Thursday, June 21, 2012

More Icelandic Bankers Arrested

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 

More Icelandic Bankers Arrested
Posted By: Steve [Send E-Mail]
Date: Thursday, 21-Jun-2012 05:09:01

Iceland’s special prosecutor into the banking crisis has confirmed that raids have taken place today and that arrests have been made. The Central Bank of Iceland is among the institutions under investigation.
Special Prosecutor, Olafur Thor Hauksson told that house searches are taking place in at least three places today as part of investigations into the central bank, MP Bank and Straumur Bank.
Stefan Johann Stefansson at the central bank confirmed that agents were in the building conducting searches; and it has also been confirmed that searches are underway at MP Bank and ALMC (formerly Straumur).
An ALMC spokesman said that the premises are indeed being searched and that the bank’s staff members are doing their best to help.
In other news, four people have so far been arrested today in connection with the special prosecutor’s investigation into Landsbanki.
One of the arrested parties is Jon Thorsteinn Oddleifsson, former Landsbanki treasury boss; and it is not yet known who the other three are.
According to sources, the arrests concern a brand new section of the wider case against the bank and are not directly connected to searches and arrests made last week.

Finding the Break in the Chain of Title Volume I – Notary Complaint Process


Public Service Announcement:
THIS Thursday CALL


Finding the Break in the Chain of Title 
Volume I – Notary Complaint Process


"Vested Manna" offers a three-step process explaining how to move through your loan documents, the documents actually filed at the County Recorder's Office, and the documents filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission to reach the simple concept and goal: A Break In The Chain Of Title.
Contract law, securities laws, commercial law, real estate law, New York Trust law, Internal Revenue Service Code and state specific real property law all play a part. Is it any wonder even attorneys are having trouble? We have proven processes to simplify, organize and then explain, in whatever venue, the actual issues at hand, which the documentary evidence proves.

They will be discussing the first book, How To File A Notary Complaint, explaining when and more importantly, how to mount an offense using evidence of Notary Fraud or Misconduct.  With all of the news coverage about robo-signers, notary fraud, false paperwork being filed in the county recorders office's all across the country, this call and process will show you what YOU can do to expose the fraud on your home!
The Notary is a State Commissioned "Public Official."  This means that Notary Public’s are not supposed to be influenced by any company or corporation, supervisor, manager or “boss.”  
The Notary is actually there to protect the integrity of the documents and maintain the sanctity of the chain of title through “official” verification of the signatures on documents forming the links.  "You" are going to make sure that they did not get influenced by anyone.  The Notary is a public officer subject to strict regulations governing their actions, and it is up to all of us to hold “Official” Notary Publics accountable for their actions that is best described as gross negligence, wanton or willful misconduct, or outright fraud.
Vested Manna has written several books with samples, examples, templates and detailed explanations which simplify the issues. Now, through and Michael-Edward:, our team is available to provide telephonic and web-based assistance to get people through those rough spots and work towards obtaining a resolution to their crisis situation. We look forward to you joining us on this journey of understanding, explanation, and unburdening of the masses with remedies, founded in the law.

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So, if you want to learn how you can accomplish this Offensive Posture for yourself, listen to and participate in the Free Tele-Conference Calls most every evening of the week. See the 'Free Tele-Conferences' TAB at, AND THE NEW CALENDAR TAB. There are also the Archives to view two years of historical conference calls!

Best regards,


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The best explanation on reptilians David Icke on The Alex Jones Show

Global financial crisis

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Picture: English crop circle agriglyph. Alien face plus computer disc.

Global financial crisis is caused by autonomous, self-aware and self-evolving artificial intelligence systems embedded in G5 banking computers. The illiquidity crisis is now beyond human control unless all networked corporate computer systems are switched off, scrubbed and junked.
This is more than high frequency trading algorithms and computer-only-understood derivatives. Machine intelligence has been allowed to take over and consciously control the G5 Western banking cartel.

The Bank of England, the US Federal Reserve System, and the Bank for International Settlements (Basle, Switzerland) are symbiotically interlinked in a parasitic network of machine-money blood-sucking.

The financial result is fundamentally injurious to human well-being. The bankers have supplanted the politicians. The G5 Western democratic deficit is now complete.

Unpayable debt is being machine-piled upon unpayable debt. Funny number inaccessible screen accounts are accumulating exponentially. Examples are detailed here and here. Background data are assembled here and here.

The fantasy numbers involved - quadrillions and quintillions, and quadrillions multiplied by quintillions - bear no relation to any real-world underlying assets.

Massive, concealed Ponzi scams are endemic within G5 macrofinancial polity. Élite-established taxation, employment, mortgage, pension and insurance schemes have become illegal engines of mass theft.

MJ-12 (Majestic-12) might just be right on this issue. The problem may have started with an undetected executive overlap between a negative on-planet alien intelligence and early Microsoft back door source codes.

But should we be wary of the MJ-12 output? Most of it is said to be deep disinformation aimed at obfuscating covert operations at security clearance levels well above those of the US President and other major Heads of State.

Stanton Friedman found that of the Majestic-12 documents he examined, only four were genuine. Over one hundred others were phony. His comments are recorded on pages 57-60 and 73-74 of the April/May 2012 edition of Nexus magazine.




'It was liberalism on parade. It's who these people are'

Radio giant Rush Limbaugh is coming down hard on the Obama administration’s “Fast and Furious” operation today, calling it “liberalism on parade” in a misguided attempt to promote stricter gun control in America.
“The whole point of Fast and Furious was to create mayhem in Mexico among drug cartels with American-made weapons easily procured so that you and I would stand up in outrage and demand tighter gun laws,” Limbaugh said.
“It was deceitful. It was sneaky. It was going against the will of the American people. It was liberalism on parade. It’s who these people are. They want tighter gun laws.”
The White House today tried to undercut a congressional investigation of the scandal in which the Department of Justice allowed guns to be sold and delivered to Mexican drug cartels by announcing tens of thousands of documents were covered by executive privilege.
This afternoon, a House panel voted to place Attorney General Eric Holder in contempt of Congress for his failure to comply with a subpoena for the documents, defying Obama’s assertion of executive privilege.
All 23 Republicans on the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee voted for the contempt resolution, while all 17 Democrats voted against it.
Limbaugh explained Obama and his officials were actually creatingcrimes.
“There’s no other way to characterize this,” Limbaugh said. “They created, they manufactured crime. They enabled crimes. They saw to it that American guns ended up in Mexican drug cartel hands. And, of course, those people get the guns, they use them. When, in fact, it probably was difficult for the drug cartels to get the guns. It probably was not easy for the drug cartels to get the guns. Certainly not walking into gun stores in Phoenix and elsewhere, then crossing the border.”
“It would be no different than if they wanted to ban airplanes, to engineer a bunch of crashes,” he continued, providing an analogy. “If this bunch wanted all airplanes grounded, [they] sabotage a bunch so they crash, and the people [of] the country demand that all airplanes be grounded.  They wanted these guns that were used in these crimes to come from America. They made it easy for the drug cartels to get American guns.”
Limbaugh said Obama is seeking an assault-weapons ban, but he resorted to the “Fast and Furious” tactic because he could not get a ban through the regular political process.
“It’s kind of like if you’re NBC and you want to illustrate that certain trucks are dangerous,” he explained, referring to real-life 1992 shenanigans performed by NBC’s “Dateline” program and its reporter Michelle Gillen.
“You put an explosive in a gas tank, and then you turn on the truck and remotely drive it down the road. Then you trigger the explosive remotely, the truck blows up, and you claim the truck’s dangerous. Then you get the truck off the road. But it’s only dangerous ’cause you at NBC blew it up. NBC did that for a TV show.”
The Fast and Furious operation led to the death of U.S. Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry.

Committee votes to hold Eric Holder in contempt over Fast and Furious

Committee votes to hold Eric Holder in contempt over Fast and Furious

By Rachel Rose Hartman, Yahoo! News | The Ticket – 1 hr 42 mins ago
Holder appears on Capitol Hill June 12 (J. Scott Applewhite/AP)
The House Oversight and Government Reform Committee on Wednesday voted to hold Attorney General Eric Holder in contempt of Congress despite a last-minute intervention by President Obama.
By a vote of 23 to 17 after nearly six hours of tense discussion, the bipartisan committee voted for contempt over the Justice Department's decision to withhold documents related to Operation Fast and Furious that were subpoenaed by the committee in their investigation of the failed gunwalking operation.
The votes were sharply divided along partisan lines with all Republicans voting for and all Democrats voting against contempt. The measure now moves to the full House for a vote.
Moments before the hearing, Holder, who was not present for the committee vote, delivered a letter to Chairman Darrell Issa (R-Calif.) informing the committee that Obama exerted executive privilege to withhold the documents in question.
"Although we are deeply disappointed that the Committee appears intent on proceeding with a contempt vote, the Department remains willing to work with the Committee to reach a mutually satisfactory resolution of the outstanding issues," Deputy Attorney General James Cole wrote in a letter to Issa.
But the president's intervention did not stop Issa from proceeding with Wednesday's vote.
"This untimely assertion by the Justice Department falls short of any reason to delay today's proceedings," Issa said prior to the vote.
Many committee members Wednesday invoked the name of Brian Terry, a border patrol agent killed in Dec. 2010. At the scene of that crime, guns sold in the Fast and Furious operation were recovered. The operation overall was designed to track firearm sales from the United States to Mexican drug cartels, but the government lost track of a majority of the guns sold in the operation.
"Remember the promises that were made in this room to Terry's family. We would not rest until we got to the bottom of this," Rep. Blake Farenthold (R-Tex.) said Wednesday.
"Have the guts, I hope we have the guts and the perseverance to get to the bottom of this," Rep. Jason Chaffetz (R-Utah) said, encouraging the government to help get to the bottom of why Fast and Furious failed. "It's not about Attorney General Eric Holder, it's about the Justice Department and justice in America," he added, invoking Terry's name.
Just prior to the vote, Rep. Ann Marie Buerkle (R-N.Y.) read a statement released by Terry's family, which read, in part:
For more than 18 months we have been asking our federal government for justice and accountability.  The documents sought by the House Oversight Committee and associated with Operation Fast and Furious should be produced and turned over to the committee.  Our son lost his life protecting this nation, and it is very disappointing that we are now faced with an administration that seems more concerned with protecting themselves rather than revealing the truth behind Operation Fast and Furious.
Republicans in Congress have been leading the push to find out what the government knew about the operation and when and why the effort failed.
Issa and Holder met Tuesday night under the auspices of reaching an agreement that would potentially delay the contempt vote. But following the meeting, Issa said Holder merely confirmed the Justice Department would not be delivering the documents and that the vote would proceed as scheduled.
Holder accused Issa of playing politics.
"Given the extraordinary nature of the offer that we made and given the extraordinary way in which we have shared materials to date that I think we are actually involved more in political gamesmanship as opposed to trying to get the information they say they want," Holder said.
Discussion of Holder's contempt vote was sharply divided along partisan lines on the bipartisan committee Wednesday. Ranking Rep. Elijah Cummings of Maryland (D), defended Holder prior to the vote and accused Issa of refusing to compromise. "It seems to me you had no interest of resolving this issue," Cummings said to Issa.
Rep. Carolyn Maloney (D-N.Y.) said she was "offended personally" by Issa calling Holder a liar. "It's disrespectful," Maloney said. "Where have we degenerated to?" Maloney defended Holder, saying he is "prohibited by law from producing" the documents in question.
"I want to apologize to the American people for yet another show of 'gotcha politics' in this body," Rep. Jackie Speier (D-Calif.) stated.
But Republicans strongly disagreed.
"Thus far, the cooperation has not been forthcoming," Issa said of the Justice Department. "We and the American people need answers sooner, not later."
"Mr. Holder is either not telling the truth or he's grossly incompetent," Rep. Raul Labrador (R-Idaho) said Wednesday. Labrador once again called for Holder's resignation.
Holder issued a defiant statement following the committee's action, taking aim at Issa and other detractors whom Holder accused of being motivated by politics.
"This divisive action does not help us fix the problems that led to this operation or previous ones and it does nothing to make any of our law enforcement agents safer. It's an election-year tactic intended to distract attention -- and, as a result -- has deflected critical resources from fulfilling what remains my top priority at the Department of Justice: Protecting the American people," Holder said.
House Speaker John Boehner and Majority Leader Eric Cantor announced following Wednesday's vote that they plan schedule the full House vote for the week of June 25.
Olivier Knox contributed to this report.

The Scale Of The Universe

Subject: Fwd: size matters
This is a forever one!

The Manufacturing of a President

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 

ROSE: The Manufacturing of a President
Posted By: Steve [Send E-Mail]
Date: Thursday, 21-Jun-2012 04:29:40

The CIA’s Insertion of Barack H. Obama, Jr. Into the White House
The Manufacturing of a President:
The CIA’s Insertion of Barack H. Obama, Jr. Into the White House

By Wayne Madsen
This book covers Barack H. Obama, Jr’s rapid rise in American politics and the role that the CIA played in propelling him into the White House. Research is based on formerly classified CIA and State Department files, personal interviews, and international investigations. Obama’s birth certificate has never been the issue. The real issue, which affects his eligibility to serve as President of the United States, is his past and likely current Indonesian citizenship. The reader will be taken through the labyrinth of covert CIA operations in Africa, Southeast Asia, South Asia, and other regions. The real history of President Obama, his family, and the CIA quickly emerges as the reader wades into the murky waters of America’s covert foreign operations.
Table of Contents
1 Barack Senior, Out of Africa via the CIA
2 Pay No Attention to the Furniture Store,
It’s Not There
3 Stanley Ann Dunham and the Years of
Living Dangerously
4 East and West of Krakatoa: CIA
anthropologist spies
5 Mother and Son: CIA “Flexible Cover”
6 The Spy Who Loved Him: Obama’s
Mother’s Classified Mission in Indonesia
7 MK-ULTRA Hawaiian Style
8 New York, New York and the CIA
9 A Star Is Born
10 Stanley Ann Dunham and the Misery
Industrial Complex
11 The Captain America Recruiting
12 Chicago: The CIA’s Kind of Town
13 Back to the Future with Obama and
the CIA

Message from the Ashtar Command by Greg Giles - June 20, 2012 ‘2012: Opportunity Through Challenge’

Rumor Mill News Agents Forum
Message from the Ashtar Command by Greg Giles - June 20, 2012 ‘2012: Opportunity Through Challenge’
Posted By: Mr.Ed [Send E-Mail]
Date: Thursday, 21-Jun-2012 00:36:14

Message from the Ashtar Command by Greg Giles - June 20, 2012 ‘2012: Opportunity Through Challenge’
There will be more proof provided to you that we are working with you at this time and as we move ahead together. It is at this time that we would like to explain further to you what our mission entails. Our mission entails a collaboration with you, our brothers and sisters of your planet, who we feel can benefit from our assistance in many ways and in some areas that we see as vitally important to the health and the welfare of your planet and your people. There will come a day in your near future where your planet will experience events that can be described as somewhat tumultuous, events that will present challenges for your people to overcome.
You may wish not to view this as a pure act of nature, of accident, but instead choose to view this as an event that is being presented to you in order for you as individuals and as a collective to find the resolve within you to overcome this obstacle placed before you by the hands of divinity that love you and wish for you to seek out and discover your higher selves, higher good and higher purpose. Do you see this through different eyes now? Do you see that what will present itself to you is not an unfortunate act of an uncontrollable nature, but an event carefully designed and orchestrated for your greater good? This is how we would prefer you to view the days up ahead that you will experience, but we will leave it up to you to choose for yourselves how you wish to see and how you wish to experience these days.
We, your higher dimensional friends and family from the Ashtar Command, speak to you at this time in love and in service to our Creator of this glorious universe. We do not speak to you at this time for our own purposes, only to serve our Creator and to serve you, our brothers and sisters. What we receive from all of this is to discover for ourselves just what we are made of and what we are capable of accomplishing when we together set out to achieve certain goals and certain results through the manifestation of our creative thoughts and creative efforts. This is what lies at the heart of this entire enterprise and why we are all here at this time on this small planet far from the central sun of this galaxy which is far from the central sun of this universe.
We have all come here on this field trip together, and it is our plan to leave here all together when our work here is done. There will be those who remain here to call this planet their home, though there are many of our teammates who will be returning to where it is they call home with us. Before this day arrives however, we have work to do. We have devised for ourselves, which includes you of course, challenges, obstacles and lessons to learn from here in this world, and we fully intend to utilize this incredible multifaceted opportunity to its greatest potential before this window of opportunity closes for us all.
For us to use our powers to step in and end all this for you would also be to end all this for us, and to waste this opportunity for all of us to grow and to strengthen our being and strengthen our bonds together. Why would we do this? Why would we step in at any time before we had to and destroy in any way this opportunity for us all that has been created by us all so many eons ago? We do not wish to do this, and we would not understand if there would be those of you who would wish to do this if you fully understood what this divine mission is all about and why it has been created in the first place. Try to understand this, and try to understand that we also cannot divulge all that it is not the time for you to learn about everything concerning our project here. Trust in the universe, trust in your Creator and trust in your higher dimensional family members and friends that it is better for you and will lead to many more opportunities and many more rewards for you if you did not know all what it is some of you have been trying so hard to figure out.
These, what we shall refer to as secrets for the time being, are not necessary for you to carry out what it is you have come here to accomplish, and in many cases, learning these secrets prematurely would be detrimental to your mission and to your opportunities here. We wish for you, our loved ones, to receive all that you can from this glorious opportunity here on the planet you call Earth, and we wish to do all we can to see to it you do just that and reap the benefits and receive all the rewards from all your hard work through the planning stages and through the implementation stages of our divine mission in service to our Creator and to each other.
There will come a day, and it will not be long now especially in light of how long you all have been on your particular journeys, that all the secrets and all the particulars of our purpose for being here will be fully revealed to you, and then there will come a day when you will fully remember that it was you and it was we together who planned everything that you are currently experiencing, whether it be a positive or negative experience, as all experience will bring about for you lessons that will help you discover your higher purpose and your higher self, and that is the ultimate goal of your mission, to discover who it is you truly are and what lies at the heart of the being you have always been.
This is a glorious time, this is a beautiful time, this is a challenging time, this is in some ways a painful time, but it is in all ways a time to work together, to resist all temptation to quit, and to seek and to find methods and ways and avenues to defeat and conquer all challenges, obstacles and difficulties before us. This is what it is the time for, and it is not the time for anything else but this. Please understand this, and please keep this in mind each and every moment of each and every day, as these days are very, very short and very, very few for you at this time, and as many of you have detected, these days are passing by at a faster and faster pace. You will not be presented with an opportunity such as this for many long years, if ever again, in this universe, and you only owe it to yourself to squeeze from this every drop of this delicious nectar of opportunity.
We are here with you, we have always been here with you, although as part of our mission we have purposely remained hidden from view from you, but this is changing a little at a time, one step at a time, as we reintroduce ourselves to you, our friends and our family from long ago. We look so forward to our reunion with you dear brothers and dear sisters and remind you that you do not have many steps to take before you reach the threshold of all it is that you have come here to discover, to reach, to hold and to make your own. Do not give up now. Do not allow your light to dim, not now after you have come so very far and have so few steps remaining to cross through that door that at one time was so very far from you and some thought that you would never reach, but this day is coming and do not let anything stop you from seeing with your own eyes the dawning of that glorious morning.
We say to you to take this time and spend it wisely and begin to prepare yourselves and to prepare your brothers and sisters around you for these eventualities that will bring to you challenges for you to overcome in the days ahead. By challenges we refer to global wide Earth changes that will create earthquakes that will result in rising sea levels that will cause flooding in several coastal areas around your planet. This is nothing that many of your world have not already experienced and even have become accustomed to. These individuals have, through experience, honed their skills to deal with such adversity.
What we would like to see of many more of you is to develop some sort of skills and devise some kind of plan to deal with what we see now as inevitable Earth changes, and better prepare yourselves by following some simple rules such as not panicking, not running away or fleeing from this situation, not blaming others for the root cause of this situation, and not leaving it up to others to clean up this mess for you. These are some of the methods many of you have dealt with problems and obstacles before in your past history, and you have come here to this world to learn to more effectively deal with difficulties that come your way.
For us to step in and fully eradicate these circumstances from your experience would be taking away from you the reason why some of you have come here in the first place. It has been no easy task for you to come here through the method of physical incarnation. This has been a great endeavor for many of you, simply to be here living and breathing on this planet at this time, and the creation of this scenario for you was an even greater challenge and was only achieved through the tremendous efforts of so many individuals and collectives throughout the many dimensions of this universe. Spend your remaining moments here wisely, and use this time to accomplish what it is you have come here to accomplish and nothing else, as nothing else is of any importance to you at this time. There will be plenty of time after your experience here has come to a close to partake in the many arts, hobbies, leisures and past times that some of you are currently involved in, and we say to you those interests are not important at this time and are not what you have come here to experience.
We see for
you wonderful new adventures and experiences once you clear away the current obstacles that are now in place before you, and do not ever lose sight of this, as through the darkness there is light and it shines bright and will lead you through on your way to your new beginning.

We are your Family of Light from the stars.
As channeled through Greg Giles

RETRACTION REQUESTED - Obama did not give Alaskan Islands To Russia

Dear Sirs:

This is author/columnist David Lawrence Dewey

You have very inaccurate information on your website that President Obama gave Alaskan Islands to Russia.

President Obama had nothing to do with it and did not do it.  President Bush was actually involved in this in 2008.

Journalists and people who publish and post things on their websites have a duty to research and fact check information before they publish an article or provide a link to the disformation.

It completely amazes me to this day how much of these type of articles are circulated on many websites which have ARE NOT factual and they have been twisted by the person writing for a specific agenda.  In this case,  the person that originally wrote this has some sort of vendetta against President Obama, so they twisted the facts to make President Obama be the culprit and look bad when in fact this issue occured when President Bush was President.

Trained journalists are taught to verify their information with at least two sources.

You need to run a retraction and correct this !

By the way, this is not some sort of ploy to  help Obama.  I am registered Independent !
Here are the facts:

~David Lawrence Dewey
Distorted fact twisted email circulating that
President Obama Gave Russia Oil Rich Alaskan Islands.

Here are the facts !  This is totally not factual or true !

A look at the map will give the reader of the motion of the frozen “Alaskan” islands under discussion. All are far closer to the Russian mainland than to the Alaskan mainland. All lie on the Russian side of the U.S.-Russia maritime boundary set by a  treaty that the U.S. Senate ratified overwhelmingly more than two decades ago, after being signed by President George H.W. Bush, and with the support of both of Alaska’s senators.

The largest, Wrangel Island (in Russian, Ostrov Vrangelya), is named for the Russian explorer Ferdinand P. Wrangel, who heard of the island from Siberian natives as early as 1820. According to the Encyclopedia Britannica, Wrangel did not land on it while mapping the Siberian coast that year. The first European to sight it may have been the British explorer Capt. Henry Kellett, who in 1849 discovered and landed on nearby Herald Island, and saw Wrangel in the distance.

The uninhabited Wrangel Island was sighted by U.S. vessels in 1867 and 1881, but not settled. A Canadian explorer named Vilhjalmur Stefansson and survivors of a disastrous expedition reached the island in 1914. But when Stefansson later tried to claim Wrangel for Canada without authorization, he caused an international incident, infuriating the Canadian government. Then in 1926 the Soviet Union staked a claim to the island and settled a few native families there.

According to a 1990 story by the Associated Press, Wrangel and four other uninhabited islands were surveyed in 1881 by a U.S. Navy commander, and for a time were listed in the “District of Alaska” by the U.S. Geological Survey. That’s about the extent of justification for calling them “Alaskan.” Neither the U.S., Britain nor Canada has disputed the Soviet (and now Russian) claim to Wrangel. TheU.S. State Department says Wrangel and the others weren’t included in the U.S. purchase of Alaska from Russia in 1867, and “they have never been claimed by the United States.”

Nevertheless, a crusading California activist named Carl Olson, of Woodland Hills, Calif., made it his business to claim that the islands are “100 percent American,” as the AP said in 1990. The organization Olson founded, “State Department Watch, Ltd,” is still pressing that argument today. (The group is a nonprofit advocacy organization that reported taking in $2.4 million in 2010 but spent most of it on fundraising, according to its most recent IRS Form 990. It paid Olson an $80,000 salary, made grants of $51,000 to the “1776 Tea Party” of Laguna Woods, Calif., and $9,500 to the “Minuteman Project, Inc.” of Aliso Viejo, Calif. But nearly $2 million was reported going for postage and printing. The group reports that it hired Virginia-based WJM Associates, a fundraising and marketing firm that lists several Republican and conservative groups as clients.)

Despite Olson’s objections, the Senate ratified a treaty establishing the current maritime boundary between the U.S. and the Soviet Union (now Russia) on Sept. 16, 1991. The vote was a lopsided 86 to 6. Alaska’s senators, the late Ted Stevens and Frank Murkowski, both Republicans, voted in favor of ratification.

But voting against the treaty were Sens. John McCain of Arizona, Chuck Grassley of Iowa and four other Republicans, led by the late Sen. Jesse Helms of North Carolina. During a very brief debate, Helms said he was fighting to “protect the status” of Wrangel Island and four others: Herald, Bennett, Henrietta and Jeannette Islands.

The treaty did not specifically cede sovereignty over the islands to the Soviets (which the U.S. wasn’t disputing anyway), and merely clarified the location of the maritime boundary to settle squabbles over fishing and undersea mineral rights. Nevertheless, Helms said he would vote against it because “I doubt that the State Department will make use of the opportunity to press U.S. claims to the five islands — even though the right to do so is preserved.”

(To read the full debate in the Congressional Record, search the Library of Congress Thomas website for the 102nd Congress, and enter “S13036? to bring up the first page.)

And sure enough, no president or secretary of state since has shown any interest in disputing the Soviet/Russian claim to Wrangel Island or the others. Which brings us to the present accusation that President Obama is somehow giving away something the U.S. has never claimed to own. How can that be?

For one thing, the maritime boundary treaty has never been ratified by the Russians, which is required for it to take full force. By the time the U.S. Senate had ratified the treaty (signed by the Soviets the previous year), the Soviet Union was near collapse. Shortly afterward, the Russian Federation notified the U.S. government by diplomatic note that it would continue to abide by the terms of the agreement on a provisional basis, however.

Ironically, in view of claims of a U.S. “giveaway,” it is the Russians who have sought to renegotiate the terms of the boundary treaty on grounds that their side gave up too much to the United States. Ahistory of the matter, by Vlad M. Kaczynski of the Warsaw School of Economics, published in the May 1, 2007, edition of the Russian Analytical Digest, details why the new Russian Federation refused to ratify the treaty:

Kaczynski, 2007: Many accuse Gorbachev and Shevardnadze of ceding Russia’s rightful fishing areas in their haste to negotiate a deal for signature at the 1990 White House Summit. “Russian parliamentarians understood perfectly well that the agreement infringed upon Russia’s interests and therefore the document has never been ratified by the Russian parliament,” these critics say. Other Russian officials have voiced their opposition to the treaty not only because of lost fishing opportunities, but also due to the loss of potential oil and gas fields and naval passages for submarines.

Content to hang on to what the Soviet negotiators gave up, the U.S. State Department says, “The United States has no intention of reopening discussion of the 1990 Maritime Boundary Agreement.” However, since the treaty has yet to be ratified by the Russians, Olson and some on the right argue that the U.S. should still be pressing claims to Wrangel (Olson prefers to spell it “Wrangell” with two “l’s”) and other islands and rocks.
The whole business was raised anew in an opinion piece published Feb. 16 on the conservative site World Net Daily (notable for promoting dubious claims about the president’s birthplace). It was written by Joe Miller, the Tea Party favorite who defeated Sen. Lisa Murkowski (daughter of former Sen. Frank Murkowski) in the 2010 Republican Senate primary, only to see Lisa Murkowski go on to win the general election handily as a write-in candidate.
“Obama’s State Department is giving away seven strategic, resource-laden Alaskan islands to the Russians,” Miller wrote. “We won the Cold War and should start acting like it.” The following day, Miller posted an addendum to his piece conceding that he was raising “an old issue” and that he had been “assisted with this article” by Olson’s State Department Watch.

It is an old issue indeed. In fact, World Net Daily itself published a July 29, 2008, article critical of the State Department for the “island giveaway.” Of course, George W. Bush — not Obama — was president at the time. (The Bush administration’s official Arctic Region Policy stated that the U.S. would abide by the 1990 maritime agreement and would continue to urge the Russian Federation to ratify it.)

And we’re not sure why Miller mentions only seven islands when Olson always has insisted the U.S. has a claim to eight. But whatever the count, it is simply false to claim that Obama is “giving away” islands to which no U.S. president has asserted a claim for more than 85 years, if ever.

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Confirmation of the Spiral Norway effect referred at Wanderer of the Skies 25:03:2012

Rumor Mill News Agents Forum
Confirmation of the Spiral Norway effect referred at Wanderer of the Skies 25:03:2012
Posted By: Mr.Ed [Send E-Mail]
Date: Wednesday, 20-Jun-2012 21:44:43

Confirmation of the Spiral Norway effect referred at Wanderer of the Skies 25:03:2012
Dear Readers,
Quoting the 25:03:2012 channeling, 3rd paragraph:
"There has been a turning away of many who see this process dragging on and use this as proof that it was never meant to be in the first place. This will change upon the Creator’s response and we are reasonably excited to believe that the time has come. The call has gone out from the Federation to all systems in the cosmos and an even greater number of visitors are now heading this way to observe this next phase in activities. In that respect, you can expect that another “Norway spiral” will occur as more dimensional beings arrive over the next several weeks."
4 Video clips of the spirals: >>>
- Wanderer of the Skies

A Summary of Drake’s Latest Update ‘Arrests, Extraterrestrials, Sea Levels & Prosperity Funds’ by Greg Giles - June 20

Rumor Mill News Agents Forum
A Summary of Drake’s Latest Update ‘Arrests, Extraterrestrials, Sea Levels & Prosperity Funds’ by Greg Giles - June 20,
Posted By: Mr.Ed [Send E-Mail]
Date: Wednesday, 20-Jun-2012 22:30:01

A Summary of Drake’s Latest Update ‘Arrests, Extraterrestrials, Sea Levels & Prosperity Funds’ by Greg Giles - June 20, 2012
Pentagon and military insider Drake has released his latest update of the goings-on behind the scenes in regards to the mass arrests of many members of the criminal organization referred to as the cabal. Drake’s presentation was approximately 3 hours in length and as such, I will take this opportunity to very briefly summarize some of the points that I feel you may find of interest.
Drake stated that the extraterrestrial presence is indeed real and they are indeed here in our world at this time and are taking an active role in the arrests of the members of the criminal cabal. One of the more interesting statements by Drake was that the extraterrestrials have issued a deadline for the arrests of the members of the criminal cabal and that deadline is June 21, 2012. Beyond that date, Drake claims the extraterrestrials have stated that they will begin to make these arrests themselves.
Drake further states that one of the plans of the extraterrestrials is to use their technologies to identify negative beings within the human population and take them into custody, separating them into two groups; one group that can be rehabilitated and one group that cannot be successfully rehabilitated. Drake asserts that the extraterrestrials stated that they will take the negative beings who cannot be rehabilitated and deposit them into the central sun of this universe, effectively recycling their energy and returning it back to Creator. (This procedure has been described by Neil Donald Walsh in his 'Conversations with God' book series. )
Drake went on to say that the extraterrestrials have stated to the Earth allies (members of the Pentagon, CIA, Militaries & militias in favor of our new system) that time is running very short and much work is needed to be accomplished to allow the extraterrestrials to assist us in many projects that will allow for as smooth a transition as is possible for our planet and humanity, corroborating many recent Galactic Federation of Light communications. Drake also continued to state that the extraterrestrials stated to the Earth allies that the latter part of our year of 2012 will issue humanity challenges in the form of earthquakes and rising sea levels throughout several parts of the world, further corroborating Galactic Federation of Light as well as Ashtar Command communications shared in many messages over the past few months. Drake also states that the extraterrestrials stated that the obstacle of the cabal needs to be removed to allow the galactic commands to assist humanity through this transitional period ahead.
Drake wished to explain that the extraterrestrials that are here are performing what he refers to as ‘charity work’, and they should be recognized and appreciated for what they are doing.
Drake states that the extraterrestrials asked the Earth allies to share a video, and if you have not viewed this short 5 minute message I will include it here:
Drake went on to state that cabal faction chiefs Rockefeller and Rothschild wish to now surrender as they see no other alternative.
Drake mentioned the prosperity funds and says they have now been opened and that the collateral accounts have also been freed through the work of Neil Keenan and many others. Drake went on to say that he believes a number of prosperity packages have been sent out to those in need and who are participants in some sort of deal or agreement.
Drake stated that as a condition of unconditional surrender, the cabal corporation Monsanto and each and every product of their manufacture would be eliminated and removed from our society and not be allowed to ever be a part of our society in the future.
Drake discussed the lien placed against the Bank of international Settlements, as well as a cease-and-desist order for 90 days against the institution which could have important ramifications for the collapse of the old system and the launch of the new financial system.
Drake advises the citizens of the United States and the world to be vigilant for cabal sabotage against targets such as utilities and other systems in our country, as there may be members of the cabal who do not wish to go out without causing some problems.
Drake described a 'technology' that may be employed to eradicate many different types of pollutants which involves the releasing of microbes that eat and effectively transmute and purify many toxins. It was not made clear where Drake believes this 'technology' originates.
There was certainly more to Drake's three-hour presentation, though I believe the summary shared here offers fair insight into Drake’s latest update.
Read more:

Easter Island: "The Statues That Walked" secret lifted!?

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 

Easter Island: "The Statues That Walked" secret lifted!?
Posted By: MESETA [Send E-Mail]
Date: Wednesday, 20-Jun-2012 17:16:46

A new article from National Geographic apparently solved the question about how the statues where moved from to querry to its present location but check first Andromedans opinion (NG's take below image):
"Mythi, Thomas asks, the statues of Easter Island have never been explained, can you tell us something about it?
- Thomas, according to records, this island was a base for meetings between people from Atlantis from Atlantic Ocean and the Pacific Lemurian inhabitants a civilization of an ancient region near the coast of India, which was
devastated by tectonic movements at almost 18,000 years ago. These statues were demarked territories and boundaries of stellar positions. Leaders of old pre-Inca civilizations of South America (e.g.Tihuanacu) were also taken to these meetings as guests. In each meeting, a new statue was taken by one of the spacecraft and placed at the corresponding location, through anti-gravity techniques (similar to Stonehenge). The records that were made in the rocks are ancient references of the participants and guests of these meetings." (video 72. Link to video transcripts please check below)"

(...)"It’s called The Statues That Walked, and the Rapanui enjoy better spin in it than they do in Collapse. Hunt and Lipo don’t trust oral history accounts of violent conflict among the Rapanui; sharp obsidian flakes that other archaeologists see as weapons, they see as farm tools. The moai helped keep the peace, they argue, not only by signaling the power of their builders but also by limiting population growth: People raised statues rather than children. What’s more, moving the moai required few people and no wood, because they were walked upright. On that issue, Hunt and Lipo say, evidence supports the folklore.
Sergio Rapu, 63, a Rapanui archaeologist and former Easter Island governor who did graduate work with Hunt, took his American colleagues to the ancient quarry on Rano Raraku, the island’s southeastern volcano. Looking at the many moai abandoned there in various stages of completion, Rapu explained how they were engineered to walk: Fat bellies tilted them forward, and a D-shaped base allowed handlers to roll and rock them side to side. Last year,in experiments funded by National Geographic’s Expeditions Council, Hunt and Lipo showed that as few as 18 people could, with three strong ropes and a bit of practice, easily maneuver a 10-foot, 5-ton moai replica a few hundred yards. In real life, walking miles with much larger moai would have been a tense business. Dozens of fallen statues line the roads leading away from the quarry. But many more made it to their platforms intact.
No one knows for sure when the last statue was carved. The moai cannot be dated directly. Many were still standing when the Dutch arrived in 1722, and Rapanui civilization was peaceful and thriving then, Hunt and Lipo argue. But the explorers introduced deadly diseases to which islanders had no immunity, along with artifacts that replaced the moai as status symbols. Snatching Europeans’ hats—Hunt and Lipo cite many reports of this—became more appealing than hoisting a multiton red pukao onto a moai. In the 19th century slave traders decimated the population, which shriveled to 111 people by 1877."(...)