Friday, June 22, 2012



By: Devvy
May 8, 2012
“No nation ever did nor ever can retain its liberty after the loss of the sword and the purse.” -- Patrick Henry
The past few days the Internet has been burning up with these stories:
"A shocking U.S. Army manual that describes how political activists in prison camps will be indoctrinated by specially assigned psychological operations officers contains numerous clear references to the fact that the policies do apply domestically to U.S. citizens."
Why this would shock anyone who has been active in fighting the totalitarian thugs in Washington, DC, is beyond me. Let me once again cite this from many of my past columns that should have been a warning to wake up:
"1987: Then U.S. Attorney General William French Smith blew the whistle on a fairly low ranking Marine officer by the name of Oliver North. According to Smith, Lt. Col. Oliver North directly helped draft a plan in 1984 to impose martial law in the United States in the event of an emergency. This secret plan would suspend the U.S. Constitution and turn over control of the government to the little known agency at that time: FEMA. This plan would appoint military commanders to run state and local governments. Implementation of this plan would have been triggered by violent and wise spread internal dissent, disagreement with government policy or national opposition to any U.S. military invasion abroad. Essentially, it amounted to a complete and total suspension of the U.S. Constitution and Bill of Rights.
"Investigators who uncovered this plan believe that between 1983 - 1986, North's office was the 'central command center' for this informal secret structure which involved more than the illegal sale of arms to Iran and illegal funding of the underground war in Nicaragua under President Ronald Reagan. "Lifers" in the military were shocked, saying at the time that no Lt. Colonel is ever given the kind of power North was apparently given within this secret structure. So great was his authority, he could have the orbits of sophisticated satellites altered to follow Soviet ships around the world or launch high-flying spy aircraft on secret missions. Some even compared this whole operation as eerily similar to the one portrayed in the movie, Clear and Present Danger, starring Harrison Ford (1994).
"North wasn't alone in this secret structure. Others included Reagan's closest advisers: U.S. Attorney General Edwin Meese, CIA Director William Casey and National Security Adviser William Clark. Congressional investigators at the time were shocked by how far along this secret structure and planning had progressed. Arthur Liman, who was the chief counsel of the Senate's Iran-Contra committee stated in a memo that Oliver North was at the center of what he called a "secret government within a government." Prior to those hearings, Liman wrote that a policy decision made at the highest levels during the Iran Contra scandal "...reveals the whole secret government within a government, operated from the Executive Office Building by a lieutenant colonel with its own army, air force, diplomatic agents, intelligence operatives and appropriations capacity."
Think Ronald Reagan didn't know what North was doing?
Section 1-3 of that Army Training Manual cited in the first link above talks about military and civilian internees. If you read the entire Contents section it appears to be written for overseas operations. The designation CI (civilian internee) is used in the charts. No doubt we'll hear all sorts of protestations by government lackeys this doesn't apply to you and me. Anyone who believes anything coming out of Washington, DC, anymore is either in denial or a damn fool.
Then we have this one:
"In a riveting interview on TruNews Radio, Wednesday, private investigator Doug Hagmann said high-level, reliable sources told him the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) is preparing for “massive civil war” in America. Folks, we're getting ready for one massive economic collapse,” Hagmann told TruNews host Rick Wiles. “We have problems . . . The federal government is preparing for civil uprising,” he added, “so every time you hear about troop movements, every time you hear about movements of military equipment, the militarization of the police, the buying of the ammunition, all of this is . . . they (DHS) are preparing for a massive uprising. "Hagmann goes on to say that his sources tell him the concerns of the DHS stem from a collapse of the U.S. dollar and the hyperinflation a collapse in the value of the world's primary reserve currency implies to a nation of 311 million Americans, who, for the significant portion of the population, is armed."
Can you believe Hagmann about his "high-level, reliable sources"? Not according to Debbie Schussel:
Northeast “Intelligence” Network or Northeast Plagiarism Network?
"The old adage says that imitation is the sincerest form of flattery. But actually, that's not always true. In the world of writing and research, imitation is the most insincere form of armed robbery. But, at least in a real armed robbery, you usually see the guy with his gun and you know he is stealing from you. With plagiarists, they just steal your hard work behind your back. That was the case with the so-called Northeast Intelligence Network a/k/a NEIN a/k/a and its main operator, Douglas J. Hagmann, who on Monday, ripped off something I wrote–passing it off as the work of himself and his site's “investigators,” who apparently don't even exist. If the intelligence and terrorism expertise business is a matter of stealing the work of others and passing it off as your own, then I guess he's good at it."
I don't know those individuals, but what I do know is none of this is new - except the Department of Fatherland Security. A draconian enforcement arm for the traitors working to destroy this republic, kissed and blessed by your incumbent in the Outlaw Congress and mine. When I say not new, the shadow government has been planning for civil unrest for a long time.
As the economy continues to tank, millions more unemployed and millions more Americans see everything they've ever worked for blown away like a puff of smoke, the powers who really control our lives know things could get messy. No one in their right mind wants that, but between the agitators, who I believe are paid by the government, and the jackass fools in the Occupy Movement, very likely could set things off. That would set the government's propaganda machine into overdrive with you and me as the target.
Read this essay I scanned and have linked to over and over trying to get people to see what was/is coming down the pipeline:
'Our civilian-military face-off' (Sacramento Bee, November 30, 1997):
"Bill of Rights No Obstacle for the [Marine] Corps. This piece exposed the mindset way back then that at some point due to: "...the rising potential for civil disobedience within the inner cities it is 'inevitable' the U.S. military will be employed more often within American borders." Read on: "The next real war we fight is likely to be on U.S. soil." That huge essay goes on to talk about military operations against Americans right here at home - in your state, in your town.
In 1999, another report, which I have and scanned, is titled Homegrown Extremists, International Association of Under Cover Officers. That report covers: Know Your Enemy - Who Are They? How did it get this way? Recruiting and evolution of extremists; public meetings, pro-life movement, churches. Conspiracy theories: The New World Order, the Federal Reserve and so forth. You can read it all here; the instructors are listed on page two.
I am fully aware that the Department of Fatherland Security has ordered more than 750 million rounds of ammunition over the past few years as well as other alphabet soup agencies.
I also continue to get the constant barrage of emails about gun grabbing efforts, how the IRS has the right to take away your guns and on and on and on.

Does anyone ever do anything about it? Sure: "Send your donation now to protect your Second Amendment rights!!!" That is the ever constant mantra from organizations that depend on the never ending fight to protect the Second Amendment. It's their paycheck. There's no money in the cure, only the treatment. Remember that.
The solution to all of this is still there and continues to be ignored while everyone keeps on whining.
Aw, gee, Devvy, we're just trying to fight the gun grabbers in Washington. Well, hasn't it occurred to folks by now that all that fighting ain't fixing the problem?
The only solution is the constitutional militia. Not private militias, but the militia as stated in the Second Amendment "...being necessary to the security of a free State..". As I have written before, there are a lot of private militia in this country doing great work. Dedicated Americans training to help law enforcement with natural disasters and things of that sort. However, it has to be your state legislature that writes the statute for your state and gets your governor to sign it into law and if vetoed, override the veto.
I don't care how busy you are, so am I. Like millions of other fellow Americans, I have given up fun and leisure to learn the solutions, not more Band Aids. Reading is time consuming, but it's how we all can learn the truth:
To help everyone because of time constraints, I did put some of Dr. Edwin Vieria's columns on the militia on a CD so you can listen in your car during your commute to work or travels. You can download that CD here for free; make copies and hand them out at gun shows, group meetings and to family and friends.
Get Edwin's book, Constitutional "Homeland Security," Volume One, The Nation in Arms. It's not a huge tome, but you will learn as I did the true meaning of the Second Amendment. Cost is $19.95; VA residents add 5% tax. Send to: Edwin Vieira, 52 Stonegate Court, Front Royal, VA 22630.
For those who find a DVD easier for them, order The Purse and The Sword: "This seminar featuring Dr. Edwin Vieira, Jr. is the single greatest presentation regarding the Constitutional remedies and powers available to both the people and the national government to deal with our economy and homeland security challenges. Dr. Vieira presents his "visual Constitution" to make plainly clear what should and must be done for our nation to deal with these present and ever-increasing crisis."
It is one of the most powerful tools I've ever seen and every Tea Party chapter, 9/12 groups and other patriotic groups should view. 4 DVD's, 8 1/2 hours. It's also THE one thing you need to send to your state representative because that is where the constitutional militia will be reconstituted. Not by the NRA. If money is tight, split the cost with like minded patriots, but get it.
SB 1083 was in the hopper out in Arizona this year: "Would establish the Arizona State Guard, a volunteer military force under the control of the Governor, for the purpose of "securing the safety and protection of the lives and property of the citizens of this state." Their legislature has gone out of session; the bill never made it. If you live in Arizona, you might wish to join up with the Arizona Citizens Defense League - they are growing strong and they are active.
The only thing that is going to get state legislators to realize our very survival depends on reconstituting the constitutional militia is boots on the ground. Instead of wasting more time and money "fighting the gun grabbers", every gun owner must understand that only massive heat directed at your state representative and senator is going to get this done. That means opening a dialogue with him/her. Try to get a meeting and sit down with your representative as a group. Even if your state legislature is out of session, go to your state representative's web site. Many of them list their home phone. If not, call their local district office. Invite him/her to a breakfast or lunch or meeting.
Give your representative the CD with Edwin's columns and ask he/she to listen to it and you'll get back to them. Follow up is critical. If you can, order a copy of the Purse and Sword. Hand deliver it to your state representative and make it politely understood that if he/she wants to get reelected in November, this has to be a top priority for the 2013 session and you will hold them accountable.
If you are armed with the facts and present them - not as an attempt to go to war with the General Government because it's not - but from a constitutional perspective, it will go a long way towards erasing propaganda about the word militia.
The Second Amendment:
"A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed."
There was a reason the framers of the Constitution worded the Second Amendment as you see above. Until I began reading Dr. Edwin Vieria's scholarly and thoroughly researched columns, I really did not understand the brilliance of that one sentence.
A state cannot be free when the General Government continues to send their thugs inside the state terrorizing citizens over things like raw milk or "laws" that allegedly give them the "right" to arrest and detain citizens under the vile "Patriot" Act and subsequent draconian laws. Nor can the people of any state be free when local law enforcement turn into thugs who use tazers on handicapped folks, the elderly and stomping on your God-given rights just because they wear a badge.
Stress this fact to your state legislator: The legislatures can't keep fighting every "law" that comes out of Washington, DC, further eroding our rights, liberty and freedom. Quit trying to climb a sand dune. The solution is right there.

I'm sick to death of my email box filling up with emails that Marxist Hillary Clinton and the communist UN are going to grab your guns - always followed by twenty exclamation marks. Treaties cannot over ride the U.S. Constitution. It's up to the states to enforce that legal fact because the states created the General Government. If your state rep and senator doesn't have the courage to stand up for your rights and your state, boot them out of office in November.
No more expensive lawsuits to fight off one "law" after another either from the state or the Outlaw Congress from taking away your guns.
At least some senators in Arizona's legislature understand the problem, but it's not enough. Time is not on our side. Are you one of the warrior class or just someone who keeps forwarding emails about the problem?
Are we going for the only solution or is everyone just going to continue wringing their hands?

Pres. Barack Obama – Editor of the Harvard Law Review – Has No Law License???

Pres. Barack Obama – Editor of the Harvard Law Review – Has No Law License???
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I saw a note slide across the #TCOT feed on Twitter last night that mentioned Michelle Obama had no law license. This struck me as odd, since (a) she went to school to be a lawyer, and (b) she just recently held a position with the University of Chicago Hospitals as legal counsel — and that’s a pretty hard job to qualify for without a law license.
But being a licensed professional myself, i knew that every state not only requires licensure, they make it possible to check online the status of any licensed professional. So I did, and here’s the results from theARDC Website:
Obama Michelle law license
She “voluntarily surrendered” her license in 1993.  Let me explain what that means.  A “Voluntary Surrender” is not something where you decide “Gee, a license is not really something i need anymore, is it?” and forget to renew your license.  No, a “Voluntary Surrender” is something you do when you’ve been accused of something, and you ‘voluntarily surrender” your license about five seconds before the state suspends (or disbars) you.
Here’s an illustration: I’m a nurse.  At various times in my 28 years of nursing I’ve done other things when I got burned out; most notably a few years as a limousine driver; even an Amway salesman at one point.  I always, alwaysrenewed my nursing license — simply becuase it’s easier to send the state $49.00 a month than to pay the $200, take a test, wate six weeks, etc., etc. . .  I’ve worked (recently) in a Nursing Home where there was an 88 year old lawyer and a 95 year old physician.  Both of them still had current licensures as well.  They would never DREAM of letting their licenses lapse.  I happen to know there is currently in the Indiana State Prison in Michigan City Indiana an inmate who is a licensed physician, convicted of murder when he chased the two burlars who entered his home and terrorized his family into the street and killed them.  (And I can’t say i blame him for that, either.)  This phisican still has an active medical license and still sees patients, writes prescriptions, etc all from inside the prison.
And he renews his medical licese every two years, too.
I tried looking up why she would “Voluntarily surrender” her licese, but Illinois does not have it’s 1993 records online.
But when I searched for “Obama”, I found this:
Barack Obama law license
“Voluntarily retired” — what does that mean? Bill Clinton hung onto his law license until he was convicted of making a false statement in the Lewinsky case and had to “Voluntarily Surrender” his license too.
This is the former editor of the Harvard Law Review who doesn’t seem to give a crap about his law license.
Something else odd; while the Search feature brings up the names, any seaches for the Disciplinary actions ends quicky.
As in, Too Quickly. Less than a half-second quickly on a Search Engine that can take five seconds to Search for anything.
As in, “there’s a block on that information” kind of thing.
So we have the first Lawyer President and First Lady — who don’t actually have licenses to practice law.
There’s more to this story, I’m sure. I’ll let you know when I find it.

Do Low-Carbohydrate Diets Work?

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 

Do Low-Carbohydrate Diets Work?
Posted By: GHCHealth [Send E-Mail]
Date: Friday, 22-Jun-2012 14:50:34

For decades, doctors have been telling men they need to lose weight in order to reduce their risk of heart disease, hypertension, diabetes, and a number of other potentially life-threatening conditions.
Women are also trying to shed excess body weight for exactly the same reasons. In addition to these well known fat-related health concerns, keeping trim has also been shown to significantly reduce the risk of developing breast cancer in women with a strong family history of the disease.
With this in mind, British researchers with University Hospital in South Manchester, England, have released the results of a preliminary investigation which suggests that cutting back on carbs just two days a week could be a more effective approach to losing weight and preventing disease than many other popular diets.
A total of 115 women, all with a family history of breast cancer, took part in the study. Each was randomly assigned to one of two experimental test groups, or a dietary control group, and then monitored for a period of four months.
Test group participants were placed on either a low-calorie, low-carbohydrate diet for two days a week; or instead, a similar low-carb diet, in which they were allowed the freedom to eat as much fat and protein as liked, also for two days each week. Control group participants were placed on a Mediterranean-style calorie-restrictive diet seven days a week for comparison purposes.
Lasting Results
Following the four-month study, data gathered by University Hospital researchers showed that both test groups had lost more weight than their control group counterparts. Participants in both test groups also showed lower insulin resistance, a key indicator for both diabetes and breast cancer risk, than their control group counterparts.
Overall, test group participants lost almost twice as much weight, and showed 8% – 18%, on average, better insulin resistance, than members of the Mediterranean-style control group.
These results are even more impressive when you remember to consider that these test group participants achieved better results while dieting only two days a week, as compared to the control group’s seven-day-a-week plan.
A highlight of this study is the importance of dieting smarter, rather than harder. Taking a healthy and realistic approach, such as dieting only a few days each week, is a great way to ensure that you don’t grow to hate it later on down the road.
-Dr. Edward F. Group III, DC, ND, DACBN, DABFM 

Laura Tyco ~ Former Head Of Star Wars Program Says Cheney Main 9/11 Suspect

Laura Tyco ~ Former Head Of Star Wars Program Says Cheney Main 9/11 Suspect

2012 Indy Info | June 20 2012

Official version of events a conspiracy theory, says drills were cover for attacks
The former head of the Star Wars missile defense program under Presidents Ford and Carter has gone public to say that the official version of 9/11 is a conspiracy theory and his main suspect for the architect of the attack is Vice President Dick Cheney.
Dr. Robert M. Bowman, Lt. Col., USAF, ret. flew 101 combat missions in Vietnam. He is the recipient of the Eisenhower Medal, the George F. Kennan Peace Prize, the President’s Medal of Veterans for Peace, the Society of Military Engineers Gold Medal (twice), six Air Medals, and dozens of other awards and honors. His Ph.D. is in Aeronautics and Nuclear Engineering from Caltech. He chaired 8 major international conferences, and is one of the country’s foremost experts on National Security.
Bowman worked secretly for the US government on the Star Wars project and was the first to coin the very term in a 1977 secret memo. After Bowman realized that the program was only ever intended to be used as an aggressive and not defensive tool, as part of a plan to initiate a nuclear war with the Soviets, he left the program and campaigned against it.
In an April 4, 2006 interview with The Alex Jones Show aired nationally on the GCN Radio Network, Bowman (pictured below right) stated that at the bare minimum if Osama bin Laden and Al-Qaeda were involved in 9/11 then the government stood down and allowed the attacks to happen. He said it is plausible that the entire chain of military command were unaware of what was taking place and were used as tools by the people pulling the strings behind the attack.
Bowman outlined how the drills on the morning of 9/11 that simulated planes crashing into buildings on the east coast were used as a cover to dupe unwitting air defense personnel into not responding quickly enough to stop the attack.
“The exercises that went on that morning simulating the exact kind of thing that was happening so confused the people in the FAA and NORAD….that they didn’t they didn’t know what was real and what was part of the exercise,” said Bowman
“I think the people who planned and carried out those exercises, they’re the ones that should be the object of investigation.”
Asked if he could name a prime suspect who was the likely architect behind the attacks, Bowman stated, “If I had to narrow it down to one person….I think my prime suspect would be Dick Cheney.”
Bowman said that privately his military fighter pilot peers and colleagues did not disagree with his sentiments about the real story behind 9/11.
Bowman agreed that the US was in danger of slipping into a dictatorship and stated, “I think there’s been nothing closer to fascism than what we’ve seen lately from this government.”
Bowman slammed the Patriot Act as having, “Done more to destroy the rights of Americans than all of our enemies combined.”
Bowman trashed the 9/11 Commission as a politically motivated cover-up with abounding conflicts of interest, charging, “The 9/11 Commission omitted anything that might be the least bit suspicious or embarrassing or in any way detract from the official conspiracy so it was a total whitewash.”
“There needs to be a true investigation, not the kind of sham investigations we have had with the 9/11 omission and all the rest of that junk,” said Bowman.
Asked if the perpetrators of 9/11 were preparing to stage another false-flag attack to reinvigorate their agenda Bowman agreed that, “I can see that and I hope they can’t pull it off, I hope they are prevented from pulling it off but I know darn good and well they’d like to have another one.”
A mainstay of the attack pieces against Charlie Sheen have been that he is not credible enough to speak on the topic of 9/11. These charges are ridiculed by the fact that Sheen is an expert on 9/11 who spends hours a day meticulously researching the topic, something that the attack dogs have failed to do, aiming their comments solely at Sheen’s personal life and ignoring his invitation to challenge him on the facts.
In addition, from the very start we have put forth eminently credible individuals only for them to be ignored by the establishment media. Physics Professors, former White House advisors and CIA analyststhe father of ReaganomicsGerman Defense Ministers and Bush’s former Secretary of the Treasury, have all gone public on 9/11 but have been uniformly ignored by the majority of the establishment press.
Will Robert Bowman also be blackballed as the mainstream continue to misrepresent the 9/11 truth movement as an occupation of the fringe minority?
Bowman is currently running for Congress in Florida’s 15th District.

Americans do NOT owe the Fed debt, the US corporate government who set it up does

 Friday, June 22, 2012 9:18 AM
Subject: IMPORTANT !!! (correction) 245 U.S. Representatives intend to audit the Federal Reserve!

 *correction:  Americans do NOT owe the Fed debt, the US corporate government who set it up does, not the Republic.
245 means some are 'late-bloomers", trying to save their own rears.  Fewer than 10 have an ethical history.  Also, Americans do NOT owe the fed debt.  The US corporate government owes.  We the people never agreed to the debt and the corporation (not the Republic) set this up.
Subject: 245 U.S. Representatives intend to audit the Federal Reserve
 The most important Bill now before Congress!!!  Write your local paper and demand they cover this legislation.
Most Americans do not have a clue that the Federal Reserve is made up of mostly foreign bankers who have robbedAmerica for years!!!
Ignorance is not bliss!!!  We woke up when they stole our family-owned lumber yard in the early 1980s along with millions of other American small businesses and farms by raising the interest rate to 21% overnight.
Janet Lee
Proof of most recent theft:
Experts and economic analysts have long said that if citizens understood what was really going on behind closed doors at the privately owned central bank, a tsunami of outrage would almost certainly force politicians to shut down the Fed and restore honest money once and for all. Even a watered-down audit, passed as part of the broader Dodd-Frank financial-reform bill, exposed blatant conflicts of interest among top Fed officials as well as some $16 trillion in Fed bailouts to big banks around the world.(*And, of course, we and our children, pay for this outrage
until it sinks us all financially....soon we won't be able to pay even the debt service --interest
and pricipal on our debt--then who will want to deal with a bankrupt country?--our dollar will
be meaningless...remember Germany when it took a barrel of their mark to buy a loaf of bread?)
Read historian Eustace Mullens book, Secrets of the Federal Reserve and G. Edward Griffins The Creature from Jekyll Island

Monday, 28 May 2012 12:09

House to Vote on Ron Paul Bill to Audit the Federal Reserve

Written by  Alex Newman
The legislation, H.R. 459, already has over 225 co-sponsors in the House including an impressive roster of senior Democrats and Republicans, some of whom chair important committees. In the Senate, however, a similar bill has only about 20 co-sponsors so far, forcing Audit-the-Fed activists to wage a massive campaign aimed at exposing Senators who refuse to support transparency at the shadowy central bank. Polls in recent years revealed that four out of five Americans support auditing the Fed.  

The Fed has proven it cannot be trusted and must be audited. While the banksters dangerous schemes have been going on for years, the bailouts exposed the trillions being stolen from the American people, noted Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.), a sponsor of the Senate legislation and the son of Congressman Ron Paul. It is time to Audit the Fed. Time to shine a bright spotlight on the largest theft in American history.

But victory in what Sen. Paul called this vital effort to rein in the Federal Reserve will not be easy, he noted. The establishment is already fighting back hard against the plan in an effort to shield the controversial institution from public scrutiny. And as the battle heats up, the Fed and its supporters will not give up easily.  

As we enter this critical time, we have an unprecedented chance to finish this fight and finally hold the Fed accountable for all it has done to wreck our economy and endanger our nation, Sen. Paul concluded. Dont let this opportunity slip away.

Experts and economic analysts have long said that if citizens understood what was really going on behind closed doors at the privately owned central bank, a tsunami of outrage would almost certainly force politicians to shut down the Fed and restore honest money once and for all. Even a watered-down audit, passed as part of the broader Dodd-Frank financial-reform bill, exposed blatant 
conflicts of interest among top Fed officials as well as some $16 trillion in Fed bailouts to big banks around the world. 

Public outrage was unprecedented. Millions of Americans who had never even seriously contemplated the institution or its functions demanded reform. And lawmakers, political candidates, and grassroots organizations  realizing that there was no way the cat was going back in the bag  eventually jumped on the bandwagon, too. 

This historic moment is only possible thanks to your relentless pressure. Now we must turn up the heat to secure victory  first in the House and then in Harry Reids U.S. Senate, wrote Vice-President Matt Hawes of the freedom-promoting Campaign for Liberty, one of the organizations leading the public battle for an audit that is planning a huge operation to make sure the legislation becomes law. Now, we just need to show Congress the American people demand action on the Audit the Fed bill.

With the looming vote, officials will soon have the chance to demonstrate whether their loyalty lies with the American people or with the mega-banks that literally own and control the Fed system. You see, with the piling up of trillions of dollars in reckless bailouts of Wall Street and international bankers, even many politicians in Washington, D.C. want to show you theyre being responsible, Hawes explained. What better way for Congress to do this than by auditing the Federal Reserve to account for the $trillions stolen from the U.S. taxpayers?  

The Fed, of course, has fiendishly resisted an audit  going so far as to hire a lobbyist to defend its interests on Capitol Hill while producing pro-central bank propaganda aimed at children  all under the guise of maintaining its supposed independence. But activists and monetary-policy experts suspect something far more sinister is going on.

They know coming clean with Congress and the American people on what theyve done to our money would result in an anti-Fed firestorm, noted Hawes, echoing comments made by a vast array of experts and policy makers who support sound money. So can you imagine the impact of a full-scale audit?

According to Hawes, the Campaign for Liberty , and numerous economists, auditing the Fed would expose the destructive economic consequences of centrally planning interest rates and manipulating the supply of currency. It would also show that the central banking system leads to the destruction of the middle class, the destruction of the currency, and eventually, chaos.
Janet Lees Note:  Jim and I have warned people for years that the Fed Reserve is the 5th Plank of the communist manifesto and of course the goal of all communists is to destroy the middle class!  IRS (the 2nd plank) is their collection agency that further destroys rights to privacy (4th Amendment)and private property rights which isthe basis of our American Republic !

You and I have seen the damage the out-of-control Fed can cause, especially during a time of crisis. As you know, the Federal Reserve, the Treasury Department, and their cronies on Wall Street have for nearly four years been engaged in the worst plundering of a countrys wealth in the history of civilization, Hawes explained in a letter to supporters soliciting help for the battle ahead.

Americans are crushed under a mountain of debt, yet the Fed continues to print more money  backed by nothing but the whims of Ben Bernanke and international bankers, he added. If you and I dont put an end to it all, it will clearly be the ruin of our entire way of life. The next crisis, experts believe, could be just around the corner.

Other commentators backing the legislation also emphasized that the time to move on this crucial measure is now  for more than one reason. As the global financial system teeters on the cusp of another recession, and nations throughout the Eurozone fall to economic insolvency, the time appears right for Congress to finally address the issue of the Federal Reserve, especially before their original 100-year charter expires, wrote finance analyst Kenneth Schortgen Jr with the

Even the debate will have a big impact, too. [House Majority Leader] Eric Cantor's decision as a prime leader in the Republican party to bring the bill before Congress in July will have staggering effects on what the Fed may have to reveal in subpoenaed testimony, and what efforts they may be handcuffed from doing going forward if the economy continues to decline, Schortgen
 explained. But actually passing the full bill, its supporters say, is more crucial than ever.

While Rep. Paul has been a longtime leader in the movement to expose, rein in, and eventually abolish the Fed, the public outcry about the issue has become so loud that lawmakers in both parties have taken up the call as well. During a recent hearing in Pauls subcommittee on monetary policy, a bipartisan collection of legislators and experts discussed whether the Fed should be
 reformed or simply dismantled. Progress in addressing the problems, while slow, is expected to speed up.

Related articles:

Congress Debates the Federal Reserve: Reform or Abolish?

Time to Audit the Fed 

Ron and Rand Paul Introduce Audit the Fed Legislation 

Bernanke Attacks Ron Paul's Audit the Fed Bill 

$Trillion Bailout of Euro, Greece Shows Need to Audit the Fed 

Fed Manipulations in the Crosshairs 

U.S. Fed Bailout of Euro Prompts New Push for Audit & Sound Money 

GOP Lawmaker Unveils New Effort to Rein in Fed 

Fed Audit: Trillions For Foreign Banks, Conflicts of Interest

Fed Plotting to Monitor Critics, Tailor Propaganda

Fed Wages PR Battle for Power, Secrecy


U.S. family jailed for Holder's gun crimes

Jeff Knox summarizes stunning story of Fast & Furious hypocrisy

Eighteen months after Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry was murdered in Arizona by Mexican bandits using guns purchased through a U.S. government program called Fast and Furious, we still don’t know who within the Department of Justice knew about the program, much less who authorized it.
Certainly there has been no serious talk about prosecuting any of the people responsible for assisting in the illegal sales of over 2,000 guns to Mexican arms traffickers – guns that were subsequently involved in the murders of BPA Terry and Immigration and Customs Enforcement Agent Jaime Zapata, as well as possibly hundreds of Mexican citizens.
But while that investigation has dragged on, with Attorney General Eric Holder denying knowledge of the program, denying knowledge of who was involved and denying congressional investigators access to tens of thousands of documents that might answer those questions, New Mexico gun dealer Rick Reese and his two sons Ryin and Remington have sat rotting in separate detention centers, jails and prisons around the state accused of a similar crime involving some 30 guns.
The Reese family, including Rick’s wife Terri, ran a gun shop in Deming, N.M., and was arrested in late August of 2011 on charges of knowingly selling guns to Mexican smugglers and various other related charges.
After spending 6 months in jail, Terri Reese was finally granted bail in March of this year, but Rick and the boys have been repeatedly denied bail on the pretext that they are flight risks or might try to engage in a Ruby Ridge-type standoff.
The rationale for denying the Reeses’ constitutional rights is that Rick knows some people in Mexico, his home has a well and solar power and there were guns and ammunition in their homes and businesses when they were arrested. That’s right: Guns and ammo in the home and business of a federally licensed firearms dealer (all of which were seized a year ago and have never been returned) is being offered as evidence that they can’t be trusted – and a judge bought it.
Well, there’s also the fact that Rick and Terri were involved with a local tea-party group. That’s probably reason enough right there.
The Reeses are scheduled to finally get their day in court in late July, almost a full year after they were arrested and incarcerated. The first of several pre-trial motion hearings was held last week in which the judge heard arguments as to whether the charge of criminal conspiracy should be dropped. The prosecution contends that the Reese family members were all in cahoots in a conspiracy to sell guns to illegal buyers, falsify purchase paperwork, smuggle guns to Mexico and launder the illegal proceeds. The defense contends that the family operated a business buying and selling firearms, ammunition and accessories, and that they made every effort to ensure that every sale they made was legal and properly documented.
During this first hearing, we learned several things about the prosecution’s case. For instance, we learned that prosecutors acknowledge that every gun the Reeses sold was properly logged into and out of their store inventory, and that FBI background checks were conducted, and approvals received, for each purchaser. They also agree that all taxes were paid and no money was exchanged “under the table,” nor did any of the family members receive compensation above their normal company paycheck.
We learned that Rick Reese also employed retired and off-duty law enforcement officers as part-time help in the shop, and that a substantial portion of the company’s business came from law enforcement officers and agencies.
We learned that prosecutors consider three family members standing close to each other and quietly talking to be evidence of conspiracy and that the lead investigator in the case has a very low opinion of fellow law enforcement officers. When asked if he considered the fact that the Reeses employed LEOs in the shop to be contraindicative of a criminal conspiracy, he replied that he did not because “a lot of them [cops and former cops] are dirty.”
Probably the most important fact we learned at this hearing was that the entire investigation was instigated based on a tip that a woman named Penny Torres was making suspicious purchases of guns and ammunition, and might be illegally buying for someone else. That tip led to Torres’ arrest and her subsequent grand jury testimony against the Reese family and another gun shop where she had made some purchases. The presumption is that her cooperation garnered her leniency in the charges and sentence she was facing for her criminal activity.
What is most significant about the arrest of Penny Torres is that the original tip identifying her as a potential “straw buyer” came from Terri Reese.
Torres had claimed that her purchases were in preparation for a large family reunion at an area ranch where her relatives wanted to do a lot of shooting. At some point after the sales, Terri Reese became suspicious of Torres’ story and contacted a friend in the Luna County Sheriff’s office, who acted as the shop’s go-to guy in law enforcement. He assured Terri that he would make a report to ATF and get back to her.
Torres testimony against the Reese family led to a months-long sting operation conducted against the Reeses by a federal agency called Homeland Security Investigations, or HSI. That investigation involved a confidential informant named Roman, who was trying to earn a reduced sentence for drug and human smuggling. His job was to make purchases of firearms and ammunition from the Reeses while dropping hints that his intent was to illegally take the guns to Mexico. The trick was to drop those hints in such a way that they wouldn’t alarm the Reeses, but that someone listening to a recording of the tape and reading a transcript would conclude that the Reeses knew, or should have known, his intentions.
Roman, by the way, speaks only broken English, and his conversations with the Reeses included a lot of Spanish, a language that no one in the Reese family speaks, but which has been transcribed for the court in English.
Who would believe that a gun dealer’s report of a suspicious purchaser would lead to a federal investigation of the dealer herself, culminating in a raid with armored vehicles, helicopters and heavily armed officers and agents from multiple jurisdictions?
Or that a few firearms and ammunition sales in a high-volume gun store, including the sales that Terri Reese had reported as suspicious, would result in confiscation of virtually everything the family had accumulated over a 25-year marriage and 17 years in business – bank accounts, gun and coin collections, store inventory, vehicles, real estate, just about everything the family had?
Or that the same Justice Department that had instructed dealers to sell over 2,000 guns to known straw buyers for Mexican drug cartels while making no attempt to track or interdict them – with a few arrests and minor charges against the straw purchasers, but no charges against the ATF and DOJ employees who masterminded the criminal operation – would effectively destroy a family for not being quite diligent enough in their efforts to screen their customers?
It is worth noting that as HSI progressed in their investigation against the Reese family, they were briefing and receiving guidance from Phoenix ATF Bureau Chief Bill Newell – the man responsible for directly overseeing Operation Fast and Furious.
For the Reese family, who have already served 10 months behind bars and have had all of their worldly possessions taken from them, the July trial is an opportunity to prove their innocence and try to reassemble what’s left of their lives.
For the prosecution, it is imperative that they prove that the Reeses were intentionally engaging in the criminal activity they have already been being punished for. Failure to get a conviction would leave egg on the face of a relatively new federal law enforcement agency trying to establish itself, and would mean that the various agencies involved wouldn’t get to divvy up the spoils already pillaged.
Once again though, we see a case where those inside the government and law enforcement are handled with kid gloves and given the benefit of every doubt, while those outside of government and law enforcement are presumed guilty until they can prove their innocence – even after the government has taken away the resources they need to make their case.
If you would like to help the Reese family in their struggle, a defense fund has been set up at:
ATTENTION Patricia Arias
First Savings Bank
520 South Gold
Deming, NM 88030

So while the White House and Eric Holder escape accountability for egregious violation of our Constitution, our public trust and even International law we sit back and allow private citizens to be used to falsely hang identical activities on for the same purpose Fast and Furious was meant to accomplish? Are the people really this stupid?

Baltic Sea: intriguing details about diving expedition to misterious Object on sea floor

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 

Baltic Sea: intriguing details about diving expedition to misterious Object on sea floor
Posted By: MESETA [Send E-Mail]
Date: Friday, 22-Jun-2012 10:37:24

Please check out. New intriguing details about the diving expedition!

PETRO-DOLLAR Recycling (the American Bond Bubble - learn the history NOW):

the American Bond Bubble - learn the history NOW):

Pictures Of The Grand Canyon, AZ.

Pictures Of The Grand Canyon, AZ.
The Grand Canyon - as you've NEVER seen it before!
4 U.S. Air Force Northrop F-5E Tiger II fighters from the 58th Tactical Fighter Wing at Luke Air Force Base,
Arizona (USA), flying in an echelon left formation over the Grand Canyon
Ancestral Puebloan granaries high above the Colorado River at Nankoweap Creek, Grand Canyon
Grand Canyon Horse Shoe Bend
Grand Canyon Walls
Grand Canyon Colors of the Earth
Devil's Corkscrew - Bright Angel Trail - Grand Canyon
Little red dot against the Grand Canyon
Grand Canyon, Arizona
Cheyava Falls upper cascade - Grand Canyon
Full Moon over the Grand Canyon
Beginning a new day rafting the Colorado River - Grand Canyon
Ooh-Aah Point view - storm clouds gathering
View to Southeast from Clear Creek Camp - Grand Canyon
Grand Canyon
Colorado River, Grand Canyon, AZ
Grand Canyon National Park, AZ
Mountain goat - Bighorn, Grand Canyon
Upper Beaver Falls from trail - Grand Canyon
Comanche Point, on the South Rim of the Grand Canyon, above the Colorado River
Grand Canyon - behind Ribbon Falls
Grand Canyon view from Hermit's Rest
Grand Canyon taken from Bright Angel
Mount Hayden and storm - Grand Canyon North Rim
Grand Canyon West - Guano Point
Colorado River - Grand Canyon
Muddy Colorado River whitewater rafting Grand Canyon
Colorado River, Marble Canyon marks the beginning of the Grand Canyon
Grand Canyon North Rim Panorama
Mount Hayden, North Rim Grand Canyon
Grand Canyon National Park - Arizona
Grand Canyon landscape
Grand Canyon in Winter