of the Valdosta City Council run as Democrats, how would the governor fulfill his reelection support pledge? The impracticality of this offer makes it look more like a thinly-veiled threat to Republican anti-T-SPLOST members of city government, or possibly to provide cover for Mayor John Gayle who was originally against T-SPLOST when he was campaigning, but who recently switched his position after dining with Doug Calloway of the Chamber’s Transportation Alliance.”
“Governor Deal signed a “no new tax pledge” when running for governor, yet he has supported the voter referendum for taxpayers to approve a transportation tax in July. Deal has partnered with the GA Chamber to raise millions to promote a new transportation tax; that is supposed to be the voter’s choice. Deal is pro-tax on the largest tax increase in Georgia’s history; a massive tax increase of $18.7 billion over 10-years - on top of the other $19 billion already being spent on transportation.”
 “This is a bad tax in a bad economy. The governor has made political points as a tax-friendly governor by again rescinding a one cent tax on fuel, yet at the same time he is promoting a one cent sales tax on everything you buy: food, beverages, clothes, fuel, etc. In fact, the T-SPLOST would add over three cents on a gallon of fuel.”
Cox further stated; “It looks like Governor Deal has taken a page from Obama’s play book and is building an enemies list of T-SPLOST opponents and trying to use intimidation as a tactic for support. Or possibly Doug Calloway, the hired gun for the Georgia Chamber, has thrown Governor Deal - their biggest fundraiser - “under the bus” to save Calloway’s job and reputation in a failing effort to convince Georgians to vote themselves a tax during the worst recession in modern times. The people of Georgia deserve an explanation of this Quid pro Quo.”


 Governor Deal,

I find your attempt to bribe counsel members to support a wholly inappropriate measure in a time when the people of Georgia are doing well to put food on the table to be unconscionable. Using a tactic which is both Un-American and dishonorable at best and reeks of Obama, Chicago mafia style corruption from a governor who was put in office to protect the people defies description.

We the people of Georgia expect a much higher level of integrity from our elected servants and make no mistake we do understand that all those elected to office are indeed the servants of the people and not the other way round. Your authority rests solely with the people and you have no authority to make decisions based on political expediency in opposition to the well being of even the least sophisticated Georgian. Your duty is to the people of this state and NOT to an out of control federal corporation seated in Washington D.C.

Instead of buying votes with promises of support you should be focusing on just exactly how you are going to free the people of Georgia from the insidious hand of foreign intrusion. You should be spending the majority of your time finding ways to mirror the recent actions of the state of Alabama in blocking all aspects of U.N. Agenda 21. There can be no justification for globalist agendas in a Constitutional Republic. The people of this state, indeed this country demand the elimination of I.C.L.E., I.P.M.C., Regional Planning Commissions and any other move to shred our constitutions, steal our land and property or enslave us to a Communist/Socialist run organization such as the U.N.

We the people will no longer send our sons and daughters to kill and maim men women and children of other nations in order to line the elite's pockets with profits from drugs and oil. We will stand together to end the poisoning of our skies, land and bodies with Chem-trails, Fluoride, vaccines and GMO foods.

Georgians are awake and aware. We are fully informed as to the purpose of the Georgia Guide Stones and we will not acquiesce to NWO  governance, subservience, ideology or control. We are Americans and Georgians. We are the people of the creator, free to be and to live to the best of our ability in peace and prosperity with our neighbors. We will be divided no more.

Whatever secrets are still to be unearthed in regard to the great harm done not only to the people of America but the world really do not matter. We know enough to know who the criminals are, who is aiding and abetting and who to hold accountable in the end.

In short Mr. Deal, we EXPECT the Governor of the great state of Georgia to stand up to the king! Will you be remembered as one of a long line of governors who sold their souls for thirty pieces of federal silver? Or would you rather be forever revered as the man who stood for the people and stopped the foreign take over of all our ancestors fought and died for? The man who restored justice and liberty to the people. That is the man we would re-elect. We need no more party players, back door dealers, bankster flunkies or federal boot lickers.

If our elected leaders do not wake up and honor up very soon this country is headed for a great conflagration. There are only two choices; stand with the people as you are oathed to do or accept accountability to them when it's over.

I beg you Governor Deal, remember why we sent you to that office and be the man we thought you were. We know we will have to suffer our share of strife to restore both our state and our country from the grip of corruption which runs rampant. We accept that and our share of the responsibility for the mess we are in but we are awake now and we will stand with and behind the leaders who stand with and in front of us.

Teri Lynn Hinkle

“Everygreen” CIA Owned Airline: Dropping Poison On You And Your Family

Subject: “Everygreen” CIA Owned Airline: Dropping Poison On You And Your Family
To: undisclosed-recipients

June 14, 2012 4:05 PM   Posted by admin

“Everygreen” CIA Owned Airline: Dropping Poison On You And Your Family

Evergreen Air is a CIA front company for chemtrail operations within the US, based out of Marana Air Park near Tucson Arizona and McMinville Oregon, near Portland.
A major missing piece of a grand conspiracy has been targeted by a drunk pilot. In a small town 30 miles east of the Pacific Ocean in Oregon is the center of a major global operation. At a bar in McMinnville, Oregon, an inebriated pilot attempted to impress one of the pretty ladies with tales of his secret mission.
The pilot’s pathetic attempt to portray himself as a Sean Connery or Daniel Craig caused him to (ante up) his importance and spill the secrets of the CIA’s asset Evergreen International Aviation.
The slurred revelations confirmed suspicions that Evergreen (International Aviation) is part of the major crap dump on the planet. Chemtrails made up aluminum, barium and other ingredients contribute to respiratory ills and change the acidity of the soil.
Evergreen works from over a 100 bases and employees 4,500 people. Delford Smith privately owns the company. They admittedly “perform” for the CIA.
Evergreen was given a no contest bid that gave them all the facilities in Marana, Arizona that previously belonged to CIA’s Air America (Pinal Air Park, Arizona).
The security at the Pinal site is said to be as severe as that of Area 51. It is run as a military base where one lost pilot got an armed escort immediately off the operational base. The 10 year pilot said it was nothing like anything he has ever seen.
Evergreen International Aviation brags of their planes that have 7 times the capacity of other fire fighters. One can carry 20,000 galleons. Firefighting … Right … and next we will be told the chem trails are to prevent global warming as millions more are advancing to an early death.
Evergreen International Aviation has exemptions from the law that are advertised on their web site. They can fly anywhere and not stay on a designated route. Has CFR members paved the way? People like Philip Lader and John Wheeler III … they were in a position to do just that.
Evergreen’s public relations (propaganda) spokesman is handled by WPP run by Council on Foreign Relations member Philip Lader. He worked under the present head of the CIA … Leon Panetta as White House deputy of staff under Bill Clinton.
Philip Lader is an “inside” authority on international affairs and business. He is the non-executive Chairman of WPP Group, Senior Adviser to Morgan Stanley International, and a board member for think-tank RAND Corporation. He is also a trustee of UC Rusal (largest aluminum company in the world) the British Museum and St. Paul’s Cathedral Foundation. Ambassador Lader has addressed Trans-Atlantic audiences from the U.N.’s General Assembly Hall to state chambers of commerce and local world affairs councils, is a member of Rockefeller’s Council on Foreign Relations.
Philip Lader (CFR) is a key player driving toward world government. In addition to running the Public Relations for Evergreen International Aviation … Lader is a director of UC Rusal, the largest Aluminum producer in the world located in Moscow, Sweden, Italy, and Australia. Nathaniel Rothschild is a big investor.
Eugenic operation of Chemtrails has had the assistance of Mitre a non-profit Corporation that manages the Federal Aviation Administration, Homeland Security, and IRS. (1) The IRS is part of the Federal Reserve which is a major transmission belt driving the conspiracy.
Philip Lader’s fellow Council on Foreign Relations member John P Wheeler III was recently dumped into a land fill in Wilmington, Delaware. Wheeler III was a consultant to Mitre the non profit corporation with jurisdictional advice over the Federal Aviation Administration’s flight patterns.
Was John P. Wheeler III to sentimental for the killing underway? And got murdered by the Company?
The CIA is the enforcement arm of the Council on Foreign Relations
Mitre is conveniently located in McLean,Virginia home of the CIA.
Thanks to the drunken pilot and his loose lips … the Free People of the world can focus on the criminals who are poisoning our air and our water.

Your Income Taxes are ILLEGAL

Your Income Taxes are ILLEGAL

So, you think your income taxes go to the Federal Government ??? WRONG !!!

It goes to the Vatican !!!

The money chain = You>IRS>Puerto Rico>England>Rome

Since the Constitution does not allow income taxes, they usurped this law by turning YOU into a private corporation. Your strawman corporation resides in one of 3 places, Guam, Virgin Islands or Puerto Rico. WHY? Because these are territories, not states and  not subject to US constitutional law.

In 1933 Bankers chartered a Corporation in Delaware. This Corporation was known as the Bureau of Internal Revenue. This corporation was not part of the US.
To combat legal action against the BIR, it's offices were moved to Puerto Rico.

In 1953, they changed their name to the Internal Revenue Service and Incorporated as a Puerto Rican Trust. This Puerto Rican Trust fund was a front to funnel funds to the International Monetary Fund.

This monetary trust fund was owned by the Crown of England.
The Bank of England is where your taxes are funneled to.
The Bank of England is majorly owned by the House of
Rothschild. The Rothschilds are the guardians of the
Papal Treasury. 

The CEO of the Bank of England is none other than the Pontiff of Rome. The Pontiff of Rome was given authority over England's Monarchy with the Treaty of 1213 between King John and Pope Innocent III.

The IRS taxes you pay is divided up in this manner:

67% goes to the Crown of England which the Pope is the beneficiary.
23% goes to the 300 shareholders of the Federal Reserve.
10% goes to back to the IRS to pay salaries and overhead.

Not one penny you pay in income taxes go toward the running the Gov of the U.S.

So how does the Gov pay for itself? By collecting other taxes such as gas tax, cigarette tax,
black budget sources such as drug trafficking, gun running, high tech weapons and war, etc..

There is no constitutional law which mandates you pay Income Taxes. This is forbidden in the original Constitution of 1776. However, it is completely legal in the corporate constitution of the Corporation of the UNITED STATES.

You make the Vatican rich by your own ignorance.
Wake up America !!!

before NATO's invasion of Afghanistan
there was no income tax or central bank
in Afghanistan

before NATO's invasion of Iraq
there was no income tax or central bank
in Iraq

before NATO's invasion of Libya
there was no income tax or central bank
in Libya.

now they ALL pay income taxes to
an entity which funnels it to
the Vatican.

every country NATO invades becomes
a slave state to the Vatican.

Thread: Iceland dismantles gov't than arrests Rothschild Bankers !!

Pre-liminary Trust - Unum Sanctum (Latin)
1) Romanus Pontifex (Property)
2) Aeterni Regis (Soul)
3) Convocation (Baptism)

3 components of Vatican rule on earth.
These 3 components make up a combined

Cestui Qui Vie = Latin 666

666 is the number of Vatican rule on earth.

Latin is the language of Lucifer

Santos Bonacci video
Your soul is owned by the Vatican
no matter what religion you practice.
Fast forward to around 15:00

You pay taxes to Lucifer
not to God

when you tithe to the Church
you also pay tithe to Lucifer
since the Vatican is a tool
for Lucifer.

taxes are voluntary, not mandatory
by filling out a 1040 you consent
to be taxed.

the system

Vatican hostile takeover of America
by financial debt Act of 1871.
Corporation of UNITED STATES formed.

when you are born, you are registered
as property of the Vatican by a birth
certificate. stored in Vatican vaults.

then you pay taxes to the Vatican all
your life through legalized fraud
called income taxes.

You are owned by the Vatican
Your soul is owned by the Vatican through religion
Your assets and money is owned by the Vatican
through income taxes.

this is what makes you a slave

Lockheed Martin's CEO Is After Your Social Security Check!

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 

Video: Lockheed Martin's CEO Is After Your Social Security Check!
Posted By: Lion [Send E-Mail]
Date: Wednesday, 20-Jun-2012 07:35:45

Uploaded by bravenewfoundation on Sep 20, 2011
Tell committee members to keep war contractors' hands off the money that should go to Social Security and Medicare:
The law that created the deficit committee also created a zero-sum game:
Any expensive program that escapes the budget knife does so at the expense of cuts to other programs.
If the military contractors succeed in keeping the war budget intact, they'll likely do so at the expense of Social Security and Medicare.
That means money that would go to your Social Security or Medicare benefits will instead go into the hands of people like Lockheed Martin CEO Robert J. Stephens, who last year made $21.9 million, almost totally from taxpayer-funded military contracts.
This should an easy choice: cut the war budget.
Tell committee members you want military contractors' hands off the money that should go to Social Security and Medicare.
Lockheed Martin's CEO Is After Your Social Security Check!!
Uploaded by RussiaToday on Aug 31, 2011
The US senate committee into wartime contracting has found 30 billion dollars of taxpayer's money missing or stolen by contractors.
The report claims the money was squandered due to poor planning, a lack of oversight and outright fraud by U.S. contractors and federal employees.
It also suggests to implement stricter measures to control the spendings over the possibility that another 30 billion could be wasted in the future.
The findings are now to be presented to congress, as a cash-strapped Washington prepares to trim defence spending to tackle its enormous debt.
An assistant Editor at - John Glaser - says this report is only one of many others describing large-scale waste in the US.
RT on Twitter:
RT on Facebook:
Profligate Profit: 'US sponsors Taliban & wastes $30 billion'
Uploaded by bravenewfoundation on Oct 26, 2011
Help give your local Occupy group the tools they need to fight corporate power by sharing our new video with them and posting it on your social networks:
War industry CEOs make tens of millions of dollars a year, putting them in the top 0.01 percent of income earners in the U.S.

Northrop Grumman CEO Wes Bush made $22.84 million last year.

Lockheed Martin CEO Robert Stevens made $21.89 million.

Boeing CEO James McNerney: $19.4 million.
These guys use their corporations' massive lobbying dollars to keep their job-killing gravy train rolling. Last year, their companies spent a whopping $46 million on lobbying, corrupting our politics and ensuring that their bank accounts continue to fatten at our expense.
These executives are some of the main reasons why we're wasting so much on war instead of rebuilding our own nation here at home.
Help us fight their propaganda campaign to protect their profits.
Use our list to share this video with your local Occupy group and encourage them to show it at their events:
CORRECTION: Lockheed Martin's CEO is Robert Stevens. The video refers to him as "Martin Stevens" which is incorrect.
Meet the 0.01 Percent: War Profiteers

Pineal Gland – Our Third Eye: The Biggest Cover-Up in Human History

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 

Pineal Gland – Our Third Eye: The Biggest Cover-Up in Human History
Posted By: Steve [Send E-Mail]
Date: Wednesday, 20-Jun-2012 06:56:42

Mystic Banana | Waking Times
The pineal gland (also called the pineal body, epiphysis cerebri, epiphysis or the “third eye”) is a small endocrine gland in the vertebrate brain. It produces the serotonin derivative melatonin, a hormone that affects the modulation of wake/sleep patterns and seasonal functions. Its shape resembles a tiny pine cone (hence its name), and it is located near the center of the brain, between the two hemispheres, tucked in a groove where the two rounded thalamic bodies join.
The Secret : What they don’t want you to KNOW!

World Liberation Movement Update

World Liberation Movement Update

We can do it! We can set the planet free! Keep the focus and continue doing weekly liberation meditations until the planet is liberated!

Facebook and Youtube have been messing with our efforts. I received many reports from people not being able to join our Facebook events and our Youtube videos being banned, especially in Germany and Japan. Please use also alternative routes to spread the message. Nevertheless, the Facebook event for our weekly meditations and the videos are here:

And also Facebok event for our solstice meditation:

Fraudulent Normalization of Chemtrails Continues

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 

Fraudulent Normalization of Chemtrails Continues
Posted By: Steve [Send E-Mail]
Date: Wednesday, 20-Jun-2012 03:44:12

by Zen Gardner
Here’s the latest installment of an escalating disinformation campaign to “acclimate” the populace to the aerial spraying program under way for years in many parts of the world.
An increasing number of articles with supposed scientists conjecturing “what if” scenarios where a whited sky by metallic particles “might” help mitigate global warming have appeared lately. This is also the second time the Daily Mail has published a chemtrail admission article claiming these spreading consistent chemical trails are some kind of natural phenomenon due to commercial jets and atmospheric conditions.
They’ve never done this before the aerial bombardment of chemtrails started in the mid-90′s. I supposed they’ll blame it on “climate change” next, and wrap it up in a nice self-reinforcing package of pseudo-scientific BS.
For those of us well aware of this ongoing poisoning of our skies this tripe is enough to make you sick, as lying, paid-off so called scientists lay out their lying propaganda without compunction.

The transatlantic jet trails visible from space: How ‘contrails’ can stay in the sky for up to 14 hours

Like a giant game of crosses without the naughts, these incredible jet engine trails can be seen criss-crossing the Atlantic from space.NASA’s Terra satellite captured these two amazing images of aircraft trails, or ‘contrails’ as they are known, spreading across the sky off the coast of Newfoundland, Canada.
The spectacular effect forms in the wake of passing aircraft due to the extra particles and water vapor contained in their exhaust.

NASA said these it has observed these clusters of contrails lasting as long as 14 hours, though most get a shorter lifespan of four to six hours


The Arrogance of Authority - The FEDS

 The Arrogance of Authority 

A DEA officer stopped at a ranch in Texas , and talked with an old rancher.
He told the rancher, "I need to inspect your ranch for illegally grown drugs."
The rancher said, "Okay , but don't go in that field over there.....", as he pointed out the location.

The DEA officer verbally exploded saying, "
Mister, I have the authority of the Federal Government with me !"

Reaching into his rear pants pocket, he removed his badge and proudly displayed it to the rancher.

"See this badge?! This badge means I am allowed to go wherever I wish.... On any land !!

No questions asked or answers given!! Have I made myself you understand ?!!"

The rancher nodded politely, apologized, and went about his chores.

A short time later, the old rancher heard loud screams, looked up, and saw the DEA officer running for his life, being chased by the rancher's big Santa Gertrudis bull......

With every step the bull was gaining ground on the officer, and it seemed likely that he'd sure enough get gored before he reached safety. The officer was clearly terrified.
The rancher threw down his tools, ran to the fence and yelled at the top of his lungs.....

"Your badge, show him your BADGE........ ! !"

LEAKED!!!! A WEAPON CALLED Chemtrails "Congress EXPOSED!"

Chemtrails ARE REAL and Congress KNEW all about it!!!!!!!
Video Link:
LOOK FOR SEC.7 (B) (ii)